30+ GB Databases On Unix? 249
"Now, the database is not mission critical (which doesn't mean it's not a major pain to reload it), so the issue if raw devices are supported is not too relevant. Further, and even more important, this is a major chance to convince a global player of the capabilities of Linux.
All that said, I' m aware that some of you readers have a quarter terabyte of disk space at your disposal. But that's also not the issue at hand. The question is if it is feasible to run an industry strength database of 30 - 40 Gb size with all its consequences (uptime, maintainability, dumps, etc...) in a Linux / Intel environment."
No, only Microsoft SQL Server can do it. Period. (Score:1)
Re:Three words: (Score:1)
1400($15) = $21,000
Support cost is an additional 22% of the total list price.
$21,000(1.22) = $25,620 total price.
That's per machine. It is ironic, that once you license a machine under this model, you can run as many instances on it as you like (barring performance). Seeing that this is a ~30G database, I wouldn't see that happening.
The low end single user licenses your talking about are time based licenses on a single 500 MHz processor (if i remember correctly). So, with one of those, you could run as many instances you can squeeze on a single PIII 500 MHz for two years. I do reserve the right to be wrong on this though. The large sum pricing above is for permanent licenses.
Sybase on Linux (Score:1)
See the ase-linux-list for more info on large db's and raw i/o. mailing list archive [mathforum.com].
However, replication server is not supported. yet. I think this is going to be a showstopper for you, eh?
Again see the list for more info.
http://www.sybase.com/linux/ [sybase.com]
michael peppler's home page [mbay.net]
Re:Raid 5 for a database? You must be kidding. (Score:1)
I've never seen a production DB not run on at least a RAID 5 array (most run on something more serious, like netapp drive arrays, which are basically a RAID 5 type of system).
Who moderated this misinformation up?
it works fine (Score:1)
64-bit Hardware (Score:2)
If you are running on x86 hardware, there's not telling if the accesses will be capable of reading large files (>2GB).
Re:30Gb databases (Score:1)
I hate x86 as much as the next guy, but wouldn't file size limitations be an issue with the operating system or filesystem, rather than the CPU architecture?
Re:Clarity of Expression (Score:1)
My understanding is, shortly after Microsoft bought Hotmail, they send in their engineers and tried to convert it to NT. After awhile they gave up and left. They tried again several months later, with similar results. NT won't do it.
Here [netcraft.com] is the NetCraft query.
Re:30Gb databases (Score:1)
Shortly after posting, something like this occurred to me. Not something I know much about though; thanks.
I want an exabyte of something.
Re:You really mean 30 GB Database on Linux (Score:1)
You'd also want RAID 5, preferably hardware which is supported by Linux
What kind of advice is this people are giving???
RAID 5 is real slow for small writes common with a database. You have to first read the whole stripesize (much bigger than the oftentimes single block to write) from all disks, calculate parity and write the small changes back (data + parity). What you want is mirroring, RAID 1, which won't decrease write performance to a crawl but keep your data safe.
Sybase caveats and a new free version (Score:1)
I've had great luck with on Linux, but I'm not doing anything serious with it yet.
The original could use both files in the file system and raw hard drive partitions to store data. Do not use files in the file system for your large database, because the limit is still 2Gig for a single file. Use fdisk to allocate a large block, then format it with Sybase.
A fresh release of is available at linux.sybase.com that addresses all sorts of bugs and caching issues. I suggest that you start with this product. If you can make it work with a free product, you have lots more options - you can have two backups on the free version, and one on the 11.9 supported version.
Sybase is just plain cleaner (Score:1)
When you have Sybase configured properly, you can have only a single UNIX process acting as your database server (if you don't run the backupserver when you aren't running backups). If you have SMP, you run one more Sybase server process per processor and they communicate with standard IPC. Installation is tricky for a novice, but the tools work as advertised. Sybase uses the RPM format for their Linux installations.
The Oracle installer (written in Java so you must have the blackdown JRE - it is just sick and wrong) commonly fails when configuring a database instance. Yes, there are workarounds available, but why not write an installer that works properly? When you have Oracle running, it lights up your process table like a Christmas tree - at least 4 server processes, plus some sundry rubbish.
A UNIX admin who admires efficiency will be happier with Sybase.
Re:Clarity of Expression (Score:1)
Your history is so far out of whack that I can't really address it... suffice to say:
Re:Of course, yes... Wait, of course, it depends. (Score:1)
Because I had a half-dozen Sybase SA's within a stone's throw of my desk, I used Sybase for my personal database at home (it was only about 160M).
Sybase works really well under Linux. I'm pretty sure you won't need to worry about file size, because I ended up having several files for the database (my database was initially too small, and I just initialized a new disk and added it to the current database to add data and log space).
please clarify (Score:1)
In this scenario, I'd think a gig interconnect or two (on a dedicated storage network) to a NetApp might be fine. Probably faster than local storage (assuming you have a better subsystem on the NetApp), and you contain your storage concerns into a dedicated machine, rather than having to deal with host storage. Adding extra scsi host adapters while the db machine is active is a dance any sysadmin would surely avoid.
And while you're at it, why not have two NetApps clustered?
Large databases (Score:1)
I'm sure they'll run also on Linux x86, but I'd be concerned about I/O... and other architectures like IBM or Sun can handle that in better ways (and, oh yes, you can still use Linux there).
Large Production Databases (Score:3)
My Advice don't skimp on buying the box, you will probably loose anything you save in admin costs on a cheap and not very good box.
The Cure of the ills of Democracy is more Democracy.
Re:You really mean 30 GB Database on Linux (Score:1)
It's only "Silly" until your UPS dies (or the card fails or your SCSI bus resets) while there are cached writes.
I would be under the impression that if your UPS going to die it would let you know through the power control protocols. Unless you mean if the UPS explodes unexpectedly, in which case I thought the battery kept cache data, not state data, which was the reason for my "silly" comment. If it keeps state data (a transaction log if you will) then I'm all for it. :-)
Cache will alleviate the performance problem for brief, small transactions.
Which was exactly the context in which I was speaking. The parent to my reply had stated that the bulk of DB transactions were small and that the multiple-write nature of RAID5 made it a performance bottleneck. I had said that a large write cache would allieviate that.
