Novell Offers Linux Users Legal Indemnity 271
Anonymous Coward writes "Novell today said it intends to indemnify its enterprise Linux users against possible legal action by The SCO Group and/or others. According to eWeek Novell's new Linux Indemnification Program is designed to provide its SUSE Enterprise Linux customers with protection against intellectual-property challenges to Linux and to help reduce the barriers to Linux adoption in the enterprise.
Under the terms of the program, Novell will offer indemnification for copyright infringement claims made by third parties against registered Novell customers who obtain SUSE Enterprise Linux 8 after January 13, 2004, upgrade protection and a qualifying technical support contract from Novell or a Novell channel partner."
does it seem like.. (Score:4, Interesting)
Novell is using this as a chance to get support contracts thrown in with this protection?
Re:does it seem like.. (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:does it seem like.. (Score:5, Interesting)
I would agree. Its ironic. Everyone is talking roses about them because even Novell says they are smoking crack. Then they put their money where their mouth is and offers protection for their customers (they can't offer protection for NON customers, there is no contract to protect, duh).
And now everyone is comparing them to MS.
It doesn't strengthen SCOs case, it demonstrates that SCO doesn't have one. They just called SCO's bluff because they can, for free. Indemnifying customers of legal action against SCO is like offering life insurance for your pet rock: There is little fear you will ever need to exercise the right and collect on it.
If they make some money, too, great. Since they just invested $210 million in open source software, I hope they make a wad.
Re:does it seem like.. (Score:4, Insightful)
Seriously, where do people think companies are going to make money? Everyone says "support contracts" but then when a company tries to sell them, people claim they are no better then Microsoft.
Why would Novell protect someone that does not purchase their support? I think it's a pretty good idea, good business practice, and throws this back in the face of SCO.
Re:does it seem like.. (Score:3, Funny)
Je ne parle muy bien francais, mais eu posso ablar Espanol, e eu lembrar um pedaco de Francais: Voulez vouz couchez avec moi ce soir? Uma musica de ois oitentas...
Re:HEY.... (Score:3, Insightful)
Only support subscribers (Score:4, Informative)
Yes, that's what the Summary says (Score:2)
Sheesh, the slashdot summary even mentions this point. I don't think you're really being insightful. I guess the idea is that they want to prevent their revenue base from shri
Uh oh, I can hear the fingers typing now... (Score:5, Interesting)
Novell's trying to cash in on SCO's bad manners!
Well, you can't indemnify someone without contract of some sort, and buying and installign software with a EULA that has that clause would be a good way to do it.
But in all fairness I officially downgrade Novell from an alert level of Double Plus Good to Plus Good. The SCO alert level remains fixed at Double Plus Ungood. Verner's is still tasty. Further news as events warrant.
it looks like they're only looking for sales (Score:5, Insightful)
they're just trying to make a sale. It would be better if they offered this protection to all of their customers, rather than forcing companies to buy an 'upgrade', that will most likely prove worthless anyhow,
Re:it looks like they're only looking for sales (Score:3, Insightful)
A less cynical response... (Score:5, Insightful)
Check the date of the merger! (Score:5, Informative)
Or maybe the fact that Novell does not acquire SuSe before 13'th Might have something to do with it. DUH!
The indemnification program will go into effect on Tuesday, the same day that Novell is expected to complete its $210 million acquisition of the German software company
wonder who will keep investing in SCO? (Score:2)
Jeez, at some point, do you think that M$ dirty tactics will hurt it in that realm of enterprise business where handshakes still matter?
What a surprise (Score:2)
In other words, Novell bought any old Linux distro to make money out of people's fears of SCO (or rathe, fear of having to deal with the SCO annoyance). Some surprise
Re:What a surprise (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:What a surprise (Score:2)
Since I am not a lawyer, and I don't even claim to fully understand what SCO wants/says, I will therefore assume that if big names such as IBM, Novell and HP decide to put their reputation and money against SCO, they probably have legions of very qualified lawyers that say SCO doesn't stand a chance, or such a small chance that it's a safe bet to invest money in anti-SCO tactics.
If SCO wins? (Score:5, Funny)
Well... (Score:3, Informative)
Just asking (Score:3)
Re:Just asking (Score:2, Insightful)
Actually, it refutes some of them.
SCO has said "if you're so sure your code doesn't infringe on our IP, why aren't you indemnifying customers?" Novell is now doing just that and, in a way, standing up for the community as well as saying "nanny nanny boo boo" to SCO.
