Finding a Linux Job 145
Joe "Zonker" Brockmeier writes, "Kirrily 'Skud' Robert, CEO of Netizen [and part-time
freshmeat appindex maintainer], gives Linux job-seekers a few tips on landing a job with a Linux-friendly company. Netizen is an Australian Open Source and Internet training and consultancy company." It's a fun read, but eminently practical. Among her advice: Have opinions on beer, get involved in open-source projects, keep track of your source code ... just not necessarily in that order.
Re:Make your own Linux-friendly job (Score:1)
Unfortunately, he found a good way to stick with his current database so he didn't need to switch. And I wasn't gonna accept an NT job.
Re:That's why (Score:1)
For the longest time, I did my resume in WordStar 6 (yeah, I know) and gave people only ASCII text, but last year I finally converted to WordPerfect. I can now send RTF if necessary. I will NOT stoop to sending Word files though, and if someone requires that, SCREW THEM!
Re:What about heterogeneous environments? (Score:1)
Re:No Coding (Score:1)
Re:Keep an open mind (Score:1)
I agree that it's important to know lots of tools, and to be willing to learn new tools, but I disagree about listing all of them. See my resume [unicornsrest.org] for an example. As someone who's spent a fair amount of time evaluating resumes, I would see most of your list as noise ... I would expect anyone who has Unix programming experience to be able to use shells and editors. I would be more interested in knowing how much experience you have with the important skills on your list: C, C++, Perl, Oracle, Unix, Windows. How long (and how long ago) did you use them, and what did you use them for?
My rule of thumb for listing skills on my resume is simple -- only list those skills that you would want someone to ask you to use for a job today, or those skills that demonstrate depth of expertise in a specific area. I could list COBOL, Fortran, and 40 other programming languages, but I don't have (a) any interest in coding in them today, and (b) enough experience with any of them to consider myself an expert. On the other hand, I can always brush up on them if it's important for a job.
If you have more education than skills, list your education first. If you have more skills than education (my case) then list the skills first. Never leave time gaps in your employment history -- it makes employers wonder why you weren't employed. Only list the non-paying jobs for one of two reasons: either to fill a gap where you weren't professionally employed, or when you don't have enough paid experience on your resume. Nothing before college matters unless (1) it was a professionally relevant job, and (2) you've been out of school less than 10 years.
One last piece of advice -- don't job hop without a damned good reason. While it may be more acceptable these days to hire someone who's worked 6 months here and 12 months there for their entire career, given a choice between someone like that, and someone who works 2-4 years at any particular job, most employers will take the latter person -- because he/she is demonstrably more stable, and unlikely to leave just when they're becoming useful. If you have had to leave a position after a short amount of time, make sure you have a good explanation (and if it's short, so much the better). It's OK to state that your style didn't match the company's style ... as long as you only use that excuse once.
True story: I've only worked at one job (other than my current job) for less than a year -- the company reorganized and moved from Connecticut to Texas, and I wasn't interested in moving to Texas. In every interview I've had since I left that company, I've been asked why I was only there for 6 months -- and I've always explained that the company moved to Texas, and I didn't think that I would look good in boots and a Stetson. Everyone laughs, and we move on to the next item ... but every interviewer has noticed the short-time job.
Re:No Coding (Score:1)
Proper administration of Linux requires the
ability to understand C code, how it works, how
it's built and installed. Not a super wizard, not
somebody who could write a Linux device driver in one sitting, but you cannot get a meaningful Linux
job just by knowing how to spell it, and maybe
having gone through one or two RedHat installs. Does not distinguish you from the Button-clicking VB monkeys with Tear-off MSCE sheets....
Using a stupid email name like scumbucket is not a plus, either.
Re:It's an issue (Score:1)
It would be nice to be OS agnostic. I am not. I've been burned by M$ too many times. I'd rather work with technologies driven by coders than marketers. Of course, you may enjoy updating your Office every two years and applying service packs to beat the band.
For me, it is a requirement that I be kept as far away from MICROS~1 as possible.
Re:You're Lucky you even got hired for Java! (Score:1)
For some reason people consider programming like an athletic skill, which fades with age. I think that programming is more like playing jazz. You get better with age.
