A Walk Through the Gentoo Linux Install Process 352
Gentoo solved many problems for me. Some distros install everything, whether you really need it or not. Not Gentoo; other than the base packages required for Linux to run, the only software installed on the system is the software you put there. Gentoo resolves dependencies automatically, eliminating RPM prerequisite hell. As an added bonus I got something I wasn't even expecting. Speed. Blinding, blazing, incredible speed.
The main advantage to the Gentoo distribution is Portage, a python-based ports system similar to BSD ports. For those of you unfamiliar with BSD ports, Portage is a package management tool that downloads and installs source instead of precompiled packages. When I need a program I download, install and compile it with one command:
emerge nmap
The above will download the nmap source code, compile and install it. Of course this method is slow, but it has its rewards. You can also opt to use prebuilt binaries if you are not extremely patient. It took me five hours to get the base Gentoo installed on my PIII with 128 megs of ram. It wasn't a big deal as I had other things to do, but I would like to see the installation process optimized so that it doesn't require any babysitting.
Gentoo is running two of my mission-critical servers right now, I consider it to be stable and mature. A warning, though: this is not a distribution for dummies. This is bare metal Linux, powerful and dangerous. If you do something without thinking you may fall into a bucket of pain.
Let's begin my story.
I download the iso from http://www.ibiblio.org/gentoo/releases/build /. There is a choice of install images here. My favorite way of installing Gentoo is to compile everything, a time consuming process. This method requires a slim 16-meg iso. You may want to grab an iso with pre-built binaries to speed things up, however. This fat iso weighs in at 103 meg. I download the big one with the prebuilt binaries even though I won't use them -- just in case.
I boot my laptop with my shiny new Gentoo CD. The Gentoo install uses isolinux by Peter Anvin. I like the fact that they don't obscure it, giving credit where it is due. It boots quickly and there is a PCI autodetection process, it shouldn't find much on my laptop. Interesting, it loads a SCSI module. Perhaps it has detected my IDE CD burner. Usually this will detect any PCI NIC cards that are installed, but it does not detect my PCMCIA device (of course). After the PCI detection I get a command prompt. I use nano (a small text editor) to open up install.txt, the excellent install doc. Usually these docs are sufficient but the latest ones can be found here:
Keeping the install doc open in this virtual terminal, I hit alt-f2 to open a new one. I begin by loading the pcmcia drivers and installing networking. This is all done at the command line ( insmod, ifconfig, route, dhcpcd, etc.). I use nano to add my DNS servers to /etc/resolv.conf. A word of caution; get in the habit of always using the -w switch with nano. If you do not use the -w switch nano's word wrap feature will jack up your config files. I ping a reliable site, networking is up!
Next I partition my system using fdisk. I choose a simple layout with a swap partition, a root partition and a small boot partition. The boot partition remains unmounted during use, a nice precaution. For filesystems you have a choice of ext2, ext3, ReiserFS and XFS. In my personal experience I've noticed that Reiser performance really rocks when combined with SCSI drives, but as this is an IDE system I think I'll go with XFS. Besides, the XFS tools seem to be a lot more mature than the offerings from Reiser. I format and mount the partitions from the command line creating a /mnt/gentoo directory. I then untar the root filesystem; here I have the choice of the small tarball that requires you to compile everything or a larger tarball that contains pre-built binaries. If you untar the big guy you are almost finished with your install at this point. Using chroot and some scripts you chroot the /mnt/gentoo directory. From this point on you are operating under your new gentoo system.
The first thing I do under my chrooted system is issue this command:
emerge rsync
This downloads the latest version of the portage tree. The portage tree is found under /usr/portage and contains the ebuild scripts used to compile/install programs. Currently there are over 1000 up to date emerge sripts. Next I edit /etc/make.conf, here I can choose compiler settings. I optimize everything for i686. Now it's time to build the GNU compiler and libraries. I run the bootstrap script and leave for lunch. On my PIII 500 the boostrap process takes 2 hours and 2 minutes.
The second emerge command I issue is:
emerge system
Now emerge downloads, compiles and installs my base system packages. I sit back, relax and take the time to fax my legislators a rant about the DMCA. One hour and 30 minutes later it is finished.
Now it is time to download and install the kernel. First I make a link updating my timezone, and then I issue another emerge command:
emerge linux-sources
This grabs the latest kernel, 2.4.19, and drops the source in /usr/src/linux. Ten minutes have elapsed. Now comes the fun, compiling your kernel. That's right, everyone who installs Gentoo compiles their own kernel as a matter of process. I like this. There are some distributions out there that actually say you should never compile your own kernel. Shame on them. I use make menuconfig and the standard commands to compile my kernel. Since Gentoo uses devfs I select /dev file system support and I am also careful to compile in support for XFS. I don't have the kernel mount devfs automatically at boot as the Gentoo startup scripts take care of this for me. Virtual Memory file system support is also enabled.
At this point in time I get to choose a logger. My choices are sysklogd, syslog-ng or metalog. I choose metalog, because it's got the coolest name. I download, compile and install it using a single command:
emerge metalog
XFS has some nice utilities, I better install those. I have some other essential programs to install, and I'm feeling a bit lazy so I chain them all in one big command.
emerge xfsprogs;emerge bitchx;emerge vim;emerge links
At this point I'm feeling pretty 7-Up. I edit my /etc/fstab file, my /etc/hostname file and /etc/hosts. The passwd command is run to set the root passwd. I add my NIC module to the file /etc/modules.autoload and edit /etc/conf.d/net. conf.d/net allows me to configure my IP address and settings, default gateway and alias. I take a look at /etc/init.d/net.eth0, even though I don't need to edit it. I can then add it to the startup script using this command:rc-update add net.eth0 default
This adds the script to the default runlevel to be executed at startup. Startup scripts are another place Gentoo really shines. The startup scripts have a system of dependencies. For example net.eth0 can depend on pcmcia. The pcmcia drivers get loaded before net.eth0 - this is good.
