Linux on the Desktop 495
Dhar writes: "Rob Valliere has posted a Windows vs. Linux review: "This review focused on Linux Red Hat 7.1 from a business user's view and attempted to answer my client's question "Can Linux be used as a replacement for Windows 2000". After an intensive hands-on Linux project lasting several months, I was able to provide my client with a pertinent answer to this question." I like the answer. ;-)" It's good that he covers the pitfalls he encountered; opportunities for improvement.
Not a math guy.... (Score:2, Funny)
Since Linux is free, wouldn't any amount of "bang" mean that the ratio of "bang" to "buck" is infinite? Q.E.D. Better than Windows!!! (not trolling.... well.... maybe a little bit... )
Re:Not a math guy.... (Score:2)
Linux is free. Filling an office iwth Linux boxen is not.
Re:Not a math guy.... (Score:2)
Yep. User training on new tools is definitely another cost and not a trivial one. Practically, I think Linux would be a no-brainer choice except for the investment of user training in existing MS products.
Some of these cost comparisons are interesting not only from the standpoint of the specific environments Win2K vs RH 6.2, but also from the general perspective.
That is, few people know what it really costs to change OS environment because of all the far-reaching implications in terms of training and support. And, because the OS changes most environments have experience with are less radical: NT4 to 2K, for example.
Along the same lines, very few IT organizations really understand all of their current costs. The costs of keeping with the existing environment.
These costs includes the usual well-known costs of licensing, hardware, IT support staff time, costs of training classes for users, but also includes less tangible items like how much time do the secretaries spend changing fonts in Outlook or fidgeting with Word documents to get them to look right. They get benefits from these applications, too, that should be considered in the overall cost assessment, but those are usually pretty well explained by marketing brochures and advertisements.
Fortunately for the sales of MS products, the training costs are frequently absorbed by someone besides the corporation buying the licenses. Many secretaries take classes in Word, Excel, etc at their own expense to make themselves more marketable to employers. If all of these costs were made visible, then I think a better basis for comparison could be made.
Re:Not a math guy.... (Score:2)
Exactly. The design of software -- its "user-friendliness" to employ an overused term -- is a major factor in total cost of ownership. That can't be answered by a once-over-lightly review by a system administrator mostly concerned with ease of installation, which is what the article amounts to. Evaluation of costs created by usability factors requires extensive user testing, both in the field through ethnographic methods and in controlled situations in usability labs.
Instead, what we got in the review was a lot of unsupported superlatives like "excellent," "great," etc. The personal opinion of a system administrator does not have a great deal of relevance to the costs that the software will create in an actual user environment.
The recently discussed GNOME Usability Study [slashdot.org] showed that even at the current fairly advanced level of development, GNOME is significantly harder to use for most people than Windows or the Mac. That's a cost that impacts overall productivity of the users.
And GNOME is considerably more usable than most of the applications available for Linux. Granted this is not an opinion I am able to support empirically, since the studies have not yet been done, but it seems obvious that, for instance, Microsoft Office is more usable than StarOffice at their current stages of development, and that the continued reliance on the command line for routine tasks presents a very steep obstacle for the average user.
So it seems to me quite inaccurate to describe this software as free. Low up-front costs are being traded for persistent usability costs. This may be an equation that makes sense in some offices but as a general rule, it would be a money-losing proposition.
Re:Not a math guy.... (Score:2)
I was reasoning from the fact that the problems noted were problems not present on Windows and Mac OS, and that the proposed solutions moved the designs more toward those used on the other platforms. It doesn't demonstrate that equally bad unique problems don't exist on the other platforms -- that's my personal judgment call.
I haven't seen any TCO studies that compare StarOffice with Mozilla on GNOME to MS Office with IE on Windows and Mac OS, but I would be interested in any references.
Re:Not a math guy.... (Score:2)
I said "immediately intuitive" to try to encapsulate the questions raised in the usability study, which mostly seemed to be about how the icons weren't very, well, iconic of their function. I'm not a usability expert by any means, so I wouldn't know the technical term for "it works once you understand how it's labeled". It's more of a learning curve than anything - you can learn that "moon and stars" == "logout" just as easy as you can learn to click "Start" in order to shut down your computer, or drag disk drives into the trash to eject them (just for instance). Many of the solutions in the study were suggested just because users are used to them, not because they're necessarily more ergonomic to use. I'll admit that there were things that Windows and Mac OS got right; I'm just not sure that this is enough to counterbalance the things that Gnome got right.
I don't know of any particularly rigorous usability comparisons between the various desktop platforms, although I imagine there are a bunch of vanilla server TCO comparisons out there somewhere. I've never really seen the usability of a platform figured into a TCO dollar figure; I too would be interested in such a link.
Re:Not a math guy.... (Score:2)
The IT guy was set to save $10,000 on 25 machines by moving to Linux. But there was no obvious consideration of the labor cost in that move.
- A new DB has to be created to replace the current MS one.
- 25 machines must be completely reconfigured.
- 25 users must be re-trained for *all* their software usage.
- Some tasks will be slower, always, even after re-training (e.g. making PDFs)
What's the cost of that? Just looking at 25 users x $10/hr x 10 hours effective training = $2500. A quarter of the savings is eaten just by basic staff transition costs.
Without further information about the real costs involved, this move may be penny-wise, pound-foolish.
Re:Compare deploying RedHat vs Win2000 (Score:2)
As for roaming profiles, Unix has been doing that for years. In fact, Linux does it much better than Windows because all of a users information is going to be found in their home directory, not spread all over the hard drive (and the registry) like in Windows.
In Unix all you need to do is NFS mount your home directory from your NFS server and you are home free.
Or better yet, release the power of X Windows (like they did in Key Largo, Florida), and simply have one Linux server and a whole pile of X terminals. In the Key Largo installation they have 300 users hung off of one commodity Intel based server. So not only do you save in client licenses (and future upgrades), but you cut down on support costs as well (only one machine to configure). Fire all of your useless Windows desk jockeys and replace them with a single Linux administrator.
The application problem, OTOH, is a tough nut to crack. There are still a lot of Windows applications that don't have Linux equivalents. For those applications you could set up a Citrix server and access them via X Windows, I suppose. But there certainly are still issues. Linux has office suites that are credible replacements for MS Office, but it can't replace everything.
Resource management is also a little tricky. PAM + LDAP would probably get you where you want to go, but the GUI certainly isn't as fancy. However, it is easier to script Linux this sort of stuff in Linux. Get a good Linux admin (pay him extra from the money that you were paying to maintain desktops) and resource management won't be a problem.
Re:Not a math guy.... (Score:2)
Yes, but as the folks in Key Largo, Florida have shown us it is not only possible to put Linux on the desktops. It is possible to put inexpensive thin clients on the desktop connecting to a Linux server via X. That means that not only is the licensing free, but for $200 bucks a desk (sans monitor, but you can reuse those) and the price of a server you can get rid of your desktop troubles all together. So not only would your Linux deployment cost you less than the next upgrade to MS Office, but your long term support costs would almost certainly decrease.