Re:Just asking (Score:2)
Indemnification is also there to show how much Novell thinks of SCO's claims. If Novell didn't offer Indemnification, that might be saying something. The fact that they are means they are pretty damn sure of what rights they have.
IBM doesn't necessarily have to do this, because they have the push of bei
In other words... (Score:3, Insightful)
Sure why not. What SCO's chances of winning past IBM, Redhat and the rest to actually sue a SUSE user? Isn't think like selling "The Moon landing on your head" insurance?
Re:In other words... (Score:2, Funny)
Re:In other words... (Score:4, Insightful)
Funny. I read it exactly the other way around. The way it looks to me is Novell is saying, "Don't worry about it. If you got your Linux from us, we got you covered like a jimmy-hat."
I'd like it more if Novell said, "NOT ON MY WATCH!" but I'll take this.
Re:In other words... (Score:2)
Indemnity is sign of an already-successful attack (Score:5, Interesting)
We shouldn't celebrate just because indemnification is available and say it solves the problem. That SCO has created demand for such indemnification is already a big problem. And of course companies offering indemnification have a vested interest in creating more such demand. They're not doing anything bad by offering it, but neither is it completely in the interests of free software for everyone to jump on it. It's more complicated than that and we have to keep the issues clear.
typo (Score:2)
Re:Indemnity is sign of an already-successful atta (Score:4, Interesting)
If indemnification makes people more likely to adopt open source software in the short term, it is a good thing. Yes, it will suck for smaller software companies that can not afford indemnification, but as more companies realize that open source is not as scary as Microsoft wants them to believe, its usage will pick up dramatically. For large companies, the savings in software licensing fees could pay for all the legal representation they need to defend their open source usage and distribution. Once the SCO case falls apart and potential copycats realize that extorting money out of free software users is harder than it appeared at first, such lawsuits, along with the fear of being sued, will drop off.
Re:Indemnity is sign of an already-successful atta (Score:2)
Why do you say that? If they think they're asking for lawsuits unless they write some company a check for every copy of the program they use, how is it different from using proprietary software?
Re:Indemnity is sign of an already-successful atta (Score:5, Interesting)
Obviously to any group that is not profit group distributing Linux (Debian, etc.) indemnification is not possible, but most people who use Debian aren't buying support contracts from anyone, at any price. Most Debian (or Gentoo, or Slackware...) users are more aware of the problem, and feel confident that SCO can't win because they have no claim. Its also a different culture, with a bigger focus on "free as in speech/beer", rather than "how will this generate profits and create jobs to grow the business" concerns.
Corporate users are different because decisions are made by committee, not a single hacker, and done for the benefit of shareholders, employees, managers and customers. They have entire departments for IT, and they are more interested in running stable, reliable, supported networks than cutting edge. The needs, culture and expectations are just different.
I have used RedHat for several years, and paid for the support, on a few servers. Their recent policies are forcing me to consider changing vendors. Indemnification alone would not get me to switch, but I can see how it is a benefit on alongside SuSe, a very popular corporate distro, and one that I am considering. If its "icing on the cake" and SuSe puts out the best _product_, and they are honest in how they market indemnification, then I see this as a good move to push Linux in the mainstream, by removing barriers in the marketplace, ie: concern over the future of Linux.
Re:Indemnity is sign of an already-successful atta (Score:3, Interesting)
An organization like Debian can't itself offer indemnification, but perhaps it could work with an insurance policy to offer indemnity policies to people wanting to buy them. However, the closest to a real solution would be for Darl and company to see jail time and dissuade others from running similar scams. But
Re:Indemnity is sign of an already-successful atta (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Indemnity is sign of an already-successful atta (Score:2)
Also, keep in mind this does not affect Linux users, per se. It affects Novell customers. There's a great deal of overlap, to be sure, but I think it's a company's right to take the extra step to protect customers from legal B.S. like this.
Unfortunate this has to happen? Maybe. Indemnification (I think) usually involves con
Re:Indemnity is sign of an already-successful atta (Score:5, Funny)
I don't think we need to look at this situation in that particular light...
SCO tried going off on yet another FUD tangent (presumeably since as of today, their legal case should cease to exist) by pointing the finger at various Linux-related companies, asking why, if so confident in SCO's lack of a case, they didn't offer to indemnify their clients.
Novel has yet again spiked the ball back, and taken up SCO's challenge.
