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Red Hat Software Businesses

Red Hat Wins In US Army Contract For Linux Devices 70

zonker writes "This article at C|Net says the army is going to try an embedded version of Linux to use on portable vehicle diagnosis devices. Red Hat got the contract. Here is an article at Red Hat's site." Not a huge deal fiscally, but this is one of the areas where Linux is probably going to grow the most - hence companies like Lineo and others like them.
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Red Hat Wins In US Army Contract For Linux Devices

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  • The Red Hats are coming! The Red Hats are coming!

    If you're not wasted, the day is.
  • by PsychoKiller ( 20824 ) on Wednesday December 13, 2000 @12:12PM (#561930) Homepage
    their mortal enemy, the US Navy!

    I'll drink to that!
  • by Anonymous Coward
    This is yet another case when I think that there should be an ethical clause in the GPL.

    What if I write parts of a GPL licensed code which is then used to bomb my people back to stone age?

  • As soon as you get medical equipment running Red Hat, some script kiddie with half a brain is going to make sure that some poor vet is going to also have to live with half a brain...
  • by iomud ( 241310 ) on Wednesday December 13, 2000 @12:15PM (#561933) Homepage Journal
    I dont particularly care for Redhat but the entire decision can be summed up in this paragraph:

    ``We've tried more traditional PC operating systems in the past for similar embedded appliances, but they were prone to instability, high power requirements, and heat dissipation problems'' said Steve May, Rymic president. ``Red Hat's Clinux provides us with an inherently stable solution that monitors vehicles' performances in real time; because Clinux is open source software, costly per-unit license fees are eliminated.''

    To be honest it dosent matter that it's Redhat I'm just glad to see Linux get marketshare and more importantly mindshare.
  • I would have thought that as the army is security paranoid, they would not install an open source OS on truely mission critical devices.

    Linux Security is good for businesses, but in the army it's different - their enemies have resources and will keep what they develop a secret, before deploying it once.

    Could the army's actions be for funding reasons, rather than security reasons? I am British, so I am not very familiar with American politics, but I would have thought that under the Republicans the Army would have more money.

    If someone could clear this up for me I'd be most obliged - I am not very technically literate.

    KTB:Lover, Poet, Artiste, Aesthete, Programmer.

  • I guess the first tricorders will run linux!
  • err... I mean, diagnostic equipment.

  • by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday December 13, 2000 @12:17PM (#561937)
    US military to deploy linux enthusiasts against hostile powers
    WASHINGTON D.C. In a landmark victory for the renegade OS, the United States Army has changed its recruitment and training procedures in order to make military service more attractive to Linux Users.
    "We're going all out to get as many of these penguin people into the ranks as we possibly can." Stated General Jack Ripper "These geeks truly are americas finest."
    The military became interested in geek warriors after observing multiple flame wars on the popular web site "We used to think that the Army Rangers were the meanest mothers on earth, then we watched KDE and Gnome users face off." Explained Gen. Ripper. "We then had an elite team of rangers engage in the discussion. When I saw those hardened troops break down in tears from the geek onslaught, I knew we had found the perfect source of violent maladjusted zealots."
    Assimilating the new geek recruits required something of a change in the standard training regimen. Instead of boot camp, recruits are now put through reboot camp where they are forced to support mission critical applications on Windows98. This teaches them to hate. Recruits are then put through what is known as the 'burma road' drill - where they attempt to stay abreast of the most recent 2.3.x kernel using a 486sx/25 for compiles and a 1200 baud modem for downloads. After a few short weeks, the perfect killing machine is created. Geek troops are capable of untold attrocities in combat, including roasting prisoners over an overclocked celeron, installing MS Bob on enemy hardware and moderating down 'first posts.'
    "Some governments have complained that these troops don't abide by the geneva convention." Admitted Gen. Ripper "But I say that the geneva convention is a closed, proprietary protocol funded by Microsoft - screw em."
    Don't moderate me because I'm beautiful.

