Another Office Alternative 214
MiTEG writes "The Washington Post has an article on a cheaper alternative to Microsoft's Office Suite, ThinkFree Office. Currently selling for $50, their product also includes a one year subscription to Cyberdrive, a 20 MB web file-storage service. While it's no StarOffice, this glowing review may help people realize that Microsoft is not the only option." 'Glowing review' probably isn't the right term to use, since the reviewer found quite a few faults.
faults? (Score:1, Flamebait)
Are you suggesting that Office XP has no faults?
Like setting when you setup spam filters in Outlook XP the "Send/Receive Button" stops working? Or how Word says "this document has macros, you have macros disabled. you need to enable macros to make them work" when the Doc doesnt have macros? I could probably find a few more if you'd like.......
Re:faults? (Score:2)
Sure, both XP and Thinkfree have faults. In my opinion, though, if the faults involve *basic* functionality, the annoyance factor shoots up pretty quick.
I'm underwhelmed (Score:3, Interesting)
My experience with Java, the language this app was written in, is limited to a little experimentation, web-based javascripts and using Limewire (the Gnutella client). Limewire is also an app that I would describe as buggy and slow, with emphasis on slow.
Does anyone else have an opinion on the suitability of Java in medium (Limewire) to large (thinkFree's product) desktop applications?
Re:I'm underwhelmed (Score:2)
Re:I'm underwhelmed (Score:3, Insightful)
The trick is to keep in mind that 10% of the code is executed 90% of the time, so once you're done writing a Java app to be pretty, go back and performance tune it. Thus far, most programmers forget that step.
Re:I'm underwhelmed (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:I'm underwhelmed (Score:3, Insightful)
Java really needn't be slow, especially if using 1.2 or above. As for buggy, a program can have bugs whatever langauge it's written in, but the nature of Java maks them less likely than say, C.
Re:I'm underwhelmed (Score:2, Interesting)
I have to agree with you on the "buggy" issue; I didn't mean to imply that Java code was inherently more buggy. One feature I really admire, is the portability of code... Sun has done a great job of keeping that feature in line.
Another poster said that GUI's are probably the slowest part of a desktop Java app. I've seen things that may support that position. If true, wouldn't that be the fault of the Java Runtime Engine?
Re:I'm underwhelmed (Score:3, Informative)
AWT, the original gui package, ran ok for the runtime environment it had, but was very feature limited, as they only implemented something everybody had.
Swing, OTOH, implementes every gui widget you can think of, and uses the Java 2D graphics package instead of the native windowing system (although that too has changed). When I said earlier that Swing was improved in 1.4, it was actually this 2D package that was improved.
Chances are high that the ThinkFree suite was implemented for Java 1.3 since 1.4 was just released within the past month or two.
Re:I'm underwhelmed (Score:4, Insightful)
They obviously haven't done a good enough job for ThinkFree, since they're having to maintain separate Windows, Linux and Mac versions of the Office Suite.
Re:I'm underwhelmed (Score:3, Insightful)
Really, the question is not so much the language (Java), as it is the people writing the application. You can write dog slow applications in any language. Java can be fast, but it takes time and effort, and some good tools to help you fine bottlenecks. (Think: "OptimizeIt")
Re:I'm underwhelmed (Score:5, Insightful)
That said, Java earned a bad reputation from being used in Applets all over the Net, which are victims of every defect Java has (or at least used to have until very, very recently).
One of those defects is that Swing really, really sucks. Now, it's design may be great or not, and it may be full of design patterns or not, but it has been, up to 1.3, very "buggy and slow". You can cope with the buginess if you need to, but it will make it even slower.
AWT too, but at least AWT didn't claim it had fixed the problem when it did not.
Another defect, which is not exactly Java's, is that Applets on the web were mostly programming experiments by novices in both the language and programming. Java was hip, and everyone who had a webpage had to have an Applet. They were bound to be buggy. And the circumstances didn't help.
The world was exposed to millions of "Hello World" desktop applications brought online by Sun's Magnificent Hype Machine, programmed in a cranky and immature GUI library (AWT/early-Swing), with incompatible JVMs (Microsoft's), slowly downloaded to the client's machine through a 28.8K-56K modem... all increasing the amount of frustration when the "ClassNotFound" exception presents the user with a dazzling gray square.
