Red Hat 8.0 For KDE Users (And Newbies) 435
pantropik writes "OSNews has been giving quite a bit of bandwidth to Red Hat's newest offering lately. This article, which generated quite a bit of controversy in the comments section, detailed a new user's 'frustrations' with the new release. The latest article, written by yours truly, is rather lengthy, explaining such things as adding 3D drivers, missing MP3 functionality, DVD decoding, using APT with RHL, and customizing Red Hat's modified KDE. At the end, I wrap up with my impression -- as a simple user -- of this 'crippled' KDE implementation. Of course, you can also check out this story, which takes a look at RH 8.0 from 'Joe and Jane User's' perspective."
Crippled? (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Crippled? (Score:5, Informative)
Easy way (Score:4, Informative)
Redhat 8 KDE (Score:5, Informative)
The distribution is also buggy in other ways:
- If you have an NVIDIA card with a DVI cable to the flat panel monitor, you will get nothing but blue static when you run the installer. Since there is no way to run anaconda with VESA or good NVIDIA driver and text based installer is not complete, I ended up undusting my old CRT monitor to get through this stage.
- The provided kernel source is broken and you will not be able to build modules (such as NTFS or the working NVIDIA driver), unless you include rhconfig.h into modsetver.h. You also need to run genksyms by hand because Makefile somehow will not get the compiler name right.
- Redhat can't decide on which encoding to use for a locale. Try to login with russian language if you can. Now half of the programs will come up with a bunch of blank squares where text should be and "man ls" is not a pretty site. That's because they switched to UTF8 encoding but most programs and man-pages-ru still use KOI8 encoding. Basically, logging in with russian language is unusable. Even with English login, man still displays garbage instead of dashes. The only cure is alias man='LANG= man'.
The sad thing is, you will probably swallow those things (if you can use English desktop anyway). Part of it is because of smooth fonts, up-to-date packages (it's no fun to download new versions of gcc etc over dialup) and a subdued look of Bluecurve which is pretty easy on the eyes. Mostly though, it's rpmfind.net, since most of the things just work with RedHat without having to install tons of support packages.
This are the same reasons as to boot into XP though. Any suggestions are welcome
Just great! (Score:2)
USENET (Score:4, Funny)
Last I looked the RH ISOs were on nearly every CD group, just waiting to be snagged.
This is off-topic, but lately I'm finding that more and more people have absolutely no idea what usenet is. I mentioned this to one of our new IT guys here -- a so-called "hot-shot" just out of college -- and wondered if usenet "sells DSL because he can't get it through AT&T."
Re:USENET (Score:2)
I forgot the word "he" in the sentence above.
"... *he* wondered if usenet 'sells DSL'."
Re:USENET (Score:5, Funny)
Well do they? I can't get it from Bellsouth either.
(Note: I'm only pretending to be someone who doesn't know what usenet is. I'm well aware that it's an operating system, not an ISP)
Re:USENET (Score:4, Funny)
You're wrong. Usenet is just a kernel. GNU/usenet is the operating system.
Re:USENET (Score:2, Interesting)
It's really not surprising people don't know what it is or how to use it. Anyways, much of the functionality is being replaced by web boards and the binary part is being replaced by the multitude of P2P apps.
I just discovered the other day that my provider does have a full feed available for free to it's subscribers, but I sure couldn't find mention of it anywhere in their literature or on the website.
Re:USENET (Score:2)
Because increasingly, Usenet servers are not being provided by ISP's. My last two ISP's didn't provide Usenet servers, and I was unwilling to buy access to one. My ISP right now (my college), has a usenet server, but they don't provide much of the good parts of the alt. tree.
And for regular discussion, first mailing lists, and now web boards/forums have replaced parts of USENET (not established ones). I like web forums because you can access them from anywhere with a web browser, and they usually have much more adminning capabilities and posting capabilities than USENET can.
And finally, p2p networks have replaced USENET/ftp for non-hardcore (and some hardcore) leechers.
Re:USENET (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Just great! (Score:2, Informative)
rsync -Pzrv --size-only rsync://(rsync site you found)/(path to site's iso dir)/
to download all 6(?) ISOs under the local directory.
For example, to download from mcs.anl.gov, type:
rsync -Pzrv --size-only rsync://mirror.mcs.anl.gov/redhat/redhat/linux/8.
If the download is interrupted, just enter the command again from the same directory and rsync will continue where it left off. Another advantage is rsync will compress the download on the fly.
(I hope I didn't just start the first rsync DoS from
An OS for all occasions... (Score:5, Insightful)
As the writer wrote:
I was excited to see all the positive, glowing reviews of the latest version of Red Hat Linux. I thought, "finally, I can get away from Windows 98." "It just works" is the mantra. Unfortunately, this was not the case for me.
If the goal is to simply get away from Windows while still maintaining functionality, and you're just a hack user, I would recommend Mac OS X. If you don't have the money to buy new hardware...then I don't know what to tell you.
At this point, Linux is still not going to replace Windows or Mac OS X. And you can't expect REd Hat to solve all the problems in one release. It's a step in the right direction, but this isn't the miracle that Linux needs to attract joe-user.
Don't be so critical.
Re:An OS for all occasions... (Score:2)
The "it just works...NOT" issue exists because the hardware existing for i386 is so vast you just cant take everything into consideration. It's a bloody mess.
Now, on the other hand... if you can tell me why STILL after so many years i have to configure my awe64gold by hand...
Re:An OS for all occasions... (Score:4, Interesting)
I have an old 233 mHz Dell kicking around. It runs the most blessedly stable Win95 install you could hope for, courtesy of 2 intentional drive-wipes right after purchase. It is my general backup computer. I've played around with Linux, and having put Mandrakes 7.2, 8.2, and 9.0, and Lycoris Amethyst on, I can safely say that none of them 'just worked' (so far, only Mandrake 7.2 worked with my sound card without a hassle). I was thinking about RH as the next test distro, but no longer.
