Interview with Linus Torvalds from NYT Magazine 368
aelfric35 writes "David Diamond drills Linus on topics from filesharing (sharing is good) to SCO (trying to claim paternity on his child) to his rivalry with Bill Gates (doesn't care enough to be a nemesis) in next week's New York Times Magazine."
Funny (Score:5, Interesting)
This isn't criticism. But I think to some degree, there are those who are ideological leaders--Lessig springs to mind; his philosophical and legal insight is incredible--and there are technological visionaries. But the two aren't necessarily the same.
Re:Funny (Score:3, Funny)
Oh well. I'll probably be modded down into oblivion for this.
Re:Funny (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Funny (Score:2, Insightful)
Downfall of MS (Score:2, Troll)
Read my other posts. I believe MS will fall next year. I also believe Linux will play a very small part in that downfall. It will be the loss of revenue when OpenOffice becomes the standard for corporations that will put MS into the red.
Be thankful that Linux does exist. What would happen if MS disppeared and there was no OS usable and ready to become the standard? Yes, Linux wil
Re:Downfall of MS (Score:2)
Yeah, right. All those Windows apps and arcane hardware devices everybody uses will magically vanquish within the next 12 months.
We've been hearing that partyline since 1998.
Re:Downfall of MS (Score:2, Interesting)
I did not say that all MSWindows PCs will disappear next year. I did not say that MS will disappear.
My belief is that the move away from MSOffice will hurt MS's profits very badly. With the accounting tricks MS uses, the loss of those profits will be enough to put the company in the red. The panic that MS is falling will increase the migration away from MS products, further hurting their
Re:Downfall of MS (Score:5, Insightful)
Ummm, wow. Dude, I'm not crazy about them either. However, if you think that becoming the richest guy in America, and your company has 40 Billion in the bank indicates someone without "ability running a business", you are an idiot. You don't have to like him, and you don't have to like his tactics. However, the end results are EXACTLY what running a business is about. Grow up.
The Rise of MS (Score:3, Insightful)
Bill and Steve have never shown much ability running a business. They saw an opportunity, took advantage of it, and then ruthlessly defended their position. But every attempt to diversify their business has failed.
Here are your thoughts plus my commments:
They still only sell BASIC for homebrew computers.
MS did well selling BASIC interpreters to the personal computer manufacturers. They did lots of fast talking about how each manufacturer's version of BASIC would be compatibl
Re:Downfall of MS (Score:4, Informative)
Re:Downfall of MS (Score:4, Insightful)
It doesn't even perform as well as MSOffice 97. I tried to make some charts with the Spreadsheet program and found it totally inadequate for my needs. I was originally looking for a free alternative to Office97 (the version I happen to own). I find the Excel97 graphics to be pretty shitty, but OOo's were worse, and less customizable. Playing with the defaults for 15 minutes in Excel got me reasonably close to what I want. OOo just can't do it.
Oh yeah, and It's much slower.
OOo probably does a lot of stuff well, but until I can make a kick-ass presentation from its components like I can with MS, OOo won't fly in Big Offices everywhere.
(Does anybody know of a free program or suite that can make good charts? Something along the lines of Harvard Graphics98 for windows would be super, but I haven't even found anything as good as Office 97.)
Re:Funny (Score:2, Informative)
When did he get elected to ideological leader status? Don't you have to take a stand to be a leader? Maybe I'm not versed enough in my Linus-lore, but I don't recall him ever making a big push to be 'heard' on anything very ideological in nature.
This is both a critique and a request for more information, mind you - I am fully aware of the possibility
Re:Funny (Score:2)
Re:Funny (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Funny (Score:5, Insightful)
"Show me the code."
To the extent that he is the "ideological" leader of anyone I know it's always for his basic folksy refusal to be anyone's ideological leader. We like him. We don't "follow" him.
Did I miss a meeting or a memo or something?
Re:Funny (Score:2)
"Think of Stallman as the Great Philosopher, and think of me as the Engineer."
Granted, it's totally bogus -- I would argue that Stallman has put more work ('engineering') into the GNU toolset than Linus has put into Linux, but it's still a nice way of thinking about it.
Re:Funny (Score:3, Insightful)
To the extent that he is the "ideological" leader of anyone I know it's always for his basic folksy refusal to be anyone's ideological leader. We like him. We don't "follow" him.
Did I miss a meeting or a memo or something?"
If "Show me the code" isn't an ideology then what is an ideology? Sure, Stallman created the fundament of Free Software -- just like John the Baptist -- but it was Linus who shoved the 'path' up their noses.
