The Silent Kernel Platform War? 242
iJosh asks: "Recently I decided to be hip and cool and update to the latest Linux Kernel (v2.4.1). Since this decision I've downloaded and tried to compile the offical source from Linus and crew on my PowerMac 7300 only to run into errors for the PowerMac PCI controller. I took this up with Paul Mackerras maintainer of the PPC kernel and his response was quite interesting to say the least and it got me thinking. He basically says that Linus is ignoring the patches from the people working on the PPC side of the kernel, and that they are keeping their own tree so people are not stranded out in the dust with kernels that will not work. My question really comes down to this: Is the linux kernel forking away from PowerPPC? Is this happening because of issues regarding OS X and the possibility of many users jumping ship, away from LinuxPPC upon release? Or is this some kind of quiet platform war from the major kernel developers?"
Re:Maybe the submitted code is plainly poor? (Score:1)
Re:It's been that way for years (Score:1)
Actually, as of 2.4.2preN, the difference is much smaller than it used to be (>500kB). It's still missing critical things like IDE updates, but it's not as bad as before.
What SMP box do you have? The dual G4s work rather well, and the daystar boards are still being fixed up (they almost work rather stabily). Finally, Linux (2.2.18 and 2.4.N, from the right tree of course) can read/write HFS rather well. I wouldn't use my main volume, but i've had a 32mb partition on a few machines, and diskcheck (the apple util, I think thats the name but I'm not sure). hasn't found any errors.
Re:No big deal (Score:1)
Re:one sided? (Score:1)
And virtually all of those people are the hotshot intel developers. Almost never do I see a non-endian-clean patch from the MIPS or SPARC crowds. They're all from the i386/ia64 people. So if the kernel has an endianness problem you can bet good money where it came from. This is absolutely not the reason patches for (some) big-endian platforms get rejected.
Re:IRDA All Over Again (Score:1)
IA64 (was Re:perhaps there's a reason) (Score:1)
aside from the people who wrote it (and therefore already have a more up-to-date tree than Linus) and are prototyping the silicon, who actually has an IA64 system?
OSC [osc.edu], for one. NCSA [ncsa.edu], for another. Most of the larger vendors (IBM, HP, Dell, Compaq, SGI, etc.) have a few as well. Plus there's a software simulator from HP that lets you run IA64 programs (including the Linux kernel) on an IA32 box.
They exist, though admittedly only as engineering samples right now. But people do have them.
Re:Is it really possible to avoid a fork? (Score:1)
NetBSD has already forked. Where do you think OpenBSD came from?
Re:This has been the case with Alpha for a while.. (Score:1)
I started using NetBSD in 1996 after a surplus decstation 5000/240 was given to me by a friend. since then I've been won over by NetBSD's emphasis on portability and full support of platforms linux is still struggling on. (alpha 3000/xxx, decstation, and vax.)
the NetBSD Goals [netbsd.org] page really lays out the reasons I like NetBSD.
Re:one sided? (Score:1)
Ummm....so download the kernel patches.
Problem solved.
Or, as someone else here said, try NetBSD, though I can't say I've ever tried it myself.
Re:Here's how! (Score:2)
If only it were that easy... Unsaid in the line was: (oh, and by the way Linus.. it fixes the Frangle Hypercube driver, but in the process breaks the Froptle Metacube support... but neither you and I have one to test on, so just apply it and pray).
One simple patch can maytimes break other things in the process. Who does the QA testing? If I send him 50 lines of code to the VM system and say "this fixes bug X" is he just supposed to apply it?
That's nothing new (Score:2)
a better OS for what purpose? (Score:2)
You can't just compare OSes willy-nilly. You can compare them for a specific task, but you aren't doing that.
Re:Indeed. (Score:2)
Re:This wouldn't surprise me (Score:2)
NT4 used to ship on x86, Alpha, MIPS and PPC. There was even a SPARC port at one point, although it was abandoned. Initial NT development was, IIRC, on the Intel i960. But with the low-end MIPS market shrinking, CHRP cancelled (due to an IBM/Motorola/Apple turf war) and x86 pretty much dominating the low-to-mid range workstation and server markets (by market share) that's where Microsoft are focussing their development efforts. It's not worth porting to SPARC because almost no-one buys SPARCs unless they also want Solaris, and similarly there's no market for PPCs that don't run AIX or MacOS.
I'm sorry, but you can't slate MS here - they tried to ship an architecture neutral OS and no-one wanted it!
Re:Definition of small and huge... (Score:2)
Re:one sided? (Score:2)
Throwing stones can invalidate your greenhouse's warranty.
Re:one sided? (Score:2)
Besides, he said he didn't think he -could- do better. It's up to you how you interpret W2K in that light.
