Quicktime In Linux 354
brianmed writes "Yes, it works. Codeweavers has just announced their crossover plug-in. It enables users to access popular Windows files and plug-ins in Linux. Right now it is geared towards Quicktime, Shockwave, and Word viewers. Quicktime trailers play just fine. I also have pine setup to launch the the MS Word viewer on command. It is a happy day." Alright, time to start testing. I've also been talking with Jeremy White of Codeweavers: he's got a request for help, as well as an interesting piece on business models -- the Crossover is not entirely GPL. See the above for more information.
Cool this rocks (Score:1)
oh yeah FP!
QT Good. ASF Support = Better. (Score:1)
FINALY QT in linux
Yeah, but let's face it, Quicktime is for the most part dead.
If Apple had been serious about it, there *would* have been at least precompiled Linux binaries for it; my only guess is that Microsoft's financial interest in Apple may have helped to prevent that from happening.
Of course, Windows Media Player's ASF support for Linux would be great, but I see no mention of it in the press release. Given that Microsoft went after Virtual Dub [virtualdub.org] for its support of ASF files (read the news archive):
"If I remember correctly, my reverse engineering of the ASF file format structure took place after the DMCA was enacted but before the anti-reverse-engineering clause took effect, and between the filing and issuing dates for the Microsoft patent. I will have to look up the exact dates, but ASF functionality existed in VirtualDub long before the infamous V1.3c release that will seemingly roam the Internet for eternity. This is, unfortunately, the same ASF parser that ended up in the Linux avifile library in modified form -- so anyone using that library needs to be careful. Frankly, I'm amazed my parser ever worked at all, given how nasty it was."[sigh]
Please join with me in wishing cancer on Mr. Gates.
Re:QT Good. ASF Support = Better. (Score:1)
Re:QT Good. ASF Support = Better. (Score:1)
Re:QT Good. ASF Support = Better. (Score:2)
Anyone working with digital video on either Mac or Windows is likely using Quicktime for some or all of the process. Is that what you would call "dead" ?
Re:QT Good. ASF Support = Better. (Score:2)
I work in Photoshop (.psd) files all the time. When done, I export them to either .tif or .jpeg. Since my final output is not .psd, does that make .psd 'dead'?
Of course not. There are many file formats that are useful even if they aren't the 'output' format, and Quicktime is one of them.
Re:QT Good. ASF Support = Better. (Score:2)
Re:QT Good. ASF Support = Better. (Score:2)
Speaking as someone whose mother died of cancer, please, everyone else, join me in beating this asshole to a pulp.
Get a freaking grip. It's just software.
Fabulous! (Score:2)
Of course, what I'd really like would be native Flash authoring...
Re:Fabulous! (Score:2)
Oh, I'd kill for a native Dreamweaver... Macromedia has not shown much interest in Linux, unfortunately. Anyone know of a petition for this?
Unlike some people, I have no problem using closed source software (I wouldn't know what to do with the source if I had it) - I'll just use whatever the best tool is, and Dreamweaver is IT.
Re:Fabulous! (Score:2)
Javascript lets developers do all kinds of things which are sometimes otherwise impossible. If the developer doesn't give you an alternative, blame them, not a quality tool.
If you don't like having popup windows, maybe you should look at switching to a browser or some other tool that lets you disable them?
Re:Fabulous! (Score:2)
Still waiting for Sorenson (Score:2)
That's what this *IS* (Score:5, Informative)
Cool (Score:2, Funny)
But its not free (as in beer) (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:But its not free (as in beer) (Score:1)
Re:But its not free (as in beer) (Score:1)
Re:But its not free (as in beer) (Score:2)
Time is money, saving time to view this natively saves money.
Re:But its not free (as in beer) (Score:2)
It's attitudes like that which will keep commercial developers away from Linux. I was thinking about buying the plugin, but this post made me go ahead and do it.
Support Linux where it counts -- with cash.
Re:But its not free (as in beer) (Score:5, Informative)
The plugin provides the means of runningn other plugins. With the crossover plugin, you can then run most non-ActiveX browser plugins.
This is not just a QT plugin. YOu can do many things, such as Shockwave, QT, and many other Windows-only browser plugins with this. In addition to these, you can also use the plugin for viewing various MS attachements, such as MSWord documents, and Excel spreadsheets.
What makes this useful, is that MS is trying to get rid of all non-activeX plugins in their newer browser. There are many die-hard Windows fans that are quite upset with this. This provides another opportunity for the disgruntled to see there are options. As for the price, come on. This is not twenty bucks to use QuickTime. This is twenty bucks to use a wide variety of plugins.
Given the lack of accurate information in the parent post, it is not an 'interesting' post anymore than other misinformation is interesting. It needs moderated back down.
