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Groklaw Tries Their Own Linux Usability Study 611

inode_buddha writes "There's a new project taking shape at Groklaw. Calling it Grok-docs, it aims to do what many of us have long whined about - a large-scale linux usability study. Evidently, PJ had some frustrations with linux, and is asking for suggestions. So far, it seems to be following a Wiki-style setup. Everybody is welcome, especially those with little or no linux experience. I hope the distros and vendors are watching this one!"
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Groklaw Tries Their Own Linux Usability Study

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  • EASIER SETUP! (Score:4, Insightful)

    by LOL WTF OMG!!!!!!!!! ( 768357 ) on Sunday April 18, 2004 @11:33PM (#8901146) Journal
    Setting up, using, and all other aspects of Linux need to be made easier for the home user (read: children, old people, and those without a lot of computer experience).

    Ease of use definitely needs to be made more of a priority if we're going to see Linux succeed as a desktop platform.
    • Re:EASIER SETUP! (Score:5, Interesting)

      by Ziviyr ( 95582 ) on Sunday April 18, 2004 @11:41PM (#8901187) Homepage
      Its funny how people think children need micro meals and ideas prechewed four levels beneath having any accuracy.

      Just because you don't get it doesn't mean someone else won't. Especially when that someone else is a child.
      • Re:EASIER SETUP! (Score:5, Insightful)

        by LOL WTF OMG!!!!!!!!! ( 768357 ) on Sunday April 18, 2004 @11:43PM (#8901204) Journal
        See, this is exactly the type of thinking that's STOPPING Linux from becoming a popular desktop OS. The old elitist "you're not smart enough to understand it" is absolutely ridiculous.

        Wake up Ziviyr, most people aren't computer geniuses.
        • Re:EASIER SETUP! (Score:5, Insightful)

          by DebianRcksLindowsLie ( 752247 ) on Sunday April 18, 2004 @11:55PM (#8901265) Homepage
          I couldn't agree more. Treat people like they know what they are doing, and they start living up to your expectations.
        • Re:EASIER SETUP! (Score:4, Interesting)

          by raodin ( 708903 ) on Monday April 19, 2004 @12:03AM (#8901309)
          His comment had nothing to do with elitism. He simply stated that some children don't need hand holding to use their computers. I know this is true - I was writing BASIC programs on my dad's C64 when I was 7 or 8.
          • Re:EASIER SETUP! (Score:4, Insightful)

            by sg_oneill ( 159032 ) on Monday April 19, 2004 @12:29AM (#8901447)
            :) Yeah. Me too. I think the old Dick Smith Wizards (creativision rarity. my first pc) 16k basic led to many years of nerditude for me. However I freking aced algebra in my eightrh year of school as I was already doing matrix when the other kiddies where learning why "a" can mean a number. Now at 30 I'm still amazed at how damn smart kids are. I have little cousins making 3d engines in junior high and stuff. Great stuff.

            Now onto the topic. In media theory theres this idea of "paedocracy" , kind of 'by the children for the children'' And it essentially describes the medias prediclition to treat adults as children on the basis that the mysterious view *might* just be that dumn. Spelling *I think* commented that his model viewer was a retarded 12 year old. Of course this just makes for dumb adults.

            In many respects theres a danger of doing this with 'easy' computers. But its not sooooo bad. I use at home Xandros debian , for two reasons. First off, my family is still capable of using it. Secondly there is *still* under the hood debian. Best of both worlds really :) A similar thing can be said of OS/X as well.

            Compare that to windows. Generally its pretty easy (asuming the damn thing *works*) to do the basics needed. But try getting into the kernel parameters without a hell mess of H_KEY_ARCANE_REGISTERY_TWEAKS.

          • by bonch ( 38532 )
            I don't get why so many Slashdotters assume their niche opinions represent the majority. They don't.

            A lot of kids don't sit and program BASIC on their dad's C64s when they're 7 or 8. Maybe they trade baseball cards or play sports. Just because you did doesn't mean everyone does. Consequently, just because you sat down and spent hours learning how to program doesn't mean everyone else wants to.
            • He didn't say that his experiences are the majority. You made that up yourself.

              His point, and the original point of this thread, was that kids don't necessarily need to be sheltered from all possible complexity for them to use computers. In fact, I'd wager that kids could learn to edit configuration files and handle all sorts of nasty stuff faster than a similarly experienced adult could be taught.
        • Re:EASIER SETUP! (Score:5, Insightful)

          by D'Sphitz ( 699604 ) on Monday April 19, 2004 @02:57AM (#8902052) Journal

          Ok I blew all my moderation in this thread just to speak my mind. Most of the replies to this parent are so retarded I don't know if I should be embarrassed that i'm at the same website as them or pity that theyre such arrogant, elitist, pretentious dorksnobs who somehow think their dorksnobdom puts them on a pedestal so that all of the unknowing can praise them 5 times a day at set intervals.

          Just because you don't get it doesn't mean someone else won't. Especially when that someone else is a child.

          Ok let's focus on the child thing here, I guess a good thing to know would be do you have a child? And if so does your child know how to run linux? And if so does your child know the intricacies of linux and OSS in general? And if so, in all honesty, how normal is your child? Really?

          His comment had nothing to do with elitism. He simply stated that some children don't need hand holding to use their computers. I know this is true - I was writing BASIC programs on my dad's C64 when I was 7 or 8.

          Come on now, writing ANY type of program at 7 or 8 is AB-FUCKING-NORMAL, I don't care how smart you are, when you're 7 or 8 you're flying kites and playing little league, so I call bullshit. I call bullshit cause you think the dweebs and nerds here will give you credence and props cause you were one of the maybe 5, 10, 100? kids globally 'programming at 7 or 8'. Sorry Doogie Howser, you were learning to read and write at 7 or 8, and if you weren't, in all honesty, how normal of a child were you? Really?

          once you start telling people how to do things, especially if they usually do it differently from you, they start to rely on being told how to do it. the solution? RTFM!

          Oh you go girl! RTFM!!!!! Yeah, you told em there!!! But did you happen to notice that the WHOLE FUCKING POINT OF THIS ARTICLE/DISCUSSION IS THAT THE MANUAL IS INSUFFICIENT!? Of course not, because you're a moron.

          Lots of adults don't either. I know any number of adults who got to grips with DOS commands back in the '80s (whether by choice or because they had to).

          So of people YOU knew in the '80s, likely extremely hip people, you knew "any number of them" who got to grips with DOS commands. Who the fuck cares? You could've, and likely knew other nerds, and even if you didn't, it wasn't a random sampling of people because the fact is, as much as you want to deny it, the average person is not a fucking computer geek, they don't "get it", and I don't understand why you don't "get that".

          Anyone who can do that has the basic skills to get started with a *nix box of any flavour. Unless, of course, evolution works in reverse, and we're all getting dumber.

          No, anyone who can do that has the basic skills to copy and delete files. Come on, are you really trying to say 1980's MSDOS is on par with doing much of anything from a linux command shell today? Knowing ALL of MSDOS TODAY still isn't much on par with doing much of anything from a linux command shell today. It's not even relevant.

          As opposed to the "You're stupid enough to use this OS"? Yeah that's an improvement. Quite frankly as an average user, your characterization of average users isn't an improvement. So stop helping us.

          Oh god shut up "average user". Are you also offended that your tv remote came with instructions to install the batteries? I mean, an average user who was as above average as you could figure out how to install the batteries, no? What the fuck are you whining about anyway? I really don't know.

          I'll sum this up for the egotistically blind, so that they may fail to absorb any of it. If you write computer programs, or if you write about computer programs, or if you document computer programs, err, well i'll just cut this short, if you use, or know how to use, or have heard of anything but Microsoft Windows, then you're NOT a typical user. It's pretty simple, right? Yet so many who are supposedly the "elite" fail to grasp it.

          • by tarunthegreat ( 746088 ) on Monday April 19, 2004 @05:10AM (#8902397)
            In supporting response...

            OS X is closed source. This means that it is the work of the devil - its purpose is to make the end users eat babies. ...

