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Playboy And...Linux? 262

The article's been up for only a little bit, but a huge number people have e-mailed that Playboy's Gillan has done a column on Linux. It's a typical media piece, explaining Linux but being featured in Playboy, I think, means that we've conquered the media. And I have, of course, no comment on what the sheer number of submissions must mean about our readers. *grin*
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Playboy And...Linux?

Comments Filter:
  • What article? Playboy has articles???
  • by Anonymous Coward
    I won't be satisfied until we see a Tux centerfold in Playboy magazine.
  • by SupremeOverlord ( 76353 ) <> on Tuesday January 04, 2000 @05:51PM (#1403600) Journal
    Finally, I can honestly say I read the articles!
  • It's not the Playboy bunny any more, it's the Playboy penguin!

    -David Ziegler
  • So you guys do read something other than tech manuals...8)

    all persons, living and dead, are purely coincidental. - Kurt Vonnegut
  • And I have, of course, no comment on what the sheer number of submissions must mean about our readers. *grin*

    Well? Why wouldn't they "read" a magazine that has featured stories and articles from Asimov, Clarke, and many other famous Sci-Fi writers? Playboy actually IS more than just a porn-mag. In fact, I'd go so far as to call it a socially relevant magazine, and yes, a form of art. Playboy does have an air of respectability around it, compared to others...
  • And they thought the source code was bad!
  • by TheGreek ( 2403 ) on Tuesday January 04, 2000 @05:53PM (#1403607)
    So I'm sitting here at work, and I reload Slashdot. Ooh! New article! Playboy article on Linux! I temporarily forget where I am and click through: BLOCKED BY SURFWATCH. I wonder if my supervisor's going to believe me when I say I was just trying to look at an article. :P
  • 1999-12-07 13:36:22 Opensource article in playboy (articles,humor) (rejected)

    Sigh. I wish people would let me know why they reject things.
  • Is there any other way that I can read the article? Singapore blocks

  • by Josh Guffin ( 43687 ) on Tuesday January 04, 2000 @05:56PM (#1403611) Homepage
    So now we just need some penguins in the centerfold, pictured in some skimpy little... hey wait, they're already naked =D

    Perhaps Miss January can cuddle with tux for 'warmth'

  • by MrBlack ( 104657 ) on Tuesday January 04, 2000 @05:56PM (#1403612)
    I personally would like to see the slashdot crew add the playboy bunny icon to the list of news icons, so slashdot readers can be informed more quickly of linux-related playboy news as it breaks.
  • Forget it. I just got around the problem.
  • Man lookit the size of that laptop Torvalds is holding...

    What, you mean there's naked wimmin in here too?

  • Hmmmm....Beowulf 6 or 7 Playmates together and.....
  • Yesss! Is there also a 'Linux' pictorial included? Maybe some nude kernels and some good headshots of the shell. Welp...I cant wait to check out this one.....linux nudies....mmmmmmmmm
  • Personally, having porn one click away just isn't good enough. Rob can start by replacing the ad banners with porn. Does he have a girlfriend? Is she hot? Would she be willing to model?

    I would then replace Linux news with pornography related news. Hell, if Rob does it gradually, he could turn this place into a porn site!
  • Clearly it's because they got so many submissions - they only give credit for the first one. Plus it says somewhere (forget where) that slashdot rejects some insane percentage of submissions due to the sheer number of submissions they get.
  • Once you get into publications that have nothing to do with computers, one must admit that linux is in the mainstream now. We already knew that it was the darling buzzword in finance and of many techies (and related publications), but playboy? This is a surprise, although not a huge one. Linux has been growing a lot in the past year, so I guess it was to be expected... still... playboy? ;)

    What's nice is the author saying how easy to install the two distros he tried (Red Hat and Corel) were. I still remember installing Slackware 2.0 a few years ago, distributions have improved greatly in that regard. The two he tried are indeed very easy install-wise. Now, readers of this magazine know a bit more about Linux, which is a good thing.
  • Yes, I believe i saw the fact that he has a girlfriend on Everything []
  • I knew Linux was sexy... I just didn't know it was that sexy! :)
  • I remember when I first got on the net was just a collection of static pages with some photos of naked women on them. Of course, it was impossible to download the photos because your net connection was too slow, but it makes me nostalgic to think of those simple page layouts that have since been completely obliterated.

  • by ScottyLad ( 44798 ) on Tuesday January 04, 2000 @06:13PM (#1403628)
    I was quite surprised to see your article posted here. Having never read Playboy (yes, honestly!) I thought it was all pictures and no words. I was even pleasantly surprised to discover that the article was well researched and well written. (I'll leave out my personal bias towards Debian).