Re:This wouldn't surprise me (Score:2)
Re:This has been the case with Alpha for a while.. (Score:2)
1) the kernel _is_ the hardware abstraction
2) some things (notably drivers and VM) are abstracted as well
However, every tree needs tweaks/testing/changes
Does that answer your question?
Re:Is it really possible to avoid a fork? (Score:2)
MontaVista Real-Time
There's another real-time platform I'm forgetting
Each distribution
Each architecture
Yes, each distribution basically has its own kernel tree, because the users of each distribution are different. Of course, this kind of forking has typically only helped Linux, and I don't see that changing.
Re:This has been the case with Alpha for a while.. (Score:2)
Re:The Kernel Forked Long Ago (Score:2)
This has been the case with Alpha for a while... (Score:2)
I'd suggest that unhappy PPC people do the same. You'll find the NetBSD community to be a lot more responsive to issues with portability, and are on top of bugs very quickly.
Definition of small and huge... (Score:2)
Linus has mde it pretty clear he wants one patch for one problem, not one patch for many problems.
Re: Then we should wait and not speculate. (Score:2)
Re:calm down... (Score:2)
nonsense. it's his source tree, he can (and does) review anything that gets submitted to him. bitching and moaning about how "he can't do that!" is the least productive way to respond.
when faced with a rejection from linus, you have two options: suck it down and do as the man says, or fork off your own tree.
it's obvious which path the linuxppc folks took.
Re:This wouldn't surprise me (Score:2)
I was responding to someone's claim that Open Source doesn't work as well as commercial software. They claimed that MicroSoft would never fail to support some hardware because they'd loose money if they did. The whole story here, of course, is that Linux must be failing because Linus hasn't updated the 2.4 kernel for PPC. If "commercial" is better because it supports more hardware, you'd think that it would at least support the hardware that the entire article was complaining about.
I didn't realize that NT ever worked on PPC. No one seems to care. If it no longer works on PPC, of course, you're SOL because you can't do it yourself (the way the PPC folks did for Linux).
> It's not worth porting to SPARC because almost no-one buys SPARCs unless they also want Solaris
Yet Linux was ported there.
> and similarly there's no market for PPCs that don't run AIX or MacOS.
The whole article was about someone wanting Linux for PPC, so there must be *some* sort of market for alternative OSes. I guess just not Windows...
Re:The Kernel Forked Long Ago (Score:2)
Ahh, so we should all keep to using whatever compiler happens to compile the kernel, no matter how old it is. After all, we wouldn't want to give the kernel developers any incentive to clean up their code so it compiles properly with a newer, better optimizing, more standards compliant compiler.
I don't think Redhat was in the least bit disingenuous by calling the compiler that could compile the kernel 'kgcc'.
As for whether or not they should released a snapshopt of gcc... Well, I question the wisdom of that too. I would point at that almost all (maybe all?) of the (very few) bugs that caused bad code to be generated were in the C++ front end, not in C, which is the language most things depend on anyway.
Re:So Why Not Jump Ship? (Score:2)
If you don't recognize the benefits of having access to the source code for the software platform(s) on which you or your company depend, you either aren't a developer or CTO, or else you haven't really thought it through yet. Religion has nothing to do with it. The religious ones are just those who are following the smart ones, because they recognize that they're onto something important, something that liberates them from being at the mercy of large software companies with private agendas that don't put the interests of their customers first.
Re:So Why Not Jump Ship? (Score:2)
That depends. You might know people who can hack the source code, or the existence of a larger community of source code hackers may help you get what you want. That's one of the benefits of Linux, even notwithstanding some of its shortcomings: its popularity means that it now fits a staggering variety of applications, from diskette-based routers to massively parallel supercomputers, just to take one measure of its breadth. Sure, there are always exceptions, things that it doesn't do well, and any user has to evaluate their requirements and choose what's most appropriate for them.
["Evil" is] a simple expression of the fact that the core Free Software movement considers commercial software to be morally wrong. See Richard Stallman's essay on the subject.
I'm not an expert on Stallman's position, but I don't see this in the essay you referenced. He doesn't actually use the word "evil" in the essay, and the strongest adjective I could find applied to proprietary software was that it is "harmful". His only use of the word "moral" is related to the moral obligation of users to pay developers for their efforts.
Stallman's objection is to software for which the source code is not available - not necessarily "commercial" software but rather "proprietary" software. His position is based entirely on what I've been saying about proprietary software: "...doesn't come with source code, and therefore wouldn't be as useful to [users]".
