Neither Stable Nor Unstable: A Midrange Debian? 88
truefluke writes: "This was forwarded to me, from a friend who is a very loyal Debian supporter, with the cool news that Debian could become 'more up to date more often'. This news appeared here on the
Debian news source. A good idea, and prob incentive for more folks to try out Debian without resorting to the old saw of 'too old / too slow.'" Debian developer Anthony Towns says in the list posting mentioned there that "[t]his is a (mostly finished) project that will allow us to test out distribution by making it "sludgey" rather than frozen[.]" Sounds like the same logic behind the Caldera "Technology Preview" and Red Hat's Rawhide -- give people more of what they want of The Bleeding Edge, without getting reckless with the official release.
That's easy enough to get (Score:1)
Re:Concern about taking testing away from Unstable (Score:1)
Getting Unstable CDs (Score:1)
In particular, I've purchased CDs from Greenbush, http://www.greenbush.com
Finer-grained apt system (Score:1)
Anthony Towns:
Supporting this, there's some Apt changes in CVS that'll let people choose a few packages from one distribution and leave the rest from another. Two possibilities come to mind: either running "testing" most of the time, but using a bunch of programs from "unstable" because you're interested in their development; or running mostly from "unstable" except for a few packages you can't afford to have break on that machine. Either way you have a slightly larger buffer between an upload and it making it into "testing".
I've been waiting for something like this to be added, I couldn't believe I was the only one who would want it. Anyway, this will almost certainly bring more testers, since you can run the fairly-safe testing distribution and then test the bleeding-edge stuff you are interested in. Today, it is basically all or nothing. You either run the unstable branch and risk it going to hell completely or you stay away from testing the packages that you are most interested in. It also might make it easier to track down bugs if the parts of the system you are not particularly focusing on are likely to be fairly stable.
Good idea. (Score:1)
We are forwarned already, now arm us.
1,2,3,4 Moderation has to Go!
Re:Hrm (Score:1)
Re:Sounds nice (Score:1)
Re:Sounds nice (Score:1)
Re:One nice thing... (Score:1)
debian's dependencies (Score:1)
Re:Sieg Ackermann!!! (Score:1)
Re:Help for those new to Debian (Score:1)
How so.....then you have to explain why organizations and/or companies that release closed source software that they spent time and money creating with a license of their choosing is more disturbing than labeling it as a threat because you prefer open-source software.
Being an zealot, an elitist or a xenophobe is a waste of time. Other than that, your post was on target.
Re:why? (Score:1)
Yes. There were several times when apt would kick up its legs and thrash in dependancy errors on me, and it would take a few days before I could fix it. A couple of times a dist-upgrade would hose perl and apt so bad I had to reinstall.
Not that I'm not a card carring Debian Nazi, even with those two reinstalls it was soooooooo much nicer than running Red Hat.
Re:Concern about taking testing away from Unstable (Score:1)
But I like to play on the cutting edge - a "QA" version of Debian would be perfect.
Torrey Hoffman (Azog)
Hrm (Score:1)
Re:Sounds like RELEASE, STABLE, and CURRENT (Score:1)
but of course, the zealouts that can't take the truth always attack... heh
Re:Sounds nice (Score:1)
I use (in NT):
set http_proxy=a.b.c.d:80
wget http://foo.bar.baz/wibble.nerf
Re:Must be Made Explicit (Score:1)
I find it much simpler to use apt, where a command like:
apt-get install perl
Will fetch and install 'perl', as well as all the packages that it depends on (excluding the ones you have installed allready). There is a console based apt that functions much like dselect as well.
Sludgey release (Score:1)
Re:Switching OSes for Free Internet? (Score:1)
Re:Sounds nice (Score:1)
Re:Why do releases? (Score:1)
Re:One nice thing... (Score:1)
Re:Concern about taking testing away from Unstable (Score:1)
I thought of that right after I posted...duh. I'm curious though why there isn't something in place that saves the original files in tarball or something. I guess you could eventually have a lot of wasted space if you do a thing like that though.