Some of the best jazz musicians (Duke Ellington, Miles Davis etc) performed and created new music until the very end of their lives.
I expect to be writing open source code when I'm 64....
Re:You're Lucky you even got hired for Java! (Score:1)
That may be the case, but the companies I interviewed didn't seem to see my age as a handicap. Instead, they seemed to see my experience as a benefit. I guess I did get lucky in that the company that hired me has a much older development staff than you would expect from an average startup. They are a group of older, very talented people who it is a joy to work with. They also have lives and understand that working super long hours is counterproductive.
>In the Linux area, it seems like a lot of the 40+ set spend their time writing books on Linux and not working in Linux jobs.
Not me
Canadian Market (Score:1)
Our class has recently graduated from the DeVry Institute of Technology. While we all have Bachelors of science in our hands none of us has yet to be placed after three weeks of job searching.
Seems that in Canada, employers are less likely to hire less experienced programmer / administrator / developer to fill a position. Also with the Y2K scare and the leap year scare many companies up here put a hiring freeze into effect (TransAlta being one I can recall) which is taking a long time letting down.
I have looked though a lot of Online job sites and receive job listings from the newspapers online. Which this I normally see the following criteria for what seems to be a junior position:
With criteria like the above, I find it hard to even find a position I can apply for... Let alone consider applying to. Even with one-and-a-half years of technical support experience, and contract work that dealt with custom server installations and Perl programming, I get little or no responses.
So in essence it is difficult to take the advice of the article when it states that you should only apply to a Linux job (probably any job for that matter) when you meet all of the skills or have relevant experience. How can you? And what is the harm if you apply to a place with less experience? Then worst I can see happening is that they will not call you up for an Interview.
As for applying to another city, province or country... Does this not make you look like a less promising Candidate? I mean you obviously cannot just show up for an interview (unless you can afford flying from Calgary to Toronto on a daily basis). This added to the simple fact that they would probably have to help you move seems to put any interview I have been interviewed with (over the phone) into a scare.
Of course, perhaps it's just me.
Re:Actually... (Score:1)
Not really. Working for a lot of places doing lots of things means that I can do a lot of things. I've hit all the hot technologies in the past three years at various jobs. Basically if anyone calls looking for a buzzword technology, I am able to do the job, as long as it's not a Microsoft shop. Also, if someone was under the impression that I'm a bad employee for switching jobs, they should bear in mind that through the entire thing I probably only worked for a single consulting company. If they don't want to hire me, then I'll scratch them off the list and consider the other 150 companies on my list.
These are good times to be a computer programmer.
Re:Actually... (Score:1)
I work for Ciber, which you could probably consider to be a body shop. They have me working at IBM on a web site development project. I've got a Linux box on my desk, and another one in the machine room. I do Java development mostly, but I've done some TCL too. I work a lot of hours, and because of that I'm going to make much more than Linus Torvalds does this year (I read that he makes $120,000).
I countermand your note. PREFER consulting shops to permanent employment.
-You'll get to do many more things in your career. -You'll work with many more interesting people in your career.
-You'll get to stack your resume with lots of company names: I've personally worked with State of Michigan, Ford, Chrysler, American Express, IBM, Motorola, Dept. of Defense, and Avnet.
-You'll get paid overtime.
-You'll get to pick and choose the projects you want to work on.
-You won't have to pretend that the old social contract is still in force, and consequently you won't be surprised when your permanent employer decides to fire you at age 53, rather than let you retire and have to pay you a pension.
-You'll still get stock purchase plans, 401K's, health and dental insurance, and 3 weeks of vacation a year.
Re:What worked for me... (Score:1)
Re:I didn't even realize this was an issue (Score:1)
Having the ability to read, and make patches to, the OS kernel code is unbelievably useful sometimes, especially in the embedded market.
Getting Paid for doing something I think is fun (Score:1)
If you can't get a start in Linux, at least get some UNIX experience. Sooner or later, you will end up hacking on Linux, and getting paid a royal sum to do so
-Cheers, and Much love to Linus, Alan, and all the crew that work to make Linux a reality.
