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Sun Microsystems Editorial Linux Business

Criticizing Sun's Java Desktop System 624

An anonymous reader writes "Uh-oh. PJ is not a happy camper. 'Sun has made its choice and opted for The Way Things Used To Be,' she declares in a Linux Viewpoint at LinuxWorld. 'It's a new world, and Sun is not in it,' she declares. Her gripe is with the Java Desktop System, which she argues is grossly cavalier with the GPL and doesn't properly acknowledge its roots. Her main objection: 'You really could get the CD and run it without every knowing it had anything GNU/Linuxy in it or that the GPL provides you with guaranteed freedoms that Sun would like you not to know you have.' Feisty read, as ever, from Groklaw's founder and editor. That Jonesian coinage 'GNU/Linuxy' is worth the read alone!"
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Criticizing Sun's Java Desktop System

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  • Holy shat (Score:5, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday April 27, 2004 @07:02PM (#8990832)

    Run for your lives. RMS is pissed
    • by Trejkaz ( 615352 )
      You mean GNU/pissed.
      • GNU/Oh, GNU/we're GNU/discussing GNU/the GNU/"GNU/Linux" GNU/name. GNU/It GNU/must GNU/be GNU/time GNU/for GNU/someone GNU/to GNU/make GNU/this GNU/joke.
        • Re:Holy shat (Score:3, Insightful)

          by Lord Ender ( 156273 )
          I don't think slashdotters even know what funny is anymore. They just think whatever got modded as +5 Funny must be funny. This joke may have been worth a chuckle the first time, but timing is important in humor, and it isn't repeatable. But people still think it should be funny, because it was modded as funny every time in the past.
          • Re:Holy shat (Score:4, Insightful)

            by H4x0r Jim Duggan ( 757476 ) on Tuesday April 27, 2004 @09:59PM (#8992361) Homepage Journal
            I agree. The ``Stallman asks the OS be prefixed "GNU/", so he must want every word to prefixed with "GNU/"'' joke bugs me. It was dumb 5 years ago, and it's dumb now. I was kinda embarassed when I saw I had been modded up. (did my modder get it or not? I'll never know)
            • never gets old (Score:3, Interesting)

              by GunFodder ( 208805 )
              Stallman is undoubtedly one of the most influential programmers ever, but his righteous attitude can be amusing. It's always funny to make fun of "the old man" behind his back.

              I hope he doesn't change though; his stubborness is an important counterforce that keeps commercial software in check.
            • by eclectro ( 227083 ) on Wednesday April 28, 2004 @05:23AM (#8994423)
              so he must want every word to prefixed with "GNU/"'' joke bugs me.

              You're GNU here, aren't you?

  • by jrj102 ( 87650 ) * on Tuesday April 27, 2004 @07:04PM (#8990855) Homepage
    I've never understood why the Open Source community is so quick to praise Sun, and pretend like Java it's an Open/Free technology... it's not. Is it a good, elegant language? Yes. Is it Open? No. Downloadable source code does not make Open software-- the key is in the licensing. IBM gets Open Source a lot more than Sun does, but doesn't get nearly as much credit.

    I totally agree with the notion that the Java Desktop (which IS basically a Linux distro) doesn't sufficiently acknowledge its Linux roots. I also think that their licensing of the Java Desktop is WAY too restrictive and closed to fit within the constraints imposed by the GNU-licensed technologies that are part of it. I just don't understand why people are surprised. Why would you expect them to do anything differently than they have in the past? They make pretty good stuff... but to pretend like they are an Open Source advocate is a mistake.

    Of course, with that said, Sun has an army of lawyers... I'm sure they are not technically violating the GNU. They know better.

    --- JRJ
    • by minotaurcomputing ( 775084 ) on Tuesday April 27, 2004 @07:05PM (#8990861) Homepage Journal
      Well, I think that a popular view is that if one can look at a program's source, then it is open source... not one that I share, but one that is out there in the ether.
      • by jrj102 ( 87650 ) * on Tuesday April 27, 2004 @07:07PM (#8990882) Homepage
        >if one can look at a program's source, then it is open source

        By that Rationalle, Windows is Open Source [].

        (Yes, I know you weren't advocating the view point, just pointing it out.)

        --- JRJ
        • by minotaurcomputing ( 775084 ) on Tuesday April 27, 2004 @07:11PM (#8990928) Homepage Journal
          "By that Rationalle"

          Yeah, but when I install windows the source isn't sitting there waiting for me to check it out. Not only that, but MS has made it abundantly clear that if you check out there source by other means than those that they provide, then you will get stomped.

          (I understand your point, I'm just trying to continue with this thread of conversation)
          • Fair enough. Can we out-polite each other any more? :)

            My point is this: Most people think Java is Open Source, and that (over time) dillutes the meaning of Open Source and gives Sun undue credit.

            Your point is that most people equate Open Source with the availability of source code for READING as opposed to any specific licensing clause... I agree, but I think we're saying the same thing.

            --- JRJ
      • If you can look at the source, and contribute back changes, it is "Open". What it is not is "Free". I'm not sure how the meaning of Open changed, but it sure seems to have, at least around slashdot, or assorted GNU/Minions.
        • by jrj102 ( 87650 ) * on Tuesday April 27, 2004 @07:19PM (#8991000) Homepage
          >If you can look at the source, and contribute back changes, it is "Open".

          I contend that if a company can (and does) sue you for making a change or an extension to the technology that they don't like then it isn't Open.

          --- JRJ
        • by Gumshoe ( 191490 ) on Tuesday April 27, 2004 @07:59PM (#8991398) Journal
          If you can look at the source, and contribute back changes, it is "Open". What it is not is "Free".

          Absolutely. And this is the reason why Stallman is so vocal about Free software and why he doesn't actively support the Open Source movement. I have nothing against Open Source but it's rejection of political activism is unfortunate in my opinion. Yes, it has had many victories, convincing companies into the fold who might have rejected Free software otherwise (Netscape or IBM being notable examples) but the current Sun debacle demonstrates how the weakening of core beliefs can damage the goals of the movement.

          As it stands I don't know if the Open Source split was a good thing or a bad thing. I like to think it is but I'm really not sure.
        • by Bob9113 ( 14996 ) on Tuesday April 27, 2004 @09:20PM (#8992111) Homepage
          If you can look at the source, and contribute back changes, it is "Open".

          Either you meant "open" or you are mistaken. Open with a capital "O" refers to Open Source, the meaning of which can be found here [].

          Open source doesn't just mean access to the source code. The distribution terms of open-source software must comply with the following criteria:
          1. Free Redistribution
          2. Source Code
          3. Derived Works
          4. Integrity of The Author's Source Code
          5. No Discrimination Against Persons or Groups
          6. No Discrimination Against Fields of Endeavor
          7. Distribution of License
          8. License Must Not Be Specific to a Product
          9. License Must Not Restrict Other Software
          10. License Must Be Technology-Neutral

          As an example, most of Microsoft's open source work is not Open Source, as it typically places restrictions on derived works and redistribution.
        • by hak1du ( 761835 ) on Wednesday April 28, 2004 @02:37AM (#8993908) Journal
          I'm not sure how the meaning of Open changed, but it sure seems to have, at least around slashdot, or assorted GNU/Minions.