Anyway, the point is that OS X seems like a great system. I would love to run it. But I'm not going to go out and drop $1000 on new hardware from Mr. Jobs. I have hardware. I want to get away from running Windows on it for purposes other than games. Linux made much of its name by supporting older systems. It shouldn't be too much to ask that it 'just works' on these systems.
Re:An OS for all occasions... (Score:2)
Unfortunately, it is still too much to ask. You can get lucky if it likes your hardware, but as always YMMV. I've got about 20 years in development and admin, and I still find myself scratching my head sometimes when trying to get the system configured, or do some major maintanance task. Mostly it's because I'm tinkering around with the stuff I already have laying around, or trying to save a step or two or do something a bit odd.
The truth is that things aren't that much better with Windows. A friend just got a new XP box and there was no way to repartition and reload XP with the stuff the vendor supplied. Long story short, it took about a week and to visits from another friend that had more Windows related tools and such to get it up. He ended up with a different (and better) video card and a new sound card and running on Windows 2000.
Admin is hard for any OS unless you run exactly the configuration that some vendor has implemented and verified. We even went back to the store considering returning the PC and getting a Mac, but it was beyond his budget. I can't say from personal experience but Macs are probably better, but the vendor closely controls the configuration, don't they.
Re:An OS for all occasions... (Score:2, Insightful)
Linux still DOES work on older systems im on a 233 with 64 of RAM running RedHat 8.0 right now. But im not triple clicking open office and evolution. Im using Opera, wmaker, sylpheed for e-mail. RedHat cant do everything by default thats what CHOICE is about, they provide the user with choices its up to lazy ppl to configure it themselves if they dont like the "default" c'mon ppl what the hell has happened, we use to understand this, now we want a mac os X to tie our shoes for us!
It just works: Mac OS X (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:An OS for all occasions... (Score:4, Interesting)
I really can't say MacOS X is a more attractive commercial solution than XP is. I hate to buck the anti-Microsoft trend, but the purchase of a G4 that ships with DDR RAM it can't use just to use a closed UNIX variant because it has throbbing default buttons doesn't strike me as a smart plan.
I don't think MacOS X is the best OS for the task.
I think RedHat and other distributions like SuSE et al who are making an effort at user interface usability and flexibility are on the right track. Get adoption first by office users and non-gamers, and as the userbase grows, the applications will come. It is becoming a better OS for the task.
Re:An OS for all occasions... (Score:3, Informative)
Wowza! I need to start paying attention. Last I knew, Darwin (the OS part of MacOS/X, not to be confused with the proprietary GUI, Aqua) was an open source project! Man, am I behind the times!
Problem is vendor lock-in (Score:2)
I buy all the parts for a brand new system every five years. About every 12-18 months during that span, I upgrade the hardware and software piecemeal. What I upgrade and when depends on my needs. Games or a new kind of CPU seem to be the most common reason. Although I grant that gaming probably wouldn't be as much of an issue on a Mac.
The trouble with paying for Apple hardware and software is that you will always have to pay for Apple hardware and software. I buy high-end components and build my own systems. Everything "just works" fine for me. If Apple decides to change a EULA in Mac OS X what happens? If iTunes or the iPod incorporate DRM crap, what does everyone do? If they release a system that can't be sufficiently upgraded, what then? None of the cost-of-ownership stuff I've seen covers having to replace an aging iMac.
I don't want to start a flamefest or a religious war, but for me the right OS is Linux (and Win98 for games). You make a good point, however. Mac OS X passes the "Mom Test" with flying colors.
Same here (Score:5, Informative)
My computer has a xp 1600+ processor, yet gedit for example took 16 seconds to start (time gedit, then close the window as fast as possible).
Some comments in the article suggested that he should change the hostname. It was possible that X didnt get it correctly, then the apps hadto wait for something to time out.
I saw that the hostname when I typed hostname in the terminal was green.rsn. But in the more standard hostname config files it was localhost.localdomain.
So I changed the hostname from green.rsn to localhost.localdomain
Problem solved. Gnome was now very fast.
So if anyone else has speed problems with Redhat 8.0 this might be worth looking into.
Re:Same here (Score:2)
I'll try that this week! Thanks!
Re:Same here (Score:4, Informative)
The best solution is to alias whatever hostname you want to localhost. So if you want the hostname to be Cooter.Graw you would put this is your hosts file: localhost Cooter.Graw Cooter
Cooter.Graw and Cooter will then just be aliases for localhost. (You can get rid of localhost.localdomain, but you need the initial localhost there.) So, in your case you would need to change the localhost line to: localhost green.rsn green
Red Hat even points it out sometimes... (Score:3, Informative)
So, imagine my surprise when I saw this box pop up:
Could not look up internet address for mycomp.
This will prevent GNOME from operating correctly.
It may be possible to correct the problem by adding
mycomp to the file
(Log in Anyway) (Try Again)
So, they're aware of it. But why does it act this way? Wouldn't that effectively penalize anyone not on an active network? (i.e. dialup, etc)
Mod up parent (Score:2)
Slowness (Score:2, Interesting)
Maybe the guy turned up the specicial effects knob all the way? I dunno, either way the guy did use a slow machine in the review (500mhz celeron). But I am typing on a p233 mmx right now running FreeBSD/KDE3.0 and it is incredibly fast. (Except Mozilla basically refuses to run on this machine, waaaayy slow. Mozilla runs slower than the Java apps I run on this machine (IDEA, TCC, etc)).
This is what is really needed (Score:5, Insightful)
Consider this : given the fact that both are so refined already, if both worked together, you'd have a UI that easily bypasses anything MS can come up with and Linux becomes a viable desktop for Joe and Jane user (it already is for Joe and Jane techie).
Again, Linux NEEDS a unified desktop. I can't say it more. It may sound sad, but it has to be done.
Re:This is what is really needed (Score:2, Insightful)
I agree - But it would be essential that the two groups have a unified vision and focus as they progressed. Otherwise, the project could easily become bogged down as each group argued feature X versus feature Y, or how the project was deviating from "the way it should be"
After all, it is not possible to just "stick products together" like this and come out with a product equal to the sum of its parts.