If you're moving more than 256MB through the controller (in either direction, remember that reads consume that cache, too) in less time than the disks can service it, then your I/O's become as slow as the disks. This is unavoidable and unfixable.
Agreed. But then you're back to square one anyway, with the system (usually) being faster than the bulk storage, which is why you have a small but fast disk cache, a slower but bigger controller cache, and a slower yet but bigger filesystem cache on the OS. Each time you step back from the hardware you get a larger cache. System memory is slower than the fast SRAM on the disk cache, but if the memory has it it's a ton faster than actually waiting to get the drive to give you the data (and waiting to get it over a 16/32-bit bus
RAID5 is best-suited for read-intensive environments, or cost-sensitive customers. It is not a high-performance solution. As others have said, RAID0+1 (striped mirrors) are the answer if you want fast and safe instead of cheap and safe.
I'll state again that it depends on your situation. No need to spend a pile on 30G SCSI-II UW disks for a database when you're doing many small transactions. Better to get a few smaller SCSI-II UW disks and RAID-5 with a large cache. There's the ultimate, then there's the practical. :-) The lines between which depend on the pocketbook and the application.
Re:You really mean 30 GB Database on Linux (Score:2)
RAID 5 is real slow for small writes common with a database. You have to first read the whole stripesize (much bigger than the oftentimes single block to write) from all disks, calculate parity and write the small changes back (data + parity). What you want is mirroring, RAID 1, which won't decrease write performance to a crawl but keep your data safe.
Personally I don't like having two very large disks around. Give me a half dozen or so smaller ones.
Also, Most hardware RAID controllers have a decent amount of cache with them. The DPT [dpt.com] controllers I use can have up to (I think) 256M of ECC cache RAM and optionally battery back it up (silly IMO). That'll fix your performance issues on RAID5.
I think that RAID5 is a good idea, but YMMV.
Of course, yes... Wait, of course, it depends. (Score:5)
SQL database at 30G, sure. I would say call Sybase Inc. first, then VA Linux second, and get the answers streight from the people who are most likely sure to give you a usable product. Get your prices, then compare.
I'd be more worried about the differances in _how_ your going to mirror the data (connection speeds, transfer methods, how frequently) and that Sybase doesn't garble things when going from a database on one OS to another (unlikely, but possable).
I'm sure Oracle for Linux will be mentioned, because there are many claims that it will handle such a situation. But, your problem there is going from Sybase to Oracle, not from another OS to Linux. Keep in mind, not all "SQL" databases are identical, the SQL may be, but the extentions provided by the manufacture won't be.
It's what you do with it that counts! (Score:1)
30Gb is probably at the top end of what you could expect to put on an x86 box and so the question is, what do you want to do with it? If you're just storing the data and doing a few simple queries, you should be okay, although you'll probably want more than a gig of memory.
If you're doing heavy duty processing with many users then forget it. It's not a problem with Linux, but the hardware. (Yes, Linux will run on a mainframe but you can't get Oracle/Sybase/Informix on it.)
The software is less of an issue. Any of the big commercial databases would do the trick (I prefer Oracle, but then I wrote the Oracle on Linux Installation HOWTO -- URL above). MySQL has no transactions or referential integrity, so even if it could handle the volume it wouldn't be appropriate. Don't think I'd trust PostgreSQL, either.
Bottom line, I think you'd be cheaper with the expensive hardware in the long term.
Dejanews has a Oracle/Linux Implementation (Score:3)
All of that is run off of an oracle database..
The Database is HUGE!
/dev/rd/c0d0p1 71706488 41278452 29710576 58%
As long as you have the right indexes... you're all set..
Hardware/Software (Score:1)
You need to decide what things are important to you and start making choices.
In the end, you will need to trade off all of these things to find your solution.
Personally, I do a lot of work with banks at the moment. They want brand name, proven tech. Not necesarily the latest greatest. On top of which, they are willing to pay for brand names. As a result, I would spring for a RAID tower coupled with a Sun box running Oracle. But, if I wanted cost, I would probably pick up a VA box or custom built with a RAID tower and run linux with oracle or maybe try postgresql.
It all ends up being a trade off.
Re:Size is not the issue (Score:2)
*jaw drops*
I would have to recommend against this. By buying hardware RAID and an appropriate filesystem add/on (e.g. Veritas File System) you can get all the benefits of the filer with all the benefits of local disk.
Re:Credibility dropping fast (Score:1)
I do ask people posting replies to avoid posting anything if you don't know for sure or you are too lazy to check your facts before posting. There are far too many people writing uninformed opinions and using phrases like AFAIK and IIRC to forgive themselves for not checking their facts before posting.
Sorry this post turned into a rant.
Re:Large Production Databases (Score:2)
Yep, couldn't agree more. Don't even think of using anything other than hardware RAID for something like that, too. You won't regret it.
At work... (Score:1)
Re:raw partitions (Score:1)
So, unless it's the database's release notes that say not to use whole disk partitions, there should be no problem. The kernel lets you access a disk partition as a big file very easily.
#define X(x,y) x##y
Re:30Gb databases (Score:1)
Recently, large file support on 32bit archs has been developed, but it isn't in the main kernel yet, AFAIK.
#define X(x,y) x##y
Re:No remote NT management? wtf? (Score:2)
I know it must be hard to be a non-windows hater (that's non-"windows hater", not "non-windows" hater) and listen to the crap that's flung about around here, but you've reached an absurd level of defensiveness. You're defending software (an application AND an OS) that crashes (according to one report) when the user makes a simple mistake and placing the blame on the user. An application should not crash when given invalid input. It should notify the user. An OS should not go down when an application misbehaves. It should kill the app, perhaps generate a core file, and keep on chucking.
Now, Linux and other UNIXes are not without their own problems [cix.co.uk] in this regard, but at least the people responsible don't respond with "don't do that" when told about it. Neither does Oracle, I bet, but you do. You and Microsoft.
Raid 5 for a database? You must be kidding. (Score:1)
Re:Absolutely Raid 5 for Data Warehousing systems (Score:2)
Re:Oracle officially recommends against RAID ... (Score:2)
In the Linux install notes, they claim that for optimal performance you have to split the Oracle install on 4 disks; which implies no RAID.
But hey, am I supposed to have higher journalistic standards than the slashdot editors? Eh eh eh eh.
