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Red Hat Software Businesses

Red Hat 6.2 Officially Released 162

Brian Ginter writes "I noticed on today that 6.2 is officially released. It'll be shipping April 10. "
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Red Hat 6.2 Officially Released

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  • by Anonymous Coward
    the US crypto laws were passed almost 2 months ago, it's no longer illegal to export 128 bit encryption, not sure on the full details of everything passed, but this much i know. glad to see the US is so up to speed on everything.
  • Try LeechFTP, and then GetRight. Both of those can be configured to use a proxy server. Remember to set it to use the server's IP, port 21.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Anyone notice the RedHat Linux Enterprise Edition description?

    Motif 2.1 Integration?!

    Oh boy! RedHat seem to be jump back and forth on the Motif issue. Why don't they just fund the lesstif project already?! This feature item seems to violate feature item number one (Open source code gives control back to developers and system administrators). Also, when RedHat dropped TriTeal's CDE port they had a long rant on their website about the reliablity and security issues with the closed source CDE and Motif. They followed the rant up with a shamless plug for GNOME as being the solution. Has Motif 2.1 really addressed all the problems that caused RedHat rant when they dropped TriTeal CDE or have they just given-in for Oracle's demands? If GNOME was the ultimate solution that the rant made it out to be and RedHat and Oracle worked so closely together then why couldn't RedHat get Oracle to support Gtk instead of RedHat supporting the Motif product they claimed to be so botched?

    If you read between the lines in the product description, it says Oracle dictated the terms of an optimized enviroment and to hell with the Linux community on what they think is right. When I have the option to do:

    ./orainst /g

    and get a GTK window up, then I'll believe that Oracle worked to integrate with Linux. Supporting the Motif'd /m is just Linux community laying down their values to "integrate" with Oracle's demands, not the other way around.

  • haha that is cool!
    did you do that on purpose?
    (or was that a goof?)

    • termcap, terminfo, and various terms have been modified to support the Debian Backspace Guidelines

    What's this? Neither Google nor Altavista have heard of it, and seems to be suffering from some kind of religious spasm that has caused them to take down their search page.

  • From the brief description, I assume this creates a big-ass file on an existing FAT partition which contains all the ext2 partitions you, like many emulation programs and the next (current?) version of BeOS.

    What, if any, other distros offer this? Any experiences with it? This could be handy for a Wintel machine which is used as a secondary linux box.
  • > Don't you think 2 stories on redhat 6.2 is a little bit of overkill.
    >First it is a . release, and second I haven't seen or heard of any
    >wildly revolutionary changes that even make this noteworthy.
    >The people that really care were probaly following it anyway.

    (1) Actually if you'ld been paying attention, you'ld found out that 6.2 ships with things that the BSD crowd in particular seems to bitch about being defaulted on linux is now defaulted off.

    (2) People like talking about the linux dists they use. Sorry if this offends Microsoft Astroturfers like yourself.

    (3) Talking about . releases on Slashdot give the various linux dists makers the kind of public feedback that they normally don't get.

    (4) I *COULD* continue, but I think you get the point. Sod off....
  • >It is somewhat annoying that there exists such a rabid vocal linux
    >following. Just because you disagree, you have to become insulting,
    >this kind of attitude only hurts all of us that would like to see
    >wider adoption of linux and other free software.

    Spare us please. You Astrotufers got caught red-handed over on the MSNBC Technology Bulletin Board pulling your bullshit: BTW, since when has Microsoft been a 100% Free-BSD / Sun Sparc shop? 139105.asp

    and here's the typical Astroturfer at work:

    REFRESH(900 sec): 9105.asp


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    __________________________________________________ _______________

    Date: Re: Cut MS some slack
    Thu Mar 23 15:03:58
    On Thu Mar 23 10:43:13, R Jones wrote:
    > There would be NO internet communication if there wasn't
    > software like Apache which runs 56% of all
    > webservers. Apache is 100% totally NOT win32 (yes
    > you can download a win32 version but they highly don't
    > recommend it...very unsecure).
    MSNBC Technology Bulletin Board (p3 of 5)
    > Go go go Apache....erase IIS4...heh.

    Get a clue. Try benchmarking Apache against iis 5.0.

    We did that, thinking it was going to be a joke, since we
    are a 100% Free-BSD / Sun Sparc shop. Guess what we
    found. ON IDENTICAL HARDWARE, IIS 5.0 cared 10 times the
    load. . . Sure apache has large market share, but I have
    two questions, "for how much longer, and, "what
    does this have to do with the antitrust case?" As a
    matter of fact buy writing this email you show that,
    "THERE IS COMPETITION," and Microsoft therefore
    is not a monopoly.

    -Systems Administrator
    __________________________________________________ _______________
  • This is similar to what Slackware users have had for several versions now. We call it ZipSlack...unzip a file & go. Hard to get less painfull than that, eh?

    More recently there is a beast called BigSlack...same basic deal, but with all the goodies.

    Neither makes much sense as a dayly driver, but they're great as a save test drive, or when you just need a Linux box *now* as a stop-gap.

    Folks should really consider having a look at Slackware. Due to the influx of new folks who don't understand what it takes to build a stable system, Slack has developed an unfair rep as not being an innovative and current distro. See for yourself, don't take other people's word for it.

    Remember: Most people are stupid.

    Got Slack []?
    If your map and the terrain differ,
    trust the terrain.

  • you can still use the text install ... just type "text" when the cd first boots (like it says to)
  • I grabbed the ISO off of yesterday and installed it on my workstation last night.

    IMHO, the most interesting thing in this release is all of the kerberos suupport, and the "Docs" CD. Strangely enough neither is mentioned in the announcement.

    Oh yeah, and there is a good amount of crypto included: mutt-international version (finally), gnupg, and netscape-128bit would be the biggies.