This pragmatic and fairly uncontroversial observation forms the basis for Stallman's other claims. Whether you agree with his conclusions or not, the underlying premise remains valid, and has nothing to do with good or evil: instead, it's eminently practical - all things being equal, open source is better than closed source, for the user. No religion necessary.
IRDA All Over Again (Score:2)
It has everything to do with the way that Linus works and nothing to do with the technical merit of the port.
Remember, it is Linus' kernel.
Re:one sided? (Score:2)
In fact Mac OS X could put a tiny dent in Linux x86, too. Due to the less than stellar quality of Linux for the Macs, I've considered spending a grand or so to buy an x86 box to run Linux. Now I've got no need to do that. I'd imagine that there are plenty of Mac-using people who fall in the same boat.
Re:one sided? (Score:2)
Re:one sided? (Score:2)
Since I lack an Ethernet card for the SE/30, it's not exactly a network-friendly computer. Dang cards (required for Apple's custom SE/30 slot) still cost more money than I'd consider paying for one, too.
Re:one sided? (Score:2)
LinuxPPC is not a tenth as usable as Mac OS, much less Mac OS X. Linux bigots aside, the GUI isn't as good, the applications aren't as good or as plentiful, and the hardware support (where's my Software Base Station support in LinuxPPC? For those who don't know, it lets a Mac with an AirPort card work as an 802.11b base station, complete with WEP, MAC restrictions, etc.) is poor.
NetBSD and Darwin are kissin' cousins, so it doesn't seem worthwhile to use NetBSD if I want Unix. I might as well go with Mac OS X.
Re:The Kernel Forked Long Ago (Score:2)
Re:The Kernel Forked Long Ago (Score:2)
Shipping something of quality was exactly what they tried to do. The problem was that the gcc maintainers had not released anything for over a year. gcc 2.95.2 was broken with regards to lots of stuff, most notably C++ and Alpha stuff, for which many fixes had existed for a long time in cvs.
So what Red Hat did was to debug and polish a release snapshot with all these fixes, to ensure a quality compiler.
And with the 2.96-69 update [redhat.com], it's probably the best gcc compiler you can get.
Re:Why user PPC for Linux when x86 is better? (Score:2)
Fine, yeah, I agree.
You have to admit though, Dell giving in and selling AMD machines would be a big story!
Re:Why user PPC for Linux when x86 is better? (Score:2)
Uh-Oh (Score:2)
Re:Word from a PPC kernel hacker (Facts) (Score:2)
Basically what all this means is that I use Linux on a PPC machine every day. It's an indespensible tool for me. I couldn't do my job without it. Keeping up with the latest greatest kernel is something I have to do at times. For me, I really don't mind rsyncing the Paul's latest source (I don't really like bk). It is annoying to have to explain to someone why they (or I) can't just use the official Linus kernel. Granted, it is a pain. It's a pain not having an "official" 2.4.1 tarball that works on PPC machines. I would love it if you guys could roll a final version of 2.2.18, tarball it, and leave it be. I understand that the bug fixing process is neverending but there never seems to be an end to it, or an official release. Sure I could snag the latest pmac-stable but that's not a complete release. That's not the final 2.2.18. That's a little annoyance for me personally.
Another annoyance for me is that I can't find a 3rd-party IDE controller that will work in my machines. The onboard Apple controller will work but none of the 3rd-party controllers seem to. 3rd-party SCSI driver support is also sketchy. Having that would be a big boon for me.
I don't want this to sound like I'm nit-picking. I'm not a kernel hacker myself. I do a nominal amount of programming, that's it. You guys do a great job and don't really get much for it. These are just a couple of thing I've noticed and wouldn't mind seeing changed. Keep up the great work!
Re:The Kernel Forked Long Ago (Score:2)
The next time I reinstall Linux I think I'll install Debian instead of RedHat. I've stuck with RH because of habit, but RH7 really convinced me to switch. kgcc, plus shipping a frickin SNAPSHOT of gcc - are they on crack? If you can't release something of good quality, don't do a release at all.
OTOH (Score:2)
But only the BSD people adopt such a closed model, right?
I agree (Score:2)
Re:Here's how! (Score:2)
2. Linus, this patch addes the magic number for ppc to the magic numbers for X86, alpha, and m68k in the "toto" function.
3. Linus, this patch fixes a typo in the momark function that prevents it from working on ppc.
51. Linus, this patch fixes an assumption in the Frangle Hypercube driver that made it crash on PPC.
Re:Yes, that's right (Score:2)
Re:Why user PPC for Linux when x86 is better? (Score:2)
Uh, how is LinuxPPC a POS non-multithreading OS?
>I bet it really screams at Q3 and compiling the kernel. I hope you still like your 350Mhz imac in 2 years, when everyone else has 2Ghz machines. At least you can say it looks cool!