Re:This is what is really needed (Score:2, Insightful)
KDE and Gnome should make sure that they are compatible with each other and that things like Drag&Drop work in both directions and as far as I know, both sites already working on such compability things.
Re:This is what is really needed (Score:2, Interesting)
If you look at how long it has taken Linux to evolve versus how long it has taken MS to evolve Windows, I think everyone will agree that the pace has been faster on the OSS side.
The moment you can get the average joe to move to a free OS like Linux, and the moment you can do it on a large scale, you're also fighting other MS technologies like DRM and other "customer experience enhancing" technologies because they get lower acceptance.
Now, don't flame me yet. This is looking at the long term and unifying KDE and Gnome is one way to really accelarate it. It'll take some time to do it, but if you really look at it, it just might be for the better good.
not sad, and not difficult (Score:3, Insightful)
Then Gnome and KDE would be very similar, but would also remain separate. KDE would use Konq for file/web, Gnome would use Nautilus/Mozilla respectively, etc.
Then users could mix and match components, developers could choose which development architecture they want, and users would see a consistent desktop with common themes and fonts.
Re:This is what is really needed (Score:3, Insightful)
I don't think that is going to help as much as some other features might.
I recently began tinkering with RH7.0, happend to have a copy kicking around. And ran into a huge mess.
My intention is to get it up and running as both a Web and Mail server, its not going to be the most powerful server in the world, but its mostly going to serve only me. Well enough, this is the type of thing *nix OS's are for right? They make good servers, right? Well, I'm not sure yet, I made the mistake of buying a Linksys NIC.
Alright, install hardware, boot machine on CD, install OS with server packages, and... Hmm, not getting a IP address from the DHCP server. Ok, check network settings in linuxconf, looks Ok. Check cable, try NIC in another machine, works there.
After a bit of web searching I noticed that there seems to be a bit of a problem with this generation of card, and the default driver. No problem, there's a new driver out, all I have to do is install it and I'm off to the races. Better yet, its on the driver disk that came with the card.
Ok, copy the driver over to the HD, and try to compile it. (Some gcc -blah -blah -blah command.) Ok, open the man page and try to figure it out (BTW I am not, nor do I have any wish to be a programmer.) After about 15 min. I close the man page and go back to the web. (10 trying to figure out what the hell I was being told, and 5 searching for the asparin bottle.)
Thank God, there are poeple out there with knowledge, who are willing to share. Ok, run the command as I found it on a message board. Hmm, says something is missing. Go back to message board, and look for more info. Ok, got it, this is a common problem too. Get more files, and try to compile those, damn something more is missing. At this point it was 1 in the morning, and I gave up and went to bed, I've not been back to it yet.
The moral of all this is that driver installation in RH seems to be hell if you are unlucky. This is not the way to attract users. Before Linux has any hope of becomeing the mainstream desktop OS, it needs to handle drivers in a better way. I can see 2 things that would have to be done.
1. If a driver is going to have a dependency that may not be in the OS by default, include it with the driver. Sure, it'll bloat the download a bit, but it will save the user from a headache. People like simple things, that's the draw of Windows, simplicity. Consider the last time you updated a driver in Windows, how many dependancies did you have to pull down off the web, do I hear none? This is one area where MS has done a pretty good job, there isn't the need to go running down dependecies, they are just there, and like most users want, "it just works."
2. Click, Click, oohh pretty pictures, hey cool its installed. Yes, its brainless, yes it puts stuff on which you have no clue about, but its what the end user wants. This is what is needed for both programs and drivers, simplicity. Again, this is somthing that MS has exceled at. Though it is partly why people hate Windows, no control, and no clue what is going on. Probably the best thing to do would be to have a "pretty picture" setting as default, and then let those people that want to, switch over to the full control interface. Again, it goes back to what the author of one of the articles said, "it just works". That is what Linux is going to have to acheive if it wants to be the desktop OS of choice for Joe and Jane user.
In closing, as much as I hear about it on slashdot, I don't think that the OSS community really wants to make a desktop for the average user. They want to have thier own "Uber-Desktop" (what is with the German usage anyhow?). They want to live in thier ivory tower and proclaim the rest of the world idiots for not joining them, but at the same time making it impossible for the average user. It reminds me of a time not long past, and an OS that has come and almost gone, DOS. The DOS aficiandos adopted an elietist attitude, and so the average home user bought a Mac. It wasn't until Windows that the basic home user started buying PC's. This is about where Linux is now, its like DOS with Win 3.1 as compared to Mac. Except, in this case its Linux and KDE/Gnome trying to oust Windows. Its not there yet, and won't be without some serious dumbing-down tools built into it. And, from what I have heard from the OSS community, they just aren't interested in doing that, so it will remain an OS for geeks and programmers, and will remain as nothing more that a footnote in computing history.
P.S. Flame away, though I challenge anyone to post a good couter argument.
Re:This is what is really needed (Score:3, Insightful)
The only way you'll stop people from working on either desktop is if they wanted to. Because they want to work on their respective systems, they will not switch, they don't want to.
Should we stop developing FreeBSD, NetBSD and all the other free operating systems? I'd say no, because all you're trying to do is create a dictatorship.
Re:This is what is really needed (Score:4, Insightful)
And 'select + middle mouse button' doesn't cut it (no pun intended). When I select something doesn't mean that I want to blow away what's in my copy buffer. I might just want to delete it or replace it with what is in my copy buffer.
Re:This is what is really needed (Score:5, Informative)
It's been around for ages, and supported by GTK+ since 1.2, QT since 3.0, and Mozilla since as long as I can remember.
So upgrade to KDE 3.0!
That last page.. (Score:5, Insightful)
I've got to say, right on, man.
I'd also like to tell detractors to go look into what RedHat has done for Linux and Open Source.
Evil and corporate? If all corporations were evil, we'd do well to have them all under RedHat's brand of evil. Are some of you people capable of understanding how much money RedHat has sunk back into the community? It is, quite frankly, staggering.
