SuSE 7.0 Available For Download 82
solusthewizard writes: "SuSE, probably Europe's top Linux distro, is available for download as a 'live evaluation' iso image for version 7.0. Not quite sure what that means as opposed to the shrinkwrapped version as I haven't finished downloading it yet! Check out here for the iso (or better still, look for a local mirror). Can't be any worse than Red Hat 7.0, my laptop is still recovering." Read about the things that make 7.0 beam with pride here, if you'd like. I will make a sizeable contribution to The Human Fund in the name of everyone who establishes or points to a mirror :)
Live vs. full (Score:1)
Re:About bugs in Red Hat 7.0... (Score:1)
Well, I'm the guy who wrote the article on mandrakeforum, and in case it isn't clear:
I don't care how good/bad is RH: I wouldn't work for Mandrakesoft if I wouldn't think we are doing a better job, but that particular story about counting bugs in bugzilla was below all standards and may have hurt the Linux as a whole, not only RedHat.
As for LM 7.2, it is not "potentially better than SuSe", it is definitively going to be better than whatever SuSe can come up with. ;->
(The rest is just my very private observation, and not in any way Mandrakesoft's official statement: I'm not very fond of SuSe, and newer was. Even some folk at Mandrakesoft may disagree with me, and I am sure many slashdot readers do as well..)
There are two things which always bothered me about SuSe: Yast licence and non-standard way of setting-up the filesystem. Then I learned more about it (well, I lived in Austria...), and found out there were more things that bother me. For instance, it seems that they aren't very eager to let people download the newest version, so they simply don't put it on ftp-servers. Also, they do not seam to care about licances at all, so last time I looked free- and non-free software was all mixed-up.
Re:questions (Score:1)
as for the admin tools looking like windows...i don't know what to tell you there. SuSE only has one admin tool, really...YAST. it's simple, works pretty well, and does what you tell it to do.
no idea where they are at with their 3d acceleration, but it's been my experience that when SuSE says it supports some hardware, it usually works out of the box, or with a minimal amount of fiddling. best thing to do is check their hardware support database for specific hardware.
Just what we need, more RedHat bashing (Score:1)
Re:Just what we need, more RedHat bashing (Score:1)
Nothing wrong with that. Distribution competition is better for all of us. But I'd much rather hear about the cool stuff SuSE has than how the submitter's laptop is "still recovering from RedHat 7". That sort of remark doesn't enlighten anybody and doesn't show the good things that SuSE does.
Re:Easy upgrades? (Score:1)
It's amazing! (Score:1)
As well, the first distro. with a non-beta kde 2 (as far as I know).
not amazing, I hope! :) (Score:1)
(debian stuff) [slashdot.org]
There's also a lot of stuff about Mandrake [slashdot.org]! Which is what Roblimo and I use most. Slackware, too. [slashdot.org]
There are various opinions of what distro (and window manager etc) Slashdot is trying to "push" or "ignore" but the truth is there a bunch of people with different machines and preferences. BSD, various UNIXes, the odd dual-boot windows machine, Macs, and various weirdo ones.
And the most important factor, anyhow, is the logo. SuSE has one of the coolest logos / mascots (I don't much like the new Mandrake logo, oh well -- the hat was much cooler and referenced Mandrake the magician), right up there with Tux. Does any distro or major piece of Linux software have a turtle, an albatross or a panda bear for its mascot? How about a polar bear?
Q : what is the best *SERVER* linux distro (Score:1)
Any one has any thoughts?
Re:SuSe not free? (Score:1)
Re:Live Eval (Score:1)
I use the Slack 7.0 CD to boot my machine all the time (when I bust LILO).
My point of view (Score:1)
The professional version only has longer support, but I get $$ support from them and I can only tell you that it sucks. You get better and faster support from the net, I was quite amazed/impressed when someone like Claus Assman replied to my questions on the sendmail newsgroup and gave me some short clues that really helped me getting sendmail & SASL running...:-)
As someone else pointed out, it's not really news for me, since I got 7.0 month ago directly from SuSE.
