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Linux Business

Opposing Open Source? 567

Carl Nasal asks: "For a college class I'm taking, I have to write a research paper. I chose a topic of how open source software affects businesses, focusing on the use of Linux. While doing searches, I have actually found it hard to find opposing views of open source software. Mainly, what I'm looking for, are opinions, articles, looks, and evidence about the drawbacks of using open source software in business. They can either be online or offline, but preferably from reliable sources. (In other words, I'd rather not just have someone's homepage that loves Microsoft and hates Linux.)" The more constructive criticism we get about the drawbacks of Open Source, the better we can address and fix them.
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Opposing Open Source?

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  • Perhaps there is a reason you find it hard to find opposing views. Why? Simple.

    When switching to open-source, the first thing to note is that the fact that the source code is available is usually not why you are switching. The fact that the software follows the 'open source' ideology is also not important. Generally, you switch because the software does what you want at a reasonable price.
    In this respect, open-source is no different than any other software.

    Now.. switching a shop to a DIY shop using open-source tools as opposed to commercial solutions.. that's a bit of a different story. But that's really an idological change as opposed to a software change.
  • There have been plenty of posts on there about why x company feels the need to not open source drivers.

    In fact, there was even one from Intel.
  • Easy answer (Score:5, Funny)

    by scott1853 ( 194884 ) on Monday October 22, 2001 @04:13PM (#2461874)
    You should talk to Jim Allchin, he has some non-biased views on open source and he's an industry leader. []

    Kidding aside, it's probably relevant to your assignment.
  • (Just kidding) (Score:2, Offtopic)

    by Shoten ( 260439 )

    In the DC area, at least, a common tactic is to contact companies or other entities in the guise of a "student" looking for information for a thesis, paper, project, or whatever. The advantage of this was that the person doing the research could gather information on behalf of their company/employer without letting on to anyone that the company they work for didn't know much about the subject.

    You don't happen to work for Microsoft, do you?

    • Re:(Just kidding) (Score:2, Interesting)

      by Rude Turnip ( 49495 )
      Hehe, I've saved my clients hundreds of dollars each by pretending to be a student requesting research reports from trade groups. It pays to have a relatively high pitched and youthful voice. However, make sure you do you calls from home (in case they have caller ID) and have the materials sent to your home address (much less suspicious that way).
  • by dougmc ( 70836 ) <> on Monday October 22, 2001 @04:14PM (#2461886) Homepage
    The usual reason given is the lack of support.

    Yes, it's FUD, but it's true to a degree -- it's often difficult to find support for open source things. And if it breaks, you get to keep both parths -- if you're not able to fix it yourself, you're at the author's mercy.

    Yes, if Windows breaks, you're at Microsoft's mercy to fix it too, but many companies feel a lot more comfortable relying on a big company than on a few guys who program for fun.

    Yes, you can buy support for many free software products, but these don't seem very popular for some reason.

    I'm not saying that these reasons are particularly valid, but they are the reasons most commonly given ...

    • by zerocool^ ( 112121 ) on Monday October 22, 2001 @05:01PM (#2462196) Homepage Journal
      another thing to consider is that there are no deadlines or date accountability in open source software. There's no "i have to get Emacs21 out by the end of july". It's done when its done. If its not done when you need it, then you just have to wait, there's not anyone you can call and complain. (course some people would say the same about commercial software: Diakatana, anyone?) The negative side of this is that if you're waiting for features, you could be waiting a while, unlike microsoft: when they say they're gonna have windows XP out by a certain date, they may push it back a coupla months, but if they say october 12th, its going on sale october 12th. If they said it was going to have a CD burning program, email client, voice recognition software, image-editing software, and a new media player, they may be bad, but damnit they're there. In open source, you get a lot of "well we meant to include it, but... it didn't make the code freeze, sorry, mabey next version.

      Another downside, as mentioned, is tech support. You can call microsoft and get tech support, but a lot of OSS companies are doing that now, also - when i bought Mandrake 7.2 from best buy, i got a card in the box that said that i had 30 days of help for free, from the date of install, and that was in the $30 version.

      Of course, i have no right to complain, as i don't actually program, beyond "hello world"

      • by Happy Monkey ( 183927 ) on Monday October 22, 2001 @05:39PM (#2462441) Homepage
        There's no "i have to get Emacs21 out by the end of july".

        On the other hand, there's no "You have to install Emacs21 by the end of July" from the developers, either.
      • While there is nobody forcing them to release Emacs21 on a particular date, you can fare more easily get pre-release versions that might provide the support you need. It may be that you just need one nasty bug fixed and instead of having to wait for a whole new released version you can either fix the bug yourself or apply a patch.

        If you are fixated on hard releases then open source is a little trickier, but if you can be more flexible then open source can be really helpful.
      • by TonyGreene ( 6523 ) on Monday October 22, 2001 @07:46PM (#2463060) Homepage
        NT5 was due in 1998. Lots of great features were planned. Many companies bought into this plan and waited for the great upgrade.

        It finally came in Feb 2000 as Win2k.

        NT5 was supposed to integrate the stable NT kernel with the flexibility of Windows 95, resulting in a single OS for home and corporate use. Later, Microsoft said that feature would not make it into NT5. Instead we got a set of fixes for Win95, called Win98. A second set of fixes was called Win98SE. Then instead of the single combined OS (NT5), we got WinME and several flavors of Win2k.

        In late 2001, we will finally get the combined OS that was promised in 1998, with most of the promised features. In the meantime, Microsoft released three other operating systems (not including WinCE), none of which had all the promised features. Along the way, costs have gone up and vendor lock-in is running rampant.

        There are reasons to use MS software, but the ability to depend on their announced release dates is not one of them.
    • Larry McVoy has some fascinating and well thought out arguments about cases where pure open source does not work.
    • Yes, if Windows breaks, you're at Microsoft's mercy to fix it too, but many companies feel a lot more comfortable relying on a big company than on a few guys who program for fun.

      I just want to be careful here and point out that this common perception is in fact a misperception.

      Look at some of the most important opensource projects out there - GNU/Linux, Apache, Samba, Sendmail, Mozilla/Netscape, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Star Office - these aren't projects that a mere few hackers tinker with in their spare time. One way or another, they're pretty much all supported with corporate dollars. And they all have a rich market of support available - support you can purchase from reputible companies (RedHat, for instance).

      FUD is the only fuel that keeps this misperception alive.

    • by Skapare ( 16644 ) on Monday October 22, 2001 @08:36PM (#2463403) Homepage

      Solaris 2.5 had a routing issue (I don't remember all the details from back then, but it was a bit complex). I spent about 2 hours diagnosing it w/o even needing to shut the system down and had it identified, and had a solution. But the boss didn't like the solution, so I was instructed to call SUN to get support. After 2 weeks of calling, being called, messages left, being forwarded around, the answer finally came back "Sorry, we don't support that, but our consulting people can build a customer solution for you". So I asked them to make a proposal and send it to me so I can give something to the boss in writing since it would cost money. Their estimate was $20K to $30K of consulting time and we wouldn't get either exclusivity or source for the results. My boss laughed at that. And while he still felt SUN should have just "fixed it", and that I should keep calling until they do (I thought this to be a waste of time), I finally did convince him to let me try out my solution. So I put a small Linux box running a 50 MHz 486 on the LAN with one 10 meg ethernet card, and default routed all the Sparc 2000 traffic through it. Performance actually improved. The boss not being entirely happy with a Linux box handling mission critical traffic, ended up opting to buy a well decked out Cisco 4700 to do the job (which it did just fine). Of course if it ever failed (it didn't) we'd have been down for a few hours before a replacement would arrive. If the Linux box were to die, we had replacements ready to go (I had Linux loaded on about 80 old no longer used hard drives sitting in storage, and we had plenty of old PCs around).