Re:Oracle officially recommends against RAID ... (Score:2)
Oracle officially recommends against RAID ... (Score:4)
seek times are dramatically improved in most (if not all) RAID levels
Seek time is not going to be any better in mirrorring, for one. The two heads reading the same data won't go faster than one head, will they?
Then for striping, this usually won't make any kind of difference since data access will be randomly spread over the disk. So there you go.
NOW smartly organizing the database WITHOUT striping amongst several disks *will* make seek times faster, actually, it will require less seeking. A typical Oracle installation (as recommended by Oracle) will have for example the software on one disk, the indexes on another, and the actual data on a third.
Now since one DB transaction requires typically at least one index lookup and one data retrieval, which are unlikely to reside close to each other on one disk. Now when they're separated on two disks, subsequent queries will have less seek time .
Now, since I was right, will you give me my karma back? ;)
Re:Interoperability and limits (Score:1)
BTW - This is the case for most (all?) RDBMSes. The short answer is that binary database files (they store the data) are platform dependant.
Some RDBMSes, like Oracle, allow you to specify the block size of your binary database files. But even if you have 2 files with the same block size, they may not be transferable between databases.
Veritas for remote replication (Score:1)
What you could use is Veritas Volume Replicator. It runs as a service/daemon on your box and mirrors every write over IP to another box. It can be configured to do it synchronously (the I/O blocks until the remote I/O completes) or asynchronously (higher performance because there's no delay, but you run the risk of data loss when the db server goes down).
Unfortunately, Veritas VR is not available under linux - I think you said it wasn't under linux anyway, but a lot of people are offering linux solutions.
Also, given that your database is only 30 gigabytes, do you actually do a lot of writes? Realistically, if you only do a couple of hundred inserts an hour, you could just, every hour, manually insert the changed records into the remote db. Heck, do it every 5 minutes. I'm not familiar with Sybase, but on Oracle, you can just run the redo logs on the remote data center. That's going to be the cheapest option, and the most linux compatible.
Anyway, if this is really enterprise-level, spring for Veritas - their stuff is expensive but really good.
Matthew J Zito, CCNA
160 Gigabyte database (Score:1)
At my work, we run two large databases, one that's about 95 gigs and the other 160 gigs on linux. Now, we run our production db on solaris, but the data warehouse and the ticketing db are on linux with oracle. We've had great results with linux for the most part - the biggest problem is that the documentation by Oracle is not as good for linux as it is with Solaris, and its harder to find DBAs with Linux experience.
I can't vouch for Sybase's stability under linux, but Oracle will do you just fine. Get a dual or quad-cpu box, depending on how much data you need to do, and 2 gigs of RAM either way.
Matthew J Zito, CCNA
Re:Sybase is just plain cleaner (Score:1)
root 232 0.0 0.0 1904 0 ? SW Jul20 0:00 [safe_mysqld]
root 246 0.0 0.1 11244 48 ? SN Jul20 0:00 [mysqld]
root 254 0.0 0.1 11244 48 ? SN Jul20 0:00 [mysqld]
root 255 0.0 0.1 11244 48 ? SN Jul20 0:00 [mysqld]
Whats your point again?
Re:~30Gb Sybase Database (Score:1)
Absolutely. I spent several months last year adding Oracle support to an application designed around SQL Server and cross-vendor development is really something you should avoid if you can. Leverage your existing DBA knowledge and you can probably use one DBA for both sites. If you do go with another vendor, you'll wind up with another DBA either on salary or on retainer.
Re:Large databases (Score:1)
Re:You really mean 30 GB Database on Linux (Score:1)
I don't know if the Adaptec card has it's own caching, but it would be very cool if it did!
Re:Clarity of Expression (Score:2)
Also, Solaris 2.x is based on SVR4 (System V Release 4) - SVR4 is quite upward compatible with SVR3.x.
And Solaris is not spelt with a 'u'...
Linux was not 'built on Posix' (not a meaningful term, Posix is an API spec) but I believe Linus tried quite hard to conform to the 1003.1 specs, and the bash people have tried to conform to the POSIX shell specs.
Re:Oracle officially recommends against RAID ... (Score:1)
Caching, and RAID10 vs. RAID0+1 (Score:3)
The problem with a caching controller is that unless it's well engineered (with it's own battery backup), you more likely to run into filesystem corruption in the case of a power failure or OS crash.
A standard filesystem (such as ext2) on top of RAID5 will never be fast for small writes.
NetApps get around this because the WAFL filesystem is explicitly designed to sit atop a RAID4 drive array.
And there is a difference between RAID10 and RAID0+1.
RAID10 is a stripe of mirrors. Each pair of disks stores the same information (RAID1), and a stripe is created over those mirrors. This can tolerate multiple drive failures as long as at least one drive from each mirror is working.
RAID0+1 is a mirror of stripes. Two stripes are created(RAID0), each with half the total of disks. These stripes are then mirrored(RAID1). The problem here is that if a drive goes out, it takes out the entire stripe. If a drive in the other stripe goes out before the rebuild is complete, you're hosed.
Normally RAID systems (like RAID5) can't tolerate more than 1 drive failing at the same time. However, RAID10 provides more protection than RAID0+1, at the same price.
Re:Three words: (Score:2)
I don't think so. Didn't the recent benchmark comparing IIS vs. the new webserver from RedHat run on an 8 CPU SMP system? You can get more CPUS... you just don't see them in the advertising aimed at Joe Sixpack. They tend to be just a bit on the pricy side.
Re:Three words:with three words (Score:2)
I think you're talking about an Alpha-based workstation. No one's going to be hosting a 30+GB database on a workstation. They would be looking at a DS10 or DS20 at a minimum. Expect to pay something in the area of US$20K for a smallishly configured DS20.
A whopping $1000 for disk space to host a database? Only if you plan on sticking the entire thing on a single 36GB drive which would be an inexcusable performance hit. And that would leave no money for any kind of mirroring.
I guess this $6000 configuration isn't intended for a production system.
Re:The question changed (Score:2)
Depends on your UNIX. Under Tru64 and some other Unices, you have storage management tools (under Tru64 there's Logical Storage Manager, for example) that'll let you slice up a disk into as many pieces as you like. You then access the disks through either /dev/vol/... or /dev/rvol/... (if you really want to use raw data partitions). Striping across SCSI adapters for better I/O performance is quite easy.