Java is a nice language, but for desktop applications it's just not a great choice, unless 1.4 delivered the promise (I have yet to try it for desktop apps). But that promise was there with 1.3, and even with the birth of Swing.
I'm sure it is technically possible to use it for medium-big applications, there are plenty (big) IDEs written in Java that are very, very usable. I also hear very good comments about some non-Sun libraries, but I'm afraid no one really cares.
Java for the desktop is seen as the wrong solution to the problem, and will remain so for a long time even if they fix it, thanks to Sun's mistake. Java's place as the right solution seems to be on the server, where it's definitely not buggy nor terribly slow, with the desktop as a thin client (SOAP, JSP) implemented in something else.
Re:I'm underwhelmed (Score:3)
Java for the desktop has been "proven" wrong in shrink wrap software, but for custom work it is actually a huge success.
Amongst other large companies, my (unnamed, large telecommunications/gis company) makes customized solutions for most of the biggest players in classic telephony, and scads of minor clec's, utility companies, etc. Our UI is all Java (some of the mid tier stuff is C, but the UI is straight Java). It works, it works quickly and well
The Reason that the Java UI in most program has problems is not so much a problem of Swing, but of people not reading the first thing (or paying attention if they did) about Java. Swing is written to have a seperate UI thread. Most people ignore this. They open a menu, and the menu is generated, actrions for the items in it are created, and then it is drawn. Then they select something and the UI hangs for a moment while the UI thread has to execute the action.
Watch the user interface closely in most well built applications and you will see the UI responds to an event faster than the event occurs because it is allowed its own thread. On a quick machine they seem simultaneous, but they are not. This become most pronounced in games, since games tend to push the performance envelope the farthest. Issue a command, and it will happen, eventually, but you are not stuck in a "command queued" type mode that is the effective thing that most poor UI designs (application not pretty pictures) with Swing do to the user. Good games provide audible feadback that the command was issued (to avoid the user issueing it 8 more times wondering why it doesna work) creating the illusion of snappier UI. It is a good illusion too.
Large applications do this too. Watch MS Office carefully sometime ;-)
Swing has its defects. Capturing global key events is a terrible kludge; the "Windows Look and Feel" is hideous; efficient programming requires a seperate UI thread (though this is true in most any large desktop app, is just more pronounce din java); its use of AWT classes fairly liberally makes it feel krufty; it (this is really Java, not Swing) has too damn many forced-catch exceptions (let the bloody things bubble up and have valid state info!) but its greatest flaw is being very easy to develop in poorly. Sort oflike the applet problem mentioned earlier. Coding Swing UI's is far easier than Qt, MFC (shudder), ATL, etc in the Windoze environment (and to be honest, outside of Qt I have never used any *nix ui libraries, so dunno bout them, but point-of-fact *nixes they are 99% irrelevent if the application has a UI).
Re:I'm underwhelmed (Score:2)
Happily I've heard rumours that IBM has put a LOT of effort into fixing this for the next version of Java.
This bit of silliness was in the guise of providing a "common user interface" across all platforms, so that the XYZ ap running on Linux and on AIX and on Windows all looked and feeled exactly the same way. The stupidity here of course is that it now no longer resembles any other app on the box, and instead of providing the user with a tool that blends into everything they are used to on the machine you've provided them a tool that they don't understand.
In this regard AWT got it RIGHT, abstract the native platform's windowing toolkits. That way your (the programmers') choice to use java doesn't have any impact on the end user's experience... they don't have to know that your application is written in java, they just know they are running "OurShinnyNewApp" and it looks and feals just exactly like "OurRustyOldApp".
Re:I'm underwhelmed (Score:2, Insightful)
Yes, Java is suitable for large desktop applications. I write them for a living, so I am somewhat knowledgeable, but quite biased. Although, what do you mean large? jEdit? Forte?
There are lots of ways to produce Java desktop apps, but since the original subject is ThinkFree, I'm only going to address Swing based apps.
Suitable in what way? Good coding habits, a roadmap for what the app should do, a complete understanding of the Java language, and a good knowledge of whatever Java APIs you will work with, are all very helpful if you want to produce a maintainable and reliable app. If you satisfy all of these requirements, you should be able to produce a desktop app that does what you want quickly.