    No this release isn't revolutionary. It's not supplosed to be. It's a minor release. Good to see another one though.
  • by Tharsis ( 7591 )

    They don't even supply gcc 2.95!
  • Take a minute prior to posting in the future, and type something into the search box at the bottom of the /. homepage. I typed in Caldera and got a page full of links, including, amongst other things, a version release story.

    Not a flame, just trying to point out that your observation is incorrect.

  • OK, I got onto Redhat's ftp site and am wanting to get the ISO for 6.2. In the ISO directory I notice this zoot-doc.iso. Does this mean they have a cd's worth of documentation?????(it's >600MB)
  • What are the reasons for not putting in XFree86 4.0? I am sure they had good reasons, but what are they exactly? Should I (or others) hold off before download source/RPMs?
  • How about moderating it "inciteful".
  • There are restrictions on where the kernel can physically be on the disk. So a /boot dir is created to ensure that whatever wacky partitions you create, the kernel will be in the correct place.
  • So use the kickstart feature present in the
    RedHat installer? It allows you to say what you
    want installed (precisely afaik). You put it on a
    disk, insert it, and it'll do it for you...
    I'm pretty sure it doesn't do all that over the network though (unless you netboot the box with
    the modified install-disk, if at all possible :)
  • I understand there is a problem with the moderating system. It lacks an option which indicates 'false-inflation'. Some comments are not worthy of being hire than 1. If some lame moderator puts down "insightful", if it really was only wasted text, you are left with calling it "troll" or "off-topic".

    Actually, the moderation system has 2 options for "underrated" and "overrated".

  • I think slashdot only announced that it will be released soon, just like they did with redhat. Noe SuSE is actually available (on CD).
  • I just downloaded Redhat 6.2 and I am very disappointed. There is no significant new feature. I am waiting for SuSE 6.4 now, which should come out any minute. At least they have an optinal XFree 4 with configuration tool included...

    Hopefully SuSE puts their distro on the ftp servers right away this time.
  • Sorry for two posts in a row but I just saw on the German suse website [httpd] that SuSE 6.4 has been released on CDROM.
  • I used to work with Linux all the time, but now that I work with Solaris I can't say I miss it much. I'd rather spend time adding gcc, bash and friends to a Solaris box than removing Python and stuff from a Red Hat box.

    The worst part of this is that even in "upgrade" mode, the install script decides that you really need all the eye candy and gnome foo which you painstakingly un-installed the last time you did an install.

    So, you have to go root it all out all over again.

    At least the install processes didn't whack nearly as many of my config files as it did the last time. Still, with each release the comparative pain threshold involved in switching to debian instead gets smaller and smaller.

  • So far, I haven't seen md5sums or cksums on any of the mirrors. I've got the ISO's mirrored, but the i386 image didn't boot on my system.

    Could anyone else run md5sum or cksum on their iso images and see if they match these:
    b7cb386ec426ae38a925bdd844b86f84 zoot-i386.iso
    9fe617911acc104f8c89a0f8ea1b5917 zoot-srpms.iso
    3132136560 671881216 zoot-i386.iso
    1388524199 594044928 zoot-srpms.iso
  • Actually this makes teaching 6.1 installation make more sense. In very loose generalities by the time the sucessor to a piece of software is announced the bugs in the older version are pretty well known (and in the case of linux, usually fixed). This gives the opprotunity to teach installing the fixes as part of installing a new system.
  • I don't think that comment is entirely fair. If you look at Mandrake 6.2 versus Mandrake 7.0, there are some really big differences.

    I know Linux 2.4 kernel, Xfree 4.0 and other stuff isn't there, but instead there are:

    - DrakX: Their graphical installation program.
    - DiskDrake: Their graphical patitioning program.
    - DrakConf: Their graphical configuring program.

    Those are some pretty huge improvements over version 6.2 - whether they are enough for a jump to 7.0 can be discussed, but I think they are more than a jump to ex. 6.3!

  • A distribution is not just a collection of RPMs, or source files, or whatever. Red Hat puts extensive work into customizing the packages for their system, configuring things to work nicely together, improving the system configuration tools, etc. If you stick with your base system and never upgrade, but instead just update your packages from source, your system will have a different flavour after time goes by, which is fine. But you will miss some of the engineering of the distributor.
  • Anyways, a new Linux release is always good for the community

    And why, pray tell, is that?

    A good, stable release with new features is good, but these days Linux releases are a few too many, a few too often.

    I keep using that Debian "unstable" distribution. It was called Hamm, Slink, Potato and then Woody. Stop the politiking. Make up yer minds already :-)


  • Sure. That makes sense. But please read the comment i wrote again. I was replying to the comment that said a new release is always good.

    I wasn't commenting about this particular release. There are most certainly a lot of goodies there.


  • One man's humor is another man's flamebait

  • When I go to their secure store site, I get a popup box that says:

    The security library has experienced a database error.
    You will probably be unable to connect to this site securely.

    It has no button to allow me to choose to continue anyway. So why do I get this error only on Redhat's web site and not others? I seem to recall this problem in an earlier release. I'm assuming they run their own web server software, which I would not want to buy because I would not want to risk this kind of thing affecting my site visitors.

    BTW, I know it is not an expired certificate problem, because I get a different popup for that, and that popup lets me decide to continue.

  • Anyone know of a frequently updated page that tracks the latest Linux releases?
  • On topic:
    I agree with another poster, it is helpful to be able to get to the mirror sites before the mad rush hits.

    On-and-off topic:
    I believe their should be a different grouping for beta release and distro release news. In this manner, those who do not care can elect to have it not appear in their news listing.

    Off topic (but in line with this post):
    Too often people who have negative points are moderated down as troll. Mention something positive about M$ and you take a dive. I am not saying I like M$, but some of the posts have been useful insights. I understand there is a problem with the moderating system. It lacks an option which indicates 'false-inflation'. Some comments are not worthy of being hire than 1. If some lame moderator puts down "insightful", if it really was only wasted text, you are left with calling it "troll" or "off-topic".