IMO, the entire situation has gone from legal harassment to playground pissing-contests. "You sound sooooo sure your dog can beat up my dog, why won't you bet on it, you little pussy?". Nothing more, nothing less. In this case, Novel responded by tossing in a quarter and letting its rottweiler off the leash to play with SCO's toy poodle.
Re:Indemnity is sign of an already-successful atta (Score:5, Informative)
"Novell executives are also expected to announce on Monday that the SuSE deal has been completed. That will mean that SuSE's Linux distributions join the Novell family of products and allow Novell to offer customers a complete Linux-solution stack and global technical Linux support."
However, I understand your concern for the FUD maybe becoming successful, and maybe one of the reasons for indemnity.
Re:you can go swimming, but don't go near the wate (Score:3, Interesting)
You're still free to modify the software, but it would be patently unreasonable to ask someone else to cover your butt if you make changes or implement changes other than those that the indemnifier would provide.
You can still get under the hood and add the nitrous, but you can't sue Honda when you wipe out because you burned through the brakes trying to stop at the end of the street run.
it seems (Score:5, Insightful)
Meanwhile, these companies get free good publicity.
Re:it seems (Score:3, Interesting)
IBM and Novell want to see this SCO bullshit hit the courts as soon as possible. What they don't want is this albatross hanging around the necks of their linux business. Up until now, SCO could just sit there and let the FUD fester - now IBM and Novell have neutralised the FUD.
The key to understanding all of these corpor
Novell wins either way (Score:5, Interesting)
Theres something fishy going on with SCO and Novell, with Novell coming out of this smelling like roses - I have to wonder if this whole SCO sham is simply a way to boost Novell's image as ' a good guy' at the expense of a company that was insignificant and dying anyway (SCO).
Anyone else finding it difficult to understand these dealings?
Re:Novell wins either way (Score:4, Funny)
If it smells like poo and looks like poo, it could be fruit flan disguised as poo, but more likely it's just poo.
Re:Novell wins either way (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Novell wins either way (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Novell wins either way (Score:2)
Thanks for that. Mod parent up.
Re:Novell wins either way (Score:2)
Excellent point and simply put. Wish I had a mod point for you.
Didn't SCO get a court order to.... (Score:5, Informative)
If so will not this issue be dieing soon..?
( assuming they really do not have a claim )
Re:Didn't SCO get a court order to.... (Score:5, Informative)
Seems that SCO did indeed submit (so we wait while IBM reads it).
Now its their turn to put a motion to compel discovery, asking for all modifications ever made by IBM to the System V source code.
It seems that if SCO doesn't give in (and its unlikely they will), they can drag this out for quite some time.
Re:Didn't SCO get a court order to.... (Score:3, Insightful)
They can try. And file enough forms and petitions and posture alot, which doesn't help the court case, but it does wonders for the stock price. They can get lawyers much smarter than you and I to fill 400 miles of paperwork, make different claims in public than you do in your court papers, and if the geeks can see through it, fine. As long as the suits can't, you might collect a bit of cash as you are burning the bridge behind you.
You might even get someone to buy you (just to shut you up) o
Re:Didn't SCO get a court order to.... (Score:3, Informative)
"I have been seeing a lot of expectations about Monday, but personally, I don't expect to know much until the next court date on the 23rd, if SCO is being truthful and actually does turn over significant answers and documents. SCO may have media pronouncements to make, but IBM has to look over what they are given and evaluate it and that takes time. They aren't given to trying this case in the media, so my best guess is that our next event in the IBM mat
Forbes take on this news (Score:5, Interesting)
SCO also warned companies that they must pay to use Linux, which is based on the proprietary Unix operating system, or face litigation.
Emphasis mine of course.
Where does Forbes hire their journalist from? The local high school.
It sure as hell wan't based on VMS? (Score:2)
Re:It sure as hell wan't based on VMS? (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Forbes take on this news (Score:2)
Re:Forbes take on this news (Score:2)
Re:Forbes take on this news (Score:2, Interesting)
Novell (Score:4, Funny)
appropriate anagrams? (Score:2)
So I Teach - I Hate SCO
SCO Terrorist Effect (Score:4, Insightful)
While it seems that Novell is feeding the fear of users, they're really not. It simply says that Novell is willing to spend big $$$ in legal fees to fend off SCO just as IBM is. However, they are doing this volentarily in order to make extra sales. This helps Linux/open source. Notice that they are not charging extra ($600) for this service.
Think of SCO as the terrorists of Linux. Novell is offering protection, just as if some airline started carrying on board guards. Whether or not you think it's useful, its there for those companies who are not buying into Linux because of SCO's allegations.