In Key Largo they currently have 300 users hung off one commodity Intel server, but even at half that many users imagine the savings in support and maintenance. There would be precisely one box to administer per hundreds of users. Even small offices can benefit from this sort of arrangement.
The fact of the matter is that if you were really cheap it is possible to turn your existing Windows based computers into Linux based "X terminals." If you already have standardized hardware this sort of thing wouldn't even be difficult to do. When a machine fails replace it with a ThinkNic or an X terminal and throw the old clunker away.
Thin clients have never taken off because there was never really any useable software to run on them. The combination of Linux, StarOffice, and Mozilla, while it certainly has some problems, is far and away the most compelling set of thin client applications that have ever been available. You can bet that people are going to start actually implementing this stuff.
Re:Not a math guy.... (Score:2)
Re:Not a math guy.... (Score:2)
Some commercial software is going to be necessary in nearly any large installation. Removing Windows, and the Windows desktops that are required, is a huge benefit cost wise whether Linux or Free software is involved at all.
For example, in this particular case, the admins at Key Largo have two boxes that they need to administer. A Windows Citrix server (for legacy applications), and a Linux server for the standard desktop. That is still a huge win for thin clients, even if all of the software is proprietary.
Companies are used to paying for software, and I have no problem with that. I was merely pointing out the costs savings that are derived from removing Windows from the desktops and replacing them with thin clients.
Windows could do the same thing with Citrix, or with Terminal Server. Unfortunately instead of being cheaper to deploy this way, it is more expensive. Not to mention the fact that Windows terminal server will only support a fraction of the users that Linux + X will on the same hardware, and Windows applications generally don't expect to be run from a terminal server.
In other words, my point had more to do with the beauty of X and thin clients than with Linux. Linux just happens to be the first OS suitable for thin client deployment that actually had some competitive applications. The fact that it has several competitive office suites (all much less expensive than MS Office), and the fact that Citrix would allow you to mix in some Windows legacy applications only sweetens the deal.
Re:Not a math guy.... (Score:2)
Re:Not a math guy.... (Score:2)
I doubt he worked for free, so his salary was part of the cost for the Linux solution. As are a handful of other costs. Standard accounting practices in the professional world.
Very funny, but... (Score:2)
I've grown fond of Linux over the years, but for a long time I had a hard time taking it seriously. The was mainly due to my first experience installing it, many years ago. The basic OS installation wasn't too hard (though not for the computer newbie), but I couldn't believe how much time I spent on silly little configuration issues. Bad design, inconsistent design, undocumented design. It was actually worse than Windows 3.1! It took me an entire day to figure out why Netscape always mapped Backspace/Delete backwards from other applications. That's the sort of thing that drives up cost of ownership. My first response to Linux was, "OK, it's free, but can anybody afford it?"
Well, Linux has gotten easier to administer (thought it's still too complicated, and there's too much undocumented stuff) and Windows has gotten much much harder. But the total cost of ownership issue is still hard to answer. One big item is retraining everybody to use the Linux equivalents of MS Office. That's assuming you can persuade people to make such a basic change!
Re:Very funny, but... (Score:2)
Yup. My biggest problem with Linux is this sort of thing. The HOWTOs are very well done but they expect that everything goes smoothly. Most of the time, it doesn't. I'll get to step 4, for instance, in a specific procedure and it will say "type this, and this will happen." I'll do it, but get an error. Then what? The HOWTOs usually do not take this into consideration. It simply says "x will happen", but there needs to be some extra help there: "If you get this error, you need to do this."
So I end up on the web, searching for that particular error. Usually I have good luck finding it and things have always worked out in the end, but not without spending a considerable amount of time. It took me most of a day to upgrade sendmail over one stupid little issue; I had to download and install a couple of other things before the newer version of sendmail would work correctly. Not a problem, but the howto didn't tell me what to do in case of error x and I had to figure it out on my own. 99% of computer users can't even follow simple directions. How are they ever going to run Linux, where you actually have to use some common sense?
Most reasonably intelligent people would have no problem deploying a Windows 2000 domain with a few dozen clients on their own. It's all very basic, and everything pretty much works as expected. Linux, on the other hand... I couldn't imagine most people trying to setup even something as basic as a Samba share. Sad, but true.
The fact is that most users can barely handle Windows. We set my mother in law up with Internet access last week. She walked away and left the thing connected, so her ISP dropped her after some amount of time. She called me up and asked why she couldn't get to any web pages, and wanted to know why there was a button on her screen asking her to reconnect. She was too afraid to just hit the damn button to see what would happen. This is the kind of bullshit that most people pull on a daily basis. If they can't even use Windows, they'll never figure out Linux until it's dumbed way down.
a pretty well-written article... (Score:2)
The problem with desktop applications these days is that they're gigantic for no obvious reason. I still want to see someone write a full-featured office suite that takes up a grand total of no more than a megabyte for the source tarball -- I would be inclined to think that a fairly nice word processor could be put together with nothing more than Perl and Tk, using standard command line tools like ispell for the more specialized services and (I've heard suggested) HTML4+CSS as the file format.
Nobody seems to have tried, though...
Re:a pretty well-written article... (Score:2)
Nice propaganda (Score:3)
*Cough* This is a great example of someone writing an article to match what they "already know".
Did he actually do an analysis of what his office needs for word processing? I don't see a list of required features. The alternatives are feature-poor, so we simply don't know.
Although he says that StarOffice is "fully compatible with Word/2000", other experience has shown otherwise. Did he test with some complex documents?
What about printing? Did he test with all the printer types in his office? If he is 100% Postscript that he has some chance, but if there are any low-end Epson color printers, his users could be in for a big surprise.
And on and on...
It's pretty obvious this guy has never done a feasibilty study in his life. I give it a D-.
You've plainly not tried recently (Score:3, Insightful)
What about printing? Did he test with all the printer types in his office? If he is 100% Postscript that he has some chance, but if there are any low-end Epson color printers, his users could be in for a big surprise.
You chose utterly the wrong argument here. I have an Epson Stylus Photo 1290 and previously had an Epson Stylus Color 850, and the GIMP-Print drivers for these have totally blown me away - the output I get from them is simply stunning, and considerably better than the official Windows drivers. They also support every feature and resolution of my Stylus Photo, even doing colour matching using Postscript.
Also, they don't crash, unlike the Win2k drivers...
Better yet, I'm using these drivers with CUPS as the print spooler and the KDE2.2 print framework. Using this combination, it is just as easy to add, manage and remove printers as it is under Windows. In fact, for networked printers, it is even easier, as I can also configure CUPS through a web browser from anywhere. The print dialog in KDE apps is fully comprehensive, easily customizable by each app and supports things that Windows doesn't - for instance, post-processing of print data through arbitrary commands, which means every print driver has the capability to print multiple pages per sheet, and every app can print straight to a PDF file. Truly, it is a joy to use. I haven't seen a comparable print framework anywhere else.