I follow Linus in the same sense I'd follow someone up a
Re:Funny (Score:2, Interesting)
However little twisting it took you have to remember that it did take twisting.It wasn't his idea.
Moreover, what won him was a purely technological arguement. The GPL allowed generation of most code and the best code in the shortest time.That's all.
Without Linux BSD would almost surely be the dominant force in the Unix world, and many propriatary companies would prefer that it were.
History is, however, what history turne
Re:Funny (Score:3, Insightful)
I'm aways amused by the assumption that "proprietary companies prefer BSD." Lots of them don't -- there are circumstances in which the viral nature of the GPL is *good* for a proprietary company. A commercial company releasing source under the BSD license is helping their competition without helping themselves much. A commercial company releasing code under the GPL is
Look Man (Score:5, Insightful)
Some people want more from technology than a one night stand, more than the brief two or three year period where youthful enthusiasm overcomes the need for comfort in a lonely world. Sure the people who choose that road will mostly die cold and alone in a gutter somewhere, but by god they'll have ridden the lady technology for all she was worth! And, ultimately, isn't that as valid a path as anything else you could choose?
Re:Look Man (Score:5, Insightful)
To be at least somewhat fair to at least some of these aging programers they have been taught to act like this by the companies they work for.
Remember, most of older guys got into it for technology and the joy of it. There was no money in particular "back in the day." If you didn't do it for the love it there was no reason to do it all.
Get kicked around, treated like shit, turned into a code monkey and generally be made to understand you're a disposable cog in the machine and it's easy to go through the motions, take the checks as long as they last and cover your own ass.
As they say, no one else will.
Most of these guys had young wives, young children and young mortgages before they learned the score and then got stuck.
There are a few of us who have decided it's better to walk the razor's edge, and there is often a price to pay. Fabian Pascal even has trouble just writing and talking about technology these days, let alone getting "a good job" because of his absolute dedication to the technology, rather than buzzword compliant commercial products. RMS is, well. .
It ain't easy being gree. .
Although it isn't exactly the path I've chosen for myself I'm not inclined to over criticise those older guys just trying to make it to retirement in one piece.
Re:Look Man (Score:2)
Now every geek shall proclaim loud across the land. "I have a girlfriend!! And her name is technology!"
Not that I don't agree with your post
Re:Look Man (Score:2)
It's like he's achieved some sort of transendental geek state.
Re:Look Man (Score:3, Informative)
Under Capitalism, man exploits Man.
Under Communism, it's the other way around.
Man != man.
Re:Look Man (Score:5, Interesting)
Ha! I guess if nothing else, this is a field I AM an expert on. My name above is what it is for a reason. See... I still have the drive, I still work long hours all night long but I do it because this is what keeps me going. I have no problems working with young engineers. They are mostly enthusiastic and that is mutually contagious. I have a special disdain for the marketing types who come and go like flies over a pile of shit. Those who don't have a clue what we produce but are responsible for selling it, transforming all you do into "numbers Wall Street will like" (completely disregarding the merits or what the people who will ultimately buy it want).
My love for technology is an alternative to how I see the world. A world no different than any other point in time. People still kill people because of religion and greed. What's the difference between the Taliban and those radicals Christian coalition types? In other words, I see the world as mostly utterly fucked with very few exceptions. When we specialize in certain aspects of science, we focus our attention into a different world away from the ugly reality out there.
Linus is an ideological leader no matter how you look at it. Even if he doesn't think that way or want it, he has no choice. In a funny way it reminds me of "Life of Brian". I can see him waking up one morning and opening the windows naked to a crowd of crazed followers clamoring for his words.
The problem with this crowd or any other is that there will always be those who want to use it for their own agendas and end up tainting the whole thing in the process (see "Fucked up world with exceptions" above).
What is even funnier is that we, more than any other group on the planet, control every aspect of everyone's life. The power we have as a group is greater than anything else. Nonetheless, we have no cohesion or goals. Just happy little shits doing whatever they tell us... A hear a lot of complain about jobs going out to India for instance. A recent interview with Scott McNeally was quite open (and extremely insulting in the process) about it. But what do we, as a group do? Sit with our collective thumbs stuck up our collective asses.
Blah... I'm mumbling...
Re:Look Man (Score:2, Informative)
This is the ultimate dilemma for many; ambition versus the mating/nesting instinct.
I solved mine by marrying a girl who could sell what I could create.