Re:But its not free (as in beer) (Score:2)
Re:But its not free (as in beer) (Score:2)
Here's some food for thought. If this plugin is worth $20, then all the things you get in Windows are definately worth $100. Of course you may just not like Microsoft for one of many good reasons, and therefore are willing to pay elevated prices for all the little pieces that come with Windows. That's your choice. Or maybe you prefer to use all free software, that's also your choice.
Re:But its not free (as in beer) (Score:2)
Re:so what? (Score:2)
While I don't mind supporting developers whose work I would use, I'd rather just not watch Quicktime than pay $20 for the ability, especially as it's a rare activity.
Sure, I could pay for it even though I don't use it much, but at that point it does get expensive.
I realize authors need to eat (I write code for a living) but I don't see that their need to eat creates an obligation for me to support them.
The sad fact is that the bar is a lot higher in Linux, for useful shareware. In the windows world, I've seen shareware *ping* programs, (with a small GUI), in Linux cool programs like mtr and nmap are free, you've got to write something pretty cool to compete as freeware, let alone as shareware.
Is this good? (Score:1, Troll)
Exactly what are we (meaning the Linux community) doing when we reverse-engineer these kinds of procedures? I mean, we rant and rave and scream about how terrible proprietary formats are, about how they destroy innovation, about how they are held by Evil Corporations (tm)... And then we reverse-engineer the system calls until we have something that works for us.
Shouldn't we, as a community, be concentrating our efforts on ways to make the computer world a better and happier place, rather than trying to emulate the big companies that are constantly oppressing the minority Operating Systems (Linux, BSD, etc)? These corporations are doing nothing but destroying our rights, and we emulate them.
It's time for the free software "movement" to destroy these corporations and their powerful, vice-like grip on information (including Quicktime formats) and instead develop our own methods of showing video on operating systems that are not inferior *cough*Windows*cough*
Re:Is this good? (Score:1)
I'm all for superior, innovative formats, but I'd like to be able to view older, crappier *cough*Windows*cough* formats as well.
Re:Is this good? (Score:1)
If Linux didn't support these proprietary formats, I couldn't have migrated over to it. Changes have to be made gradually. Free software has a much greater chance of winning if it is able to play on the same field as the competition. If you force people to make either/or choices by not supporting recognized standards (even if proprietary), you will forever shut out the majority of users from ever even trying free software.
Re:Is this good? (Score:1)
First convince them to use Linux or whatever other os you want. THEN mop up the rest.
Re:Is this good? (Score:1)
Sure, this doesn't conform to some Stallmanist ideology, but people who adhere to ideology often totally lose sight of functionality. (eg. the whole GNU/Linux debate). Personally, I just want to watch the video files, and I don't care how this fits into some guy's utopian dreams.
I think that the fundamental error in Stallmanism is it's strict adherence to law. True Marxists will violate laws that get in the way of their revolution. I call for a Neo-Stallmanism in which if we can't get codec's, we break into coroporate offices and steal them (or hack them, whatever's easier).
Re:Is this good? (Score:2)
It's not Free (Score:1)
For every action, there is an equal and opposite.. (Score:1)
he he, so IE6 drops quicktime, and Linux picks it up. good deal. i must say i'm a little surprised that Apple is better about making a Linux friendly quicktime viewer, especially in light of what asses MS have been over the quicktime plug-in....
Re:For every action, there is an equal and opposit (Score:1)
Re:For every action, there is an equal and opposit (Score:2)
It's already done - just go to the Apple quicktime site, and it'll pop up an ActiveX install box.
Re:For every action, there is an equal and opposit (Score:5, Insightful)
Apple also needs for Quicktime to run on Windows, because that's what the content consumers use.
Apple does not care about Linux, because by comparison, very few of the content viewers use Linux.
Now, as much as you and I would love for there to be a Quicktime app/plugin for Linux, I don't see that support coming from Apple.
The only thing that will convince Apple to make Quicktime for Linux is a dramatic increase in the amount of desktop end-users running Linux. The best way you can make that happen is by increasing the usability and friendliness of Linux as a whole, by writing programs with clean GUIs and good documentation.
To put it in other terms, Apple does not care about a platform where you have to know to type "rpm -iv quicktime_plugin.i386.rpm" to install it. That needs to change first! 99% of the computing population can not, and will not understand the command line!
Re:For every action, there is an equal and opposit (Score:3, Interesting)
What are the "clear limitations" of X? We now have anti-aliased text, direct-rendered 3D hardware support, true-type font support, support for running on embedded devices (i.e. iPaq)... What else do you want?
Meanwhile, X has some *clear* advantages: much more seamless multi-display support, remote display capability, network font servers, easy extensibility...
Installation and icons are the responsibility of the distribution and the API. It's not about X, it's about Red Hat and GNOME, which could solve both problems. And color pointers have been done by several software packages, among them many of Loki's games. There are also X extensions around (or at least there used to be -- search freshmeat) for color and animated color root window pointers. Your speed claims are ridiculous. I personally watch full-screen DVD video all the time using vlc in X. It looks great to me, no frames are dropped, and my hardware is virtually identical to yours. Just search for 'vlc' at freshmeat. I also own and play Quake III all the time under X using my GF2 card, and it's within just a few frames of the Windows speeds I get, with some definite advantages -- like being able to run it in a window. If your 3D card isn't as fast, just maybe you should ask your video card manufacturer for some drivers! And don't make fun of my Nvidia card and their 'closed' drivers -- all of your Windows 3D drivers are closed.
Just because you don't know how to do it doesn't mean it isn't possible. And the things you're talking about would be just as difficult to get together if you had to do it by hand under Windows -- so blame the people who put it all on your CD-ROM (whoever made your distro) and not X, which is a great piece of software that is very stable, mature, and well-designed.
Re:For every action, there is an equal and opposit (Score:2)
X does not do color cursors. The call to set the cursor takes two bitmaps, giving you 3 colors at most (plus transparent). Most X servers use only 2 colors and make the third color be "xor" (perhaps this is required). Nobody has bothered to modify the call to take an X Pixmap, because they are all paranoid about back compatability.
Similarily, yea there is this marvelous XRender "extension" to do anti-aliased fonts, but use of it requires a huge library on the client end, completely defeating one of the main purposes of X! Why didn't they just replace the existing X font rendering? People always tell me "well, that's technically impossible, you don't know shit about X", but I know for a fact that the MicroSoft that we all love to deride successfully replaced *their* non-antialiased interface with an anti-aliased one and it didn't break any programs and all programs, including old ones, suddenly got anti-aliased text! I think it is pretty disgusting that the X designers cannot do this. Of course it is due to the absrudly complex internals of X and the horrid complex toolkits that are atop it that make them completely unwilling to change the slightest thing about how the calls work for fear they will break something.
And all that 3-D stuff is added on. I have to create different "contexts" for OpenGL than for X, I have to use totally different calls to set the color I want to draw in, and I can't share the fonts (especially I can't share the new XRender fonts). This is just stupid and has absolutely nothing to do with intelligent design. (Of course MicroSoft's 3D has the same problem so we aren't inferior to them there, but still...)
X11 has "clear limitations"? (Score:2, Informative)
In fact, X11 is still vastly superior to Win32 GDI (or whatever they're calling it today). I work from home two days a week, and I have DSL. I use Unix/X11 for everything - which means that I can do anything I need to using any program on any machine (whether it's at home or at the office) from either home or the office. Working from home is identical to working at the office - except for the noise, the constant interruptions, meetings, etc.
That one feature by itself is enough to blow all the Micros**t crap out of the water. (Leaving aside the fact that X11 can do anything that can be done on Windows. You might say that "Program X on Windows does foobar, show me an X11 program that does that" but you will miss the point. The lack of existence of that program is not due to any weakness of X11; it's simply because no one has written that program yet.)
You don't really think that a significant proportion of Linux/Unix users today compile things from source, do you? (A few do - gluttons for punishment like me... but I like having the source so if some bug really starts to annoy me, I can jump in and fix it.) Everyone else I know runs some sort of desktop; on Linux, K or Gnome. On both those systems, when you want to install something, you click on it, a window pops up that you type the root password into, and voila! it sets everything up, including billions of annoying icons everywhere, just like you want.(If you really mean to argue for the Windows Way of "everyone is logged in as Administrator all the time" - well, I wish I hadn't typed all this stuff in, because there's no hope.)
Don't get me wrong: if Program X that you need is only available on Operating System Y, of course your machine should be running Y. We use programs, not operating systems. (Again, except for the aforementioned gluttons for punishment like me - I've been writing code on Unix for 20 years and I just can't use any other OS. And I do watch video on Linux - you just need a video card that XFree86 supports well. And yes, it's not likely that Mom will be able to figure all this out.)
But don't make airy claims about "X having clear limitations".
Re:For every action, there is an equal and opposit (Score:2)
They also don't come with every distribution of Linux (no standard). Mom's PC at home may or may not work the same as the one she has at work.
These are usability problems that need to be addressed. The point is that GnoRPM and Red Carpet are GREAT - if you already know how to use RPM! But neither is as easy as "click setup.exe and look for your new program in the start menu".
Please note, I'm not saying to dumb it down for everyone - but there does need to be some standard for installing and updating programs. The Red Hat network is a good start (still too hard for a newbie, in my opinion) that is moving in the right direction.
You want nice stuff like the Quicktime plugin ported to Linux? You want Flash or Dreamweaver for development? You want the latest games? Then you're going to have to give a little on usability - these companies aren't going to be interested in selling those titles to 1% of the computer market.