Anyway, the bottom line is this: If you don't like it, compile KDE yourself, or switch distributions. Distributions should not be carbon copies of each other, nor should they include every piece of software imaginable (Yay 7 SuSE discs!)..
So what (Score:2, Insightful)
I feel for the writer (Score:4, Insightful)
I just recently tried RH8.0 (I support RH in a corperate environment) and liked how it looks, but am appalled that in order to deploy it I have to replace all the workstations with new just to keep everything feeling right in speed. (WE have aincent P-III 866's here with a paltry 128 meg of ram... I know... I should be killed and eaten for using such old and outdated hardware.)
Redhat 7.3 is the last stage here.. and if Linux desktops in general keep getting feature bloat and exrta slow-down added... I may have to stand up with egg on my face and reccomend that we switch back to Microsoft in a few years.
KDE and Gnome... they need stop all development and focus on getting a 50% speed increase. If they have to cut and slash to do it, then do it. Mozilla needs to do this as well as Open Office.
everyone is sitting behind the excuse that "processors are ultra fast now and ram is cheap." Linux is not the big fish... we must be faster and sleeker than the big fish to survive and overcome.
Re:I feel for the writer (Score:2)
I agree with you on the efficiency thing. KDE is nice and all, but do we really need another mail checker to nest in the bar?
KDE, Gnome, X -- whoever, should seriously consider your words and put them into actin. Never Mind the big/small fish concept...it just makes sense to have an efficient system anyhow.
How do other distributions compare? Are they more efficient?
Re:I feel for the writer (Score:2, Informative)
Or you can go the http://www.linuxfromscratch.org route and kiss a social life goodbye.
Re:I feel for the writer (Score:2, Interesting)
Well I hate to be one of those "it works fine for me" types, but... it works fine for me on my p3 700 thinkpad with 256 meg ram. Not a powerhouse, and I tell you, beOS ran much much faster.
For a little reference, seeing BeOS was a sinking ship, I knew I had to find a new development platform. So I tried several distros, before settling down. Redhat, consistently (version 6.2, 7.0 and I think 7.1 or something) was slow as molassas. I tried SuSE, and it hauled a** relatively speaking. So I moved over to SuSE for about a year, before trying slack 8, which became my favorite. Slack made my "meager" p3 run like BeOS used to, and was so well designed, layed out, and documented that I didn't need YaST just to change my default runlevel.
Then, I found gentoo, but frankly gentoo isn't noticeably faster than slack. The only reason I'm sticking with gentoo is that its init system is the most utterly beautiful system I've ever worked with. And, because my work, which required under slack about 20 minutes to build after a "make distclean" builds now in about 7 to 10 minutes, which is a very nice thing.
So, what I'm getting at is that yes, mainstream linux is bloated. Sure. But I'm sure you can either turn off a lot of the nastiness redhat defaults to, or you can install a lighter system.
That's why we have options and competition people. Stop bitching.
Oh, and one more thing -- I do run kde, and on a well tuned system it hauls like a bat out of hell. You don't need to sacrifice functionality for performance. And yes, BeOS was fast, but BeOS didn't do 10% of what Gnome2 or KDE 3 can do ;)
Re:I feel for the writer (Score:2, Informative)
PII-266. 224 MB RAM. 6.4 GB HD.
Runs fine.
Balsa starts up fast. Galeon starts up fast. Mozilla starts up fairly fast. The only thing really slow starting up is OpenOffice. Hell, I have less trouble running DivX videos on this than on my folks' Celery 500 with 256 MB RAM.
Got the httpd running. Got named running. Got sshd running. Nautilus sits in the background doing Kosh-knows-what.
Distro? Red Hat 7.3. May go to 8 or Mandrake 9 if I can get my hands on some CDs.
I couldn't imagine running WinXP on anything less than a 600 MHz box with at least 256 MB ram.
But, that's just an anecdote...
Re:I feel for the writer (Score:5, Insightful)
On what relates to Windows. Do you wanna tell me that you can find a Windows good enough to hang on the configurations you pointed? Even NT had trouble working on the Celeron you pointed out. With only a browser it managed to eat up all memory and permanently require some 20Mb swap.
Or are you talking about the "new" Windows? This new XP crap needs no less than 256 megs to live relatively well on a PIII 900MHz. On that same machine I'm able to use a full-featured Mandrake 9 and have always some 100Mb free for something else, Quake III for example...
Keep the FUD for yourself while you can't switch from Windows Help to man rtfm
Re:I feel for the writer (Score:2)
so Yes you are right, linux is faster and the distro is fat... but guess what... the world doesnt see what it can do.... the world sees what it does out of the box.
Re:I feel for the writer (Score:2)
The real advantage to Linux is that, if you think RedHat is too bloated these days, you can still run 7.3, and you'll probably be able to run it without being unable to get security patches for years to come. There aren't forced upgrades to versios which are worse. We're still using RedHat 6.2 at my work, because we haven't seen a compelling reason to switch to anything newer. Stand up and recommend that you leave the damn computers alone and let people get work done with them.
The real issue with feature bloat is that the interface gets more crowded and harder to use. Even though processors are ultra fast and ram is cheap, that's no excuse for making each version more confusing than the previous one.
Re:I feel for the writer (Score:2)
The problem is that not everyone wants the same features.
Re:I feel for the writer (Score:2)
Sure, Windows98 runs on this hardware very well. You can also run KDE 1.2/Gnome 1.2 on it very well. WindowsXP and KDE 3.x and Gnome 2.x would not run with this little RAM or a Celeron 500. Perhaps a p3 or athlon 550, but not a Celeron 500.
I'm using KDE w/ redhat 8 right now (Score:2)
I think creating a common theme isn't a bad idea... The feel isn't my cup of tea though, since I don't like gnome. Changing everything wasn't that hard as long as you're familiar with the basic inner workings of the system
Comment removed (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Didn't even get that far thanks to grub and lil (Score:2)
Grub complained about my partition table during the install, but did finally install and work.
