Mandrakesoft To IPO 58
Cpyder writes "LinuxFrench reports that Mandrakesoft (home of Mandrake Linux) are going public. Good luck to them!" The article is in French - use the fish for an...interesting...translation. Or try out GPLTrans.
Frogies (Score:1)
Ever since I arived to paris, I had this love-hate relationship: On one hand, I can't stand French bourocracy, baricades in front of metro, and constant strikes, but on the other hand Frenchs really know how to do some things:
Not aspect never the change of the things. (Score:1)
All phrase with Babelfish would have to be necessary time to make to work one some times before making a starter shaft of Slashdot. Perhaps the trolls it begins still to be amusing.
Re:Die Harder (Score:1)
On the flipside however, Large Companies are (unlike some of the users in the VA thread) NOT in the business of building their own computers, and grabbing any ol' distribution. They buy Servers from well established companies with support contracts. So they go something like the Dell 2450 route, with RedHat installed, and everything supported.
Comments that state that RedHat would only have the server market... hello, why would they want to bother with anything else? Why fistfight with like 50+ distro's for pennies, when you can sell $25k+ server support contracts to large companies.
This is NOT to say one is better than the other, it's just to point out that RedHat is in a better position both Market and Financial. Mandrake as a company has hinted at financial trouble in the past, and needs to generate more funding. Hence, IPO. Is this a good way? I don't think so, but with the Market the way it is, and VC's holding onto their dollars so tight that the Washington Screeches, it may be Mandrake's only path to more funding.
And for the "flame" record: I have both Mandrake and RedHat installed (but I use Sol2.7 most of the time;)
Re:Mandrake is a company that understands desktop (Score:1)
This is by no means a Troll, I have been using Mandrake since 6.x and continuously find myself switching back to Red Hat. Mandrake is bleeding edge and all, but it has a real QA issues that absolutely suck. I couldn't believe 8.0 was released, especially with all the problems that plagued the beta. Stuff just stops working in Mandrake, in both KDE and GNOME, and it was beginning to drive me insane. The RH stuff is older, but it works better. While Mandrake does have some things that make it a better 'desktop experience', there is nothing I can do in Mandrake that I can't do in RH. Mdk just makes it easier, and that's fine because that's their market anyway.
Now, DrakFont is definately awesome, and I applaud them for continuing to push the envelope. MandrakeFreq is an excellent idea, as well as cooker, but I will continue to use RH until I actually find a stable version of Mandrake.
Regardless, the developers are kick ass guys and have done tons for the community and have kept their stuff GPL, so regardless of what you think of their distro, they definately get a Good Luck(tm) from me
too bad a good DE doesn't matter (Score:1)
The thing is.... it's still meaningless because the whole package isn't there yet. You've got to have applications... ie, MS Office.... and all those other wonderful little programs we all use at work. Despite linux being a better OS... and Mandrake having a great gui.... you can't get people to abandon all of their applications.
Gee, I dont know. (Score:1)
Re:Different Markets (Score:1)
the kids.. (Score:1)
Re:Important Linux News (Score:1)
Why is there no "-1, Ripoff?"
Re:yawn (Score:1)
What the hell are you talking about mr troll... Cooker uses RPM, just like the rest of the distro. And urpmi is getting to be quite similar to apt-get, the only difference being that debian still has a better system of servers and package archives.
"I'll take the red pill, no, blue. AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH........"
Re:My Personal Experience... (Score:1)
Re:Die Harder (Score:1)
Maybe because Mandrake is the most user-friendly distro made. I started out with Slakware around 2.0.36, went to RedHat 6.0 when that machine died, and now I'm a Mandrake devotee, especially since 8.0. Everything comes set up beautifully...reiserfs, xfree4, kde2, cups, etc etc, and mandrake cooker stays on top of new releases (the main reason I killed progeny after a coupla hours). I could opt to run slak and spend all my time setting things up, installing software, etc...but honestly I don't have that kind of time anymore.