You may hate "Joe Sixpack" and think he's an idiot, but the fact is, the market FOLLOWS Joe Sixpack. So if you want more stuff for Linux, figure out how to make it easy enough for Joe Sixpack to understand!
Re:For every action, there is an equal and opposit (Score:2)
What the f**k is this? Since when is "install" user friendly? People have been so biased by Windoze crap that they call crap that is only slightly better than Linux "user freindly".
In reality the average user has no idea that you "install" anything.
How about this for user freindly:
The user clicks on the program and it RUNS!!! It does not "install" or any such crap. It RUNS, like programs did THIRTY F**KING YEARS AGO!
Then the user can try out the program. If they don't like it, they quit, and they throw the icon they clicked on in the trash, and it is GONE with no cleanup necessary!
Yea, of course "installation" is necessary. How about if the programs, if they need installation, would pop up a warning "Until you decide to install me, I can't do this wizzy network thing, so I will show you a simulation of what I do". The user can still experiement with it.
When the user quits the program it pops up a box that says "Would you like to make this program available to all users of your system?" (or if it needs root stuff to function, "Would you like to make this program able to do it's stuff for all users". It would then pop up a box that says "Please type the root password for your machine" (possibly with a button that says "this is what I am going to do" that shows advanced users the exact script it is going to run as root). The user does this and the program is then "installed", and the icon they clicked is removed (because a new icon appears on the startup menu or whatever).
When the user tires of a program they installed, they can pick "uninstall" from the program. It says "please type the root password" (and the "this is what I'm going to do" button) and then the program is removed and it exits. It may also offer "Do you want to save me so I can be used again" and if you say yes it asks for a location and an icon identical to the original one is created there.
I'm really don't understand, though, where people who otherwise appear intelligent, will go and say "Linux needs easier installation". What we need is *NO* "installation".
Re:For every action, there is an equal and opposit (Score:2)
What has to happen is that the different layers of user experience have to be separated more clearly. Any user should still be able to configure procmail, compile his own kernel or set up a firewall or router, if he so desires, but if he doesn't, he must be able to use Linux day-to-day without ever having to deal with the "uglier" parts of the OS. This is gradually happening, but it is a process which is not yet complete (mostly because of Microsoft's monopoly stretches out to so many areas).
Re:For every action, there is an equal and opposit (Score:1)
If there isn't one already, there will soon be a QuickTime active x component for ie6. And the quicktime-for-linux bit isn't by apple, its by the people at codeweavers. It allows the apple quicktime plugin for windows to work in linux. There is no apple support for quicktime on linux.
Re:MS didn't drop QT, they dropped a legacy plugin (Score:2)
Netscape's plugin format is good, because it simplifies cross-platform and cross-browser porting. Why spend more to make an activeX and a Netscape plugin, when you can make one that works for everyone?
Second, MS just dropped it unexpectedly. No reason, other than to play hardball and FORCE ActiveX development. Now, if they made an announcement that the next release won't have Netscape plugin support, then there'd be a lot less ill sentiment.
Standards (Score:2)
You're saying ActiveX controls are standards compliant?
At least the non-standards compliant EMBED tag was supported by a wider range of browsers and wasn't platform-specific.
A Jump to the Left (Score:2)
Where Quicktime runs has nothing to do with it. The point is that an activex control is NOT anywhere near to standards complient (strike your "oh woe for the unfair bashing of microsoft" troll). Netscapes' interface has become a defacto standard in so far as many browsers (including IE) support it and it doesn't require a platform specific architecture to implement.
Tapping out the same old tune... (Score:2)
That's the problem right there - just how is ActiveX ANY kind of standard (defacto or not)? The closest thing to a standard ActiveX manages is Microsoft's standard. Nobody else's. Of course - the img tag IS a standard. Whether Mosaic has implemented it is not the issue.
But for all your posturing, you've stumbled on one valid point. When do we not get upset about non-standard extensions? It doesn't happen. Netscape pushed forward the development of HTML standards by creating their own extensions while pushing standards bodies to adopt them (or adopting extensions before they became standards - can't remember the exact timing off-hand). Netscape had its detractors (for valid reasons, IMHO, although I'm not critical). The difference is - these non-standard extensions were easy to adopt, were not platform specific, and were presented by Netscape to become standards to the appropriate bodies.
ActiveX follows none of this.
Once again - Microsoft is NOT following a standard. They are NOT being criticised for following a standard. They are being criticised for forcing development towards a solution that exists nowhere else but on their own platform.
Conflict of interest stupidity (Score:2)
This rant is not intended to be polite political correct critisism. If you are offended by it, then good. If you're offended by it, then I'm probably offended by you.
This is one of the stupidest things I've seen on slashdot for a while, and it has some good competition. It's so horrible that Mr Gates invests money in boitech companies. The article says he's actually interested in seeing that the drugs work, and that they do what they are designed to do. He donates millions of dollars to vaccinate children in third world countries. There is no possible way he is actually making a profit from that just because he owns significant amounts of stock in biotech companies. However, there is a chance that it shows he really does care, and he's investing in helping create new medicines to make people's life's better.
Bill gates owns stock in a lot of companies. Someone always seems to want to whine that anything he does to help people is in some way a conflict of interest. He donates a significan portion of his income to charities to help people, especially those in dire need. He does a lot of good through those charities, and complaining about him donating money to vaccinate children so they don't die at a very young age, is beyond stupid. It's childish, craven, and pathetic. People's lives are at stake and you want to complain that possibly one or two percent of the money he donates may somehow find it's way back to him through profits of a company he owns stock in. You truely disgust me.
Somebody should tell these guys... (Score:1)
Re:Somebody should tell these guys... (Score:1)
Pay for watching Quicktime? (Score:1)
Closed video codecs = waste of time.
Funny thing is if Quicktime was open it probably would've been the standard by now(can you say pdf, mp3).
Too bad there isn't a video version of Ogg.
Re:Pay for watching Quicktime? (Score:2)
2) Quicktime is open. That's why xanim works. What isn't open is some of the codecs (like Sorenson).
Re:Pay for watching Quicktime? (Score:2)
Re:Pay for watching Quicktime? (Score:2)
(in fact, we have significantly aided the development of the ReAktivate project, which has the potential to make our product obsolete)
At least they give the impression that they're honest guys. I mean, they're asking us to buy their product and they can't help but mention its about to get made obsolete by a free alternative program.
Re:Pay for watching Quicktime? (Score:2)
Is this a good idea (Score:4, Interesting)
No flames / "Trolls!" / etc. This is a SERIOUS question from a professional (I get paid to do it!) Windows developer.
Re:Is this a good idea (Score:2, Interesting)
Bad idea, and it might not help much.
Good question though.
Re:Is this a good idea (Score:2)
OS/2's claim to fame was that they could run windows apps faster than windows...
All the apps developers look at that and say "hey, if I develop native OS/2, only OS/2 users can buy my app... but if I develop for windows, everyone can buy it"
So everyone made windows apps... and the people buying the OS looked around and saw a billion windows apps and very few OS/2 apps and said "all these apps are 'for windows' so I might as well run windows just to be sure"
It's always a problem with emulation... unless you can do it much cheaper, people will go with the original.
Re:Is this a good idea (Score:2)
I don't get it (Score:1)
Re:I don't get it (Score:2)
At one point, the best way to get a great X server was to buy one. Always struck me as somewhat stupid to have to buy one when I'd be paying more money for the server than I did for the card (I once priced an X server, don't remember if it was Metro, Xi, or what) and it would have run me $150. The card in question was $50. Part of the price of that card was to help pay for the development of Windows drivers, of course.
So get off your ass if you don't like it and start a Free project. This is based on WINE, after all.
I Might be Wrong,,, (Score:2)
Its a shame that apple's "open source commitment" doesn't reach to the QuickTime team, or this would have happened a long time ago...
I think you're wrong (Score:1)
Unfortunately it's not free (it costs $20) and it doesn't include the Sorenson codec which means that it won't play most Quicktime clips.
Waffle much? (Score:1)
At least stick to your guns. If you dislike these formats because they are proprietary, it shouldn't matter if they are available for whatever platform you use, because you don't want it.
If you disliked these simply because they weren't penguin-friendly, then admit that, too...
Re:Waffle much? (Score:2)
Re:Waffle much? (Score:2)
This is the fallacy of the 'other' -- assuming that all members of communities other than your own are similar to one another.
Have you considered that there may be many 'species' of penguins? Among them, for example, may be both those that hate proprietary standards and those (a separate 'species') that simply don't like anything which doesn't support Linux. And there are more types of penguins, too. For example, those (myself included) which couldn't give less of a rat's ass about Quicktime one way or the other. And how about those 'VM Penguins' who have QuickTime running under NT in one window and Linux running under NT in another window?
It takes all kinds. There's nothing wrong with allowing the 'Yay, Quicktime for Linux!' penguins to have a moment in the sun. Please don't assume, however, that all penguins are the same. Linux users are no more homogenous than Windows users, motorcyclists or ethnic minorities.
What CrossOver is, and what it isn't (Score:5, Informative)
Since it's a Netscape plugin, it will work with varying degrees of success with other browsers, like moz and konq. Remember, the Netscape plugin format is the one IE is abandoning, so there might not even be any plugins to use with CrossOver after a couple of years.
That said, it's pretty damn neat. And I can see why they're charging for it - it's kind of a way to get *any* windows plugin to work as native plugins would under Linux. Of course the functionality isn't perfect, but I can definitely see business customers being interested if they have a need for things like that. Could be the essential migration tool for some shop...