One can always use Google to look things up... (Score:3, Informative)
(LILO CRC error...)
http://www.linuxgazette.com/issue50/tag/24.html [linuxgazette.com]
(Grub cannot fit selected item into memory)
Based on those links, I'd be chasing down something taking some of your low memory away from you so that it doesn't boot right. Keep in mind, it may still be an ailing HD as intimated in the LILO links. As for the bootloaders being ready, they are- you've got a special case that's causing you problems and many, many others don't seem to have your issues with them. I can't speak of Red Hat's support since I've not used their distribution in a while- so you may have a beef there.
Re:Didn't even get that far thanks to grub and lil (Score:2)
I bought RH 7 to run on an old (Dual P-Pro 200) Compaq machine that used to be running SCO Unix. I couldn't get it installed. I emailed RH support with the specs of the box (Standard Compaq Proliant 2500) and the error the installer gave me (invalid root or something).
They replied back the next day "Try installing in text mode" then the next day, "Use a command line of...". That went on for 2 weeks, till they finnaly read the specs on the machine (Compaq SmartRaid controller) and said "Sorry, we don't support RH installation on servers with raid controllers." To be honest, Compaq wasn't much help ethier. They simply had a pointer to the Compaq array controller driver on sourceforge.
How silly of me to install a server O/S on a server. So I installed Win2K.
I had no problems with the HP raid controller... (Score:2)
Growing pains (Score:2, Insightful)
I think as a whole community we need to show more support for Red Hat because once people see the advantages of Red Hat, it's not a big jump to find your favorite distro (SuSe for me :-) ) and isn't this what we're wanting to happen?
MP3 is GPL issue, not Thompson (Score:5, Informative)
It's my understanding that RH removed mp3 functionality because of GNU GPL issues, not Thompson's licensing. Apparently, the GPL prevents including code from patented, non-open/free protocols (I don't know the exact clause, but I'm pretty sure it's true). This means that all of the mp3 players out there are actually in violation of the GPL.
Re:MP3 is GPL issue, not Thompson (Score:5, Informative)
Red Hat 8 (Score:2)
read the release notes if you want dvd playback! (Score:5, Informative)
DMA is disabled on CD-ROM drives in this release in a different but more reliable way than previously. If you are sure that your CD-ROM drive is capable of IDE DMA, place the following line in the
options ide-cd dma=1
My mini RH 8.0 review (Score:4, Insightful)
Easy for admin to deploy. check
Easy to use desktop even for a windows user. check
Comes with a great Office Suite and email client. check
Comes with a fast stable web browser. check
The best fonts and font tool ever for a linux distro. check
Absolutly 100% free to download ISO's. check
A billion times more secure than Outlook/IE. check
Responsive on modern(1GHz 256MB) machines. check
Companies has given/gives back a LOT to the community. check
I've been using Redhat since 5.0 and I've also pretty much every distro under the sun. For desktop linux this is a high wark mark. It still has a few rough edges when it comes to consumer usage, but really for the business desktop this is deployable NOW. If I were starting a company today there is not doubt RH 8 would be my choice regardless of cost. Also remember this is Redhat's FIRST attempt at the desktop. I can only imagine how good Redhat 8.1 or 8.2 is going to be.
Re:My mini RH 8.0 review (Score:3, Insightful)
However, my biggest complaint is that RH lacks the capabilities of 'apt-get dist-upgrade'. I've been using apt4rpm on all my RH boxes, but trying to move from RH 7.3 to 8.0 failed.
I looked around at what RH had to offer and what was available on the net, as it turns out, the only 'safe' way to upgrade a RH box from 7.x to 8.0 is to reboot with a bootdisk (install, kickstart, whatever) then perform the upgrade, then reboot to the working system.
This is unacceptable if you have a ton of racked boxes. I need to be able to remotely (scripted is even better) be able to upgrade those boxes, reboot and be ready to go. Having to physically install the media (even for an NFS kickstart) upgrade is a major PITA. It's one of the main reasons I'll never convince the deb-heads I work with to move to RH.
I really like RH, I do a lot of business and enterprise app development and deployment, and RH has consistently provided everything I need to do my job sanely. This one issue is really killing me though.
Some thoughts and specific user experience items (Score:4, Interesting)
There are a few things that initially annoy me, but these are relatively minor and I'm sure they'll be addressed in the next point releases
1. The lack of MP3 support in XMMS is retarded. Supposedly, they were going to provide an alternate XMMS plugin that would at least inform the user about MP3 support, but somehow that didn't make its way into the final release. So, try to initially play an MP3... doesn't work, no information about *why*. (not a problem for me, because I just went and compiled up my own xmms, but for an average joe, this would be a problem).
2. I'm sick of Mozilla being included in these distros without any plugins! For christs sake, at least throw some java in there by default!!
3. Logged into gnome as a regular user, there should be some way to supply a root password into Nautilus to be able to manage files in restricted folders, such as
4. Some bugs... don't leave any non-gnome apps open when you log out, such as xmms or gkrellm. If you do, when you log back in, your session will be f*cked and for some odd reason, you won't be able to log out. The fix (if this happens to you) is to go to one of the many setup menus and find the "sessions" admin app, and clear the non-gnome apps from the current session and save. Then, you'll be able to log out and return to normal.
5. FIRSTBOOT!! There's a daemon that runs on the first boot, and it uses X. Sometimes, at least in VMWARE, X fails to load for firstboot, and hence, it gets skipped. Without going through the firstboot process, certain parts of the distro get broken, such as the hostname, and thus, gnome runs like crap with hostname problems.
6. Too many setup menus!! There are just too many menus for configuring the system. Seems kinda redundant, and silly to have to search through multiple menus to locate a single app because the user can't remember whether the item is in "preferences" or "system settings".
7. Get rid of the "extras" menu... just move those apps to their appropriate menu items. For example, the x-chat IRC client is located in the "extras menu" beneath "internet"... well, it should be in the real "internet" menu.