    What did get me thinking is why a magazine full of tits'n'ass would want to waste valuable picture space on a nerdy topic like Linux (I maintain it's "Lie-nucks" though - ask Linus;-)). Then I realised it's all tied in with the telecommuting revolution. Many years ago, no self-respecting programmer would contemplate coding before growing an uneven beard, and donning a cardigan and sandals before mumbling incoherently should any annoying coworkers interrupt. As Time has advanced, we have started working from home. As very few people actually code in COBOL anymore, the requirement for uneven beards and sandals has disappeared, but also this has drawn us towards Playboy.

    Coding from home isn't like work anymore, all you need is a cold cup of coffee and sit down at your workstation and get on with it. Usually it's not until the first time the doorbell goes that I realise I'm actually sat naked at my desk - by the time I pull some pants on and answer the door the caller has gone. (This is the telecommuting equivilant of all those annoying co-workers) Obviously someone at Playboy has made the perfectly reasonable assumption that there are an army of naked men sitting naked at their desks doing work nobody seems to understand. After further research, Playboy discovered that the vast majority of these naked men were chanting about some kind of god called "Torvalds" Undeterred by the god-like status of our idol, the enterprising magazine decided to book Linus as their centrefold. Imagine the editors horror when a Scandinavian male software engineer turns up for the shoot. Realising that the average reader of Playboy might be somewhat shocked at the site of a full frontal Linus Torvals on the centre pages, they hastily changed their plan and asked the great Open Source Master what alternative article they could possible post.

    That, my friends, is the honest truth on how Playboy come to be writing articles on Linux ;-)

    When a felon's not engaged in his employment, or maturing his felonious little plans, his capacity for innocent enjoyment is just the same as any honest mans - Gilbert and Sullivan
  • This is what I get when I try to access the article:

    IBM's internal systems must be used only for conducting IBM's business, or for purposes authorized by IBM management. Use is subject to audit at any time by IBM management.


    IBM has the right to monitor its employees' and others' use of IBM's systems and assets including use on the Internet.

  • What's next, ``Linux Does Dallas''? (Starring Linus Torvalds, Bob Young, several stuffed penguins, and a box of Red Hat CD's. Follow our studly duo around the state capital on their kinky exploits. Hear young women call out, ``Open Source me, baby!'' as they see the sexy pair.)

    P.S. 40th!

    (Score: -1, Funny)
  • What a story to bring out the trolls!

    Let's get them out of the way before they get out of hand:

    1. Naked and petrified

    2. Above-mentioned actress open-source, copyrighted and undistributable.

    3. Any combination of obscenities, ALL-CAPS, and repeated 50 times, repeated 50 times, repeated 50 times...

    4. MEEPT

    5. Llamas (where is that guy?)

    6. Karma whore!!


    I hope I did not forget any.

    thank you.
  • People buying playboy MUST do it for the articles. Face it. There's usually 4 spreads of chicks in there- the centerfold, the spread before the centerfold, the spread feature from the cover, and the black and white celeb shots in the back. Add a few pages in Dec or is it Jan that recap the previous centerfolds. The pictures/non-pictures ratio across all the pages is pretty low. If it's pron ye seeks there are cheaper mags out there PACKED with flesh, hardcore AND non-hardcore, or even topic specific. WHat's the big deal about Playboy?
  • Ummm, a woman wrote that article, ma'am.
  • Yeah, this very fear has prevented many people from going to my URL listing. ;)

    People are really uptight. I can understand why it has come to this. It's just one person's humor is another persons offense.

    I wonder what it is like working for some place like N2H2 [] where you update no-no URLs regularly.

    It seems like one way to harvest naughty URLs would be to just leave your email address laying all over the place in Usenet postings and on home pages. The email address could be a dropbox that parses incoming URLs for smutty, naughty, racy, and other -y word like contents.

    I just always wondered what it would be to work for a place that provides filters. Its like you could resell the listings as xml feed to search engine providers to allow for a "safe internet search". Perhaps this already exists? Half the time people put things like "HOT POODLE SEX" into Meta tags expecting a non-intelligent web robot to index it and go its merry way.

    I know this is offtopic to Linux in Playboy but it is ontopic in that a lot of filtering packages do in fact run on Linux boxes as proxy filters. :) []

  • I found the article very well done. Gillian actually took the time to install two different distributions and try them out. That is totally amazing. That's about two more distributions than the average journalist would try. She also did a good job of explaining source code vs. binaries and the concept of Open Source in such a way that non-computer people understand it.

    I'm a little less sure than Gillian about the future of Linux on the desktop, but we'll see. I don't think that will happen until Linux has better game support and a better GUI.

    As for the impact of the article, now that women with appellations like "Miss April, 1996" are starting to get on the Linux bandwagon, it's bound to get more popular :) I bet Red Hat's stock goes up some more as well.