I firmly believe "Make it work, then make it fast". Proper use of interfaces in Java is the key to turning a working implementation into a fast implementation.
Other than a moderate start-up cost, if a Swing based application is slow, that means that fixing bugs and adding more features has been more important to the developers than making the application faster/more responsive. Swing apps are very easy to develop, so Java is very suitable in that sense.
A very usable profiling option is available under java in all recent (1.2+?) JDKs. If a Swing app isn't fast, it hasn't gone through any iterations with a developer interested in making it fast.
Swing is single-threaded, and sometimes multilple threads are essential for responsiveness. I don't know of a language with better threading support than Java, but a multi-threaded program is generally harder to write and debug than a single-threaded one.
Re:I'm underwhelmed (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:I'm underwhelmed AND I'm I hypocrit (Score:1)
At any rate, Java serves a purpose of write one, run anywhere. In my experience, it does this well. The trade off is speed, and responsiveness. In the business I'm in, where we do have to run on many platforms, and we are not writing with the general desktop user in mind, this loss of speed is not a problem. However, A product such as an Office Clone, that will be used by the masses, may infuriate people if the responsiveness is lacking.
I personally stay away from Java Applications because they seem clumsy to use. I'm such a hypocrit for say that since I love to write in Java, but hate to use it.
Office (Score:2, Interesting)
The real competetion to the Microsoft juggernaut in this sector has gotta be opensource, and more importantly, free (as in, free beer
Re:Office (Score:2)
The real competetion to the Microsoft juggernaut in this sector has gotta be opensource
And it will be. It doesn't help though when people write articles and say things like this:
The open-source world has produced a few free Office-compatible suites, but they, in turn, don't run on either Windows or the Mac OS.
That's just not true! I'm using Open Office at home on Linux, at work on Windows, and I think they have a Mac version coming along. You would think a reporter would do a little research before writing an article like this. It seems he just needed something quick to meet his deadline so he went out and found some half-ass office suite to bash.
Re:Office (Score:1)
Linux Office Suites (Score:2)
It is a non-java MS Office clone that seems excellent from what I've seen so far. And it's less than $50! (It used to be less than $30!!) I haven't used it very much yet (I'm not much of an office software kind of guy; I'm a geek) but it seems stable and it has correctly understood every MS format file I have tried to use with it. It supports MS Word, Excel, Powerpoint, etc.
It's a Qt based application; works great on KDE.
No, I'm not associated with them in any way other than having used the software.
Good advertising! (Score:2)
(I wish them the best, though between MS, StarOffice, OpenOffice and many other less known Open Source alternatives, they've got a long hill to climb to get a foothold in this marketplace.)
Re:Good advertising! (Score:1)
Though, it is considerably cheaper than Microsoft Office. If they can work out the bugs and slight incompatability problems, it would be a good thing. Especially the problems with printing. What company can get by without being able to properly print out their documents?
Re:Good advertising! (Score:2)
Seriously, what I want is something that can open a Word doc email attachment, without taking forever to start up like StarOffice, and doesn't mutilate the format like AbiWord. Probably 90% of the time, I don't need to print things, but just have to be able to read what's in the attachment.
That being said, AbiWord still does a "good enough" job, so it would be hard to rationalize paying real $$$ for another marginally better alternative. On the other hand, if I can install on multiple machines... it might still be worth it!
Re:Good advertising! (Score:2)
Once again, I would recommend AppleWorks 6 from (surprisingly enough) Apple Computer. It's import and export features are good enough that everyone at work thinks I'm using MS Office, and the Mac/Win combo CD is only 39 dollars at the Apple store for Education online.
Will likely not help. (Score:1, Insightful)
These products are to cheap for their makers to be able to compete, you need lots of money to keep a big professional staff working on it and you need lots of income to finance good marketing. With $50/license and likely not to many buyers I just can't see how they are going to be able to pull it off?
I wish them luck but it will not be easy.
Alternatives (Score:3, Informative)
Too bad MS Office really IS the best. (Score:3, Insightful)
I know the slashdot sentiment is to hate on all things Microsoft, but it's easy to use and does damn near everything you'd want it to. Star Office and the rest just really aren't as nice.