Thats it from the complaint dept. Otherwise, even as an experienced linux user (and a CLI oriented programmer at that), I find the RH80 gui environment to be extremely nice to usem, wihtout many annoyances.
Re:Some thoughts and specific user experience item (Score:4, Insightful)
Regarding browser plugins, the default netscape location for plugins (/usr/lib/netscape/plugins) should be a symlink to the mozilla plugins directory. When some popular "netscape" plugins are installed, such as realplayer, it automatically puts itself in the default netscape location.
For a "joe user", this would probably be a big problem because after installing a plugin, realplayer, flash player, etc... it doesn't work unless the user manually copies the files from the netscape plugin directory into the mozilla plugin directory.
Huge problem, with a simple solution.
Re:I don't know if you're a newbie, guru, or what (Score:2)
#1 - I took care of the problem by compiling my own copy of xmms with mp3 support included. yes, I'm aware of the additional mp3 rpm.
#3 - yeah, "su".. no shit sherlock. I was specifically referring to GUI based file operations with nautilus.
#4 - Well, you'll need to save your session if you intend on keeping changes you make to your desktop environment. I have my sessions set to always save, because surely I'd forget at least occasionally to save my session, and it would piss me off if I lost anything I had done to my GUI.
#5 - yes, but a "joe user" isn't going to know how to do that.
Thanks for your input
Why do they call it slow? (Score:2)
I don't get it. Why? An earlier RedHat 8.0 review from Eugenia says that RedHat 8.0 is *faster* than previous versions. GNOME 1 users reported that GNOME 2 is a lot faster (and I agree with them; GNOME 2 IS a lot faster, especially Nautilus).
I have an Athlon 1.4 Ghz with 128 MB RAM, and running on GNOME 2. It's very usable (I use Linux as my primairy OS) and fast. Compared to Windows ME, there's not much difference.
Yet the article says everything is slow as hell, even the one with 128 MB RAM.
Why? Why is it half of all reviews say that the desktop is slow while the other half say it's fast?
mp3 removed ? not really (Score:5, Interesting)
RedHat says there is no mp3 support, but surprisingly there is! ;-) The trick. Mozilla :). They have by default added a plugin(plugger).
Plugger can play Quicktime, mpg and mp3 in the browser window. Well not many of us like to listen to mp3 in mozilla, but this completely refutes Red Hats claim about not including mp3 support coz "We dont want to be the first to be sued". To be frank, wether the support is in mozilla or xmms, if hypothetically there was a case of patent violation, it wouldnt really matter. Well now that the roayalty has been removed it dosent matter, but my guess is that this hindsight was there mostly due to lack of knowledge... or mebbe there is some developer sitting with a sense of humour!
Re:mp3 removed ? not really (Score:2)
Plugger REQUIRES helper apps... (Score:2)
In order for it to play content for MP3 files, it needs mpg123 or something similar. If mpg123 and it's ilk aren't included on RH, plugger can't play MP3 files. I don't know if RH has omitted mpg123 or not, but I suspect so.
I can't read rh related post on kde mailling lists (Score:5, Insightful)
Why ?
Because many of those many posts come from users having difficulties with choices the heavy thinkers of those distros made. And I got fed up of reading the same problems all over again. And the same answers, to the point that some day those lists look like a big huge faq.
"This a suze related problem. The solution to this problem can be found on suze forum "...etc
Most of the times, the initiative was good and those people are quite eager to do the right thing, they just seem unable to do it THE RIGHT WAY.
In the KDE case, it would have meant in order to do the right thing (desktop appearence unification): to talk with KDE people to warn them and have feedback from them, to show respect for their work and project (leave the small about kde box in the app they put aside anyway) and to show that they have heard their concerns about a supposed preference toward gnome and that they're not funded (because they are not, right?).
But NO, they had to push it under the hat(!) and suddenly, flamewars everywhere, like we need them.
And in order to do it the right way for end users (because they are target for desktop unification, right? I mean, who ELSE need it?), that would mean a little less twinked systems which will behave a little more like everyone else's. If you don't believe me, go and check last transgaming release and see what systems have kernel related issues with last winex release.
If the real issue behind all this was to do the best desktop for end users, they certainly did it the wrong way.
Test X Configuration in Installer (Score:2)
Now, I am the type of guy who doesn't mind editing some config files by hand and has plenty of Big Heavy Books about *nix. However, almost every piece of documentation on configuring X recommends using Xconfigurator. I naively believed what I read and never bothered with manually editing X's config files. Big mistake. Xconfigurator does not come with Psyche. I poked around for a few hours before getting so furious with the thing that I simply repartitioned and started from scratch. This time I picked the right monitor.
I know that people with a higher wisdom stat than I would have been just fine in this scenario, and I never claimed to be an expert, but the simple ability to test my X setup in the installer would have turned this 3 hour hangup into a 10 second goof. But like I said, this option might be present for people with more up to date hardware. (Doh, I use linux partially because my hardware is older.)
Other than that, I love Psyche. Mostly I'm enamored with the latest versions of all the included software, but the sum is composed of the parts.
Thanks (Score:2)
Still waiting... (Score:2)
I have been using SuSE which is really nice but the deal clincher for me has been the fact I use Gnome and the integration of Gnome and the System Tools used by Redhat are much better than the integration of System Tools into Gnome that SuSE provides.
I want a unified look and feel and use almost entirely gtk/gnome apps except for OpenOffice of course.
BTW, when I say this I must mention and no one else ever does that SuSE does an excellent job of integrating its System Tools into KDE. Just go to the control center in KDE and you can get to every System Function provided by Yast2. If you use KDE SuSE is the winner. I just hate the look and feel of KDE. Its just me.
Anyway, I am still waiting though. Why? The main reason I will probably wait until Gnome 2.2 and the release of Redhat in a few years considering Redhat's release schedule than includes that version of Gnome by default. The reason is the fact that until Gnome 2.2 most apps I know and love and will not be ported over by default. I have compiled them one by one on my SuSE box and do not care to repeast that move.