    • It is FUD, and lack of support for open source is a myth. I've found better, faster support for Linux through newsgroups, the web, and from other developers, than support for Windows 2000. I just wiped Win2K from several machines and replaced it with Mandrake for that very reason- it's easier and cheaper to keep running. There's nothing worse than having to fix some trivial networking issue with Windows, and the docs tell you to "consult your network administrator." Dammit, I *am* the administrator!
  • Opposing views (Score:3, Interesting)

    by haplo21112 ( 184264 ) <haplo.epithna@com> on Monday October 22, 2001 @04:15PM (#2461902) Homepage
    Well I have looked for those myself from time to time, because I like to understand both sides of an issue when i am attepting to form my own opinion, and discuss it. Quite often I run in to serious road blocks in doing so the public opinion is overhelmingly positive, esspecially on the web where Open source is the core of everything, and the majority of participants are Open Source followers(Just try and find a decent opinion peice on what W3C's Rand Proposal is a good Idea, I've had no luck)
    Of Course the Microsoft web site is an excellent place to start they have many comments about the "evils" of free/open source software. I know there were a couple artticles in the NY Times, and on MSNBC(take pinch of salt) with some reasoning agianst as well.
    • Re:Opposing views (Score:4, Informative)

      by The Man ( 684 ) on Monday October 22, 2001 @05:01PM (#2462199) Homepage
      The problem with relying on something like Microsoft's writings for this is that most of what they write is in fact false. There are probably good reasons why open source software might not be useful or appropriate in some circumstances. Of course, it's much more likely that you can say that about some particular piece of software. Either way, though, since most of what Microsoft either believes or wants others to believe about software licensing in particular is outright lies, it isn't really useful information from a research perspective.

      Much more relevant are anecdotes from the field, which I will hope you will find here.

      I am a systems administrator at a small software company in the valley. Although our product runs on a variety of Free and non-Free systems, many of our developers are working on a very proprietary system and using little or no free software. My infrastructure, by contrast, is almost entirely Free. The drawback is not in the performance or feature set of the software I am using to provide services - in fact everyone is extremely happy with it. The drawback, rather, is in constantly having to fight to use good quality Free software in an environment where the mindshare belongs almost entirely to Brand X. As an example, it gets old very quickly explaining to people why we shouldn't be using Exchange Server to handle our mail, especially when our current Free Software mail server has been doing its job perfectly well.

      I don't know how relevant this is, but perhaps you will find it interesting. Good luck.

  • lack of funding (Score:5, Insightful)

    by jchristopher ( 198929 ) on Monday October 22, 2001 @04:15PM (#2461904)
    Well, one big problem with open source that I've encountered is that almost everyone working on open source software is a programmer. There are by comparison few/no people working on documentation, usability, design, interface, etc.

    This hurts open source software - closed source software generally costs money, which allows them to pay people like usability specialists, graphic designers, and technical writers (people who don't work for free out of goodwill). Currently it seems like only programmers are willing to donate their time to the open source software effort, and I see this as a weakness. Having a larger variety of developers would improve the quality of open source software.

    • Re:lack of funding (Score:2, Insightful)

      by eMilkshake ( 131623 )
      Along with that, I would guess open source is [more flexible | less stable], which adds to the burden of documentation. Take a look at how few sourceforge projects have reached 1.0 (or even 0.7). Given how much those who write documentation hate to start until the product is done, it's a problem.
    • On top of that. . (Score:2, Interesting)

      by Bastian ( 66383 )
      In many open source projects, documentation, usability, design, interface, etc. are deliberately made bad. Take SourceForge, whose business model appears to be to focus only on power and not bother making the product something that is downright painful to configure, because installation / consulting is one of the few ways an open source software company can make money on their product.
    • by jimfrost ( 58153 ) <> on Monday October 22, 2001 @05:04PM (#2462219) Homepage
      Well, there's certainly some truth to the fact that you get little or poor documentation with most of the open source software. The question I always ask of people who bring this up is, what documentation did you get with the Microsoft software?

      I see little or no documentation out of Microsoft for the stuff I buy, either. Nor did I ever get much out of Sun or IBM. When I wanted good documentation I had to go out and buy it -- either from the vendor like in the case of MSDN, or from some book from my bookstore as in the case of X11/UNIX/IBM.

      If you're missing documentation for open source products, you should check out your local bookstore. There is actually a remarkable amount of documentation out there if you're willing to spend some money on it. Much of it is crap, of course, same as with the commercial vendors -- but some of it is very very good.

      It regularly astounds me that people who were willing to pay thousands of dollars a year for technical information from Microsoft/IBM/Sun/whomever won't spend a dime on the same kind of thing for Linux. Maybe they should. Certainly there are companies that fill this particular niche.

      Can someone make money selling docs on Linux? I think they can. They certainly did selling docs on X11, which you might recall was open source too.

      • I see little or no documentation out of Microsoft for the stuff I buy, either. Nor did I ever get much out of Sun or IBM. When I wanted good documentation I had to go out and buy it -- either from the vendor like in the case of MSDN, or from some book from my bookstore as in the case of X11/UNIX/IBM.
        This has been my experience as well. The only programming book I've needed so far for Linux is K&R [] (back when I first got started with C, though I still refer to it from time to time). Everything else is documented well enough in manpages and on various websites. To start doing anything reasonably complex in Windows, OTOH, required about $200 or so in books (mostly for used, no less) to get up to speed--Petzold [], Prosise [], and one or two others.
      • I see little or no documentation out of Microsoft for the stuff I buy...

        This obviously got modded insightful on /. even though this is no where near factual. For example, the .NET documentation (even though it's still in BETA) is some of the most comprehensive that I've seen. MSDN online is an incredibly well organized, content rich site. Microsoft also hosts some incredibly active newsgroups on their own news servers. Microsoft put's a LOT of wieght behind documentation, none of which I have ever paid for (directly anyway). Sure, it's not perfect and could use improvement, but to say that there's "little or no documentation" is ludicrous.
    • Re:lack of funding (Score:2, Informative)

      by jacoplane ( 78110 )
      Currently it seems like only programmers are willing to donate their time to the open source software effort

      This not true. Saying so takes away from the hard work being done by many volunteers to make Linux more user-friendly.

      KDE Usability [],
      GNOME Usability [].

    • Re:lack of funding (Score:5, Insightful)

      by rkent ( 73434 ) <rkent@post.harva r d .edu> on Monday October 22, 2001 @05:21PM (#2462329)
      Well, one big problem with open source that I've encountered is that almost everyone working on open source software is a programmer.

      Argh! You are SO exactly right. I was going to write an essay about this once. Still might. Basically, the problem boils down to the fact that the supposition, "open source projects are built to scratch an itch," is precisely correct. And, the only people scratching are old, wizened programmers (and those who aspire to be like them).

      The thing is, old wizened programmers are satisfied editing in emacs, compiling on the command line, and doing a pure text debug. In fact, they're downright happy with it. Not that there's anything WRONG with this; it's valid to argue that emacs is actually one of the most powerful editors out there, once you get to know it.

      But computer USERS by and large don't want to reach that point of expertise. Nor should they be forced to, to use their computers for other ends. But they're not the ones contributing to the OS movement. Partly because they can't write the code, but PARTLY at least because those who can, just won't listen! And that might be the strongest argument of all against use of open source by business and casual users: the software just wasn't designed for them, and so it probably won't meet their needs (or perceived needs) as well as a more rounded product.
      • Well there are two main issues here. The first is that if nobody asks for a certain type of software or features programmers aren't always going to know you want them. I mean most people don't read through large files in hex but to a programmer that is a useful feature. Equally most programmers might not know that some sort of business information processing is needed unless someone asks and explains what they are asking for. The second issue is resources. If I'm writing a program the features I need will come first because I've only got so much time to put towards the project. If you want to bump a special feature up the list then you should consider hiring me to add it or at least making some donations. Someone that sends me a new computer or my rent money will be MUCH more likely to get the feature they want added right away. People who give away their work tend to need that extra buck now and then so don't be afraid to invest. :)
  • One drawback (Score:3, Informative)

    by BCGlorfindel ( 256775 ) <> on Monday October 22, 2001 @04:16PM (#2461915) Journal
    Technical support staff could is a big reason many companies aren't switching over to linux or other OSS alternatives. Companies with IT departments trained in MS software but unfamiliar with linux leave the company needing to retrain or replace their IT dept. to perform the switch over.
  • You have a paper to write, and you're looking for arguments AGAINST open source, and you came to slashdot?

    Thats like going to Landover Baptist [] looking for arguments for atheism.