Agreed. Some of the dollar estimates that people are throwing around are fairly humorous.
Re:raw partitions (Score:5)
It doesn't have to manage it's own disk space. And it may, under certain conditions, provide better performance. We have been moving away from raw data partitions. This after running some benchmarks of a large table residing on raw partitions vs. the same data residing in tables in a filesystem. The performance was actually better while accessing the data in the filesystem. We're talking 10+% better performance not just a few percent. Our experience, based on our benchmarks, and discussions with Oracle technical people, is that the preference for using raw data partitions was based on performance tests using older versions of UNIX and less capable filesystems. Of course, your mileage may vary.
Aside from performance, if your database changes frequently, adding and deleting tablespaces is a major pain (with long downtime) when you're using raw data partitions but is a snap when you're using filesystems for data. If your database is fairly static raw partitions might buy some little bit of performance but, again, at the expense of managability. IMHO, raw data partitions just aren't worth it. Even if comparitive performance were a wash, the easier means of managing the database weighs in favor of filesystems.
running Oracle on NFS (Score:1)
(No I don't work for NetApp.)
We're considering Filers to replace local disk on some of our Sun 450s (running Oracle 8.1.6) at the place I work.
Re:Wouldn't go with Linux myself - fallacy (Score:1)
as for Linux, no. We suffer with NT crashes, but we are sneaking Linux in the door, one server at a time, until.... well you get the picture
Re:Three words:with three words (Score:2)
This is UK price for DS10L. You do not need the expandability of a DS10 or DS20. Also AXP has even cheaper machines. Sold in the UK by evolution.
A whopping $1000 for disk space to host a database? Only if you plan on sticking the entire thing on a single 36GB drive which would be an inexcusable performance hit. And that would leave no money for any kind of mirroring.You are right. Off by 2-3 times. Was thinking of an external IDE RAID to SCSI box. Works fast enough. Is cheap enough. If necessary mirror two or more at RAID0.
Re:Three words:with three words (Score:4)
1. If you have not noted Oracle legal has walked around every single site that had Oracle vs X benchmarks (X=mysql, sybase, informix) and made them drop them. This is actually possible under the 8.0x EULA. Actually just read the EULA. It is a masterpiece in itself. You are not allowed to benchmark the product and not allowed to question the fact that it is fscking slow and not ANSI compliant. That is besides the fact that if I was you I would not buy something where the manufacturer intentionally disallows fair comparison with other products. It is enough to say fsck this at least for me...
2. The original database is on Sybase. Sybase is at least more or less syntactically ANSI SQL compliant. Oracle is as far from ANSI as it gets. It will be a good guess that it will take you ages to port the bloody thing. And porting it will be more expensive than the "expensive" hardware.
3. I would see if the database design is implementable under postgreSQL or MySQL on an Alpha. Alpha is cheap. A reasonably good alpha is under 5000$. Storage will be a 1000$ more. This is as much as an appropriate x86 box. Postgres does not have a 2GB database limit anyway as it splits database files. MySQL does not have this limit on alpha because the platform is 64 bit. Your problems are in the key limitation/lob interface for postgress and transactions for MySQL.
4. If Neither of the solutions in 3 is implementable you have to open wide you wallet and buy informix for Intel or DB2 for intel. Both of them work and are ANSI compliant. In btw DB2 for Intel linux developer edition is free. Free period. No expiration. So you can actually see if the database will work. And they match Oracle on some benchmarks and DB2 beats the crap out of it when it comes to real scalability and clustering.
Re:Three words: (Score:1)
Much Success!!!!
kdb (Score:1)
on performace. Will your obese monster of a
database do it? You can download from www.kx.com
Ever considered Adabas/D? (Score:1)
I see absolutely no issues with pushing Adabas/D farther than I have, it has not had any issues with it whatsoever. Of course, if you used files on ext2 or reiserfs or whatever, you would have unnecessary slowdown and potential instability, use disk partitions.
wrong question (Score:4)
But why ever would you replicate a database to a different kind of server? If the original database runs on Sybase SQL on whatever, then the obvious answer is to replicate it to an identical setup. Anything else, whether mission critical or not, is just going to be a lot more work, training, and maintenance.
two words for you: (Score:1)
MacOS and Filemaker.
Honestly, though, of course "Unix" can handle a database this size... it all depends on what hard ware your "unix" is running on. Obviously Linux or *BSD on a 368, 486, or Pentium system won't cut it, but if you up your ante to a dual P-II or P-III system, or even a Quad P-II Xeon system (which should be relatively "cheap" compared to offerings from Sun and Compaq), you'll be well on your way...
Multi CPU (Score:1)
Re:Clarity of Expression (Score:2)
Above that... Linux is really a Unix clone. (People who call it a "work-alike" are just being cute... it's a clone thats all)
Sun entered the market and really got it's fame with SunOs (a BSD based Unix clone).
Linux is usually called a *nix not a Unix becouse it is not liccensed from AT&T or SCO. (Or anyone else who held the trademark)
It should be noted that BSD and Solarus are Unix forks. The BSD dev group and Sun must maintain compatability by relying on documented standards just like Linux.
[notied becouse some Unix people who dislike Linux will attack Linux becouse it is built on standards not on the accual code. The idea being that Solarus and BSD are the same code and by default compatable. This is false for the above reason. The below is just to extend the point nothing more.]
Solarus and BSD are forked from diffrent code. BSD is from the original AT&T code later known as SysV. Solarus is from a total rewrite in the 1990s known as SrV. SysV and SrV are not compatable.
So in reality Linux, BSD and Solarus are three totally unique (and multally compatable) operating systems. Linux being the only one of the three with no liccens to the name Unix.
Over time many Unix clones were incorrectly called Unix. However this fact was less than noticable as forks and clones had no standards to folow and ended up pritty much being mutually incompatable.
Linux was built on Posix the first effort to correct this issue.
On a side note... Linux disordented me becouse I learned Unix on an AT&T 3B2/300. But Linux didn't thow me much.
One gripe people have about Linux is that it is posable to write Linux only code that dose not work on BSD or Solarus.
While true it is equally posable to write BSD or Solarus only code.
It is an effort of the programmer to maintain portability. Failling that it dose not matter what operating system the code was made on.