    Just my 3 cents.
  • Ok, fair enough. I stand corrected :-)

    It's a fine line between trolling and karma-whoring... and I think you just crossed it.
    - Sean
  • Basically they boiled down to it not being stable enough on anything other than i386. They figured that by the time the inevitable bugfixes, etc. made it out, that Linux 2.4 would be also out, and that would be about time to start up a 7.0 series.

    It's a fine line between trolling and karma-whoring... and I think you just crossed it.
    - Sean
  • The acronym ISO stands for "International Standards Organization". They"devise" (for lack of a better word) standards for all sorts of things. The nomenclature ISOXXXX refers to a specific standard. ISO9000, for example, is a standard for workflow management, designed to help get optimum efficiency and stuff out of a work process. ISO8570 (or something close to it) is a standard for fabrics, designed with safety (ie: fire retardancy) in mind. The standards they come up with are extremely wide-ranging.

    The one relevant to this discussion is ISO9660, which is a standard for encoding data on a CD. Thus a *.iso file is one that conforms to the ISO9660 standard, and can be written directly to a CD, which can then be read just like any other "standard" CD.

    It's a fine line between trolling and karma-whoring... and I think you just crossed it.
    - Sean
  • They don't have Xfree86 4. Check the article yesterday.
  • I would just like to add that even those with free and unlimited high-speed Internet access don't necessarily have the time or patience to monitor all software releases... ;)

  • No there isn't, I don't know where I got that from. Sorry... =(

  • The amazing Bero's Experimental Packages [] site. Lots of goodies for those who can't wait, including Red Hat packages for KDE2 and XFree86 4.0.

  • It tries to manage to be everything you mentioned.

    This is not bad IMHO because you can choose what kind of install you want - Server, Gnome Workstation, KDE Workstation, Laptop System - it's a simple choice in the install. And don't worry, you can also select exactly what packages you want.

    I think this is a Good Thing. Instead of having distributions tailored for various uses you have a "fat" distribution and the option to choose the primary use in the install. Of course you can tailor Slackware exactly the way you want too, but I think the option in the RedHat install is nice, because even if you want the system tailored for a specific use you don't have to choose all the packages yourself if you don't want to.

  • I said:

    Anyways, a new Linux release is always good for the community

    Pilot said:

    And why, pray tell, is that?

    Hmmm. OK. I see where you're coming from, however, I'm not talking about the stability of the systems provided. I guess I'm coming from the "there's no such thing as bad publicity" department.

    My thinking works like this:

    + More products are released
    + These are advertised
    + Therefore there are more and more adverts
    + Therefore the catchment area for the adverts grows (even by accident, if there are more, then there is a greater chance of a person seeing at least one of them).
    + Therefore more people get to find hear about Linux
    + Therefore more good/useful/helpful people move into the Linux community and my original statement stands.

    Works for me anyway ;-)

  • Where can grab the Mandrake XFree 4.0 RPMS ?
    I looked all other the Mandrake site and couldn't find them.

    10x in advance
  • I really like that they have been keeping their distro somewhat up to date with the Joneses, but recently something happened that really got me thinking about the people at RedHat.

    Last fall I ordered the boxed set (Battlestar Galactica Edition with Flux Capacitor and five CDs of stuff from about a year ago). Everything was great. The installs worked just perfect (on several machines). I even received printed documentation, although it was all about Gnome.

    I also received a Hat. Very nice quality, this Hat. Adjustable size, solidly manufactured with an embroidered logo on the top.

    But it wasn't red.

    You would think that a company called RedHat would send you a Hat, and it would be Red, right? That has me wondering if there's a new subversive element at RedHat, working from within, with the final intent to morph RedHat into, yes, you got it, BlackHat!

  • Does anyone know if there is support for the Promise ATA66 controllers? SuSE 6.3 has it, but for some reason, it was left out of RH 6.1.

  • Uh yeah... try Freshmeat.


    "You can't shake the Devil's hand and say you're only kidding."

  • I personally do basic installs and compile most things from source, trying to keep them up to date, but I can only pay attention to so much. It's nice to upgrade to a new version of a distribution simply because it covers all the bases you don't have the time to cover. You could watch freshmeat, but things are posted so fast, it takes a bit of effort just to keep up.
    Aside from covering the bases, having prepackaged distributions allow software distributers to package pre-compiled (or source files) for standard, expected sets of libraries, allowing for the most painless installs/compiles.
    And probably the most important point is that many newcomers don't upgrade on a package by package basis and NEED everything nice and packaged before they upgrade.

    On a slightly tangent point, I hate rpm too, does any distribution have a really good packaging system? I like to both compile from source and install to separate directories for larger programs, yet not get my path all mangled. I like tar balls and stow, but some programs aren't nice and put things where they don't belong anyway, so some files may belong to an unknown packge, because it is not RPM, and it is not in a stow tree (which makes me mad...)
  • These guys are all trolls. forget em. on #linuxhelp which is the only help channel that really matters, no one is kicked out for a dumb question. and we get hundreds of newbies. all of us help out as best we can. and very few of us tell em to RTFM.
    The newbie crowd is only going to go to friendly channels...thats one reason efnet has been dumped and everyones switched to
  • Why is RedHat only using Linux 6.2, when both Slackware and Mandrake use Linux 7.0?

    I use Linux 7.0 from Slackware. (amazingly simple install, btw) Who needs this old fashioned Linux 6.x stuff?