  • Unfortunately I haven't found anything mentioning hardware on RedHat' Embedded page or on the press release.

    Considering all the excellent networking capabilities that Linux has, I'd be disappointed if I had to use outdated hardware.

    And considering Linux needs at least 512kB of memory to run, I suppose we're considering a modern architecture.

    I believe that if Linux is the correct choice for this application, then the hardware specs as well as the final product itself must be memorable.

  • Nothing says the GPL means free as in beer code. The GPL just guarantees anyone you give a binary to, you have to give the source code to, if they ask. That's it, nothing more. Nothing stops them from redistributing it.. unless they don't wanna.

  • by Anonymous Coward
    Segmentation Fault.
    Payload dumped.
    Look out below.
  • Isn't this the same thing that "The Pentagon Wars" movie was based on? Hopefully this won't give it a sequel. I can see it now. "We want it to run KDE and GNOME, also, can you serve up web pages? Also, we need Q3A to run on it."
  • doesn't the army know that the new embedded windows 2000 is much faster, more stable, and has a smaller footprint? was a joke, but embedded windows 2000: now there's a scary idea.

    # cd /
  • This is my first slashpost, so I'll try to make it good. Reading the other comments, all you people have a lot of negative things to say about "Red Hat this, Red Hat that..," but, the fact remains that our country takes our military VERY seriously (too seriously, probabably, but that is neither here nor there...) Anyway, the fact that they're trusting the military to open source, and Linux in general, is a big boost for the movement. The army is stubborn as hell. Always has been, always will be. If even the ARMY has switched to Linux, what is everyone else waiting for? I just think it's more theoretical advertisement, and another testimonial to the strength of open source. Just think, if they had winME in tanks, they'd have to call time-out on the battle field to reboot when it crashed.
  • by garcia ( 6573 ) on Wednesday December 13, 2000 @12:30PM (#561944)
    just because the device runs an open-sourced OS does NOT mean that it cannot be modified by a third party and not distributed. They can do whatever they like to the OS and keep it to themselves.

    I would assume that the per-license fees are important here, god only knows how many devices they are going to build, but I wouldn't be able to say that that is the only reason.

    I am very intrigued to see this happen, but not very surprised. Maybe the US is worried that Bill Gates is going to take over afterall ;-)
  • What if I write parts of a GPL licensed code which is then used to bomb my people back to stone age?

    That would be unfortunate. However, adding an "ethical clause" to the GPL would ruin the license. The GPL currently places no restrictions whatsoever on the usage of a piece of software. The only restrictions are on the distribution. This is a major stength of the GPL (and many other open source licenses) as it means that users don't have to agree to the license to use the software. If they don't agree, they simply have no right to distribute it, but they can use it all they want for whatever they want, no questions asked, and no clicking "I Agree".

    Also, when you introduce something like an "ethics clause" into the license, you add a significant amount of ambiguity as to what it means. What is ethical? Most of the US government thinks that everything the US army does is ethical (I disagree, personally). If you put in something like "This software may not be used to kill people," you may be preventing your software from being used to defend against a hostile invasion by people bent on genocide (it has happened before!).

    If you really want, however, you can add your own ethics clause, provided that you wrote all the code that you are licensing with the clause, or you have permission from all of the authors. It's your choice. If it is added to the GPL itself, however, then people who use the GPL will be forced to use the ethics clause or find a different license. Personally, I would find a different license for my code, as I do not like to put ambiguous usage restrictions on my software. If my software is used against me, so be it.


  • If even the ARMY has switched to Linux, what is everyone else waiting for?

    Let me say something based on my years of DoD contracting. A military service isn't a monolith. It's a bunch of schmoes who generally can do what they want, within the limits of their responsibilities. Having been one of those schmoes, I know whereof I speak. So, "The Army" hasn't gone over to Linux; it's likely someone at the project manager level has managed to convince his sponsors at the Pentagon to let him try this (until the article is viewable, I'm going to have to guess). Which isn't to minimize the event, but it doesn't rise to the level of a general endorsement by the organization. If this works out, is successful, and gets everyone involved promotions, other projects will follow.