Mackenzie King (Score:1)
"Not necessarily stable, but stable if necessary."
Re:ABSOLUTELY! (Score:1)
Re:Sounds nice (Score:1)
I've been trying to get a Debian release to download all week.
The hoops Debian make you jump through to get a version downloaded together is the biggest problem of all...
I'm trying to do the download on my company's fast comms line, but wget doesn't like my proxy, and the documentation on using wget with a proxy server is seriously minimal.
Sorry, but _I_ wasn't impressed with Debian. ALL I WANT IS THE BLOODY ISO!!!
Maybe I'll shell out the cash & buy the CD's...
OT - looking down most computer software shops in Tottenham Court Road (London, UK) this week; all of them had RedHat, lots had Suse, some had Corel and two even had Mandrake!!!
Strong data typing is for those with weak minds.
Sieg Ackermann!!! (Score:1)
Re:Hrmmm (Score:1)
Bill Joy coded it in 1981, if it wasn't for that damn ATT lawsuit you linux punx wouldn't even exist!
A midrange debian, does that come with 2 doors or 4? A sunroof? I'd buy it.
Re:Those Who Do Not Know FreeBSD are Doomed to Rep (Score:1)
Re:Sounds nice (Score:1)
<base href="http://http.us.debian.org/debian/dists/(dis
I think that's it... I should know, since I've done it seven times
Re:Sounds nice (Score:1)
(wishing I had a fast connection...)
Re:Must be Made Explicit (Score:1)
Re:debian's dependencies (Score:1)
Agreed, and that is also something releases are supposed to check for. I might have had the very situation you described as well.
Re:Must be Made Explicit (Score:1)
I just installed Debian (the newly released stable version) for the first time after running Red Hat and Mandrake for the past 1.5 years. So far I'm impressed, although downloading all the packages I need is a bit annoying, but then again the control it gives you is good. Also, the Debian package managemt tool (dselect) is excellent. I had nothing but problems with RPM's, but dselect is awesome.
I'm still having some minor configuration issues, but so far I'm impressed with Debian. I'm tempted to switch to the unstable release, though. My guess is that it would be better than the stable release of Red Hat.
Re:Must be Made Explicit (Score:1)
Anyway, the important thing is that it works, unlike RPM's.
Re:Sounds nice (Score:1)
Re:Why do releases? (Score:1)
This means actual CDs, mostly shrink-wrapped, which are then sold as commercial products with a version number to inform the public of the "age" of said distro.
Re:Those Who Do Not Know FreeBSD are Doomed to Rep (Score:1)
OpenBSD's current is always more secure than release, however, and I believe also theoretically more stable as well.
Re:Why do releases? (Score:1)
OK. Let me expand a bit on my original comment.
The whole release concept seems to be a bit too limiting for Linux distros, which are composed of many different bits of software, which have completely different release schedules of their own.
It may by true that releases help maintain sanity by not breaking dependencies every other day, but, for example, potato has packages that are outdated, despite being released just a little while ago. Because some of the packages were old, I had to upgrade a few of my packages from the unstable tree, and didn't have any problems with dependencies.
Upgrading a package by a minor revision should cause no problems. Potato still has bbdb 2.00, when version 2.00.06 (even smaller than a minor version) is out and fixes an annoying bug that happens when it is used with emacs 20. Why isn't the new version in Potato?
gkrellm in Potato is still at version 0.7.4 -- I upgraded to 0.10.5 from unstable with no problem with dependencies. Potato has xmms 1.0.1, but 1.2.2 works fine with the same libraries. Can't someone just look at it, see that it works just fine and that there were no problems with dependencies, and then put them in the stable branch?
Well, that's my rant of the day. Don't get me wrong; I love Debian -- I just switched from RedHat, and found it easier to install and maintain. It just seems to me that there's still room for improvement.