  • I used to handle documentation for ISO certification and in order for a manufacturing plant to keep getting ISO's stamp of approval. Evidently ISO just maintains that you follow certain guidelines and pay them huge amounts of cash for adhering to their standards, and in return you get an ISO cert that tells other companies you document your procedures. It's nearly pointless, however, once you realize the following.
    You could build an air conditioning unit from Legos and twine, and whether it actually works or not is irrelevant to ISO. As long as you have documentation stating specifically HOW you build it you'll get certified. ISO 9000-9002 certs are all about docs, and little else.

  • Thanks for the link.

    I'm one of those that uses linux. Not plays with it. Just uses it.

    I've been running suse because it is easy. More and more I am finding software I need has been tuned for red hat. I just killed my laptop *again* and it is a good time to jump ship.

    Where can I find info for red hat 6.2 similiar to what is right at the top of the page at Easy links to what is new and what has changed, in addition to the full package list you mentioned.

    How does red hat compare to suse in usability? I have come to rely very heavily on yast and I am worried about what will happen if I lose that crutch.


  • Who can say right now if 6.2 will be more stable than the previous?

    If the 6.2beta is any indication, this one's gonna rock. Been using the beta since day-1: love it.


  • []

    Yup.. running them now on RH 6.1. All I can say is the XF4 is damn fast.. And KDE2 beta as well.. enjoy.. :)

  • Is there really a "Laptop System" install in redhat-6.2? I haven't seen one in the redhat-6.2de beta version.
  • by wray ( 59341 )
    Hope we don't get to offtopic, but:

    What is the status of the kernel compiling with the latest versions of gcc? Is 2.4 going to compile with gcc-2.95.x or gcc 3?

    May I also say how appreciative I was of bero-rh's comments. It is nice to hear information straight from the source.

    The best one I have heard is "Wintendo." Just being evangelical :-)
  • As a 1 year user of linux i feel compelled to tell you... I too find such bashing annoying, although I do not use redhat (I'm a debian fan)... that you sound really perturbed and I guarantee that by changing your Slashdot threshold to 2 or even 3 your life will be much less stressful. Slashdot does not represent the linux community, sadly it seems to be mostly newer/immature users.

    As an aside, I can't understand why anyone would be afraid of the command line. It is so much more productive then annoying GUI tools.

    just so you know, I count 45 buggy packages in debian slink, thus it is by no mean perfect, if by perfect you mean mistake free. It is perfect however, if you're speaking of the state of mind free software and a totally free ( read non-profit) distro creates.

  • How do you install your debs on a regular basis?? I'd like to do a simliar kind of thing but I'm a little fearful of using apt-get's -y (say yes to everything) option which is what I assume your script does.

    If you script does something more miraculous than this, could you post it? or send it my [mailto] way? thanks

  • I'm using Debian on my laptop and love it. My only beef? For CRYING out loud, release potato!! ;-P
  • Many of the distros wanting to ease migration offer this, such as WinLinux. Others take the tract of using UMSDOS. Personally, I like to loopback idea better.. ;-P
  • The first one to do it, of course, was ZipSlack [].
  • RedHat needs to decide - server/workstation/desktop/beowulf?

    Should Red Hat be a server, a workstation, a desktop, or a beowulf system? Yes.
  • Red Hats first two release always suck shit. 6.0 was a disaster, 6.1 was a little better. Maybe now they've sorted everything out. Just like with 5.0-5.2.
  • Why do people find a new release of a distribution so exciting when virtually all the software it contains has probably been freely available for several months? If I want to upgrade something on my system, I download the source, compile it and install (I hate RPM's). Why wait several months to install all the fixes in one go, when you could have fixed them many weeks before?

    Now weary traveller, rest your head. For just like me, you're utterly dead.
  • I mostly agree with you, except that I have been using Linux for 2 years (not much above your 18 months limit) starting with RedHat 5.0, and feel insulted

    It simply is the best distro as far as I am concerned. But then I never used any other distro nor do I care to do it nor do I care if they all cease instantly to exist.

    RedHat has been an excellent distro for me and being on their watch-list means that I know about updates and security holes and have access (free) to their update site (sometimes laggy but they all are when you have a 33.6 modem).

    You must however understand that in the group of RedHat bashers you will find "offended virgins" who don't like the "commercial aspect" of RedHat (in truth their success) but would still buy Suse/Slackware (the first a real commercial thing, the second the first commercial and failing Linux company), or even worse Mandrake/Macmillan/Joe Schmuck (all redhat-based) distros.

    Oh but I forgot, they are better RedHat than RedHat, when all Mandrake did was recompile packages for pentium machines. Dammit guys, there is a CD with src.rpms on any RedHat distro and yes you can all recompile them (it will take less time than waiting for your Mandrake).

    There are also the elitists who don't like RedHat because so many people use it. These people will be the first to leave Linux when it really reaches world-domination and would maybe go with Hurd (DUH!) or *BSD*, *BeOS* (but then they'll bitch about GPL and hail NOT GPL).

    These folks would even support Windows if it was on the loosing side, believe me.

    While waiting for this to happen, have fun with this new release. I am gonna buy my copy as soon as I can.

    Peace and NO I don't have shares in RedHat nor do I work for RedHat nor am I going to an interview for a job at RedHat nor do I have plans to do so.

  • Why pay for it?

    Because the truth is free beer is not free. It costs money to for the ingredients, for maintaining the still, and it takes an individual's time which is worth something. There are many who just take from the community and think, "this is great! software for nothing." This is a braindead mentality.

    Some companies, like RedHat, make their money in support and training. If you plan to $$ support them via this avenue, then by all means accept their free stuff. But, they are not the only type of company out there. There are also gaming companies (which I do not think are going to make a killing in support and training). Maybe they have sponsor companies, in which case, it is not free software, it is a link to advertisement.