Re:Live Eval (Score:1)
Re:Q : what is the best *SERVER* linux distro (Score:1)
If you want to use a linux distribution, I would recommend debian, ive used it in both desktop and server configurations, and I can say that its a wonderful distribution for either scenario.
If you havent heard already:
SuSE's sickening tactic (Score:1)
Second. I have been using SuSE since version 5.2. I am very disappointed about thier "Professional" vs. "normal user who don't even use development tools to compile programs" bullshit. This is an outragous price hike. In the past, I have always purchased the hard copy version of SuSE, even for the ones that I installed over the net. But frankly this "upgrade" "professional" "personal" bullshit is unacceptable.
SuSE always tries to stop people from downloading thier distro over the net.
Technically, SuSE has some long standing issues. The latest one (6.4) that i purchased started to have horrible lib problems. Things like Acrobat reader and realaudio NEVER works. I followed thier instruction in version 6.4 and on thier web site to install XFree4 and everything crashes and burns. I'm sick of it's lib problems.
SuSE has lost me as a long term customer. They can shove that "professional upgrade" #$@@%^..
When I do a re-install, I re-install the whole thing, I'm not "professional upgrading" it. period.
I'm moving to another distro. either Debian, Slackware, FreeBSD, or maybe Mandrake. (However I'm not sure if I can stand terms like DiskDrake.)
Re:7.0 (Score:1)
Re:7.0 (Score:1)
Re:Look Again. (Score:1)
austrian Linux community finds SuSE ****** (Score:1)
DON'T SEE ME AS A FLAMEBAIT, but the experience with SuSE is really disturbing.
Re:2.2.17? (Score:1)
It also contains stuff like ip_masq_quake.
parallel scanning (Score:1)
2.2.17? (Score:1)
Um. Hello? Anyone awake in Germany?
Why not use the real 2.2.17 kernel?
MORE than decent... (Score:1)
And their new X installer, sax2, is amazing. I was expecting the usual questions about monitor syncs, video card brand, mouse protocol, maybe RAMDAC (yuck). But I typed 'sax2' at the command-line, watched it print a few dots... and suddendly, X came up at something like 1800x1600 with a small dialog box asking if it looked okay. That was it!
Re:SuSe not free? (Score:1)
I have been interested in SuSE Since 6.1, I have 7.0 Personal Editon right now. I bought 7.0 few weeks ago, but it is still not on their FTP. I think they are trying to hold out, so that people but it first, damn it!
6.4 has been on their FTP right away after it was in the stores. I'm thinking that they are starting to get greedy. I'm not saying that SuSE is the best, but I like it better than Redhat, Mandrake, Caldera, TurboLinux, Slackware, because it comes with a TON of software.
I guess, from now on, I will HAVE TO buy SuSE to use it, and I don't like it. I mean I have bought 6.1, 6.3, 6.4 in the past, but I did not HAVE TO. Now that they are MAKING me buy it, it is time to switch to DEBIAN or something. I think Stampede is another non-profit Linux distro. Does anyone know of any other non-profit distors other than Debian or Stampede? e-mail me @ wojciech.banas@digitalgreen.com
mirror? (Score:1)
Hey look, there's a mirror over there!
Re: (Score:1)
Why is this an eval? (Score:1)
That's not it (Score:1)
SuSE 7 SPARC is good, hope x86 is as good. (Score:1)
Hope the x86 version is as good, I always did like Geeko, and I definatly want to have as similar distro on all my machines as possible.
Re:Live Eval (Score:1)
Re:Easy upgrades? (Score:1)
Marcelo Vanzin
Easy upgrades? (Score:1)
Marcelo Vanzin
Re:Easy upgrades? (Score:1)
Marcelo Vanzin
Re:reiserfs (Score:1)
I've used SuSE 6.2 and 6.4, and since switching to 6.4, I've been running ReiserFS(Sometimes nuking your box can be a good thing.) under the following kernels:
2.2.14-SuSE, 2.2.16-SuSE, 2.3.51-SuSE, 2.4.0-test6 through test8.