Next I install grub. If you haven't used grub before, it's nice. You can boot to a kernel directly from the grub shell, without having to edit a config file. lilo is still available, for those of you who prefer it. Gentoo likes to let you make the decisions.
I exit my chrooted shell and unmount all directories. Reboot! Gentoo comes up and the install process is complete.
The Gentoo install process has taught me a lot about Linux, and I like the fact that the command line is embraced, instead of hidden behind gui or scripts. I also like the speed (which is debatable since all I can supply is anecdotal evidence). I wasn't too happy about waiting five hours for everything to compile, but I think it was worth it. I can tell you it compiles and greps noticeably faster than other distros I have run on the exact same machines. I really enjoy using portage, and the packages seem to stay up to date -- if not bleeding edge. This is not a conservative distribution like Debian, however I like the aggressive and intelligent direction gentoo is taking.
If you are considering trying out Gentoo I highly suggest #gentoo on irc.openprojects.net. Also subscribe to the mailing lists found at www.gentoo.org. The Gentoo community has helped me out of several jams in the past, I think they will treat you good too.
While writing this, I received help from a lot of people. However I would like to personally thank the people I ripped off word for word. Thanks notafurry of www.kuro5hin.org for your pointed help with the stilted second paragraph and thank you Ween from #gentoo on openprojects.net for your clean description of portage.
k5 (Score:3, Funny)
Once again demonstrating that k5 has better and more timely news than /.
Oh god. What have I done? No, k5 sucks. Really. Stay away. Stay far, far away. You have absolutely no desire to get a k5 account.
Re:k5 (Score:2, Informative)
It seems
Re:Ease of install (Score:2)
I can't imagine how the setup could possibly be easier since it pretty much needs to know what it asks the user and there's no reliable way of finding out automagically.
Re:k5 (Score:2, Offtopic)
You don't need to see these stories.
This isn't the site you're looking for.
Move along. Move along.
k5 - reliable site? (Score:2)
Hmmmm (Score:2)
All these words... (Score:3, Funny)
Re:All these words... (Score:3, Funny)
Re:All these words... (Score:2, Funny)
Re:All these words... (Score:2, Funny)
xenu to login (or login to xenu if you prefer)
Re:All these words... (Score:2)
Lousy 20 second delays... What's Unix goo, anyway?
Re:Gentoo Linux Acronyms (Score:2, Funny)
In other news, taut buns make me bust a nut
Re:Gentoo Linux Acronyms (Score:4, Funny)
Slightly off-topic (Score:1)
For you existing Gentoo'ers (Score:5, Informative)
It's in alpha stage right now, but I'll add features as we go a long. Any suggestions [mailto] would be appreciated. You must signup first in order to post your compile times.
Hopefully at some point, one willbe able to get a sense of how long it would take to install, say kde3.
Re:For you existing Gentoo'ers (Score:2)
How about some user testing on distro websites? (Score:5, Insightful)
I think Debian, for example, is a fine installation. I've used it frequently. But the website really irritated me when I needed to find some specific floppy images and hardware support the other day. I got so frustrated that I finally gave up and went to FreeBSD. It's far from perfect, but I found what I was looking for in short order and quickly had the machine up and running.
Here's a question for anyone involved in the production of ANY distro out there: Is there ANY form of usability testing that goes into these sites? What's the process these people are using for designing the sites?
Re:How about some user testing on distro websites? (Score:2, Informative)
There are two types of "usable":
One is "usable" because it's close to what the user is used to.
The other is "usable" because it appeals to someon who has never used that interface before.
Funny, the only people I hear talking about usability are those who complain they can't do something, because the 'new' interface doesn't emulate what they're already used to..
I never liked how Microsoft's site worked, and people looked at me strange.
Friends never liked how Novell's site worked, and I looked at them strange..
Would you rather have a distro maintainer spending hours and hours on their website, or the distro?
I guess the solution is just: "Get used to it."
Re:How about some user testing on distro websites? (Score:3, Insightful)
I run a busy (military) website myself, and I've found that a lot of the users on the site don't use the site in the same way I would. They get the information they need, and they put up with a sub-optimal interface, but if I can find out what they're trying to do it's often a matter of a simple change to allow them to do it with a lot more efficiency. You can't ever ignore the users and tell them to "get used to it", just like saying "read the source code" doesn't cut it as documentation for most folks.
Re:How about some user testing on distro websites? (Score:3, Insightful)
I apologize if it seemed a personal attack, it wasn't. I defiantely wish you luck, but it's not going to happen. People who are used to what you think is sub-optimal (and yes, genuine crap does exist), are going to complain when you make a change. How far do you take that? Let the users build their own interfaces? Maybe the interface to build your own interface is confusing to some..
How do you say Tomato, Tomato in text?
Personally, I think economics is crap theory too.
You can take any course or track, and learn a LOT of detail about that particular subject. Some you'll agree with, some you won't.
A college degree doesn't necessarily make something/someone viable. So don't accept that just because someone is being taught something, that they'll know all there is to know.
Just stay open to opinions..