  • Support (Score:3, Insightful)

    by miked50 ( 466948 ) on Monday October 22, 2001 @04:18PM (#2461928)
    One of the aspects that the Open Source community touts is that support it available on the web, IRC, numerous news groups and of course via source code. However when it's 3am and your server is down, and need to have it back up in 15 minutes, spending 2hrs reading docs on the web or explaining the situation over a chat, even via email is out of the question. Chances are you need to speak to someone pronto. Either by phone or in person, and that comes at a cost. A cost that is generally not figured in when pricing out Open Source Software for your business. Outfits like Sun or IBM will figure in large support contracts along with their software making the price of Open Source solutions look much more attractive. This is a double edged sword. Eventually your business will spend money either on support or in customer related costs due to downtime.
    • You fail to recognize that in order to have that level of support with proprietary software, you have to have a similar support contract. So, you still save money, plus, because you have the source, you can shop around for supporters. For example, if I use a Macintosh operating system, Apple is really the only entity that can provide full support. Thus, if I use Apple, I am stuck with them even if they start screwing me on support costs. However, with open-source, I can use any willing company, because they can be provided with the source. Thus, if I don't like my supplier, I can tell him to screw himself and use a different one, without having to give my infrastructure a heart transplant.
  • 1 quick word: (Score:3, Insightful)

    by FortKnox ( 169099 ) on Monday October 22, 2001 @04:18PM (#2461934) Homepage Journal

    I have yet to see a successful business model incorporating Open Source.

    Secondly, without strict project management, a lot of confusion can ensue. In a business you hire someone to control everything on the higher scales.
    A better example is simple coding style. Looking at code where 4 developers put their braces all in different places adds time to maintainability/reading of the code. I'll come up with more reasons, lemmie think some more.
    • "Profitability" is exactly why many companies adopt Linux, or BSD.
      there are many Business that incorporate Open source into there business model. UPS, ATL, etc...
      How many business increase profitablilty by using Open Source and maintain a lower cost of TCO.

    • Re:1 quick word: (Score:4, Interesting)

      by johnnyb ( 4816 ) <> on Monday October 22, 2001 @05:17PM (#2462306) Homepage
      I have yet to see a successful business model incorporating Open Source.


      Then you haven't been looking. Cygnus was profitable for years before being bought by RedHat. ADA Core Technology seems to be profitable (they've been around forever), Mandrakesoft was profitable except for a brief stint where they were run by some flashy US CEO. Penguin has jumped back into profitability. Many, many consultants spend their days developing open-source software for their clients.

      I think that people are looking for a big company like Microsoft, but that's just stupid. You can be profitable with Linux, but you can't gouge people. It's kind of a built-in safeguard which prevents people from squeezing people out of money year-after-year. It doesn't prevent profit, just abuse.
  • by Green Aardvark House ( 523269 ) on Monday October 22, 2001 @04:19PM (#2461943)
    Can be found here []

    The heart of the argument is that the GPL is like "Creeping Marxism", since software is written to be shared by all, instead of sold for a profit.
    • by Nailer ( 69468 )
      Complexity costs money.

      I write for a couple of Australian Computer Magazines. I've spent the last week interviewing a couple of people for an article I'm writing about server appliances.

      One person I'd spoke to got the appliances to replace a Linux based firewall. The firewall worked, but nobody knew how to use it, and it seemed too complex for anyone on staff to operate. They couldn't read the logs, so they didn't know if anyone was attacking them. It was different from all their other systems, so it was hard to learn. And if they wanted to open a port for their Outlook Web Access (which they did) they couldn't. Hiring seperate IT staff to do this work is a cost they couldn't afford.

      So they replaced the system with a firewall appliance - specifically a NetGear screening router.

      These devices generally use some form os Linux inside them anyway, but the lady I spoke to presented an excellent argument against using traditional non embedded Linux firewalls in SMEs.

    • If you have ever examined the Communist manifesto, this is exactly what Communism is supposed to be. No, it doesn't work on a governmental level, due to corruption and sheer size. But this is where it excels: The program is freely available to everybody - as in everybody contributes his or her skills to better the community, and the authors/coders' skills happen to be that of writing programs. Another added benifit is that everybody can learn from Open Source, hence bettering future programs, as they can learn from all the programs and implement the best elements of them all.

      So I leave you with this: Wouldn't calling Open Source Software "Creeping Marxism" be a compliment, as that concept is exactly what the Open Source movement is supposed to acheive? It is a harmless way for the community to benefit itself through sharing. Just some food for thought.
  • "Mainly, what I'm looking for, are opinions, articles, looks, and evidence about the drawbacks of using open source software in business."

    I don't have links to share with you, but I can share my experience.

    Almost 2 years ago, in a think-tank setting a bunch of us at a company that I won't name here, refused to use Open Source program/code out of the fear that if anything goes wrong using Open Source program/code, there is no one to "hold responsible" over it. Read that as to "sue" the party.

    Because of this legal issue, we stayed away from Open Source. I know few other companies that I got in contact with share this few.

    However, I must point out that now IBM is supporting Linux, things will change.
  • Are you talking about USING open source or DEVELOPING open source? In other words, using software or having a business model based on open source software?

    I don't see many drawbacks with just using open source software. Lack of support and not being guaranteed fixes (being at the mercy of the guys who are just doing things because they have 'an itch to scratch') are some reasons I guess.

    As far as basing your business on open source software, I see lots and lots of drawbacks. More or less, it's very hard or impossible to make decent money on open source software. Support just doesn't give you enough revenue. A small business with a talented but small crew (think of.. say.. Epic Games that makes the Unreal series of games as well as the Unreal 3D game engine) can make a bunch of money with closed source software. What if Epic Games open sourced their engine? How would they make as much money as they do now? Or even, how would they make any money *at all*?
  • by costas ( 38724 ) on Monday October 22, 2001 @04:25PM (#2461995) Homepage
    I mean, how can anybody argue with the notion that a Cathedral is somehow inferior to a Bazaar? We all know Bazaars where it's at, that's what people look at these days, and travel to Paris and Rome and places to see and marvel at. Hardly anybody stops by the Notre Damme.

    It's also pretty clear that anarchy by design and design by anarchy work well. After all, open source has brought some exceptionally innovative technologies to IT consumers in the past few years. We now can finally parse flat text files with greater speeds and more flexibility than ever before! And we keep bug-compatibility to programs written for 1960s computers that can be outperformed by a wristwatch! Now, that's what I call technology! Object orientation? component programming? that's for wussies who can't code in C, sh, or perl!

    Finally, how can traditional software businesses compete with the multi-level marketing scheme of proselytizing users that become testers and developers and finally evangelists? It's obvious that all great engineering and scientific endeavours have been benefitted by active recruitement and by popular opinion, not some arrogant dude's idea of what 'right' is.

    After all, software is tantamount to *speech*, not machinery. It should be spoken and transmitted freely, not designed and crafted like some piece of steel.

    Oh, yeah, there was something else, but I am sure the replies to this will fill you in... something about advocacy or something...
  • by bero-rh ( 98815 ) <> on Monday October 22, 2001 @04:26PM (#2462006) Homepage
    I've read a lot of FUD from Microsoft and similar companies - it all comes down to a number of arguments that can be easily refuted (classical example: "Open Source is a security problem - since everyone can see the source, everyone can see the bugs"), plus exactly 2 somewhat valid things:

    • NDAs. Since we aren't in a perfect world, some information is released under NDAs only, and those NDAs include not publishing the source code of applications that use the information.
      There's no fix for this one, other than simply avoiding anything that requires a restrictive NDA.
    • Making money is somewhat harder. For an Open Source OS or server, you can always sell support and services - but how do you make a lot of money from Open Source games?

      I can think of 3 ways to circumvent this problem, but neither of them is very nice (still better than proprietary code, if you ask me):
      1. Delayed Licensing: Release it as proprietary code first, Open Source it a year later.
      2. Make the code Open Source, but keeping the data files (graphics and all) under a very restrictive license.
      3. A combination of the previous 2 things: Release the code from the beginning, but don't allow copying the data files for a year or so
        (I'd probably pick this option if I had to)

  • The easy ones: (Score:5, Insightful)

    by rkent ( 73434 ) <rkent@post.harva r d .edu> on Monday October 22, 2001 @04:26PM (#2462007)
    ... which even a lot of OS-advocates don't contradict, but rather step around:
    1. There's no support built into the product. Yes, you can hire people to support it for you, but it's a seperate cost.
    2. Similarly, There is no warrantee of any kind. If it breaks, you have no one to complain to: "you get what you pay for."
    3. The programmers may suddenly decide they have no vested interest in continuing the project, or development may slow to a crawl (eg, mozilla), and there's nothing you can do about it.

    Now, the ADVANTAGE to having the source is that you can technically work around any of these issues, but generally only by hiring specialists, at a great expense to your company. It's the big white elephant that no one's talking about in the middle of the open source bazarre: "Software freedom! You have the source! You are empowered!" Yes, but at what COST? For most companies, fixing an open source program to make it do what they want, just isn't a viable option. Plus, many in the community would view it as a "corporate co-opting of volunteer work," and the company could be flamed out of contention before they even decide on a policy regarding releasing improvements to the community.