            Linux is the only free OS. Yes the BSD lincenses may appear more free, but as they have no restrictions, they are actually less free than the GPL. You see, restricting the end user more actually makes them more free than not putting restrictions on them. You must be a dumb luser for not understanding this. ...

            And you obviously dont have a real job. A real job involves being a student or professional academic. You see, academics are the ones who know all about productivity - if you work for a commercial organisation you obviously do not know anything about computers. Usability is stupid. Whats wrong with the command line? If you cant use the command line then you shouldnt be using a computer. vi should be the standard word processor - you are such a luser if you want to use Word. Installing software should have to involve recompiling the kernel of the OS. If you dont know how to do this, you are a stupid luser who should RTFM. Or go to a Linux irc channel or newsgroup. After all, they are soooo friendly. If you dont know how the latest 2.6 kernel scheduling algorithm works then they will tell you to stop wasting their time, but they really are quite supportive. ...

            Oh, and M$ is just as evil as Apple. Take LookOUT for instance. You could just as easily use Eudora. Who needs groupware anyway, a simple email client should be all we use (thats all we use as academics, why cant businesses be any different). ...

            And trend setters - Linux is the trend setter. It may appear KDE is a ripoff from XP, but thats because M$ stole the KDE code. We all know they have GPL'ed code hidden in there somewhere (but not the things that dont work, only the things that work could possibly have GPL'ed code in it). ...

            And Apple is the suxor because they charge people for their product. We all know that its a much better business model to give all your products away for free. If you charge for anything, then you are allied with M$ and will burn in hell.
          • Re:EASIER SETUP! (Score:4, Insightful)

            by Mornelithe ( 83633 ) on Monday April 19, 2004 @06:01AM (#8902553)
            And if so does your child know how to run linux? And if so does your child know the intricacies of linux and OSS in general? And if so, in all honesty, how normal is your child?

            Does your child know how to "run" Windows? Does he know all the intricacies of Windows and closed-source software in general? And what does "run" mean?

            Seriously, what do kids do on computers? I've watched my nephew and some young cousins, and they click on the buttons for their games and play them. How would this be any different in Linux today? I can click buttons and visit or whatever and it's not any harder than it would be in Windows.

            I think the only real argument there is the fact that so many kids games might not exist on Linux.

            Yes, programming at 7 or 8 is abnormal. I agree there.

            Oh god shut up "average user". Are you also offended that your tv remote came with instructions to install the batteries? I mean, an average user who was as above average as you could figure out how to install the batteries, no?

            You think the average user of a remote control doesn't know how to put the batteries in? I doubt that. Many companies write documentation for below average users. "Don't get in the tub with your hair drier," "Don't stick a fork in your eye." Stuff like that.

            if you use, or know how to use, or have heard of anything but Microsoft Windows, then you're NOT a typical user.

            If you use the computer for anything but writing e-mail and browsing the web, than you're probably not a 'typical user' by your definition. I doubt your 'average user' could do any configuration of anything on Windows either. They'd have as much luck adding a line to a configuration file as they would poking around all the different tabs and menus in the Windows control panel programs.

            I'll say that I don't even know if Linux _should_ try to target the average user. It works fine for me and I don't care if it gets onto everyone's desktop. However, if typical users are how you represent, them, then they probably have trouble using anything that isn't totally set-up for them to begin with, and how is a totally set-up Linux box more difficult than a totally set-up Windows box? Either way, all I have to do is click on stuff.
          • Re:EASIER SETUP! (Score:3, Informative)

            by asobala ( 563713 )

            Come on now, writing ANY type of program at 7 or 8 is AB-FUCKING-NORMAL, I don't care how smart you are, when you're 7 or 8 you're flying kites and playing little league, so I call bullshit. I call bullshit cause you think the dweebs and nerds here will give you credence and props cause you were one of the maybe 5, 10, 100? kids globally 'programming at 7 or 8'. Sorry Doogie Howser, you were learning to read and write at 7 or 8, and if you weren't, in all honesty, how normal of a child were you? Really?


      • Re:EASIER SETUP! (Score:4, Insightful)

        by NanoGator ( 522640 ) on Monday April 19, 2004 @04:52AM (#8902349) Homepage Journal
        "Just because you don't get it doesn't mean someone else won't. Especially when that someone else is a child."

        Linux zealots really need to lose the "We're smarter than everybody else" attitude. Just because somebody doesn't want to go fucking around with .CONF files doesn't mean they're stupid, okay? Linux is not an IQ test.
    • NO setup (Score:5, Insightful)

      by ciroknight ( 601098 ) on Sunday April 18, 2004 @11:42PM (#8901195)
      An operating system that can install itself, keep itself protected from harm, keep the user protected from harm, and keep the user's data up to date. A computer should be as close to self healing and reliable as possible, and whenever possible it should update and restore itself.

      The user should NOT be slave to the machine.
      • Re:NO setup (Score:4, Insightful)

        by BiggerIsBetter ( 682164 ) on Monday April 19, 2004 @12:23AM (#8901420)
        However the programmer should be a slave to the user? What you just described is fricking hard to do. And doing without pissing off everyone aside from newbies and kiddiewinks is next to impossible. You're getting into an AI based system that can take pre-emptive actions and knows more than the user does.

        How about when it does do something to keep your helpess user out of harm, like surfing the net and blocking "harmful" sites? Some users will cry censorship or restriction. What if it didn't block the "harmful" sites? Lawsuit from Mom who doesn't like to see other ladies boobies.

        Or how about when the system thinks it knows best, and won't let you do something? You turn it off, but the computer knew you hit the kill switch because it couldn't do a clean shutdown, so it boots to a safe mode where you can't do shit and repairs the damage. You're back to square one. Do it manually by editing a config file? No, because the OS was protecting your data, so it encrypted the disk.

        If you want an OS like this, you are both idealistic and misinformed. For something like this to happen, you'll need more than OS programming geeks to bend over for you, you'll need a bunch of AI geeks too. And a bunch of lawyers, because most of the interesting and innovative stuff is protected by patents.
        • In a word? (Score:5, Informative)

          by bonch ( 38532 ) on Monday April 19, 2004 @02:03AM (#8901824)
          However the programmer should be a slave to the user?

          In a word...yes. Or else you fail usability.

          Nobody's gonna act like your app is some gift from heaven. If users can't use it, they'll bitch and move on to something else. There are few things I hate more than programmer egos. YES, you're not God's greatest gift to computing. YES, if you're developing software you expect to be used publicly, you are slave to the users who will demand features, or else you're just another asshole who puts software out and then complains when people don't like it.
        • Re:NO setup (Score:3, Informative)

          by ciroknight ( 601098 )
          a) I feel the programmer's JOB is to be the slave to the user. If the programmer's NOT programming for the user, then he's not doing his job.

          b) "Protection from harm" was purposefully left subjective. Why? So that the implementors could choose hot to implement, and not be restricted by why _I_ or _you_ believe they should be restricted to. This is what makes programming an art, and not a science.

          c) As for the implementation you speak of, "safe mode", in my opinion, doesn't need to exist. I believe i
          • Re:NO setup (Score:3, Interesting)

            You've just described the paradox I couldn't put my finger on before: You want the programmer to be the user's "slave" and give them what they want, but the users don't even know what they want (or can't express it), and while doing what the users might want you also want the programmer ("the implementor") to choose how things should work for the user. Ouch.

            So that suggests a lot of trial and error - uh, i mean iterative development - which doesn't work so well in a public market-driven world. Fine in hous
      • Re:NO setup (Score:5, Funny)

        by MP3Chuck ( 652277 ) on Monday April 19, 2004 @12:42AM (#8901497) Homepage Journal
        Uh, how about it just uses itself while we're at it.
      • Oh, the irony! (Score:5, Insightful)

        by fm6 ( 162816 ) on Monday April 19, 2004 @01:15AM (#8901618) Homepage Journal
        A computer should be as close to self healing and reliable as possible, and whenever possible it should update and restore itself.
        Oh dear. Oh my. Do you realize you've just described the design philosophy of Microsoft Windows?

        And it's also the feature that most drives me to distraction -- the software thinks it's smarter than I am. So when something goes wrong, there's never a simple way to fix it. 'Cause the system is supposed to fix itself! Yeah, right.

        The mistake both you and Microsoft make is to assume that all the mind-numbing complexity of standard desktop systems is somehow necessary. So when something breaks, it's beyond the ability of most users to deal with it. So you add "healing" "active protection" and "automatic updates" and other stuff that stands in for the overworked system admin.

        But that just makes the problem even worse. You're adding yet more complex software, to do that automatic stuff -- and that extra software always has problems of its own.

        The right solution is to makes things simple from the start. You don't add complicated software to "heal" and update the system -- you design the system so it's less complex, and thus less fragile. So Fewer fixes and updates are necessary. And when they are necessary, the semi-skilled user can apply them himself.

        Which is, of course, never going to happen. That would mean cutting back on cool features. Which is what drives software development -- both in the traditional and open source marketplaces.

        • Uh (Score:5, Insightful)

          by bonch ( 38532 ) on Monday April 19, 2004 @02:06AM (#8901838)
          The mistake both you and Microsoft make is to assume that all the mind-numbing complexity of standard desktop systems is somehow necessary.

          The mistake YOU make is assuming a self-healing system somehow equates to Windows, just because you don't like how Windows attempts its self-healing.

          WTF does Windows have to do with Linux? Are you saying we can't do better? Or that we shouldn't try?

          I don't get this incessant need for people to be resistant to change, progress, and making things easier. It's not going to make the CLR go away, don't worry. :P
          • Re:Uh (Score:5, Insightful)

            by ultranova ( 717540 ) on Monday April 19, 2004 @07:30AM (#8902815)
            The mistake YOU make is assuming a self-healing system somehow equates to Windows, just because you don't like how Windows attempts its self-healing.

            WTF does Windows have to do with Linux? Are you saying we can't do better? Or that we shouldn't try?

            The mistake you make is assuming that Linux, which is essentially a patchwork system put together from pieces scavenged from here and there (with the GNU project being the biggest donator) and assembled in wildly varying configurations by different distributors, running anywhere from server sto desktops, with users customizing it further, would somehow be a better target for this than Windows which is developed by a single corporation and offers very little real customizing possibilities (no, changing mouse cursors and desktop backgrounds do not count).

            There is subsystems where self-healing is appropriate (such as filesystems), but a general, system-wide healing capability ? No.

            I don't get this incessant need for people to be resistant to change, progress, and making things easier.

            Because I have a very nasty mental image of spending three hours configuring the machine and wondering why the darn thing won't work, and then finding out that some subsystem didn't like the new values and "fixed" them to something the programmer, who's never even seen my machine, thought would be appropriate.

            I also remember installing new display drivers in Windows, just to find out that they couldn't detect the possible refresh rates for my display, and thus locked it to a safe choice of 70 Hz. Safe for the display, maybe, but not for my eyes.

            Fortunately, I was able to install an older version of the drivers, which was dumb and didn't bother checking if the refresh rate I gave it (85 Hz) was possible or not, and thus worked perfectly. Suppose, however, that some automatic self-healing function had decided that I was making a mistake and restored the new drivers at the next startup ? I would have been screwed.

            So don't give me a computer that tries to be smart and second-guess me, give me a computer that's dumb as a brick and does what I tell it to do.

            Have the computer ask for confirmation for potentially destructive commands. If Joe User can't or won't read them, then Joe has no one to blame than himself if something bad happens. And if Joe can't or won't take resposibility for his own actions and blames others, then Joe shouldn't be using computers in the first place, at least not without supervision.

            It's not going to make the CLR go away, don't worry. :P

            User interface has little if anything to do with self-healing systems. They are tangentual issues.

            What I'm worried about is that this will be the first step towards a DRM remote controlled computer. After all, a general self-healing system is one which tries to restore itself into a given state if it's moved from that state. I'm worried about the implied loss of control, if my computer will attempt to determine for itself what this state should be.

            "If you want to install this program, you must first get authorization from The Microsoft Corporation. Press here to get authorization. Authorization will cost 1 per program."

            "The program you tried to install,, is not certified and cannot be installed. However, a certified program performing the same function was found: Microsoft Office. Would you like to purchase and install Microsoft Office now for 500 ?"

            "An attempt to alter the protection settings of this computer has been noticed and prevented for your protection. Would you like to download wallpapers instead ?"

            "An attempt to download a CD image file has been detected. You have not detected authorization from the Microsoft Corporation to download this file. The download has been halted for your protection."

            "An attempt to boot from an unauthorized CD has been detected. You are not authorized to boot from a CD that has not been certified by Microsoft. This machine will now continue it's normal bootup sequence. Press any key to continue."

    • Re:EASIER SETUP! (Score:3, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward
      Huh. What linux distro do you use? Debian?

      Mandrake is pretty easy to setup for day to day use. As PJ says, it does take a bit of learning to do stuff that's not normal.

      Do you realize how massive the world of GNU/linux is? The project of making it all easy for the user isn't as easy as with windows. Where there are 5 apps for windows, there are 30 apps for linux (if not more). All with different levels of functionality.

      I think what someone should do is enable Newbie mode, and make linux like being i

      • Re:EASIER SETUP! (Score:3, Interesting)

        by icypyr0 ( 636724 )
        Maybe it's fairly easy to install and use Linux; at least to you and me. However, what about the legions of AOL users who can barely check their email without having their hand held? Do you honestly think that they would be able to use Linux on a day to day basis without problems?

        I personally like Linux, and think that it is the most powerful home operating system out there. However, I wish people would stop saying that Linux is the Windows killer, and just call linux what it is: a powerful hobbyist OS. N
        • Re:EASIER SETUP! (Score:5, Insightful)

          by trans_err ( 606306 ) <<ebenoist> <at> <>> on Monday April 19, 2004 @12:19AM (#8901399) Homepage
          Those AOL users you referenced most likely couldn't install Windows XP either. People need to remember that the Windows XP install is no cake walk (you even have to do partitioning).
          • Re:EASIER SETUP! (Score:4, Insightful)

            by Total_Wimp ( 564548 ) on Monday April 19, 2004 @01:51AM (#8901780)
            Aint it the truth. XP is "the easiest OS to install(TM)" only because it comes pre-installed on >90% of all PCs. Linux would be "just as easy(TM)" if it came preinstalled.

            You guys are barking up the wrong tree with making installs easy. The easiest OS I've ever personally installed was Knopix and the second easies was Red Hat. XP and Win Server 2003 both required much more effort. What you all need to be focusing on is the user experience after the install. My short list:

            1. Adding hardware can be amazingly easy or a massive pain in the ass. There needs to be a third choice. When there are no preinstalled, autodecting drivers for a piece of hardware, the OS needs to do a better job of helping the user resolve the situation.

            2. Drag and drop. Yeah, they're getting better at this, but it has a way to go. If you're used to doing it, it's hard to go back.

            3. Context sensitive help/rollover help/question-mark help: If you develop on an open source project that has a GUI, why don't you give some really good help to people where they need it? They will love you for it. Even geeks don't know what all that stuff is that you want them to click on.

        • Re:EASIER SETUP! (Score:5, Insightful)

          by westlake ( 615356 ) on Monday April 19, 2004 @01:21AM (#8901650)
          I personally like Linux, and think that it is the most powerful home operating system out there. However, I wish people would stop saying that Linux is the Windows killer, and just call linux what it is: a powerful hobbyist OS. Noobs/ lazy people need not apply.

          The first key to understanding users of Windows and the Mac is that they want the O/S to fade into the background. The needs and obsessions of the O/S hobbyist, the developer, the system administrator, fundamentally do not interest them.

          But it is a dangerous mistake to call them noobs or lazy because their focus lies elsewhere. They can spend an extraordinary amount of time and money in the mastery of applications which interest them, Photoshop and Office are the obvious examples and they can be quick and ruthless in weeding out the second-rate.

          Let RealNetworks stand as the example here,

    • Re:EASIER SETUP! (Score:5, Interesting)

      by supun ( 613105 ) on Sunday April 18, 2004 @11:55PM (#8901260)
      Actually, it is easy. The difference is Windows comes pre-installed on the system people buy, so they don't have to install and set it up. If people (children, old people, and those without a lot of computer experience) had to install Linux or Windows by themselves, they'd find it equally hard.

      Beyond that, Windows has a clear advantage since you can buy a box with the software in it from your local Walmart. That's a lot easier than going using the Internet and finding it yourself, to people with little computer experience.

      Linux needs software Kiosks that will burn people a CD with Mozilla, OpenOffice, KDE, etc since you won't find that software in a box on a self at a local Walmart.
      • Re:EASIER SETUP! (Score:5, Informative)

        by CrankyFool ( 680025 ) on Monday April 19, 2004 @12:01AM (#8901296)
        That crack you're on is really, really good. Where can I get one?

        I've been managing UNIX systems for about fourteen years now, with a focus on Solaris. I've installed my share of W95/W98/W2K/WXP systems. I've pretty much always had an install that ended up being what I expected it to be. I have read *no* documentation on how to install Windows. Ever. I'm pretty sure that I've never even watched someone install Windows.

        I've installed Linux a few times. I had to tell it what serial mouse I was using and what video card I was using. I had to figure out how to apportion swap. Mind you, figuring out what swap was was easy for me coming from the UNIX world, but for the average person? And the tool to repartition the filesystem was ... well, less intuitive than Windows. We'll leave it at that.

        Look, Windows is the scourge of humanity, there's no disagreement there. But claiming it's as easy to install Linux as it is to install Windows? That way lies insanity.
        • Re:EASIER SETUP! (Score:5, Informative)

          by swillden ( 191260 ) * <> on Monday April 19, 2004 @12:34AM (#8901463) Journal

          I've installed Linux a few times... But claiming it's as easy to install Linux as it is to install Windows? That way lies insanity.

          Your comment makes clear that you haven't installed Linux in the last year or two, or if you have, that you haven't used an easy-to-install distribution. Most modern distributions install more quickly, more easily and with fewer questions than Windows does. Oh, and they do more stuff after the install is complete.

          Grab a current Mandrake CD, for example and give that a try. You'll be surprised.

          • Uh (Score:5, Informative)

            by bonch ( 38532 ) on Monday April 19, 2004 @02:16AM (#8901892)
            I've installed plenty of distros in the past two years. Everything he said is true. Heck, Mandrake even wanted me to check the button for the 3-button mouse, then shake the cursor all over the screen to get it to work (huh?).

            In Windows, it just knows when I plug the damned thing in.

            Red Hat still asks you to partition things, and to mark out swap space, etc. It also asks you for a lot more network configuration than Windows does (Windows lets you just check "Typical settings"), generally asks for more questions on things like security levels, program groups to install, and so forth. Hell, check out the look on someone's face when they're asked to install a "bootloader"--what's more, their choices are things called "LILO" and "GRUB," typical OSS project names definitely showing how useful they are to people outside of development communities. :P

            He's right--to say Linux is easier to install than Windows is insane fanboyism. It's just not true, and there's nothing wrong with admitting that so it can be addressed.
    • Re:EASIER SETUP! (Score:3, Insightful)

      by PsiPsiStar ( 95676 )
      I agree, but it seems like the article is about better documentation rather than actual suggestions for software.

      Anything that helps with the particulars of hardware configuration would help me.
  • by icypyr0 ( 636724 ) <icypyro@wi.rr. c o m> on Sunday April 18, 2004 @11:34PM (#8901148)
    Surely, the biggest problem with linux is the very problem that Groklaw is attempting to address -- usability. Admit it, the learning curve for linux is huge, like it or not.

    Linux will never be able to truly have a mainstream challenge to Windows until it applies the tried and true formula of Microsoft, AOL, and all of those massive software companies.
    • by BiggerIsBetter ( 682164 ) on Sunday April 18, 2004 @11:53PM (#8901251)
      The learning curve with ANY new operating system is large. Every tried to teach someone with no experience how to use Windows? It's hard. The Mac succeeds somewhat by hiding much of the complexity, and reducing the options available to the user. It make it hard to mess up, whereas Linux and Windows give the user the freedom to make mistakes (when working as root, anyway).

      The Linux vendors can't follow the MS route, because they can't strong-arm hardware and software vendors to produce products for their OS. This is a good thing, and FWIW, trying to compete with AOL is kinda silly anyway. It's a sad day when a Linux distro proclaims it's got the dumbass market sewn up. :-D Seriously though, there's little incentive to sell the public an OS for the most part. The market is really in pre-installed systems - most punters don't mess with their systems once they're setup - and for that to happen vendors need to risk the wrath of MS by installing the competitor's software. It's a risky venture for them, so it won't happen until Linux is seen as foolproof, and has greater perceived application support - that's marketing folks, for Scribus, OpenOffice, The Gimp, and most of all, for Games.
      • by startled ( 144833 ) on Monday April 19, 2004 @01:12AM (#8901601)
        "The learning curve with ANY new operating system is large. Every tried to teach someone with no experience how to use Windows? It's hard."

        Absolutely. For quite some time I believed, as do most, that Windows was simply more usable than Linux, hence its popularity.

        Then I set some people up using Windows that had no computer experience, or had only Mac experience, or had only DOS experience.

        What an eye-opener. These people were absolutely as perplexed by Windows as you can imagine. It's as if you shoved them in front of a strange screen with thousands of dials and knobs, none with an obvious purpose. They didn't understand some of the metaphors-- folders even confused one of the Mac users!

        So, in reality, people like Windows because they've already learned how to use it.
    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      Comment removed based on user account deletion
    • No, I won't admit it. A friend of mines computer was hit by a couple viruses. She'd never used Linux before, isn't a computer geek, and yet she had a good grasp of knoppix by the end of the day I burned a cd for her. The only question she had to ask was the name of a cd burning program, and after that she had no problems backing up the files from windows. Even better in light of the fact that she'd only burned cds in windows a few times, so doing that on any system was a fairly new thing.
  • by ObviousGuy ( 578567 ) <> on Sunday April 18, 2004 @11:36PM (#8901163) Homepage Journal
    If the telephone line is not plugged in, there should be no dial tone available for the modem. It should not result in the modem being undetectable.

    If PJ's experience with Knoppix is really as she says, there seems to be a serious problem with Linux (at least Knoppix).

    Hopefully this kind of focus on improving Linux documentation will result in something tangible. ESR had his say a few months ago, now PJ has hers. There seems to be a very large movement of newbies demanding better docs. Let's all hope that the wizards among us hear them and provide us all with better information than we've got now.
    • Actually it was originaly a problem in Windows.

      She used Knoppix to verify that it was not a problem with the operating system or drivers, and was instead a problem of the modem.
  • Big Deterent (Score:4, Insightful)

    by dirkdidit ( 550955 ) on Sunday April 18, 2004 @11:37PM (#8901166) Homepage
    One of the major things that deters a lot of people from using Linux is the difficulty of installing an application. One Windows it's just a matter of downloading one file and double clicking it.

    On Linux, you've gotta download that one file and then find all of it's dependencies that aren't installed on your system and install them. Then install the dependencies of the dependency. It gets to be a pain in the ass.

    RPM files were a step in the right direction but they still have their flaws. Until the application installation issue is solved, I have a feeling adoption will continue to be slow. And I'm talking about a universal solution, not something limited to one distro.
    • Re:Big Deterent (Score:5, Informative)

      by ParadoxDruid ( 602583 ) * on Sunday April 18, 2004 @11:43PM (#8901200) Homepage
      I've honestly wondered why more distros don't adopt something similar to Debian's APT.

      Apple has now, hasn't it? (I don't own a Mac myself, but I saw a friend of mine using "fink", which he described as "apt for Macs")

      I use Debian, and in 98% of all cases, I simply do apt-get install foo, and then I'm done. Menu shortcuts, proper dependencies, everything.

      Actually, I find Apt-Get far easier than Windows.
      • Re:Big Deterent (Score:3, Informative)

        by zed2 ( 254341 )
        They do! No one using almost any major distro has to download dependencies. Mandrake has urpmi, Redhat- Yum (or apt-get), SUSE-Yast, all of these take care of dependencies.

        There are still plenty of things to be fixed on the desktop for linux, but installing software is no longer one of them! It's as easy (if not easier) to install software with linux than with windows. With windows you have to find the software on the internet, download it and double click. With Mandrake (for example) you go to the menu
        • Sorry, but (Score:3, Insightful)

          by bonch ( 38532 )
          Nobody's gonna take you seriously if you tell them, "Oh, Linux software is easy to install, let me show you! Fire up the command line and type 'urpmi' or 'apt-get'..."

          I seriously wonder why nobody has implemented binary installation/uninstallation routines for the Linux desktops yet. What's the damn holdup? Users need to be able to buy a Linux application from a store, take it home, and stick in a CD to get an autoplay installer.

          Of course, to get that truly working well, you'd want a sane, robust progr
    • Re:Big Deterent (Score:5, Informative)

      by ZeeTeeKiwi ( 615374 ) on Sunday April 18, 2004 @11:46PM (#8901213)
      Dependency hell is an out of date complaint about linux.

      Urpmi, Synaptic, APT-GET etc work well so every mention of denpendency hell should at least make mention of its cure.

      • This (your statement) is an experienced user's advanced work around to a basic problem. Your statement doesn't really answer the initial question and thus doesn't remedy the problem.

        Newbies are routinely encouraged before delving into Linux to ask for help from the "gurus". Unfortunately, that is the type of answers they tend to recieve when asking questions concerning very basic functions of an operating system: "This is so outdated, only morons don't know this. Download urpmi and these libraries, change

        • You do not have to "download urpmi" on Mandrake. It comes with the distro and is ready to use. 'urpmi gimp' will automatically install The Gimp, for instance, along with any dependencies. I know what you're thinking -- too hard! Well, there's rpmdrake too, which is integrated nicely into the Mandrake Control Center. This is a graphical frontend to urpm, where you can select applications for installation or removal, or update your system with the latest security updates. Except that perhaps the GUI can
      • Re:Big Deterent (Score:4, Insightful)

        by jrcamp ( 150032 ) on Monday April 19, 2004 @12:50AM (#8901530)
        Gosh, your people sure do live in denial.

        Application installation hell certainly isn't an out of date complaint about Linux. Is somebody going to make a .rpm/.deb/.tgz for EVERY single piece of software out there? Nope. Then, it has to be in a repository to apt-get/urpmi. And finally, you have to have that repository set up. But on top of that, what about commercial software?!

        The parent was referring to an installation in Windows where you download a .exe/.msi and its a self contained installation.

        Linux can do better (have self contained insallations while keeping some form of dependency checking).

        Check out []

    • Re:Big Deterent (Score:3, Informative)

      by bfree ( 113420 )
      On Linux what one file do you have to download? Every piece of software is a bit different, most should just be installed from your distribution (automatically taking care of all dependencies), and when they aren't whoever produces it should be aware of this and make it realtively simple to install it on any distribution, if they don't whose fault is it? If you look for a few minutes though you will find plenty of examples of software with installation routines just as simple as the standard windows ins
    • Re:Big Deterent (Score:4, Insightful)

      by Lurgen ( 563428 ) on Monday April 19, 2004 @01:12AM (#8901600) Journal
      You're dead right - ease of installation, both OS and apps, is standing in the way of wide-spread acceptance of Linux.

      I work in IT as a senior systems architect. I've been a Solaris admin in my time, managed VMS systems, but these days I design and build large-scale Active Directory and Exchange systems. Yet somehow even I find it difficult at times to get a Linux box to do what I want it to do.

      Having to know the type of mouse is only the tip of the iceberg. What about the need to install all sorts of hard-to-find libraries to get some apps (especially games) to work, or the need to read complicated (and poorly written) man pages in order to maintain your installation once it's up and running.

      I'm not saying they need to dumb it down and build a wizard for everything. I'm just saying that it's hard, and most people don't want hard, they want easy. While geeks like me don't care if they lose an entire weekend to building a system, "normal" people expect to stick the CD in and have a machine built nice and fast. This is why OEM machines (like laptops, for example) come with self installing OS CDs - because that's what the bulk of customers truly want.

      Incidentally, even I'm heading towards reducing my management efforts for my home machines. Having 5 machines at home works out as a hell of a lot of admin work to add an app or hotfix to all the machines if I run Linux. Running Windows means the hotfixes install themselves, and the apps take just a few minutes to install.
  • My beef (Score:5, Interesting)

    by Sarojin ( 446404 ) on Sunday April 18, 2004 @11:37PM (#8901168)
    Really my main beef with linux is how hard it is to set the thing up when you haven't gone through the process in the last six months. I generally forget what the config file is named that I'm interested in, or where it happens to be located. Frankly, any setting that most users will have to change at some point in their life should be easily accessible through the GUI menu system.

    I will admit that it is a heck of a lot better than it used to be, but I still have to do a bit of googling to get my linux system usable. Windows on the other hand, you can go to the control panel and what you want to change will likely be in there somewhere, unless it's application specific, and you don't have to read any manuals or docs to figure out how to configure your system - it's intuitive.
    • by dbIII ( 701233 ) on Monday April 19, 2004 @02:22AM (#8901915)
      Windows on the other hand, you can go to the control panel and what you want to change will likely be in there somewhere
      Good point - but most linux distributions duplicate this sort of functionality - with a set of menu options to configure most things. If that's not enough you then go to some nice text files with comments, almost all of them in /etc, and the major ones are described in any decent unix book written after 1985. Windows on the other hand has the registry.

      Now which part of:

      HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Curr entVersion\Explorer ShowDriveLettersFirst REG_DWORD 0x4
      To change the display format in windows explorer is simple?

      In the article it talks about it there being no menu options to find things off the beaten track - like mc - the reality is there is a whole world off that track on the command line. Putting anything more than the major things in the menus without getting some disorganised mess would be a mammoth task. How do you do a GUI interface to a piece of useful weirdness with awk and grep? Check out the various front ends to transcode for an idea of how complex it can be to do a GUI for a command line program which has a lot of options.

      My favourite program on the Atari ST was one that gave you a command line (gemini), which made it a lot easier to do some things. The same principle still applies when you have a general purpose machine, the command line gives you flexibility while a menu system gives you greyed out options which you know the program can do - it just won't let you do it. A linux machine set up to be a web browser or word processing machine is trivial to use, but once you increase the options the learning curve gets steep for anyone that has only used a gui.

    • Re:My beef (Score:3, Insightful)

      by _Sprocket_ ( 42527 )

      Really my main beef with linux is how hard it is to set the thing up when you haven't gone through the process in the last six months. I generally forget what the config file is named that I'm interested in, or where it happens to be located. Frankly, any setting that most users will have to change at some point in their life should be easily accessible through the GUI menu system.

      A GUI isn't a silver bullet.

      I spend most of my time with various *nix systems (Solaris and Linux mainly). But when I ha

  • by Sarojin ( 446404 ) on Sunday April 18, 2004 @11:40PM (#8901179)
    I've been on Windows/Intel for over 10 years and have just recently installed Fedora on an older P3 500. Here are a couple of points I think are worth mentioning (ubergeeks can exclude themselves from the classifications below):

    1. Linux is ready for *some* desktops only, namely ones where users won't be constantly tweaking and installing new software and hardware. You want a computer for grandma to browse the web, send email and view a few grandkid photos? Linux is great! You want to roll out corporate desktops where employees don't really need to be able to download and install the latest version of KaZaA? Linux is a godsend (provided the business software you need is supported).

    2. Linux is *not* ready for the average user desktop. The average user wants to do everything grandma wants to do, but they also want to be able to install or upgrade software and hardware *easily*. In addition, they want a fully functional GUI, with no *necessity* of dropping to a CLI for everyday tasks. They want to be able to go to a third party software/driver website, follow the 'click here for Linux version' hyperlink, download the file, then double-click to install it.

    Needless to say, as long as Linux distributions and desktop managers continue to proliferate, the average user's requirements will never be met. I say this as a *fact* not a *prescription*, so spare me the Linux-strength-in-diversity comments. I just think you can't have your cake (freedom/diversity) and eat it too (Linux on average desktop).
  • We Only Need 5 Users (Score:5, Interesting)

    by osewa77 ( 603622 ) <> on Sunday April 18, 2004 @11:42PM (#8901191) Homepage
    Nielsen told us that we only need to test with 5 users performing representative tasks [] and for the most part I believe him. Convincing the open source program authors to make the necessary changes (as observed by the testers) is always the hard part. But then, documenting the findings of usability studies of any scale and constructing an authoritative document will be useful
    my weblog []
  • by FunWithHeadlines ( 644929 ) on Sunday April 18, 2004 @11:45PM (#8901211) Homepage
    Reading the article, PJ is talking about helping the Grandma types who want to switch to Linux. With all the publicity about Microsoft worms and virii, even the computer newbies are beginning to wonder if there is a way to use computers without the headaches of Windows. And as Linux distros get increasingly user-friendly, it enables even the total newbie to point-and-click their way to a Linux install. And that's where a need exists.

    The easy, cool, experienced thing to say in response is "RTFM" or "read the man pages and leave me alone." That works for the experienced switcher, or those who have some experience with computers. Most grandma-types (and I'm using that as a stereotype, so all you computer-whiz grandmas need not send me mail, k?) are not going to know how to even find the FM, let alone be able to RTFM. "Man pages? What's that, honey? I'm a female. Aren't there pages for me?"

    One of the good things about Microsoft is they spend the money to do usability studies so that grandma types can figure out how to send email. This grokdoc project is going to apply the many eyes principles of the community to replicate the usability principles that Microsoft can just throw money at. We can't throw money at this, but we can throw eyeballs. (go ahead, make your joke, I'll wait.)

    This is a new site, not on Groklaw itself, and it is a community project, not just PJ. So don't worry, Groklaw is not going anywhere, and PJ will still have time to tear into those legal papers. And yes, we know, there are other Linux doc projects, and those are wonderful, but they are not yet grandma-friendly enough, and so now the community will attempt to add to the existing docs something new, targeted at a new audience. An audience we actually do want to see using Linux if we are ever to see widespread adoption of the software. Remember, the /. crowd is atypical. The vast majority of computer users lack of knowledge of the machines would make our hair stand on end if we focused too much on their ignorance. So we can either crack jokes about them, or we can pause a moment and give them a helping hand. The grokdoc project is an attempt to give a helping hand to a new type of Linux user.

  • by tymbow ( 725036 ) on Sunday April 18, 2004 @11:47PM (#8901218)
    Face it - computers are fast becoming commodities. I don't think it is unreasonable to expect a computer to be as easy to use as a toaster or Microwave. Yes, us geeks will whine about it but why should mum and dad give a toss about where some dumb configuration file is or what some arcane command line parameters are. They just want to write an e-mail, a spreadsheet or visit a few websites...
    • Bad analogy (Score:3, Insightful)

      by rsilvergun ( 571051 )
      Toasters and Microwaves do only one thing (toast/heat). Most computer's today have a wide range of functions and are on order of magnitude more complex than any other gadget you're liable to find around the house. The only way to make computers as simple as a toaster is to start limiting what they can do. Taking away the ability to load you're own OS is a good place to start.

  • Excellent plan. (Score:3, Interesting)

    by dekashizl ( 663505 ) on Sunday April 18, 2004 @11:48PM (#8901221) Journal
    Great plan of action to accomplish this (as described in the Groklaw article []). My take on it is basically:
    • 1. Distributed network of tech-savvy people collect usability data by observing newbs interact with GNU/Linux systems in basic set of tasks ("email, a simple letter, a firewall, and surf the internet").
    • 2. Usabilty data (collected from step 1) is aggregated and publicly archived in its raw form.
    • 3. A public Wiki is created by the community (based upon the collected data from step 2).
    • 4. At the same time, an "official" Wiki is created by smaller core team (based upon the collected data from step 2).

    The result of this is to have a huge archive of usability studies, a self-moderated public discussion on it, and an official document with polished observations and recommendations. So a few details need to be worked out (including a good format for the usability data), but the overall plan sounds excellent.
  • Wikis (Score:4, Interesting)

    by faust2097 ( 137829 ) on Sunday April 18, 2004 @11:50PM (#8901234)
    I guess this can double as a usability test for Wikis as well. Not that they're an unusable system by design but it depends on all the contributors documenting every node they make and name very well and according to a good architecture.
  • Linux: Usable? (Score:3, Interesting)

    by airjrdn ( 681898 ) on Sunday April 18, 2004 @11:50PM (#8901236) Homepage
    I think so. I'm a Windows user, but I've tried a lot of the more popular distros off and on since around v5 or so of Redhat if I remember correctly.

    I'm a developer, so I'm not afraid of getting my hands dirty with a little configuring. I do quite a bit of tweaking to base installs of Windows, but those tweaks are for performance or preference, not to make things work.

    I find Linux is just fine for most daily tasks, and usually has a comparable way of doing almost everything I do in Windows. The problem is getting them installed and running.

    I fault Linux in the usability arena for two reasons. Having to mess with config/ini files to make things work post "install", and how it reacts when something does go wrong.

    If I install a piece of software, it should work after the install. I shouldn't have to change keyword/value pairs in a config file to complete the install.

    If I screw up my video drivers, put me in the GUI at 640x480 and let me try again. Making me resort to command line hacking when I don't have a clue where to start only gets Linux one thing...uninstalled.

    I guess one other thing I'd suggest to Linux developers is, at some point...release version 1.0!

    Regardless of whether you are 100% certain it's perfect or not, which looks more inviting to the average user:

    My Program Beta
    My Program 1.0 Beta 1

    Just look around Sourceforge, is anything at v1 yet? :)
  • Usability is fine (Score:5, Insightful)

    by mao che minh ( 611166 ) on Sunday April 18, 2004 @11:52PM (#8901244) Journal
    The Linux desktop (traditionally KDE or Gnome) does not need to gain more usability for Linux to gain more market acceptance. Linux needs killer home-use apps that people can't do without, and also apps that businesses find economically viable to use and eventually rely on.

    Windows is pervasive for many reasons, but two of the most critical reasons are the Office Suite and Exchange.

    Just look at Mac OS X: arguably as usable (or more usable) as Windows 98/2000/XP, but a tiny market share.

    • Linux needs killer home-use apps that people can't do without, and also apps that businesses find economically viable to use and eventually rely on.

      Okay, this is nothing against you but I need to get this off my chest.

      I use mac os x but I keep an eye on Linux because I think the open source/free software is interesting. While I'm skeptical of it actually happening, I'd like to see Linux, in some form, become a solid desktop operating system.

      In my mind, one of the most interesting things about open

  • by newdamage ( 753043 ) on Sunday April 18, 2004 @11:55PM (#8901261) Homepage Journal
    Usability studies are great, and will definately help Linux down the road, but can we agreed on some general standards first? RPMs, or source compliation, or tgz packages? Swaret, Apt, Portage? Gnome or KDE?

    These things make Linux awesome and infuriating at the same time. The choice is awesome, because if you don't like one thing, then something else is probably available that does it differently. But then it comes down to hoping your distro has packages for the software you want, or you get to be brave enough to compile everything from source and hope you don't get stuck in dependancy limbo.

    Maybe a large distro collalition is needed where the big guys all agreed to at least use a standard frontend? That way they can all still use different backends, but people would be able to sit down at a different distro and easy jump right in. How to do this? Heh, right. If I knew that answer I'd be rich, not posting on Slashdot.
  • by webword ( 82711 ) on Sunday April 18, 2004 @11:56PM (#8901268) Homepage
    Unlike software development via open source usability is something that is not easily done without money. Developers are willing to program for ego, and to scratch the itch. However, usability is not like that. Usability virtually requires money because of the way that it is done.

    Usability is much more than doing surveys, or talking to people, or just watching people. That is "street level" usability, as I like to call it. But, it isn't what is needed to Linux. What is needed is a fully funded usability study. It can be done, and done cheaply if done right, but to think that it can be done in some "open" fashion isn't workable.

    Consider for a moment that reliable data is needed. To get reliable data, you often need to motivate people with money. The best usability studies pay people for their participation. The payment generates motivation and focus.

    But there is more. Usability is a research activity, and it is a human to human activity. When people have to talk to each other, or when people have to observe other people, the labor takes time. That time is not "free" time. It isn't sweat equity, it is real time. Developer time is often hobby time. Granted hibby time will get a lot done, but it can be done cheaply or free whereas usability labor costs money.

    Finally, I am confused about the scope of the research. Do we really want research that covers everything, in an unstructured WiKi environment? Not me. I'd rather gather data piece by piece. This is a time to start small and grow over time. Get some little victories first, then expand.
  • by Azureflare ( 645778 ) on Monday April 19, 2004 @12:02AM (#8901303)
    This might highlight one of the potential flaws in the Open Source community: That if people don't like doing something "unnecessary," it probably won't get done.

    Most people like developing for linux as a hobby, or for fun. Rarely is it for money. And often if it is for money, they only need to get the product working. There's no golden "standard" for walkthrough-esque documentation for linux applications.

    The man pages are the typical standard, but they are a far cry from what Ms. PJ is asking for (and many others as well).

    Though this is a major task, I still think the reason documentation is lagging behind program development is less people find it a job they enjoy doing.

    Perhaps the main reason why there aren't many who find this enjoyable, is that mainly it is the technical types who get involved with developing in linux. I don't think you'll see english majors or doc writers taking to the linux platform.

    The more writers/language focused people that get interested in linux, the more possibility there will be for better walkthrough type documentation.

    The linux documentation project is a great start. I think it will be able to evolve into something which will be of great use to newbie users of linux.

    I may even consider pitching in; I've got tons of pointers and tips that I have written down so I don't forget them (I constantly forget certain commandline actions which I only use every month or so). I've often considered putting up a website; but as many people have posted about the linux documentation project, maybe I could just pitch in there?

    I'm not a very experienced programmer (I'm still a sophomore in college, CS Major) and I do enjoy writing as a hobby. I've always wanted to contribute to linux, because I believe in the ideals the Open Source community represents. Maybe this will be my summer project =D

    • The more writers/language focused people that get interested in linux, the more possibility there will be for better walkthrough type documentation.

      I am a writer/language-focused person. I even spent years working as a tech writer. I code like crap. Yet all I've "given" to the world is a few freeware command line utilities and a couple of scripts.

      The motivation for much of open source is need. Someone needs (or at least wants) some software functionality that just isn't out there, or isn't out there for
    • There's simply little glory in writing a nice manual.

      We monkeys are impressed by flashy, impressive looking (even if functionally vapid) things. This is why there may be 10 million screen savers or fancy looking mp3 players - but nary a decent accounting package.

      Why? Because who wants to write things like accounting software in their sparetime for no pay? Could you go to your mailing list collegues and say "i sure did optimize the hell out of that accounts receivable sub-menu, whew!" Even though somet
  • The Clipboard (Score:5, Informative)

    by Dlugar ( 124619 ) on Monday April 19, 2004 @12:05AM (#8901318) Homepage
    Everyone knows the clipboard in Linux has some problems. But few know exactly how deep these problems go.

    In my opinion, there should be two separate clipboards, which I refer to as the "Tempboard" and the "Permboard" for clarity. Yes, I hear many of you saying--this is the way it's implemented. Well, yes--partially. Let me first explain The Right Way to Do It, followed by applications that break the rules.

    The Right Way to Do It:

    On Selection:
    * Send selected-stuff to Tempboard
    On Shift-Ins or Middle-Click:
    * Paste contents of Tempboard
    On Deselection:
    1) Leave the Tempboard as is
    or 2) Clear the Tempboard

    * Send most recently selected stuff from active window to Permboard.
    On CTRL-V:
    * Paste contents of Permboard

    (I'm using Eterm 0.9.2, Gaim 0.75, and Opera 7.23 on a Fedora box. Please let me know if these errors don't happen on other versions or other distros.)

    1. Select some text in a Gaim window, then close that window and attempt to middle-click paste it into another program. No pastage.
      Problem: The Tempboard gets deleted when the window is closed.
    2. In Gaim, select some text in the textbox and then attempt to middle-click pa ste it to the same text box. No pastage.
      Problem: The Tempboard gets deleted when you middle-click inside the same text input widget.
    3. Highlight some text in Opera. Then unselect it. Try to middle-click paste it somewhere. It works!
      Problem: Opera uses "fake selects" in order to work around the clumsy situation of not being able to highlight multiple things at the same time. Firefox does is that well, and so does As we shall see, they don't always get it right.
    4. Highlight some text in Opera. Unselect it. Highlight something in another window and close that window. Try to middle-click paste--you get the old fake Opera-select.
      Problem: The Tempboard reverts to Opera's old fake-select when the window is closed.
    5. Highlight something in an Opera textbox. Middle-click it to the url box. It works. Highlight something using the keyboard. Middle-click it to the url box. It pastes instead your old highlight.
      Problem: Highlighting with the keyboard doesn't update the Tempboard.
    6. In the Gaim textbox, type "Text1". Select the text and CTRL-X it. Type "Text2" in the textbox. From another window, select "Text3".
      Go back to Gaim, select "Text2", and type Shift-Ins. "Text1" is pasted.
      Problem: Shift-Ins pastes from the Permboard, not Tempboard.
    7. CTRL-X "Text1" in Gaim again. Select text from Eterm. Shift-Ins in the terminal window. Shift-ins in Gaim. Different things are pasted to each window!
      Problem: Shift-ins pastes from the Tempboard in Eterm, but pastes from the Permboard in the Gaim window.
    8. CTRL-C text in Gaim's chat screen, and try CTRL-V to paste it into the textbox below. It instead pastes what was previously in the Permboard.
      Problem: Selecting chat text and CTRL-C doesn't update the Permboard.
    Does anybody else have ones they'd like to add to my list?

  • configurability (Score:4, Insightful)

    by ejaw5 ( 570071 ) on Monday April 19, 2004 @12:30AM (#8901451)
    As part of *usability*, configurability has to be improved across all the distros. All should have 3 ways to config some thing:

    -vi/emacs/pico: manually edit the files
    -CLI, text based app: application that runs in console to automate config
    -GUI: pretty, click-and-hit-OK.

    I'm a RedHat/Fedora guy, but have tried my hands on Slackware, Debian, and SuSE, but always came back to RH/Fedora. Before I talk about configuring things post-install, the distros HAVE to get some things in the install, such as installing/enabling USB-HID by default and setting up X to use both PS/2 and USB mouse, which is especially useful for laptop users. Another includes USB-Mass Storage..and sound (for most modern cards anyway) RH8.0+ has gotten it right on the USB-HID, slack/suse(8.2) didn't. The Debian installer doesn't tell you that you have to add users to the audio group to get sound working.

    Now, onto post-install config. RH/Fedora/SuSE have it right on providing GUI config tools for printers and network setup. For everyday settings, one should not have to google for config file HOWTOs to set up a printer at a remote location, or punch in a dial-up number.

    Text-based config need in case the GUI goes in setting up the X server. I'm pretty sure most distros have such tools, but there needs to be standardization in naming them. Whatever happened to linuxconf? It's still around but not included in any of the distros I've tried recently.

    Manually editing files is great in case there's a certain option that you need is is rarely used and not included in the automated tools. Plus, you can always copy the config files to a floppy for quick recovery if you reinstall the system.

    For the manual file editing, there NEEDS to be a standardization on file locations, or a list generated that tells where the files are exactly. E.G.:I was trying to look for the iptables file under Slack (RH keeps it at /etc/sysconfig/iptables), but Slack didn't have a sysconfig dir within /etc..and unless I overlooked it, it wasn't in the /etc directory.
  • With one huge exception: software installation

    Now, if it happens to be one of the applications bundled with Mandrake I can just use the software installer and everything works perfectly every time. However, whether I'm downloading and compiling from source or trying to install RPM's, I've repeatedly been dragged into what can only be called dependency hell!

    OK, I've downloaded NiftyApp. If I'm compiling from source, I'll find out about the dependencies while running ./configure; with RPM, I find out when it spits out the word "depencencies:"

    So I find out what it's dependencies are. I go to Google and RPMFind and locate + download the required packages. But lo and behold, these packages too have unsatisfied dependencies. Sometimes I end up repeating this cycle so many times I just give up: For God's sake, how many damn dependencies can this program *HAVE*?

    Other times (This is usually where I give up), the computer starts acting as if it's on crack:
    rpm -i annoying-dependency.rpm
    Error: package annoying-dependency is already installed.
    rpm -e annoying-dependency
    Error: Package not installed.
    Make up your mind: Which is it, installed or not installed?!?!?

    In short, I'm saying that Linux seriously needs to improve packaging. At the very least, list all the packages that your program needs installed before it can compile in a help file. That will at least save me the trouble of discovering them manually. Or list the deps on your website or Sourceforge page. I've tried installing K3D, for example, and just given up, having hunted down about 8 other RPMs and then getting the crack scenario described above. Even if it doesn't prove impossible to clear up the dependencies, It's still a major PITA to try and install, for example, MPlayer and end up downloading 5 packages for that program, and then hunting down 6 more for A/V control.

    Now, I'm pretty technically proficient. I'm not afraid of the evil command line, I can use a console, and don't mind manually editing config files. If *I* can't get half the programs I download to install, what hope do ordinary users have? (Heck, considering the obscene amount of hard drive space most of us have, why not just offer a statically compiled version for download? It was the only way I could get the Game of Life (GOL) to work)

    Luckily, Linux comes with about 95% of the applications I would ever use anyway. But the remaining 5% make me want to pull my hair out!
    • Dependency Hell

      Yeah, I hate this one myself. I hate spending ages downloading something, then realising that I've still got several components to hunt down and install/reinstall/upgrade first.

      apt-get really is your friend in these situations. OK, it's only as good as the repositories for whatever distro you're running. But if it contains the program you're after, it'll contain the dependencies, too. Then it just does the whole thing foe you.
      (But in a rather nice verbose way so it actually tells you what changes it's making. Maybe not essential for newbies, but I certainly appreciate learning these things.)

      Or list the deps on your website or Sourceforge page.

      Actually, I'm finding that an increasing number of projects are actually doing this. And not only do they list the dependencies, but quite often they link to the Project Page for the dependency in question.

      Heck, considering the obscene amount of hard drive space most of us have, why not just offer a statically compiled version for download?

      That would be nice, too. If for nothing else than for use in "If all else fails" scenarios. I'm not sure how viable it'd be, though. Both technically and license-wise.
      Plus, for the things that do get static binaries, statis packages would be nice. Or at least an install-script. Actually, the latter would be nice. You can run it and get the work done for you, but then you can also look at the script and see exactly where what things are being put.

  • by I_redwolf ( 51890 ) on Monday April 19, 2004 @01:06AM (#8901579) Homepage Journal
    The problem with Usability or taking suggestions from users is that they typically do not know what they need and/or want until they need and/or want it. This goes for everything, when someone buys a new car, how often do they read the documentation? When someone gets a new gift, how often do they read the documentation. They can't make any suggestions to usability if they themselves don't know how to use the system. So; you get your typical response.

    "Make it easier, make everything easier, make everything do everything by itself so I don't have to worry about anything. When I turn on my computer it should know that I'm hungry and offer me something to eat. All this stuff is hard to install and use."

    "Well, did you read the easy 10 steps to get it working".

    "I shouldn't need to read that stuff is what I'm saying."

    No matter what you do you'll always get something along those lines. Documentation doesn't make usability better when it's not read. Personally I believe the best way to make a usable interface would be to incorporate neural network like functionality into the interface and the way it operates. This way, the interface accomodates the user based on the usability guidelines provided by the programmer and will compensate for a specific users behavior.
  • by rainman_bc ( 735332 ) on Monday April 19, 2004 @01:13AM (#8901607)

    One thing I noticed about users is they are averse to change. Here's a typical user:

    You add 300 new features to their OS, KDE rocks. But they can't find their "A" drive. "I have to go to /mnt/fd0 instead?" Because of this, they will hate it. Here's the proof.

    We took a company with a shit MS-access app thingy and converted it to a web based app. It ran faster, more stable, suppored more users, etc... Lots of plusses. But the select box in MS-Access lets you type in it to lookup values, rather than just the first letter like in a browser. We added hundreds of new features, but because they lost one the upgrade was crap and they couldn't use it. I'm afraid that it's all about who bitches the loudest

  • by jasontheking ( 124650 ) on Monday April 19, 2004 @01:16AM (#8901622)
    If you're using mencoder or transcode , and you don't get the command line options perfect, the program will spit out 6 pages of the man page at you , which fills up the scrollback buffer on an xterm , which stops you from figuring out what went wrong.

    My idea for increased usability? Don't just spit out the man page at people , take the time to look at the options given to you in the program , and actually say what's wrong. Don't just blindly print out the man page.
  • Bad idea... (Score:4, Insightful)

    by ameoba ( 173803 ) on Monday April 19, 2004 @02:23AM (#8901917)
    Anyone who pastes a link to an open Wiki on the front page of Slashdot is asking for serious trouble...
  • Thus... (Score:4, Funny)

    by michaelhood ( 667393 ) on Monday April 19, 2004 @02:25AM (#8901932)
    coining the phrase:
    IANALUE - I am not a Linux Usability Expert.
  • Sell out (Score:5, Insightful)

    by droleary ( 47999 ) on Monday April 19, 2004 @02:47AM (#8902021) Homepage

    There is no need for any new usability studies, there is only a need for Linux developers to give a damn about the ones that have already been done. The root of the problem is money. Without a large influx of money, open source developers are coding for themselves, not as part of a job to help others. They scratch their own itches and expect others to scratch their own. To do otherwise amounts to selling out, and for nothing at that. That seems to be the attitude, anyway, and it needs to change.

    The solution isn't more documentation, it's quite plainly more money and more developers who are willing to "sell out" to actually make Linux useful to the general population. You need to start by discarding KDE and Gnome; the more you cry about the loss, the more you ensure Linux will never be ready for the desktop. Mac OS X makes a usable Unix desktop, and many of their lessons learned are available via GNUstep. Why so many open source developers ignore GNUstep is beyond me.

    The solution is to stop putting out distributions that have packages for everything under the sun, often times with dozens of ways to do the same thing. It's about time we all picked a browser, just one, and ran with it. Yeah, a system should have multiple browsers available, but there should be one "official" Linux browser. As it stands, all the options being available all the time just confuses the hell out of users. There needs to be a base functionality that is available across all distributions, something that can be branded and advertised as the one true Linux Standard Installation. Right now, the name Linux doesn't really mean anything specific and useful to most non-geek people.

  • by Pedrito ( 94783 ) on Monday April 19, 2004 @06:18AM (#8902612)
    Maybe something that ought to come out of this is some style guidelines for developers. Not coding style so much as UI style guidelines.

    The first post on Groklaw has to do with squirrelmail and how the buttons for flagging messages as read, unread, and important confuse the users because they simply set a flag for the message but don't really perform any action otherwise. This is a bad use for buttons and really should be a checkbox or a checked menu item kind of thing.

    Linux could really use more consistency with this sort of thing. One of the things Windows has always had going for it is that MS has always pushed for a consistent style in applications. To the point where a basic MFC app would begin with menu items for basic window functions and the basic copy, cut, and paste menu items. Small things, but I bet a hell of a lot more MFC apps have copy, cut, and paste because of it, and most users know where to find it because of that.

    Something like this would really benefit Linux if developers would follow it. The problem is that there's nobody pushing these kinds of standards. It would require a group that's already respected in the Linux community to push something like this. It would help if applications were then rated by how well they stick to the style guidelines. Users could then use this as part of their basis for evaluating which applications to use. By knowing that an application follows the style guidelines, they will know that an application is going to generally be easier for their users to learn because it should then be like other applications in its style.

    Oh well, just my thoughts.

"Religion is something left over from the infancy of our intelligence, it will fade away as we adopt reason and science as our guidelines." -- Bertrand Russell