Re:How about some user testing on distro websites? (Score:2)
You can spot the people that haven't fully grasped the concept by their remark "Usability tests? Yeah, we did one of those." One test, while useful, is not enough. To get the full benifit of such tests, you should perform as many as possible in the development cycle.
As much as you believe in them, I don't. Your argument for them makes more sense than most I've heard. You at least make it part of the development cycle. The one problem you left out is bias.
For every person who says: "We did one of those, it was crap."
There's another one who doesn't like how something works, and cries "Doesn't anyone do usability tests?"
In this thread, I merely believe in the former, while responding to the latter. :)
Don't get defensive
Re:How about some user testing on distro websites? (Score:2)
Re:How about some user testing on distro websites? (Score:2)
You are talking about FreeBSD here you know. A proven player in the OS field for years. I would say it gots it strengths. Like a standard GUI.
My Experience (Score:3, Interesting)
My only problem with the installation was that it didn't like the partitions I made with Partition Magic. It installed fine, but afterword when I tried to setup Grub, the
It was rather annoying, the babysitting. You just have to sit there an type in a lame command or two now and then. Why can't the installer do that for me?
In summary, use Gentoo because it's not-bloated, fast, easier than Debian (in my opinion), and Portage is great.
Re:My Experience (Score:3, Interesting)
My biggest nit pick is that I wish Portage had a better way of tracking changes between package versions. Sometimes the only difference between two versions is a few lines of a Gentoo-supplied script or config file. When you upgrade the package it forces you you to recompile the whole thing, even though the changes didn't do anything that would have affected compilation.
Anyway, speaking of Portage, doesn't anyone know what the equivalent of the old-school "emerge --world update" is (to make it look up EVERY installed package)? During a world update the new Portage will only update packages that appear in your "favorites" file. If it does, only then will it update dependencies not in your "favorites" file.
Re:My Experience (Score:2)
What I did was use /usr/lib/portage/pkglist to get a list of packages installed, stripped the version numbers from them and put it in my world file. Then I just did a emerge --update world
My biggest gripe with Gentoo right now is the QA on ebuild's, one good example is the app-misc/xcircuit ebuild, as of yesterday it was still broken because of stupid typos, on the plus side ebuild's are very easy to write yourself
ccache to the rescue (Score:2, Interesting)
My biggest nit pick is that I wish Portage had a better way of tracking changes between package versions. Sometimes the only difference between two versions is a few lines of a Gentoo-supplied script or config file. When you upgrade the package it forces you you to recompile the whole thing, even though the changes didn't do anything that would have affected compilation.
I don't know if there's a good Gentoo specific answer to your question, but you could speed up the n+1th c/c++ compile if you used ccache to compile your software. See ccache.samba.org [samba.org].
ccache and its predecessor, compilercache, save me large quantities of time compiling things for work and play.
Re:My Experience (Score:2)
Seems I made a typo... whoopee...
rock (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Rock, Gentoo, same motivation.. (Score:2)
Re:Rock, Gentoo, same motivation.. (Score:2)
-Paul Komarek
Re:Rock, Gentoo, same motivation.. (Score:2)
If I want to use a new version of Mozilla, I'll check to see what the latest "officially" released version. "official" versions allow simple dependency management and file tracking. If the an official version isn't yet available, I'll wait for it because I don't want to "pollute" my filesystem with binaries and such that my packaging system's database/whatever doesn't know about.
What I like about Sorcerer and Lunar Penguin is that the packaging system is really just a bunch of scripts that help you "roll your own" packages. Sure, there's a library of pre-made packages, but changing them only requires a text editor (rpm is the worst offender here, because of their decision to use cpio). In a matter of seconds (i.e. before the urge to get the latest mozilla wears off =-), I can change what version of mozilla the package represents. Just as good, since a package description is just a small directory, I can copy an existing package, make the minor updates, and have a different package.
I'm hoping that you're going to write back and explain that adding a new "package description" (or whatever) to Gentoo is so easy that it only takes seconds and has no real learning curve (again, I'm comparing it to Sorcerer and Lunar Penguin).
-Paul Komarek
Hey, what the hell is this? (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Hey, what the hell is this? (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Hey, what the hell is this? (Score:2)
Real Linux (Score:1, Interesting)
This is truly the way to make a customized system. The Problem with the BSD ports system is that It tells you what is the best version to run. If you do it this way you will have a complete understanding of your system.
In Short: If you really want a geeked out version of linux. Do it from scratch with LFS.
Re:Real Linux (Score:2)
Your first install will take about a week and will not work. The second one will take a few days and you'll have a perfectly working "stock" LFS. Then you'll try to get fancy, and end up with an uncomprehensible mess on your next one. After that, you'll be able to get a new system up and running (with a desktop environment and everything) in a weekend or so, and after a few weeks of "settling in" will have the perfect GNU/Linux distro - yours.
In the end, for me at least, it's worth the work: it's fast, only has what you need/want, behaves exactly as you want it to, etc. It's certainly not for everbody, and probably won't be the thing to get Windows users to switch over, but this is the customizable and flexible part of Linux that we all gush over all the time.
PS oh yeah, you will need a host system to build it on, but only for like half an hour (ok, maybe a bit longer), and there's plenty of lightweight and quick to install distros out there that will do the job.
Minor nit (Score:5, Informative)
There are 3 debians, at varying degrees of 'conservativyosity'
Stable: Potato is dead stable and conservative. To put it another way: it's old, and you probably wouldn't want it on your desktop.
Testing: Woody is very stable (IME more stable than RH FWIW), and quite up to date (g++ 3 etc)
Unstable: Not sure of the name because I wouldn't use it. I don't know how stable it is, but I am thinking that it's quite up to date with the latest releases.