Better Headline (Score:1)
Neither Stable Nor Unstable: A Midrange Debian?
As a nod to the famous secret agent, I think the headline for this post should have been (in Sean Connery's voice):
HAHAHA! I kill myself.
Sorry about the irrelevant post. I just had to say it.
Re:Sounds nice (Score:1)
Sludgy..? (Score:1)
Maybe "pliable" versus "crystalline" would be a better metaphor...
Re:Those Who Do Not Know FreeBSD are Doomed to Rep (Score:1)
In FreeBSD:
[ Stable ]----(new code)--->[ current ]
+--------(erratas)---->[ release ]
In Debian
[ stable ] = official release + erratas
[ testing ] = unstable with some checks
[ unstable ] = new code that dinstall at least accept
[ experimental ] = mad science packaged -- please never let apt pointed on this one!
I would use Debian if its packages weren't so ancient. Crissakes, until a few weeks ago, the OFFICIAL Debian contained Kernel 2.0!!!
A while back, Linux-Mandrake started making "a better Red Hat than Red Hat". It wasn't easy, but they got there. Making "a better Debian than Debian" would be even easier. It would be the best of Slackware combined with the best of Mandrake -- sign me up for one of those...
Re:why? (Score:1)
The testing distribution is for those who really want to do what you're suggesting- only updating packages that have survived in unstable for over a week or two. The latency is there so that the number of bugs that will be encountered by someone updating out of testing is hopefully lowered, at least relatively to one who updates out of unstable.
Wait a minute.. (Score:1)
As far as I'm concerned all this does is make Debian a slightly more 'free' RedHat.
It's significantly more comlex that that (Score:1)
Sounds nice (Score:1)
Personally I may be temporarily switching OSs to (*sob*) Win98 to get proper free internet support since no one in the linux community can give local access in Utah (too damn hot I will probably move back to Maine).
Can you get copies of a pressed CD of unstable? That would be cool. Unfortunately I don't have a good CD burner.
It's not the "official" release (Score:1)
Uh slackware isn't that good (Score:1)
I like debian because I can actually upgrade the distribution. One of the things I don't like about Mandrake is it's use of Pentium optimizations (I run on a 486/66) and it's method of putting everything in a big unorganized directory of RPMs and it's lack of a floppy install.
My guess would be red hat (Score:1)
Re:Sounds nice (Score:1)
Yeah, that's a great idea, and it makes the download so much faster when you grab 400 smaller files instead of 1 big one... I'm also willing to bet that it does wonders for the ftp servers' load averages.
Re:I use "unstable" isn't not that unstable (Score:1)
Re:Why do releases? (Score:1)
FreeBSD does a similar thing with the -STABLE versions. Someone once noted that each -RELEASE version stays fixed for about fifteen seconds, then it points to -STABLE.
Re:Those Who Do Not Know FreeBSD are Doomed to Rep (Score:1)
Re:Those Who Do Not Know FreeBSD are Doomed to Rep (Score:1)
There are (or at least, there were) efforts to use the BSD kernel inside Debian. If the list archive search weren't broken (internal server error), I could have posted a link. {-:
BTW, wouldn't there be four branches at least during the QA phase (unstable, testing, frozen, stable)?
this post was brought to you by Andreas Fuchs.
Re:Must be Made Explicit (Score:1)
Re:I use "unstable" isn't not that unstable (Score:1)
Re:Sludgy..? (Score:2)
Re:Sounds nice (Score:2)
Our mirror network, on the other hand, can deal with anything you're likely to throw at it.
Help for those new to Debian (Score:2)
Stable: Its too old to bother playing with so it won't be changing much.
I've been flamed and moderated down for mentioning this in the past but I actualy like this about Debian. It is true, a system is stable if it isn't changing much. Usualy in free software it isn't changing much becuase there isn't anything to fix, and its old enough that no one is really developing for it anyway. To proprietary distro's stable means it won't crash. But whats the use of getting the latest 4.0 release on disk when the day after you buy it a problem arises and you have to get 4.01? That isn't stable. And honestly its only the old software that no one is developing for that you can assume such stability from.