Re:What CrossOver is, and what it isn't (Score:2)
Good and Bad (Score:2)
If the US government spent as much money in grants to write free software as they do fighting M$ the computer world would be a much happier place.
Whew. (Score:1)
This isn't the first... (Score:2, Redundant)
Note that the avifile project has links to many other players...
XAnim is (AFAIK) the oldest player. It supports some AVIs but (IIRC) not ASFs...
Most of the ASF et. al. support comes from using the Windows binary codecs...
Re:This isn't the first... (Score:1)
Re:This IS the first... (Score:2)
They can. Read the article.
Most of the ASF et. al. support comes from using the Windows binary codecs...
Until FFMPEG [sourceforge.net] came along, or more importantly, Xine 0.51 [sourceforge.net], which plays MSMPEG and DivX encoded AVIs just fine, natively. Not sure about ASFs - should be pretty triviual to do, but I haven't texted it yet.
Oh, and if you want Xine with the ability to play the DVD movies you paid for, you should get the packages from here [freshrpms.net].
jobs killed quicktime for linux (Score:4, Flamebait)
Seems that quicktime is the feature that keeps Macs on the forefront of digital video production. To port it to linux would eat into Apple's niche market position.
Re:jobs killed quicktime for linux (Score:2, Insightful)
If your friend has any direct line to Jobs at all, I wish he could get one simple message through.
The enemy of your enemy is a BIG friend.
QT + Linux would deal a major blow to Windows Media Format.
When is Apple going to stop trying to out-microsoft Microsoft?
Learning from the Master (Score:2)
Eh? I was always under the impression MS got its Industry Hardball Bag-o-Tricks Start Kit from IBM.
And then they began refining the art...
Re:Learning from the Master (Score:2)
You're both right. MS picks up its hardball tactics from every other company that has ever successfully used them.
MS is also actively inventing new hardball tactics--why do you think their R&D budget is so big?
Re:jobs killed quicktime for linux (Score:3, Informative)
Seems that quicktime is the feature that keeps Macs on the forefront of digital video production. To port it to linux would eat into Apple's niche market position.
Uhhh....does _anyone_ do professional digital video production on a linux box? (Hint: no.) Hell, QuickTime is out for Windows, yet Windows is not a very good platform for doing video. The vast majority of digital video is done on Avid machines or Macs running Final Cut. Doing professoinal digital video requires software and machines that meet very srtict specifications.
True, Apple does keep some of its digital video software for the mac only. Howeer, Macromedia worked on Final Cut Pro for more than a year before selling it to Apple. Macromedia just couldn't get it to work on both platforms, so apple bought it and eliminated the windows side.
Linux is very good at some things. However, it has a loooong way to go before it can chip away at Apple's client base.
Linux and the Film Industry (Score:2)
Your point may be valid - I'm not aware of any professional studios using Linux for video editing. But I think you might be dismissing a trend. Linux is making headway in the film industry.
Two examples are Pixar [zdnet.com](noteably Shrek) and Square [zdnet.com](Final Fantasy). Linux has been doing some heavy lifting in render farms for a while now. But note that its also showing up as workstations. Existing product lines and tools are being ported to Linux, and some production houses are generating their own internal tools.
This might not be a solid example of Linux in video editing today - but it does show Linux could compete with Apple for the same niche markets in the future.
Linux Invades Niches (Score:2)
Fair enough. There is quite a leap from one application to another. And Linux has yet to make that jump.
But the point I'm trying to make is - why discount Linux as unable to MAKE that jump? Linux made inroads in professional movie production handling server farm hardware. Now its showing up running workstation hardware (and not just for 3D rendering - I can't find the article, but I remember reading a studio had developed inhouse applications for storyboarding and inking animation frames). Movie studio professionals are being exposed to, and becoming comfortable, with Linux. Why wouldn't these same professionals start looking at Linux as a solution for video editing?
If I had aimed my hopes on a niche market, and watched other's niche markets slowly invaded by Linux (ie: SGI), I might be a bit wary of it myself. Especially if neither my software NOR hardware really was included as Linux's selling point.
In short - I could understand Apple being wary of Linux... if, in fact, that's what is actually happening.
Re:jobs killed quicktime for linux (Score:2)
I'll admit that there are a lot of people using Mac based systems, especially with Media 100 and uncompressed video, but there are probably more people (especially at the "wedding/event videographer" DV level) using PCs today, because the PC solution is cheaper.
Check out DV 411 [dv411.com] for examples of DV level NLE systems.
Re:jobs killed quicktime for linux (Score:3, Interesting)
Apple is not bad at open source. Darwin runs pretty well, and they're financially motivated to do so, unlike some other companies.
The quicktime streaming server is not just "open source then do nothing", it's ported to NT, linux, Solaris, etc.