Re:SCO Terrorist Effect (Score:5, Interesting)
Novel isn't hurting us (Score:3, Insightful)
The first group of companies doesn't give a damn about Novell's indemnification, and will happily use whatever Linux distro they want.
The second group of companies has been avoiding Linux because they're unsure. As it happens, they're probably just uninformed, but Novell will happily t
Risky Business (Score:2)
Re:Risky Business (Score:2, Funny)
For your information, I tried eating a melon with a spoon. The melon wasn't ripe, so I had to push the spoon quite hard. As a result, bits of melon went flying off to the table next to mine, where an escaped convicted serial murderer happened to be sitting. He grabbed the spoon and proceeded to stab me violently with it. Then he shoved the melon up my..well nevermind the rest.
So you see, I resent that remark!
Business move... (Score:3, Insightful)
People might see that Novell have been part of unix development, add that to the current copyright dispute with SCO and that Novell do have some rights. This could swing it for those companies wanting to use linux but dont want the risk. They might go with suse now, get some legal protection and have the perception that novell knows SCO's claims are utter BS and have now covered you from any lawsuit SCO may or may not file.
Just a thought.
I smell conspiracy! (Score:5, Funny)
Wow. I smell a great conspiracy theory here. SCO's actually the puppet of Novell etc, to get businesses to buy Linux distros from vendors who will indemnify them from the big bully SCO.
I'd discuss my theory more, but I just heard a click on my telephone line and that sounds like a black helicopter nearing the house!
Looks like (Score:2)
Re:Looks like (Score:2, Insightful)
Novell has a different agenda. It appears to me they are simply trying to buy support contracts.
I am reminded of the story of Brer Rabbit (SCO) and Brer Fox (Novell).
"Drown me just as deep as you please, Brer Fox," says Brer Ra
You scratch mine, I'll scratch yours (Score:2)
While on the face, I can say this snubs the homebrew community, it does make practical business sense... to a very narrow degree... assuming that Marketing accounts for the Enterprise to heed their offer first while the homebrew crowd trickles in over the next 12 months.
I suggest the
Lesser of two evils... (Score:3, Insightful)
Whatever's comming out of the court room (Score:5, Interesting)
Novell, SCO and indemnification (Score:4, Interesting)
What has gotten into Novell!? (Score:5, Funny)
This would have never happened with the old Novell we all loved to loathe.
I find this deeply disturbing. Stupidity does not simply go away just like that. Where is my tinfoil hat again?
legality? (Score:2, Funny)
Are you people happy with nothing? (Score:5, Insightful)
I can only speak for my large enterprise (Fortune 50, 70,000+ employees, billons of US$ in revenue, etc.), but our biggest obstacle to buying Linux was our legal department, demanding "I can get indemnity from everyone else, why can't someone offer me indemntiy for Linux?"
Large organizations (particularly ones that have large sums of other people's money to protect) only have one issue here - it's not open source politics, it's not SCO's pump and dump, and it's not who's right or wrong - it's risk mitigation. It's a question of how much money are we going to lose if SCO is right, and who is going to protect us from this?
I, for one, am glad to see Novell offering the opportunity for real Linux indemnity - goodness knows, I've asked everyone in the industry for it.
Re:Are you people happy with nothing? (Score:5, Insightful)
I've seen the inside of a fair number of discussions on whether and to what extent to provide indemnification in contract, and the calculus is pretty damn simple.
1) How much are we making on this deal/this product?
2) How big would the exposure be (including legal fees, etc.) if we provided x kind of indemnity? (There are a LOT of different ways to structure indemnification provisions, and I don't know what Novell has in mind.)
3) What is the likelihood that we'll have to pay out?
If revenue is less than risk magnitude multiplied by exposure estimate, you don't indemnify unless you're willing to play craps with the future of your company. Period. Punto. End of story.
Now, Novell is saying it will indemnify people on a PROSPECTIVE BASIS if those people contribute to Novell's revenue stream. This is a pretty reasonable bargain. I don't think there's a CFO or institutional investor alive who would agree to let their company go BACK to the customer base and add risk to the company's profile when all of the pricing to those customers was calculated using a lower risk profile.
In other words, there's no such thing as a free lunch.
Re:Are you people happy with nothing? (Score:5, Interesting)
If it becomes standard that you cannot buy or use code without "indemnity" then you have made it impossible for an independent code writer to write a program and have people use it. This is irrelevant to open source, what you have pretty much said is that writing code is the realm of big business and that start-ups and free enterprise and just the desire to tell people about solutions you have figured out have become illegal.