I guess Linux isn't as polished, either, but when I'm developing, I prefer Linux to Windows by far. But when I'm writing, I prefer Word to anything else. Oh well.
Whine (Score:1)
Personally, I feel that with every release, MS Word gets worse! I only wish there was something else. Unfortunately, his does not look like the answer to my prayers.
Re:Too bad MS Office really IS the best. (Score:1, Insightful)
I use Office on a daily routine, and to admit at first I was missing some things. Then I found out that this things are not missing, but hidden. As soon you come to point where they could be used, they pop up. Much better than word or excel that throw everything in your face.
I've been using M$Office and never got use more than 15% eventhough I wanted (either thing is not working or is made too stupid to be used).
The moment I started to use OpenOffice I was using about 2-3% of functions. In just two months I've come to a phase that M$ user could only dream on. Office can be fun.
Re:Too bad MS Office really IS the best. (Score:2, Insightful)
Actually, this is the leading problem with Office in my opinion. It does TOO much of everything. I think it's pretty safe to say that the overwhelming (not just the average) majority of MS Office users use about 1% of the suite. And that's all they need. And that's assuming they use all the applications in the suite. The problem is that there's no way to get Office (Works is just horrible) or even Word without the other 99% of the crap that MS has thrown in to "encourage" people to upgrade. This has lead to a suite that requires hundreds of megabytes of hard drive space. Yes, I'm aware at how cheap HDs are now, but no matter how much free space I still manage to hang onto, it doesn't help with the speed of the applications and their effect on the speed and resources of the OS. Why should I have to install all of that crap just to bang out a letter or a memo? All I want in a word processor is basic page control, spell check, thesaurus (maybe), and filters for any other format of document I suppose I might encounter. Right now, I do most of my WP in AbiWord. It does everything I need from a word processor and it's not as bloated as Word. Even it's too big, though. Excellence! for the Amiga fit on one DD floppy disk and it worked great.
The other issue I have with Office (and Windows, for that matter) is that with eace new release, stuff moves. I don't have a problem with changing the location of something to enhance usability, but it seems like the only motivation tha MS has for moving menu items or acces to features is to keep people buying Office help books (you know, the books that have the information that the user manuals USED to have, not that I read User Manuals, ahem, cough, cough). It's really irritating. If you're supporting three versions of Office (97, 2000, XP) or Windows (98/Me/2000/XP), it's nearly impossible to keep track of where MS hid the access to the same features across each version. Craziness.
Re:Too bad MS Office really IS the best. (Score:2)
So true...but so many are afraid to admit it - it's kind of like a drug addict admitting that he/she really has a problem.
But, to be fair, there are some practical issues as well. One of the THE most important aspects of ANY competing product is document compatility. This is a tall order, but compatibility should be seamless. If the anti-trust suit against M$$$$ should have produced anything, it should have been an order that MS publish its document specifications, so that the market CAN have alternatives.
Re:Too bad MS Office really IS the best. (Score:2)
Try the Linux version of WordPerfect [corel.com]. It works quite nicely.
LaTeX (Score:2, Informative)
Virtually all technical papers [arxiv.org] are written using LaTeX.
Of course, it's not really suited for writing the quick english assignment, but then again, why use Word for that? Any of the others work perfectly.
Alternatives are not necessarily options (Score:5, Insightful)
Either the max. spreadsheet is abysmally small (8k-16k rows), or there is no cross-tab reporting functionality, etc.. There is always something
I know that playing catch-up with Microsoft is a losing battle, but some features are essential. If it is available in Lotus, WordPerfect, and MS Office, you can be pretty sure there will be people who can not work without it.
I'd love to switch to a Microsoft free shop, but until I can go to management with solutions to every problem, and assurances that no functionality will be lost, I can't. Office suites are only one battle in the war, but it is one I should be able to win...
Re:Alternatives are not necessarily options (Score:1)
Re:Alternatives are not necessarily options (Score:2)
Good luck, they'll need it. (Score:1)
And on a related note I'm proud to say I've never used MSWord, although I will admit to using Excel...
Re:Good luck, they'll need it. (Score:1)
. security. Let someone else store my (potentially private) files and trust them to keep grubby cracker fingers out of it?
. I've got a 120 GB drive in my desktop at work, 80 GB at home and 30 GB in my notebook, what would I need 20 MB for?