    Open Source does seriously empower expert individuals who wish to customize and improve software for their own use, and the community with which those individuals share the improvements. But that's not really a business situation.
    • Similarly, There is no warrantee of any kind. If it breaks, you have no one to complain to: "you get what you pay for."

      And how is this different from closed source products? Sure, you can complain to the nebulas entity known as Microsoft if one of their products break, but not like they'll do anything or claim any sort of responsibility or liability. But with open source projects you can complain to the developer and let them know what broke and depending on how important you make yourself sound they might actually fix it promptly and send you a patch.

      The point is that there is no warrantee on closed source products and likewise there is no warrantee on open source products so I think point 2 is null and void. However, with open source products you have a somewhat more personal contact (i.e. a developer), than a general vague contact (i.e. microsoft).
    • Freedom! (Score:4, Funny)

      by IGnatius T Foobar ( 4328 ) on Monday October 22, 2001 @05:16PM (#2462298) Homepage Journal
      Well, if you think about it, Richard Stallman is always talking about freedom, and talking about talking about freedom... presumably this means that you have the freedom to telephone Richard Stallman in the middle of the night and ask him to give you free tech support for Emacs. I don't think he has any choice other than to provide it for you.
    • FUD (Score:2, Insightful)

      by RelliK ( 4466 )
      1.There's no support built into the product. Yes, you can hire people to support it for you, but it's a seperate cost.

      Last time I checked you had to pay for support of proprietary software too. True, sometimes you get a free phone number that you can call when it's not busy, but's that's not an enterprise level support.

      2.Similarly, There is no warrantee of any kind. If it breaks, you have no one to complain to: "you get what you pay for."

      This is the most blatant piece of FUD that Microsoft trolls keep spouting. Ever read Microsoft EULA? (or a EULA for any other proprietary software for that matter). It reads, in part, something along the lines of: "To the maximum extent permitted by the applicable law, Microsoft hereby disclaims all liability". You have no warranty, no matter what software you use. About 2 years ago there was a case where some proprietary software caused millions of dollars worth of damage to some manufacturing company. The vendor admitted to producing buggy software but refused to pay based on EULA. The court agreed. (Search slashdot archives, ithe story is probably still there).

      3.The programmers may suddenly decide they have no vested interest in continuing the project, or development may slow to a crawl (eg, mozilla), and there's nothing you can do about it.

      False. The one key advantage you have with open source is that *anyone* can continue the project, including yourself. The original programmer cannot prevent anyone from developing the project. On the other hand, with proprietary software, you have no such recourse. If the company suddenly decides it is no longer interested in the product, it can drop it and you can do absolutely nothing about it. Neither you nor anyone else can continue the project. You are solely at the mercy of the vendor. This is actually one of the key arguments *for* open source.

      • Re:FUD (Score:3, Interesting)

        by Maryck ( 84 )
        Last time I checked you had to pay for support of proprietary software too. True, sometimes you get a free phone number that you can call when it's not busy, but's that's not an enterprise level support.

        I think the point that is being made is that a small company is not necessarily in a position to hire additional employees or retask existing employees to fix or enhance an open source project. Not all costs are monetary. Things like time, resources, etc can often exceed the percieved monetary savings.

        This is the most blatant piece of FUD that Microsoft trolls keep spouting. Ever read Microsoft EULA? (or a EULA for any other proprietary software for that matter). It reads, in part, something along the lines of: "To the maximum extent permitted by the applicable law, Microsoft hereby disclaims all liability".

        You are right in that there is no legal guarantee of a warantee, but there is often a defacto warantee that stems from that fact that proprietary vendors want to make money, and if one of their customers starts complaining about bugs publically, then there is the potential to lose money. Consequently it is in their best interest to address the problem. Of course this doesn't always work since once a software company reaches a certain size, it can ignore the requests of smaller customers since shear momentum may carry its profits along.

        longer interested in the product, it can drop it and you can do absolutely nothing about it. Neither you nor anyone else can continue the project. You are solely at the mercy of the vendor. This is actually one of the key arguments *for* open source.

        In the long run, this is why open source is better, but in the short term, there is not much you can do if the open source project you were counting on disappears. Of course, you are even more screwed if a proprietary company drops a product.

    • You've obviously never used Oracle Applications :)

      * There's no support built into the product. Yes, you can hire people to support it for you, but it's a seperate cost.

      Oracle's "support" hardly qualifies. They rely _entirely_ on you being able to test it thoroughly yourself. Often fixes do not even address the problems you specified. Generally with Oracle Apps, you _have_ to have internal support. And, as you said, you can hire someone at a separate cost. So then it doesn't become a problem with Open Source in general, but rather of a specific product.

      * Similarly, There is no warrantee of any kind. If it breaks, you have no one to complain to: "you get what you pay for."

      Very, very few software companies have any real warranty. Again, you can purchase one.

      * The programmers may suddenly decide they have no vested interest in continuing the project, or development may slow to a crawl (eg, mozilla), and there's nothing you can do about it.

      Again, you can purchase it. Also, proprietary companies do this, too. Oracle Applications basically stopped sending us fixes on a regular basis when they decided they needed to push the next version (which takes at least 6 months to upgrade to). So, we either spend 6 months upgrading or have an unsupported product (it is _listed_ as supported, but that doesn't mean much).
    • The only point I would argue with is #1. I would say open source software does have built-in support. It is supported by its users.

      This may be unconventional, and probably not what a company is looking for. In practice, though, I think it is generally more effective than the paid support from the technician who may or may not actually use the product. The drawback here is that poor or unpopular open source products have poor support because they have few users.

      The other drawback is that enterprise level support means hiring someone who can learn the code. I wouldn't be surprised if this isn't a better deal than some other commercial solutions that also assign a single technician to your case. Maybe more expensive, but you can get more customization from the open source support.
    • You get what you pay for, and maybe some more.

      1) Last time I used Windows, support was seperate there to ($95 a call, as I recall). One advantage open source gives you is that you can shop around for support. Don't like Redhat? Dozens of company will happily give you support.
      With Windows, if Microsoft doesn't give yousatisfication, you are SOL.

      2) If it breaks, you can fix it, or pay someone else to fix it.

      3) If the original developers decide to move on to bigger or better things, you (and everyone else depending upon the software) can pick up the development. I note you comment on Mozilla- this is the problem with *corporate* supported code. When the corporation decides to stop paying for it, development stops. With Mozilla, development can get picked up- this is how Apache started. NSCA had stopped funding development on their server, so the various webmins teamed together and picked up development. Mozilla may do this. Had the source been closed, there would have been no choice- development simply stops.

      Open source doesn't mean you stop paying for software. Nor does free software- they mean free as in speech, not free as in beer. The difference is one of choice, and true free-market competition.

    • Some good points, but I must take issue with issue #2. While this is certainly true of Free Software, and is a definite negative, it isn't really relevant because even software you pay for somes with explicit disclaimers, in many cases word for word identical to one of those used by the various Free Software licenses. While it's unfortunate that virtually no software comes with a warranty, this fact can't be used to differentiate. Only "managed solutions" and similar high-end products that include software, support, and SLAs will provide you with any kind of warranty, and these may (and usually do) include various software under both Free and non-Free licenses, selected according to your specific requirements.

      Bottom line: No warranty on software. Get an SLA.

  • by j7953 ( 457666 ) on Monday October 22, 2001 @04:28PM (#2462022)

    I guess you've read Eric S. Raymond's The Cathedral and the Bazaar. You might be interested in also reading A Second Look at the Cathedral and the Bazaar []. It's not directly open source criticism, and doesn't focus on business usage of free software, but it's a good read nonetheless.

  • by Anonymous Coward

    The only valid reasons to not use open source are the same reasons to not use a particular closed source solution. The only question any one should be asking is "How much will it cost to do what I need?"

    Cost here does not mean licensing cost, but the total cost of ownership including customization, support, hardware, training, upgrades, and licesnsing.

    The first question to ask about any product is, "How much will it cost to do what I need?" or "How much will it cost me to settle for what this product does as opposed to what I actually need." Very few corporations are lucky enough to find what they really need on the shelf. They tend to either live with what they can find or pay to have something customized. This is the number one arguement both for and against open source. Often there is not an open source solution that is as good as a particular closed source solution. If a corporation has the resources to customize a solution, then often open source is a better way to go, since it is usually cheaper to customize.

    Support is also critical for any software application. Every company has to decide to trust an outside support organization or support it themselves. Costs and quality very greatly for both open and closed source solutions.