On the whole desktop issue I will say that it is entirely possible to create a good desktop for linux using the currently available tools. However, there are still too many downloads -- ltmodem, Nvidia drivers, i8kutils for the laptop users, core MS fonts and other things (even more for Redhat 8.0, too much preparation needed (checking for hardware compatibility with current hardware for example) and too much after work needed to set the desktop up in a usable state.
BTW, does anyone else hate that extras submenu everything else gets installed under for Redhat 8.0 it sounds nasty. SuSE solution of the all-encompassing distro menu is equally evil though. With linux, the problem is quickly becoming not too few options but too many options for a newbie to sort through.
GCC 3.2 and Java (Score:2)
From the review it sounds like Java is working fine in Mozilla on this new Redhat. Does Redhat use a Mozilla compiled under the older GCC, or did they get a JRE compiled with GCC 3.2. If the latter, anyone tried installing it on Gentoo?
But, I only want MYSQL?!?!?!?!? (Score:2, Informative)
Seems ODD to me....
Other than that...the only problems I had was with my own PHP code being incompatible with the latest version of PHP 4.2.x (which also annoys me). Oh, and P.S. don't try to "dump your data" out of your old phpMyAdmin, and try to import it in to the new version. IT NADA WORK.
But I must say, RH 8.0's interface is perty. Sucks there is no MP3 support..Unless you go HERE [gurulabs.com]
RedHat 8.0 (Score:2, Insightful)
Musings from an admin (Score:2, Interesting)
I built a new flex ATX box this past weekend and, after discovering that the world of Red Hat mirrors goes far beyond those listed on Red Hat's official page, downloaded 8.0 and installed it.
I use Linux on servers heavily at work and also have a web / imap / general purpose Linux (rh 7.2) server at home. However I have not used a Linux desktop very much.
After exploring GNOME, KDE, etc. for a few days, I have come to the conclusion that, for an administrator today, a Linux desktop is a good way to host multiple terminal sessions but the GUI is of little help.
What happened to linuxconf? Am I now supposed to begin the nightmare of configuring sendmail completely by hand? It looks like Red Hat has ripped out linuxconf completely and replaced it with the Helix stuff for SOME of the functions.
Does GNOME/Nautilus have a CD icon at all?
Why is there no applet to that centralizes metacity settings? Yet we have whole applications to manage a single binary switch.
The Mac and Windows do a lot more to let the administrator stay in the GUI for many simple tasks. Linux is definitely not there yet.
Just Booted (Score:2)
Now, it set up Gnome by default. I've been going back and forth between Gnome and KDE, and I'm a KDE guy on this particular week. I was prepared to be annoyed when it booted into Gnome, but you know what I realized? I don't care. It's a desktop. It looks great. I don't give a damn what desktop environment that it's running, at least while I have my worker-bee hat on.
I'm just happy that I could open up OpenOffice and pick up my work where I left off on the Win2k side of the machine with Word, Excel, Acrobat and G3 fax image files, and everything just works. The rest is all details beyond my current interest.
-Waldo Jaquith
I am impressed with driver support (Score:3, Interesting)
There were some suprising results and not so surprising results. The most surprising was that my Firewire PCI controller and Iomega Predator Firewire CD-R/W drive was supported. The not so surprising result was that my USB Alcatel DSL modem was not supported out of the box.
Overall, I am impressed. Since my first RedHat installation was 5.2, 8.0 is eons ahead of my original RedHat experience.
RH is just trying to fix a problem (Score:3, Insightful)
The KDE attitude seems to be that there is a war to win for the Linux desktop, while other efforts are more geared towards providing interoperable toolsets of which you can reuse as much or as little as you like. Fortunately, KDE code is open source, and it is entirely appropriate for RedHat and other developers to pick apart the KDE distribution and code and reuse whatever parts are useful. That's how open source works: if a project fails to meet the needs of its users, it gets cannibalized and its parts reused. KDE is probably due for a lot more cannibalization in the future.
Re:note to newbies (Score:2)
Actually, I should note that the RH8 kernel seems to be really laggy for some reason. When I do processor-intensive tasks, things lag, keyboard and mouse stop responding, and so forth. It's really quite weird, and I'm not sure wtf RH did to screw this up since 7.3. On the plus side, they finally dumped gcc2.96, which made me happy. However, I think I'm definitely on route to slack8.1.
Re:note to newbies (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:note to newbies (Score:2, Troll)
Re:note to newbies (Score:2)
Re:note to newbies (Score:2, Funny)
Re:He has a child?! (Score:2)
Doesn't mum know vi?
Re:That title is double-redundant! (Score:5, Insightful)
Wake up to reality. (Score:2)
Yay! More supression of free speech, this time from our favorite crippleware!
Apply this [cnn.com]to your flawed logic:
"The leaf-shaped island, one of the most densely populated places on earth with 21 million people, is only about 245 miles long and 90 miles wide. It is dwarfed by mainland China, with a population of 1.2 billion."
Hmm $40 * potentially 1.2 billion
$40 * potentially 21 million
Red Hat could sell v8.0 in China for 25 cents, to 25% of the population, and STILL make more than retail to 100% of Taiwan.
What company do you work for, and what symbol is it traded under? Because the REST of us know that something as simple as a flag could be re-added by one of the 21 million Taiwaneese, if they so desire.
Re:Wake up to reality. (Score:2)
Re:Wake up to reality. (Score:2)
Therefore, Red Hat removed option X.
If I don't recognize that Country Y exists, why should software in my country have a flag for a country that doesn't exist?
Don't you remember the civil war? Sounds like you think the US should just have split in two, and been done with it.
Re:Wake up to reality. (Score:2)
That's very political. China not recognising Taiwan is nothing but political.
If I don't recognize that Country Y exists, why should software in my country have a flag for a country that doesn't exist?
Telling a company that they have to confirm to your world view is called censorship. In this case, it's a small part of an ongoing strategy by mainland China to delegitimise and hide from view all aspects of Taiwans democracy and (effective) independence.