For more information, check out the GIMP-Print [sourceforge.net], CUPS [cups.org] and KDE Print framework [swing.be] websites.
Printing under Linux has finally come of age - and it is better than Windows!
printing, Red Hat better than MS (Score:2)
Red Hat 7.1's good printing was a pleasant supprise. I gave it a try after the MS printing died on my wife's K6-2. Configuration was easy, and the output was just as good as MS ever was. Images from GIMP, documents from KDE are outstanding. Considering that the legacy alternative does not work at all, the ouput is infinitely better.
Re:You've plainly not tried recently (Score:2)
In any case, stop trying to backpedal on an area that you clearly know nothing about.
I'm not backpedalling at all. I admit I haven't tried Linux printing in a year or two, but that doesn't excuse that the horrible, broken printing of the past. It's stupid to just assume that everything is going to just work.
Complex office document? Are you on crack? How about a 5X7 scanned photograph printed at 1440x720 resolution...it's incredible how good those gimp-print drivers are.
Um, printing a complex office document is FAR more complicated than printing a simple photograph. An office document has fonts, layout, embedded images, and even possibly embedded document objects. A photograph is just dumping bits to the printer.
Re:Nice propaganda (Score:2)
Mine works fine.
Although he says that StarOffice is "fully compatible with Word/2000", other experience has shown otherwise.
Can you provide examples? I admit, I haven't been sent very complex documents, but it has handled anything anyone ever sent me.
It's pretty obvious this guy has never done a feasibilty study in his life. I give it a D-.
I agree, but I think he was mostly correct anyway. Not knowing the exact needs is a problem, but the given solution seems to provide for most basic needs.
Re:Nice propaganda (Score:2)
Convienently ignores the cost of training. (Score:2)
The main problem is a lot of implementations try to look like windows, and that really only aggravates the issue.
So, if they saved 10k on licensing and hardware, how much did they lose in time devoted to people learning the new system? What costs are involved when hiring people? Using temp agencies?
The reason Linux is having a hard time moving into the mainstream office is not because of price, but simply the fact people would have to retrained to use it. Sometimes time is more than money
Re:Convienently ignores the cost of training. (Score:2)
A couple of days later she was about as familiar with Linux as she is with Windows, had found all my games, had found gphoto and downloaded some pictures from my digital camera and set one of them as her new background.
So far I've hardly done anything to help her, except giving her names of some of the apps.
And she don't even like computers...
Yes, there are things on Linux that have a steep learning curve. But once a reasonably recent Linux distribution is set up on your machine, most beginners don't run into many more difficulties than they do under Windows - in fact I'd dare say that many beginners won't really realize that there are things that are more difficult under Linux, since most such things are sufficiently difficult under Windows too that they'd ask someone for help in either case.
For intermediate users, though, the switch might be a little more painful.
Re:A big plus of giving your GF a UNIX account... (Score:2)
Windows retraining never ends. (Score:2)
He's right. That GNOME or KDE are any more difficult for the average user to work has got to be the #1 troll of the year. If anything, the interfaces to GNOME and KDE or any other window manager are easier because they do not suffer needless market droid type changes. Also, user customizations are much easier to save out and move from machine to machine. MS will never catch up.
Hmmm... not sure how to take the article (Score:3, Insightful)
I would think that everyone here would agree that Linux can more than admirably replace a Win2k desktop.
But my question would be, should it?
The wrtier uses Star Office for his example. (While there are better out there, I'll use it since he did) He even points out that the suite is missing quite a few of the Office features, almost all of which you and I will probably never use. But what about the secretary for your group? Or that person that uses Word to create forms? You might be able to do a lot of the things that these people rely on in Star, but what sort of hoops to do it? And could a computer 'illiterate' really catch on to those hoops?
That brings me to his PDF creation solution. Print to PostScript, then use a 3rd party utility to convert to PDF. It's not very user friendly, "but it works." If you look through the article, you'll find that phrase quite a bit.
My whole point is that Linux can replace/supplant a desktop for those of us on Slashdot, and typically do a far better job than the desktop it replaced. However 99% of the office workers out there are not the typical bored geek that hangs out on here.
So yeah you can replace Win2k with Linux for a business user workstation, but I personally don't think that you should. At least not yet.
Re:Hmmm... not sure how to take the article (Score:2)
I don't know what desktop this guy was using, but KDE 2.2 has a system wide "Print to PDF" option integrated into all KDE apps, including KOffice. That seems pretty user friendly to me.
Re:Hmmm... not sure how to take the article (Score:2)
Yes we should and now. (Score:2)
If only NT would work at all! "But it works" is the sloppy catch phrase that MS folks used to throw out as they smashed down their crappy software on cluefull users. I work for a large company, with many databases THAT WILL NEVER TALK TO EACH OTHER, mail that gets stored in a propriatory format, and documents that never print the same twice. All of this is because of propriatory "standards" that never stand still. I'd love something that acutally worked around here freaking ever.
But my question would be, should it?
Of course companies should put Linux on the desktop and soon. Just reverse the question and see how obvious it is. Imagine your company was using FREE software and data formats. Try asking your boss, "Should we move to propriatory software that we have less control of, costs us more, is less secure, and does not work as well?"
Re:Hmmm... not sure how to take the article (Score:2)
I agree completely.
I think KDE and Gnome are excellent desktops for even the typical business users, so that's one box checked. But there are a couple more critical items IMHO.
I'm not ready to stake my reputation on a transition to Linux until several more key items are a little further along than now:
For the general corporate desktop in the U.S., I think about 6-8 months from now should provide the point at which Linux is really a great option for the majority that don't want to be too close to the bleeding edge. Until then, for many users the transition from Windows is more uncomfortable than the dollar savings alone can justify.
Good criticisms (Score:2)
I also agree with upgrading sets of associated packages - like KDE - this is still not anywhere near the level of ease of use that could be automated fairly easily.
I guess the real issue is - who is going to tackle this work? These are big problems that require the attention of a group with enough clout and authority to push their solution into the linux mainstream. Red Hat, IBM, Ximian and the FSF are the only groups I can think of.
Re:Good criticisms (Score:2)
I'll agree that upgrading sets of packages isn't always as easy as we'd like... the Mandrake Update tools are nice (I'm sure Ximian has something, but I haven't looked...), and are quite easy to use... auto select update server (granted not always the freshest mirror), lists the packages - user selects, dependencies are (usually) caught, and a while later things are humming. Heck, I updated the kernel that way (I didn't have a lot of faith that would work) and it actually came back up fine. There are distros that focus towards the experienced, power users, and there are those that really do make things amazingly easy for newbies (without sacrificing too much).
Try be inovative instead of just replicate ? (Score:5, Insightful)
I dont really think this is the interresting issue to discuss. Whether Linux will be a good desktop environment/replacement for Windows2000 wont really rely on "Linux", but on all the apps that will run on linux.