Anyway, the point I'm trying to make in a rather longwinded mannar, is that debian will be as conservative as you want it to be. There is always a tradeoff between "up to date" and "no nasty surprises" debian is very honest about letting you choose.
Re:Minor nit (Score:2, Informative)
Its Sid, and as to being unstable, i've found that it isn't. I've used unstable on my laptop for ~6 months now, and not once have I had any sort of issues with it. As always, YMMV, but it has been great for me.
Check out auto-apt (Score:3, Insightful)
monitors what files the
really quite spiffy.
Needs to be listed more clearly, is an awesome reference, took me a while to find it through their page. (Also needs more people to contribute, since I believe it is just one guys experience)
Re:Minor nit (Score:2)
If you keep hearing it from every user, that's the proof right there. What kind of proof do you want, other than actual user experiences? Surely anything else would be more FUDdy than that.
menu... (Score:1)
Metadistribution? (Score:4, Funny)
Is it like: "I never metadistribution I didn't like?"
; )
Re:Metadistribution? (Score:2, Insightful)
One of Gentoo's many features is profiles, i.e. lists of packages that that describe your installed system. The default profile is a minimal console installation.
You could, if you desired, make a custom profile describing the linux installation of your dreams. (Hint for Gentoo users: the system profile is determined by the symlink /etc/make.profile that by default points to /usr/portage/profiles/default-1.0 )
For example you could have server, workstation, BBC, mosix-cluster, etc profiles. A generous use of the --buildpkg flag for emerge (or the lower level, 'ebuild foo.ebuild package') and you have a collection of binary packages ripe for distribution as a, well, distribution. Hence, the concept of meta-distribution.
Re:Metadistribution? (Score:2)
My Gentoo Install (Score:4, Informative)
Upgrading to a new version of gentoo is easy, and straight forward with the Portage system. There is no need to reinstall, like some flavors of linux, just a simple emerge --update system and an emerge --update world.
The distro is fast - in fact - much faster than my mandrake box I had on my desktop (before I migrated to gentoo). I have no benchmarks, but the bloat is gone, and the speed is there.
2.4.19? (Score:1)
Re:2.4.19? (Score:2, Informative)
Re:2.4.19? (Score:2, Informative)
The problem is, I broke quota hard and I should have -shawn11 out for gentoo tonight or so. AC Quota / XFS quota really take a beating
LVM? (Score:2)
Re:LVM? (Score:2, Informative)
"15.Final steps: install additional packages
You may need to install some additional packages in the Portage tree if you are using any optional features like XFS or LVM. If you're using XFS, you should emerge the xfsprogs ebuild:
Code listing 27
# emerge sys-apps/xfsprogs
If you're using LVM, you should emerge the lvm-user ebuild:
Code listing 28
# emerge --usepkg sys-apps/lvm-user
It's true, you know! (Score:4, Interesting)
Not to start a distro war, but I always thought linux distros fall into 2 categories; on one side the colorful, happy-newbie distros with many good features and nice interfaces, but ultimately dreadful underbelly that you get exposed to when things go wrong. On the other hand are distros like slack and debian; will install on anything initially, run fine, and if something goes wrong, they're as transparent as can be and tweakable as hell.
Problem with slack is that the community is slowly dwindling. Security updates get less frequent, packages are updated and maintained at a slower pace, ultimately making most of the stuff installed non-distro specific and thereby more complex and harder to update.
Gentoo is as open and simple as slack, just as tweakable and in active development. If the community doesn't get discouraged with some early troubles with the portage system and documentation proliferates, there is a very bright future for the distro.
Also... (Score:2)
Re:It's true, you know! (Score:3, Interesting)
they have it setup to allow installation of both kde 2 and kde 3
when kde 3 was released... I typed:
emerge kde
and it went and installed kde 3.0 and all the main kde 3.0 packages. The few kde 2.0 apps that I still have continue to work... although they still work off the kde 2.0 libs. But once those are updated by their authors to use kde 3, its pretty simple to install the new package and uninstall the old. (and depending on how you have portage configured... it can do the uninstalling of the old package automatically when you upgrade.)
Sounds like an automated LFS (Score:3, Informative)
I have a R*dh*t box at work (that was set up by a total incompetent, which makes things even worse) that's screaming for an upgrade...while I can get LFS going in not much time now, I think I'll end up giving Gentoo a shot when the time comes.
Tip for i686 users (Score:4, Informative)
You'll still have to install X and apps and the kernel, but at least the base will be taken care of.
Switched to Gentoo 6 months ago from FreeBSD/Linux setup and haven't looked back since.
Even put it on a new production server. Very nice.
Have fun with what IMHO is the BEST distrib around!
Yeah, right. (Score:4, Insightful)
That in itself is the main gripe. Bandwidth is the biggest problem. I can bring my computer to my college to download an image (or few). It's big, but once a few months isn't bad. However, all I've got is a modem connection at home (and I'm sure gentoo's program doesnt support resuming). What?! KDE desnt come with it? Guess I'll have to download it. (a day and a half later)... Still isn't done! DAMN! Heh, and then comes compile-time.
Face it, this distribution is for high bandwidth connections, not for us modem users. And what's really funny is that just yesterday, Slashdot posts article: "Time Warner to Charge Extra for Over-Quota Bandwidth". Yeah, these go together real well.... Reeeeal well.
Re:Yeah, right. (Score:2)
Seriously though, it sounds like a great idea, and I am sure it is wonderful if you have the throughput, but let's face it... most folks don't.