Performance is good compared to x86 machines of equivalent spec - outfit a P2-450 with a crappy Rage Pro or whatever the rev. B iMacs have and watch it crawl with Q3.
I don't dispute the fact that your 1GHz machine is fast, sorry to make you feel like less of a man.
I just think your notion that dropping support for every platform except x86 because its the cheapest is laughable, stupid and obviously the wrong thing to do.
Re:Why user PPC for Linux when x86 is better? (Score:2)
You think it's cheaper to throw it away and go out and buy a new 1GHz Athlon than to run LinuxPPC on your existing machine??
Try getting a laptop that looks anywhere near as cool at a Titanium Powerbook G4 from any x86 vendor.
'Oh forget it, those guys don't need another OS. If you buy a Mac, you don't deserve Linux. Linux should only be available for x86 because its the cheapest' - is that your line of reasoning?
Should we just deep-six the Alpha, PPC, MIPS, SHx, 68k ports of Linux because Athlons are cheap right now.
You better tell the NetBSD guys they've been wasting their time, and how bout you email the CEO of Lineo and all the other embedded Linux developers and break the news to them.
And while you're at it, why don't you have Linus ditch support for Intel chips. Athlons are, after all, cheaper.
My 350 MHz iMac makes a great Linux workstation. It doesn't take up too much room on my desk, is easily transportable - without making two trips (one for sys unit etc, one for monitor) every time i want to move it somewhere, and it runs extremely snappily.
I have been very happy with it, and you sir, are a f*cking idiot.
Kernel developers blamed for Red Hat's kgcc? (Score:2)
IMHO, there are much cleaner ways of doing it than Red Hat's hack. Regardless, you cannot defend Red Hat's bad decisions in package policy by placing the blame on the Kernel developers. They didn't write the spec file. They didn't mislead the users.
Re:calm down... (Score:2)
Linus' rant was about the ISDN people sending him huge (and they are bloody huge) patches a few days after the declaration of "code freeze" (which remains to be clearly defined by Linus as he, himself, then pushed the entire IA64 tree [4.9M gziped patch] into the kernel.) Linus is also insanely anti-CVS. (It worked perfectly for sparclinux.)
It's been that way for years (Score:2)
My personal experience: I have an SMP PowerMac. It can run LinuxPPC or YellowDog in uniprocessor mode only. Any attempt to get the other processor working results in an unbootable kernel. There are no patches for it, there are no tools for debugging the problems, there is simply no way to get the system working correctly.
Then you have to take into consideration how difficult it is to actually get a new kernel installed on the system. The kernel has to reside in the HFS partition. The kernel cannot safely write to the HFS partition. Using a second box as an intermediate FTP server is the only way to change kernels. Maybe it's better now, I wouldn't know, it's too depressing to try to fix, every time you try to do something you have to reinstall. It's like windoze.
The whole edifice of running Linux on a Mac depends on just using the kernels that came with the computer. Which, by the way, they don't tell you how to build or what options they used. The LinuxPPC guys are trying their hardest but the system is still years behind the usability of Intel Linux. (and another problem, no ECC memory on the Macs, either, constant rebooting is necessary)
So, I'm back to MacOS. It would be nice to have a usable Linux system but it's looking like that will never happen. I wanted to use it for validating MSB code but it's too unusable. Maybe someday.
Re:Linus has said (Score:2)
What? Silly me, I thought the kernel was GPL software. Imagine my disillusionment, I though that "Information wants to be free."
I never said it wasn't. In fact, I was referring to *his particular tree*, since that is the base issue of this whole slashdot thread anyway. It ought to have been implied, but I guess I should make such things more clear next time.
Anothing thing that I [failingly] implied was the existance of the GPL itself. What does one do if they have an uber-patch that increases kernel speed by 1400% but Linus won't accept it because he doesn't like the commenting style? You fork it. Or you just release your patch anyway, like the Reiser team did.
Apparently I have this all wrong - the kernel belongs to Linus. If I want to use it, I to ask him to use it.
You aren't going to make much of a point by emulating an extreme that is far detatched from the issue.
Linus simply maintains one of the Linux forks (currently about the only one, excepting patched versions). He maintains the fork that he wants to maintain, with the features that he likes. He controls this fork, but that does not mean that it belongs to him. It is GPLed software, after all.
That's just what I said! But you can GPL it all day long and you'll *never* change the fact that he is the only one that has the final say in what goes in it.
Sometimes I think that forking the Linux kernel might be one of the best things to happen to Linux. We are getting close to the need, since it will begin to be difficult to maintain a full kernel that will run on everything from a palm-top to a mutiple-processor server.