This goes far beyond Linux. Linux is now being protected by big money interests in the same way Windows is. But the next genius grad student who writes the "Linux-killer" operating system is going to be out of luck, as everybody who he shows it to is going to say "but you have no idemnity, so I'm going to have to stick with Linux..."
Even people who think Linux is the end-all of software should realize that this means the death of applications for Linux from independent authors, since they cannot "idemnify" their code. And Windows fans should realize this means the death of all the Shareware and Freeware and open source software, and also the few remaining tiny software vendors, all of who cannot afford "idemnification" either.
I don't care if this action causes SCO to go bankrupt tomorrow, this is a bad precedent for Novell to do this.
Re:Are you people happy with nothing? (Score:3, Informative)
Especially at the smaller end of the scale where you'll meet the most resistance from people. The most common arguement I hear is, "At least with Microsoft, if they would get sued, its their Ass, not mine". And its pretty damn hard to combat that ment
Re:Are you people happy with nothing? (Score:3, Insightful)
In this case, however, it's genuinely needed.
We, the Slashdot-reading public, know that SCO is blowing smoke, and that their claims are baseless. The problem, however, isn't the techies. It isn't even Joe Average-User. It's Joe Management. They probably don't know that everything is fine. All they'll see is "SCO goes after Linux" and they'll wonder if it's safe to go for. And probably go for something else. With Novell giving this indemnity, it's not only showing Novell's confidence in SCO blowing smoke,
If I were Microsoft (Score:4, Interesting)
Then I'd wait six months for the SCO thing to blow over.
Then I'd sue, for tiny, legally incoherent reasons, a large quantity of different Novell linux customers. The reasons would be randomly selected, and different in each case, and occationally perhaps be pumped through shell companies. But Novell, having offered legal indemnification, would have to research and respond to each one at great cost on its customers behalf. Then I'd just sit back, attempt to stall these cases as long as possible, and quietly drop every single one just before it actually got into a courtroom.
I'd piss money down the drain by doing so, but hey, I'd force Novell to piss as much or more away in the process-- and since I'd be Microsoft, I'd be able to afford this. Possibly to the point where Novell would take serious damage without me having to break a sweat. Meanwhile, Novell's Linux customers would inevitably be a bit spooked by this, and some number would ask Novell if they could use one of Novell's linux-free, more antiquated alternate products instead.
MS might not do this, and it might not really be something that is realistic from their viewpoint (since someone might notice them perofrming widespread abuse of the legal system, which might get them the dreaded 'vextatious litigant' label). But if you don't think that it's something they'd be WILLING to do, then you probably also believe that line about "It doesn't MATTER if the Xbox is staggeringly unprofitable! This isn't a trust-like, illegal, or maliciously anticompetitive action! They're just taking the sound business strategy of taking massive losses now so that someday later, the XBox-3 can be somewhat profitable (or perhaps the XBox-4)!"
Re:If I were Microsoft (Score:3, Interesting)
Nobody, and I mean nobody, provides indemnification for claims of any kind by any party, no matter how they arise. That's a really damn fi
So where does Xenix fit into this mix? (Score:4, Interesting)
(Redirected from XENIX)
Xenix was Microsoft's version of UNIX for microprocessors. Microsoft called it Xenix because it could not license the "UNIX" name.
Microsoft purchased a license for UNIX 7th Edition from AT&T in 1979, and announced on August 25, 1980 that it would make it available for the 16-bit microcomputer market. Xenix was not sold directly to end users; Microsoft licensed it to computer manufacturers who then ported it to their systems. The first ports of Xenix were to the Zilog Z8001 16-bit processor.
Altos shipped a version for their computers early in 1982, Tandy Corporation shipped one for their 68000-based systems in January 1983, and Santa Cruz Operation (SCO) released their port to the Intel 8086 processor in September 1983.
Xenix varied from its 7th Edition origins by incoporating elements from BSD, and soon possessed the most widely installed base of any Unix flavor due to the popularity of the inexpensive x86 processor, even though the port created for Tandy computers proved to be more robust.
When Microsoft entered into an agreement with IBM to develop OS/2, it lost interest in promoting Xenix. Microsoft transferred ownership of Xenix to SCO in an agreement that left Microsoft owning 25% of SCO. However, Microsoft continued to use Xenix internally, submitting a patch to support functionality in UNIX to AT&T in 1987, which trickled down to the code base of both Xenix and SCO UNIX. Microsoft is said to have used Xenix on VAX minicomputers extensively within their company as late as 1992.