Re:Yeah, right. (Score:2)
Wonderful statement. I'm betting that this distro would be wonderful... if I had 24/7 access to decently high bandwidth. Still, that aside, it comes to something else.
(enter cable/dsl/high speed provider): Either you are stuck with sucky slow modem connections, or you can PAY THROUGH THE NOSE for the *permission* to have a high connection to your home. Then we can discuss on the payment of data. Your first born son would be sufficent payment for the first three months.
Re:Yeah, right. (Score:3, Informative)
It can use wget, prozilla, or lukemftp out of the box, but you can use any downloader you want; just set FETCHCOMMAND appropriatly.
"And what's really funny is that just yesterday, Slashdot posts article: "Time Warner to Charge Extra for Over-Quota Bandwidth". Yeah, these go together real well.... Reeeeal well."
I doubt even the most compulsive upgrader will never approach the quota due to gentoo. The source packages that I've downloaded over the past three months take up 1.5G. At 500M per month, I doubt the quotas will be a problem. Modem use, however, is a problem.
Re:Yeah, right. (Score:3, Insightful)
Nobody's forcing you to use Gentoo over a modem connection; to say that it sucks because it requires something you don't have is just insane. It's like me complaining that Quake 3 sucks because I'm running in software mode on a card w/ 4MB of memory.
Re:Yeah, right. (Score:3, Funny)
btw, there are still modem users out there?
Re:Yeah, right. (Score:4, Interesting)
This distribution SOUNDS nice, but plain sucks in practice.
No, this distribution IS nice, but it plain sucks for YOU in practice.
That in itself is the main gripe. Bandwidth is the biggest problem.
Keep in mind, this is YOUR gripe. Bandwidth is only a problem if you are intending on downloading a lot of data,
- like this distribution is designed to do from the ground on up.
Face it, this distribution is for high bandwidth connections, not for us modem users.
So?? How is that a bad thing? Don't use it. Not every distribution was designed for home modem users. I have lots of bandwidth, and am happy that I can compile the entire OS from scratch, using up-to-date sources. Are you going to demand that Debian remove the net install option, too?
You wouldn't be surprised that a PPC distribution doesn't work well on your x86. Dont't be surprised when this bandwidth-required distro doesn't work well on your bandwidth-lacking machine.
I think Daniel (& co.) has done an absolutely awesome job on Gentoo Linux, and deserves compliments, not people criticizing him for designing HIS distribution exactly the way he wants.
Re:Yeah, right. (Score:2)
Re:Yeah, right. (Score:2)
Then would I not be correct that you use a few http gateways before hitting slashdot?
---"Unlike yourself, who apparently needs a user# to validate his existence, I have no such need."---
Incorrect, I stand by all my posts. No matter how much people dislike them. You, however have no balls to stand up to what you even say. You are a nobody.
---"What exactly does your user id provide you? You get to mod comments up or down, you get a record of all the important things you had to say, you can use your own name or you can make up a cute name for everyone to know you by. So what."---
Actually, I refuse to mod (And have set up the correct options to NOT mod). Actually, I am NOT ashamed of what I say or think. And if you don't think that I have posted anon before, you are wrong. I use it when I need to, and I use the correct procedures so that slashdot cant tell what part of the world, let alone ISP I am coming from. It is known that Slashdot admins can see all of our connection data, and can use tools in ethereal that can 'track' our trail of links on this website. Do you have provisions as to keep slashdot from knowing who you are?
---"You apparently think very highly of yourself."---
You don't quite get it... I know my place, and so should you. I can assume that you're not a editor, and nor am I. That makes both of our words equally worthless, no matter what way you or I look at it. Karma doesn't mean shit. And if you look through my post logs, I don't karma troll or such crap. I just either ask questions or state my opinion. Sometimes, the very people that spout crap about free speech are the very ones to mod me down, as they don't like my opinion. Simply put; I come here to do 3 things
1: Read geek news.
2: Post questions/comments
3: Read comments about things I post about
---"But I hate to tell you there's nothing special about a
Simple. It's not offered 7 miles out in the country and there's no way in hell that I'm putting down 1000$ for a 3 second lag sattelite connection, and then pay cut-throat rates.
---"You should change your
I've already got a nick. Maybe you should.
compiler (Score:5, Interesting)
The icc license should be ok for home users to compile programs for their own use with it. I think you only have to buy the license if you plan on distributing binaries.
Re:compiler (Score:2)
Re:compiler (Score:2)
Using a commercial compiler and supporting free software aren't mutually exclusive. I write, maintain, and contribute to multiple projects.
And if I cared about supporting free software monetarily, I'd buy Redhat's overpriced cdroms, which I might do for their upcoming release.
Re:compiler (Score:2)
What I would like to see (Score:2)
Basically I install my distro, say Suse, with everything I want, then type somthing like 'compile all' and have it automatically recompile everything. A nice extra would be if it could grab the source from my choice of locations:HD, DVD,CD,Net, etc...
Quite frankly I'm getting a little burned out on tweaking my system. I just want to use it, and spend time with my kids.
Re:What I would like to see (Score:2, Informative)
To recompile your entire system do:
emerge glibc; emerge --update world --emptytree
This will recompile glibc, then recompile every other piece of software on your entire system. Pretty slick eh.
Re:What I would like to see (Score:2)
Does it have to get the source from the internet, or does it come on disk.
Obviously the disk would fall out of date, but it would be a hassle to download all the source via the internet with my dial-up.
I wouldn't mind paying 10 bucks for a disk with the latest stable source every few months.