  • Umm. When did Red Hat take posession of Clinux? If you visit [] it says "This Open Source Project Sponsored By Lineo". If you look on the uClinux developers page [] it is filled with employees of Lineo. How Red Hat has the balls to claim it as "Red Hat's Clinux" is completely beyond me.

    I have done a lot of work on rebuilding uClibc (the Clinux C library) the last 6 months or so to make it cross platform. Have I received even 1 stinking patch from our friends at Red Hat? I think not.

    Joe deBlaquiere at Red Hat (who posts frequently on the mailing list and recently put together a nice howto [] on porting uClinux) is the only redhat person I have ever seen on the mailing list. Does writing a howto make it Red Hat's? I think not.

  • This gives 'I rewted j00' a whole new, and particularly scary meaning!!
  • Or Politically literate, or militarily literate.

    Most *real* security people (for example the UK's GCHQ) acknowledge that "security through obscurity" is a placebo at best.

    As for funding... even the best funded military has a somewhat limited budget.

    If they can save $10 on every device they build.. and build 10,000,000 of them then thats enough money left over to buy more cool toys.

    I *Think* it was John Glenn who when asked what was going through his mind on the launchpad of a space mission replied along the lines of "I am sitting on top of tons of rocket fuel in a device built by the lowest competitive bidder"

  • The uClinux source lives on []... Of course Red Hat won't tell you that, since Lineo runs and employs nearly all the uClinux developers.

  • Not a huge deal fiscally, but this is one of the areas where Linux is probably going to grow the most - hence companies like Lineo and others like them.

    Actually, I think this is a big deal for RH. Maybe this contract isn't a lot of money, but any contract for the DoD looks pretty good on a company's books - they are very demanding in their specifications and getting the project right.

    For a service-based company (which RH is really) it's very important to show you can satisfy demanding customers like this. I'm sure other companies who think Linux isn't useful or reliable in the real world will think twice when they hear the DoD is using it.

    So, well done RedHat! Regardless of what anyone thinks of the moral issues, this is a very good indicator for OSS companies.

  • by Anonymous Coward
    You may have misread it. It said "Red Hat's port of uClinux", that would imply that they are doing the porting work I guess. I don't think that they are claiming ownership of it from what I read.
  • their mortal enemy, the US Navy!

    Talk about M$ vs Linux writ large (Navy just leapt into M$' pocket again recently).. I just hope the Phalanx cannon support software isn't ported..

    Your Working Boy,
  • by Jeremy Erwin ( 2054 ) on Wednesday December 13, 2000 @01:14PM (#561954) Journal
    I can understand your reluctance to write code that might be used for military purposes. It is common for a creator of technology to express horror at the ends to which his invention has been put--Robert Openheimer and Alfred Nobel were notable examples.

    Although the Nuremberg trials imprisoned and condemned many persons whoseroles were obfuscated and nebulized by layers of bureacracy, these persons were both aware of the ends to which their efforts were put. Companies that supplied mass crematorium ovens to the various death camps were aware of the purpose of this equipment, and cooperated in installation, design, and production.

    I so not mean to accuse the US military of war crimes-- but it is possible that any (para)military force deploying Linux software will use them in manner that it is morally repugnent to any number of Linux contributors.

    It is certainly possible to use GPG (or like crytography software) in the commission of morally indefensible acts. Indeed, cryptographic software is regarded as a dual use device, that could be used as a munition.

    MAny of the philosphers of free software would argue against moral restrictions on use. Stallman, and the Gnu project argue that one cannot morally impose restrictions on the use of software-- but only on the distribution and modification of it. And Bruce Perens has argues that the APSL munitiobns clause is difficult to justify.

    If you wantto maorraly restrict use, don't use GPL.
  • Oh, PLEEASE. Don't gimme this ethical blabla.