What i'm saying is simply that the Linux kernel has been "desktop ready" for a long time, its just the easy task of networking, supporting some common hardware, and not crash.
What IS the issue is what programs are available. Why do people choose to use Windows 2000 on the desktop ? Because they want to run the Windows OS ?.. Dont think so. People are looking for the programs that runs on Windows, like MS Office, Internet Explorer, Visual Studio, Borland tools [add a long list here]. They simply look for a good platform to run their favorite software on.
The Open Source community has a little dilemma here, first they try to say "We can replace windows 2000" by providing products that can communicate with [major software company] products. Then they try to offer software that works just like those products they are trying to replace.. Why should someone want to use the copy when there's the original ? Of course you cannot provide an Office Suit for Linux that will always be 100 % compatible with MS Office, simply because even Microsoft cant
The core issue is, dont try to walk your way to the desktop by making [almost as good] replicas of existing desktop software. Instead, offer something better! Something like a uniform word processor that uses the XML standard. Maybe use the same XML for spreadsheats, email programs, etc etc etc.
As long as we try to copy/replicate leading software we will always be one step behind. Why dont we take the lead and provide new things instead ?
Re:Try be inovative instead of just replicate ? (Score:2)
I know this is a problem with drivers and applications and not the kernel, and I know it seems like a minor issue (not!), but besides games (unsolvable) printing is still an issue that makes Linux less fit for the desktop.
Re:Try be inovative instead of just replicate ? (Score:2)
Try using cups [cups.org]. It does a *very* good job of bringing printing in *nix to the same level of nice features that you see in winders and macos. I don't think it's all the way there, yet, but it's a dramatic improvement. Couple it with a large array of drivers from gimp-print [sourceforge.net] and you've got a much more sane printing environment under *nix.
Re:Try be inovative instead of just replicate ? (Score:2)
escaflowne:/home/taliesin(0)> file judmon.abw
judmon.abw: XML document text
AbiWord already saves in XML format. It's been around for a while. Kword saves in compressed XML format. I believe some of the spreadsheets do likewise.
As far as going beyond the functionality of You Know Who... that remains to be seen.
Re:Try be inovative instead of just replicate ? (Score:2)
But, if these formats aren't documented, and if OSS App #1 doesn't have the code to open OSS App #2's formats (and visa-versa), the XML-ness of the format means nothing in the real world.
I had to say it, but businesses care more about defacto standards than open specs. They want to hear that "If you switch to a Linux desktop, you can use Sun StarOffice (or whatever) as MS Office replacement and send documents to any other Linux user." They don't want to hear "We've got 10 incompatible and half-finished office suites! Pick any one you like and start hacking the code. But emacs and TeX rulez!".
Problem is tho in a 'free software' environment, nobody's going to pick a winner and centralize development efforts on that product. This point is where the culture of Linux runs counter to the marketing efforts of it's advocates that want to see it as a Microsoft replacement (when it's not intended to be such).
Re:Try be inovative instead of just replicate ? (Score:2)
It really cheeses me off when Stallman et al try to push people into working on The One True Gnu instead of continuing work on things they're already familiar with.... Listar [listar.org], for example... while the web interface is actually a little clunky, the underpinnings are actually better, but RMS wanted the author to drop it and work on MailMan, nevermind whose code was better.
The fact that we have both Gnome and KDE, Mozilla and Galeon, Perl and Python, several viable Java Virtual Machines, and gods knows how many Linuxes and BSDs to run them on, is one of the Best Things about Open Source.
Interestingly enough, the only "standards" I can think of that Linux apps conform to are those foisted on us by software monopolies.... Microsoft and Adobe. Perhaps we do need to come up with a more robust XML document standard... but I don't think any one outfit should do it. That's asking for trouble.
Re:Try be inovative instead of just replicate ? (Score:2)
I think part of the reason (but not all, I have my theories) that M$ products are so bad is that some marketing weenie gets this enhancement request from some clueless luser, and since it's "customer-driven", the ER gets handed down to the engineers from on high and forced to be implemented whether it's a good idea or not.
On the other hand, Mozilla and Galeon and projects like it implement the Cluetrain Manifesto in software (e.g. Bugzilla) in which the customer is perfectly free to submit an ER.... and the engineers are perfectly free to mark it WONTFIX, i.e. fuggeddabowdit, not happening.
You have to admit, both of those projects are pretty darn feature-rich.... but to my knowledge neither of them have the gaping, Mack-Truck-sized security holes that certain Other Browsers have.... more than that, at least by stability, Mozilla beat out its commercial predecessor... well enough, in fact, that Netscape co-opted 0.9.2 for its own use pretty much wholesale...
Linux is just fine for the corporate desktop as long as your salescritters aren't inextricably tied to Microsoft formats for interchange. Once you move your sales to the web (Boeing, Amazon), everything external to the company is done in HTML, and the rest can be converted in-house as time and budget permits. MIS mangler headaches? Call IBM. Nobody ever got fired for buying IBM.
Re:Try be inovative instead of just replicate ? (Score:2)
Unfortunately, the free software community at large is just too damn helpful for this to work. Every time a better product is produced for *nix systems, some jerk invariably ports it to Win32 ;-). And then, there goes another reason to switch to Linux. The examples are countless: Apache, Perl, GIMP, etc.
I don't really know if this impacts anyone's decision to switch to *nix, but it is true.
Re:Try be inovative instead of just replicate ? (Score:2)
Like the standard *nix tools?
IMHO it's not a question of desperately trying to invent something new. It's more about forgetting Windows as the desktop paradigm. In fact many of us know that an efficient workstation environment is not necessarily called 'desktop'.
[thinking of the new planned version of Enlightenment] I don't want a desktop environment, I don't want a fancy panel, I just want a window manager, dammit!
Re:Try be inovative instead of just replicate ? (Score:2)
Re:Try be inovative instead of just replicate ? (Score:2)
Ask and ye shall receive. Knock and it shall be opened unto you.
Ever asked nVidia for specs on any of their cards?
Comprehensive, but contains a spurious assertion (Score:2)
Hmm... I had Win2K running just fine on a 96Mb Acer Travelmate. Sure, it paged like a bastard on startup, but soon settled down (and I did go back to SuSE/KDE). Minor niggle though, otherwise a great article, well presented, and commendably objective. Cheers!
Re:Comprehensive, but contains a spurious assertio (Score:2)
My old room mate ran win2k on a P200 with 32 megs. It took forever to start and paged constantly when loading an application, but it ran ok once a program was started, so long as you didn't try to switch tasks.
We did try linux on the machine (fvwm + mozilla), but it was unusably slow with the ten thousand ton monster running. xterms were fine, but really, a terminal program on windows provided all the needed functionality (as in it was faster to run programs remotely over a cable modem).
As of three months ago, the unpageable kernel of windows 2000 was smaller than the unpageable kernel of linux, and Internet explorer had a smaller memory footprint than mozilla. Using an embedded configuration may change the first, and the mozilla team is constantly working on the second, but my guess is that both of those will continue to hold in the forseeable future for a desktop configuration.