I agree completely. It will be neccessary eventually.
Competition encourages development, and if you add GPL to the mix, the competition benifits everyone.
The GPL was never in question. I am just fairly tired of people saying what Linus *ought* to do with the kernel he maintains. In particular relevance to this
Shows strain on development model? (Score:2)
Here's a free clue (Score:2)
On the subject of Kernels (Score:2)
This doesn't seem to jibe with my understanding of the kernel tree. I believe that any *.even-numbered revision is a productions kernel. *.odd-numbered kernels are the development branches. For example, any 2.3 kernel was development for the 2.4 kernel. You can still have 2.4.1test1 or 2.4.2pre3 however.
But this brings me to my question - where is the 2.5 kernel series? Do we have any goals stated for Kernel 2.6?
Re:This wouldn't surprise me (Score:2)
Yea, whatever (Score:2)
Ext3fs, Tux2fs are still waiting for merge. 2.4.1 was nothing more than 2.4.0 with Reiserfs merged in. You can't merge too much at the same time, that's the policy that makes you deserve the keyword "stable".
I don't know how all the kernel folks manage to exchange parts of these different trees each time and keep an overview of what they're doing, but I guess that's they way things go at the kernel. Until stuff can merge it has to wait in a custom kernel source tree. 2.4 is still very young so there must be a lot of stuff in wait. Linus said he would for now not make much big changes in order to maintain stability. People said the inclusion of Reiserfs in 2.4.1 was a miracle because of that.
So I guess the real reason is that the PowerPC folks are just bad at sweet-talking Linus. They don't have to feel ashamed about that: as far as I can tell, it's a real skill an sich.
It's... It's...
Re: PPC kernel hacker (Score:2)
just curious... and a big thanks for all the great work on linux-ppc!
Re:Is it really possible to avoid a fork? (Score:2)
Re:Yes, that's right (Score:2)
Re:So my Mac is incompatible ... (Score:2)
The original 603 was indeed a bit of a copout processor, compounded by the fact that Apple wedded it to a bus that was even more backwards than the original NuBus machines. The 603e that succeeded it, though, was actually (at least potentially) a better processor than the 604. (I use a PowerMac 6500 -- the 603e inside really is pretty slick, probably about 75-80% of the performance of a first-gen iMac.) If you don't need MP, the 603e is the way to go.
No big deal (Score:2)
I periodically follow the kernel groups, and it's clear to me that the idea is to keep the kernel as stable as possible, while supporting the most mainstream environments. I'm sure the support I need will eventually find its way into the mainstream kernel.
If you're the type of person that needs the latest and greatest (probably most
So what's the problem?
Re:So Why Not Jump Ship? (Score:2)
Don't leap into a religous lecture unless it's a religious issue. It's not important whether or not I buy into the open source model. What's important is that people who choose to use Open Source products understand the consequences.
Since we don't pay Linus to maintain the kernel for us, what obligation does he have to maintain it any way but his own? If it's important to anyone that the kernel have more PPC features than Linus is willing to include, they're free to start their own branch. The same goes for any other open source product.
The whole Open Source thing relies on people with a "Lead, Follow, or Get Out of the Way" mentality. If you say, "I want X to happen, but I want somebody else to take responsibility for it," you're thinking in terms of commercial software, no matter how many RMS mantras you recite.
Re:So Why Not Jump Ship? (Score:2)
Re:So Why Not Jump Ship? (Score:2)
That hardly applies to developers who are moving from Linux to Mac OS because of features missing from Linux. If you're not prepared to hack the source code, what's the point in having it?
"Evil" is nicely inflammatory shorthand for that.
No it's not. It's a simple expression of the fact that the core Free Software movement considers commercial software to be morally wrong. See Richard Stallman's essay on the subject [gnu.org].
So Why Not Jump Ship? (Score:2)
Oh wait, there's the "Free Software" religion. Well, if you believe in it that strongly, do what Linus did -- go hack your own kernel. You don't even have to start from scratch.
Linus has said (Score:2)
I think it's time Linus gave up some of his contro (Score:2)
Ten years ago when Linux was a very young project, with only a few of really devoted developers, the mailing list structure of the kernel development was efficient. Since it took over 3 years to get Linux to work on a TYPICAL PC configuration, it wouldn't make sense to talk about splitting the work into several groups.
However, now the situation is cardinally different. Linux runs on about a dozen of major CPU platforms, supports endless types of devices that sit on every imaginable kind of a bus.
In this situation, it makes sense to split the single bazaar into a few smaller ones, when a strict relationship is declared between them. I think no single individual (and that includes Linus) can fully understand the whole kernel workings. While Linus could (and should) remain active in many of those groups, it is no longer possible to leave all the decision-taking for him.