Re:Clarity of Expression (Score:2)
Small issue
I believe BSD was never cerifyed... It simply is by age alone
Re:Absolutely Raid 5 for Data Warehousing systems (Score:2)
My understanding is that Oracle can now use its own filesystem on Linux...I don't know very much about Oracle's properietary FS... but my thinking is that it would make life easier. I dunno. Anyone else know?
The question changed (Score:5)
I'd say the answer to the first question is a resounding "duh!". The answer to the second is a resounding "probably".
I found Oracle on Linux to be quite usable and nice (except for lame non-readline-enabled interactive tools) and fairly fast. But there is something...incongruous about spending $2000 on hardware, $2000 on Oracle and then using a free OS (that you WILL have to tweak to optimize).
Other tidbits:
1) Do NOT, I repeat NOT NOT NOT use Oracle on NT. The (evaluation) version I tried sucked BIG TIME. The bulk loader didn't properly support all the file formats it was supposed to and I was able to repeatedly crash the box by mistyping field names into the table creator GUI. Add all the problems of NT (no real remote management, etc) and you have yourselves the makings of a nightmare.
2) Raw devices are for more than recovery. They also help in the speed department. If you are going to be loading 30+ GB of data multiple times (this is a backup, right?) you are going to want speed. IIRC, ~100MB took about 5 minutes to bulk load (raw, not insert) on Oracle for Linux. That's 25 hours of load time for 30 GB.
3) Can't you take the backups from your primary DB and load them as restores to the backup DB? That would save tons of time and effort (up front AND ongoing).
Give us our karma back! Punish Karma Whores through meta-mod!
Yes (Score:2)
It's not really a platform problem. You might have to partition the DB into multiple files to get around the 2GB file size limit on Linux (I think Sybase can do that), but I doubt there would be any other real problem.
Sybase runs on Linux, of course, so there is no problem there.
I'd ask in the Sybase newsgroups about the biggest database they have seen on Linux - they have a good reputation for quick answers. (About the onlt good thing I have to say about Sybase, but still....)
I'd be surprised if there aren't quite a few Linux DB's bigger than 30GB anyway.
How I'd do it. (Score:2)
1. First and foremost, stack the box with as many SCSI adapters as you can. I/O quickly becomes a bottle neck on large DB systems. Also if you're doing Linux go with Linux's built in RAID, I hear it's faster than the hardware raid cards you can buy out there. That said be sure to get more than one of some hot processors, you're going to be using a goodly portion of one of them to do your RAID.
2. A journaling filesystem would be good. I don't know of any available for Linux (except maybe XFS, what's the status of that?) you really really don't want to fsck your Raid 5+1 (Yes I said 5+1)
3. Unless you have the funds to implement a slightly lower performance box, expect to be developing on a seperate instance on this same server. That means worst case another 30 GB of space for the new istance, which will also require a kernel re-compile to get the shared memory and semaphore settings right. (You are using Oracle aren't you?
4. Better yet get your requirements up front for number of instances and design the hardware for that number + 2, and tune the kernel appropriatly. Whatever Oracle gives you for kernel parameters multiply them by the number of instances.
5. Don't sweat the raw devices stuff. It's generally more trouble than it's worth. It makes backups harder, makes restores harder, and makes RAID harder. It's just not worth the headache.
6. Invest in a nice DLT library that is supported up front. Get your backup scheme in place, even if it's just your DBA's writing dump files nightly. A good DBA can restore from a dump in a few hours, AND they can restore a dump of production to your development database, making those refreshes from production a fairly painless task (and management/developers/DBA's *WILL* ask for refreshes from production.
7. DON'T considder RAID 5, onless it's 5+1. RAID 5 can be murder on DB performance, especially in a VLDB, where you perform inserts (it's a little less bad on Datawarehouses) Think 1+0 or 0+1, and span the + across multiple controllers/disk arrays.
8. Don't skimp on your DBA. In reality most any competant SA can administer a DB *system*, sink any payroll money into a very good DBA, it will save you in downtime and calls to oracle later (You are using Oracle aren't you
try a clean design (Score:2)
are there big tables, each one >memory/2 ? or are there 1000 small ones. (we talk about real mem here not virtual)
the rules are:
1) design
2) choose hardware and software on the details of 1.
sometimes a little redesign makes it possible to have more freedom on hard/software
(the 50% i mention above, are a value form experience. the more flexibility you need the larger the real memory needs to be. having indices in ram and 50% of the memory to work gives you a fair amount of flexibility. driven by the needs of the application the % can be 20% too, it depends on how often you create entries, what and how often you look up fields and what joins are necessary to do that
Re:try a clean design (Score:2)
if thats the RARE application im sorry. i thought mine is pretty common
my mail was mainly about thinking about the design, how you could use the memory you have for faster access and not about the exact %. (leaving everything to oracle is a non-hackers choice
but i stay with the rule, that the indices used by common queries should if possible stay in memory
ask slashdot: does anybody now have >1000 tables with >3 indices each ?
You really mean 30 GB Database on Linux (Score:5)
as we speak.
Databases managed by unix systems have been known to be in
the vicinity of around 2-6TB.
Your question seems to refer to Unix on x86 databases that
have that size.
Of course that running unix on x86 systems usually boils
down to running Linux...
Linux is officially supported by both Oracle, Informix and
I think that even Sybase altough I'm not completely sure
about that.
Obviously running it on the same RDBMS would be an easier
to accomlish, so you'd probably want Sybase to support Linux.
You'd also want RAID 5, preferably hardware which is supported
by Linux.
You'd probably want to use some sort of journaling file systems.
I myself have no problem trusting the beta versions of ReiserFS.
I've also ran oracle on them witout any problem.
If you feel reluctant in using bleeding edge kernel patches
for a production environment, I can only recomend that you use
SMALL ext2 partitions to avoid catastrophic FSCK times, and let
Oracle / RDMS do it's magic in managing a single 30GB database
over smaller files...
Re:Size is not the issue (Score:2)
Of course you can do it (Score:2)
Re:Of course, yes... Wait, of course, it depends. (Score:3)
Now, if you wanna talk about performance...get yourself a RAID and use a multiprocessor system. Sybase understands SMP systems and the RAID will help you on your I/O.