I'd really have to recommend windows 2000 as the environment for memory constrained computing if a graphical environment is necessary. Linux is really an option in this situation only if you can ditch the web browser and office programs.
Re:Comprehensive, but contains a spurious assertio (Score:2)
Using what configuration options of Linux? How big are we talking about here?
Re:Comprehensive, but contains a spurious assertio (Score:2)
Some odd choices... (Score:2)
He used StarOffice 5.2. The old StarOffice was incredibly annoying. Recent OpenOffice builds are much better. I know they're not officially released yet, but I think the development builds would have been a better choice.
Also, Evolution, Balsa, or Mozilla would have been better for e-mail. KDE probably has a native app that's better as well (KMail?).
He said he couldn't get the drives to automount on RedHat. Odd, that usually drives me mad until I remember to turn it off. Not sure what his difficulty was.
Trouble with dependancies for RPMs: use Debian or Ximian's Red Carpet if that matters. I think somebody told me Mandrake had apt-get for RPMs - that sounds interesting too. Ditto for the upgrade problem. RedCarpet and apt-get are miles ahead of Windows in this respect. On the plus side, once you get everything the way you like it it's really easy to set up painless network installs using RedHat.
On the whole a pretty positive piece, even if I don't agree with everything he did. You can probably chalk this up to his being a Windows administrator and not really knowing his way around the Linux world (I wouldn't do much better trying to fine-tune a Windows installation). It would be interesting to have one of these comparisons every six months or so just to see the progress. I bet it would be impressive. As far as I know most of the annoyances he mentioned in his article have already been addressed.
Funniest Quote: My customized KDE desktop is better than Windows 2000! He seems so surprized :-).
User community needs to change first... (Score:2, Insightful)
As long as the "more able", on-the-fence Windows users continue to get responses like, "Read the fookin esotericHOWTO, crypticHOWTO, and horriblyexcitingtoreadHOWTO, you idiot!" a la Jimmy Fallon on SNL as they take their first look at Linux and post newbie questions on usenet, the wall will never crack. Heck, when I first installed Linux I didn't even know where the HOWTOs were!
If I'm Joe Computer User and my "expert friend" says Linux is too complicated in no small part due to the "newbie flame" s/he got when trying to become part of the community, I'm not about to try out this new OS.
Ruffin Bailey
This is where I stopped reading. (Score:2)
Enuff said.
Re:This is where I stopped reading. (Score:2)
It's been mentioned above, but I'll say it again - root exploits and worms are NOT viruses, and anti-virus software won't protect against them on any platform.
Real Issue - 3rd party apps (Score:2, Insightful)
I would love to get rid of MS in my work environment, but the apps I need to use simply don't exist under any operating system other than Windows, and it's extremely unlikely that the 3rd party vendors will blow millions of dollars to make a Linux version to please the small (albeit growing) percentage of computer users that despise MS.
You could make a wonderful office suite, a billion times better than MS Office, but it doesn't matter, because the office suite software is a minor set of utilities in many, many workplaces.
Changes I would have made: (Score:2)
Instead of the apps he chose, here are my personal favorites:
Database: MySQL and Ksql for end-users, embedded perl for web-based company-wide databases.
PIM with Email: a web-based app tailored to the company's business processes for scheduling, and Pronto for mail.
Browser: Mozilla
Image Viewer: GQView
PDF Viewer: ghostview (gv) & Acrobat for stuff gv can't handle
Umm...what does a mp3 player have to do with business?
Redhat/Linux confusion again (Score:3, Insightful)
And here lies one of the biggest challenges in the Linux world. The Red Hat installation is outstanding - you basically push a button and 500 or so rpms are installed and configured correctly. But upgrading individual applications, especially for a large package like KDE, is far from pushing a button. Upgrades in Linux have a long way before they will be as easy as upgrading Windows applications.
This guy re-installed Redhat because he couldn't manage to install new KDE 2.2 packages. And he takes it out on "Linux," when he should of course take it out on Redhat. I know I updated KDE with a few commands involving urpmi on my Mandrake install, and it should be even simpler to do on Debian -- certainly much simpler than upgrading something equivalent on MS Windows.
The Point? (Score:2)
Fix Security (Score:2)
Linux Security is powerful, but is a morass of application and configuration issues.
Someone oughta make a GUI like gtp with tabs to logically split this stuff out and configure it, maybe even a tab for doing saint probes, nmaps, etc.
CVS ? (Score:3, Insightful)
When copying files under Linux, original timestamps are replaced with the current date. So the "date last modified" file attribute becomes "date last copied". This becomes a nightmare for anyone dealing with many files - how can you keep track of when a file was last modified. You can force the original timestamps using cp -p., but this means not using the GUI file manager. Very poor Linux design feature!
Please somebody buy this guy "CVS Pocket Reference" !!! :)
Good ideas. (Score:3, Insightful)
One thing the author pointed out repeatedly was the problems involved in installing and configuring XFree86. People have been saying this for a long time. I know that just about every time I have installed Linux, one of the first things I have to do is rerun xf86config and then manually edit the files to get things working right. If the Linux companies out there really want Linux to take over, the most important thing they could possibly do would be creating an entirely new configuration tool for X that is easy to use, configures scroll wheels, and has a better interface for less technical people.
Another sore point was StarOffice all being integrated together. I know that big changes are planned for OpenOffice 6, but we really need the Linux vendors to rally behind Koffice and Star/Openoffice for speed, ease of use, and file portability, as well as better Microsoft Office compatibility.
Of course, what I saw above all that really stood out was the fact that Linux is being compared to Windows, as if Windows needs to be as good or better than Windows at what Windows does. Linux will never be better at being Windows than Windows. Linux desktop developers need to stop cramming every little tool that might be able to fill a Windows-like function onto Linux desktops and start doing something special and innovative. Microsoft has spent years ripping off Apple's ideas, and all we get are good knockoffs of a knockoff - which is never going to put Linux up front where it needs to be.
# Let user know we've started
echo "Scanning system for viruses"
# Make him think we're actually doing something!
find / -type f >>
# Report the results
echo "No viruses found"
Okay, sure... good points but incomplete... (Score:2)
Not to mention, how easy is it to setup sendmail, an imap daeemon, an Ldap server? You need REAL TECHNICAL ABILITY. For an IT firm this is fine, but for the general business use it will not work. Most corporations will not be willing to spend hundreds of man hours setting something up and then now have a support contract to fall back on.
Now... what about domain logins? Sure, this can be done under Linux... but it's not a turnkey solution like under Windows 2000. In Windows 2000, start the configuration wizard, make the machine a domain controller and log the other machines onto it. Under linux... uhm kerberos? Sure, now figure out how to use kerberos... modify those config files! Or NIS? NIS+? Even worse... sure, possible, but not a turn key solution!