I wish them luck, but a $50 productivity suite and a $30/yr 20MB storage service? I'm afraid they'll need to sell a shitload of each to do well.
Re:Good luck, they'll need it. (Score:2)
. I've got a 120 GB drive in my desktop at work, 80 GB at home and 30 GB in my notebook, what would I need 20 MB for?
Lets not forget my MP3 player doubles as a 6Gb USB hard drive, supported by Mac OS 9/X, Linux and even any version of Windows that supports USB.
CrossPlatform ? its seems to be based on Java =D (Score:2)
Maybe i will try it later on..
"one year subscription to cyberdrive" (Score:5, Funny)
Oh, and
Point 1: "Connect to Briefcase from your Windows desktop with the Yahoo! Drive Client. Drag and drop or save files directly to Briefcase from any application." (same page).
Point 2: on Linux you'd get the same functionality without running a foreign exe to modify your OS [!], but rather by mounting a ten-line Perl script of your own design, to proxy the http connection as though it were your web browser.
Point 3: This, incidentally, is why people use Windows.
Re:"one year subscription to cyberdrive" (Score:1)
Re:"one year subscription to cyberdrive" (Score:1)
I'm not entirely sure, but I believe I've read that their rational was to cut down on @Yahoo.com spam.
Yahoo's only trying to keep up with the changing times. I think they've been "fair" so far in deciding what to charge for and what not to.
oops! (Score:1)
Re:oops! (Score:1)
Re: Time for a linux yahoo pop/briefcase client ? (Score:1)
I am one of the people getting screwed by the cutting off of pop3 access to yahoo's servers. As soon as I get some stuff done I intend to start on a yahoo web mail grabber to download mail from the web interface to a local spool.
Is anyone interested in helping out with this ?
Also more information on the "ten-line Perl script of your own design, to proxy the http connection" would be appreciated since I don't see how you can do authentication and cookies in 10 lines.
Thinkfree? Name Change Proposal (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Thinkfree? Name Change Proposal (Score:3, Funny)
Their name simply means that everyone who uses the software, thinks it SHOULD be free.
File formats are more important (Score:4, Interesting)
Hmm imagine if every word processor used Xml for storage...that would be miles better than having every business use Word.
Look at WordPerfect, look at Lotus Word,they were both excellent word processors and the market leaders and look where it got them...
Microsoft eroded there market share using its by now commonly known tactics.
The problem is, right now we have Word and Pdf as being the only file formats of choice that are universally accepted.
Pdf is ok, but again the file format itself is proprietary
Word is especially bad not so much for its bloat, but for the bugs that never get fixed and worse of all Microsofts habit of changing the format frequently
Re:File formats are more important (Score:2)
Re:File formats are more important (Score:1)
As of course Microsoft in its infinte wisdom has its own interpretation of Rtf and its not completely compatitble.
I was only arguing for Xml as an example, the problem is Microsofts stranglehold over the file formats.
There should be one format that covers all the basic features required of a word processor that all Word Processors should be able to save to exactly, with no 'adjustments' to the standard (Yes that means you Micro$oft).
The problem is getting everyone to agree to a baseline of features, having them accept a format that will all implement the same (yes even Micro$oft) and having the format agreed and specified without it looking like its been designed by a committee (The Motif syndrome)
Re:File formats are more important (Score:2)
Re:File formats are more important (Score:2)
awhile ago there was a comment by an office worker who simply could not find anything better than ms word to keep versioning, and a consistent presentation. To the point that she used filters to modify word files as word files, even though she was working on linux.
Honestly, the reason you'll see some things online only in 1) post-script 2) pdf, is because nothing else "guarantees" the look you want. I wouldn't be surprised if the same rtf file paginates to whole pages more or less than the "original", depending on your client, printer driver, etc.
Basically, from what I understand, RTF isn't much better than HTML. Sure, my resume is in HTML: but I don't care if the text looks different on my potential-employer's computer from my own. This would be a different story if I were preparing a complex item to present (think complex interaction of columns, headings, inserted pictures with captions, everything only looking "just right" after major tweaking of 0.5 font points in order to fine-tune the
One last thing: this is also why people who research the question further than the woman I quoted above
I haven't looked at all this in detail, however, and could be wrong.