Re:What I would like to see (Score:2)
Installation Process Still Too Complicated (Score:2, Interesting)
I'm fortunate enough to have "Linux friend" who helps me.. but more often than not they type and I watch. I've made attempts at installing Slackware, Gentoo and Debian. The most recent attempt (successful) involved my friend spending quite a bit of time battling away at the console to download the latest Debian bits. So I now have a working KDE system that I can play around with to learn the ropes. And this is what I wanted.
But the biggest problem I faced when trying to learn Linux is the installation process. It's discouraged me no end. In my defense, I'm not stupid, I'm actually a software engineer, although yes.. purely windows (and no, not VB).
My point (getting there) is that you can say what you will about windows but it beats Linux hands down on the installation. Until the Linux installation process becomes as simple as booting from a CD and clicking "Next" a few hundred times, it will not have the user base it deserves.
I know there's plenty of documentation, help, support, walkthroughs etc.. etc.. but it's just not enough. I haven't found a distribution with a one-off graphical installer (and neither has my friend). There's always a bunch of commands you're going to have to learn and instructions to follow. For many (including myself), this is too daunting, and I don't want to spend a great deal of time reading up on something beforehand.
I'm not trying to troll here I just think that until we see more distributions with simpler-than-simple installers, Linux will very much remain "underground".
So if there's no distribution that does this already, can a Linux code-monkey write an app for windows that downloads and burns the desired Linux, then having booted from the CD, walks you through from start to finish, clicking on "Next" and "OK" etc..?
Re:Installation Process Still Too Complicated (Score:2, Interesting)
"Linux is hard to install" was a popular attack on Linux a couple of years ago, so most commercial distro vendors pushed on this issue and developped simple graphical installers. Most commercial distros are definitely not more dificult to install than Windows, and most are better documented with online help.
The inherent complexity of installing Linux is that you have to repartition a hard disk, which is unnecesarry in most cases with Windows, but this is a non-issue if you're using the whole hard drive for Linux.
When you get comfortable with the user-friendlier variants of Linux, you'll appreciate the power you are given by Gentoo, Debian, or *BSD's.
Re:Installation Process Still Too Complicated (Score:3, Insightful)
Mandrake's installer beats any Windows installation hands down (of course Windows users rarely install it, but anyway); if someone not familiar with the Linux vs. Windows FUD were shown the installation of Win2K (for example) and an 8.x Mandrake, they'd simply laugh if they were told that Windows is the "user friendly" one. And RedHat's not far behind (behind Mandrake that is, not Windows) in that department, either.
Of course you'll always have the extra step of selecting software to install to complicate things. I just love it when people use these arguments - "Linux is too dificult - it comes with software!"
Wrong Distributions (Score:2)
Personally I prefer Windows over Linux, but the distribution of Linux I do use is 'ZipSlack' - it's a Slackware distribution packaged in a 32Mb zip file - just uncompress onto a FAT partition and boot into dos. Excecute the Linux.bat file. Presto! No need to set aside a partition or anything. I have it running on an old 486 laptop. (No X-Windows, though. You'd have to install that yourself
Gentoo Also Available For PPC(Mac) Heads (Score:2, Informative)
To those who would like to try Gentoo on your spiffy new TiBooks, iBooks, and other expensive Mac hardware, it is my great pleasure to present...
Gentoo-PPC [sunsite.dk]
I did it in about a week on my TiBook [apple.com] and with some luck and great help is now available from http://gentooppc.sunsite.dk/ [sunsite.dk].
Think Different. :p
That "RPM dependency hell." (Score:5, Insightful)
The leadin says that Gentoo eliminates all that RPM dependency hell. I agree, that's how most newcomers to the RPM scheme see it. A lack of higher tools and a lack of understanding has left many a new RPM user crying in frustration.
I haven't used Gentoo yet, and it may be the greatest thing since sliced bread. In the interests of helping newcomers who try RPM-based distros, however, a couple of points...
RPM is a package format, and rpm is the low-level tool that deals with those files. If you use rpm directly, you'll have to deal with the deluge of interconnecting dependencies yourself. However, it was not designed to be the sole front-line tool, it's the workhorse.
Unlike the Debian strains which all adopted the apt-get tool, each RPM-based distro has gone their own way with dependency management. Debian doesn't seem to focus so much on a distinction between dependency management and package management.
This dependency management is typically the commercialized aspect of the commercialized distro market: pay a value-added subscription fee for the ease of using a simplified network based package update/installer as a service, as well as some preferential bandwidth considerations. Faster downloads, push-down email notices, scheduled automatic installations, and other value-added services are attractive to corporate and casual users.
Service tools like up2date, redcarpet, and the like are the intended front-ends that use the rpm mechanisms to seek, download, validate, and install packages.
Much of the problem with package systems, rpm or deb, lies in the unorganized and untested packages produced haphazardly by small project folks, and the ad-hoc installations by casual users. The end users try rpm directly, or the weak gui equivalents, and at the first sign of dependency problems, they start using --nodeps or --force. Paraphrasing Asimov, "--force is the last refuge of the incompetent." The surest way to bollox an RPM machine is to --force a few packages or remove them with --nodeps, leaving a patchwork of unsatisfied dependencies. The surest way for a package maintainer to encourage such destruction is to blindly make packages that depend on too much, or too little.
Package management needs to grow up, and recognize the experimenter's needs: add tools at whim, try it a while, and remove it.
One: If you're not an expert, and want to play with a package for a bit, see if one is produced by your distribution first. Failing that, then see if someone's made a package intended for your version of your distribution. Unless you're going to spend the time reading the source code, it's usually a waste of time and energy to rebuild a package, and it'll be less compatible with your distro anyway.
Two: If you manage a package, and your program can use X or libaudio or whatever but doesn't absolutely require it, then consider making two packages or making your program smart enough to use what's present at runtime, rather than blindly depend on it being present at installation time.
Three: The key to user-interface design is that the interface needs to understand the user. Not the other way around. Focus on the needs of the expected types of user: neophyte through master. If you're new, --help and RTFM aren't enough. Don't just teach the user to fulfill the tool's needs, teach your tool to anticipate the user's goals. Don't just teach people to use RPM directly, but instead provide smooth tools that use RPM behind-the-scenes.
This has gotten longer than I expected; I'd appreciate constructive replies.
Re:That "RPM dependency hell." (Score:5, Informative)
The reason that tools like apt-get work very well with Debian is that all 8,000 packages are actually forced to follow guidelines before they are accepted. They also _are_ tested before they get into "testing" from "unstable", and tested even more thoroughly before "stable" is released. There is a policy that actually exists, and it is adhered to strictly.
In regards to your "multiple versions" suggestion, Debian does this quite frequently. If a package has a version with a Gnome GUI, but can be used without it, Debian will have a base package for that software, and another package you can install for the Gnome GUI. A similar thing is done with PHP and the various modules (PostgreSQL support, etc.).
To comment on another poster's reply: apt never automatically installs anything for you. If the package you requested to install has unmet dependencies, it will prompt you with the names of the packages which need to be installed/removed, and not continue unless you confirm.
Re:That "RPM dependency hell." (Score:2)
Other things about Debian have languished, for instance the installer. Debian's default installers, using a 2.2 kernel, won't even boot on my laptop (eventually found my way around to the ide images). Debian's installers are the only installers that didn't boot on my laptop -- Sorcerer installed like a dream, as did Red Hat's and Mandrake's.
My preference has turned out to be source management systems, like those found in Sorcerer and Lunar Penguin.
-Paul Komarek
Re:That "RPM dependency hell." (Score:2, Interesting)
I assume you mean unstable->testing. It takes nowhere near three weeks for a package to be considered for migration into testing. From the Debian/testing FAQ [debian.org]:
At most a package stays in unstable for 10 days. Less if it's a critical update. If packages it depends on are not in testing, then yes, it will hang around in unstable until those packages migrate. That is proper and safe behavior. That along with points 3, 4 and 5 above is what makes testing nearly rock-solid. The only way bugs get into testing is if developers using unstable don't detect a serious bug before the 10 days are up. That's very, very rare for commonly used packages and bugs in uncommon packages rarely hose the system. If it does happen, critical updates can short-circuit the 10-day waiting period.
Again, testing<->unstable in the quote above. You're correct that this can sometimes be a problem. If a package remains broken for a long time, a new release can mess things up if the package maintainer isn't on the ball. Of course, one would hope the maintainer would fix the original package and then port the new release into the fixed package. But sometimes it's not always so easy.
I believe this is why XFree86 4.2 is being held off for now -- Branden wants to make sure that 4.1 is solid.
Re:That "RPM dependency hell." (Score:2, Interesting)
Once you have one piece of non-rpm software, it just gets worse. Officially, you have an older version. You may even have a good reason why you custom-compiled in the first place. Anyhow, dependencies start complaining once you start upgrading packages that depend on what you custom-built.
The way to go is to integrate package management into
make test
make install
That would be really, really nice and basically make all distros work together again!
Re:That "RPM dependency hell." (Score:3, Interesting)
It does not strike me as reasonable that I should have to wait for an RPM maintainer to create an RPM of the newest release. Nor does it strike me as reasonable to expect me to know how or want to build my own RPM. I would much rather be able to install my own utilities from source and not have to give up ever using the package tool ever again because the database doesn't know that the "missing" dependencies actually exist!
A more sensible scheme could be put together using nothing more than bash, grep, tar, and ld. The algorithm would look similar to the following:
For dependency on other executables, use the which command. Just about any package requirement can be located automatically without the use of a database. Hell, you can grep throughUntil package management utilities check for actual presence rather than a registered presence, they will continue to have the problems you have described.
Re:That "RPM dependency hell." (Score:2)
If Gentoo's portage handles this as nicely as FreeBSD's ports, then you should be in heaven. I routinely manually install programs on the FreeBSD boxen that I administer and have the ports system detect their presence when deciding whether a new package's dependencies are met.
Re:That "RPM dependency hell." (Score:3, Informative)
Thus, when you type "urpmi foo.rpm", you get something like "foo.rpm requires bar.rpm. Is this okay?" followed by "please insert cd 3" or else it automatically grabs it from the net (if you've configured it to do so). Really surprising, and very nice, was when uninstalling "foo.rpm", it asked if it was okay to remove "bar.rpm". I'm not sure if it always does that latter bit, because I saw it happen during an installation.
-Paul Komarek
Re:That "RPM dependency hell." (Score:2)
Debian does distinguish between dependency management and package management.
Aye, I understand the dpkg tool. But who uses it directly? Not too many users, and not very often. Debian doesn't focus on the distinction, and leads people to a standard front-end: apt-get.
While I like the promise of RPM, its various front-ends like up2date and redcarpet are either limited to a small source-base or are unstable due to their lax standards-checking. The RPM tools will improve, and .deb and .rpm already learn the best practices from each other over time. I stick to RPM because I stick to Red Hat.