Who says engineering types and marketing types don't mix??
Re:Funny (Score:2)
"Ideological" is probably the wrong term, but his pragmatism definately can be considered an ethical guidline for how to conduct oneself in business.
Too many people are vested in the "old ways" of company loyalty, destroy all competition, and take your customers for every penny they have to realize the value that Open Source and Free Software are offering business at
Re:Funny (Score:2)
Not every great thinker is a Demagogue. Looking at the amount Linus has changed our world, can you think of anyone from 1991 that has had as big a sustained impact?
Some change comes from behind the scenes, by folks who are just happy to do. The puppies who need to be patted on the head and told how famous and important they are can kiss my behind.
Re:Funny (Score:2)
Re:Funny (Score:2)
Excellent slip in at the end (Score:2)
Re:Excellent slip in at the end (Score:2, Funny)
Really, I'm not out to destroy Microsoft. That will just be a completely unintentional side effect.
Sounds like a bad episode of Springer (Score:3, Funny)
Ah, you have love Linus ... (Score:5, Funny)
Just reading that made me smile. Everybody takes this whole MS vs. the world thing so seriously its great someone can sit back and still have fun with it.
Re:Ah, you have love Linus ... (Score:2)
World domination takes away from the time that could be spent hacking.
Re:Ah, you have love Linus ... (Score:3, Insightful)
Just reading that made me smile. Everybody takes this whole MS vs. the world thing so seriously its great someone can sit back and still have fun with it.
You know, Mr. Gates would likely get a chill, not a chuckle.
There is nothing more scary than someone bent on your destruction, who truly doesn't give a flying fuck about you, and actually has the weapons to disp[ose of you. No chance to fight to the death
Sounds kinda like a glacier.. (Score:2)
Also, feel free to add SCO somewhere in this analogy, but I'm just sick and tired of them so I won't. Preferably in excruciating pain and suffering.
Another great line (Score:2)
Cuts like a knife. Go Linus!
Re:Ah, you have love Linus ... (Score:3, Informative)
The main problem is that mingw32s API headers aren't up to date and in places are broken, and, at least in my experience, it can't handle the Microsoft-isms in the official SDK headers. Try the Borland C++ command line compiler, if you can.
If these are NT ba
Linus is cool - Linux users aren't (Score:3, Interesting)
However, I read over here that peolpe don't want to believe that Linus is only interested in the technology! They WANT to see only what they want to see: A HERO who will take down MS.
Linus is not that. He is an engineer. But people just want their hero... and then they get dissapointed when Linus adds bitkeeper or adds DRM to the kernel. Because these Linux users only see what they want to see.
Re:Linus is cool - Linux users aren't (Score:5, Interesting)
Possibly flamebait, but whatever...
I'm sorry, but the only thing linux users want to see is the source. If bitkeeper or DRM gets added to the kernel, it's completely within your right under the GPL to go into the source and remove it. That's the beauty of open source development.
People use Linux because (A) it works and (B) it gives them the assurance that if they want to change the way their system works they can.
End of line
Don't Mess WIth Out Hero Linus! (Score:2)
Re:Linus is cool - Linux users aren't (Score:2, Insightful)
Actually, I think people see Linus as the guy who created the thing which will take down MS.
He's not a hero for taking down MS, he's a hero for creating this really cool thing and setting it in motion in the correct direction. We all chose to get in line behind it and help it along. His little beastie will take down MS by itself, but is not organic so can not be considered "a hero" itself.
Perhaps we're all heroes then...
Oh, GOD! (Score:5, Funny)
the proof is in the, erm, pudding.... (Score:2)
Re:Oh, GOD! (Score:2)
Linus quote: (Score:5, Funny)
I second that.
Both parts.
i knew it (Score:4, Insightful)
actually, he is right. you don't start out with the goal of destroying anyone. you just do it better and viola', world domination. of course that doesn't apply to microsoft. they didn't do it better, just marketed it better.
It's voila (Score:3, Informative)
It's voila, you insensitive clod! Viola is a music instrument. Or an admission you viola-te spelling.
Re:i knew it (Score:2)
This has never happened in the past... what makes you think it will start now?
Microsoft didn't get to their position by marketing. Making that claim is simply being disingenuous. They rose to their current position through a combination of great timing, shrewd contract negotiation, and "good enough" products.