          The term "open source" never changed meaning: it didn't exist prior to the open source movement. The people who created the term have the right to define it.

          And the people who created the term aren't "GNU/Minions" anyway, they are the open source movement. The GNU project and the FSF actually don't like open source licenses, they like free ("libre") licenses. Now, the term "free software" is misleading, but not very: "free (libre)" software is also pretty much "free (as in beer)", but it comes with additional rights for the user.

          But there has been a nefarious attempt at changing the meaning of the term "open", namely in "open standard". An "open standard" is a standard that anybody can implement without obligation to anyone else. And there, it is Sun that has been trying to change the meaning, in order to mislead people into thinking of their highly proprietary system as an "open system".

          The Sun Java implementation is not open source, nor is the Java platform in any way an open standard. The fact that Sun Java is not open source doesn't really matter much, but the fact that the Java platform is not an open standard is a huge problem because it legally threatens any attempt at open source or even commercial alternatives.
      • by metlin ( 258108 ) * on Tuesday April 27, 2004 @07:54PM (#8991336) Journal

        I think one of the reasons the OpenSource community likes Sun is because they are the lesser evil.

        In the eyes of the developer community, they are better than say, Microsoft or even IBM simply because Sun's standards are open, or at the very least more open than the competition.

        Is it because that they are the underdogs? Maybe so. But be assured that tomorrow if they do come to the top, they will be ostracized even more.

        And another thing is that, I do not think we can blame Sun for what they've done. Hey, you give your source out? That in no way means I have to or let you do what you let me do.
        • by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday April 27, 2004 @08:15PM (#8991552)
          C# and the .NET CLI are ECMA standards. Web Services/WSDL is a W3C standard. Java is uhhhh.... not a standard.

          What was that about more open standards than the competition?

        • by Trailer Trash ( 60756 ) on Tuesday April 27, 2004 @11:49PM (#8993134) Homepage

          And another thing is that, I do not think we can blame Sun for what they've done. Hey, you give your source out?

          Quick pop quiz: who makes the most money from Java? Sun, right? Wrong. It's IBM.

          Sun sells Java, but IBM sells services around it, and they make a ton of money doing it.

          It's difficult to sell the idea, but had Sun completely opened Java and set up a services business around it, they might be farther ahead than they are now. I say "might" because IBM already had a large services business built, etc., but let's face it, they had to start somewhere.

          My main problem with Sun is the whole "we're open and you're not" thing, which they started years ago and then segued into a "we're kind of like open source and you're not" when that was the big buzzword. They've always been a proprietary software company and probably always will be. That's fine, that's their gig, I just want them to be honest about it.

    • by persaud ( 304710 ) on Tuesday April 27, 2004 @07:27PM (#8991088)
      Used PAM [] to login to a Linux box lately? PAM comes from Sun.
      • "Used PAM to login to a Linux box lately? "

        No thank God.

        *Slackware Rules*
      • by Chops ( 168851 ) on Tuesday April 27, 2004 @08:13PM (#8991536)
        [chops@blenching /tmp]$ apt-get source pam
        Reading Package Lists... Done
        Building Dependency Tree... Done
        Need to get 536kB of source archives.
        Get:1 unstable/main pam 0.76-19 (dsc) [806B]
        Get:2 unstable/main pam 0.76-19 (tar) [425kB]
        Get:3 unstable/main pam 0.76-19 (diff) [111kB]
        Fetched 3B in 0s (69B/s)
        dpkg-source: extracting pam in pam-0.76
        [chops@blenching /tmp]$ cd pam-0.76
        [chops@blenching /tmp/pam-0.76]$ grep -ri 'sun.*micro' .
        ./Linux-PAM/doc/pam_appl.sgml:Thanks are also due to Sun Microsystems, especially to Vipin Samar and
        ./Linux-PAM/doc/pam_modules.sgml:Thanks are also due to Sun Microsystems, especially to Vipin Samar and
        ./Linux-PAM/doc/pam_source.sgml:Thanks are also due to Sun Microsystems, especially to Vipin Samar and
        ./Linux-PAM/doc/specs/rfc86.0.txt: Sun Environment", Sun Microsystems Technical Paper,
        [chops@blenching /tmp/pam-0.76]$
        PAM was pretty much the same situation as Java -- Sun invented something good and released it under a non-free license, and the GNU/Linux people (in this case, it really was the Linux people specifically) reimplemented it. The full quote from that documentation is:
        Thanks are also due to Sun Microsystems, especially to Vipin Samar and
        Charlie Lai for their advice. At an early stage in the development of
        Linux-PAM, Sun graciously made the documentation for their
        implementation of PAM available. This act greatly accelerated the
        development of Linux-PAM.
    • by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday April 27, 2004 @07:46PM (#8991265)
      Nevermind that Sun has contributed dozens of Engineers and probably a significant sum of money to the Gnome project. (Which last time I checked is open source).

      Lets also forget the fact that without Sun's money/effort, Gnome Usability (ie. HIG) would be nowhere near as good as it currently is. Sun is a major backer of Gnome, and a corporate contributor to the Gnome Foundation..

      Instead, lets bash Sun for not sufficiently acknowledging it's Linux roots in the JDS. (Something that the GPL does not require)
  • Why trust them? (Score:3, Insightful)

    by DAldredge ( 2353 ) <SlashdotEmail@GMail.Com> on Tuesday April 27, 2004 @07:05PM (#8990862) Journal
    If they have no loyality to their own employees, what makes you think they will have any loyality to you?
  • by syousef ( 465911 ) on Tuesday April 27, 2004 @07:06PM (#8990864) Journal
    'GNU/Linuxy'? That's so like uh huh yesterday like. *girly giggle* I mean like she's so not with it like *hair flick* She should get with the times and like stop it *bounce*
  • by 53cur!ty ( 588713 ) on Tuesday April 27, 2004 @07:06PM (#8990866) Homepage
    I guess everyone must be eating right now given the first few posts!

    Yes more and more 4-profit's seem to be using GNU work product without proper acknowledgements.

    Perhaps sourceforge can pay the FBI to run a few raids for the GNU violators!!

    Where the answers are []

  • Please Tell Me.. (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday April 27, 2004 @07:06PM (#8990876)
    Her gripe is with the Java Desktop System, which she argues is grossly cavalier with the GPL and doesn't properly acknowledge its roots.

    Please tell me where in the GPL does it state that you have to acknowledge its roots or pay its proper respects.

    As long as it complies, it's fine. Why does everything have to bow down and act like the GPL is all holy?

    This is another example how how un-free the GPL philosphy is, and why BSD licensing is the best way to go.