A kernel split would be BAD. First of all, consumers want one set of sources (and preferably, binaries). Secondly, the improvements in some projects could be of use to others. For instance, while hardware I/O and filesystem issues are quite different, their workings have to be combined in order to achieve optimal performance.
The bottom line: Kernel is growing up. More parties are willing to participate in its development. Linus has to ease his control, for the common good.
Re:Please tell me this is just a rumor (Score:2)
Re:It may be nothing insideous (Score:2)
It pisses me off when people refer to musics grous and claim the the group owes their fans a new album. The group only needs to put out a new album if they want to continue their popularity. If they don't care, more power to 'em.
Same goes here.
Re:Slahshdot should fix the hidden GOATSEX html li (Score:2)
we all want that hole closed, man! believe me...
Re:I used ppc for years, but enough is enough (Score:2)
Apple is partly open, partly closed. Some chipset details on their motherboard are closed, the OpenFirmware stuff is VERY well documented and a bit of a boon. Things ain't as bad as Be made it out to be.
2.The platform isn't as popular, so maintaining the ppc tree at the expense of the x86 one would be ludicrous.
This is true. Including PPC patches in the kernel shouldn't have to bring about this dichotomy, though.
3.The trend has been rightfully away from ppc for the last couple years, since Be decided to abandon the platform.
Uh... what? Be didn't decide to do this based on techincal merit. It was a political move -- and a good one for Be, but it has absolutely nothing to do with the nature of the PPC processor.
4.Several companies (LinuxPPC, YellowDog, etc.) exist to maintain linux/ppc. So why should Linus do their work for them?
We're simply talking about why Linus won't fold the work they've already done into the Kernel, not why he won't do their work. There are several well articulated reasons for this. Yours are not among them, though.
If you want an alternative to x86, then stick with Alpha. Now there's a real platform. The support still isn't as good as with x86, but what can you expect?
The support for Alpha is likely no better than for Linux PPC. In fact, if you want to apply the commodity hardware/number of units out there argument, I'll wager that LinuxPPC seats outnumber Linux Alpha seats. There is no sense in jumping from LinuxPPC to Alpha just because you're having some architecture deals. Out of the frying pan, into the fire.
I support Linus on this one. I think Paul Mackerras is treading awfully close to a kernel fork, and that's the last thing we need.
As has been well-pointed out in other posts for this article, we already have kernel "forks" of the kind that Paul Mackerras is treading close to, and we have for years.
Re:PPC is an inferior platform (Score:2)
I used ppc for years, but enough is enough (Score:2)
PPC was great four years ago, but it's no longer a viable alternative to x86. Part of that has to do with Apple's bungling, and part of that has to do with the realities of the market -- unless hardware has the wide support of a broad community, it can't maintain the same level of support within an open-source system. There just aren't enough eyeballs.
If you want an alternative to x86, then stick with Alpha. Now there's a real platform. The support still isn't as good as with x86, but what can you expect? Linux is still a hobby OS for most people, and unless there's a strong economic motive driving the support, it'll lag. That motive exists for x86 and its large userbase. It'll be years (if ever) before it can exist for other platforms.
I support Linus on this one. I think Paul Mackerras is treading awfully close to a kernel fork, and that's the last thing we need.
Re:Maybe the submitted code is plainly poor? (Score:3)
But anyways, frambuffers are working well (with an occasional problem on the wierder ATIs, or some of the undocumented apple controllers.) Serial was broken once upon a time, but that's been fixed for ages (and even made it into Linus' tree in 2.4.2pre2). I assume you're referring to "standard" IDE cards which work in 2.4. Patches do indeed get ignored, but again there's more people trying to keep track of things now.
As for the rewrites you mention, I know some of the recent ones have been so that new machines can be used and maintained sanely.
CVS Repo? (Score:3)
Unfortunately, it has sat in "ready Real Soon Now" status for a long time now. I'd hazard the guess that a bunch of developers are feeling rebellious about the fact that it is not free software. [bitmover.com]
By the way, the "let's set up a CVS repository" idea has the conspicuous demerit at "send the patch to Linus time" that it is still going to take a lot of effort to make sure that the patches that get sent on to Linus are reasonably perspicuous. [bartleby.com] You're still left with the dilemma that:
But this will tend to "bulk up" into something that involves a horde of changes, which again will not be terribly perspicuous.
This is certainly spelled "dilemma," as all the alternatives are pretty poor...