    Training costs do not differ based on wether an application is open/closed source, but instead on the popularity of the application. A company can expect a certain level of competence with popular applications, but not with those that are less popular.

    Upgrades and Licensing are really negligable and tend to tie into support costs.

    I know that when I decide on an application for corporate use, solving my problem and dependability are my first concerns. If an application doesn't do what I need, why even consider it. Dependibility includes not just not crashing, but how long it will take to get something fixed when it does crash. I would rather use something where I expect to be down once a day for a minute than something where I expect to be down once a year for a week.

  • Have you tried the Microsoft website? Are you forgetting their use of 'viral' when talking about OS?
  • well this isn't the MOST opposing view but ESR's text "the cathedral and the bazaar" does have some points to the failings of open source such as the possible inability to start a project in the bazaar/open source method.
  • Perhaps you should look at the Halloween documents []. They're an outside critical look at Free/OSS and comparison of different development models.

  • Ask Dave Winer (Score:5, Informative)

    by jalefkowit ( 101585 ) <jason.jasonlefkowitz@com> on Monday October 22, 2001 @04:36PM (#2462093) Homepage
    You might check out Dave Winer's site, Scripting News []. He's a rare breed, a software developer who (a) is passionate about openness and interoperability and (b) skeptical about open-source software. He is also a pioneer in Weblogging, so you can find several years' worth of his outspoken opinions on the subject on his site.

    Some examples:

    • "Stallman's philosophy is not open source, it's not the spirit of sharing, it's not generous. It has other purposes, it's designed to create a wall between commercial development and free development." (9/7/2000)
    • "Talking with Nicholas Petreley a few days ago I said that the problems that open source addresses have already been dealt with." (9/9/2000)
    • "It's possible to be an open source developer with high integrity, I'm sure of that, I know people who do that. But it's not inevitable that all open source developers and middlemen have high integrity." (8/8/2000)

    And that's just a few of the more recent posts to his log. Don't get me wrong, Dave is a very thoughtful, articulate guy who's no Microsoft parrot -- he and his company, UserLand Software [], were one of the authors of the SOAP specification [] that is proving so critical for future interoperability. He's just got a keen intelligence and is fond of applying it, which means he'll often come up with a different angle on things than you might expect. Go search his site and I bet you'll find, if not the answer you seek, at least some interesting questions.

    -- Jason Lefkowitz

  • The more constructive criticism we get about the drawbacks of Open Source, the better we can address and fix them.
    Compare that to Microsoft which likes to claim that pointing out the gaping huge flaws in their products should be criminal.
  • lots of reasons (Score:5, Insightful)

    by tim_maroney ( 239442 ) on Monday October 22, 2001 @04:40PM (#2462119) Homepage
    I've been calling out reasons for a while here. You could try going through some of my back posts for detailed arguments.

    In general, though, open source software is inferior to its closed source counterparts in:

    • usability
    • aesthetics
    • integration with other software
    • performance
    • feature completeness
    • support
    • documentation
    • stability (at the application level -- not true for kernels)
    • ease of installation
    • support for hardware
    • availability of software
    • total cost of ownership (TCO)

    Very little application or toolbox-level open source code is ready for prime time, in fact, whether we're looking at GCC, Mozilla, GNOME, KDE, OpenOffice, GIMP, or what have you. It's still hacker-oriented, better-enjoy-strolling-through-the-minefield stuff, and measurably inferior to proprietary solutions in most of the ways listed above.

    One "killer argument" for many people here recently came in the form of consumer advocate Jamie Love's reasons [] for shifting his site away from an all-open-source footing.


    • Re:lots of reasons (Score:2, Insightful)

      by Khazunga ( 176423 )
      wow! Talk about being vague. Some counterexamples:
      • Usability: Windowmaker, taking the best from the labs at now defunct NeXT. Very very good.
      • Aesthetics: huh? This is highly personal, but some enlightenment themes are breathtaking.
      • Integration: StarOffice. Open, documented, plain-text document formats, unlike M$ Word .doc which must be reverse-engineered for every release.
      • Feature Completeness: You must look at stable projects. LaTeX, Emacs or Windowmaker are good examples. Unlike commercial bloatware, OSS does not need to continuosly evolve, and tends to stabilize when needs are fullfilled,
      • Support: I grant you this one, *if* your notion of support is having someone to call 24/7 and to blame if s/w crashes.
      • Documentation: Take a look at GTK or Qt documentation. Clear, and thorough.
      • Stability: Get a stable debian, don't use bleeding edge, pre-1.0 alfa versions.
      • Ease of instalation: SuSE 7.2. Damn fast install, all questions asked at the very beggining and so easy that my mom could install it.
      • Hardware Support: My TV capture card (Bt-based). Works MUCH better with Linux drivers than buggy windows ones. Lack of h/w support was a problem two years ago. Now, with most h/w companies embracing OSS, it's better than in Windows.
      • Availability of s/w: Depends on what you mean. You won't find any good desktop publishing app, for instance (only on MacOS), but you'll find dozens of web servers.
      • TCO: Big industry-pushed lie. Ex: Patch a campus-wide network of NTs with the latest service patch: it takes days. Now, do an automatic Yast online update on the same network: about 20min.
      As for the apps, its a never ending discussion. Gcc is much better than VC++, KDE is more than ready for prime-time, I only use GIMP for my web image editing needs, for instance.
  • by rshah ( 29912 )
    For some criticism see Nikolai Bezroukov, Open Source Software Development as a Special Type of Academic Research (Critique of Vulgar Raymondism), FIRST MONDAY, Oct. 1999 at ov [] Abstract: Eric Raymond's bazaar model provides a too simplistic view of the open source software (OSS) development process. This paper tries to explore links between open source software development and academic research as a better paradigm for OSS development. Open source software development should better be viewed as a special case of academic research. Viewing OSS this way probably can lead to a better understanding of open source phenomena.
  • So let me get this right. You are looking for problems with open-source, which you say are not that obvious ? AND you want slashdot to help........ do yourself a favor and disregard 80% of what you read here. Get together with your prof. and come up with a survey that makes some sense, find a few hundred ppl. to get together a mailing list (preferably from your schools alumni) and get the info from them..... do the math and you will see whats what....
  • Lack of commitment (Score:3, Interesting)

    by togilvie ( 303940 ) on Monday October 22, 2001 @04:58PM (#2462173)
    I've worked with some open source projects, with disappointing results. A couple of reasons that we prefer commercial development:

    Missed deadlines: The open source projects that we worked with had limited commitment to deadlines, and frequently missed them. When you're counting on product launches, this can be very painful

    Lack of Support: Things never go wrong at 3PM. Instead, they always happen at 2AM on Sunday. Commercial outfits have dedicated people to help when this happens -- open source people aren't around.

    Development of commercial features: Any commercial product has features or enhancements that aren't strictly bug fixes or new enhancements. These are unsexy jobs, but they need to get done. We found it difficult to get people to commit to them

    Obviously, your mileage may vary. I'm sure there are some great stories about open-source, as well as even worse ones. But that's my $0.02.

  • One thing that has always annoyed me about certain open software licenses is the restriction that the software in question can not be used to make money. (Read: included in a product.) If the open-source ideals of free flowing information for the benefit of all are to be fully applied I think that open-sourcers should recognize that a lot of good development happens in a business setting and allow that development model (the commercial one) full access to all open sourced software. Better products would result, benefiting everyone.

    Has anyone seen this opinion written up (read: expressed clearly in a paper)?
  • by Junks Jerzey ( 54586 ) on Monday October 22, 2001 @05:03PM (#2462210)
    Hmmm...that's maybe not the best subject. I don't mean it to sound inflammatory.

    Many projects start out because college student X hates Microsoft/BillGates/Windows, and decides he is going to drive them into the ground by writing the killer application for Linux. Of course it will be Open Source, because Closed Source is Evil (tm). So he dives in and writes an application that attempts to outdo a major windows application like Word/Photoshop/Illustrator/whatever. Let's say he achieves some success and has a partial clone up and running a year later. Let's say it gets lots of press and looks like it might really be a killer app. Now what are some good reasons not to use it?

    As the program is not someone's livelihood, there's no guarantee that the author won't lose interest and walk away from it. There's also no guarantee that anyone else will want to maintain it. With closed source the company could go out of business, but at least they have strong incentive (money) to stick around.

    The program was initially written by a college student with no experience architecting large applications, and most likely no experience with any kind of real software engineering of any kind.