I don't know, I think Mandrake has a decent chance, seeing as how they arguably have the nicest install and the most pleasant end-user experience of any linux distro. If I weren't flat broke I'd be in on it too:)
Re:Gee, I dont know. (Score:1)
Re:next week: (Score:1)
no filing (Score:1)
regardless, i wish them luck
Re:yawn (Score:1)
FTP? Who FTP's their software? apt-get install
Mandrake (which I haven't used since 7.1) is looking to be a really good distro--supports DrakFont, has a nifty installer, and Cooker is using .deb instead of EvilRPM.
BTW, don't use the ximian packages ... took me a month to get those horridly broken software-versionximian.deb pacakages off this machine.
Euro centric this time? (Score:1)
My Personal Experience... (Score:1)
Re:my new computer website (Score:1)
Re:next week: (Score:1)
yawn (Score:1)
I will stick with a more financially stable distro like redhat or suse or go with debian. Debian will never go under because they are non corporate. If I had a permantly fast connection where I can auto-update I would pick debian.
Unfornately I am stuck with redhat and all the latest versions of gnome and kde only have have rpm's for the latest or last 2 versions of mandrake or redhat or suse. If your behind you need to buy again and again. Kind of like a subscription. Hmmmm
best wishes (Score:1)
As such, best of luck to them. It can only increase the usability of Linux.
c'est anglais, tu stupide americaine (Score:1)
Re:no filing (Score:1)
Re:Die Harder (Score:1)
Re:Mandrake IPO (Score:1)
The full details about IPO... (Score:1)
Here is the summary (Slashdot "lameness" filters didn't allow me to post the entire text!):
1. Why are we conducting an IPO?
2. What market did we choose to enter?
3. When will the IPO happen?
4. What will be the amount raised and the valuation?
5. How will the stock offering be distributed?
Re:Know any rich folks??? (Score:1)
next week: (Score:1)
Blood, guts, guns, cuts;
Knives, lives, wives, nuns, sluts.
Here's your chance (Score:1)
Well, not really... anyone who invests these days are taking some pretty decent risks with the market the way it is. OTOH, at the bottom, there's no place for the market to go but up, right??
Hopefully, since i'm down about 2 grand since last year.
Re:Gee, I dont know. (Score:1)
Know any rich folks??? (Score:1)
- 30% allocated as an open offering to the market. Any individual can subscribe to this offering.
- 60% allocated to large investors. We need to secure this part fast; if you know of any
funds that can invest quickly, or any rich people, please let us know.
- 10% allocated to contributors. MandrakeSoft's success is largely due to our community of
users and contributors; therefore, we will present our main contributors a special offer. A
contributor is someone who has contributed in various way to help the development of
MandrakeSoft on a voluntary basis. These people will be offered the option to purchase
stock as privileged investors.
Is it just me, or is this something you just don't expect to see in a press release? Comes across as kind of desperate, I think...
Re:Die Harder (Score:1)
Could be from an IT-newspaper 10 or 15 years ago.
Re:Die Harder (Score:1)
as arrogant as people depict the French. (oui!)
No-one, of course, would ever think of Americans as being arrogant. I bet you've never even been to France or, for that matter, outside of your bedroom very often.
Re:noise filtering reply (Score:1)
Yeah, yeah, thank you for the opinion of Linux circa 1997. You forgot to say kernel recompiles and communism though.
Seriously though, do you think that all corporate IT is Windows? Since when?
French? (Score:1)
You might want to try scrolling past the first paragraph. Looks almost like English to me, what do you think?
Mandrake IPO (Score:1)
But seriously, I doubt Mandrake's IPO will make it big though, the IPO market is dead. Take a look at Kraft, that had big hopes, considering they had all the shit to back their IPO up, unlike a unfair employer whose stock is so bad its gonna be delisted.
Its enough for a stable start though, and that can be considered a good thing, considering when you see all the things that the bomb coms went through.
holy crap, GPLTrans is hilariously bad! (Score:2)
It turns it into spanglish!