Re:The best resume (OT) (Score:1)
Some of us fully under stand Microsoft's browser war tatics, but refuse to lower ourselves to their level. The point of your resume is to show how good you are at doing your job. If was looking at your site to determine if you were a suitable canidate for a web coder or admin I would reject you immediatly. For the plain and simple reason you don't show you know how to communicate to the general web user population. Further more it shows that you place confrontation above communication. Both traits are bad in an employee.
Re:Tough to find jobs months ahead of time. (Score:1)
Re:What about heterogeneous environments? (Score:1)
That's true -- we can't forget the BSD's, can we?
Re:MP3.com is linux based and friendly (Score:1)
Re:Make your own Linux-friendly job (Score:1)
Re:Looking for Open Source people (Score:1)
Re:Actually... (Score:1)
Most people have several billion.
More Linux job-hunting tips... (Score:1)
Larger, more established companies are more likely to have invested a considerable amount in operating systems on which they standardized years ago. Even if the company were to switch to Linux simply by downloading and compiling the source, it would still cost a lot of money in terms of personnel-hours, retraining users and developers, re-jigging their system to work under Linux and possibly rewriting whatever custom software they had. This doesn't mean that a larger, older company can't switch to Linux; it simply means that there's considerable cost in doing so. Even when companies can afford to make the switch to Linux, they generally do so slowly to work out the inevitable kinks in any switch-over.
On the other hand, start-ups generally come into existence as blank slates. There's a certain freedom in not having a pre-existing infrastructure in place, and as a result, you'll find more start-ups using Linux either as its sole OS or as in a mix with other OSs. Money is extremely precious in a start-up, so if software is either very cheap or free, it tends to be used. There's also a "break from the status quo and break new ground" mentality that seems to be common to start-ups, which also makes Linux particularly attractive to them.
Not as easy as it sounds, especially since the majority of geeks tend to rate as INTP [keirsey.com] on the Myers-Briggs personality test. However, those who present themselves well tend to be rewarded (and that will only be an addition to the fact that you're a pretty skilled person too, right?)
A great place to meet potential employers is at computer-related conferences, especially those that tend to attract either developers or managers who have the authority to hire or recommend you. While these conferences are expensive if you attend the sessions, the passes for the showroom florr tend to be pretty cheap, and the showroom floor is the place where you meet people. You may find potential employers behind the booths, but the best source of jobs are the people wandering the floors, looking for solutions for their firms. Keep your eyes open for people's companies (it's typically on their badges) and your ears open. Have some material -- business cards, resumes, the URL to your resume site or a CD of your past work, a 50-word-or-less spiel why you would be a great employee at a Linux firm -- at the ready.
There's more to development than coding.
(I can already hear them saying "Wha'chu talkin' 'bout, Kode Fu?")
Not everyone can be a coder, because not everyone has skill and not everyone has the will (cue rap music).
I myself am the odd man out in a family of doctors. I've seen first-hand that it takes more than just doctors to make a hospital run; it takes more than just programmers to make a software firm run, too. Different software firms will have different needs, but based on experience, here are a few positions that a Linux-based software company may need:
Never underestimate the power of a good dye job and rock and roll accordion playing [smackfu.com].
Hey, it got me a few offers at LinuxWorld Expo NYC and my job at a Linux company [steelbridge.com]...
Apply Here (Score:1)
Programming Pleasure and Linux Pleasure (Score:1)
So it does matter to some degree what computing environment you are using.
On a tangent, I suppose to a certain extent it makes a difference to be patient - there are a few applications at our company that could benefit from a beowulf cluster! But someone's got to understand the issues and make a business case for it. So I guess what I'm saying here is that perhaps your job may be a potential linux job and you just don't know it yet!
Beer (Score:1)
That's why (Score:1)
Damn - maybe that's why I keep getting rejected
"Oh, I got me a helmet - I got a beauty!"
Re:what i did (Score:1)
Interesting thoughts though. Sounds like a bit of the old "It's not what you know..."
"Oh, I got me a helmet - I got a beauty!"
Interesting qualifications (Score:1)
>> congratulations, you're qualified for
>> practically any job out there.
1) Yes, I have a pulse
2) Yes, I am a crack addict
3) Yes, I plan to immediately defraud the company
4) Yes, I have been convicted of homocide.