    Without strong leadership there's no guarantee that the program will remain stable, managable, and continue in a direction that really suits the user base. This happens quite often because, say, a graphic arts program is not written by someone familiar with graphic arts, but someone who wants to get back at Microsoft.

  • by beetleske ( 235001 ) on Monday October 22, 2001 @05:10PM (#2462256) Homepage
    Someone touched on this a bit earlier, but depends on if you mean using open source software or developing it, or developing using pieces of open source.

    If you work for a commercial software company, who may not want to make their source open (because they have some proprietary algorithms or whatever - the reasons do not matter for my point), then you simply won't be able to use GPL'ed software. If you have a closed source app, or any software product that doesn't use the GPL, then you can't put GPL code into your app (without making your app GPL essentially). So, my point here is, you will have to beware of the licenses and how they impact your business and your code/application.

    Second is a big one: patent infringement. There is a ton of open source software out there that comes with various licenses and such that say "no warranty", or more specifically "AS IS". What this means is that if you use this code (we'll call it "Code A") in your own code, yet Code A infringes on some patent, you can be held responsible for that patent infringement. Through legal wrangling, if the company who released Code A is reputable and well known, you may have recourse and be able to show that they should have known, etc, etc., but not always, and it may be a tough fight.

    There are many benefits, but these couple things can be extremely serious issues to content with depending on your use of open source.
  • No, seriously.

    There are open source games. But if you go to gamespy, games domain (etc.) and read about the newest, hottest games out there, none of them are open source.

    Why not? Probably because it isn't profitable. Presumably you could run a MMOG (Massively Multiplayer Online Game, for the uninitiated) with open source clients profitably, but since nobody has done it yet, it probably isn't that great of an idea (it would facilitate reverse-engineering to create alternate servers, for one).

    My point is that software markets exist where open-source has yet to find a profitable business model. And if you're in one of those, you can't write (or in some cases, use) open source software.

  • by werdna ( 39029 ) on Monday October 22, 2001 @05:13PM (#2462279) Journal
    Much depends upon the specific open source software, the specific commercial alternatives and whether the enterprise intends merely to use or develop new software therefrom.

    Key issues are support (legal and technical), and risk management. Many corporate General Counsels are deeply concerned about issues such as warranty and intellectual property indemnification, areas for which open source offers zero, nada bupkis, and for which varying improvements can be found in the proprietary sector. Technical support is well-covered in other responses.

    Legal support in the form of support agreements and/or decent warranties have meaning to corporate lawyers and businessmen, particularly when coming from a decent enterprise. They are not always available, and in some cases expressly not available, but AT LEAST, these warranties are (even for Microsoft) much better than the NO WARRANTY, "AS-IS" warranty given by most open source licenses.

    Indemnification *IS* a big issue, make no mistake -- and an indemnification coming from a large corporate enterprise is tantamount to an insurance policy against infringement; as compared to one coming from a small entity (worth less than nothing) or an individual, as compared to one offering no rep, warranty or indemnification against infringement at all.

    This is not to say that these arguments are unanswerable in every case. The devil is in the details, and you need to compare specific products before you can balance and weigh the issues. But the questions ALWAYS need to be weighed.

    Finally, there is a meaningful legal cost involved with open source compliance. Specific licenses need to be weighed depending how the software is used, and complied with in full. This means that procedures need to be followed, opinions need to be written and so forth, which in some cases (particularly in the development or modifications arena) can be pricey overhead that may outweigh the costs and benefits gained by differences in price. Of course, to do so, I would compare costs of an open source compliance policy against the price of a commercial source code license, but still, I have seen corporate folks decide to go commercial on bean-counting alone.
  • how about Apple? (Score:2, Informative)

    by anti-drew ( 72068 )
    Apple is an interesting example of a company which has an open-source foundation (Darwin []) but is keeping certain parts of its MacOSX code closed-source (the higher level stuff, including the window server and GUI apps).

    I may get flamed for this, but I think Apple gains clear and obvious benefit by keeping certain parts of its code to itself. Things like the unprecedented capabilities of the PDF-based windowserver [], the ease-of-use of apps like iTunes [] and iDVD [] for CD and DVD burning, the integration of digital photography [] and DV editing [] ... right now, nobody else has features like these that are integrated so tightly together.

    Windows XP clearly wants to get in on the action, and has gotten close to some of the smaller stuff like digital photography, but overall, from someone who's really used both, it really isn't even close.

    Since nobody else has the technology, you can only get these features (and the killer apps being derived from them) on a Mac, so therefore to get them, you need to buy Mac hardware and get the bundled software. And that's where the money comes from.

    In instances like these, it's not only smart of Apple to go closed-source to protect its unique technological advances, in many respects it could be downright foolish for them as the "underdog" (successfully turning a profit while competing with Microsoft and Dell/Compaq/etc, no less) to release their source code while they have a technically unrivaled product that is making good money.

    I know that this argument can go both ways, and it could be argued that the higher levels of OSX need to be open-sourced as well ... but I also think that as the years go by more and more of the system including these apps may in fact be made open-source by Apple, once it makes business sense to do so. But right now, at this point in time, it would seem a bit foolish to me if they gave away all that source code for free - like "giving away the family jewels" to borrow the old phrase.

    So that's one possible argument against a very specific application of OSS.
  • Brett Glass (Score:3, Interesting)

    by PD ( 9577 ) <> on Monday October 22, 2001 @05:17PM (#2462302) Homepage Journal
    He's outspoken against open source, but that's because he doesn't truly understand it. Many have tried to explain it to him, but he doesn't quite get it. If you do a google search on his name, you'll find reams of stuff.

    Oh, and try not to laugh too hard at his hair. The man looks like he was a member of Abba.
  • by re-geeked ( 113937 ) on Monday October 22, 2001 @05:17PM (#2462304)
    My god, this whole article is like some kind of special troll trap! Maybe Slashdot is going to delete the accounts of anyone modded up on the thread... (are you listening, Taco?)

    What do I do with all this crap? Do I start posting reasoned replies? That would be troll-feeding, and might take hours. Do I mod them all to hell? Not really fair, since they asked for anti-OSS, but they're all so, so... WRONG!

    It's like having my eyelids forced open to watch the XP launch or something!


    Quick, click on the Science section! Ah, that's better...
  • ...was the obvious: who's paying for this?

    It always seemed irresponsible to me to go around insisting that software be handed out in source form, freely reusable and redistributable by anyone, without regard for whether there was some expectation that the software would get paid for. Of course, I'm talking about fanatical promoters like RMS, not people who just put their own effort in for their own reasons without saying that others are immoral for doing otherwise.

    But then, I have a bad habit of thinking that things change overnight. I suppose it's a reasonable assumption that some form of compensation would be worked out before all programmers ended up sleeping in dumpsters, and it was probably a better idea to get things rolling on principle right away than to demand that all the specifics get worked out in advance.

    Anyhow, there's a bit of critique in the essay linked below (along with my 2 bits on how to get it all paid for).
  • This is an argument I've seen against open source software; it is not my own opinion. (I expect to be moderated down anyway). It's a little rough, so work with me here.

    Open source software prevents little companies from breaking into the market, and thus hurts competition overall. I'm going to use an imagined example of a person who's got a few good ideas for a compiler. They're not enough to revolutionize compilers altogether, but they are a step forward in certain key areas. He would like to take those ideas and form a company that sells compilers, to fund further research into his ideas.

    It's a difficult business to break into, and even if his compiler has improvements that would entice a few people to buy, those people alone aren't enough to fund a company. He could, however, get more people to buy the compiler by undercutting the big guys on price. He could build a bigger customer base that way; some customers are buying because they need his revolutionary compiler, some are buying because it's cheap, but in the end, it's enough to keep him in business. As his customer base builds, he puts the money back into his product, and eventually he really is competing with the big guys.

    Unfortunately for our hero, he can't undercut everyone on price when his product is new, because gcc is absolutely free. There's no way he can enter the market now; this hypothetical product may even be better than gcc in key ways, but it's not good enough to encourage people to switch. He may find a few customers, but not enough to encourage him to sell a product.

    This example is a bit contrived, but can you come up with a scenaro where a new company today breaks into the C compiler market? I really can't. There's a potential segment of the market (adequate and cheap compilers) that is not attractive to enter, because an adequate and cheap compiler can't compete with gcc.

  • He's a VP at M$, who is opposed to open source. Check out the article at 3sharedsource.asp [] for his arguments against open source. If you want good arguments against open source, you make have to look elsewhere.