Re:I agree (Score:3)
The Kernel Forked Long Ago (Score:3)
Re:one sided? (Score:3)
As it is now, he doesn't even trust Alan Cox to maintain any part of the official tree -- he still has to send Linus patches. Forks do happen in a project, when such sweeping changes are needed, and they get merged in later versions. Linus tacitly admits this because he can find an incremental way to do it each time. In other cases, people decided to just stop trying to go through Linus, because they know what Linus doesn't: Linus doesn't know everything.
There's been a separate PPC tree for a long time (Score:3)
That makes the forking, what, 2 1/2 years old?
Yeah, it re-integrates from time to time, but the official kernel tree hasn't been the place to get a *usable* PowerPC kernel in like forever.
PS - don't get me started on support for weird PowerPC chipsets. Just don't.
Re:This wouldn't surprise me (Score:3)
Actually, at a MacWorld one year (1995?), IBM was showing Windows NT running on an IBM CHRP-based PowerPC system.
The project was axed.
Re:This wouldn't surprise me (Score:3)
So where is Windows for PPC?
Re:one sided? (Score:3)
The same complaint goes for m68K (which has maybe a handfull of mainstream kernels that even compile) and quite often for (u)sparc. There are lots of conspiracy theories but I think that the answer is very simple: endian-ness. Let's face it most linux development is done on 32 bit little endian. And quite a lot of people do not recheck their stuff for endian issues.
Hopefully now, with IBM's and other "big endian guns" involvment the issues will subside by themselves.
Nothing new here (Score:3)
Similarly, the sparc tree's most up-to-date stuff can be found at the repository David S Miller maintains on vger.
In addition to being the gatekeeper for the official tree, Linus is pulling double duty as the portmaster for the x86 port. Thus, the x86 stuff is always up-to-date in the official tree, and the other archs tend to have some lag time associated with them.
This is nothing new. It's just symptomatic of the hierarchical Linux development style. {Free|Net|Open}BSD don't tend to suffer from this due to their use of a central CVS repository with all portmasters having access to their relevant parts. Whether this is a better system is left for others to flamewar about, but it does prevent the port floating the author is talking about.
Re:Here's how! (Score:3)
clarity - is it clear what the patch fixes/adds (this tends to be a sign of well-written code)
correctness - a 300K patch would take days to go through and make sure that you aren't breaking something else by applying the patch. Small gotchas will stand out more in smaller patches.
If you apply a 300K patch, and something new breaks, what do you do now? Look through the code slowly and try to figure out what happened. With a small patch, there is a greater chance that you can back out exactly what change broke whatever function, making it easier to find where you broke it, if not why.
Look at the history... (Score:3)
http://kt.linuxcare.com/kernel-traffic/kt20010108_ 101.epl#7 [linuxcare.com], http://kt.linuxcare.com/kernel-traffic/kt20001127_ 95.epl#6 [linuxcare.com]
and especially: http://kt.linuxcare.com/kernel-traffic/kt20001002_ 87.epl#3 [linuxcare.com], http://kt.linuxcare.com/kernel-traffic/kt20001010_ 88.epl#7 [linuxcare.com].
Have a good read. KernelTraffic Rocks.
http://www.nondot.org/~sabre/os/ [nondot.org]
Re:one sided? (Score:3)
So, if your small patch is "Prevents the Frangle Hyperqueue Monitor from crashing on PPC", how does it get verified in the official kernel if you need 50 other similar small patches before your kernel will even get as far as trying to access the Frangle Hyperqueue on PPC?
It has been this way for some time... (Score:3)
The LinuxPPC kernel (that's all I can speak about aside from the x86 kernel.. no experience with the others) and the main distribution tree have always diverted away from one another, and, then, seemingly magically, they get sync'ed.
If I remember correctly, it wasn't until the 2.1.128 series kernel that it started building, right out of the box (http://www.kernel.org) on a PPC box. Prior to that, PPC users had to rsync their kernl from a site in AU.
From then on through the 2.2 kernel, this remained true. But, as new Mac hardware flooded into the pool and USB device support became a much higher demand, patches and changes to the kernel came at an accelerated rate, and the master kernel source (http://www.kernel.org) didn't provide the functionality PPC users wanted/needed.
With the 2.4 kernel, it seems that almost all support within the master kernel tree has been halted, and, hence, secondary architecture-focused trees have popped up to fill the void.
PPC users have gotten accustomed to the kernel.org kernel source working for them (as it does for most other architectures), and, with that comes a feeling of acceptance. The fact that it hasn't been working as of late seems like a step backwards (or, in this case, sideways), and is pretty disappointing..
I suspect that, as one response stated already, things will get sync'ed again as soon as it bubbles up to the top of Linus' to-do list.