Therefore, I am qualified for any job out there (!).
No Coding (Score:1)
beer (Score:1)
As for code, I use someone else's to develop my own. I then offer to give it away for free.
When it comes to beer - I brew my own, then give some of it away for free, and teach others on how to make it on their own. Brewing can be open-sourced as well. more information at: http://www.umich.edu/~nsbc [umich.edu]
Share your knowledge. Do it yourself.
here are the polls you are looking for.+ (Score:1)
and here [slashdot.org] is another.
and here is a totally unrelated polls about your root password [slashdot.org]
Re:Beer (Score:1)
Welcome to Slashdot. Please do not feed the trolls.
Re:my career hunt (Score:1)
my career hunt (Score:1)
What to put on a resume? (Score:1)
Re:Tough to find jobs months ahead of time. (Score:1)
My first project was organizing the software cabinet, and checking out the companies licensing position. By the end of the summer, I was macro programming for clients. By the end of the next year, I was writing database apps, and maintaining a database server.
I lucked out, I convinced my boss to hire me on expected skills. He thought I would make a good programmer. He also did everything he could to make me one. Congrats on getting a good job without a CS degree. I found it very hard to be taken seriously without a High School diploma, much less a CS degree.
The only thing I can add is network, network, network. Making contacts can get you more important and interesting jobs. And search a lot at small start-ups. They will be more likely to give you a chance.
Best regards,
Nate Custer
Re:Finding the Right People (Score:1)
There are intelligent, self-motivated people, who have on their own started pushing into technology from other fields. Find them! If they are intelligent, and can demonstrate they can learn coding then HIRE THEM.
Hell, I've had so much success in this that I don't hire anyone who lists what I need on their resume. I hire those that want to learn it. Of course, as I am in a university and do teach these things I have more allowances.
Re:I work at a Linux-friendy company and.... (Score:1)
What am I missing here? Why is this a trick question? I've always thought of it as a perfectly reasonable book to learn C from.
Re:My recent Linux job hunting experiences (Score:1)
In response to other posts:
Word format. I submit most of my resumes in Word format from StarOffice for one reason - I've found most places wont even look at your resume unless its in Word format. HR people do Word. Like it or not, its a standard in business. I like to eat and make my rent and car payments.
As to the guy who blocks IE on his website, you're shooting yourself in the foot. That kind of arrogance wont get you a job. And IE doesnt run on only Windows. Tomorrow I find out if I got myself a sys admin job working with NT and Mac OS X servers in a 90% Mac shop. Guess what the guy that took my resume and interviewed me uses on his Mac? Internet Explorer. And MS Word. Software is a tool. Software does not have any intrinsic moral value, only instrumental value. People use what works, and what they prefer. Its that whole CHOICE thing OSS is all about. You just alienated a lot of people who may have been willing to give you a job, just because they happen to prefer IE over Netscape. Bad move.
Linux Jobs are definitely harder to get. (Score:1)
while it seems like I have people lining up to give me near 6-digit positions in the fortune 500 club, getting a linux job anywhere is another story. I think half my problem is that many of these big companies frankly over-pay because they are simply stupid/wastefull, and hanging arround them long enough makes you into a "dull-blade". I decided to deal with this by beefing up my linux training, hanging out arround more linux related activities, and deal with a massive pay cut. Yea it's tough, but the writing is on the wall - anyone who doesn't "get it" (with Linux) is simply gonna get it.
Re:Today, Linux Care, tomorrow, Burger King (Score:1)
Re:Today, Linux Care, tomorrow, Burger King (Score:1)
Re:It's an issue (Score:1)
I understand this very well. I was a Windows' programmer up until about a year and a half ago. Every time somebody installed a new version of Office, my host connectivity middleware wouldn't work any more! Of course, debugging on my machine never yeilded any problems - since I refused to install Office for at least 4 years.
What I finally did was to get my project converted to Java - then I would work on my FreeBSD partition for development, and only use Windows for testing. I've now got somebody else to do the Windows' testing, so I'm free to just develop on FreeBSD and/or Linux.