That RedHat were willing to agree to the PRC request to remove the flag shows that they considered the economic benefits to outweigh any moral issues with the implied censorship.
Re:Wake up to reality. (Score:2)
I thought free software was about freedom? (Score:2)
What company do you work for, and what symbol is it traded under? Because the REST of us know that something as simple as a flag could be re-added by one of the 21 million Taiwaneese, if they so desire.
Ok, well let's continue, shall we? I'll submit a patch to KDE removing the US flag, because you're not a sovereign nation, you're simply a renegade province of the UK and as such, you don't need a flag. Right?
Damnit, there are some things that are more important than making money! Like freedom and democracy? Things that Taiwan has, and mainland China doesn't. It's bad enough that governments around the world have kow-towed to this Chinese insanity, but a 'free software' company?
It's not even like it makes a lot of sense economically - although the potential Chinese market is huge, the vast majority are way too poor to even afford a PC, let alone consider paying for software. Whereas Taiwan is an extremely rich, extremely high-tech country that manufactures most of the components in your PC, and doesn't bat an eyelid at the idea of paying for software. Red Hat have also quite possibly blown their chances of getting any kind of cooperation or investment from Taiwanese tech giants like Via.
I just don't get it. What's going on here?
Re:Bowing down to marketing (Score:3, Insightful)
There are lots of other Linux distributors who still supports the ideals of free software and open source. They'll get my business.
Because YOU'VE decided that Taiwan is it's own country, and not a part of China?
Reminds me of a show I once liked [southperk.com]
Lois: Did you get the permit from the city.
Peter: No we're not part of the city. In fact we're not even part of the country.
Lois: What are you talking about.
Peter: Thanks to a technicality we have the right to secede from the United States and that makes us our own country. from this point on we shall be known as Petoria. I was going to call it Peterland but that gay club by the airport already took it.
Lois: We are a clean industrious people. Mostly white. My son Chris is in charge of our space program. We expect to get to the moon very soon.
Chris: (in tree) Almost there. (falls) they should really use monkeys for this.
Lois: And little Stewie here is our President of poopies.
Stewie: Oh har har.
Trisha: Where is the president now.
Lois: Oh he's on a goodwill mission to America.
I can't stop!! :P
Re:Taiwan Ceases to exist, according to RedHat. (Score:3, Interesting)
The amazing thing about this is that it seems to be on all versions of RH8 that this has happened (not just the ones sold to China) - so the versions sold in Taiwan won't even have their flag
The Taiwan Linux UG have an online petition [linux.org.tw] to reinstate the flag.
Linux is not about being nostalgic; it's adaptive! (Score:4, Interesting)
When developing for small platform devices (hand helds, tablets, etc.) one does not think "how do I fit Gnome or KDE on this little thing". On the contrary - it poses a problem that the open source community is ready to tackle. FLTK (fast lightweight tool-kit), among many others, was developed to bring graphics to small hand held devices. The spirit of "Linux", or rather the open source community and all of the software which it provides, lives on - on the hardware of old, hardware of new, and hardware of the extremely small.
The distributions which use Linux as the kernel are made up of all kinds of utilities and applications. All of which are considered modern and targetted for modern times. To be nostalgic and develop all software to run "antique" hardware is not intuitive - why not take advantage of what our computers have to offer? Do we not enjoy vehicles with anti-lock brakes, air conditioning, a quiet cabin, engines which start almost flawlessly, and all sorts of other amenities that we take for granted?
Software, as well as the hardware upon which it is run, is constantly changing - adapting to the needs of the people who use the computers and as well as the computers themselves. I find it ironic that over the years that Linux-based distributions have increasingly become more popular, more advanced, and more feature-rich the groaning has switched from "Linux doesn't have enough stuff or it isn't stable like my Windows box" to "Linux is so bloated it doesn't run on my four year old machine." Another old argument was "Linux is too hard to understand and configure" - now the argument has switched to "they hide too much of the specifics". Distributions were developed so that the users of those distributions had a convenient and consistent environment to take advantage of the latest and greatest software offerings. Of course the interfaces change over time but developing utilities to replace legacy applications within a distribution maintains a level of consistency to help, not restrict, the end-user.
Red Hat, Mandrake, SuSE, Debian, et al. are all attempting to take advantage of the modern offerings that our technologically elite provide us in terms of hardware and software concepts. To do so would be living in a era of restriction - preventing Linux-based distributions from forging ahead to utilize the technologies that only Microsoft could provide for (in the past).
Face the facts - most people want an easy to use operating system. Consistency is nice! Fancy features are nice! A good looking interface is nice! A faster, more responsive system is nice! It's frustrating to see people ready to tear down an honest effort of an organized entity to provide features requested by their paying customers and the comments of the open source community as a whole.
It's very confusing when the mob asks for "consistency and features like Windows" and then immediately gripes when the consistency and features are added into the distribution. Nonetheless - you have a choice. Use Red Hat's, Mandrake's, SuSE's, Debian's, or the other's offerings. Build a Linux distribution from scratch and add your home-grown, home-built installation of KDE. When a company attempts to differentiate its product to better suit its customers (paying and the open source community), be constructive in your criticism and inform the developers of your suggestions rather than finding a forum to gripe because a piece of 2002 software will not run on your 1996 hardware platform.
Re:Strip down the distro...make it clean... (Score:2)
Nonprofit orgs vs. bells and whistles (Score:2)
most boxes you buy nowadays come with at least 128 or even 256 MB
Most school systems don't have enough money to purchase "boxes you buy nowadays".
One can't seriously expect to run bells-and-whistle software on hardware that was simply not designed to run effectively with it.
Are there any popular Linux or BSD distributions that 1. are easy to install and configure and 2. have an easy-to-find, easy-to-use, non-bells-and-whistles GUI?
Re:Not just KDE. . . (Score:2)
I thought Gnome was using Metacity [gnome.org] by default these days...?