First they got a contract with IBM for DOS becau
Here is the text... (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Here is the text... (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Here is the text... (Score:5, Insightful)
Please, people, you're giving us a bad name. I wince every time I hear somebody say something like "Linux people don't respect copyrights". I do. Please don't give anybody reasons to think otherwise. Posting copyrighted material here just because "registrations suck" is utterly, completely, inexcusable, and you should be ashamed of yourself if you think it's ok
Re:Here is the text... (Score:2)
Mod parent up, mod moderator down (Score:5, Insightful)
The GPL depends on copyright.
Don't infringe on copyright. Fair use is not the reposting of the entire article, especially when the registration makes it plain the NYTimes does not want it reposted.
And what is with the moderators modding that down?
EXACTLY! (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Mod parent up, mod moderator down (Score:2)
Its their site, their words, their copyright. Honest people should not be copying others copyrighted works. If you don't want to register - then don't. Just don't whine about not getting your "free" news.
As to "why", it is my guess the number of registered users affects the rates paid for their online adds.
Re:Mod parent up, mod moderator down (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Here is the text... (Score:2)
The data it collects includes demographics based upon certian suppositions, including the number of computers you have contact with in different IP address ranges, and the frequency with witch you read online. This data is converted into information that the NYT uses to sell advertizing space to their advertizers.
If the NYT wanted to protect their copyrights you would be re
Re:Here is the text... (Score:2)
That's a subtle troll, right?
So, if we wanted SCO to respect the copyright on the Linux kernel, we'll have to do all of that?
And if I write an article on my websi
Re:Here is the text... (Score:5, Insightful)
By requiring a login/pw, NYT gets a "copyright protection device" and therefore gives them the additional weight of the DMCA against anybody who copies their material.
You sir, are in fact of law, providing a "Copyright Protection Circumvention Device" actionable under the DMCA by posting this on
The Sharer ... (Score:2)
Custody battle? (Score:2)
For a moment, flashbacks from the movie Twins [imdb.com] ran though my mind! Stuff along the lines of: "Kernel 2.4, you were created from the code of many great men, and you have all of their abilities. You can parse 12 languages, run for years without crashing, and even interface with eccentric hardware. You truely are superior to the other kernels."
GAH! *thud*
Re:Custody battle? (Score:2)
Huge setup
Re:Custody battle? (Score:2)
Open source Dating.... (Score:5, Funny)
So Linus supports open source dating. Well I can support that but the putting up a girlfriend on CVS for anyone to "contribute" to is just sleezy. On the other hand back in high school there was this girl that might have been the open source poster child...
Re:Open source Dating.... (Score:2, Funny)
Re:Open source Dating.... (Score:2)
How bout a Microsoft Babe... (Score:2)
Now that sounds like my kind of woman!
Torvalds the Destroyer! (Score:3, Funny)
Uh-huh. Sure. As unintentional as a bull in a china shop.
Diamond Dave (Score:4, Funny)
So?? Linus? About this kernel thing? Yow! Are all those distributions guar-ar-ra-ra-ra-ran-teeeeedd... to satisfy?
Re:Diamond Dave (Score:2)
Let's rephrase (Score:3, Funny)
In other words, Linus doesn't care about the collateral damage! Just like a terrorist! <falsetto> Oh the humanity, someone stop the terrorist!</falsetto>
MS distroyed is a _SIDE_ effect (Score:2, Redundant)
Paternity on his child? (Score:2)
[not trying to make light of that -- making light of my misreading]
Not an impressive interview. (Score:2)
Really, this was just a Q&A on how Linus "feels" about a few issues. There are no heavy hitting questions asked nor answered.
I wish there had been something more interesting that might have prodded people to investigate and hopefully switch to Linux.
Quite bland if you ask me, however, his closing statement made it all worth reading the rest;
I'm not out to destroy Microsoft. That will just be a completely unintentional side effect."
the 50th angle (Score:3, Insightful)
I know atleast 50 people have posted their opinion on the same line. Here's my angle. I would not want MS destroyed, period. That would end up being a total utter disaster for the world. What should happen inturn is that due to increasing competition from OSS, MS should adapt and improve. They should get more aggresive on innovation and diversify into various fields where their already existing talents and resources can be used without interfering with other players illegitimately. Meanwhile OSS should also improve rapidly to provide alternatives and induce change in the world.
Re:the 50th angle (Score:2)
Really? Why? Granted, there might be a few minor economic and (possibly, though highly unlikely) some technological impacts, I see absolutely nothing to suggest that it would be a global disaster.