Not only have I not had a problem with hdparm, I've managed to hard-off my box - thank the cats playing with power cords - at LEAST once per kernel variant with no loss of data or problems. ReiserFS wasn't a volatile inclusion on SuSE's part; they're a primary sponsor of it as well as sponsoring XFree86 development.
To be honest, the only thing I can think of is that it was a once-off, because I haven't seen any problems with Reiser, and it's saved me a lot of heartache.
Re:SuSE's sickening tactic (Score:1)
Personally though, I don't find it all that difficult. Why? Because I go to SuSE's ftp site, poke around, and lo and behold, I find a directory with the INSTALL DISKS FROM THE CD DISTRO.
Sheesh. Can you really blame them for wanting you to buy instead of download? Do you think they make their money on the free support that comes with a purchased distro? No, they make it on the damned fine manuals and - in the case of SuSE 6.4 - the mini-FAQ and basic install instructions printed on the sleeve.
Simple fact is, they're a BUSINESS. They don't need to make it EASY for you, but they DO make it available. And if you've really got issues where you can't download and dd a floppy image to a disk after spending some time poking around a directory tree, then please don't complain that they're not giving away their lifeblood.
After all, RMS charged an arm and a leg for a hardcopy of Emacs. I fail to see where a full distro should do any differently. I'm not big on the Personal/Proffessional distinction, but RedHat does the same thing. Nothing new here.
Wolfstar - waiting for the ftp site to un-Slashdot itself before upgrading.
Alice rocks (Score:1)
And SuSe 7.0 has been rock solid so far and quite bugfree (the only quirk I found so far was the fact that if you install PDFLaTeX later, it doesn't regenerate the hash table for fonts - which is easy to fix by running texhash). And configs are really easy - all the relevant info is in rc.config (and not all over the place as in rht).
Anyway, the professional version is worth the money - you're getting 4 handbooks with it. You'd probably spend the same money on linux book otherwise (without getting a new distro).
Re:Live Evaluations and the Free Mini-Distros (Score:1)
Re:Attanning high performance (Score:1)
How many data lines does IDE have? If it's only 8, as I suspect, then 100MHz has a theoretical maximum of 100MBytes/sec. So perhaps it's not a typo.
Re:Linux 7.0 again? (Score:1)
PS: If you're paranoid, I think it's open source, so you can make sure it doesn't contain any trojans.
Re:Mirror (Score:1)
The file is as of now in the process of being mirrored; it is not there yet (about 60% done).u se/suse/i386/live-eval-7.0/
The link misses the unix directory. The correct link is
Working mirror (Score:1)
ftp://ftp.esat.net/mirrors/ftp.suse.com/pub/suse/i 386/live-eval-7.0/live-evaluation-i386-7 0.iso
Re:Working mirror (Score:1)
Re:My personal experiences with SuSE (Score:1)
Well just thought I mention it, just in case you have a similar problem.
Re:questions (Score:1)
But the Install is very, very simple, fast and since all the programs are on 1 DVD, no more need to be a DJ. But after all it is very configureable, too. You can use some base selections, but enable-disable evry single packet (from the 1800).
I had a great experience with it!
Re:austrian Linux community finds SuSE ****** (Score:1)
And, under 6.4, if you modify the sendmail.cf, it notices, and refuses to overwrite - instead it leaves it as is, and puts it's own version named something like sendmail.cf.SuSEversion. I dunno...I don't use YaST for anything but user modifications and adding packages, so I havn't had any problem.
Re:Easy upgrades? (Score:1)
I originally used Red Hat and switched to SuSE. I've never looked back. SuSE is well polished, where Red Hat has lots of rough edges.
Re:Just what we need, more RedHat bashing (Score:1)
I don't bash Red Hat. I just don't like their distribution. Lots of bugs in point-zero releases. Lots of rough edges.
A friend convinced me to try SuSE, and I was way happier with it.
No bashing. Just my opinion. I like SuSE's distribution better, and I think, for good reasons (more than I've given here).