    I don't care about whether Linux or Windows or MacOS controls the warfare (unless Windows - and thereby its steered jet fighters - crashes, of course).

    1. If you don't write that code which will be part of the program that is involved, you didn't save the world. Somebody else will write the code.

    2. If nobody else writes the code, then you'll stop the development of Linux. It's like, "hey, let's stop making babies, because the men might later go to war and kill people."

    3. If you want to prevent GPL software from being used by the military, that's fine. Other OSes will be used. That will a. not benefit the Linux community (less funds), b. probably increase costs for the military (which is funded by the taxpayer - hint, hint), c. not make the slightest haze of a difference when hell breaks loose and the bombs DO start dropping. Oh what, you feel better because you didn't contribute to that? That's sweet, but since you're dead anyway and the bombing occured anyway, where's the difference? It's not like, "I could have prevented it".

    4. Personally, I'd be PROUD if parts of my code would be used by the military.

    Sorry about this tone, but I'm sick of all those "you may not use my software on any computer affiliated with military" license terms I have seen so often. The beauty of many pieces of software - such as the Linux OS - is its versatility, and I don't like people limiting it because there are things THEY don't like.

    If you wrote the Linux kernel and everything that's GPL'ed, okay, go ahead and put in your ethical clause. But with the GPL virtually open to everyone, both pacifists as well as members of the military, I don't see why there should be a clause as subjective as that one in it.

  • Man, no kidding! I read Red Hat's press release, and if I didn't know any better I'd have to say that Red Hat is trying to sound like uClinux is theirs.

    BS, I say... uClinux is a Lineo product.

    I hope Lineo's looking into this.
  • I don't think I mis-read it

    andersen@winder:~$ w3m -dump | grep "Red Hat's.*Clinux"

    • has chosen Red Hat's Clinux port as
    • Red Hat's Clinux will be used as the
    • president. ``Red Hat's Clinux
    • and Red Hat's embedded Clinux
  • I run a Directory Listing for Embbeded Computer components such as PC104 devices and Single Board computers. It list manufacturers of these devices such as Lineo and even redhat's embedded business which is called wirespeed. Go check it out at [www.sbc-pc...mtargetnew]
  • I've seen what the military is doing in this field, and it ain't pretty from an open-source point of view...

    I interview with the Navy a few months back as a coop [] for their Naval Sea Systems Command [].

    The job was developing applications for Windows CE-based PDAs which the maintance crews would take onboard ships to log data on the ship's functions. The data is then entered into an Oracle database and served up using ColdFusion extensions on IIS.

    In short, it was a lot of extremely (notoriously?) non-free (neither speech nor beer) software. (And the pay was shitty.)

    Needless to say, it would be really cool if other branches of the armed forces followed the Army's lead here. If the above scenario was linux running on the handhelds, and linux, apache, perl, mysql running on the servers, the job would have been much more attractive. And plus, everyone would think the Navy was cool ;-)

    There was a /. story awhile back about how the US Armed Forces were having trouble getting new IT workers. Would *you* work for the Army if you knew you could get your hands on these embedded linux devices, and promote OSS at the same time?

    I think I would. For one thing, the job security would sure beat working for a dotcom...

    -the wunderhorn

  • I run a Directory Listing for Embbeded Computer
    components such as PC104 devices and Single
    Board computers. It list manufacturers of
    these devices such as Lineo and even redhat's
    embedded business which is called wirespeed.
    Go check it out at []
  • Is there a case for using closed-source here, from the point of view of security? After all, this is a question of national security; I think the rules might be a bit different. Now, I'm writing off-the-cuff, so feel free to shoot me down (so to speak).

    The argument against "security through obscurity" is that when people gain experience cracking certain locks, the weaknesses become well known and it's in the locksmith's interest to learn about them. To this end, it makes sense to publicize problems so that the locksmiths can fix them, instead of leaving the knowledge only in the hands of crackers.

    But military systems aren't really open to a great deal of attack in the first place. There's a lot of physical security (at least, there should be). As such, there's much less chance for weaknesses to become well known in the first place.

    So, is it possible that "security through obscurity" actually works a little better in this case?

    Would we want to be reading about our military's weaknesses on BugTraq? (Actually, I'm Canadian, so it doesn't directly affect me, but hey...)

    Then again, it depends on how the software is used. If you have other kinds of physical and mechanical security to back it up, then software security might be almost irrelevant.

    And also, the argument might be false because it's just a question of a difference in community. That is, if we replace "general public" with "international military community," then maybe the obscurity argument remains just as valid.

    Hmmmm. I'm starting to argue against myself. I'll stop now, before I end up looking ten times more foolish than I look already.


  • LINUX can be argued to be _MORE_ secure than any M$ product simply because you can know what is there. While obscure, the security comes though being able to test and understand the entire OS vs a guess at what the latest cluster from M$ has in its millions of lines. I think that this is a good thing. I feel more comfortable knowing that the military is using programs they can follow line by line rather than Redmonds "trust me it works in all conditions approach" Dan
  • Think about it what does the NSA (by all reports) run. I'll give you a hint it is developed in Canada and version 2.8 just came out. The whole open source == insecure thing is a myth as looking at security for awhile will make very clear.
  • It looks like a lot of you aren't even reading the article before replying to this thread. These embedded devices are not sitting on a network, waiting to be cracked by some kiddie. Also, I don't see how anyone can assert that this sets some kind of precedence where GPL'd software might be used "unethically." These devices are small, portable things that are going to be used to help keep track of maintenance records for vehicles. The Army already has things like this, and they run Windows. Aircraft mechanics in the Army have been using tablet-style computers for years that contain electronic versions of manuals. Let's face it, the military is "going digital." Should they be using products developed and sold commercially? Or should they be using Open Source software where the code is freely distributable to anyone? There are clear arguments for both, but I would feel more comfortable if the military embraces Open Source instead of conintuing to use proprietary software.
  • by xtal ( 49134 ) on Wednesday December 13, 2000 @01:45PM (#561965)

    Actually since they are selling the binaries they have to have the source readily available. But where's the source?

    You missed the point. Since they didn't sell YOU a binary, nobody has to give YOU the source. If you buy their binary, you get the source. You could also get the source from someone who bought it.. but nothing says they have to give it to you unless they agree to sell or provide a binary to you. GPL is no guarantee of access, and hence free as in speech is not free as in beer, a point that escapes many here.

  • Yeah, embedded Linux devices that aren't connected to the Internet are easy to crack. Oh wait, it was a stupid joke. Nevermind.
  • "Hi, I'm Col. Jeff Sanders, United States Army, Retired."

    "And I'm Col. Quan Li, People's Liberation Army, Retired."

    "Our two nations may not agree on the important things, like respecting human rights,"

    "Or not exploitating the working class,"

    "But we both agree on one thing."

    "Both the People's Republic of China,"

    "And the United States Army,"

    "Use Linux to power their operations."

    "Linux is cheap, stable, and as flexible as it gets since the source code is available to anyone."

    "Linux also works on older, less expensive hardware, and is the glorious product of the unalienated labor of thousands of volunteers."

    "And it's under the GPL, which makes it free, as in Free Speech."

    "Something which even the People's Republic of China can appreciate."

    "When it benefits them."

    "That is not in the script....."

    "Don't tell me what's in the..."

    "SO..try Linux today. Billions of Chinese can't be wrong."

    "Try Linux, the Operating System that stands for Freedom and Quality."

    The Free ODMG Project [] needs volunteers.

  • I assume that "OH_YES_INDEED" is supposed to be a boolean true. In that case your code should read:

    #define OH_YES_INDEED 0
    int microsoftsuxbadly = OH_YES_INDEED;

    Just a minor nitpick. :-)
  • way to go redhat!, selling out to the corporate run goverment, i praise you.
    ``ask not what you can do for your country, ask what your country did to you'' --kmfdm
  • Agreed! But IMHO much of RH's questionable reputation comes from RedFlag 7.0, which the military are not (fortunately) going to use. I'd expect the guys at RH are more careful with stability and security with this Clinux for embedded systems than that RF^H^H^HRH7.0.

  • ..Who is General Protection and why is he reading my hard drive?
  • This is interesting in light of an article published on The Motley Fool [] on Monday. They predicted that Wind River [] would be the winner over Linux in the embedded systems market. Their reasons? Apparently, the nature of open source is one problem; another one they cited is the "lack of real-time capabilities"in Linux (and I thought these guys did their research!!!) MS is a loser from the get-go, apparently because it takes 18 months to fix anything.

    Rack another one up for Linux!
  • You come upon the same dilemna that censorware authors face. Who decides what is ethical?
  • Even if this works the Army will never use it . The Army has a system called STE/ICE which is a simple tester that can be used on all wheeled vechile and most tracked vechiles . The reason they dont use this is the cost each unit costs over 10,000 dollars. I wont be suprized when they (the Army) wont use this either. FTA
  • These posts came up last time the army bought Linux. Here we go again....

    1) Licenses are irrelevant in critical times. In wartime, the Bad Guys (whoever they happen to be) will be using any code they please. They'll use one CD to install Windows 2K on all their computers or they'll use one CD to install Linux on all of them. Software piracy or license violations are not war crimes. What would we do, execute the enemy's signal officers for violating a licesnse?? Second, the US military would probably tell software companies to take their licenses and shove 'em in a real crisis. Congress would back us up and rewrite the laws to exempt the military from all licenses. If you think this won't happen, look at the degree the fedl govt controlled the economy in World War II.

    2) More advanced weapons help protect the lives of our soldiers. Would you be ethically remiss if you *failed* to write GPL which would have saved some grunts' lives? What if that code could have helped defend us from attack. (I assume you're an American. If not, change "us" to "your".)

    3) This "ethical clause" is an awfully slippery slope. What's next? Hate groups can't run Apache servers? Then we ban pornographers from using GPL code, then we ban unpopular religions, pretty soon only upstanding corporate citizens are able to use GPL code.

    How would you get everyone to agree on the ethics clause? You want the ethics clause to exclude military uses, I want to exclude use by police, IP law firms, record companies, motion picture studios... I'm sure others would want to exclude gay and lesbian groups, Scientology and/or Mormons and/or the Catholic Church and/or Muslims and/or Jews, the Republican and/or Democratic parties, and so forth.

    Your ethics clause would fragment the GPL into thousands of different licences. Anyone can throw in an "ethics clause" and call it their own personal GPL. We need to resist fragmenting the license just because our code might be used for reasons we don't like.
  • I would have thought that as the army is security paranoid, they would not install an open source OS on truely mission critical devices.

    These are hardly mission critical devices. I read once that combat vehicles have approximately one hour of downtime for each hour of uptime. They require absurd maintenance.

    I don't think these devices control any critical systems or transmit any critical data. Weapons systems normally have "black box" designed electronics. When the thing fails, you don't attempt to diagnose the problem, you pull the component out and insert the spare. Hopefully someone will eventually fix the orignal, although apparently soldiers discarded millions of dollars of the puppies in the Arabian desert.

    Linux Security is good for businesses, but in the army it's different - their enemies have resources and will keep what they develop a secret, before deploying it once.

    I think the opposite is true. Closed source software's advantage is security through obscurity. A huge part of obscurity is the idea of not reverse-engineering the closed source software.

    In peacetime, the clause in the license against reverse-engineering gets some respect. Microsoft would probably sue me to death if I had a team of 300 engineers reverse-engineering Windows.

    But if I "iberate" a Bad Guy Communication System 900 running TopSecret OS the niceties of software licensing do not apply. I can set 300 engineeers on it and reverse-engineer the code and find any flaws quickly. Bear in mind I only need one Bad Guy Comm Sys to do this. What will the enemy do, sue for license violations? Assuming they won, who would enforce their decision?
  • If you're after a bit more humour and our take on more than the bare facts check out's article on the same matter -

    here []

    thanks, Renai

  • The us army changed its color from green to red >:)=
  • there are lots of ditros to choose from of course, but this was probably the best choice.

    Of course they coudln't use SuSE because it's german.
    Same goes for Corel being canadian which is a shame considering their distro is very simple.
    Slackware has no corporate backing and there has no accountablitly factor. SO this really isn't an option.
    Mandrake (in an effort to bring users the newest products) tends to use a lot of alpha and still in testing products which isn't the best for mission critical systems.
    Caldera has had too many security problems.

    I guess in the end they powerful red hat is probably the best choice. However, I wonder if solaris was considered at all. I would love to see sun competing against MS with he backing of the US army. Plus Solaris is american made, very secure and rather simple.
  • Well, I took that code snippet form the source of NSCopy, the "free, throttled flexible file copier for Win32," made by

    He uses the INTEGER microsoftsuxbadly as the argument for a switch statement. The value of microsoftsuxbadly gets changed from 1 to 0 depending on some other cases. So what you've just said has little relevance in the code's actual context.

    But, if I'm not completely braindead, isn't a boolean TRUE the same as 1? And so if you #define OH_YES_INDEED to be 1, that makes it true, right? And we want microftsuxbadly to be true, right? Or is it your point that microft does not suck badly, and I have just been trolled?


    -the wunderhorn

  • I like the idea, but unless the system can print out a 2404 form of similiar, it's not gonna fly, as maintence will demand the right paperwork :) Be even nicer if it can sign/date the form, hm, I do hope they've already considered this... a vehicle that does it's own paperwork would be a truly useful thing to have. Take it from a driver of such vehicles :)

    bash: ispell: command not found
  • But, if I'm not completely braindead, isn't a boolean TRUE the same as 1? And so if you #define OH_YES_INDEED to be 1, that makes it true, right? And we want microftsuxbadly to be true, right? Or is it your point that microft does not suck badly, and I have just been trolled?

    Hmmmm.... Nope. Need to go program more C/C++. A zero is a true condition and a non-zero is a false condition. While this might seem A$$-backwards, it actually makes sense when you think about it.

    Q: How many true conditions can you have?
    A: One. True is true regardless.

    Q: How many false conditions can you have?
    A: Many. 1 could be a staus code for file not found, whereas 2 could mean that a connection to the server could not be established.

    Of course, in OOP, this all becomes meaningless because exceptions should be taking the brunt of the errors. But back in the days of procedural programming, this was how it was done. :-)

    P.S. As an experiment, try this code:

    #include <stdio.h>

    void main()
    int error = 1;

    if(error) printf("Error!");

  • Umm as someone who had the misfortune to use ste/ice on M1-A1 Abrams, let me be the first to say that _anything_ has to be better than ste/ice.

    If (oh hell WHEN) ste/ice crashes you get to send the unit off to some Godforsaken depot level maintanance unit for replacement because you can't debug or fix the thing locally.

    The reason they used ste/ice to begin with is because you could teach Joe Shmoe from Idaho to hook up the thing and go through a checklist for diagnosing electronic faults and all sorts of other test problems, but when it goes down you get to fall back on actually knowing whats wrong w/ the vehicle.

    In other words, when ste/ice fscks up, you better have a whole crew of really knowledgeable people around to fix it.

    As far as ste/ice costing too much to replace, cmon man; you really think that's a major hindrance? We're talking about a government that literally threw out supplies to keep their quota the same fom month to month.

    (I don't blame them for that, the supply situation was bizzare during wartime from all accounts.)

    As far as the whole, GPL no kill proviso, remember, some of the benefits of these could be to the poor schmuck National Gaurd unit called out during a flood; w/ cheaper more reliable diagnostic tools, they could keep their vehicles in running order for when everybody would appreciate it.