I use Red Hat. I love the up2date tool, especially the push-down email notifications, and prefer Red Hat built packages. However, up2date and its ilk need to develop strong linting tools and 'tainted' flags for those packages that haven't been independently validated, much like the .deb process is.
Why Red Hat instead of Debian then? Personal preference, based on the personalities in the community, the corporate backing, and the currentness of the development efforts.
I'm a new gentoo user (Score:2, Interesting)
Speed, speed, speed 0 just like the author stated
the docs are excellent - I spent a half day figureing out how to st up the nvidia drivers and x, just becasue I didn't read the docs. I finally read the desktop guide, and it had everything I needed.
Maturity - I've also installed sorcerer (the latest release) and while I like it I think gentoio is more mature. No glitches during the install - sorcerer has some kde hangups. No slight to sorcerer, I just think gentoo has had more time to work out the bugs
Re:I'm a new gentoo user (Score:2)
Like you, I never could get KDE to install with Sorcerer's utility, and I didn't want to bypass the utility and possibly lose package management features. And I also had great difficulty with the Nvidia drivers - it seems like the Sorcerer install for them has a recursive loop in it somewhere. Also, Sorcerer recently forked into two or three separate distros, one of them named something like "Looney Mooney" that doesn't exactly inspire my faith. And although I chafe at cute handholding like Mandrake's, or menu-driven configs that obscure most of the options, Sorcerer takes "lack of documentation" to a whole new level.
Based on this article and your comment, I think I will give Gentoo a try when I have a few spare hours. Thanks again.
tip for installs (Score:5, Informative)
emerge evolution galeon lynx nessus xmms
and it gets x, gnome, and all the bells and whistles that I need to run on my system, based on the USE variable set in my make.conf. Do the above and you can leave it go while you go to work or sleep and be assured that things went nicely.
I'll also mention that if you do
emerge evolution; emerge galeon;
It will have the advantage of compiling in series, and thus maybe catching some things that you don't have to redo later, but the disadvantage of failing multiple times on something that does not have a perfect build script, and you can't track down what caused it. I do it with
emerge evolution galeon
because you can see what died easier (the last thing on the screen.
I've had it for about two months now (Score:2, Informative)
Gentoo Etymology (Why's it called that?) (Score:2)
So here's some obligatory Gentoo links for you zoologoy freaks:
Seriously though, Gentoo Linux [gentoo.org] sounds really cool. I'm a die-hard Debian [debian.org] guy (especially with Woody [debian.org] going stable in May)... but I plan on giving Gentoo a try this week. And I wish the best to the developers.awwww, come on. (Score:2)
aren't you going to tell us what it is?
Much quicker than Windows (Score:2)
Hmmm, much quicker than Windows. I did a WinME install last month. It took me most of a Saturday. Reboot. Click "yes". Reboot. Click "yes". Reboot. Install driver. Reboot. Reinstall driver. Reboot. ad infinitum.
I haven't used Gentoo yet, but I can install FreeBSD, including sources, in about seven minutes. Add another five minutes in if I also install XFree86, KDE, Xmms, Mozilla, Linux support, etc.
The one thing about Gentoo nobody mentions... (Score:2, Insightful)
After evolving from Mandrake and other n3wb distros, the typical linux user has the choice between Slackware, Debian, and LFS style distros. All of them are great for proclaiming one's leetness. Just being able to go through the installation process of any of the aforementioned is a testament to manliness even penis length cannot surmount.
But what to do after that? Sure you got a badassed mofo distro, but it looks like shit! LFS and Slack use the horrid BSD style init-scripts (don't flame me...just from my experience from atleast a few years back, not that slack's updated versions since then
Gentoo has all that and more. By default, it sets up color terminals for all users. No more fidgeting with
And you can do it all with full colour ls listings. And that's enough rambling and bitching for me today.
Re:re-compiling everthing (Score:2, Insightful)
That way when you build packages you get the compiler options and
You can also use env variables to override of course.
Re:re-compiling everthing (Score:2)
Link with Libparanoia [www.lexa.ru]
Tweak configure options for features you do/don't want
compile with -Wall to get a sense for how buggy the package is
Skim through the source to get a feel for how the program is laid out, and what flaws it may have in it's design
Myself, I build everything I run, and I reserve the right to make fun of people who use binary packages.
Re:Definitely dangerous (Score:2)
Yeah, I ran into a snag like this. I ran out of disk space while bootstrapping after an 'emerge rsync' (I'm working with a small partition, figuring things out, making sure the essential stuff works, etc. before I make the big switch from Win98). Now all the libraries are MIA, and I can't even log in. Thank God I saved all the config files that FINALLY (after about 5 distros) got my dial-up working.
Re:if you type $emerge mozilla (Score:2, Informative)
This isn't exactly what happens.
Warning: ebuild spoiler follows
In conclusion, I'm sorry, but there will be no Gentoo Effect [bnl.gov].
Re:FreeBSD (Score:2)
I can think of a couple reasons:
1) You need something that is only offered or supported on Linux. FreeBSD's Linux emulation works both well and smoothly, but it's not fit for, say, Linux-only drivers. Also, while some Linux applications run fine on FreeBSD once installed, sometimes the installation scripts make assumptions that are only valid on Linux, so little tweaks have to be made to get them to install.
2) FreeBSD won't install (or install cleanly) on the system. I had this happen with FreeBSD 4.5, which got my hard disk geometry *way* wrong, beyond the usual bogusness that comes with things like workarounds for the 1024 cylinder limit, LBA, etc. Apparently, it got garbage where a cylinder count should be. Both Red Hat and Windows got the disk geometry issues right, no contest.