    There are other ways of contributing to the community, i.e. producing worthwhile code, but this does not mean you should still not pay to support what you find valuable to use. My point is if all you do is take from the community, you are no more than a vampire and a bloodsucker. I personally choose to buy a distro once per major modification (i.e. going from 2.0 to 2.2, inclusion of X version 4.0 will be worth it) because though I may be able to patch and compile my way there, I would prefer to spend my time doing more cost effective things.

    Please note, I am not calling the poster of this comment a vampire or bloodsucker, I do not know the individual's involvement with the community, the post is addressing the question, "Why pay for it?"

    P.S. - Yes, I bought a linux version of Quake III.

  • >Why pay for it?

    Well... I can't speak for everyone, of course. But I can speak for myself, and this is why I am going to pay for it.
    1. I am on a 28.8 dial-up. I have no interest in waiting hours and hours to download it. I will pay for the convenience of avoiding that.
    2. I like little things, such as the books that come with it, the fact that it will come with boot disks, so I don't have to rawrite my own. I will pay for the paper and the convenience of having little details taken care of for me.
    3. Most importantly, I want to give back to the community. I will pay so they can pay developers to help give us more great stuff.
    That's why I will pay for it.

    It's a fine line between trolling and karma-whoring... and I think you just crossed it.
    - Sean
  • Don't you think 2 stories on redhat 6.2 is a little bit of overkill. First it is a . release, and second I haven't seen or heard of any wildly revolutionary changes that even make this noteworthy.

    Should we compare it to Win2K, which has treated us to four years of news stories and blowhard press releases, finally to ship without all the promised features?

    At least Red Hat 6.2 hit /. because it's news (rather than vapour), and it gets discussed because some of us are interested in it (rather than because someone had enough money to buy a multi-page spread in the New York Times).

  • - Workstation installs no longer install networking daemons

    - Many system daemons turned off by default

    One or two traditional unices tried this at some point and were chastised by users for it. I can't wait to install 6.2 to see what it enables by default. This is a big security win for newbies and other clueless installers.

    Noticed the included kerberos stuff, that's nice too, but I wonder if openssh is included.
  • I had not noticed.
    Thank you for pointing it out.
    It brightened my day.
  • OpenSSH is not included (because it requires OpenSSL) due to the stupidity of the RSA patent in the US. See Beros comment [] yesterday for a link to RPMs made outside the US.

  • You're absolutely right about that - Linux-the-OS is not a distribution thing, it's a "set of package versions" thing.

    I can't abide this slow release idea, where to upgrade you invariably end up rebooting (often only to start the upgrade) and fixing broken packages / dependencies and so on. Heck, if I wanted *that* I'd run MacOS! ;)

    Shamless plug: this is why I live at the cutting edge of Debian 'unstable' (currently known as 'woody'). I maintain a local mirror of all the packages I have installed, automatically updating itself at 0317hrs every night, and I upgrade the whole distribution at a stroke every day. Of course, it costs - I had to 'fix' some emacs problem today, but for the privilege of watching libc6 upgrade itself while still running X... anything goes :)

    Then again, sometimes I think, maybe not everyone is like me. (Maybe they're grateful for small mercies, too.)
  • I guess I've been asleep for the last two months. Here is the relevant info for anyone interested:

    from http://204.193 .246.62/public.nsf/docs/60D6B47456BB389F8525686400 78B6C0 []

    Global Exports of Commercial Encryption Source Code and Toolkits

    Encryption source code which is available to the public and which is subject to an express agreement for the payment of a licensing fee or royalty for commercial production or sale of any product developed using the source code (such as "community source" code) may be exported under a license exception to any end-user without a technical review. At the time of export, the exporter must submit to the Bureau of Export Administration a copy of the source code, or a written notification of its Internet address. All other source code can be exported after a technical review to any non-government end-user. U.S. exporters may have to provide general information on foreign products developed for commercial sale using commercial source code, but foreign products developed using U.S.-origin source code or toolkits do not require a technical review.

    so, open-source projects don't need licensing. But netscape is not open source. They probably did a one-time techincal review for that :

    Global exports to individuals, commercial firms or other non-government end-users

    Any encryption commodity or software, including components, of any key length can now be exported under a license exception after a technical review to any non-government end-user in any country except for the seven state supporters of terrorism. Exports previously allowed only for a company's internal use can now be used for any activity, including communication with other firms, supply chains and customers. Previous liberalizations for banks, financial institutions and other approved sectors are continued and subsumed under the license exception. Exports to government end-users may be approved under a license.

    and of course - INAL.
  • I'm surprised that noone has mentioned that, once again, Red Hat is shipping a kernel version that doesn't really exist. I don't have any objections to Red Hat adding code to the kernel (so long as the chnages are open source), but they shouldn't be declaring their own kernel versions.
  • Aaaaaargh! They had "2.2.15" in the beta, but switched to the real 2.2.14 in the final. Aaaaaargh!
  • Even more typical - I just bought the box of RH6.1 at the store yesterday.
  • Dude, Linux in all of the versions that you mentioned above is 2.2.x. That's the kernel version. Each distribution has versioning numbers of their own. The only distribution that really makes sense with the version numbering is Caldera (but that doesn't give any good reason to actually use that, though), who numbers their distros based on the Linux kernel number.

    When people say Linux, they are typically referring to a distribution, a group of files already compiled and packaged with the kernel, which makes everything run. Actually, Linux is just the kernel (vmlinux-* or vmlinuz-* that sits in your /boot directory). Read a HOWTO from The LDP [] for more information.

    Brad Johnson
    --We are the Music Makers, and we
    are the Dreamers of Dreams

  • Well, as the previous poster pointed out, you can install it under a FAT partition, but the other nice feature is that you don't have to use disk druid or fdisk if you don't want to during the install. It'll make a default partitioning which has swap space, /boot (of about 20 megs) and / (takes whatever else is left). Useful if you're lazy or not familiar with partitioning.