  • by Gruuk ( 18480 )
    My bad; should have previewed my post before posting it, I guess :)
    My apologies for such a faux pas.
  • by The Creator ( 4611 ) on Tuesday January 04, 2000 @06:29PM (#1403645) Homepage Journal
    Who reads playboy? Well.. middle aged males i.e. The Bosses! The people with power! And what are they reading now?* M$-bashing! And combined with naked women. The advertisers dream!
    *I assume that they read the articles.

  • You know, for those of us who have our default threshold set at 1, the only time we have to hear about these retarded things is from pointless posts like yours.

  • EGADS!!!! Get the Surgeon General on the line! We need warning labels on all Linux distributions!!!

    WARNING!! The Surgeon General has determined that using this software may cause maleitis and geekiness in beautiful women.

  • Keep 'em coming! I mean, sorry if you work at a place that's needlessly preoccupied with your browsing habits, of course. I just wanted to say thanks for sharing that big brother message, it's a classic!
  • I'll swear -- one of the great things about Playboy writers is that they don't have to worry about censorship. piss off anyone you want, the advertisers are already known to not cave in to pressure from boycotts and other special interests.

    So they tend to be more willing to speak their mind. have you ever read the section on factiods (or whatever it's called?) where they tell you things like "In afghanistan, a woman can't have sex with a sheep unless they're legally married" and "a new study by the university of chicago revealed that over 27% of men prefer smoking a cigar to having sex with their own wives, while wives were 80% more likely to prefer watching a sad movie".

    that's stuff you don't get in USA Today!
  • Ok, i get alot of emails about this:

    The quote is from a former mtv skit show, "the state". It was a skit with two guys named barry and levan, and their two hundred and forty dollars, worth of pudding. the state was the best skit show ever, in it's short running it captivated my interest every time it was on. I'm changing the "foty" to "forty", because I can no longer remember why I left out the "r".
  • Is he even allowed to lobby them in Singapore? I don't know.
  • I was just thinking how it would look to my boss if he saw in the proxy log that I downloaded g (a kinda cool wallpaper - not pornographic ... really!)
  • > on the part of the adult citizens of >Singapore.

    The problem is:
    Can we trust the mass who are unaccustomed to that form of freedom to behave properly should that freedom be allowed? Can they adjust or just abuse the hell out of it?

    IMHO, proxy filtering is there just to pacify parents who are worried about kids surfing pr0n. Or whatever.

    Duh. I just wanted to read the article.
  • ya, i thought the article was a very good survey, as well. what i really thought was missing, though, was some info on the security advantages of *nix os's over that other crap most pc's are running. being able to actually have a secure box is priceless. i just know that when i portscan a windows box, the program basically laughs, whereas *nix systems generally get respect. plus the ability to set permissions for those of us who have multiple accounts (not to mention the dangers of constantly logging in as root, especially on X).
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Apropos applying head, making love, sending a man through more, loopback mounts (autoeroticism!), stripping programs (does it have 12 steps? :-), and fingering your neighbour, here are some risqué Unix commands from my /{,usr/}{s,}bin directories:
    apply apropos arch as asa at awk badsect banner batch biff cal calendar cat chat clear co compress cursor cut date diction diff dig dump echo ed eject error ex expand explain false fed file find finger flex fold from grog grotty groups halt head help host id ident indent info init install join jot kill lam last leave less lex lint locate lock logger look lynx machine mail make man more mount named newaliases nice page paste patch ping quota reboot refer renice reset restore route routed script showmount shutdown size sleep sort split spray strings strip style sum sync tail talk tar tee test time tip top touch units unzip uptime users vacation view wall what whatis whereis which who whoami whois window write yacc yes zip
    How creatively naughty can you get? Will it run under #!/bin/sh? And will Playboy print it in their forii? :-)
  • now we have a few million more 13 year old kids who are aware about linux. Get ready, #LinuxHelp.


    I can't believe I put pants on for this.
    --Homer Simpson

  • From page 2 of the article,

    Linux is based on an open source policy. By its definition, "open source" means that anyone can have free access to the source code of a software program and thus the opportunity to modify and improve it, as long as their changes are then published to the community at large.

    I thought you didn't have to distribute anything after making modifications, but you were not allowed to distribute binaries without at least an offer of source code. Since I see this kind of statement a lot, am I wrong or are journalists confused?


  • While I see everyone is having a field day with the obvious "reading it for the articles" jokes, I do have a serious comment/question.

    "Corel touts its product as a version for the end user and plans to package it with many of its other products, such as PageMaker,CorelDRAW, QuattroPro and Paradox."

    I assume this is a mistake, since pagemaker isn't available for Linux, and Corel doesn't distribute it anyways. But what was she talking about? Did she mean FrameMaker? even that isn't out yet (AFAIK) and it still wouldn't be a Corel product.

    I don't have a Corel CD, so what's the deal? Is corel going to be distributing FrameMaker/LINUX for/with Adobe, or is this confused or am I confused?...
  • I'm changing the "foty" to "forty", because I can no longer remember why I left out the "r".