    • by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday April 27, 2004 @07:22PM (#8991028)
      Oh good god.
      BSD is gpl is best.. no licence X is best..

      get over it. They all have advantages and disadvantages.
      BSD is a great licence and fosters innovation, but if the original work is not kept up, spin offs may be non-free and so it does not have a guaranteed lasting effect.
      GLP has a guaranteed lasting freedom to it, but at the price that it has trouble combining with other licences.
      Non-free stuff works when it's profitable, and the company that owns the code decides they want it proprietary to keep their advantage in the market.
    • by ADRA ( 37398 ) on Tuesday April 27, 2004 @07:52PM (#8991325)
      She isn't arguing the legal stand-point of Sun's position. She's arguing that sun is 'using' the community without being a good neighbor. They want to reap the rewards of the community without paying respect back.

      IBM may sell billions in Linux and they definitly contribute to Linux for (among other things) profit, but they also actively promote the community, and their practices.

      The article Pamela quoted makes Sun out to be the same old corporate game of playing friendly until you have the upper hand, then locking in like they always have.

      If Sun really wants to play with OSS in the long run, they have top start shutting up these inconsistent spouting mouthpieces.

    • by StormReaver ( 59959 ) on Tuesday April 27, 2004 @09:21PM (#8992118)
      "Please tell me where in the GPL does it state that you have to acknowledge its roots or pay its proper respects."

      Section 2. Specifically section 2c, though the end user is only required to be explicitly informed of the GPL roots under certain circumstances.

      I really can't fault Sun for not doing what is not required. Doing so would score brownie points with the community, and would therefore increase its goodwill asset, but Sun is not violating its obligations at this time regarding what PJ brought up.

      It sound like Sun desperately wants to alienate the community in the future, though, when the exec talks about including closed Microsoft technology in Sun's distribution.
  • by gnuman99 ( 746007 ) on Tuesday April 27, 2004 @07:07PM (#8990879)
    Most commercial distros would like to keep the source code secret or at least modifications and software that makes these distributions unique. This is not something specific to Sun's Linux distro. Just look at Lindows (uhm, Linspire). They prefer to have a marketshare and not just, "I'm using Linux from Sun" or "I'm using Linux from Lindows". They want people to say, "I'm using Java Desktop. And what is Linux again?"
  • by Luke ( 7869 ) on Tuesday April 27, 2004 @07:08PM (#8990892)

    she argues is grossly cavalier with the GPL and doesn't properly acknowledge its roots.

    The GPL doesn't say "Thou shalt display in bright big banners the license of this software". Yeesh. Why not look for real license violations instead of bitching about this?

    • by AJWM ( 19027 ) on Tuesday April 27, 2004 @07:17PM (#8990989) Homepage
      No, but it does say this:
      3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,

      under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
      Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:

      [a & b skipped]

      c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
      when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
      interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
      announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
      notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
      a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
      these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this

      I don't know if Sun is violating the letter of the GPL, but it sounds like they might be violating the spirit.

      • by Shurhaian ( 743684 ) < minus punct> on Tuesday April 27, 2004 @08:55PM (#8991911) Journal
        As a sibling has posted, the quote of the license is not currently accurate.

        GPL []

        The article c) as posted is actually under section 2.

        2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
        a) and b) also skipped, but still required for actual compliance.
        c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively when run, you must cause it, when started running for such interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this License.
        (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
        Emphasis mine.

        This, I think, is why bash and such can get away with not showing a license when run; they normally don't announce their readiness to receive commands, it's assumed and/or self-evident. IANAL and I am not part of the FSF.

        I think the more damning portion is actually what comes right after 2c:

        These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those sections when you distribute them as separate works. But
        when you distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
        Emphasis again mine.
    • by fwarren ( 579763 ) on Tuesday April 27, 2004 @09:10PM (#8992026) Homepage
      Life will go on if GPL is not openly acknowledged.

      The real thing, is that sun wants to license software like the realplayer, and technology from Microsoft. They want a world where they can charge $x per seat, and lock you in. They want RedHat and everone else to go away.

      They want a Sun Java Deskop with licensed technolgy to be the standard. They want the "Linux Desktop" to be considered a toy without this stuff. They want to force the point that RealPlayer should be licensed, not included free. They want to be the "One Distro" that binds them all "with licensed" software.
  • by UniverseIsADoughnut ( 170909 ) on Tuesday April 27, 2004 @07:08PM (#8990897)
    "'You really could get the CD and run it without every knowing it had anything GNU/Linuxy in it or that the GPL provides you with guaranteed freedoms that Sun would like you not to know you have.' "

    Yeah, why should they know, does it really matter, no. Sun can put it in there if they want. People companies are using linux for what it's worth. Why do some think that if someone is using linux they must spread the virtures of it and be a sales person for it. Also not having mention fo GNU, or GPL doesn't change what it is. In the end it's the software that matters. If you base how good something is on the if it's GPL or not your pretty much out of it.

    Does Intel need to show in their end product what brand chairs the engineers at intel sit in? Does GM need to put stickers all over there cars saying what brand steel was used for the fenders?
    • Comment removed (Score:5, Insightful)

      by account_deleted ( 4530225 ) on Tuesday April 27, 2004 @07:38PM (#8991183)
      Comment removed based on user account deletion
      • by mcc ( 14761 ) <> on Tuesday April 27, 2004 @08:26PM (#8991646) Homepage
        GrokLaw is PJ's blog, sometimes she does bloggy things. That's her perogative. She also happens to provide an awful lot of truly useful information and analysis on certain subjects, though, so Groklaw is still worth reading.

        No, this shouldn't be newsworthy, but these days on Slashdot it would appear the editors consider anything that bashes Sun to be newsworthy. Even if it's a blog post.

        Besides, it's interesting. This Java Desktop System is a huge deal. First off, Sun, one of the last few Big UNIX general vendors, is not only making movements toward Linux but actually selling Linux as a new product. This hints at a decent number of things about what the UNIX vs Linux battles of the next ten years are going to look like. Second off, this is an attempt to make a desktop distribution of Linux by a company with the funding and concentration to actually pull it off.. either of these two things makes JDS a crucially important development whether it succeeds or fails, but it's getting very little attention in either the "real world" or the open-source news. I think the whole JDS thing is underreported, honestly. This article might not be the best analysis of JDS out there, but it's something.

        PJ does really seem to hate Sun though. I'm not sure why. I think it's probably because they gave a big donation to SCO's legal funds (pretty reasonable reason to hate them, actually).
        • by FunWithHeadlines ( 644929 ) on Tuesday April 27, 2004 @09:38PM (#8992222) Homepage
          "PJ does really seem to hate Sun though. I'm not sure why."

          Yeah, I'm seeing lots of comments about the /. submission about what PJ wrote, and very little about what PJ actually said. If you have read Groklaw for a while, you'll know that she distrusts Sun because of some very anti-FOSS statements that spokespersons there have made in the last year. Since she is in favor of FOSS, this worries her. But since Sun makes lots of schizo statements back and forth on the subject, sometimes they sound friendly to FOSS. That makes /. readers think Sun is cool, not to mention they make neat hardware.