What's more, since switching to FreeBSD (and Linux) full time, I've felt like my mind has been coming out of a coma. Double clicking and dragging and dropping are fine for some things. But coding requires a keyboard. Vi doesn't take my hands far from the home keys, which couldn't be avoided with VC--. Shell scripts, makefiles, etc. All of those wonderful utilities I used to use back in college that save time when used well, slowly came back to me. I was able to think again!
I used to be the "answer man" for any kind of problem with Windows - since I'd probably had it and figured out a work around. Now, I tell them, "I don't do Windows."
Re:What about heterogeneous environments? (Score:1)
That's right... FreeBSD being the most prolific (I personally run NetBSD at home).  
Re:Actually... (Score:1)
Of course, if you have 50 companies on your resume, and you've never worked for one place for more than a year, you're much more likely to get passed over for FT employment should you ever decide you want to stop contracting...
-You'll get to pick and choose the projects you want to work on.
I work FT for my current company, and I pick and choose my projects for the most part. And if I get stuck on some crappy, death-march project, I can always quit...
-You won't have to pretend that the old social contract is still in force, and consequently you won't be surprised when your permanent employer decides to fire you at age 53, rather than let you retire and have to pay you a pension.
I don't know anyone that still belives this farce (at least nobody in high-tech).
I wouldn't say that FTE is better than working for a "body shop" or vice verse. It all depends on your situation at the time.
I beg to differ! Microsoft Word is NOT the way! (Score:1)
Job searches (Score:1)
Finding the Right People (Score:2)
All i can tell is, the good people live out side the states or already have killer jobs elsewhere. I've been thinking about just running down all the linux kernel comment looking for hackers that might be unemployeed or looking for better jobs.
Maybe i'll run down http://advogato.org/person and see if i can find some canidates. We are looking to hire anywhere from 10 to 20 coder over the next 4 months, so, i'm sure it, behoves us to start looking now.
If anyone has any idea on how to go about hiring this kind of skill or what sums of money its going to take, i'm interested in hearing from you.
It seems to me most people here talk a brave fight, but i have to wonder what its going to take to put together the team of coders/hackers that is going to form our development department. There has been talk about 'raids' on tech companies such as intel, but i'm not convinced thats a road we want to go down. We might wind up with a largly inefectual big-business framework without having the techincally savy we need. Sure everyone wants to make programming a process that monkeys can do, but for a startup you don't want the dead weight these processes impose upon talent in the organization.
matt at cgibuilder.com
Re:Ok...the deal (Score:2)
BTW - As far as the word format on your resume...sorry to burst most Ub3r h4x0rz bubbles, but most
companies have lots of management, and management uses Windows...word is still the way to go in a
resume, but that doesn't mean you have to like it.
Depends on the company. If it's an old corporate behemoth then layers of Microsoft-dependent pointy-hairs are likely. If it's a small startup or Linux consultancy, or it comes from an academic/UNIX background, that is not so.
Perl Monger (Score:2)
Perl monger [pm.org] meetings, usually held once a month, are better than LUG's if you want to meet other programmers in your area.
Don't. If the person your sending it to doesn't already know who you are and isn't expecting your resume, this is a bad idea. If there are a hundred applicants for a new job, which do you think a manager is likely to chooseWhat it takes is a little research of a few companies that interest you and some contacts. If you haven't met somebody from a perl monger meeting or LUG working there, then just call up an engineer at the company. That is tough, I know. But you're not calling them to ask for a job, just for info. You want to find out about the open job, what skills it requires, the group manager, and the company in general. Remember, the guy at the other end is a geek just like you.
Have opinions on beer (Score:2)
Q."What's your favourite beer...?"
A. cold
A. free
You always find something (Score:2)
on my LUG'S listserve they always have job postings.
http://theotherside.com/dvd/ [theotherside.com]
Living in the right place helps too. (Score:2)
Where I live, there are practically NO linux systems deployed in such a manner that they need folks yesterday. This is industrial/agriculture/lumber country, so the tendancy is toward AS/400. The only major IT shop in the area wants Windows and Mac folks to write code on those platforms. The employer offers the same hypercasual, laid back dress code; the same Mountain Dew supply and the other perquisites to attract what they need. Pay is less than average, but expenses like rent and electricity can be less than average, too. What really matters when it's all said and done is how much disposable income is left in your pocket when the paycheck is received.
This doesn't mean folks aren't wanting employees yesterday; they do, but in skills like truck driving, nurse's aides, machinists and home care aides.
All the folks flocking to programming has seemed to leave a void in skills like machining, sheet metal workers and tool and die makers. I can't swing a dead cat around the classifieds in the paper without finding decent industrial jobs.
And, no, I cannot move. There are many reasons someone older cannot easily pick up and move.
Re:Keep an open mind (Score:2)
This is extreemly important. I have so many tools on my resume [visi.com] because I was always been willing to say, shure I'll try, learn, and do it. It sure helps that I bothered to learn the fundamental computer science theories and am willing to learn more.
My own technical book collection is now a couple of shelves larger than the 4 foot wide floor to ceiling book case I originally allocated for it. Sure some of the books are now old and dusty, but then I've been collecting for 2 decades. The dustier ones will soon be cataloged evicted to boxes till I get a larger place. Sure it's expensive to maintain your own persomal technical library, but I've found it indespensible. I use books as refferences nearly daily. I consider it much more important to know how to research and look up something than it is to know it off the top of the head. More often than not the memory isn't quite all there, but you know that printed page ratains what it was told very faithfully. It's also much easier to hand to somebody else so you can off load the task and get on to some more important task.
What worked for me... (Score:2)
Networking, networking, networking.
-- ;-)
See, you not only have to be a good coder to create a system like Linux,
you have to be a sneaky bastard too
-- Linus
Get overseas workers & telecommute (Score:2)
Why keep yourself to only US workers? Notice the way that list of kernel hackers has lots of email addresses that have something after the ".com" or ".edu"? There are some pretty good coders outside the US, you know!
They are cheaper, too, and don't even try saying that you need all the people in the same place for a project to work well - there's that whole kernel thing, again.
You also get the benefit of having people in different timezones, so when you get to work in the morning you'll find a days work has been done while your asleep.
(I'm in Australia, so I'm a little biased. OTOH, I'm not really looking for a kernel hacking job, so I'm not that biased. YMMV, though.)
Keep an open mind (Score:2)
A willingness and ability to learn.
We recently hired an employee to do Linux / PERL work, not because of his skills (no PERL at the time) but because he was willing to go learn it over the weekend. So far, he's worked out better than we had even hoped.
Re:Beer (Score:2)
And, while I've dabbled some in beer coding, it has, at times, produced some interesting results. But, sometimes these can be refreshing and re-educating, such as boning up on Linux installation techniques. Since I already have 15 machines running Linux in various parts of the world, it's becoming a little pointless to build any more. Unless of course, it's to make a little more progress on my Alien Searching [berkeley.edu]. Actually, I may need to do this soon, since I'm almost losing ground at this point. Almost......
So, returning from my tangent, a good beer-hacking session sometimes gives you an opportunity to go through the process of re-installing Linux. Plus, you never know when someone's going to have a system get DDoS-ed while you're out singing karaoke, and, maybe a little toasted, and, you'll have to do some drunk typing in a production environment. I would encourage people to do their beer-coding in a test environment, however.
Also, remember that brain cells are darwinist in their operation, and, the weak brain cells are the first to die. Since we only exploit 15% of our brain cells at any given time, I would think killing off the weaklings with a Coors Light, or a Sam Adams would be a fairly intelligent thing to do. So, cheers, everybody! Drink up and
As for Jolt Coders, they can be pretty manic, at times, but, they do have their place. I mean, who's gonna do the debugging for the Beer Coders?
Linux rocks!!! www.dedserius.com [dedserius.com]
Re:Tough to find jobs months ahead of time. (Score:2)
What about heterogeneous environments? (Score:2)
Make your own Linux-friendly job (Score:3)
There's something about convincing the CEO that Linux has significant advantages for some project or other, and that it costs less too! The look of enlightenment on the face of a PHB who suddenly groks the advantages of OpenSource is priceless. And it gives a real chance for OpenSource advocacy when the BSA audits you and finds that you're using a whole lot of OpenSource software, so they can't say a damned thing! :)
Plus, it lets me put BSD in where I see fit too...