Re:Size is not the issue (Score:2)
Oh, also, you can write your Oracle redo logs to the Filer, even though they recommend against doing so to anything other than flat disk or RAID 0/1. Why? Because the Filer uses a journaling filesystem in NVRAM, so the writes happen as fast as the wire (GigE in our case) can run.
How long does it take to back up that local disk? For us, it takes about 2 seconds, and takes up almost NO STORAGE SPACE! The Filer has a feature called "snapshot" which is basically a copy-on-write filesystem. You tell it to snap and it comes back after a second or two. After that, you can always go back to that point in time and recover files on-line, without any sort of programatic interface (just filesystem access). There is even an add-on package called snap restore that will instantly restore the entire filesystem to that previous state....So, get this, our Oracle backup is: put all of our Oracle tablespaces in locked/suspended mode; call tell the filer to snap; unlock the tablespaces. Now if we ever need to restore, we just bring Oracle down, swap in the old data files, bring Oracle up. We can also do tape backups this way, as the Filer backup program uses snapshots. Thus, as soon as a backup is started, you can start writing to the data again safely!
Size is not the issue (Score:3)
I currently use a Sun architecture, but I know of sites that use Intel/Linux, HP PA/RISC and even (may all the little gods help you) Intel/MS/SQL server which does have it's place in non-mission-critical places where you're never going to have a good DBA.
I can seriously recommend the Network Appliance Filer for back-end storage. Their claim that their network-attached storage array is faster than local disk sounds silly on the face of it, but there are good and valid reasons that it's true (mostly due to their journaling and caching strategy which is highly optimized for NFS). The Filer makes databases a lot easier to manage. For example, the Filer can make an online backup in less than 5 seconds, no matter how much data you have!
Back to your original point: 30GB is small, don't sweat it. But, don't cut corners either!
Re:Interoperability and limits (Score:2)
30gig is SMALL (Score:2)
We use Linux exclusively on our servers. (Well, except for one lil box running NT to interface with Reuters, because they refuse to make their proprietary client for Linux)
Our current database is around 4 Terabytes. It sits on about 80 servers all running Linux.
Admittedly, we use a custom database package, developed in house, and not an RDBMS, but when your dealing with such a specific dataset (we index web pages... thats it...) you don't need the flexability of Sybase.
Then theres Google... How many thousands of Linux boxes are they running? How huge is there database?
So yes, Linux is more than capable of handling a puny 30 gig database. Heck, I have more than 30gigs of data indexed on my HOME machine. (30gigs of MP3's all indexed and cataloged with Postgres) not quite the same as a "30 gig database" but similar.
Re:You really mean 30 GB Database on Linux (Score:3)
Whever you build a database, you must at how it will be used before you make physical layout decisions. The Asker here specified a data warehouse, which to me implies a DB which will be written to once then read hundreds of times afterwards. With an R/W ratio that high, write performance is only a minor consideration compared to read performance. While RAID-10 would give great all performance, for read access it won't do an awful lot better than RAID-5, at just over half the hardware cost.
So for a data warehouse I would not hesitate to do RAID-5.
As for mirroring, I can't speak for Sybase, but Oracle supports a wide variety of mirroring and networked DB options. I would look into something akin to snapshots, which are read-only copies of a master database. Designate one copy of the DB as the write-to master, and snapshot it over. Of course, this all depends on why you're mirroring. If you are doing this for redundancy in the event of catastrophe, look at your loss tolerance and acceptible downtime. You could do something as simple as making a copy of the database remotely, then copying over your redo logs at every log switch. Then if your database fails, use the redo logs to roll your remote database forward, and bring it on line.
World of possibilities.
Re:"Not mission critical?" (Score:2)
Re:You really mean 30 GB Database on Linux (Score:2)
Re:30Gb databases (Score:2)
Just FYI: a 30GB database doesn't imply one file. I have a 10GB+ Oracle on Linux database right now; Oracle organizes data into tablespaces which contain one or more data files. The data files can be spread over any number of partitions; in fact for performance it's better to spread them over multiple disks.
Now what I'm doing isn't mission critical, so I can't comment on that aspect of it, but I will say this: a 30GB database will certainly require more than 1GB of memory.
--jbThe biggest data warehouse today... (Score:2)
It runs on NCR's 5200 system [ncr.com], which is based on Intel architecture. It scales up to 512 nodes, with 1-4 Intel processors per node.
The operating system is NCR's MP-RAS (a flavor of UNIX that runs on Intel architecture). I'm not sure if it runs Linux ;-)
*disclaimer* /. reader, and if you are going to spend that money on a data warehouse, chances are you are talking with NCR anyway.
I _do_ work for NCR, but I just thought this was some neat information. I don't work in our data warehousing department. The system above would cost many millions of dollars, so it's out of the range of the average
Two words (Score:4)
Changing RDBMSs is a Really Painful Experience and one to be avoided at all costs if possible: it makes changing OSes look trivial (hell, even upgrading from one point release to the next can be a world of pain). If the data's already on Sybase then for god's sake keep it on Sybase. Go for Sybase on Linux, Sybase on SCO, Sybase on NT or whatever but remember: it's a RDBMS and the underlying platform is effectively irrelevant (pauses for flames as thousands of enraged Slashdotters start to spout off and steam at the ears)
Re:Clarity of Expression (Score:2)
For those people, a lot of *NIX's are available for the x86 platform:
Linux may be the most publicized version of x86 *NIX's, there are others. In fact, I would reccommend that the DB mentioned in this question be run on a BSD. If FreeBSD can handle Hotmail, it can handle almost anything IMHO.
BTW: Before I get flamed, the Hotmail/FreeBSD thing I remember from somewhere, but I can't remember where. I do know its NOT on an NT box, which basically leaves UNIX.
Re:Yes (Score:3)
Or patch the kernel so it doesn't have the limit.
Patches for this are available; if you don't want to build your own kernel, get the Red Hat Linux Enterprise Edition, which has this patch by default.
Absolutely Raid 5 for Data Warehousing systems (Score:5)
Like most everyone else, you are assuming all database are OLTP systems. Data warehousing or data analysis on the other hand requires MASSIVE data transfer rates (mostly read activity), and Raid 5 with large stripe sizes and multiple arrays works really well for this type database. Most queries against the roughly 3TB database I currently work on run in several minutes passing somewhere under 100GB of data each, and if we had used OLTP tactics (indexes to join everything, small block size for low latency reads, etc) to tune the database, they would run in days or hours instead of minutes. Aggregate I/O rates on this monster can exceed 500MBytes/second.