          But if they are going to turn against FOSS, it's better to know sooner rather than later. That's what PJ is warning about, and answering /.-type critics who keep telling her to shut up about Sun. But she won't, and time may even prove her correct. We'll see. But it isn't about hatred, it's about warning people of a potential threat to FOSS. Since their recent deal with Microsoft, a lot more warning bells should be going off around here.

  • Why acknowledge? (Score:4, Insightful)

    by NineNine ( 235196 ) on Tuesday April 27, 2004 @07:09PM (#8990906)
    This is another case of OSS people saying, "I gave my stuff away for free... now it's not fair." To this I say, sorry kids. You gave it away for free. You're not entitled to money or acknowledgement of any kind. Sure, that's great if somebody gives you a pat on the head and says, "Now that's a good little coder. Go back to work and build me something good. I have to re-upholster my jet." But you're not entitled to it, and expecting as such is ridiculous. As long as Sun does what the "license" says, they don't have to acknowledge squat.
    • by Luke ( 7869 ) on Tuesday April 27, 2004 @07:15PM (#8990966)

      You gave it away for free. You're not entitled to money or acknowledgement of any kind.

      Excellent point. I would also add that so much high-quality software is available for free it has the effect of devaluing the worth of what programmers do. It's something that a brilliant coder should consider first before giving away their hard work - you have to weigh the advantages with the disadvantages.

      • by bwy ( 726112 )
        It's something that a brilliant coder should consider first before giving away their hard work

        No worries about that here, bro... this kid's gotta eat! And I've yet to find an open source MEAL... much less free beer.
    • Anyone who thinks that Sun shouldn't have a right to exercise the same rights under the GPL as you or I or even SCO is WRONG. The whole point of the GPL is the openness of it. Unless Sun specifically abuses the GPL (as many claim SCO has), they can do what they like in regards to distribution. I say: More power to them!

      As much as I respect RMS this is one area I do disagree with him. This whole branding business started with his insistence on Linux being called GNU/Linux. Honestly, who the hell cares WHAT
    • Re:Why acknowledge? (Score:5, Interesting)

      by timmarhy ( 659436 ) on Tuesday April 27, 2004 @07:46PM (#8991272)
      just because it's GPL and you allow people to use and disribute your work for free, does not mean you are giving away your copyright. you still own the copyright on that product, if you disribute it you MUST acknowledge it, and if you modify it you MUST provide the source. forget SCO, the next big legal battle will be greedy/stupid companies thinking they can take take take and not comply with the GPL. This kind of attitude is so ingrained in modern corp. thinking it is enevitable.
    • by cr0sh ( 43134 ) on Tuesday April 27, 2004 @08:04PM (#8991436) Homepage
      I "gave it away", under the GPL, as a developer with the understanding that should any changes to my code would be "paid back" to me and the community. I "gave it away" with the understanding that if someone has the binary, they can ask for and recieve the original source code, so they could compile it themselves, make changes (if needed or wanted), and release these changes back to the world under the GPL - thus making (on the whole) the entire piece of software all the more better.

      What people seem to keep missing about the GPL is that it isn't just "free" - that is a minor point of the GPL. The greater point is that it is "Free" - as in FREEDOM, for both the user and the creator to ensure that the work stays available for future generations, regardless of the hardware. Of great importance to this stance is the availability of GPL or GPL-compatible development toolsets, like gcc or perl. Sure, you can write and GPL VC++ source code - but what is the point when the compiler itself isn't Free? What happens when (not if, someday it will happen) Microsoft ceases to exist as a company? What happens if the assets (VC++, etc) are not transferred to a party who will continue to develop them? Where does that get you in regards to your GPL'd VC++ source code?

      The fact is, you are hosed (or the future is hosed) - with the GPL and GPL'd tools, you can have solace in the fact that the source for all will survive.

      This is the true point of the GPL...

      • I "gave it away", under the GPL, as a developer with the understanding that should any changes to my code would be "paid back" to me and the community. I "gave it away" with the understanding that if someone has the binary, they can ask for and recieve the original source code, so they could compile it themselves, make changes (if needed or wanted), and release these changes back to the world under the GPL - thus making (on the whole) the entire piece of software all the more better.

        What did you give away

      • What happens when (not if, someday it will happen) Microsoft ceases to exist as a company

        I'd always wondered when/how they'd turn into Weyland-Yutani.

  • by MyNameIsFred ( 543994 ) on Tuesday April 27, 2004 @07:10PM (#8990916)
    You really could get the CD and run it without every knowing it had anything GNU/Linuxy in it

    I always finds comments like this interesting. One of the GPL complaints regarding the original BSD license was the "advertising clause." [] A similar clause in GPL would prevent Sun from doing this.

    The real issue seems to be - are people bound by the legal requirements of the GPL or by the moral requirements of giving due credit.

  • by joshsnow ( 551754 ) on Tuesday April 27, 2004 @07:15PM (#8990963) Journal
    'You really could get the CD and run it without every knowing it had anything GNU/Linuxy in it or that the GPL provides you with guaranteed freedoms that Sun would like you not to know you have.'

    I'm just too old for all of this misguided zealotry. Sun and Java are one of the (many) reasons Linux based systems are making such tremendous inroads into corporate-land.

    And lest we all forget, winning corporates means winning mind-share. Winning mindshare means linux based systems become more of a de facto standad everywhere.

    I quite understand why sun wish to leverage Java and Linux - it's a magic combination. I can't understand why the author of the article wishes to leverage this tired, old zealotry.
  • by Coryoth ( 254751 ) on Tuesday April 27, 2004 @07:15PM (#8990967) Homepage Journal
    Sun has always been like this. They have no real interest in open source as an ideal, or Linux as anything other than a means of marketing leverage. And lets' be honest, they've openly said as much for quite some time. Sun is out to get what they can for Sun, and they've been quite up front about that.

    Of course, that doesn't mean that they won't do good things for open source along the way - their commitment to the GNOME foundation, and open sourcing StarOffice are both major contributions. Both those contributions are offered, of course, in the interests of Sun. MS is never going to port Office to Solaris, and the huge development boost StarOffice has gained in open sourcing has been great for Sun. Likewise, CDE is, in this day and age, a steaming pile of shit. Something new was needed - and if you can get that by providing a little financial support and other assistance to a group of volunteers, well, you do it.

    But in a sense this is how open source has to work. Closed source companies that have no interest in open source as a philosophy can still get big gains from contributing to open source - it allows them to develop large projects that they would struggle to fund as a purely internal project. Do you really think IBM, HP et al are providing all the Linux kernel code out of the goodness of their hearts and a belief in open source? Their providing it because it helps stretch the kernel into doing the things they need it to do for their interests. In the meantime, they get all the other kernel developments everyone else supplies for free, and can focus on their own issues.

    So, back to the topic - Sun isn't providing a lot of information about what really runs the JDS. Well, they're trying to make it a "Sun" product rather than another Linux flavour. Realistically I don't see it will make much difference in the long run. If the JDS is successful people will learn about what it is pieced together from one way or another.