    Far be it from me to read your mind, but "foty" sounds more Ebonics-like. This would match the dialect with "puddin" and "awwwwww yeah". (Personally, I preferred "foty," but it's your signature *g*)
  • by jesser ( 77961 )
    Hmmm.. that ad on the left.. is that an ad for free beer?


  • Since they decided to use small/blurry screenshots, why didn't they include some soft porn in a mozilla window? Oh wait... then I might not have been able to argue that I had been reading an article based on the page I had it open to.


  • You make a good point, and remind me why I had it there in the first place.
  • Don't worry about it man. Usually when a grip of people submit a story, they accept the first submission and reject everyone else who punched the submit button a second too late. Sometimes they'll even reject the first guy who submitted it if they feel like writing up their own story introduction instead of using the one that the story submitter wrote.
  • Wow you really are clueless! Playboy has made a mint on playing up to all the things that "men" are into and technology has been one of the favorites since the beginning. At first it was tech as the accoutrement of the privileged "Bachelor", but that position has changed as tecnology has become the tool of the richest bachelors today: computer programmers. Playboy has always had tons of articles and as a result, the smallest ratio of pix to text of all the "Mens" mags out there. It' s wimpy (read chaste) pictorials have also left in it a somewhat no-man's land until with videos and a emphasis on "Men's Lifestyle's" (along with a more conservative constituency) it has regained prominence as the magazine that you don't have to be embarrassed to leave on a coffeetable.

    Actually it's surprising that it took them this long to do an article on Linux since so much mainstream press already has and Playboy is very up on what is hip in the mainstream. Not that I would ever read such tripe, I get my news from the news and my porn from the internet and don't think that I need such lame publications as this to "define my lifestyle". Many do, however, though if porn is your game, there are far randier and more honest alternatives both in print and on the net.

    I bet if there were numbers for how many Slashdot readers were arriving from XXX sites we'd all be smiling guiltily.

  • by Matt2000 ( 29624 ) on Tuesday January 04, 2000 @06:56PM (#1403675) Homepage
    [Make your own joke about Linux in Playboy]

    "I know we all go on about only reading the articles, but did you see that [insert unattractive Linux celeb here] centerfold!? Oh my god, check out the [disk array/mouse pad/beowulf cluster] on that one!"

    There ya go, now you don't need to read the rest of the posts. []
  • Taken from a chat with gillian ...

    ( /transcripts/1999-10-20-A.html)

    guest22: What are your favorite websites?
    gillianbonner: I really like It's a very cool site. I also like It is computer-based. Another site that I really like is called because I am an astrology junkie!

    And yes, I only read it for the articles ....

  • by Anonymous Coward
    [On favorite websites] ``I also like It is computer-based.''
    Golly, that's just, like, way clever. All websites are ipso facto computer-based.
  • >Dude, that's beastiality.

    I don't think Tux would complain......
  • Richard Stallman made it into Playboy.

    Get ready for the 4 penguins of the apocalypse...

  • Playboy articles - yeah, I read it too - are generally very good both for content and accuracy. The article said Corel plans to include the apps, just as it said Redhat is "[working on] upcoming desktop applications." I bet Corel will package those apps with their distro - might cost a bit more tho.
  • This is the first article that I've read which actually touches on the subject that I don't think I ever heard anyone mention before:


    [ Talking about the Windows OS ]

    Worse, nobody dares change it. Nobody dares to fix bugs because it's such a mess that fixing one bug might just break a hundred programs that depend on that bug. ... Whoa, that's some serious dissing. But I have to agree; as I work, I can just sense the inefficiency of the Windows OS.

    [ Talking about trying out the Linux OS ]

    I could just feel the power under the hood of this slick and efficient interface.


    Literally, when I use Win 98 or NT, I can really sense the inefficient, bloated, puddles of fat rippling behind the monitor screen. And I'm not running on ancient hardware - I've got a dual PII with 256 MB RAM and UW SCSI. Still, that's not enough to cover up all that bloated waste of code.

    Running Linux "feels" different, and I'm not really talking just about the immediate responsiveness. Right from the beginning, you begin with a fresh start. When you boot Win98, when the splash screen disappears and the initially blank wallpaper pops up, and you sit there waiting for all the icons to show up, as the disk grinds an grinds away, you can't help but wonder what in ghods earth is going on down there. You sit there, cross your fingers, and hope that whatever crap its trying to load will work right, and not BSOD on me. Time and time again I swap some bit of hardware in the system, then boot into Windoze, and be greeted with some unwholly DLL upchucking all over the place, and then leaving me with a mess to clean up.

    Cycle the machine, and after LILO load the kernel, I just don't get the same feeling that there's a voodoo ritual going inside the gray box. