Novell Announces SUSE Linux 9.1 435
ravydavygravy writes "Novell today released details of the next incarnation of its linux products, Suse 9.1, based on the 2.6 kernel. It will come in both 32 and 64-bit versions, and includes a LiveCD version, to help people convince their Windows-loving friends to make the switch. It'll ship with Gnome 2.4.2 and KDE 3.2.1, as well as demo versions of the text processing application Textmaker and the spreadsheet application Planmaker (from Softmaker - but do we really need another office suite?). Samba 3 will also feature in the default setup."
Will Novell get killed by the company's own vision (Score:3, Insightful)
I wonder whether corporations as big as Novell can survive in a "world without information boundaries". I'd expect that in such a world, networks of smaller (much more nible) companies will rule.
Re:Will Novell get killed by the company's own vis (Score:2, Interesting)
I'm not sure what that phrase means other than being marketing fluff. No information boundries would me no infomation security, right?
What is a "world without information boundaries"? (Score:3, Interesting)
Hmmm... I'd define "world without information boundaries" as "a world in which no-one has an economic incentive to deny you access to any information that would be useful to you for some legitimate purpose".
This doesn't rule out securing computer systems against crackers, and it doesn't rule out using cryptography for protecting the privacy of truly personal matters.
However I'd say that business practices of selling a GNU/Linux distr
Re:Will Novell get killed by the company's own vis (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Will Novell get killed by the company's own vis (Score:5, Funny)
Jeez, Pedro. Unless you disenfranchise your information boundries, how can you ever hope to leverage your knowledge resources in a dynamic way to effect optimal... uh...
(shit. let me find my brochure. oh - here it is.)
Re:Will Novell get killed by the company's own vis (Score:3, Funny)
Whoa... that's a verbatim quote of what my boss said during my last performance appraisal... are you secretly my boss?
Comment removed (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Will Novell get killed by the company's own vis (Score:3, Insightful)
That is part of the joys of SuSE... (Score:5, Interesting)
The hardest part is figuring out what you want.
You are given a choice of a dozen text editors, several office suites, and about 8 or so window managers. Takes a full day to figure out which of the 5000 odd software packages to install, an hour or less to actually do it.
Re:That is part of the joys of SuSE... (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:That is part of the joys of SuSE... (Score:5, Informative)
In the other hand, SuSE have some default selections or aggroupations of packages, where instead of selecting one by one you get in one category a lot of related programs (i.e. you can select KDE or gnome desktop, or development packages or things like that) selected in group but where you can deselect things from there. That helps dealing with such amount of programs.
Another strategy you can use to install distributions with that order of available programs is install a "default" system (at least for the ones that provides you with that option) and install more programs when you need something you don't installed at the first time.
Comment removed (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:But the Real Joy with SuSE... (Score:5, Informative)
Re:But the Real Joy with SuSE... (Score:5, Informative)
Re:That is part of the joys of SuSE... (Score:3, Funny)
Well, here's a definite winner:
"...SSL connectivity for added security and inline spell checking."
The things you learn by reading brochures...
Re:That is part of the joys of SuSE... (Score:3, Insightful)
I don't buy into the cult of "accountability". The buck needs to stop somewhere, and if you know what you are doing in IT and you are the person responsible, then it stops with you. If something doesn't work, FIX I
Aw, crap! (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Aw, crap! (Score:4, Informative)
Re:Aw, crap! (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Aw, crap! (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Aw, crap! (Score:3, Insightful)
It does not have to be available via download, they could make it available via CD and snail mail, when you ask for it. And they can charge you for the cost of the CD and the cost of shipping.
Re:Aw, crap! (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Aw, crap! (Score:2)
Re:Aw, crap! (Score:4, Informative)
Re:Aw, crap! (Score:3, Interesting)
Released today, not available til May... (Score:5, Informative)
SuSE Community News (Score:5, Informative)
Mono (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:Mono (Score:4, Informative)
Here [slashdot.org] is a previous slashdot article on the matter.
Re:Mono (Score:5, Insightful)
'We don't expect to make Ximian the default user interface, and for the medium term KDE will remain the default GUI on SuSE Linux'."
What you have to remember is that Novell has traditionally been a server-oriented business. Novell is interested in Mono primarily as a server offering -- the Ximian desktop connection is purely incidental. It would make perfect sense for them to bundle Mono to provide ASP.NET support in Apache 2, even if they've decided not ship a single Ximian Gnome library.
SATA RAID support? (Score:2)
Re:SATA RAID support? (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:SATA RAID support? (Score:2)
For what it is worth, the RAID is not pure hardware RAID.
Re:SATA RAID support? (Score:2)
And the CDs... (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:And the CDs... (Score:5, Informative)
Re:And the CDs... (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:And the CDs... (Score:4, Funny)
That's debatable.
No they won't. (Score:2, Interesting)
SuSE demands only the best, and thats why they don't offer ISOs. If you don't understand this, then you proably won't like SuSE.
Re:And the CDs... (Score:5, Informative)
I could never get it to work properly, and I'm not the original author, but I'll post it here anyway.
SuSE deserves our money for the work they do, so please only use this for testing purposes, and plan on paying for the box set, as I did.
(I had to encode it base64 to get past the lameness filter. Released under GPL, YMMV, don't yell at me if it breaks your box, etc.)
begin-base64 644 mksuse.sh
IyEvYmluL3NoCgojCiMKIwoKIyBDaGFuZ2UgYWN jb3JkaW5nIH RvIHlvdXIg
bmVlZHMgClZFUj04LjIKRElSPSIvc3J2L2Z0cC 9wdWIvc3VzZS 9pMzg2LyRW
RVIiCklTT0RJUj0iL3Nydi9mdHAvcHViL2NkbG licmFyeS9pc2 8iCklTTz0i
RklMRT0ibWQ1c3VtZXJyb3IiCkxTX0ZJTEU9Im xzX2Zvcl9kaX IiCgojIFBy
Tj0vYmluL3BpbmcKR1JFUEJJTj0vdXNyL2Jpbi 9ncmVwClJNQk lOPS9iaW4v
cm0KVE9VQ0hCSU49L3Vzci9iaW4vdG91Y2gKRk lOREJJTj0vdX NyL2Jpbi9m
L3Vzci9iaW4vbWQ1c3VtCk1LSVNPRlNCSU49L3 Vzci9sb2NhbC 9iaW4vbWtp
c29mcwpDVVRCSU49L3Vzci9iaW4vY3V0ClNMRU VQQklOPS9iaW 4vc2xlZXAK
RE9TMlVOSVhCSU49L3Vzci9iaW4vZG9zMnVuaX gKTFNCSU49L2 Jpbi9scwpX
Q0JJTj0vdXNyL2Jpbi93YwoKCiMgWW91IHNob3 VsZG4ndCBuZW VkIHRvIGNo
YW5nZSBhbnl0aGluZyBiZWxvdyB0aGlzClNPVV JDRT0iJERJUi 9zdXNlL3Ny
ICAtYmlibGlvIC1jb3B5cmlnaHQiCkJPT1RESV I9ImJvb3QvbG 9hZGVyIgpC
T09UPSJpc29saW51eC5iaW4iCkNBVD0iYm9vdC 5jYXQiCkJPUF RTPSItbm8t
ZW11bC1ib290IC1ib290LWxvYWQtc2l6ZSA0IC 1ib290LWluZm 8tdGFibGUi
IyMKCiMgQ2hvb3NlIE1pcnJvciAgClBJTkdfTU lSUk9SUyAoKS B7CgllY2hv
ICJMb29raW5nIGZvciBjbG9zZXN0IG1pcnJvci IKCWVjaG8gIi IKCUxJU1Q9
ImZ0cC1saW51eC5jYy5nYXRlY2guZWR1IG1pcn Jvci5tY3MuYW 5sLmdvdiBm
dHAuZ3dkZy5kZSBjaHVjay51Y3MuaW5kaWFuYS 5lZHUgZGlzdH JvLmliaWJs
aW8ub3JnIG1pcnJvcnMudXNjLmVkdSIKCWxldC BMT1dQSU5HPT IwMDAwCglm
T1I9Im1pcnJvcnMudXNjLmVkdSIKCQkJCU1JUl JPUlBBVEg9In B1Yi9saW51
eC9kaXN0cmlidXRpb25zL3N1c2UvaTM4Ni8kVk VSIgoJCQkJOz sKCQlkaXN0
cm8uaWJpYmxpby5vcmcpCgkJCQlNSVJST1I9Im Rpc3Ryby5pYm libGlvLm9y
ZyIKCQkJCU1JUlJPUlBBVEg9InB1Yi9MaW51eC 9kaXN0cmlidX Rpb25zL3N1
c2Uvc3VzZS9pMzg2LyRWRVIiCgkJCQk7OwoJCW Z0cC1saW51eC 5jYy5nYXRl
OzsKCQltaXJyb3IubWNzLmFubC5nb3YpCgkJCQ lNSVJST1I9Im 1pcnJvci5t
I love SuSE (Score:5, Informative)
The two manuals are beautiful. It comes with six cd's and a DVD with everything the six dics have. Talk about going out of your way for the customer.
Re:I love SuSE (Score:3, Interesting)
It's funny, a couple years back I'd mention I was favoring SuSE and people would respond aghast, "but you don't use RedHat?!? BSD? Debian? What crap is this 'SuSE' you speak of?"
Re:I love SuSE (Score:3, Funny)
Re:I love SuSE (Score:3, Funny)
When he see's his older sisters box boot, he says "Eww! Windows is icky!" Warms my heart, that.
bug spray usually required (Score:4, Funny)
Yay! (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Yay! (Score:3, Insightful)
Softmaker is the Opera of office suites. Commercial but full functionality in a tiny footprint.
significant? (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:significant? (Score:2)
Re:significant? (Score:3, Informative)
Re:significant? (Score:2)
Friendly NTFS partitioning? (Score:5, Interesting)
However my primary day-use machine is a work provided Dell laptop. I would love to use Linux on it. I have Linux on all of my other desktop workstations. But the laptop came set up with an NTFS partition that consumes 100% of the drive. I can't just blow it away because I need the usual office apps, VS and Outlook.
Later versions (> 6 which is what I have) of Partition magic seem to be the only thing on the planet that can non-destructively resize this for me. Does anyone else know of another way?
For me the uncertainty when resizing a drive or partition is a major holdup.
Re:Friendly NTFS partitioning? (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Friendly NTFS partitioning? (Score:3, Informative)
However, AFAIK, it cannot move data. So you should first try your windows defragmentation program to see how much space it leaves at the end of the partition. In case there is enough space left for your Linux partitions, you can go ahead and just run SuSE's installation pograms.
In my case, there wasn't. But it's still possible by downloading a statically linked beta version of ntfsresize (google for it), which has relocati
Re:Friendly NTFS partitioning? (Score:2)
Re:Friendly NTFS partitioning? (Score:2)
Don't get me wrong, I hate IE with a passion and in fact use Firefox most of the day, but we develop Windows based (thus IE supported) web applications so testing on IE is a must.
Re:Friendly NTFS partitioning? (Score:2)
Re:Friendly NTFS partitioning? (Score:3, Informative)
PPC (Score:3, Interesting)
Official Release Date (Score:2, Informative)
Another office suite? (Score:5, Insightful)
I really do fail to believe that the basic MS Office style word processor and spreadsheet are the pinnacle of design for such applications.
I want a cyborg cameleon. (Score:4, Funny)
I for my part want a borg cameleon and an automatic +3 insightfull for every rant about SuSE lock-in behaviour plus an extra 'SuSE sucks, Debian rulez' subject on
I'll make a start on the comenting side:
SuSE sucks because they use RPM and only look at the money that comes from sleek boxing of products. Debian apt-get is much more superior. How long will customers put up with this SuSE crap?
(The joke been made, I'd like to add that SuSE migrated me and that they're my fist recomendation for every Linux n00b)
In case you haven't noticed: (Score:2)
..but do we really need another office suite? (Score:3, Insightful)
More is better (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:More is better (Score:3, Interesting)
I, too, am a proud owner of both FreeBSD and Windows versions of Testmaker and a previous user of Applix.
I find that, while it's a great package - don't get me wrong - I like having a small, fast, lightweight word processor to use when I just wanna edit/view a word doc or type something real quick. On my somewhat older machines, I really have to need some specific feature before I'm ready to devote the full 3 minutes to loading OO.
I used to keep AbiWord around for the same reason, but lately
Text processor != Word processor (Score:2)
Also known as SueME Linux. (Score:2)
It's almost enough to make me like the french.
This also represents our friends at Novell (with the help of IBM) taking the fight to SCO on a new front
They raised (and lowered) the Price! (Score:2)
I can live with that title (Score:2)
Great (Score:2)
The next issues to address are easier app installations for joe blows (sorry but for rh/suse/mdk , i can never get stupid rpm front-ends to work properly out of the box) and better hardware support and easier configuration/installation of hardware drivers.
Once that is done its a matter of time before the window breaks
Install from live CD + YOU = Full-blown SuSE? (Score:3, Interesting)
Is it possible to boot a live CD, install it to your hard drive, and then use Yast Online Update to pull packages not provided on the CD?
The same way one could download Knoppix and use it as a Debian installer.
Would be a cool halfway solution between buying a full-set distro and having to bootstrap a netinstall from floppies.
online software updates (Score:3, Informative)
That's not entirely true. You are right about YOU, but you can add additional install sources (Change Source of Installation) which can be used by the Install and Remove Software module in YaST.
Try to add ftp://ftp.gwdg.de/pub/linux/suse/ftp.suse.com/suse /i386/supplementary/KDE/update_for_9.0/ to the sources (replace with your closest mirror and correct distribution), and YaST will update your KDE install.
The source directory must contain extra information sources for YaST (like a yast-source director
My own experience with SuSE.. (Score:5, Interesting)
I bought SuSE 9.0 and tried it a few months ago, and must say I didn't particularly care for it.
While they are definately producing one of the most polished distro's available, it deviates from most linux distributions somewhat dramatically; I still don't know how exactly the init system works. (It's not exactly SysV, it's not exactly BSD).
When I used it I had a problem in which it repeatedly would launch the X configurator if I had dual-head enabled. I don't know if that was just me or not.
Everything is tightly integrated in SuSE -- the KDE desktop is pretty amazing, but GNOME support is almost non-existant. Unfortunately, I found the KDE desktop to be pretty slow on my machine (P3 800mhz machine. Slackware with KDE3.1 runs great on it).
I also found that you HAD to do things SuSE's way -- if there wasn't a button for it in YaST, the SuSE configurator (and generally, there was.. YaST is probably the most comprehensive config tool for Linux), or YaST didn't give you all the options you needed, you couldn't do it yourself because YaST would stomp all over your changes.
SuSE is also the most proprietary of Linuxes, and there's not alot of support for it online (again, you can't just update say, package X from a source tarball because SuSE will throw a fit).
It's probably not bad for novice and intermediate computer users; I'd reccomend that experienced users who want a pretty desktop with little hassle use Mandrake.
Re:My own experience with SuSE.. (Score:3, Interesting)
I agree with the first part of the sentence, but the second isn't entirely correct:
1. the SuSE support database [portal.suse.de] is a really comprehensive knowledge base about all SuSE versions. In about 90 per cent of all questions I've had about configuring my system, I found the answer there.
2. rpmseek.com [rpmseek.com] is your friend
Comment removed (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:My own experience with SuSE.. (Score:4, Informative)
Actually, there is no central YAST config file in recent SuSE editions. YAST reads from the
Re:My own experience with SuSE.. (Score:4, Interesting)
The nice thing regarding GNOME is that, now that SuSE and Ximian are part of Novell, Ximian actually works very well on SuSE. It hasn't always, in the past. That's probably the route you'll want to go if you want GNOME on SuSE.
These are my two favorite RPM-based distros and I've found SuSE releases to be of a much higher quality than Mandrake over the years. On the other hand it took a long time for SuSE to get their setup and admin tools usable to the point where the comparison seems valid. They are fundamentally similar enough that a user who is happy with one will probably be happy with the other.
One has to wonder what "things" you're talking about. I've never had that particular problem. You need to be careful where you put changes, of course, just as you have to with any other OS.
That rather depends on the package, with any distro. If all the package's dependencies can be met with the distro's prepackaged libraries, there's absolutely no reason why this shouldn't work. Other than the obvious problem that a lot of Linux development kiddies tend to target their build process to, well, their personal machine.
Re:My own experience with SuSE.. (Score:3, Insightful)
I bought SuSE 9.0 and tried it a few months ago, and must say I didn't particularly care for it.
While they are definately producing one of the most polished distro's available, it deviates from most linux distributions somewhat dramatically; I still don't know how exactly the init system works. (It's not exactly SysV, it's not exactly BSD). "
Got to disagree most vehemently here, its the other distro's that are deviating from the LSB and
it doesn't matter (Score:3, Interesting)
Most importantly, however, is will it be standards-compliant? Will it have a proprietary file format, or will it be able to talk with OOo flawlessly?
From the screenshots on their site, I'm fairly impressed so far - it looks to be able to edit things somewhat more complex than OOo can, at least. Time will tell.
Anyone use this product yet? They have goofy naming conventions.
Version number games (Score:3, Interesting)
This happened when there was competition with word processors (Word vs. WordPerfect), also this happened when there was competition with Web Browsers (Netscape vs IE). etc. Microsoft has surpassed the whole version number thing by appending 2 random letters at the end of their products, so I guess that is next for everyone else to do.
Just an observation.
What about Netware tools? (Score:5, Interesting)
I'm wondering if there's anything Novell-y in this, or if it's Just Another Distro.
Do we really need another office suite? (Score:4, Interesting)
I read a good article on madpenguin.org the other day though about how if a reasonably consistent, unified *interface* is maintained, it doesn't matter how many actual programs there are out there.
Also, methinks peeps need to keep in mind that the whole reason why Outlook Express and IE are now the target of so many viruses is precisely because nearly everyone and their dog uses just those two programs. Only having a single set of apps which everyone uses makes life a lot easier for the crackers, script kiddies, and virus writers, and a lot harder for everyone else.
If we want unity and consistency, I think we should aim for it primarily in the UI space. If we follow ESR's paradigm of creating the core program and UI as modules connected by protocols anywayz, we can have a boatload of different programs all doing different things, (diversity being a GOOD thing) but the UI can be consistent enough that Joe Sixpack will have absolutely no trouble using them. The bazaar lives on.
Re:Watch out... (Score:4, Interesting)
Suse is the one distribution SCO would have the hardest time tackling. It was acquired by NOVELL. SCO can always claim some bs about how RedHat stole their code. But SCO's code was NOVELL's to begin with. That hasn't all shaken out yet. But in my humble opinion, the only thing SCO can do about Suse Linux is sit on their hands and like it.
Re:SuSE is great. (Score:2, Insightful)
And the others aren't? Associating value with capital when it comes to free and open source software doesn't really make sense. There are probably better ways to praise commercial Linux distributions than spiting the hands that feed the `community' and make software freely available.
Re:SuSE is great. (Score:3, Insightful)
True enough, but certain distributions are configured for different purposes, making them either more or less valuable to you.
I was a pretty diehard Redhat user before I switched to SUSE 9. I gotta say, on the desktop side, I'd gladly pay money to SUSE because of the care given to the desktop experience. Java's completely configured, Mpeg files play properly, just to name two big desktop features. Neither come configured (or, in the casee of Mpeg - installed) on Redhat.
Re:Holy crap (Score:2)
Awesome! Considering what the FA says:
SUSE LINUX 9.1 will be available at http://store.suse.com and from bookstores and software suppliers on May 6.
Re:Holy crap (Score:3, Informative)
If Red Hat can give away the source for its most expensive products why can't Suse Open Source Yast?
In the end Suse is free to do what they want with their code and I don't think they are "evil" but they are not an open source distro any more than som
YaST licensing FUD and untruths (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Holy crap (Score:3, Interesting)
As for giving away stuff: reiserfs, lots of kernel modifications, lots of support for Xfree86 (Dirk Hohndel was a SuSE employee for a long time).
Re:Holy crap (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:At least they didn't port WordPerfect ..... ye (Score:2)
My biggest outstanding desktop beef is that Netlock/Apani's Contivity VPN product for Nortel gateways doesn't work with kernel's above 2.4.20. Of course, this is because Apani's development leads suck, not Linux itself. If there was an alternative way to c
Re:Linux? Si ! Novell? No! (Score:3, Informative)
many large corporations continue to use Novell. Although their market share has not grown in the last few years, their base has been stable. Products like the NDS, NDPS, and ZenWorks have made the life of a sysadmin bearable.
Their move to Linux in the corporate world, means that servers will continue to host Novell, and not be taken over by Windows Based servers.
In this light, Novell is nice to see. As for competition with other Linuces...we'll see what pans out.
Re:the live-cd should be free (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Pronunciation? (Score:4, Informative)
Re:Pronunciation? (Score:2, Insightful)
No creamcheese, 'Suzy' is NOT correct.
Re:How long till SATA? (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:I bought SuSe 9 professional (Score:4, Informative)
- Yep, you need to get your hands on DeCSS (not easy for the uninitiated) but playback shouldn't be choppy. You video output was probably set to software renderer. I use directfb or sdl (depends on the driver caps) and it works fine.
- Which scanner? There are a few cheap Lexmark ones that don't work but most high end scanners work with Sane.
- Did you check the MTU size? I'd try disabling it since I've seen that be a source of problems.
- Ok, the only explaination here is that you don't have an nVIDIA or ATI based vid card. I run UT, Quake, NWN, RTCW, ET, etc under Lin with no problems.
- Granted. There's the web based TurboTax that works but for a real native solution (at least in the US) there's nothing like this at the individual level.
Ok, all that aside, if you're a hard core gamer, don't bother trying to switch to Linux (yet at least). Yeah, there are solutions like WineX but it's far from perfect. The rest of the items on your list should all be workable. I use Win4Lin for Windows only ware that I am forced to contend with (anybody from WebEx reading this!) and I'm sure you can run window Tax software under it.
Re:The first to ... what? (Score:3, Informative)
Why wait? (Score:3, Informative)