    (Oregons forest fire season for example)


    May you live in Fortean times!
  • it's probably preferable to use an open source product because you know there are no backdoors. How many people working for MS have had security clearances run on them? Who knows what some russian, chinese, hindu, israeli, pakistani, or plain old white blond red blooded american put in that code? Maybe there is a backdoor just wating to be opened up by your enemy when the time comes.
  • To Green Berret?
    Or perhaps Tin Hat...
  • This is embedded, stand-alone software. How would you propose that someone hack into it? Stability is the issue, not security, at least in this application.

    With the exception of certain big-ticket items that Congress likes to throw money at (planes, tanks, weapon systems -- anything that funnels sufficient money into a given congressman's district) the military is pretty cost-conscious.

  • ... they will say it was Seg's fault, and not General Protection's one ...
  • I think I remember reading in the Linux Journal about a big purchase agreement between Red Hat and the US Army, some time around 1996. I couldn't find any reference on Red Hat's site (I guess they don't archive that far back?). Or maybe i'm off my rocker -- that was after all near the end of my "crazy college years..."
  • >...enemies have resources and will keep what they develop a secret, before deploying it once.
    With open source, the bugs are openly published and fixed. With closed source, methinks the enemy is keeping what it knows under its hat.
  • You're right that dynamite has no military application. But Nobel's invention saved more lives in the mining industry than he ended. Dynamite is a wonder explosive because it was far more stable than anything else available, like mercury fulminate, nitroglycerin, or picric acid, and as a "low" explosive, it is still far more predictable than TNT and the like.

    Nobel's sudden philanthropy came in part because of someone else's journalistic cluelessness. A Swedish newspaper wrongly reported that Nobel had died. In the article, a reporter excoriated Nobel as a wholesale death merchant and claimed that his invention was used in military weapons of mass destruction--or what passed for them at the time. The journalist was wrong, of course, and Nobel knew it. But he did establish the Prize fund. Whether he did this out of guilt, I do not know. But it is for certain that his reputation had been badly damaged by the newspaper's libelous claims.


  • P.S. As an experiment, try this code:


    void main()
    int error = 1;

    if(error) printf("Error!");

    Yes, and since if(error) evaluates to 'true', we get the output 'Error!'

    Thus, OH_YES_INDEED should be defined as 1 so that microsoftsuxbadly will be true.

    -the wunderhorn

  • You are confusing return codes from programs (where 0 means ok and anything else an error status) with logic values (where 0 is false and any non-zero is true).
    To add to the confusion, you can have a true, b true, and a&b false (binary 10 & 01).
    --- my two bits worth.
  • Dynamite may not have been used directly in war, but Nobel's inventions were elaborated upon by arms dealers.

    I do apologize for the various spelling and grammatical errors. I should have used "Preview". Ah well.

    Persons using the GPL should be aware that later programmers may change the code in ways that the original donor may not approve of.

    If I gift a free word processor to the community, it's not my responsibility if someone alters it to assist in the commmission of human rights violations. It is not Microsoft's responsbility if their software was used in an indecent fashion-- why should the onus fall on "free software" developers?

    On the other hand, I might donate any proceeds realized from distribution fees to Amnesty International (a la Alfred Nobel).

    If, on the other hand, I provided active support to the putative war criminal, who I knew was intent on such modifications, my assistance would be damning.

    (Note that I do not write word processing software, and I don't really want to know what "modifications" would create complicity).
  • In my opinion RHAT has a quality product and quality support. This foothold into the US Defense establishment could be very big for them.
  • It will evaluate to false, not true. Thus "Error!" will not print. I should hope that one would try 0 after that to see true, but it is not necessary for the code example as the point is to show that 1 is not true.
  • no.

    -the wunderhorn
  • Pretty funny.
    Remember though that the US never signed the Geneva convention
  • That way the military will use a broken operating system to detect problems with their equipment.... Great Idea!

"Life sucks, but death doesn't put out at all...." -- Thomas J. Kopp