SCO released a version of Xenix for the Intel 286 processor in 1985, and following their port of Xenix to the 386 processor, a 32-bit chip, renamed it SCO UNIX.
What if......
I see this as a step backward (Score:3, Interesting)
In a larger context, this is just one of the symptoms of the copyright witchhunt of the past few years. The RIAA, MPAA, etc. have attempted to curtail freedoms in media by publishing absurdly inflated loss figures due to unauthorized use and threatening legal action to those who don't use media exactly the way they want. Now SCO threatens to bring the same restrictions to open source software by scaring people with even more ridiculous claims than the media giants and shoving "PIRACY!!!" down everyone's throat.
The only way this is going to stop is to educate more people on why SCO poses no real challenge to Linux and has no right to any of its components. And instead of continually putting out a deluge of SCO press releases, the major media outlets need to play a little more fairly and let the other side speak a little louder.
Nope (Score:3, Insightful)
Novell, I'd think better of you if you didn't. (Score:2, Interesting)
If you want to indemnify customers,
Re:Novell, I'd think better of you if you didn't. (Score:3, Insightful)
Novell can say over and over and over again in excruciating detail why they think that SCO is full of it, but unless and until they put their money on the line and actually stand up to take some risk with their customers, no-one will really believe them.
Pick 'em (Score:3, Interesting)
No cost to Novell for indemnity (Score:3, Insightful)
I think everyone missed the point here (Score:4, Insightful)
Overreaction (Score:3, Interesting)
SCO is trying to sell people property that belongs to someone else. If you buy a Linux licence from SCO you are buying a share of swampland in a national park or a share in the Brooklyn Bridge.
Novell and HP are simply playing to the market. Buy from us because we will defend you from the biggest con in the computer industry since... since British Telecom tried to claim they owned the hyperlink. It's a marketing ploy and HP and Novell both know they'll never have to deal with more than one lawsuit.
Other indemnities (Score:4, Informative)
Yes there was a story a few hours ago [slashdot.org] about IBM and Intel offering some sort of indemnity, which SCO criticized [slashdot.org]. This story covers Novell.
If you claim that a few hours' delay is unacceptable, consider that the legal system typically doesn't move nearly as fast as technology.
Re:Okay, but... (Score:5, Insightful)
This move deprives SCO of its *only* positive cashflow.
Re:only cash flow ? (Score:2)
Melinda Gates (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:ARGGHHH... (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:ARGGHHH... (Score:4, Insightful)
Do you think a guy who's title is 'Vendor Risk Manager' is going to tell his boss to buy -LINUX- right now, with all the conflicting press?
This way Novell makes a buck, and the PHBs can 'safely' deploy. Everybody wins. We even get greater circulation of OUR product in the end!
Re:ARGGHHH... (Score:2)
I want to see what Novell's offering before I say who wins.
Re:ARGGHHH... (Score:5, Insightful)
SCO sues some Linux user over alleged SCO Unix IP? Novell exercises its right to waive SCO's action, as per the purchase agreement that bought whatever feeble Unix rights SCO has from Novell in the first place.
Novell also has the right to license Unix to its own customers, again voiding any attempted SCO suit.
Re:ARGGHHH... (Score:3, Informative)
Novell said "Don't you dare terminate IBM's license for AIX." and I haven't seen SCO put out anything saying they complied. Novell claims copyright to IP SCO requires to start suing end users (at least in their opinion.) and, in the press, SCO has basically accused Novell of a fraudulent filing. Both sides keep refering to one part of their con
0f c0u453 (Score:2, Funny)
Re:does it apply to all linux? (Score:2, Interesting)
No. Do you mean that a successful defense by Novell of a suit against one of their customers can be leveraged by non-customers? Maybe, but what if SCO doesn't sue an indemnified Novell customer first, but instead sues a non-customer? Novell has not indemnified them, so this announcement cannot make it safe, if it wasn't before.
On a different note, doesn't purchasing indemnification remove some of th
Extremely shrewd move (Score:3, Insightful)
My thoughts, for what they are worth:
There really isn't any need for indemnity, because as people have pointed out, there really isn't any need to do so. The best SCO could hope for if they brought an action against an end user, is to prevent them from stopping using linux. After all, the end user isn't the person responsible for the infringement, and SCO is unlikely to recover any costs at all from end users.
So why is it that SCO keep on demanding indem