    PJ does have a point though - a little more explicit recognition that this is Linux Powered GPL software probably wouldn't go astray. I suspect you'll find that convincing Sun of that is a very hard task indeed.

  • by Trejkaz ( 615352 ) on Tuesday April 27, 2004 @07:16PM (#8990975) Homepage

    "Just remember, ....RealPlayer's not open-source, but its availability certainly enhances the value of our Java Desktop System."

    Um... yeah. In the same way installing Gator enhances the value of a Windows system.

  • by The Bungi ( 221687 ) <> on Tuesday April 27, 2004 @07:17PM (#8990985) Homepage
    The GNU tools and the Linux kernel are released under a license that allows this very thing. This sounds exactly like Stallman's stupid rant about how everyone should call it "GNU/Linux" because "that's the right thing to do". If the people who release software under licenses like the GPL don't like this, then may I suggest a change of license?

    In any case, just like he did with XEmacs and everything else that uses his software in accordance to his license, I'm sure RMS will start calling it "GNU/Java Desktop" whenever he can.

    If this woman wants to see some touchy-feely good akcnowledgements from a corporation she (and everyone else) is in for a big disappointment.

    This is where the rubber meets the road, and you can't have it both ways. As long as your license is not being violated, suck it up or stop releasing software under it. It's that simple.

  • by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday April 27, 2004 @07:20PM (#8991008)
    If so, then don't complain.

    The GPL is about Free software and the "software freedoms" defined by the FSF. It is remarkably well-defined, even more well-defined than some closed-source EULAs. It doesn't say anything about advocacy or trademarks (yes, believe it or not, it doesn't say "GNU/Linux" ANYWHERE).

    It doesn't say "in order to use this software you must share RMS' political beliefs" or "you must love and cherish Free software" or "you must go above and beyond the terms of the license even if it doesn't make any business sense" or "no profits allowed". It doesn't specify what point type the words "contains Free software" should be printed in, in fact it doesn't have any such requirement at all. Yes, I'm sure RMS would love it if you did all that, but he is wise enough not to put that in the legal text.

    One of the great things about the GPL is that it doesn't require any of this stuff. You can ignore it UNLESS you are distributing copies. And once distributing copies, you have some pretty clear rules to follow. You can love the GPL without being a Free software fanatic.

    I think it's a great world where you can buy software in a box with commercial support, yet still enjoy the basic rights of viewing the source and making copies for all your machines or friends. It seems to me that in such a world, companies wouldn't go out of their way to advertise the GNU/Linuxy-ness of it, would they?

    Just follow the terms of the GPL. Beyond that, do whatever is in your own best interests.
  • For what? (Score:3, Insightful)

    by Ignatius_VI ( 587517 ) on Tuesday April 27, 2004 @07:20PM (#8991015)
    It's good to know the roots of things, but why does the average user care about the GPL? The JDS was designed as competition against Microsoft to get corporations to switch from Windows.

    Why would an employee care that they are using open source software?

    Do you know the roots of your car? Who founded the company? If the answer is yes, you like cars and that's why you know it...same reason why you would know about the GPL. If the answer is no, then I make my point.
  • by Eberlin ( 570874 ) on Tuesday April 27, 2004 @07:21PM (#8991017) Homepage
    Alrighty, I'm going to sound like a SUN-basher but so be it. I've been admonished here before for voicing my opinions against the company's actions but I'll type away undeterred.

    At one point in time, I believed that SUN was going to take over the server market and squeeze Microsoft out. Don't laugh, it was the .COM era, MS was fussing with SE and ME, NT was their server, and all signs pointed to SUN being The One. Heck, even colleges were changing their C curriculum over to Java!

    Somewhere along the line, Linux seems to have blindsided both of them. Now SUN wants to market a Linux because their customers ask for it. At the same time, they still have their Solaris. They do hardware, too! They also do an office suite replacement, and they're holding on to that same Java (probably their saving grace).

    We were wondering what they were doing -- and how they're spreading themselves thin instead of trying to define who they are by focusing on something and doing it well.

    Then they struck that deal with Microsoft and we're left wondering how this whole Linux thing will pan out. Time will tell, but I'm not expecting them to suddenly be all flowery happy about embracing Open Source.
  • Devils Advocate (Score:5, Interesting)

    by MBCook ( 132727 ) <> on Tuesday April 27, 2004 @07:21PM (#8991020) Homepage
    I must admit that I'm not entirely sure where I stand on this issue. I can easily see the reasoning behind the poster's attitude because the work of many MANY people has gone into making their "OS" (really a distro) possible. I'm leaning more towards what's below.

    But let me play devil's advocate.

    I know a lot about computers, but over the years I have learned TONS by watching my parrents, neighbors, and sister (all MAJOR computer n00bs) interact with the things.

    "I don't care if I can see the source, how can I get to Google?" That's the kind of thing that I'd hear from my parents (especially my dad). Bombarding people with information about how it's all free and it's LINUX and you can do all sorts of stuff like giving parts away that you can't with MS software and it's LINUX and blah blah blah and it's LINUX will get you nowhere. You'll just annoy the hell out of "Aunt Tillie" (to borrow a person). They want it to WORK. They don't want to be told it runs Linux constantly. They don't want to know the source is available. They could care less they could copy the bianary for the Gimp off their PC and give it to a friend because it's F/OSS.

    Now, I can understand having the computer tell the user it's Linux. Maybe once (at install, or the first time a user uses their account) is fine. If the user is a power user, they will find that fact out and all the things they can do with it fast through looking on the internet, digging through help files, and poking around the file system. Letting them know that it's Linux when they go off the beaten path is fine. Let them know they have rights and such if you wish.

    But please, DON'T BEAT THEM OVER THE HEAD WITH IT. I can tell you from expiriance the the VAST majority of users won't care. They just want their computer to work. They don't need to know all that stuff. Aunt Tillie doesn't want to know, my parents don't want to know. My neighbors don't want to know, and my little sister could care less (for now, she's getting better). The other side of the Linux desktop that we'll see soon (and are seeing now) is Corporate Linux Desktops.

    And you know what? As a boss (assuming I'm one, I'm not), I could CARE LESS if my employees know they're running Linux. I don't care if they know it's all GPL. I want them to DO THEIR JOBS. If they ask "Can I take a copy of this home with me?" of the IT department, THEY can tell the user that stuff (and those questions do get asked in schools and businesses). The IT department will know it's Linux and all the benefits it holds.

    In short: The techies will know, don't worry about them. The Aunt Tillies won't care, don't worry about them. The people in the middle should know, but just a notice here or there; don't assult them. For what I understand Sun to be aiming at (Corp. desktops and maybe low cost computers for the Aunt Tillies of the world) I think they're doing fine.

  • Xfree86 (Score:5, Insightful)

    by bcore ( 705121 ) on Tuesday April 27, 2004 @07:26PM (#8991070)
    So, let me get this straight..

    -Xfree86 is evil because they have a license that forces distributors to acknowledge their work.

    -Java Desktop is evil because they don't acknowledge the work they use.

    • Re:Xfree86 (Score:4, Insightful)

      by whoever57 ( 658626 ) on Tuesday April 27, 2004 @08:40PM (#8991761) Journal
      So, let me get this straight..

      -Xfree86 is evil because they have a license that forces distributors to acknowledge their work.

      -Java Desktop is evil because they don't acknowledge the work they use.

      Let me re-write that and you will see that the positions are not so confusing:
      -XFree86 is distributed under a license that makes it impossible to re-distribute under the GPL.
      -Java desktop may be violating the spirit if not the wording of the GPL.

      There, it's quite consistent -- the issue is that the GPL is the favorite license of /.-ers and /.-ers don't like people who violate the GPL.

  • But does it work ? (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Bugmaster ( 227959 ) on Tuesday April 27, 2004 @07:29PM (#8991102) Homepage
    I personally don't care about ideology. Does the Java Desktop actually work ? Is it easier to use than Gnome/KDE ? That's all that matters to me.

    Yes yes, I understand all about open source, fairness, and other GNU/Linuxy terms; and I understand that, in theory, I should immediately throw off my chains and start coding stuff gratis, because information wants to be free. However, in reality, Windows' proprietary desktop is still better than whatever Linux currently has to offer -- to speak nothing of OS X. So, I have a choice: become a martyr, and torture myself with GNU/Linux each day, in the name of the OSS ideology; or, forget the slogans and use the best tool for the job. My name is not "Ghandi", so I choose the second option.

    I think a major reason why Linux is suffering on the desktop right now is that most OSS hackers expect people to choose the first option. Well, that's not going to happen. Most people are like me: selfish bastards who just want to get some work done, or play some game, or whatever. You can't win them over with just slogans.

  • by OWJones ( 11633 ) on Tuesday April 27, 2004 @07:39PM (#8991185)

    I sense a lot of bitter BSD developers thinking they've caught a Linux advocate in an instance of blatant hypocracy. HA-HA! We had that advertising clause, but you pushy GPL people kept nagging us over that clause until we finally gave in, but now you're bitching about the same thing!!!


    From the GPL, Section 1

    You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's source code as you receive it, in any medium,
    provided that you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License along with the Program. [emphasis mine]

    Notice that the GPL requires you to display the license agreement, not the names of the developers. The GPL requires that you notify the users and developers who obtain a copy of this code that they have certain freedoms and certain obligations. If Sun is hiding the GPL they may be in violation of Section 1.

    For those who are saying that anyone who licenses their work under the GPL and "gives it away" deserves to have their work distributed absent the appropriate copyright notice, grow up. The work is not "given away", it is licensed; placing a work in the public domain is "giving it away" since the author(s) retain no control whatsoever over the work. A rudimentary understanding of copyright law would clue you in. PJ may be a bit zealous in her attack on Sun, but in all likelihood she knows the GPL and copyright law a hell of a lot better than you (or I) do.

    PJ's complaint: not about advertising, but about licensing. For those who still can't understand the difference, there are places where you can get help [].


    • Provided that you conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty

      And where do we have a statemtent that they do not?
      PJ claims there's nothing on the cover (I haven't seen it) and then dismisses the EULA (mentioning the GPL in the EULA would be irrelevant, as has been previously overdiscussed on /. and elsewhere).

      Every package states its license terms. I'm running JDS at the moment (sorry, /. don't seem to want me to use the PRE tag), and a

  • Sun and GNU/Linux (Score:5, Informative)

    by ValourX ( 677178 ) on Tuesday April 27, 2004 @07:39PM (#8991190) Homepage

    A while back I interviewed some people at Sun for content related to reviews on JDS and Solaris 9 x86. During one conversation I made the mistake of referring to JDS as a "Linux distribution" and I was quickly corrected:

    "Java Desktop System is not a Linux distribution, it is an Operating Environment."

    I asked what the difference was, and the response was something I didn't quite understand -- a lot of talk about desktop philosophy and how Sun didn't really want people to think of JDS as having anything to do with the GNU project or Linux in general.

    I have here a folder for JDS version 1. It was based on SuSE 8.1 and it didn't work on any of my modern test machines so I only used it once and decided not to review it because it didn't work all that well and I don't like doing negative bash-fest reviews. Nowhere on the folder or at any point during the installation or in the operating environment itself do you ever see the word "Linux."

    And the license agreement governing the whole product is much like the one for Solaris except for the parts that are already under other licenses. No, JDS is not even close to being Free Software, but then again Red Hat EL is along the same lines. I don't see anyone making a bad guy out of them.

  • by joelparker ( 586428 ) <> on Tuesday April 27, 2004 @07:44PM (#8991252) Homepage
    Sun puts lots of money and research into free tools,
    some big examples being Java and Open Office.

    Sun is also now among the largest Linux success stories,
    selling a million new Linux installations to China,
    and even more amazingly to consumers at Wal-Mart.

    Does it matter if the CD says "GNU" or "Linux inside"
    to the Chinese, or Wal-Martese, or end user?
    Likely not. As long as Sun honors the GPL--
    and Sun does seem to be honoring the GPL--
    then how about looking at the positive side?

    More Linux installations will lead to better
    succes for all of us. I want to see easy installs,
    good video drivers, plug-and-play printers, and more.
    Sun's success will help us get this, so cheers to them.

  • Shame on Sun (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Teckla ( 630646 ) on Tuesday April 27, 2004 @07:45PM (#8991259)

    That does it!

    I'm going to take a break from writing Java software using Sun's JDK, and boot up OpenOffice, and I'm going to write a letter to Sun, saying they never contribute anything! I'm going to save the document via NFS to my department file server, and get everyone to send their own copy of it to Sun! I'm so mad, I have half a mind to shutdown my x86 machine that runs Solaris!

    Those greedy bastards! They never give anything to the community! WE DESERVE FREE HAND-OUTS!

    • Re:Shame on Sun (Score:3, Insightful)

      by Teckla ( 630646 )

      And before you mods beat me with the troll stick, try to keep in mind my post (above) was sarcasm.

      Sun contributes a lot to the community, and continues to do so.

      To the fine folks as Sun: Thanks for your contributions! Some of us appreciate it!

  • Excuse my bias (Score:4, Insightful)

    by l0ungeb0y ( 442022 ) on Tuesday April 27, 2004 @07:49PM (#8991296) Homepage Journal
    Personally, I think the notion of Sun's Java Desktop to be entirely underwhelming. Almost pointless in fact.
    Actually, if it were a post on Slashdot, I'd moderate it redundant, if it weren't at -1 redundant already.

    From what I've read at the Sun site, you get something based on SuSe with a hacked up Gnome front end and Java tied into as many things they could think of. Nothing reveloutionary... seems mainly to be an attempt to get StarOffice in front of people who might not otherwise even know it exists.... in fact, isn't this part of the walmart deal? So I guess that would explain it. Sun Java Desktop is for the walmart shopper and not the Linux/OSS initiate.