  • I'm currently running 2.3.99 compiled with gcc 2.95.3, so yes, it works.
  • Here is the main ftp site and a mirror that has it. - Red Hat's FTP Site [] With ISOs. - Metalabs 6.2 Mirror [] With ISOs.
  • The package list is at [].
  • Mandrake 7.0 was numbered 7.0 because it was a major release: the first "pure" Mandrake (not based on RH anymore), the first with a fully graphical install (DrakX, diskDrake, etc).

    Mandrake 7.0 was not just a Mandrake 6.1 with one or two package version upgraded, so it was logical to considere it a whole new version.

    On the other hand, RH6.2 is just a lightly improved RH6.1, and RedHat honestly labeled it as such. I don't think Mandrake or any other distromaker will adopt a year-based version number, they let it to EA Sports games and MS.

  • by Jon Peterson ( 1443 ) <> on Monday March 27, 2000 @05:52AM (#1168485) Homepage

    Shovelware is a bad thing, and it's a whole lot worse when you start shoveling server apps. It means that:

    1. People run software that is not a best-fit because it works and it happens to be on the CD.

    2. People run software that they don't understand and might be unsecure simply because it's there.

    I can't think of anything worse than pre-installing Apache as a default web server. It's very big, very complicated and probably unecessary. Next you'll be telling me that the OS uses it to display help files or run some CGI based configuration utility.

    This simply re-inforces my notion that someone REALLY should split a Linux distro into server, workstation and home user builds. If you want to shovel on 20 different CD-player apps so the desktop user can choose the one with the most eye-candy that's just fine but for God's sake I wish they'd stop doing it with daemons.

    If I'm building a server, whatever OS it is, I do not want anything but the most essential (syslog, etc) services installed for me. I don't even want to have to de-select them on a setup screen. Actually I don't even want a setup screen - I want to build servers from my own install server over the network ala Solaris Jumpstart.

    We all made/make fun of MS for building a Server with a GUI - hell most Linux distro's ship SEVERAL GUIs these days. Sure you can take them off but as a server admin why the hell should I spend hours removing garbage from distributions?

    I used to work with Linux all the time, but now that I work with Solaris I can't say I miss it much. I'd rather spend time adding gcc, bash and friends to a Solaris box than removing Python and stuff from a Red Hat box.

    It's easy to keep track of what you add, where you add it and when. It's very hard to keep track of what you've forgotten to remove because you don't know where it was put in the first place.

    I tell you, the first distro that stops arsing about with 3D graphics support and actually fixes NFS* and creates a nice automatic network install system will get my support.

    *Unless they've fixed NFS in Linux already - used to be a big weak point when I used it.
  • by Mr. Neutron ( 3115 ) on Monday March 27, 2000 @04:02AM (#1168486) Homepage Journal
    I'm a desktop support guy (and CS major) for Professional and Technical Education in the IT department at the University of Wisconsin. They decided to let me teach a class, which begins tomorrow. The class is on installing and configuring Red Hat Linux.

    Version 6.1.


  • by quarkoid ( 26884 ) on Monday March 27, 2000 @04:12AM (#1168487) Homepage

    Well, according to their website, it now includes apache and sendmail... isn't that revolutionary? :-)

    I realise that you are speaking with tongue in cheek, but this point is worth making anyway:

    To us? Of course this isn't revolutionary. You must remember, however, that both Apache and Sendmail have been receiving a lot of press at the moment (at least, they have in the journals I am subscribed to). It would appear that RH are ensuring that 6.2 will be noticed by those PHBs who have heard of Apache and Sendmail - "Hey, Linux, Apache *AND* Sendmail in one package - must try that".

    The thing which interests me though is the partionless installation - I can't seem to find any details about that. What is it? Why does the cynic in me think it just means it sorts out all your partitions for you, but that they still exist?

    Anyways, a new Linux release is always good for the community, so raise your glasses ladies and gentlemen.....


  • by jonathanclark ( 29656 ) on Monday March 27, 2000 @08:38AM (#1168488) Homepage

    - Encryption now included! Now that the US more closely resembles
    a free country, all versions of Red Hat Linux include:

    o Kerberos authentication for mutt, pine, fetchmail,
    cvs, and imap. In addition, the following kerberos-aware
    versions of the following clients have been added:

    o Kerboros network clients included for rlogin, rsh, telnet, ftp
    in krb5-workstation package

    o GNOME-based Kerberos configuration tools added

    o GNU Privacy Guard (gpg) included

    o Netscape with 128-bit encryption included

    Ok, what did I miss? Was there legislation that was passed that totally opened up the encryption issue, or did Redhat get licensing from the commerse dept. for these products? I thought things like 128-bit Netscape were still illegal to export. If not, this is great news! Someone please fill me in. ;)

  • get it via HTTP from SourceForge's snappy mirror:

    http://download.sourcefor []

  • by lunenburg ( 37393 ) on Monday March 27, 2000 @04:49AM (#1168490) Homepage
    The partitionless install means that you don't have to partition your system for ext2 - it installs to a big file in a FAT partition via loopback. It's mostly for people who want to try Linux without the risk of repartitioning their system.
  • by dgb2n ( 85206 ) <.dgb2n. .at.> on Monday March 27, 2000 @04:32AM (#1168491)
    Once again Microsoft has demonstrated their superiority in software development and versioning. How could Linux possibly compete against Microsoft when their consumer operating system is version 98 and their server operating system is all the way to to 2000.

    With that many versions, they probably don't have any bugs left at all !!! To think people would actually waste their time fixing all the bugs in a 6.2 release. Even Mandrake and Slackware are only up to 7.0.

    And Enlightenment, they're not even up to version 1.0 yet! There's probably not even any code to run.

    You Linux folks never cease to amaze me.

  • by KaosDG ( 85348 ) on Monday March 27, 2000 @05:47AM (#1168492) Homepage
    Am I the only one that noticed that this is a Haiku?