An example from my page:
this página probablemente breaks many, si no lo más, of las reglas i've heard bandied about para correcto html el uso.
This could be hours of fun.
- A.P.
Re:Decisions, decisions... (Score:2)
Or option 3) spend 40 bucks for the cd set at compusa (like I did). Sure buying at a MegaStore(tm) is sometimes a sucky experience but demonstrating 'consumer demand' for linux can't be all that bad.
Re:yawn (Score:2)
How about FTP'ing them, just like you do your precious Deb packages? Lord I hate Debian FUD. There are plenty of reasons to use Debian no need to BS in order to make it look even better. This kind of CRAP benefits NO ONE
Re:Mandrake is a company that understands desktop (Score:2)
In my experience Mandrakes testing procedures do not go beyond "works for me". They consistently release too early, meaning that there are serious bugs in off the shelf mandrake distributions.
I think this is unfortunate because there are some good ideas behind the distribution. The configuration tools have the potential to be very nice. However, their current instability makes using them somewhat dangerous since you may very well end up with a misconfigured system. Linuxconf is a good replacement in most cases though.
Re:Translation (Score:2)
It will be done in the "Marché Libre" [see the explaination in the letter below], near the end of July. According to this document, this IPO has the goal of permitting the persuit of fantastic growth in market share without having their hands tied by by investors who, as everyone knows, have become less generous with the new economy and are waiting (too) impatiently for a return on investment.
Translation (Score:2)
It will be done in the "Marché Libre" [see the explaination in the letter below], near the end of July. According to this document, this IPO has the goal of permitting [something -- seems garbled, or I just don't understand investment-French, or both] without having their hands tied by by investors who, as everyone knows, have become less generous with the new economy and are waiting (too) impatiently for a return on investment.
You will find in the complete text of the article the document, just as we received it.
Die Harder (Score:2)
This is sort of an assinine idea of Mandrake considering the following factors. Right now the economy is down, and people are scared of dumping money into tech stocks. Redhat just turned it's first profit, and their profits were miniscule. Redhat will also crush them, and considering Mandrake is a Redhat spinoff, more people will take Redhat more serious than its clone.
Now only that but Redhat just announced going DB, of which it should strengthen their position among the Linux distro's. So why would someone want to invest money in Mandrake when the alternatives look alot snappier? They'd either be desperate, and going out of business hoping some quick investors would be clueless to invest in them so they could continue, or as arrogant as people depict the French. (oui!)
noise filtering reply (Score:2)
Let's take a look at the average desktop user worthy to note that would spend capital on an OS, and note that the biggest market for this would have to be businesses. I've said it once a million times, it would cost companies an arm and a leg in downtime to move legacy systems over to anything other than MS, now that they've bastardized themselves into `find . -name *MS*` .
Aside from that, do you expect corporate types to understand how to compile programs, how to find the neccessary programs to support already business standardized documents such as
Sure you could make Mandrake as user friendly as possible, but it still won't look at good to CTO types who's only tech skills come as loading a cd and letting a self installer do its work for them. Its cost effective, and simpler that.
Allons Enfants (Score:2)
Re:next week: (Score:2)
Re:no filing (Score:2)
They're filing for an IPO on the European market, so the SEC is of little interest.
Re:Die Harder (Score:2)
First of all, Mandrake USED to be based upon Redhat, but since then it has evolved to its own independent distro. Personally, I have found that Redhat is certainly no where near as powerful in terms of self-configuration, and I would never even CONSIDER going back to Red Hat until it provides something that Mandrake does not. Unfortunately, we use RH systems at my place of employment (even more unfortunately we use outdated DEC Alpha systems with Netscape 4.0!!!! - CRASH!).
As it turns out, Mandrake sets up better than Windows did on my pc. I did not have to supply even 1 external driver. It automatically recognized my printer and video card(which windows 98 didn't) AND my tv-tuner (which neither win98/2k) did. Mandrake 8.0 was a flawless installation and took under 15 minutes (including partitioning and format). My money's on these guys...