    So in that light, it makes perfect sense to try to put the wizard behind the curtain and let the user deal with the smoke and mirrors, The average Walmart user will generally be too clueless to know what it really is other than that it's not windows.
    When looked at in that perspective, it actually makes sense to hide the underpinnings as much as possible, lest the curious and ignorant do something catastrophic since the more advanced users would be able to figure it out anyway.

    Personally, if you want a unix-like system with a great desktop UI and productivity/development software, go with Apple if you can afford it. Linux on the desktop is still a few years off, AFAIAC.

  • by ChiralSoftware ( 743411 ) <> on Tuesday April 27, 2004 @08:02PM (#8991420) Homepage
    Yesterday I was helping my friend get set up with a Java application she needs. She's a fairly experienced Windows user. She needed to install the Sun JRE 1.4 to get this thing to work. She needed help from me, and a bit of exploring on, to find out which is the right file for her to download to get this thing working. If Sun wants MS Windows users to upgrade to be able to run Java apps easily and painlessly, there needs to be a big link right on saying "Windows users, click here to download Java for your system." Such a link does not exist and the user has to figure out "do I want NetBeans (no), do I need a SDK (no), do I need J2ME (no), do I need the JRE (yes)". Ridiculous. How is she supposed to understand the Java technology family in order to know how to navigate this? Is Sun trying to kill Java? Is there some secret Microsoft/SCO/Knights Templar conspiracy infiltrating in Sun? Ok, probably no on that last one...

    And now the Sun "Java" Desktop, which presumably comes with Java built in, but does that mean you can double-click on a .jar file and your app starts up? No. You have to write a shell script, or add an icon with a command like "java -classpath foo.jar ..." to get it to work.

    Sun, what are you thinking?

    Maybe expecting Sun to move from the world of big servers, where expecting users to write a shell script is perfectly acceptable, to the world of desktops, where users should be able to do everything just by clicking in an obvious place and without having to understand the difference between an ELF file and a JAR, is too much to ask.

    An authentic Java desktop would be, in my opinion, one in which all the work gets done in Java. That means a Java office suite, a Java window manager, a Java file explorer. This is completely doable, and Java is a fantastic environment for doing those things (I know, you will flame me saying Java sucks, Java is slow, etc, sorry, that isn't true anymore). I would love to see such a desktop environment, and it would have fantastic security and portability advantages. A real Java-based OS is the only thing that has a real chance of competing with Linux, I believe (ok, I will get majorly flamed for that, but it's true).

    I think that if Sun is serious about this, the way forward is:

    • Partner up with Suse/Novell. They are going to win in the desktop by producing a real-world desktop distro. In fact I'm using it right now and it's great.
    • Open-source Java, or give enough assistance to existing OS java projects such as Kaffe [] and GNU Classpath to make them viable real-world usable Java implementations. Sun thinks this is irrelevant; it's not. Getting something truly open source is a key step to making something ubiquitous.
    • Develop some real-world Java apps. As someone else on /. said, J2ee is becoming the Cobol of our age. That is sad because Java could be so much more than a server system. How about developing a word processor and spreadsheet in Java? By doing this, they would give people a reason to use Java, and they would also really find out what the limitations and flaws of Swing are, and maybe they would fix them.

    Ok, that's enough ranting, sure to stir up many heated flames about how much Java sucks, and Scott hasn't called me anytime recently to ask for business advice, so I'll leave off here.

    Create a WAP server []
  • by beforewisdom ( 729725 ) on Tuesday April 27, 2004 @08:04PM (#8991440)
    PJ purports that making things easy and fun will not distract people from open source.

    I've observed that everytime there is a pain in the ass app( or a lacking app ) and an easy/fun one people will dump the pain in the ass app everytime.......even open source fans.

    The good news is that SUN wouldn't know user friendly if it bit them on the ass.

    Another company might highjack the open source thing by flooding the community with easier, better apps.......maybe......but it will not be SUN.

    I say this as someone who has programmed in Java for the last 5 years and who has seen the level of front end quality SUN is in the habit of giving to people.

    No offense to anyone.......that company just does not understand "easy" or "friendly".

  • roots.... (Score:5, Insightful)

    by elmegil ( 12001 ) on Tuesday April 27, 2004 @08:25PM (#8991641) Homepage Journal
    doesn't properly acknowledge its roots.

    You mean the way Linux doesn't acknowledge that it has primarily lifted the rc*.d startup methodology from Sun? Or the fact that before Linux came about, the vast majority of the Free Software Foundation's software (and lots of other free/OS Software) was primarily developed on SunOS and Solaris?

    Come back when you have a real complaint.

  • Last I checked... (Score:4, Insightful)

    by nial-in-a-box ( 588883 ) on Tuesday April 27, 2004 @08:33PM (#8991701) Homepage
    ...the GPL does not require distributors and integrators to staple the license to users' foreheads. Just a thought. Yea, it is kind of dishonest, and if they don't include all the original docs they should be punished and probably even banned from using GPL'd software for a while, seeing as Sun is basically just a burden on all of us: stale platform or just a rehash of what you can get anywhere else for free or less, and the easy-to-program-in-but-not-well-implemented Java.
  • One day sunw will say they have no linux strategy, the next day sunw comes out with their own linux distro. Sunw's support of scox leaves me with very negitive feeling towards this company, especially when it comes to linux.

    Linux is a threat to sunw's bread-and-butter business. I absolutely do not trust sunw's commitment to linux.
  • by swordgeek ( 112599 ) on Tuesday April 27, 2004 @09:15PM (#8992063) Journal
    "You really could get the CD and run it without ever knowing it had anything GNU/Linuxy in it or that the GPL provides you with guaranteed freedoms that Sun would like you not to know you have."

    So Fucking What?

    Where in the beloved GPL does it say, "any use or inclusion of GNU software in any bundle must be accompanied by a thee piece band and six minutes of CGI fireworks on the end user's screen."

    I had a lot more respect for the people behind groklaw before this. However, this rant is worthy of Stallman, or even (shudder) Eric Raymond.

    What's her point? Sounds like a bunch of whining to me.
  • C'mon PJ (Score:5, Interesting)

    by sparkz ( 146432 ) on Tuesday April 27, 2004 @09:37PM (#8992217) Homepage
    I love the work you've been doing on the SCO case on Groklaw, but this is just "anybody-proprietary-is-evil" blurb.

    RealPlayer is closed-source, and available with JDS. Don't like it? Don't get it.
    Ditto for StarOffice. You've got the Sun-sponsored (mainly staffed by Sun developers).
    Where is anybody denying the GPL? The GPL expressly allows such an approach, indeed seems, if anything, quite in favour of it. Will you be bashing RMS next for selling tapes of Emacs?

    JS: don't just add more lumps of source code into the source tree but deliver value to customers

    PJ: Sick to your stomach yet?

    He didn't say "don't add", he said "don't *just* add" - GNOME's internationalisation would be half what it currently is without Sun developers adding their contribution, let alone accessability, which seems to be driven almost entirely by people with addresses.

    JS: To us, it's really emblematic of the nature of the relationship we have with Microsoft, which is a deeply held belief that a rising tide lifts all boats, and that interoperability between Sun and Microsoft grows the overall market for both of our products rather than advantages one company versus another."

    PJ: Microsoft? That Microsoft? The one twice found guilty of antitrust violations? That Microsoft believes that a rising tide lifts all boats? Is Sun in for a shock someday.

    He's stating Sun's view, not claiming that it's MS's view. Where does he say that MS view it that way? He's saying that, whether MS like it or not, Sun's agreement with MS can benefit JDS (seems pretty obvious, and fully in line with the letter and meaning of the GPL).
    If you look at the relationship between Sun and MS, it's pretty clear how Sun view the Evil Empire. I don't think they've suddenly bought a pair of rose-tinted glasses.

    JS: We're very bullish on the future of the network and very bullish on the future of intellectual property in open source as well as in open standards to continue to drive that opportunity

    If that was from RMS, it would be interpreted in the exactly oppsite way that JP interprets it. Granted, "either choice is a safe choice" is quite clearly untrue. Don't know what he'd just smoked at that point.

    PJ:It will push open standards as being what you really want, not open source.

    And isn't that what we really get from F/OSS? Would we all hate MS as much if .DOC was an open standard with closed source? .HTML is an open standard, so we can have Mozilla, Opera, even IE (when it chooses to implement standards).
    Yes, there's a significant difference when it comes to certain points - I can incorporate your code into my own "larger" code, but in reality, open standards pretty much allow that already.
    One major point of Free/Open Source software is that Sun can take Mozilla, GNOME, improve them, and feed them back to the community (who don't necessarily want *every* change Sun chose to make, but are desperate for the internationalisation and accessibility that Sun need to add to sell it to the standards their customers expect). The GPL means they can do it, and means they have to feed it back.
    Are we getting offtopic here? Why do I need to remind PJ what the GPL says? Methinks PJ's got some FUD in her mind.

    PJ: It [Sun] intends to be the substitute for free/open source software. Here you go: Brand X Linux. And it intends to destroy the Internet. If you think that sounds wonderful, stop and consider that if Sun gets its way, there would never be a Groklaw. Microsoft never did get the Internet. It thinks all we want to do is buy stuff. So, that's their plan, Stan.

    "'The . in .com' wants to destroy the internet". That's a fine quote. Where did you find it in the previous statements?
    The only statement in this paragraph anyone with any knowledge

  • by noda132 ( 531521 ) on Tuesday April 27, 2004 @10:17PM (#8992482) Homepage

    Sun: 35000 employees

    Ximian: 70 employees

    Sun: has done a couple of usability studies, and contributed StarOffice (then a lousy office suite) four years ago.

    Ximian: mono, evolution, GNOME bounties, IRC discussions, Project Utopia, and countless patches to and bug reports to any and every GNOME project.

    Same kind of situation applies to Red Hat, which Sun actually has the gall to insult.

    Face it: Sun was a thorn in Microsoft's backside so it was kind of seen as a good guy. But now I see no reason for any self-respecting developer to like Sun. At least Microsoft has the honesty to declare a straightforward stance with respect to open-source software. Sun tries to treat the open-source community as some unsuspecting supplier of free goods.

    If only Sun were more like Ximian....

    • by Nebrie ( 530329 ) * on Wednesday April 28, 2004 @01:49AM (#8993746)
      You do know that Sun does have this entirely separate business which is thousands of times larger (not to mention almost 35,000 people) than their Linux/GNU related business? Trying to compare their output against that of a company whose core business is Linux/GNU is absolutely stupid. That's like comparing Apple's contribution to mice technology with Logitech's.
  • by jmors ( 682994 ) on Tuesday April 27, 2004 @11:11PM (#8992895)
    In support of our fearless PJ of Groklaw Fame, I must concur with her disgust at the recent release of the Sun Java Desktop System. I am the recipient of one of thyeir evaluation CD packages. Nothing, and I mean absolutely NOTHING on their packaging mentions GNU, the GPL or Linux in any way shape or form. In fine print on the back of the CD jacket is the statement that portions of the software found on the CD are under licenses from Sun, Bsd, and other licenses. For a GNU/Linux distro not to mention either GNU OR Linux when that is the bulk of the software provided is absolutely rediculous!

    As the live cd boots, for a brief, and I do mean brief less than 1 second flash on an almost non-existant command prompt as the graphical environment takes over the words GNU/Linux flash on the screen if you look for it closely. Took me three boots to even notice it! Next there is a draconian EULA that appears to have been written, if I didn't know better, with great help from Microsoft as restrictive as it is. It even explicitly forbids copying the eval live cd to share with others. This is the first Linux live distro I have EVER seen with such a restriction. Perhaps the ability to write such draconian EULAs was a portion of the "technologies" that Sun is cross licensing from Micro$oft?

    In the EULA there is absolutely NO mention of the GPL in any way shape or form other than a pointer to a directory in which you can find some "various other licenses" that may apply to certain portions of the software provided on the CD. It takes some real searching to find a copy of the GPL on that disk. I am sure that Sun's (M$'s?) lawyers have made sure that they complied to the strict letter of compliance with the GPL but they have not even come close to compliance with the spirit!

    I am thoroughly disgusted with the lengths to which Sun has gone to obliterate and hide the true roots of their "Java Desktop System".

  • by lkratz ( 243841 ) on Wednesday April 28, 2004 @03:52AM (#8994164) Homepage
    I was present at a JDS show here in europe. And I had a chat with some of their sales representatives.

    Their sales guy are in a real channel conflict, they can't chat on their new JDS without at least saying once solaris ! They see JDS as a short term answer, before having their customer "upgrading" their JDS on Linux to a JDS on solaris. That's the strategy ! That's why they do not market the words GNU, Linux or GPL.

    The other issue is the Java brand ! The slide show (staroffice on jds hopefully !) represents layers of software. from bottom to top, you have :
    hardware : either sparc, intel, or amd
    os : either solaris or linux
    a full length layer : java
    a full length layer : gnome
    But in the show room, nearly everybody knew that the demo of JDS has nearly nothing to do with Java ! just a little demo of their java player ( which is ugly ). Once again they "über market" the java brand ! Java has nearly disappeared from the internet as an applet technology ! Even if java has a hudge market share in the enterprise, I know several case, where the IT department face big problems, due to unmanaged deploiement of complex J2EE applications (usines à gaz in french) (I'm not flaming java here, the problem is "unmanaged" not java) . So the Java brand is not that good, and the good reference with respect to the Java brand are shifting from Sun to IBM. For instance, nearly every business developing stuff in Java are now using eclipse. The sales guy of Sun are still marketing NetBeans, I had to give him the reference of Eclipse.

    Finally, my experience with respect to this roadshow and the chat with sales rep, is that they are frightened. JDS is a kind of cloud of smoke that tries to hide businesses migrating their oracle on solaris to oracle on a redhat cluster.

The use of anthropomorphic terminology when dealing with computing systems is a symptom of professional immaturity. -- Edsger Dijkstra