    I am a user of both open & closed source products. As I see it, the only downside to open source is that you have to be prepared to fix bugs yourself if you develop a dependency on a product is not actively maintained.

    There is also the issue of "hand-holding" support from a vendor's 1-800 line that you certainly don't get with open source. This is no longer such a big deal with most products, since the solution to your problem is probably on somebody's website, and it's tough to get a knowledgable person on the phone when you call for support. For the most part, you will be dealing with a clerk who is reading from the same FAQ that you can get online.

    The concept of being "orphaned" applies to closed source products as much as it does open source. This happens when the vendor goes out of business. Sometimes the vendor sells the product to a competitor who simply forces the users to convert to the competitor's product. Whever a software product is sold from Company X to Company Y, you can assume that support and future development will be thoroughly slashed. Anyone who as been in the IT business for a few years has interesting stories to tell about customers being abandoned by software vendors.
  • Support is the main problem, but not only for the obvious reason. Take, for example, StarOffice. We looked at the pros and cons of switching to this and it fell at the first hurdle, which is almost the first question you ask when thinking about bringing a product in: "Who is going to support it?"

    Putting StarOffice into Jobsearch engines produce zero hits. Nobody wants to hire people with StarOffice skills. Equally, no one wants to learn StarOffice skills as nobody is hiring. Nice idea but dead at step one. Exactly the same with Bynari - no market in these skills either.

    I know it's a vicious circle but it's one that I cannot, as a solutions provider to my company, break.

    Another argument is training. Every new person that walks through the door at my company has MS Office amd MS Windows skills. Time to get the up and running is about 1 hr to teach them the company specific apps. If we used Linux/StarOffice training time is couple of days to get them to a sensible level. Time is money, and if you are learning how to use a wordprocessor you are not bringing home the bacon.

    So vicious circle number two.

    Everytime an alternative is looked at it comes up against these two problems.

  • The following article talks about the supposed disadvantages of open source and makes an odd link between OS and Ralph Nader--as if it were some conspiracy. This is the most in-depth anti-OS piece I've ready. It's also quite amusing.

  • to come up with reasons not to use Open Source software.

    In the past, the argument was frequently made that OSS was inferior to available closed source software. In a lot of cases, that was true. Now, it is not true as much. And, even if there is a higher quality closed source alternative, you'll end up paying a lot more money for it, detracting from that advantage over OSS.

    As a business user, it could be argued that using open source software gives you no advantage over your competition, who also has access to the source code. But, it would be difficult for you to buy closed source software that your competitor could not buy. Unless you happen to have a lot more money than your competitor. In that case, perhaps you can obtain an advantage buying expensive software they cannot afford. Assuming, that is, that the software is worth the money to you for your purposes.

    No, really the only arguments against open source software will come from software producers and sellers, not from the users.

    Users stand to gain from OSS at every opportunity in decreased costs, lower risk of lock-ins and upgrade treadmills, obsolescence, etc.

    OSS puts software producers in a fix. They have to produce something substantially better than the OSS to justify the price. They have to create substantial, real value in their products, and the bar that defines that value keeps getting raised with time. It's a difficult endeavor that takes a more time, money and talent. No wonder various software producers are against OSS; particularly those whose software products are not based on providing real value as in locking in their customers to provide the company with future revenue streams.

    So, OSS really is unAmerican, because America currently hosts many software producers that benefit from the world's dependency on closed source software.

    I don't know about you, but this American thinks that we should be above such tactics which artificially inflate the costs of software to the world at large. That world could really stand to benefit from the use of software to improve their productivity and standard of living.

  • One of the biggest advantages and disadvantages is the lack of leadership and direction in Open Source.

    I'm not going to tell here what the advantages of lack of leadership are. I'm sure everybody here already knows. And besides: that's not the question ;-)

    Lack of direction means lack of uniformity. Which means the system is harder to learn. Nobody in Open Source is forced to use somebody other's wheel, so the invent their own. This creates inconsistent interfaces, config files, file locations, distribution channels, licenses, etc, etc.

    Now, for us hardcore Linux hackers that's no problem. I do know about, named.conf, smb.conf, fstab, lilo.conf and all those nice and inconsistent file formats. But in my experience they tend to annoy beginners. Same story goes for Gnome/KDE/X-interface-of-the-week.

    And there's next to nothing you can do about this problem.

  • by Anonymous Coward
    One big criticism of open source, and one I haven't seen mentioned (let alone refuted) often: it's programmer-driven, not market-driven. There has never been a major push for stuff that people who are not programmers can use, and even when this pressure exists it meets backlash from people who don't want the unwashed masses in their precious computers. Look in any discussion of word processors for Linux, for example, and you won't need to spend much time finding someone who thinks troff (or HTML, or even ASCII) is Good Enough For Him, so we don't really need MS Office compatibility. Anti-GNOME and anti-KDE sentiment rises every time someone suggests some people might not want to learn bash.

    This means that non-coders (read: the 99% of humanity who are not programmers and have better things to do with their time) are second class citizens for the open source community. Not only do they not contribute to the code base, but their suggestions are met with a scornful "write it yourself if you want it". (This attitude is common on Mozilla's development lists, where you can almost always count on at least one "if you want X submit a patch, otherwise shut up" for any feature suggestion X.)

    Down this road lies software written by and for hackers and everyone else can either shut up or get in the car. If you don't know C, you're worthless, and if you don't even want to try to learn C, you're worse than worthless. Besides, the common folk suggest really boring stuff that just shows they're stupid lusers. Our time is better spent on stuff we find fascinating. (For an example of "lusers say such stupid things" consider the recent KOffice usability review which found some users are confused by the case-sensitivity of formulas in KCalc. The response was not "Well, it'd be a mere few minutes of work to make KCalc formulas case-insensitive, so we'll do it", but "Don't blame KCalc that these idiots are too stupid to enter cell names in uppercase. If they care that much they can write their own patch.")

    Imagine doctors telling you that if you don't know how to take out your own appendix, they're certainly not about to do it for you. Besides, the time they spend on your appendectomy could be so much better spent working on a new scalpel technique for an obscure procedure that's almost never performed in the real world. That is the image many open source proponents offer to the world: if you already know how to do what you want, we'll consider doing it, but what you want us to do is boring, so we won't anyway. And anyway you can do it yourself, so don't be a lazy luser.

    This is an attitude that closed source could never get away with, by definition. Since the customer cannot offer code, all they can offer is money and feedback and they will be more than happy to stop offering both if they aren't listened to (or catered to, if you prefer). Microsoft has obtained its market position mostly by giving people what they say they want. (Feel free to insert a snotty "and never giving them what they need" if you'd like. The argument stands nonetheless.) Non-programmers are elevated from second class citizens to kingmakers. They are the ones who decide what software lives and what dies, based not on whether or not it is fun to code feature X but whether or not they want/need feature X. And this infuriates some hackers.

    Not doing something because it's boring isn't a great way to run a hospital, and it's not a great way to run a programming philosophy that is supposed to bring freedom to everyone, either.

  • Developers all over -- the sort that don't have web pages because they're too busy debugging -- oppose open source. I'm one of them, to a degree, and our entire staff here is much more fanatical than I.

    It has far less to do with moral issues or "what OS is better" -- many of these guys work on or with open source code fairly often. I run Cobalt Linux on my development webserver because that's what it came with and the logisitics of installing Sco or BSD over an rlogin is frightening. But I'm uneasy about it.

    Why? Because in many ways it threatens our jobs! The problem with true open source programming when you're a lifetime developer for a large solution provider is that it suddenly becomes less feasible to develop custom solutions than to pay exorbitant licenses. A lot of the applications I've developed have been very similar to tasks you could probably perform in Access or Excel -- were it not for the cost of deployment of these packages. These apps were written from the ground up, they are very specialized niche pieces which are perfectly matched to what our workers have to do. Now, consider what would happens when an open office solution comes along and does something similar to what Access does. Suddenly, you don't need a programmer to build your application, all you need is a scripter. A scripter is much cheaper, and I get my walking papers.

    Now a lot of you might chime in about how I'm technically doing too much work, or how I can transition to a "support" role (find a supporter who makes six digits and you'll have found a man with a silver tongue) or how the elimination of senior programmers is in someway good for the company. But the solutions I provide are easy to support because they only operate in one way, they're easier to learn for our customers and the code is well known by everybody here because we developed them part and parcel. The initial cost of open source seems low, but the support cost of pouring over lines of code written by god knows who using god knows what style to find some bug that may or may not be known and then fixing and releasing the fix legally under the license of the code is much higher -- rather than employ one programmer for a few hours to fix a bug he knows about, you're faced with either hiring a consultant at exorbitant rates to fix the bug or a scripter for a couple days to research, fix and release the patch.

    I like getting free software, but promoting open source is something that is very delicate in our industry. It's harder and more expensive to support, extend (with exceptions, apache is much easier to modify than IIS, but in my experience that's very rare among open source projects) and deploy than homebrewed software, and often has no associated costs to use yet it purports to be "free as in speech not as in beer." It's really hard to get people to pay for steak when you're giving them hamburgers for free!
  • Let me preface this by saying I'm not a computer programmer or IT person, I'm a finance guy. As such, I think I have a different prospective on this issue.

    Open source software is great if you're a programmer. You can look at the code, understand what's going wrong, fix it, etc. But non-programmers don't care about that.

    What I want in software is ease of use. If I'm installing some normal, closed source software, it's incredibly easy. I stick the CD in the drive, and a screen pops up asking if I want to install it. I click yes, then I click Next a few times, and it's installed. I open up the software, and it's easy to use. Nearly everything I want to do is intuitive. Anything that isn't is clearly explained in the help file. No problems, no fuss.

    Now contrast this with open source. I've only installed an open source piece of software once, but it was a nightmare. I went to the site on Sourceforge, and saw dozens of different versions. I didn't know which one I wanted, but assumed the most recent one would be best. So I downloaded it. But I couldn't install it yet, as I needed to make sure I had the right version of a Java compiler. So I opened up a command prompt and typed in what the instructions had told me to type. Nothing happened. Eventually I realized that I didn't have Java at all. So then I had to download that.

    I finally succeeded in compiling the code, and opened the program, only to discover that I couldn't use it at all. None of the menu commands did anything, the buttons didn't work, and the software was completely useless to me. I checked the help menu, only to discover that rather than having explanations of how the program worked, it only gave a link to the raw code. I paused to curse my open source advocating friend who had reccomended the software. Then I was complaining about it to another friend who used it, and he told me that he hadn't had any of the same problems I did. I realized after this that I had a bad version of the software. So I downloaded a different one, which worked, although it still involved quite a bit of finessing and difficulty in figuring out how to do what I wanted to do.

    Now, I admit that I'm basing my judgement of Open Source on just one experience, but my experience matches what most non-techy people assume OS is like.

    Ask yourself a question. How many non-techy people do you know that use Linux? I have lots of techy friends who use it and love it. But I do not know, nor have I ever heard of, a non-tech type person that uses Linux or even has the slightest interest in using Linux. This is not because they are ignorant. It's because ease of use is important, and Microsoft has invested a lot of time, effort, and money in making windows easy to use. I, like most non-techies, am willing to live with having to reboot my computer every couple of weeks because something crashed, rather than dealing with all the complications of Linux.

    Another issue is name brand recognition. A lot of you may scoff at this, but it does have a real value. I know that for the things I do in my job, MS Word, PowerPoint, and Excel will work perfectly. If someone's willing to pay me $50K a year, they're going to be willing to spend $300 on MS Office so that I can do my job effectively. I'm sure that there exist open source programs that do everything these programs do. But I don't know what they are. I wouldn't know where to look for them. I wouldn't know what different software packages do. I wouldn't know which distros to trust. I wouldn't know what patches to take. This is all things I could find out, but any time I spend researching the issue is time I'm not spending working. It's much better to just go with what I know. It doesn't matter how nifty a program is; it's completely useless if the people who need it don't know it exists.

    Finally, there's an economic critique of OS. It's a basic fact of economics that market failures arise whenever someone either doesn't bear all the costs of their actions, or doesn't reap all the benefits. The same principle that makes companies pollute too much because they don't have to pay for the damage the pollution causes will make programmers produce too little when they their code can be copied freely. It's a basic problem of externalities and free-riders.

    There are areas where programmers will code for fun, that this won't be a problem. But what about other areas? Oh sure, you might argue that someone who needs the software would hire a programmer to create it, but this only works if there is a single individual willing to pay the entire cost of development.

    I'd be willing to pay $150 for an accounting package. There exist closed source companies that are willing to spend millions to develop such a package, becuase they know there are tens of thousands of people like me. These companies hire dozens of programmers to write the code, QA monkeys to test it, tech-writers to explain it, marketers to get it out there, and market researchers to figure out what people actually want. This is simply not an effort I could replicate by paying a contract programmer $150. So I go with the closed source solution.

  • by Sloppy ( 14984 ) on Monday October 22, 2001 @06:51PM (#2462801) Homepage Journal

    I write/maintain closed-source software for a living. And there would be a big problem if that code became Open Source: we wouldn't have lock-in. I remember in 1999 when we found out that, amazingly, some of our programs actually did have a problem with Y2K. We "fixed" the Y2K problem in our Clipper programs by adding a single line of code:


    If the programs were Open Source, we would not have been able to charge each customer hundreds of dollars for a few seconds of work. Why? Because we would have had competition. The customers would have been able to fix the programs themselves, or hire some other Clipper programmer to make the modification for $50. But since we were the only ones who had the source, we had a monopoly on modifications and bugfixes to those apps.

    That's the problem with Open Source: it's too American and Free-Enterprise oriented. Reaming customers is "good for the economy." Competition prevents that sort of thing, and must be prevented.

    People will have to decide for themselves whether I'm being serious or joking about my conclusion, but the aforementioned Y2K story is True.

  • by drix ( 4602 ) on Monday October 22, 2001 @07:03PM (#2462859) Homepage
    Everybody who works on open source projects is churning out code. This one axiom pretty much explains every deficiency and advantage that OSS has. For example:
    • No user-friendly open-source GUIs. GNOME, for all its technical wizardry (and there is a lot), still does not even come close to the user-friendliness of Windows. KDE approaches Windows in usability a few ways, but let's remember how it got to that point: by copying Windows (hoo baby that flames are gonna come a'rolling in for this post, I can tell.) The "Start" menu, dockable taskbar apps, the integrated browser & file manager, alt-tabbing between programs -- don't forget where all those came from. The similiarities between KOffice, AbiSuite, StarOffice, and the grandaddy of them all, MS Office, are I think more than just a coincidence. Now, technically, the OSS GUIs available really pushing the envelope. KParts, Bonobo, Kio::Slave -- all of it just totally cool from a coder's point of view. But I've seen very little in the way usability innovation, which is what you'd expect from a development group made up only of people who already know the software like the back of their hand. The same could be said about documentation and graphics, as well; both (especially the former) lag way behind their commercial counterparts. Occasionally, you have someone like Raster or Mosfet come along, but they are exceptions to the rule.
    • No OSS games are anywhere near as cool their commercial counterparts. Well of course; it's no secret that games take artists, modellers, sound engineers, musicians, and writers in addition to people pumping out the code. Even John Carmack employs a small army of these people to make iD games, and he's about as close to a digital virtuoso as they come.
    • Most mature open-source software is better, faster, more stable, and more feature-laden than its closed source variant. The logical extension of what I have been saying all along. The people who contribute to open-source projects are all coders, and usually highly competent ones at that. Even if they are not, the peer-review process has proven itself infinitely more efficient at finding and quickly fixing bugs and adding new features than anything in the closed-source realm. Here's where your stock examples of how wonderful open source is come in: Sendmail, Apache, Linux, PHP, etc. etc.
    • Applications that require a significant investment in R&D will not be released as open source, and if they are, they will suck. We can write operating-systems and servers for pretty much every protocol on Earth as open-source because knowledge of how to do so is public domain. By contrast, there is no good OSS version of Lightwave or 3DSMAX because each respective company spent millions of dollars figuring out the best way to make their pictures look pretty, then probably patented the results. And don't save povray, because: 1.) It's not free (as in speech), 2.) it still lags way behind commercial raytracers, and 3.) it still does not have a decent, non-commercial GUI (cf. bullet #1). Nor blender, which was bought-and-paid-for by NaN before being released OSS. Obviously, this type of thing isn't just going to spontaneously happen when the bulk of contributors to an open-source project are coding, not researching. Like it or not, another example here would be Gnutella vs. FastTrack; the former, despite having more than a 1 year jump, still cannot compete with the latter, simply because FastTrack is a small group of guys paid to sit around all day and think of ways to optimize their network.

    I could go on for days about this and I'm sure so could everyone else, but not I, too, have got some school work to do. :)

The use of anthropomorphic terminology when dealing with computing systems is a symptom of professional immaturity. -- Edsger Dijkstra