Now we go to Samba... why use samba? Because it's GREAT! But the original intent of Samba was to allow filesharing between Windows and UNIX (not just Linux). It's great for that and has expanded, but what about access controls? You can control access via samba using
Windows 2000 + Exchange = 8 hours w/ all M$ patches they have released WITH implementation!
Now we go to the firewall on the desktop. First, why would one want such a thing in a corporate environment. And even if we had one, anything under Windows is better than ipchains or iptables. Maybe ipchains and iptables is BETTER but it's also HARDER and more COMPLEX... this is a big difference. It requires a higher level of skill from the end user to configure their firewall for everyday use. Now, I do work in an IT environment and even though I work with some smart people, they still fudge up their ipchains rules at home and ask for help! What about the corporate end user? Yeah, I'd be getting calls all day AND night with a nice queue that grows exponentially.
What about version management? Sure, redhat has it.. but does it come w/ something like SMS where you can rollout patches and programs to every RedHat box on the network with a click of the mouse?
One thing Mr. Valliere didn't mention in all his pricing was the amount of time required to set all these systems up. The number of man hours MUST be included in the cost of setting this up. Even the most skilled IT person with years of Linux experience in all the products I mentioned would take a good 2 to 3 weeks to implement w/ all the hacking and testing. At the same time, admittingly having NEVER really worked with Exchange or Windows 2000 server, I could guarentee a Windows 2000 network with Exchange and Office on the same number of desktops in less than 1 week!
My point being, although I will be mod'd down for trolling, is that although M$ isn't the BEST solution for everyone, it's the BEST solution for most corporate environments because it's 1) easy to implement 2) is designed for the corporation )file sharing, task sharing, calender sharing, etc) and 3) they can get support contracts in case ANYTHING goes wrong!
Re:Okay, sure... good points but incomplete... (Score:2)
I use both Linux and Windows.
I've used both Linux and Windows for the same amount of time (6 years).
For the average user, Windows is far more suitable as a corporate client workstation.
Anyone who thinks otherwise is in their "Linux ivory tower".
Having said that, Linux makes a great firewall/router for me at home, as well as a nice transparent web proxy and a fairly nice remote X environment to play about with open source tools and utilities, some of which, end up on server end boxes at work.
Linux doesn't have viruses? (don't make me laugh - it has something far worse: hackers...)
Linux in the workplace: yes
Linux on the client: no
Linux on the server: yes
Windows in the workplace: yes
Windows on the client: yes
Windows on the server: yes
I saw a great article earlier stressing how:
Linux lacks the groupware application.
Linux NIS/NIS+ is difficult to manage.
Samba file permissions are impossible.
I'd like to see Linux improve, but I believe that concentrating on putting it on the desktop suitable for the average is a pipedream of many Linux zealots who just won't quit their "Ivory Towers".
Re:Okay, sure... good points but incomplete... (Score:2)
Oh, and btw, I've already been to Linux conventions screaming at them... wearing my FreeBSD hat and OpenBSD T-Shirt... and my M$ cock ring!
It's all about the money... (Score:3, Insightful)
Somebody was asking about the cost of training. In most businesses today there is no end-user training for office apps. So that issue is usually a washout regardless of other factors; the few places that do train will do so on whatever software is in use.
Somebody else said "Why use an open-source clone of a M$ application? Why not use the real thing?"
Here's why: Four years ago my employer was paying over $800,000 US per year for software licensing costs. Today, that figure is less than $50,000 yearly. Linux, samba, rsync, and OpenSSH are the reasons why.
What's being done with all the money available from the avoided costs? Well, some of it is in my wallet right now. The M$-addicted IT directors out there don't control your paycheck nearly as much as the penny-pinching Smiling Men. And the accountants like to see those recurring costs dropping.....
Another thing I'm doing with that money is killing off Solaris, NT, and SCO-unix (and of course that dreaded train-wreck of a unix, HP-UX). This results in easier maintenance, and thus more time to work on the holy grail of a totally free desktop. I honestly don't care if it's linux as long as it's open source and doesn't require constant re-purchase.
Fixating on the OS is the first mistake. (Score:2)
The trouble with attempting to clone the Windows environment is that we're getting 80% of the way there in almost all cases. Star Office is 80% of Microsoft Office. KDE is 80% of the Windows desktop. Mozilla is 80% of Internet Explorer. The total result is that Linux environments feel unfinished and shabby compared to Windows.
Cloning, by definition, is doomed to fail because it is a game of catch-up. A better approach is to think "What exactly do people _need_ to do?" as opposed to providing big and bloated toolsets which do all sorts of irrelevant things (for example, people don't want or need to be able to design a custom GUI for each application). As the risk of being considered a troll (and I guess light criticism is always considered trolling at Slashdot), I think that many people developing for Linux are not looking to "scratch as itch," as ESR likes to say. Rather they're gung-ho about putting Microsoft out of business by attempting to reproduce a popular Windows application.
please stop hitting the server... (Score:2)
Linux vs Windows on Desktop (Score:2)
Linux needs a considerable amount of computer skills to install configure and use. That is what makes it not friendly. But once you have those skills Linux runs as smooth as silk.
That is what makes it not suted for the desktop. A desktop should run smooth as silk with limited office skills. Not computer trainned computer experts but the high school or collage interns. The avrage low end office population.
So the best solution is Windows?
I think not..
As of late Microsoft has favored 'skilled end user' solutions to problems in Windows over real solutions. In part becouse some of those problems can not be fixed with out removing a significant feature.
The results are an office worker shutting things down for a few days.
The reality is you train your office workers. You have no choice. With this in mind the whole 'user friendly' advantage is a fantacy.
The defects in Windows really eats into productivity.
Finnally when you update the hardware get Mac hardware not more PCs. You don't have to train your users and they work hand in hand with Linux systems. Both are Unix like so you can run most of the same code on both platforms. Throw in BSDs and Solarus boxes and everything works perfictly. Just drop the right box on the appropreate desk. Not everyone need run the same system when they all work together.
Performance? (Score:2)
Dualboot (Score:2)
"Booting with Lilo
Linux provides a very good and easy to use booting facility using Lilo. On the dual OS desktop unit that had an existing Windows 2000 installation, the desktop boots to Linux and a menu appears: I can select Linux (now my default) or Windows."
From personal experience getting NT/2000 and Linux to dualboot properly for many years, I have to say this statement is a bit of a misnomer. RedHat 7.1 clearly doesn't create a dualboot properly with NT (Disk Druid barely recognizes that the drive is NTFS!) The author comes off as making it sound easy to dual boot between the two completely different OS's, whereas doing anything close with 2000/XP today is a bitch and a half.
My best experience is to simply make a boot floppy for Linux and load as necessary. No muss, no fuss. Until one of these distros properly configures lilo, anyhow.
Re:You know... (Score:2)
Do I really have to explain to you that the equivalent document from Red Hat would have no more validity?
Honestly, I'd rather be modding you down, but I don't have moderator access today...
Re:You know... (Score:2)
His video card isn't supported well and the drivers he can use don't support GL and he can't play Quake (big problem).