This is an important question though, so anyone who knows more than I do, please post your thoughts!
Re:File formats are more important (Score:4, Informative)
PDF is not proprietary; it is an open standard [google.com]. The problem with PDF is that it is not editable, so is not very useful for sending back and forth for editing purposes.
Re:File formats are more important (Score:2, Informative)
Adobe has simply chosen to give limited right to use copyrighted intellectual property and published the file format specification. Just because something has a published, publicly available definition does not make it an open standard. For instance, no one would call CIFS an open standard, even though Microsoft has chosen to give limited right to use copyrighted and patented intellectual property to some people.
Re:File formats are more important (Score:4, Insightful)
I couldn't agree more. I've thought this for a while and still don't understand why such an obvious thing hasn't happened.
There are lots of office suites now available, both open source and proprietry. Some are very good. But everyone bitches that they can't shift Microsoft from its monopoly position. If they all got together and agreed to use a single format (Suns XML format for StarOffice/OpenOffice is a very good start) then we would quickly have hundreds of useful tools for manipulating document formats, and rather than chasing Microsoft's tail-lights, we would be setting the agenda and Microsoft might have to start following us or start to loose serious market share.
I believe this issue is the single most important one for getting Linux onto the desktop. So, all you people who develop office suites - get together and agree on a single XML format which you'll all use! It will do you all good in the long term.
Re:File formats are more important (Score:2)
I agree, and the thing that irks me is even the Open Source office suites can't agree! OpenOffice, KWord, and AbiWord all use XML to store their files, but all have independant implimenations that are incompatable! Sure, having them Open Source and all makes filters better and easier to create, but why not just *agree* on a common format? It it really that hard to get together and come to an agreement?
Wordperfect... (Score:2)
Software makers don't want this! (Score:2)
File formats are not the problem. (Score:2)
Office suites (Score:2, Insightful)
From the article, it seems that this particular one is not quite ready for prime time yet. It's ok if the feature count doesn't include the kitchen sink, but what there is has to work. Especially if anyone would consider using it for work.
I suppose there will be the open-office people coming out of woodwork again. As if $50 would be excessive cost for a word processor, spreadsheet and an app to make simple slides. It is excessive if the apps do not quite work, like it says in the article.
No Database, No 'groupware' (Score:2, Insightful)
ThinkFree is bad marketing (Score:2, Interesting)
Also, the article said it lacks "the feature that flags possible misspellings". Does this mean no spell checking at all!? Or just the inline checking as you type? Lacking something as simple and basic as a spell checker is almost unforgivable. If it lacks as-you-type checking, I wonder if that could be a patent issue. I wouldn't be shocked.
Re:ThinkFree is bad marketing (Score:2)
Journalists!! (Score:4, Insightful)
I learnt many years ago that if you want a decent review of your word processor you MUST include a word count function.
Sure, the word count function is, for 99% of users, just bloat that they are never going to use, but reviewers get paid by the word for writing their reviews, and naturally try to write their reviews using the word processor under review, so if you don't include a word count function the entire review consists of a whine about the missing word count function.
(The same reviewer, oddly, seems to think that a missing spelling checker is no big deal. That's fair enough if s/he is a properly trained professional journalist and never uses words s/he can't spell and never makes typing mistakes, but for the other 99% of us
Re:Journalists!! (Score:2)
If a wordprocessor can't do those 3 things it is useless to me.
Re:Journalists!! (Score:2)
Major faults in the article.... (Score:2, Informative)
Hmm... let's see. OpenOffice for one. It's running quite happily on my Windows machine here. Only gripe I've ever had with it was it's conversion to StarOffice files so I could print them out on my Uni's printer (didn't handle the page margins, but I've never worked out how to get that sorted with StarOffice anyways)
Glowing review? (Score:2, Insightful)
The sad fact is that office applications are the most vital component of a business system. If someone intends to take the office application monopoly from MS, it is insufficient to be "almost as good" some of the time... there needs to be some dramatic benefit. I hope this will eventually arise in the form of a suite of productivity programs offering all the desirable features of recent MS Office suites but also offering a level of guarantee that the software will not become obsolete due to future enhancement of others' systems.
Competitors need to look at producing a reliable, functional, easy to use, feature rich alternative - as far as I'm aware that hasn't happened as yet.