Apple is now tied closer to BSD. They hired Jordan Hubbard, and used to have Wilfredo Sanchez. Both are really good at tieing *Nix stuff to OS X. Try using Perl or PHP on it. It kicks.
Re:jobs killed quicktime for linux (Score:3, Interesting)
They provide Quicktime viewers for Windows and MacOS. They make the Sorensen codec the default for creating video content.
Adobe provides PDF viewers for ALL operating systems, and has made their document format, PDF, into an OPEN standard. Even if they didn't provide a viewer, I could write my own.
Apple, OTOH, uses patents to block me from viewing copyright content I own under linux.
God, I'm sick of whiny people expecting stuff to be open sourced. Apple says sorenson won't allow a linux version, not them.
Stop lying. Apple has exclusive licensing rights. They can do whatever the heck they want with Sorensen.
Re:jobs killed quicktime for linux (Score:2)
They not only have not provided the CODEC, they have also not allowed its algorithm to be coded. It is a big difference. They are blocking me from viewing copyrighted content I own on the operating system I prefer using software patents.
Re:jobs killed quicktime for linux (Score:2)
How exactly am I supposed to do this ?
Opening it requires use of the patent, and software that doesn't exist except under MacOS and Windows - operating systems I do not use.
It doesn't exactly help for streaming software either.
Free Unices have exactly NO viable QT viewers that can use the Sorenson codec, which is used by almost everything. The patent doesn't expire for another decade plus. Users of these operating systems are blocked from viewing free (as in beer) copyrighted content on the web.
Apple could solve this merely by making an agreement with the writer of xanim, who has a QT viewer that supports other patented codecs by Intel and Radius Cinepak. So far they will not. Steve Jobs would rather those users not be able to see content, or be forced to buy Windows or MacOS to be able to use free players.
Re:jobs killed quicktime for linux (Score:2)
Apple says Sorenson won't allow a Linux version, not them.
Bzzt! Thank you for playing.
I actually wrote Sorensen (I think it's "-en," not "-on," isn't it?) about this a couple years ago, when BeOS R4.5 came out and its Media Kit was (mostly) functional--in theory, it could have played and written Sorensen QuickTimes if only Sorensen made a codec for BeOS. Sorensen's response was quick and polite: "we've licensed the codec exclusively to Apple, so it's up to Apple to port their QuickTime player to other platforms."
And of course, that was sure likely. At least judging by actions, Gassee and Jobs have been in a pissing contest for years. Linux doesn't have Jobs' personal animosity directed at it, but--again judging by actions--it doesn't quite penetrate Steve's personal reality distortion field. (Apple's support of MkLinux predates Jobs, and I suspect there are reasons what support they give to the open source world these days is BSD-centric.)
Congrats (Score:1)
What I would suggest is that people look past what some consider to be the "limited" aspect of what has been completed, and imagine what can be accomplished with what they have learned.
Yep, I'll buy a copy. It won't be the first "non-open" software I've run on my linux box, and if they continue on the path they've chosen, hell, I'd like to help them!
SWEET (Score:3, Interesting)
I have no problem at all paying for software like this. Especially since they have priced it quite reasonably.
Now, let's hope it actually _works_ and isn't just marketing hype surrounding a shoddy product.
And this is a good thing? (Score:2)
QT files (like the Mario 128 demo I downloaded from IGN) on my HDD constantly lagged and skipped on my old 233 MMX machine with 128 MB of RAM and a Diamond Stealth III (while RealMedia and mpeg files did fine). I assumed that Apple's QT player was bloatware and required something a bit more robust to play well. However, if I'm still having the same lagging/skipping problems with a Pentium 4 1.3 GHz, 256 MB of RAM, and a GeForce board, will I ever have good enough hardware? I know the Pentium 4 isn't the best-designed chip under the sun, but this is ridiculous! Especially when other video formats work just fine on comparativley ancient hardware.
And of course this problem is only worsened by sites like IGN that offer media excluslively as QT files. (And then IGN expects me to pay money for their premium content?)
Go ahead, mod me down as flamebait, but I don't even want QT software touching my Windows installs. Why would I want it running under Linux?
Re:And this is a good thing? (Score:4, Interesting)
Just after MS ripped off key Quicktime code from a 3rd party consultant (litigated, settled), it emerged that Quicktime for Windows was facing unusual, suspicious performance and compatibility problems sourced in the Windows OS itself. I believe that MS's shenanigans with QT were brought up again during the MS monopoly trial.
Apple conscientiously produces good software, so its problems on Windows weren't due necessarily from bad coding. The whole situation brings to mind how MS used incompatibilities to crush DR-DOS (and IBM to crush a chip maker before that). Of course, shortly after all this, the windows Mediaplayer made its debut.
So, going by this particular conspiracy theory, you bought into MS's crap hook, line, and sinker. Remember, Apple owns a massive chunk of hollywood because of the quality of its tools. On the one hand, MS has a good reason for helping you overlook this core fact.
On the other hand, Apple has to work overtime to produce cool new products because so many people hate the very idea of Apple's existence: they won't release substandard software if they can help it.
Just purchased it - first thoughts (Score:2, Informative)
Installer: Very cool - makes it way easier to get the plugins.
Quicktime: Quicktime installed fine, but the opening video I played had no sound.
following attempts with opening a
Mozilla: Tried to launch Xanim
Gnome (nautilus): launches to Xanim
Shockwave: Shockwave installer had to be downloaded, but it's install went fine
Netscape: every file I have tried to use has worked to at least some degree. some things the sound only produces a crackle - but this could be my audio driver I suppose
Mozilla: only aboul a 1/4 of th eflash files Ihave tried have worked. Some sites cannot detect tha mozilla has the plugin installed.
Word: Word viewer installed fine, though it didthrow an error, saying the plugin wasn't detected.
Netscape: Files loaded fine (Note, if file has a space in it's name, you need to escape it, or it will take you to netscape's search site) Note: the file was not viewed in line
Mozilla: Didn't pick up the mime type, and so just displayed a normal dialog for running a file it does not recognize
Gnome: Files launched to the word viewer fine
Excel: Excel viewer installed fine, though it didthrow an error, saying the plugin wasn't detected.
Netscape: Files loaded fine (Note, if file has a space in it's name, you need to escape it, or it will take you to netscape's search site) Note: the file was not viewed in line
Mozilla: Didn't pick up the mime type, and so just displayed a normal dialog for running a file it does not recognize
Gnome: Files launched to the excel viewer fine
Note, the Excel & Word viewers did not show up in mozilla when one does an About:Plugin
Final judgement: This works pretty well in Netscape, but needs alot of work for Mozilla. this is to be expected from the release notes. For me, the word and excel viewers are well worth the $20 - and the rest is fun to play with
Devon Jones
I love the license text (Score:4, Funny)
...License text... seems fair...
Just thought I'd share that...
EULA with a sense of humor (Score:2)
And then a friendly notice:
Plugger (Score:3, Informative)
Try this:
Multimedia plugin for Linux which can handle Quicktime, MPEG, MP2, AVI, SGI-movie, Tiff, DL, IFF-anim, MIDI, Soundtracker, AU, WAV and Commodore 64 audio files.
I'm using it in Mozilla 0.9.3 and it works quite well. That, and the flash plugin that is available here:
I'm all set with Mozilla under Linux: Java plugin, Flash plugin, Quicktime, etc...
Paging Mr. Stallman, paging Stallman... (Score:2)
"Quicktime is not, repeat, not now called GNU/Quicktime. And related services are not called GNU/MS-Word, or GNU/Netscape. Thank you.
closed installation program (Score:2, Insightful)
If it's of no value the why not open it? I mean it seems rather daft to limit your costumer base to those who are willing to run closed code in super user mode. What does it do? It could install spyware or give my browser the yellow links for all I know.
I care a lot less about the program that runs in normal user mode.
this compounds problems of proprietary formats (Score:2, Insightful)
Using the kinds of workarounds CodeWeavers is making available only perpetuates such formats. You should instead ask web sites and content providers to use open, documented formats. Even if the open formats are encumbered by patents (like MPEG), that is still a better deal than using something proprietary; patents eventually expire, but undocumented proprietary formats never become open, they become obsolete and forgotten.
Besides, don't fool yourself for a moment: Microsoft and Apple will only allow this sort of thing to go on if they see it as being either useless or in their advantage. Otherwise, they have plenty of legal and technical means for stopping it.
Re:So let me get this straight, Apple... (Score:1)
Re:Some helpful information before downloading! (Score:2, Informative)
The file stuff is a problem. We're using
the Yahoo store front, so we have a remarkably
limited amount of control over both the
file and the amount of information we can
add to the actual order pages. We're
working on it.
I've asked our sysadmin to post the EULA
to our pages; we very much intend for
our customers to know exactly what
they're getting before they buy.
Thanks for the input,
Jeremy White
Re:forget about downloading it (Score:2)
We do have issues with Yahoo not providing file sizes to browsers. We're working with Yahoo to resolve these issues; we are also hoping that Yahoo can help to explain why this customer had such a severe problem.
We are responding to issues as quickly as we can; please bear in mind that our store has been operational for all of 36 hours.
We have been trying to work with customers that have problems, and we have had good success in resolving problems (you can review the support emails yourself if you like). Praedor was understandably upset and was not willing to allow us the time to correct the problem.
However, please note that my guarantee is firm: if you're not satisfied, we refund your money, no questions asked - which is what we have done here.
Jeremy White