Global deflation is a disaster. A meteor hitting earth is a disaster. A tidal wave wiping out a village is a disaster (for significant size value of village :-). But some company going tits up? Well, sucks to b
Re:the 50th angle (Score:2)
Re:the 50th angle (Score:2)
Ummmmm... I don't.
this abrupt change will push the whole world back by 5-10 years. (Well, maybe if not a pushback there will be stagnation).
You mean like the stagnation we've been suffering through for the last 5-10 years? Has windows really changed much since Win95?
See ... it's all about balance (Score:2, Insightful)
And change the world in the process!
Seems like the "geek" world could use a lot more like Linus!
I love this comment :- (Score:2)
I just can't see myself in the position of the nemesis, since I just don't care enough. To be a nemesis, you have to actively try to destroy something, don't you? Really, I'm not out to destroy Microsoft. That will just be a completely unintentional side effect.
Who is David Diamond? (Score:2)
Fileshareing vs. OSS (Score:3, Insightful)
The MS world has been sharing programs (intentional and not) forever. Many ppl still use a program just to try it out. Others flat out steal it with no intetion of paying. That has been the norm in the MS world, not the exception.
While p2p and decss was started in the OSS world, neither has really been about stealing info. Decss was simply trying to preserve our right to view movies that we bought and paid for. p2p was simply a scalable way to move files vs. a slashdot effect. I personally do not know of anybody who does linux who trades in movies or music.
I do know a number of ppl from the MS world (and I think a few from the mac) who trade constantly in both. When I ask them about it and the copyright, the attitiude is who cares. Even the best p2p and rippers are from the MS world now, not OSS, due to market demand.
Oddly enough, if RIAA and MPAA really wanted a workable solution they should work with the OSS world to get something started that could be moved back to MS. I doubt that they wil though.
Re:Article unavaliable, here is the text (Score:3, Funny)
yeah but (Score:5, Funny)
None. MS simply declares darkness the new standard.
Re:David Hasselhoff (Score:2)
I've never seen a picture of The Holy One before and my god he looks like David Hasselhoff
I haven't seen a picture of him in a while, and he has changed a bit. I don't think he looks like Knight Rider, but he does look an awful lot like Trey [mattntrey.com] Parker [mattntrey.com] of South Park fame. Same shirt, too.
If you've ever seen Baseketball, just imagine Linus doing the psych-out to BillG and drinking a liposuction at him. Fun!
Re:Awesome line (Score:2)
because we're in soviet russia, you insensitive clod.
Re:Note the quote... (Score:2)
And we return again to World Domination...
So Grog, when you got the idea for domesticating cattle, were you thinking of the leveling of jungles to make pastureland?
Ug, Ug. (No, actually I was trying to come up with a way to not spend so much time hunting.)
Gug, Roo, Ug. (And maybe finally getting around to coding the kernel for an open source Unix workalike.)
Ug, Ug, Foo. (But, not having and experience with the C programming language, I had
Re:mirrored, because signups suck (Score:2)
Re:*sigh* (Score:4, Funny)
You gave Linux, the operating system, to the world free, in effect jump-starting the open-source movement.
I'm reminded how clueless 'journalists' are.
What kind of 'ra ra Linux' fanboy would think the above and ignore the history of gcc, alt/comp.*.source.* et la?
Precisely. I'm sending you to report this to Lord Stallman personally. And take this bottle of patchouli to him as a token of respect.
Re:Worst Interview Ever! (Score:2)
Journalist: What are your feelings on the success of Linux?
Linus: I don't really care.
Rinse, lather, repeat.
Re:Linus has a great bottom line (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Linus has a great bottom line (Score:2)
Re:Microsoft/Technology... (Score:3, Insightful)
Please explain how
"What gets me is that this guy has the sheer _b
Linux technically interesting? (Score:2)
Then again, maybe you're not saying that.
Re:Linus to World: (Score:3, Insightful)
Linux is a hot bed of new ideas and technology. But, being open, it tends to attact that.
Re:is Linus really Andy Warhol reincarnated? (Score:2)
Blaming the virus-writers or virus-farmers (Score:2)
Re:Okay, call me a bastard, but, I'm serious.... (Score:2)
Um, you mean if Gates hadn't copied the Mac/Xerox system? EVERYONE could use the Mac when it came out; it had an ease-of-use that Windows XP can't touch. It was also a pig to do "real" programming on which is why I've never owned one, but I've used plenty.
The Mac made computers what they are today, in fact Gates dropped the ball on a lot of the good things in the Mac OS like networking. The only reason MS is where it