: remove whitespace to e-mail me
I work at a Linux-friendy company and.... (Score:3)
1) Can you survive outside Visual Studio?
2) Which edition of the "C programming Language" did you learn from? (trick question)
3) Which kernel version do you use?
...and if you get offered a job, they point at the tie you're wearing to the interview and say "You won't be needing that!"
Looking for Open Source people (Score:3)
My personal urging towards employers at least is ensure that when you go to speak to your prospective hacker, bring along another one, one you trust, because they will see right through them (assuming a reasonable social ability
As far as going for a job, I'd be concerned if I was merely interviewed by management, unless said management is particularly technical. Kirrily may not see this from where she is, she is surrounded by the tech world and more importantly, a good judge herself, but if the interviewing group doesn't consist of at least one person fairly familiar with the stuff that you do, you simply aren't going to get a good show. The job will go to the person with the best social skills and the ability to sell themselves, which is all fine and dandy unless the person concerned can't actually do the job.
They say interview technique is important, but more so these days is Who you have at the interview, than what you do there.
I didn't even realize this was an issue (Score:3)
Tough to find jobs months ahead of time. (Score:3)
At my school, most (if not all) of the recruiters looking to fill full time positions come in September. The Career Center says you should have a few offers by December. Then you should make a decision by Janruary. Well, that was true for CivE, ChemE, and MechE, but the only jobs available for CS at that time were from companies that "need people." Those are the jobs where you go to work eight hours a day and come home ready to die. *bleah* I had one this summer, I don't want another.
How am I supposed to get one of these "linux friendly" companies to take a look at me months in advance? I have the education and an excellent GPA (3.5). I go to the conferences to learn about new technologies, not the freebies. I've been using Linux for four years and I finally use it on my desktop. I do linux programming when I can, but my coursework takes up most of my time. And most of all, Linux really excites me. All the IPOs are cool, but I really don't give a damn. I just want a roof over my head, food in the fridge, and small part in the Linux Revolution.
Any help would be much appreciated.
finding a job at Linux (or other) startup (Score:3)
Two summers ago, I tried to find a job at a startup company. My resume is pretty good, at the time I had done a lot of work on Java, had been published in books on Java, etc etc. I had worked at Microsoft. I figured my chances were pretty good.
But, to my tremendous surprise, none of the resources that I had at my disposal resulted in any really strong leads. I emailed my resume around, I posted on HotJobs, Monster, etc. all the big sites. I did a lot of searches for open job postings. And although I got a few offers, it was an awful lot of work.
So, a friend of mine and I started our own company, which we called Catalyst Recruiting. It's designed to help students and recent graduates who are smart and have a high skill level get connected with startup companies. We've been in business since last August, and have a web site built 100% from free and open-source components. I designed most of the technology, and I think it's pretty revolutionary relative to what's out there for recruiting today. We even plan to open-source the software (check out enzyme.sourceforge.net)
But enough about me. I think that we are a great resource for
Anyway, that's my spiel, hope you didn't read it if you're not interested. If you are interested, there's a link in my sig. We don't spend a lot of money on advertising (except for our sponsorship of The Onion), so I try and get the word out any time I have a chance and a sympathetic audience.
Want to work at Transmeta? Hedgefund.net? Priceline?
Re:Keep an open mind (Score:3)
My recent Linux job hunting experiences (Score:4)
I was looking for Linux work, and got two hits on my resume from Linux-related companies. The first was a company making a Linux-based product. I had a somewhat unusual phone interview - the guy who was the chief tech wanted to know how much Debian experience I had. My preferred ditribution is Slackware but had installed Debian twice. I really didn't use it with any regularity, or have any specific experience. He semed to be interested in Debian install packages, and didn't seem to think that my experience building install packages for seven different Unix native installers meant much. I guess my lack of Debian-specific experience counted quite a bit against me, but I also got the impression that because I didn't use Debian I was somehow politically incorrect. The other problem I had was that I could not offer any code samples from my last job. All the code was proprietary and even though I am quite proud of my coding skills I could not prove anything. I have not had time to work on any outside of work Open Source projects so I could not show any code from that source. I think that this also counted against me in the "politically incorrect" category. The thing that most annoyed me was that after the phone interview, I never even got a call back from the company or their in house recruiter. I figure if you bother to do a phone interview, you should at least have someone call back and say "Sorry, we are not interested."