Unstable: We aren't sure where this is going yet but its the latest stuff.
Unfortunately unstable in the past has had things break. Like perl, libc, and bash. Things that darn near ruined a system and would leave to a re-install. Honestly I don't know how the bad versions got in the distro because the problems were sooo glaring and obvious that I can't assume that they were tested at all.
I've often brought up that there should be a little lag time to filter out such destructive incompetance. The response was "no, let the user beware." Really, all it would take is people running the 'incoming' distro to have things happen the way they are proposed to with the testing. But its just an automatic move from incoming to unstable, no QA whatsoever and from what they say there never will be. So this is the next most logical choice.
And just because lots of people talk about it, here is my take on the definition of Free...
Free: Doesn't threaten our guild socialism.
I personaly would like them to use 'nonthreatening' and 'threatening' instead of 'free' and 'nonfree'. It would simply be a lot more understandable. But wouldn't help keep the aloof holier-than-thou status that really attracts debian developers.
All in all if you learn their quirks in vocabulary its the best easiest funnest distro out there. And they could use your help incorporating such cool things as lothar, etc...
Re:One nice thing... (Score:2)
Open source does guarantee that bugs will be found rather than left concealed, and that they can be fixed straightforwardly. It doesn't in any sense keep them from being made or released in the first place.
The fact of the matter is that some open-source [openbsd.org] and free-software [debian.org] projects have a vastly better track record in terms of stability (which includes security) than some [redhat.com] others [freebsd.org].
QA cycles.. (Score:2)
Re:Concern about taking testing away from Unstable (Score:2)
Re:Must be Made Explicit (Score:2)
Not Really... (Score:2)
FreeBSD ~ Debian
current ~ unstable
stable ~ stable
release ~ "we stuck it on a CD"
The releases are really just snapshots of one of the other branches of FreeBSD -- basically the source tree is frozen in time and pressed onto a CD-ROM. Anyone installing from a release is urged to follow "stable" which tracks fixs to the distribution. So "release"s are really just packaged versions of the other trees, provided for convenience on CD-ROM.
Thus, it seems to me that FreeBSD doesn't really have three branches.
> hmmm..., when will the world learn?
Ick. BSD elitism.
Re:One nice thing... (Score:2)
I like that nobody else has to make that decision for you. I personally run unstable almost all of the time, and it works great for me, but my secretary runs stable.
It's all about context! (Score:2)
Must be Made Explicit (Score:2)
If it's not made painfully obvious that we're dealing with two different distributions, people will start generalizing. One can forsee everything from "Debian is not user friendly" to "Debian is unstable" to "Linux suXX0rz! W1ND0ZE r001z!" Okay. I'm going overboard at the end there, but I hope my point is made.
RedHat has managed to handle this well with their RawHide release, Mandrake with its Cooker, etc etc... I don't forsee any major obstacles to Debian giving "the people what they want" with what they've described as their "sludgey" release. As long as they're kept separate, especially such that Debian doesn't sacrifice its established position with its reliable frozen releases, it's a good thing. Hell... it might tip me over the edge into installing Debian around here...
--- [DrPsycho] Coping with reality since 1975.
Switching OSes for Free Internet? (Score:2)
Why not set up an el-cheapo PC running Win as a gateway box, and network your Linux machine through it. Damned counterintuitive, since it works so well the OTHER WAY AROUND (hell... forget Win-->Linux Gateway, just install Linux everywher), but at least that way you'll be able to use one of those "free access" offers.
Heh. Gets around those annoying banners too! :^)
--- [DrPsycho] Coping with reality since 1975.
My own personal definition of the three... (Score:2)
Release: Not all features implemented, but the glaring bugs have been fixed. Will compile, has an updated readme and gets it's very own release number.