Bloatware (Score:1)
Looking ahead... (Score:2, Interesting)
Yet when Microsoft moves Office XP to a subscription-based model (yes, yes, I know the XP subscription plan has been delayed in the USA [com.com] [strange looking URL, but it does work], but it IS avaliable in other [microsoft.com] countries [microsoft.com]), like ThinkFree already uses, I'm sure Slashdot will be the first to proclaim it as the beginning of the end.
Re:Looking ahead... cringing at the cost (Score:2)
Would someone please explain to me how this is more cost-effective than simply buying the suite and using it for even as little as TWO years??
Re: (Score:2)
Hard to switch (Score:2)
We want a commercial alternative StarOffice is commercially available from Sun.
Training is an issue Hardly anyone uses all the features of Office, and StarOffice mimics Office almost perfectly (at least Office 97, which we run)
By the end of the meeting, the answer is to stay with Microsoft for no good reason -- does anyone else experience this?
Not just MS (Score:2)
CAD software is a biggie in Automotive.
They (Pick one, GM, Ford whoever) say "As of this date we will use X Package version X.X.X.
And thats it, you must submit CAD files in that format using that version of the software.
It is a pain, but that is the way it is done.
No open source alternatives? (Score:1)
"The open-source world has produced a few free Office-compatible suites, but they, in turn, don't run on either Windows or the Mac OS."
But sir, I beg to disagree.
Both StarOffice (and its open source counterpart, OpenOffice) run on Windows, Linux and Solaris.
AbiWord, everyone's favorite lightweight word processor, runs on Windows, Mac OS X, XDarwin, FreeBSD, Linux and any other version of Unix.
So get your facts straight before jumping to conclusions =)
Cheap at twice the price (Score:5, Insightful)
The article lists some basic MS Office features and says: It's a waste to use $480 worth of Office suite for such simple work.
It depends on how important the work is. A PowerPoint sales presentation may be worth thousands of dollars in sales, an Excel spreadsheet could manage a large budget, a Word document could be a report on an important project or a book manuscript. Any one of these examples would be worth more than $480 by itself. In fact, the time spent creating the document would exceed $480 many times over.
If what you do with an office suite isn't worth $480, maybe you should do something else that is.
I wouldn't rely on Word for a book! (Score:2)
Yeah, I know, a lot of pros do use Word, but their publishers waste an awful lot of time and money fixing the inevitable problems.
The Right Tool (Score:2)
Let's look at the statement in context, shall we?
The point is that a vast marjority of documents are actually very simple and do not require the features of Microsoft Office to produce.
Sure. These documents may have a lot of value. And a smart business will pick tools that enable their people to produce those documents. There are certainly cases where Microsoft Office's features justify the price. But just because a document is valuable does not mean it requires expensive tools to produce.
Re:The Right Tool (Score:2)
Right. And your argument was that the hammer should cost $480. What are you? A DoD contractor?
There are other tools available. But few bother to look.
Still April Fools? (Score:2, Funny)
Not only (Score:2, Informative)
While it's no StarOffice (Score:1)
PC Mag reviewed several suites (Score:2)
Oddly, their favorite was Corel Word Perfect Office 2002. They gave it five stars. But of the reader reviewers, one gave it five stars and the rest only ONE star (awful). Reason: Buggy as hell. Plus it took away some user control in favor of MS-like automation, which is not the way WP users like to operate.
more options is always better (Score:1)
thats why monopoly sucks so much!
so, to sum things up (Score:1)
cons: the program
The crux of the matter (Score:2, Interesting)
I guess that is the crux of the matter. Since StarOffice is superior, why would I pay for the Think Free Office suit unless Sun's new pricing scheme makes is a lot more expensive?
The real things to consider are functionality, interoperability and price.
Microsoft Office is known for having a lot of functionality. In my opinion it has WAY more then I need. For example, I hardly ever need to write a virus to destroy the piece of mind of the average computer user. I find that now days the entertainment industries are doing an adequate job by sending there paid flunky Politicians like Sen. Hollins and friends to screw over the American people. It would be a good thing to remove that man from the equation. (Vote him out. No violence please.) But I digress.
StarOffice also has a lot of functionality and again, probably more than I need. If the price of StarOffice does not become prohibitive then really the only thing that concerns me is the interoperability issue.