Re:Mandrake is a company that understands desktop (Score:2)
Hmmm.... A bit of an oversimplification?
Don't get me wrong, I like Mandrake. IMO, they have what it takes to be successful, and I think that they are an ideal distro for a small business (though I am thoroughly impressed also with RH7.1 and SUSE 7.1).
You also state: Red Hat simply isn't. I know people at Red Hat (many of them are in my LUG). They are absolutely stupid and clueless about anything relating to making anything usable. Mandrake makes many useful utilities that make linux easier for newcomers.
Mandrake has some advantages over SuSE-- better RPM support, etc. But, in general, I have been less than pleased with the server utilities in Mandrake. Given that the server market seems to be Mandrakes new primary area of focus, this will hurt them somewhat in many markets.
Of course, given the track records of companies trying to put linux on desktop (as opposed to just to doing server closet support), Mandrake will have a long and difficult fight ahead of them.
No one can do this as a distributor of Linux... Period. You cannot make much profit directly on your sales of CDs regarding Linux. Instead one has to do one of the following:
1: consult for corporations considering it on their desktops. (See Ximian)
2: Actually sell the consumer boxes which run Linux.
Someone has to pay the development costs when anyone can download the fruits of your labor. It is either the consumer who buyes it with their new Thunderbird 1.2GHZ system or by MegaWigits Inc. when they want their workstations to run Linux.
Mandrake is in for the fight of their life. But I do support them, for what it is worth.
Re:Mandrake is a company that understands desktop (Score:2)
And I like the fact that Mandrake is more bleeding edge... They included Reiser back in version 7.0 (the first version I used). They were the first to ship with 4.0 of X.
However, Red Hat's conservatism makes it better suited for servers. My server runs Red Hat, and I'd not think of running anything else on it.
Good luck! It's ballsy going IPO now, but the upside is that Mandrake won't suffer the undeserved bad press of going up unrealisticly during a bubble and crashing back to reality as Red Hat did. I will certainly look into adding a few shares.
Re:Mandrake is a company that understands desktop (Score:2)
I wish Red Hat would do something similar to DrakFont... It'd radically increase the look of their desktop. Mandrake's been doing it since 7.1, I wonder why RH doesn't borrow ideas back from the distro that originally was an improved Red Hat?
"Regardless, the developers are kick ass guys and have done tons for the community and have kept their stuff GPL, so regardless of what you think of their distro, they definately get a Good Luck(tm) from me"
Yep, compared to Caldera (which I'd nickname MSOpenActiveDirectLinux2000XP), Mandrake is a FAR better company to support. Mandrake contributes a ton to making Linux ready for the desktop and the newbie user. I've personally introduced several friends to Linux by handing them a copy of Mandrake.
Anyone who can install `Doze can install Mandrake.
IPO update (Score:3)
Different Markets (Score:3)
RedHat wants the server market. Low-end to mid-end right now, but perhaps the high-end as well in the future. Their decision w/ RedHat DB illustrates that point.
Mandrake on the other hand is widely considered the best choice for the desktop. They have other offerings too (Mandrake Firewall, etc) but their main market remains the desktop.
signature smigmature
Re:My Personal Experience... (Score:3)
Mandrake is a company that understands desktop (Score:4)
Of course, given the track records of companies trying to put linux on desktop (as opposed to just to doing server closet support), Mandrake will have a long and difficult fight ahead of them.
Decisions, decisions... (Score:4)
At any rate, I love Mandrake. I never thought I could ever love a bunch of Frogs this much. Personally, I think that if any distro is going to successfully conquer the laptop, it will be Mandrake.
Leaked info under NDA? (Score:5)
Can anyone from Mandrake confirm this? For those who don't know, the COB is the French equivalent to the SEC. I'd hate to see the guys at Mandrake get into trouble for that...