As to the original question, can Linux handle a 30 GB database, my answer would be "Yes, but it will hurt". Ever try staging more than 2GB of data on ext2? Ever try moving more than 1GB of data on ext2 with less than a 4KB block size? It hurts!
Someone please tell me that I will be able to use large files painlessly on Linux sometime. Until then, run large databases on name brand UNIX servers with name brand UNIX. Linux on x86 is good at a lot of things, but a large database isn't one of them YET.
SQL> select sum(bytes) from dba_data_files;
And every byte is on RAID 5.
Three words: (Score:2)
Should easily be able to handle this. And considering the size, anything less would probably not be a good idea.
Re:Clarity of Expression (Score:2)
btw i think (not sure) that there is some group working on certifing gnu/linux as UNIX(r). i believe it costs at least 10 000$ to get this certification....
30GB Possible? Damn right it's possible! (Score:3)
Look - 30GB database? Lets just look at the necessities first and then we'll get down to a choice of vendor (because you are going to want a reasonably heavy weight database server for this).
30GB of data. Okay - so you aren't mission critical. Even so, with that amount of data, you probably want a hot-swappable redundant system such as RAID if availability means anything to you. But these days you have lots of choices for RAID, including software RAID under Linux. I'd probably still go for a hardware solution for RAID, but that is because I'm not clued up on how robust and failure-proof the Linux RAID is when one of the disks dies. If you don't care about redundancy, 40GB drives are easily found. For performance reasons you might want to find four drives of say 15GB each so that random access to the drives can be done in near parallel, especially if you stripe the drives, but that is yet another option.
Accessing 30GB of RAM is going to require some reasonable memory space - think 512MB minimum and work up from there. Of course, you could run it on far far less (say 80MB) but you will pay a performance penalty - the database products I know about have plenty of tricks up their sleeves if they have spare memory to play with, and resort to paging out to disk when things get tight.
The choice of software is important too. I'll declare my biases up front and say go for DB2 Universal Database, partly because I work on it and I like it. Your other choices are Oracle, obviously, and there are a host of other database vendors out there for Unix systems across the board. DB2 UDB is easier to administrate and looks to be faster than Oracle, as well as generally being cheaper to deploy. As far as functionality goes, everybody nowadays assures SQL92 conformance. SQL99 core conformance isn't too much to hoot about, as it's basically SQL92. The SQL99 spec is far more modular than the SQL92 spec, so it's easier to match the base functionality and then add on SQL99 conformance for, say, the multimedia extentions, later.
So the answer to your question is yes - it is possible to deploy a 30GB on Unix. And it is definitely possible to deploy the same database on Linux - both IBM and Oracle have versions of their databases on Linux.
Toby Haynes
No remote NT management? wtf? (Score:2)
IRS (Score:2)
Re:Uuups, a few clarifications (Score:2)
I'm in the middle of doing a feasibility study of migrating our flagship database (~30GB ASE 11.5) from big-iron AIX boxen to commodity x86 boxen running Linux / ASE 11.9.2
I have not found the dump/load incompatibility to be a major hassle. If you tune your Linux box for fast BCP the load shouldn't be too painful. As an alternative, you might try using DBArtisan from Embarcadero Technologies [embarcadero.com]. It has a migration feature that makes moving data and schemas between servers very painless. It is well worth the price ($5000, IIRC) - it will pay for itself quickly in time savings alone
In my test setup, I was able to move our 30GB database from the AIX box to the Linux box in about 10 hours, which fits within our normal scheduled maintenance window. The AIX box is a 4-way RS/6000 box w/ 1 GB and all the storage allocated as virtual partitions on a RAID-5 array (I didn't set this up). The Linux box is a quad Xeon w/ 1 GB of RAM and 8 drives; I'm using raw partitions and doing my mirroring manually from within Sybase. DBArtisan runs on an Athalon 550 w/ 128MB under NT Workstation.
The AIX box is a little simpler to manage, because the old DBA had all the tables on the default segment. Even though it's more work, I prefer to hand-tune the database and place the big and/or active tables on their own segments & devices. Needless to say, you need to be comfortable using sp_placeobject & sp_partition to take this approach. I find that the extra effort setting up the server pays off in the long term in performance and reliability. Barring the difference in the physical storage strategy, I don't see any factor that makes ASE on Linux more difficult to administer than ASE on any other flavor of Unix. Actually, the OS-level administration is simpler in Linux than in AIX, IMHO.
Since you say this is going to be a data warehouse system, you REALLY want to use partitioning so you can take advantage of parallelism. Re-read chapters 13, 14, 15, and 17 of the Performance & Tuning Guide [sybase.com] before you start, you'll be glad you did.
I don't know what your uptime requirements are, so I can't say if Linux is robust enough for you. If you need rock-solid 24x7 availibility, I'd say stick with big iron and commercial Unix. If you don't need to be bulletproof Linux should be fine. For us, the cost savings are worth the slightly higher risk. As I write this, our Linux test server has 63 days uptime and has survived several stress-tests with no problems, so reliability hasn't been an issue so far. Linux performance seems to be on par with the AIX box so far -- but the database is not the bottleneck in our system.
"The axiom 'An honest man has nothing to fear from the police'
Clarity of Expression (Score:2)
Re:Of course it can (Score:2)
Re:Custom built machines (Score:2)
My recommendations if you are on a budget: Stick with Linux and Sybase and get some vendor support. Definitely stick with x86 hardware since you are on a budget. The size of the database is less important than the actual design. How much data is going to be used at any one given time? Figuring that out will tell you if you need to add another gig or three of RAM. A good dual-processor machine should be sufficient, perhaps a quad if there are lots of simultaneous users. Bottlenecks in a database are rarely at the CPU.
IMHO, you should concentrate on your RAID setup. Get ~20 4GB disks and set them up with RAID 10(full mirroring+striping). That alone is going to give you much, much better performance than a solution with say 4 20GB disks. At $200 per disk this will run you about $4,000. Paying careful attention to this will get you your best database performance while still spending a hell of a lot less than you would with an RS/6000.