Older PPC Macs incompatible with Ones, Zeros (Score:3)
Zeros, Ones, and sometimes Twos.
I could kick my own ass for thinking different [ridiculopathy.com].
Re:Kiss my furry ass! (Score:4)
You must be new...
It may be nothing insideous (Score:4)
I'd hope that architecture politics stay away from the linux kernel.
Re:one sided? (Score:5)
Yup, go read the linux-kernel mailing list archives; at least once every couple of months, someone tries to give Linus a 300K patch, and he rejects it. Linus wants *small* patches, which do specific things, or implement one new feature.
Kernel Traffic [linuxcare.com] has summarized this numerous times, if you don't want to wade through the lkml. Essentially, the only reason NON-platform-specific stuff gets through faster is because it all goes to Alan Cox, who then stuffs them into his own tree (the -ac* patches). When he decides they're stable enough to pass on, he breaks them up into bite-sized pieces for Linus.
It sounds like the PPC maintainer isn't willing to do this, and so they're falling by the wayside.
1st Law Of Networking: Loose ends are bad, termination is good.
Indeed. (Score:5)
He can choose to:
Word from a PPC kernel hacker (Facts) (Score:5)
There are several points about the PPC arch. First of all, it's huge and very quickly growing. Why ? Well, in a single arch, it handles all PCI PowerMacs (with new hardware coming out of Apple every 6 monthes), CHRP boxes (including some RS6k IBM machines), PReP boxes, APUS, NuBus PowerMac is coming in, Gemini, and I'm forgetting some...
Add to that the embedded hardware (8xx CPUs, 4xx CPUs coming in soon) with the zillion of hardware variations.
So it's _huge_, it's quickly moving forward (remember USB, we needed to get that working for kbd and mouse on iMacs while most x86 boxes didn't even had Windoze drivers for their USB controller), and the necessary consequence is that patches are huge. Fortunately, most of them just touch arch/ppc, include/asm-ppc or PPC specific drivers.
But I'm not telling you all here
No big deal (Score:5)
I hate to be an old.fart.kernel.hacker and rain on your parade, but there is no news here. Stuff like this has been going on since 1995, at least, with all of the non-ia32 ports. It's a pretty simple problem - Linux supports a lot of platforms, and platform developers don't usually synchronize well with Linus's attempts at keeping some sort of release schedule for the "core" kernel. Linus himself worked on the initial AXP port, and it wasn't long before it fell off the "core" radar and had a separate team with independent patches feeding it. It wasn't a fork, it was just a concession to practical limits on Linus's time and energy.
IIRC, Linus' usual behavior with platforms he doesn't frequently use is to let the primary maintainers feed him big merges periodically... he basically lets them run their own "development" cycles (the "odd" cycles for the core kernel) and merge "stable points".
Since we're now in 2.4.small# mode, Linus is going to be extremely anal retentive about what he accepts, at least until 2.5 launches. I don't know the nature of the stuff the PPC people may be trying to feed him right now, but odds are unless it's either a critical bugfix or an "independent merge" that's been long planned for (f.e. reiserfs), it'll be rejected. When we get into later 2.4.X's, the policy will probably become more liberal.
The rule has always been (ever since the Alpha and M68k ports) that if you run on an alternative platform and follow the latest greatest developments for that platform, track with its maintainers kernels, not with the "mainstream". If you want to follow latest-greatest core stuff, either use ia32 or use a known-good arch bundle and cross-port any necessary changes from your arch maintainer's tree.
calm down... (Score:5)
the linppc folks have had a hard time accepting this. they want to send one huge patch to get the ppc architecture up-to-date.
it's not a new problem. see this [linuxcare.com] bit on kernel traffic, which covers some of it. there was another thread, where linus flamed people for sending huge patches, but i can't find it atm.
one sided? (Score:5)
Architecture Merges (Score:5)
A good solid well maintained self sufficient ppc tree is one of the reasons we can do that of course
Re:The Kernel Forked Long Ago (Score:5)
Incorrect. Debian ships with the original Linus kernel tarball. There are some kernels that you can install with various patches applied, but everything is available as a *.deb or a *.[dsc,diff,orig.tar.gz].
In addition, Debian does not commit a Red Hat-ism and package such awful software renames like kgcc. Why not call it what it is, gcc-2.7.2. I mean, come on. Pull the wool over the lusers eyes, don't ya. "Yeah. Red Hat has a special compiler for the Kernel..." Whatever.
Another nice thing about Debian's kernel packaging is that the very tools the developers use are available to the average user.
Yes, that's right (Score:5)
Also, this problem just came out of the blue. It certainly was never discussed (and re-discussed and re-discussed ad nauseum) over the ISDN patches.
Get a grip people.