Dis-disclaimer: My only relationship with SuSE is as a past and present customer.
Re:Why is this an eval? (Score:1)
Someone from SuSE answered it. The gist of the answer IIRC was, the evals are not supported. If they upgrade into full-blown future updates, great. But there is no effort to make this happen. If you happen to be able to pake packages from the real distribution and load them with YaST into the eval, then good for you. But if not, don't complain.
Re:2.2.17? (Score:1)
Re:austrian Linux community finds SuSE ****** (Score:1)
I don't know under what condition Yast could overwrite custom config, but I have seen many times the opposite. For example, I have modified manually my configuration for Postfix. The next time I have used Yast, it said me that it hadn't modified the postfix config file because it seems changed manually and that it had write a possible config file in some other file.
Moreover, in many config file like /etc/csh.cshrcn, it is clearly explained that you must not change this file manually but that you need to change another file.
SuSE is full of these checks. I think it is very well done. You just must pay attention to comments. If some file is marked do not change, there is another file to modify and if not, you can.
I am progressively installing manually (not using RPM) apps on my SuSE box. Yast has never changed files that I have manually modified.
From what I've heard, SuSE 7.0 is decent. (Score:1)
Re:SuSE 7.0 and USB (Score:1)
I honestly don't know; this seems to defy logic. I would assume that this works out for a DB-25 connector, but aren't the pinouts for the SCSI DB-25 and the Parallel DB-25 totally different? Maybe not, because Iomega's Zip Plus actually autodetected whether the connection was parallel or SCSI. But an LPT controller used as a SCSI device? This is making my head spin!
About bugs in Red Hat 7.0... (Score:1)
About that, there is an interesting article that tries to explain the truth about the so called "numerous" bugs in RH 7.0. The funny point is that it's apparently been written by the Mandrakesoft folks! Read: http://www.mandrakeforum.com/article.php3?sid=2000 1005082533 [mandrakeforum.com]
[by the way, Mandrake 7.2 is coming along - start flame: potentially better than SuSE 7.0 ??? :-)))]
Finally!!! (Score:1)
SuSE as "server out of the box" (Score:1)
Re:About bugs in Red Hat 7.0... (Score:1)
7.0 (Score:1)
How did they solve all the hardware issues? (Score:1)
Suse is more for German Linux Users.. (Score:1)
Tough upgrade for me on a ThinkPad 770Z. (Score:2)
Anyone know what might be wrong? I have a message in to SuSE technical support, but every little bit helps
Many thanks for any thoughts.
creeping commercialism? (Score:2)
Compare that with RedHat, who is making ISO images of their distribution widely available and often hands them out at trade shows and other places. Of course, Debian is even more open, with "free live updating".
SuSE may technically be a reasonable distribution. But they seem to make getting free versions of their software more cumbersome than necessary. I don't think that kind of approach is good for Linux in the long run. I can't even figure out what they are trying to accomplish with their strategy, and that concerns me. I think I'll stick with RedHat and Debian for now.
Re:questions (Score:2)
Indeed, SuSE is strongly KDE based. But you can install other desktop environments or window managers too. The latest release (7.0) has a very nice graphical installation with Yast2, which will let you go from nothing (PC without OS) to a fully working KDE environment in only a few mouse clicks. It is easy to use, it detects and configures a wide range of hardware automatically, and it is even rather robust. It also works for updates/upgrades too.
However, if you do not want to run KDE and you do not want to install it at all, then SuSE gets in your way. It is possible to install SuSE 7.0 without KDE (if you are short on disk space, or for political/philosophical reasons), but it is not trivial. The easiest way to do this is to use the older (text-based but still menu-driven) Yast1 installation tool, pick one of the standard configurations that is suitable for you, then manually unselect the KDE packages. It will complain that some packages are missing from the base system (y2base and yast2) and it will report an unsatisified dependency (lxuser, the basic user setup for X, requires kbase from KDE) but everything will work fine anyway so these dependencies on KDE are not really necessary. It is a bit annoying that you can never let Yast select packages automatically (otherwise it will select the ones mentionened above, find that they depend on more KDE pieces, and in the end install most of KDE) but it is doable.
By the way, if you do not install KDE because you prefer GNOME, then you have to be careful: even if you select the "GNOME system" instead of the "KDE system" during installation, it will still install parts of KDE and it will not start the GNOME environment automatically when you boot. I found that it is usually much easier to select an installation without any desktop environment, and to install Helix Gnome from Helix Code [helixcode.com], which has better packages than the old ones included with SuSE.
That being said, if you do install KDE, you will find that the admin tools are decent. They do not allow you to do everything, but the basic configuration options are there. Also, the graphical configuration tools do not prevent you from using command-line tools if you like them, or editing the configuration files by hand if you know what you are doing. The files that are automatically generated or modified by some tools contain some comments explaining that you should modify /etc/rc.config instead. This works quite well.
It works slick so far here. (Score:2)
There are some wacky things that SuSE does - so if you are a RH person, they may throw you. They sure did me. Config files are moved all over the place, for instance, and I still have not become 100% used to where they are now, but for the most part I like what SuSE did to them.
Vote Nader [votenader.org]
Re:SuSe not free? (Score:2)
Hardware Vendors and Commercial Software Vendors are really only supporting distributions such as RedHat. SuSe appears to be the second most popular distribution at the moment and there is more support for it than there is for Slackware. Getting some stuff to work on Slackware is like fitting a square peg into a round hole...
Being in the UK also makes me feel that SuSe would be better suited for me.
I don't object to paying for Linux distributions, I paid £20-25 per version of Slackware since 2.3, but now that home use Internet bandwidth is becoming available where it is actually possible to download ISO images in a reasonable amount of time, we're finding that some distributions are pulling the plug on online downloads. Even if they provide value-added commercial software.
I can't find accurate information, but does anyone know whether the tree at ftp://ftp.suse.com/pub/suse/i386/7.0/ is the full version?
SuSe not free? (Score:2)
The "Personal" and "Professional" versions appear to cost $40 & $70.
Is this to say that SuSe isn't free? I always thought they were free. (as in beer or not)
If someone buys a copy can they supply me with the CDs or are the "SuSe parts" considered non-free?
I'm not evangelising here, I'm not about to boycott SuSe, but I would like some clairifcation as to where they stand.
Re:2.2.17? (Score:2)
My personal experience is these SuSE kernels are slightly less reliable than normal ones, I had a nasty problem on my laptop with SuSE 6.4 that was fixed by upgrading to a 'normal' kernel the next time one came out.
Re:Easy upgrades? (Score:2)
I have the evaluation copy as a CD in a German magazine and will be trying it later this evening (reckless fool!)
Re:Why is this an eval? (Score:2)
Their desktop version comes on 3 CDs
Their server version comes on 6 CDs or 1 DVD.
This one fits on 1 CD - maybe one or two things are missing
Re:austrian Linux community finds SuSE ****** (Score:2)
It is quite possible that some of the config files generated from rc.config are not saved. Config files that are outside this system - smb.conf for example - are either renamed smb.conf.rpmsave or the new one is created as smb.conf.rpmnew. The upgrade process sends root a mail in each case saying this.
If I update my system, it makes sense to backup configuration files first. Saying that the 'austrian community finds SuSE ******' because some newbies not only forgot to save their config files but could not find the updated ones afterwards, could reasonably be called flamebait.
Maybe I should look at the at.linux newsgroups some time, I can't imagine that they are as bad as you think.
Live Eval (Score:2)
Not out then? (Score:2)
Re:7.0 (Score:2)
Re:reiserfs (Score:2)
I enabled hdparm -S 240 to put it to sleep after 20 mins of no activity, and was running Samba exporting 2 shares on the reiserfs partition.
The next day I rebooted with shutdown -r now.
When it came up I noticed my ftpd was freaking out about respawning too fast. The ReiserFS partition was not mounted, and gave bad superblock errors when I went to manually mount it. So I decided to reiserfsck it, since it wasn't mounted anyway. No reiserfs found.