The other job was with a big name Linux distributor who was interested in doing alot of new kernel feature work, plus some interesting user space stuff. They were a much more professional operation, but once again I felt that the fact that I had not contributed to any open source projects counted against me to some extent. I felt I had a good shot at a position there because I had skills that matched one of their specific needs fairly well. Their main drawback was that they were a very bad car-only commute from my place.
In the end, I decided to take a non-Linux job doing Java Programming. This was because the vast majority of jobs I saw listed were Java jobs and I decided that I better pick up some new skills so I could continue working for the next few years. Also, a good friend works with me at my new company, and the staff is mostly older people who have a good sense for "quality of life" issues and are more interested in experience and proven skills than flash.
There were not many really good looking Linux jobs, from my rather narrow perspective, but this will change over time. The current jobs seem to prefer a certain amount of Open Source credibility. In the end I think I made the correct decision for my future, but I would have liked to have a job in the community. Maybe next time!
Actually... (Score:4)
I'm in college, and I'm going to be looking for a "career" soon, but so far, I haven't really had to look, companies seem to just find me on the internet.
It seems at times that with the economy that we've got now, and with the job market in our sector the way it is, here's my checklist --
1: Do you have a pulse?
2: Are you a crack/heroin addict?
3: Do you plan to immediately defraud the company?
4: Do you have any convictions for homicide?
If you answered 'Yes' to all of the above, congratulations, you're qualified for practically any job out there.
While that is a bit exaggerated, it has seemed to me recently like a lot of employers are desparate for employees. Good economy means expansion in business, expansion in business means that you need more employees. And there aren't any to be had as far as I can see....
(Note: stay away from consulting firms - I've interviewed with 2 - and they seem to be of two breeds - the sharks, and the pimps)
My $0.02
Plain Text or Simple HTML (Score:4)
Plain text or simple HTML are very good universal formats. If somebody can't deal with either of them, are you sure you want to work for them?
I once maintained my resume in MS Word format, but decided that it was a waste maintaining a Windows system at home just so I could maintain my resume. I now have my resume posted [visi.com] on my web site [visi.com]. I keep the HTML in it and my web site simple as it is there for information transfer, not glitz. If someone needs it in text format I will transfer it over to text buy having Lynx translate it. The resume is currently in flux as I'm updating it for a new job search. I'm looking for a place that will allow me to only work 30 hours a week preferably in web security or programming.
Where Linux Employers Post (Score:4)
However, at the end they recomend [linuxnews.com] four job portals: Linux.com [linux.com], Linux Today [linuxtoday.com], User Friendly's GeekFinder [geekfinder.com] and Linux.org.au [linux.org.au]. I agree with the first two, and (since I'm in North America) have no valid opinion on Linux.org.au.
The problem with Geek Finder is that it is really just a front for Dice.com [dice.com]. Unlike all the other resources mentioned, dice.com charges employers for listings, instead of being community-based and advertiser-supported.
Instead, I would recomend the following additional job portals, where I have actually posted jobs [immunix.org]:
Crispin Cowan, CTO, WireX Communications, Inc. [wirex.com]
Immunix: Free Hardened Linux Distribution [immunix.org]
Jobs! [immunix.org]
What do the rest of you do? (Score:4)
Ok...the deal (Score:4)
Sorry to burst your bubble - but for most of you looking for a job, there's probably someone at least a qualified. The KEY to finding a job is how well you come off in person. Are you a likeable person...do you work well with others? This is a VERY important aspect of finding the right employee being that the IT industry seems to have a very hight percentage of assholes in it. (read: tech support). Many seem very aloof and overconfident in their skills.
Your resume should speak for your skills/interests, but that's only about %25 of it. Your resume gets you in the door. The interview gets you the job...so concentrate on that.
BTW - As far as the word format on your resume...sorry to burst most Ub3r h4x0rz bubbles, but most companies have lots of management, and management uses Windows...word is still the way to go in a resume, but that doesn't mean you have to like it.
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