Unfortunately in order to be competitive an office suite must interpolate with what most people use. Whether official or unofficial there usually is a standard that most people use. One of the biggest issues that I have with Microsoft is that they try to set standards that are proprietary. If you will not or can not be compatible with that standard then you can't compete. Further, the only way that Microsoft can set proprietary standards is through the use of their Monopoly power. Times have changed and we need new laws that require that standards be open so that no large corporation can leverage their Monopoly power in the way that Microsoft does. Hmmm.. I seem to have digressed again.
So, to sum it up. Unless StarOffice is way more expensive or the Think Free Office suite is superior in interoperability then I think I'll just continue to use StarOffice. Oh yeah... And Microsoft is an evil Corporation and Sen. Hollins is an asshole thinking only of his corporate benefactors and needs to go.
Have you checked OO lately? (Score:2)
You'll never go back. Kinda like IE and Konqueror.
PPA, the girl next door.
STILL looking for Access(TM) replacement (Score:2)
We use Access to connect to MySQL for data entry. I do not know of a suitable replacement for Access.
On my Linux workstation at the office, when _I_ have to do data entry(for some things, my boss won't trust anyone else... *groan*), I do it all with SQL commands... that sure is getting old.
Written in Java? (Score:2)
This is interesting... Along with LimeWire and IntelliJ IDEA this might be my third Java-based desktop application.
Maybe Java's ready for the desktop? If it's not, it's at least getting close with high-quality apps like these.
And though it sounds like Marketing Hype, JDK 1.4 is amazing. I've played with BEA's Weblogic Workshop which uses 1.4 and its GUI is really great. Really good looking and fast as hell. There's a point in the article about how ThinkFree's Mac OSX version that's coming soon will use 1.4 and I'm sure it'll be rockin'.
Just do a compatible word processor (Score:3, Insightful)
An agreed-upon public replacement for Word files would help, too. Probably something that's zipped XML. Then push to make it a formal standard, get government agencies to mandate it, and put a display engine for it in browsers.
Re:Just do a compatible word processor (Score:2)
Do you think that 100% compatibility will be hard to achieve?
Well, gotta go. I just had an idea . . . why don't I just invent an engine that runs on water and gives off cotton candy as exhaust?
By the way, KWord [kde.org] uses gzipped XML as its file format.
how about Microsoft Works? (Score:1)
Take a look at Adobe Photoshop, it's bloated with features yet everyone use it for even the most simple graphic editing needs.
ThinkFree? (Score:1)
Columnist replies... (Score:3, Informative)
To answer a couple of points people have raised:
* Spell-checking: ThinkFree Office has a spell checker, but it doesn't flag misspellings as you type them, Word-style. You have to invoke the spell-checker "by hand." (My editor was afraid my description here might not have been clear enough. Guess he was right
* Importance of word count: Guilty as charged! I write for a living and I *need* this feature to do my job. Since a word count isn't exactly a difficult feature to support (as opposed to, say, revision tracking), I don't think it's out of line to expect it.
* Other Office alternatives: I left out AbiWord because it is a) just a word processor, not a full suite, and b) it's OS X compatibility is only available if you install an X11 server, which is a lot of work to ask of a home user (the target reader for my column).
I am planning on a review StarOffice whenever 6.0 ships, most likely as part of a comparison with OpenOffice.
Any other questions, y'all know where to reach me...
- R
HELOOOO!!! Have any of you used this app? (Score:4, Informative)
Just to let you all know. I actually tried it.
I used it to whip up an updated version of my resume, and saved in in rtf, doc, and html. I then proceeded to open the doc and rtf in Word, and the html in various browsers, only to find they all looked exactly as expected.
I thought that was rather nice.
Re:Anyware Application Server (Score:1)
I love Applixware, but I was under the impression that the company was halting further development of their office suite, mainly because of the plethora of free suites available cutting into sales.
Now that StarOffice, perhaps it's best rival, is going to cost money, maybe we'll see a revival of Applixware's popularity. Hope and pray, anyway.
Re:We don't need new features (Score:2)
Re:What about Emacs (Score:2)
>>driven office suite.
Umm - a sharp stick in the eye?
Command line driven word processor? Command line driven spreadsheet? Is this 1978?