So I fired up fdisk to see whats up. No partition found on that hard disk.
ReiserFS ate my partition.
I cannot beleive that SuSe would include something so volatile in an official release.
Not a flame, just my experience. I'm sure ReiserFS will rock once it gets Alan and Linus' approval.
Re:SuSE 7.0 and USB (Score:2)
>on the SuSE website about XFree86 4.0 supporting
>scanners on parallel ports???"
This is an easy one. Scanners with parallel port interfaces. Before USB became prevelant in 98-99, the two major interface types for scanners were either SCSI or parallel.
>I honestly don't know; this seems to defy logic.
>I would assume that this works out for a DB-25
>connector, but aren't the pinouts for the SCSI
>DB-25 and the Parallel DB-25 totally different?
Yes, they are. In fact, they're different signalling types, so they can't even be compared on a pin for pin basis.
>Maybe not, because Iomega's Zip Plus actually
>autodetected whether the connection was parallel
>or SCSI. But an LPT controller used as a SCSI
>device? This is making my head spin!
The Zip Plus actually had a built in parallel to SCSI converter built in. If you pluged into a real SCSI bus, it would connect directly to the ZIP drive, otherwise it would use the converter.
(Basically worked by having a driver that encapsulates SCSI commands over parallel.)
Re:Live Evaluations and the Free Mini-Distros (Score:2)
Re:Are they calling... (Score:2)
SaX is SuSE's XFree86 configuration utility (Sax2 for 4.x series). YaST is the installation utility.
And, as long as I'm posting, ALICE is SuSE's new answer to Red Hat's kickstart. You set 'er up, and use a bootdisk on your workstations and walk away while it installs. I'm just starting to experiment with that on our business machines, and it looks extremely promising. SuSE rocks for business.
Re:austrian Linux community finds SuSE ****** (Score:3)
now you can be sure YaST wont over-write any changes you make... this took about one half second to figure out, maybe if you had spent as much time fixing SuSE boxes and you say you have, you would already know this. . .
Look Again. (Score:3)
My personal experiences with SuSE (Score:3)
When I first got linux, I used Redhat since they were local to our area, and felt a certain loyalty bond. Well, perhaps I may go back one day - I won't rule it out.
After spending countless man-hours trying to figure out why I couldn't get XFree86 to install on my laptop (this was early 1998 - I forgot which version or why) I gave up and went back to windows. Later, I thought I'd give SuSE a try. The install went considerably more smoothly, and I got X up at the desired resolution. Now mind you, RH might have had a better install by early 1999 as well, but I wanted to try something new.
SuSE has been a dream for me since then, although I have had to tell it to not overwrite my hand-altered config files. With a modem hookup, it is far easier to buy a SuSE distro and have all my software updated at once than to download..download...download. Although I favor a do-it yourself approach, it was nice to at least have a GUI right off the bat - I'd explore later.
My main complaint with SuSE was that Yast2 will not run on my machine, even though it has 48M of memory, and I suspect if this trend continues it will become progressively harder to make full use of new features until I upgrade.
I realize that a more sophisticated reader can find fault with many of the things I have said here today, but that is my experience and opinion. I like SuSE - it is manageable and IMO fun to use. I plan to buy 7.0.
questions (Score:3)
I see in the press announcement it supports OpenGL accelerated boards. What does this mean? The word "Supports" has a variety of meanings under Linux; from:
"The underlying *support* is there, so it might work in 2-3 years"
"Download 50 Meg of code from three sites, do two cvs updates, apply several dozen patches, rebuild everything three times, go to the zoo and feed the penguins, and it might be working when you get back"
"It just works when you boot"
So, of the common cards supporting 3d Acceleration, what "percentage" are they supported, with "100%" being "It just works when you boot"?
So long, and thanks for all the fish.
Comment removed (Score:4)
Live Eval (Score:5)
And as usual, I'm sure you can download the SuSe install disc as well.