You need the performance, but obviously you can't fit the whole database in RAM. So get a good RAID controller and buy as many small disks for it as you can.
Size doesn't matter - IO does (Score:4)
Here are the priority items for any database box --
The game all sys admins and DBAs perform is finding the current bottleneck. There is always a limiting factor for performance, and it can usually be tied to one of the above items
Determining a configuration to support a database is not easy. You need to gather usage predictions, such as number of concurrent users, read rates, update rates, log projections, and make a guess. You also need to know your target audience and how they access it. A million requests spread over 24 hours is not the same as a million requests in a short period.
This is only a sig, this is only a sig.....
Re:30Gb databases (Score:2)
It's handy to use smaller data files anyway. It can be useful for load balancing.
Re:two more words: (Score:2)
Though i havn't tried it personaly Redhat do a very good Oracle tailored distribution,it gives Oracle it own partiton and is setup for performance &co. The support is ment to be quite good as well.
I have worked with quite a few DB systems (M$ sqeeel, Sybase, intrabase, as well as the less server based db's postgres, paradox, access &co , and have an Oracle training course comming up soon, it has lots of info on Oracle for linux, but as i havn't been on it yet I can't go into any details.(but this is another story?)
I believe Oracle will also run on other unix platforms, and may have support from other linux distribs other than redhat.
Re:The question changed (Score:4)
Nobody said anything about Oracle. No wait.. I take that back... But the person posing the QUESTION didn't say anything about Using oracle for a DB. The question actualy stipulates a Sybase DB !
But anyway, to answer the question posed in the first place: Yes You COULD probably handle a UX/NT trasition of the data, but try not to change database as this often screws with the data. Not all tables are stored identically in all databases (probably one of the reasons there are more than one supplier of databases). So for gods sake.. Even IF You want to have a backup/mirror on the UX box, make sure You run the same DB.
But still, it sounds like you want to "exchange" the UX box for an Intel machine running Linux.. Am I right ?
If this is indeed the case, yes even a 30 (or 50 gig for that matter) DB is possible. The major pitfalls in this scenario are (I've been there myself):
1. Physical space for disks.
If you go buy a Intel machine You limit Yourself to say about 3-4 SCSI controllers, and unless You go and buy a shitload of External conenctivity (kabinets and such), which can be a pain, You're often limited to about 8-10 disk drives, so size Your DB with some future expansion in mind.
2.Backup solultion
Make Sure to have a decent and FAST backup. I've not yet been able to run parallel backups on Linux (maybe I'm just not very good at configuring it), and it DOES take a while to backup 30 Gigs, even on a DLT, so if the client wants high-availability, take this into consideration. However, in Your situation, this might be redundant, since this DB WILL be the mirror (but the point should be handled otherwise).
3. High Availability.
Your client might want the DB to be accessible at ALL times, and we all know that when a PSU or CPU goes in a NT box, the machine is pretty darned worthless. And getting a decent service level on a Intel box is almost impossible (usually 24 hours is as good as it gets). Also You should consider if this mirror should be used as a fail-over in case of whatever.
4. Remote access.
Remote servicing is a bit easier though, as You can easily set up Telnet or whatever. However, You can get some goot remote programs for Windows machines also, just not AS good. But this should only factor in if You need to access the machine frequently. If the choice is between UNIX/Linux, it's the same diff. But if it's UX/NT, then think about it for a while.
5. Maintanence
Maintenance is a BIT heavier, especially when the machine gets older, but the first year or two, how gives a S***. Also, whatever peole might say of UNIX harddirves, they're EXACTLY the same as the ones sold for Windows machines. They're just formatted differently. So You will save a bundle on the costs of aqusition, which should cover for the added maintenance of trading in old components that can no longer hack it (MB's, Networking cards, SCSI controllers, RAM etc.), All of the components which are NOT the same
6. Choosing the right hardware.
You might want to make sure to spend a few more dollars on the right hardware. Whatever people might say, the UNIX boxes are most often put together with the best of hardware, ECC ram, Redundancy controllers, and hot-swap drives (and sometimes also other pieces can be swapped whilst power is still on). DON'T save more money here than absolutely nessesary. A good point to make would be: It's basically the same hardware, only the software is different.
These are my thoughs/experiences on this matter. As for "FascDot Killed My Pr". I REALLY have to say: I've been running an Oracle DB (8.04) on an NT for over two years now, not a single glitch yet. And YES, it's a development DB, so there ARE active users. And installation was as sweet as pie. Only major flaw in my opinion is the inability of older Oracles to "bundle together", You could not have more than one major relase DB installed on one system, You have to add another logical DB to the exising one, or install a different major relase version of oracle as the second DB. But that's SUPPOSEDLY done away with in version 8 and up (not that I'm not haveing problems with it anyway)
~30Gb Sybase Database (Score:2)
Quick Other-side... (Score:2)
Mission Critical Linux [missioncriticallinux.com]
Oracle [oracle.com]
sybase ase on linux, considerations. (Score:2)
as for your system, you'll be amazed at how much you can accomplish with linux/intel. there are only two components that you really need to worry about, CPU busy and IO busy. if the system that currently houses your database is running sql, then you can run this to get an idea of how to set up a like system:
1> declare @loop_var int
2> select @loop_var = 0
3> while @loop_var begin
5> exec sp_monitor
6> select @loop_var = @loop_var + 1
7> waitfor delay 'yy:yy:yy'
8> end
where x = iterations and y = the delay in hr:min:sec.
run this during a "peak usage time", have the results dump to a file using the -o param and then
take a look at the CPU and IO. you'll get something like this:
cpu_busy io_busy idle
---- -------------------------
3(0)-0% 0(0)-0% 13863(5)-100%"
this is a sybase ase running on red hat at idle. during production you will want cpu_busy to be in the range of 60-70% as this allows for some growth, if you hit 80% or more start planning for more cpu power. conversely, if your io_busy is getting hit hard it may indicate problems with your network configuration, or that your device configuration needs tweaking. poor performance from a sybase server is not always cpu related.
i run a 10GB DB on an intel pIII 600(ish) with a 1/4 GB RAM and my cpu_busy sits around 65% most of the time. except when users try to dump the contents of their windows "c" drive into the database...grr.
hope that helps, ymmv of course.