    Very nice. Creative. 8-)
  • by bero-rh ( 98815 ) <bero@ r e> on Monday March 27, 2000 @06:54AM (#1168493) Homepage
    Binary compatibility.
    Stuff compiled on 6.2 is supposed to run on prior 6.x releases, which is not the case if we had updated gcc (c++ changes).
    gcc 2.95.3 (or whatever is current by then, maybe 2.96, maybe 3.0) will be in 7.0.
  • by Michael Duggan ( 124223 ) <> on Monday March 27, 2000 @09:58AM (#1168494)
    The Debian Backspace Guidelines are guidelines for how BS and DEL should act. See section 3.8 [] of the Debian Policy Manual [].
  • by Signal 69 ( 159601 ) on Monday March 27, 2000 @04:04AM (#1168495)
    Intel & Sparc will ship April 10th; Alpha is not yet available. This info is prominently displayed on the RHAT website...
  • by GeZ117 ( 162744 ) on Monday March 27, 2000 @05:25AM (#1168496)
    Something /. posters seems to forget is that *NOT* everyone has (free an unlimited) Internet Access. Some haven't even access. Those pitiful lamers who can't afford huge phone bills (another thing most /. aren't aware: there are countries on the world where local communications aren't free (as in costless)). These guys need a CD (or about 2 or 3 kg of floppies) to install the nearly-latest version of the softs they uses.

    And another advantages of a distro is that (if the distromaker do properly his job) new versions of all utils on the system (it's sometimes boring to consult 87-or-more homepages to look for a new version of something to install).

  • by Erich ( 151 ) on Monday March 27, 2000 @04:09AM (#1168497) Homepage Journal
    Well, you see, you're wrong. Red Hat, debian, slackware, and others have contributed lots of code and typically hire developers to work on products. Red Hat has been a big supporter of gnome, among other things. At the very least they've done lots of good work on install programs. Have you ever tried installing Linux using a cross-compiler? Not fun. Try downloading all the sources and using an NT cross-compiler and see if you can build a linux system. It's non-trivial to say the least. Much easier to install Red Hat, Slackware, or any other distribution.

  • by arwild01 ( 7568 ) on Monday March 27, 2000 @04:46AM (#1168498) Homepage
    Yup.... played with it last night. They moved all the .rpm and .src.rpm files that are only documentation (gimp-manual, howto, rhl-ig, etc.)off of the main CDs, and onto the docs CD. They also have unpacked versions of all the files so you can jujst broese it off the CD rather than install it.

    Given the size of gimp-manual I think this is a good idea.
  • by Bad Mojo ( 12210 ) on Monday March 27, 2000 @04:19AM (#1168499)
    As a teacher, and important lesson you have the chance to teach is "A greater version number does not make a product greater."

    Get your students to leave their MS centric ideas at home and concentrate on running good software that gets upgraded for a reason.

    Maybe you can end the class with doing an upgrade to 6.2 and showing how easy it can be?

    Just some ideas from a teacher-wanna-be.

    Bad Mojo
  • by yist ( 100285 ) on Monday March 27, 2000 @04:01AM (#1168500)
    This message was also sent to me a while ago:

    Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2000 08:45:54 -0500 (EST)
    From: Erik Troan
    To:, COLA submissions
    Subject: Red Hat Linux 6.2 (Zoot) now available!
    Resent-Date: 27 Mar 2000 13:46:45 -0000
    Resent-cc: recipient list not shown: ;


    Red Hat is happy to announce the immediate availability of Red Hat Linux 6.2,
    Zoot, for the ia32 and SPARC platforms (Alpha is coming, really), with support
    for French, German, Spanish, and Italian.

    You can get your hands on Zoot in many different ways:

    2. Order one of our many boxed set editions from
    (shipping April 10)
    3. Buy it at a retail outlet (available April 10)
    4. Download from one of our many mirror sites. The following mirrors
    are known to be complete: .2/ edhat/redhat-6.2/ t/redhat-6.2/ at/redhat-6.2/ 6.2/ t-6.2/ edhat/redhat-6.2/ edhat-6.2/

    For help with this release of Red Hat Linux, subscribe to the Zoot mailing
    list by sending a message with a subject of "subscribe" to, or buy a Red Hat Linux boxed set and take
    advantage of our support department.

    The Zoot development team wishes to thank all of the developers who
    contributed to this release, our beta testers, and everyone who reported
    a bug or made a feature request.

    Here's a (partial) list of new features in Zoot:

    - The system can now be installed onto a loopback file on a FAT
    filesystem. This allows users to install Red Hat Linux onto an
    existing partition rather then having to repartition their system.

    - The upgrade process recognizes Linux RAID arrays.

    - Better rescue mode on CD and NFS, allowing improved disaster

    - Networking services have had their client and server components split
    into separate packages to improve sysadmin flexibility.

    - Pentium III support for improved performance

    - Workstation installs no longer install networking daemons

    - Many system daemons turned off by default

    - MesaGL now included

    - All man pages gzip'd

    - Added support for /etc/X11/xinitrc/xinitrd.d for X startup logic

    - Piranha clustering updates

    o web based GUI config
    o 2-node service failover support
    o generic service monitoring/loadblancing
    o tunneling and direct routing support for IPVS

    - Beowulf-style clustering added

    o PVM 3.4.3 (Parallel Virtual Machine)
    o LAM 6.3.1 (MPI library environment)
    o make-pvm (PVM aware version of GNU make)
    o (Please note that mpich-1.2.0 is now part of PowerTools for Red Hat
    Linux 6.2.)