Before he installed some patches his machine crashed about 10x a day. After patches, at least 2x. He said at least w/Win98 all of his hardware worked and it only crashed every two days or so.
I have suggested he run Linux but he is of the "I know I could learn it, I just don't want to" crew. Which is fine.
What makes me think that Linux is supperior is that his card is supported, it won't crash every 2 days (probably not every 2 months) and it has been getting better overall.
I do NOT believe for a second that Linux is a desktop operating system nor do I think it will be anytime soon. What I do believe is that Win2k is mediocre and needs to have some serious work done to improve it.
If you don't like the news here there are plenty of other sites you are more than welcome to visit.
While I don't believe that they should be biased I have to live w/the fact that they are. If some site was pro-MS (which most are) I probably wouldn't frequent them as much (and I don't). Go where you are comfortable.
Re:You know... (Score:2)
Re:Show me... (Score:2, Insightful)
I'm sorry but a webserver mysql and php solution ins't a replacement and it is far superior because it isn't remotely near what MS Access offers.
Once there is a program that can integrate Apache, PHP and MySQL into a seamless package and provides an interface for building forms, queries and reports with a nice gui front end hiding all the administration work and user processes from the end user, then you can say you have something comparable to MS Access or even better..
Yup, i'll agree with you, this is just all for geeks right now..
Re:Show me... (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Show me... (Score:2)
Re:Disingenuous Comment (Score:2)
Obviously, you have never programmed with Visual Basic or Access. Otherwise you'd know that Access uses Visual Basic as it's programming language.
Delphi/Kylix are wonderful environments, not only due to their language, but also due to the included libraries, and the well-written visual IDE.
The strengths of Access (easy GUI design and report design) are the strengths of Delphi/Kylix. The weakness of Access (mediocre language, poorly written libraries) are gone in Delphi/Kylix.
To say Kylix is an Access replacement is truly misleading. Kylix is a version of Delphi for Linux.
You are correct, Kylix is not an Access replacement - it's a bridge out of the whole entire Microsoft lock-in. With Kylix and VNC, I can access a Kylix app with Mac OS 7 - X, Windows 3.1 , Windows 9x, Windows NT, Solaris, *BSD, BeOS, Epoc. Hell, even a $199 ThincNIC can use the app. When you access a Kylix app though VNC - your flaky Windows box can crash, you can reboot, and your application will be where you left it. Hell, you can shut down your Windows box, fire up *BSD and you application will be where you left it.
I've made a lot of money thought the years making Access applications for small companies - they been flaky, but usefull. I've been really enjoying the last 9 months - I can give my customers not only usefull solutions but high-quality solutions with Kylix.
Re:Disingenuous Comment (Score:2)
things to ponder:
VNC on Windows is cool - but VNC served from a computer with X-Windows is absolutly amazing. Microsoft is kina tight-lipped about the inerworking of Windows, and VNC sometimes has trouble detecting when the screen has changed, so it has to resort to polling the screen. This introduces a bit of lag in the equasion - with any X-Widnwos (Linux, *BSD, Solaris) VNC gets notified when thing change, and accessing an Xsession over VNC over a LAN is just like being there.
Re:Show me... (Score:2)
The backend library (libgda) provides a nice abstraction layer for accessing disparate data sources, including LDAP, ODBC, and specific database drivers (Postgresql, Interbase, MySQL, Oracle, Primebase, Sybase, etc).
One really nice benefit is embedding libsqllite so that it can write out flatfiles that don't require the user to have an SQL server running.
The gnome-db package provides generic widgets for database access, as well as a front end program for managing data sources, building forms and reports, etc.
And finally, it is being bonoboized, so it can be used as a component in other applications. One example would be the gda support in Gnumeric, which allows you to import data into your spreadsheets.
Re:Show me... (Score:2)
Any end user who 'can' write scripts would be fully comfortable writing them WITH WHATEVER LANGUAGE THEY CHOOSE, instead of being forced to use that "march through the recordset" crap that you have to do with MS-Access's Basic.
Re:Show me... (Score:2)
If the form is going to be used by more than 1 person, it needs to be designed by geeks anyway. And then, the person can usually do just fine with a spreadsheet anyway. I've seen users try to make their own database. Then they want the techy people to 'web-enable' it. They think they've done the hard part by making the database. What they have usually made is a maintenance nightmare.
AbiCrash has a long way to go (Score:2)
Re:no virus protection? (Score:2)
Try the venerable F-SECURE: workstation [f-secure.com] and firewall [f-secure.com] products.
Re:no virus protection? (Score:2)
Virus protection software only protects against viruses it knows about. Since I have yet to hear about any Linux viruses (root exploits, worms, etc. aren't viruses) I doubt the application would do anything.
If you like I can write you a Linux anti-virus that protects against all known Linux viruses. Yours for only $249.00 + shipping and handling :-).
Re:no virus protection? (Score:2)
Hmm. I stand corrected. On the other hand, these don't seem too dangerous and obviously never spread very far. Do you know of any recent ones?
I wonder how these viruses actually spread, given that Linux users don't often pass around binaries. I know some people who used to work for F-Secure, I might just bug them for some more info.
Re:no virus protection? (Score:2)
Not really true. Even if the total market share were only 1% that would still be quite a lot in absolute terms. Plus Linux users tend to converse with other Linux users, so a virus should have no trouble moving within the community if it had an effective means of speading.
Sounds more like a worm to me. In that case anti-virus software won't help much, but keeping up-to-date on your security patches will make a big difference. Of course, that's true of any operating system, but the original poster was critical of the idea that you don't need an anti-virus for Linux.
Re:no virus protection? (Score:2)
Yes, the same one I use for windows. Common Sense. Viruses spread because of end-user idiocy. It is an education issue, and nothing more. All anti-virus software I have ever seen causes as much harm as the viruses themselves, wasting resources, mucking with files as you open and save them, causing corruption, etc. No thanks.
Re:no virus protection? (Score:2)
However, Trend Micro does have FileScan available, I believe for free, on their FTP site (note, the link is missing on their site, and wrong on the amavis site).
You want "filescanlinux.tar". Works alright, although you may want to disable the webadmin page.
Re:no virus protection? (Score:2)
Re:Isn't it ironic.. (Score:2)
The problem isn't that Microsoft bundles software in itself.. it is that since Microsoft is a monopoly it can FORCE software on people who have to buy their operating system anyway, because they need to run generic desktop-software.
You can say that "IE is free, just use another browser", but I'll bet you that the reason Windows has increased in price for all the latest editions, is because you pay for the included software, that is, it is not free.
The whole point comes down to monopoly or not monopoly. If they are, then they have to be careful to not unfairly use their monopoly to leverage themselves into another market.
Your post contains the nr. 2 misunderstood MS-argument. The nr. 1 is that "should Ford not be allowed to bundle a car-stereo in their cars?", which is flawed because Ford is not a monopoly and is not in the position to force themselves into the gas-market by making sure that Fords only take their kind of gas.
The included software in Linux-distributions is almost always third party and/or open and free. Besides no Linux-distro could ever be a true monopoly. Since it is free software, there is no "hidden agenda" in bundling software, other than to provide value for the customer.
Your post shouldn't be modded down because it isn't anti-microsoft, it should be modded down because it has no value, and is a blatent troll.
Re:RAM used after boot-up!?!?!? (Score:3, Interesting)
We have programmers at my company with your opinion... and they write the slowest software in this office. 2 weeks ago our VP yelled at them because of complaints of speed. I sure hope you're not a software developer.
Re:RAM used after boot-up!?!?!? (Score:2)
Re:RAM used after boot-up!?!?!? (Score:2)
Re:Not a word (Score:2)
Not a word about employees who actually used the new software afterwords. What was the cost in lost productivity getting used to a new system suite? What about training costs?
Training cost is $0, you might loose a little productivity for a day or two while everyone adapts. Anyone who can use MS Office can use StarOffice. Anyone who is either too set in thier ways or is too stupid to make the jump, probably needs to be put on the list for the next round of layoffs anyway.
Re:The biggest problem with Linux... (Score:2)
Your're going to get flamed for saying that because you're wrong. Knowing how to use a poorly designed application is not the same as "computer literacy." You're one notch away from having everyone write their own applications in C++ because everyone else is a moron.
Re:The biggest problem with Linux... (Score:2)
Again, you are wrong. How do Windows Explorer or Microsoft Word cater to idiots as opposed to KDE or Star Office? They're both shooting for exactly the same markets. And if you want to be a Windows haxOr, then you can write Perl and Python scripts and be happy.
Re:Hmmm, this is voodoo accounting... (Score:2)
He doesn't really say how much he charged for the research, but it sounds like he might have eaten it as a "learning experience."
Re:Why is everyone so down on Linux? (Score:3, Interesting)
This is interesting. I've never seen a linux review (bias or not) get such a slamming from the community.
This is a current fad for "being cool". For years I have heard accusations that Linux/BSD/Unix/whatever users use and/or praise their systems and criticize Microsoft just because they want to look different from the rest of the world and oppose the popular opinion. Now finally so many people use Linux, it became "mainstream" in a simplistic view of modern uneducated person, so Microsoft praising turned from mindless exercise of repeating Microsoft propaganda or being a devil advocate into something that actually is different from enough people to look "cool".
Also this is a perfect way for a person too stupid to install an OS on his computer to feel good about himself -- praise the only thing you are capable of using, and you are suddently a great, smart rebellious person.
The fact is, Linux, XF86, GNOME, KDE, StarOffice and even Gimp already managed to fix all significant problems where they were noticeably worse than Windows software -- it's just the people who can't get their asses out of their chairs to install recent distributions feel more comfortable repeating ages-old complaints.
XFree86 installer, once in your life, asks you what is the goddamn mouse type you have, and may require you to download a driver? This is a problem? This is what can have even a minor influence on your decision, what OS you are going to use?
You need to download TrueType fonts to get scalable fonts support? This is a great problem? They are even on your favorite company's web site, for @%$# sake, and XF86 understands them perfectly.
You need an easy procedure to install and update things? How many times have you heard of Ximian? Have you ever tried to look at their installer tool, and how it internally handles dependencies, and works the same way on Debian (with debian packages), redhat/mandrake/... (with rpm) and even Solaris (with rpm because solaris packages suck, and even Sun knows it)? People went to a great length implementing all this, and it will be a great idea to get off their backs and let them spend their time doing something that actualy will be useful instead of trying to make installers more moron-friendly in a hope that one day morons that never even seen those things will stop complaining about them.
StarOffice doesn't support some shitty feature of Office files? Do you really need that at all? Did the lack of it ever stop someone from doing something useful? In my book, the only excuse for Office files existence is stupidity -- all useful information can be perfectly handled in text, HTML and, in a very, very extreme cases of printing books, in TeX. StarOffice allows to use files that MS Office users send to everyone, and as long as people can reasonably deal with that, it's fine. No one ever on this board complained about embedded objects in Office not being supported by the same Office on another box that doesn't have the same libraries, and I am certain, this happend way, way more often than StarOffice user receiving a MS Office file so mangled, StarOffice can't show it in a readable manner.
Oh, and, of course, Gimp. Gimp does not include colors handling for professional publishing support!!! You can't print magazines with it!!! Waa!!! Boo hoo!!! How many people actually can do professional publishing? What percentage of assholes that repeated all this colors-handling bullshit actually ever made a professional-quality page? In any software?
So, my point is, most of Unix/Linux software is actually fine for a real-world use, was fine for quite a while, and yes, reasonably educated person who cares about the results of his work, will get better ones with Linux than with any Microsoft OS.
If some software was only written for Windows, it may be the reason to use Windows instead, but it's dumb to blame Linux developers for it -- blame Windows software developers and their companies that continue writing windows-only stuff. Yes, I know that they see some dumbass "reasons" to make their software windows-only, but I am a user, therefore I can blame them, and I am a developer therefore I know how simple it is to port things if they are written in a half-decent way. Still, at this point most of software that actually is useful to do some work, exists for Unix/Linux/..., and it's usually only requires a quick look at Freshmeat and some minimal mental effort to find something that accomplishes some particular task in a manner, more easier and efficient than in Windows.
What we, Unix/BSD/Linux users, need most, is things we always were working on -- software that has nothing to do with Windows "equivalents", things that work in a way, completely unrelated to anything Redmond lamers are capable of thinking of. Desktops, installers, etc. are our defense from Microsoft that attacks our good software with their marketing, using their ridiculously high market share on the desktop, and if Microsoft didn't attack us we probably would just leave "office suites", GUI file managers and other similar stuff entirely to them. But since Microsoft is encroaching into our areas, we have to go to their ones, and so far we are doing fine. We may need more marketing to support this, but dumbass demands to make our "desktop" things more and more polished, way beyond "good enough" or even "reasonable for an educated user" levels, are absolutely unproductive.
Re:Why is everyone so down on Linux? (Score:2)
The most amusing aspect of this complaint is that the professionals already are using GIMP. The film industry has been using GIMP [gimp.org] for all manner of things. Studios who worked on X-Men and The Fast And The Furious have been using GIMP [pennnet.com].
Linux is attacking from multiple directions. It's infiltrating the CGI houses, although in hindsight this was obvious because of a similar interface to IRIX. It's starting to win friends in embedded markets including NAS equipment (I have seen more than 1 example of this, just in the past week). It's finding itself useful in scientific crunching where the OS is largely an irrelevant nuisance, and I've even helped setup some (minor) boxes in this area. And Linux has always been popular as a web/file/print server.
But "wah wah it doesn't have CMYK support" or "wah wah it doesn't support my WinModem" always seems to be used as "proof" that Linux won't succeed. The word on the street is that Linux has already succeeded.
Re:Why is everyone so down on Linux? (Score:2)