Stable: 1.0 or better. No new features added since the 1.0 release, just some minor bugfixes implemented due to other people's configurations or updated libs.
I know that these are not necessarily everyone's definitions, but they work for me.
"You fargin' bastiches..."
Re:Why do releases? (Score:2)
If you update something and it loads you a new version of sopme shared library, it could hose other packages. And that *really* sucks.
By living on "unstable" releases, you can experience this first hand. And for some reason, it only happens the day before you really need to get some code written...
bukra fil mish mish
Monitor the Web, or Track your site!
Re:One nice thing... (Score:2)
Re:Concern about taking testing away from Unstable (Score:2)
I tend to think that plenty of people would be willing to test unstable as well. Though, might it be kind of cool to allow changes to linux to be broken up into "patches" until they are incorporated into the next release. This would give people who want the latest and greatest a chance to get it without a full release or cd image. We could even allow the "patch" to be installed and save the original file contents elsewhere in case the user decides what they just installed was too unstable for their use. This way they can revert to the files they had before the "patch" was put in place.
I'm only using the word patch here for lack of a better word. There could be different types of things here...patches, add-ons, etc. I think it'd be cool though to install new software in its various stages and be able to uninstall it easily with a script.
This sort of thing may exist already and I may just not be aware of it.
why? (Score:2)
Re:Why do releases? (Score:2)
AFAIK, the [stable|unstable] does not refer to the state of the software but to the packaging that the maintainers do. Packaging is not trivial and sometimes people screw up[0]. The release cycle covers getting nifty new stuff and newer versions of traditional stuff and making sure that the packaging is not broken. At last count (right now, in fact), Potato covered 4402 packages, so it took a while.
[0] E.g.: Package foo depends on libBar being exactly v1.01, when in fact v1.01 or better will do. I've seen it, but rarely.
Re:Sounds nice (Score:2)
Re:why? (Score:3)
I like to upgrade horrendously broken packages to unstable on wednesdays. If you happen to upgrade to unstable every thursday, you get a freshly broken system each week.
On the other hand, if you upgrade to testing each thursday, you won't get the nasty broken package I just uploaded.
Big difference.
"A new tree just seems like it will cause more work for the Debian people who(no offense) tend to move a little slowly already."
The really neat thing about AJ's work on testing is that it's intended to be populated automatically. It will surely create a bit more work, but he has all sorts of smart code that ties it in with our bug tracking system so it can find out that the package I uploaded last wednesday is buggy and shouldn't go to testing; and more code that makes it smart enough to realize that the other 10 packages I uploaded this week that depend on that new, very buggy package, cannot go into testing either. It's very cool.
Re:Hrm (Score:3)
A new class: 1 person, the developer
Added to internal build: 100 people, the other developers
Alpha given to interested customers: 1000 people
Beta with wide distribution: 10,000 people
Release: 100,000 people, everyone
With debian, the series was getting inverted. The unstable branch was stable enough and had enough new features that it was a better choice than the stable branch. This is not what you want unstable to be used for. In order to restore the "normal" order the Debian folks decided to make a "good enough" version that is suitable for many people to use. Sounds like a sensible idea to me.
Re:Sounds nice (Score:3)
Keep it on a spare partition if you can manage the space, and get rescue.bin and root.bin from the
export http_proxy = (proxy name)
wget --proxy=on [--proxy-user=user --proxy-pass=pass] -r (url)
Why do releases? (Score:3)
I use "unstable" isn't not that unstable (Score:3)
Also like Microsoft (Score:3)
Founder's Camp [founderscamp.com]
Those Who Do Not Know FreeBSD are Doomed to Repeat (Score:4)
hmmm..., when will the world learn?
Re:Sludgy..? (Score:4)
Concern about taking testing away from Unstable? (Score:4)
Just my opinion, I've emailed my support and opinion, perhaps others should send their support for the idea to debian-devel.
I think this is an awesome idea, and I really hope it is formally implemented.
One nice thing... (Score:4)