    - Automatic support for up to 4 gigabytes of RAM

    - ISDN configuration utility added

    - Encryption now included! Now that the US more closely resembles
    a free country, all versions of Red Hat Linux include:

    o Kerberos authentication for mutt, pine, fetchmail,
    cvs, and imap. In addition, the following kerberos-aware
    versions of the following clients have been added:

    o Kerboros network clients included for rlogin, rsh, telnet, ftp
    in krb5-workstation package

    o GNOME-based Kerberos configuration tools added

    o GNU Privacy Guard (gpg) included

    o Netscape with 128-bit encryption included

    - More beauteous vim included -- /usr/bin/vim supports syntax color
    and langauge-based indention

    - anacron used for many system jobs

    - termcap, terminfo, and various terms have been modified to support
    the Debian Backspace Guidelines for Backspace and Delete, as well
    as to make Home and End work consistently

    - DocBook support included

    - Colorized ls by default (remove /etc/profile.d/colorls.* to disable)

  • by a poor scribbler ( 161797 ) on Monday March 27, 2000 @04:01AM (#1168501)
    Red Hat 6.2:
    Not playing the version game
    With Mandrake. Hooray.
  • by Chuck Milam ( 1998 ) on Monday March 27, 2000 @07:21AM (#1168502) Homepage
    If I want to upgrade something on my system, I download the source, compile it and install (I hate RPM's). Why wait several months to install all the fixes in one go, when you could have fixed them many weeks before?

    Because not everyone is running a single-user system with the time to waste in the "search, download, tweak, compile, repeat" process. Those of us who use Linux as a tool (not a toy) enjoy the idea of being able to drop in a CD and have a relatively up-to-date system without the hassle of having to do it by hand. In a university environment, where good help is almost impossible to find, CD distros and RPMS are a life-saver:

    It's a lot easier for me to say to a student assistant: "Upgrade the gcc RPMs on the Computer Science cluster" rather than "Download the GCC tarball, and compile it? What's that? Configure options? this. Hmm--dependecy problems. Ok, you fix it this way... Another question? Ok, here, I'll just have to do it myself, since we needed this done last week."

    Also, RPMs are great for ansering the "what the heck is that file doing there?" question.

    When I only had my home Linux box to play with, I used to be a "source tarball, compile your own is the only way!" guy. Then I started using Linux at work. There's a big difference when you have to manage multiple machines and users. Suddenly, RPMs don't seem so bad at all...
  • by Claude Debussy ( 138975 ) on Monday March 27, 2000 @05:15AM (#1168503)
    Frankly I'm a little sick and tired of some of the people that have just started using Linux, Ya, I know I should be kind and helpful and all that, and I will be helpful and kind, I'm ready to answer any questions I can, to help somebody get a solid understanding of linux and how it works, etc, etc, etc, etc, to my point...

    There seems to be a group of you, and I think I know who you are... You've been using Linux for about a year, maybe eighteen months... You probably dual boot or have a Lose98 machine handy.. You pretend to know a lot about linux , You talk a lot when it comes to linux and boast how great it is, how it can do everything and anything, Well except for StarCraft and Quicken... and then you go on to bash RedHat, you know all the profane variations of the Redhat name (redhate, deadrat, rudehat, etc, probbaly another 80 or 90 that I dont know aobut yet).. you continually blast it for being Insecure, full of bugs, unstable, etc etc etc etc, stop repeating what other people say, think for yourself for once...

    Let me tell you knuckleheads something, before you go Bashing RedHat, and its a very good distro, yes, even Linus Torvalds uses Redhat (wow, he must be some Lamer dude eh ? ) the Security issue, Okay, two things here, I'll grant you the latitude to bash redhat for their default inetd.conf configuration (its a bit Strange).. But you've got to learn to tidy those things up, if you dont, You aren't worthy to administer a Linux box, Sorry guys thats the way it is. 2nd thing with security, RedHat has probably the best support when it comes to bug/exploit fixes for their rpms, just check their errata page every week to see if something new has popped up (or get on the mailing list, it'll send you mail when a Security Alert has been issued)...

    ya, okay, then you go ahead and say "HEY LOOK AT ALL THOSE BUG FIXES ON REDHATS ERRATA, THEIR DISTRO MUST BE FULL OF BUGS AND EXPLOITS !!!!!" I've heard crap very similar to this many times.. Okay you knuckleheads, First of all, when somebody discovers a bufferoverflow in SSH or whatever package you can think up, MANY MANY TIMES it is not distro specific, in english, that means IT AFFECTS ALL Distributions, "OH MY GAWD, DEBIAN IS TAINTED !!! BUT ITS THE PERFECT DISTRO !!! ONLY REAL HACKERS USE DEBIAN!!!!!" (Debian is a great distro, good work you guys, not trying to put you down or anything here)..

    Oh, I almost forgot Redhat is the next Microsoft of Linux, how many times have I heard that from you schmucks lately , ohh, lots. I dont have to sit here and prove that it cant happen, I'll be wasting my time, because I know it cant.

    The Linux community has Benefitted and profitted so much from Redhat, You just dont know it, 90% of the people that fit into that (1 year to 18 month) range JUST DONT KNOW what they've done, and you guys keep repeating the bullshit your script kiddy friends say.... your all pissing me off.. There is a lot of good info for you guys that is available on the web, even here on slashdot regarding the last 6 or 7 years of Linux History, I SUGGEST YOU ALL GO READ IT AND LEARN. Dont be afraid of the commmandline, I know you guys are scared of that thing, its easy as pie , type ls , rm ~/.netscape/cookies , vi /etc/inetd.conf .. wow, hard eh..

    Either grow up and learn to accept their will be bugs and weird things happening in the first major release of a distro or the alternative is, You better be holding your precious SuSe/debian/mandrake/corel/ distro the same ugly standard as you do redhat when they make a first release.

    see ya later you fucken clueless assholes

"I shall expect a chemical cure for psychopathic behavior by 10 A.M. tomorrow, or I'll have your guts for spaghetti." -- a comic panel by Cotham
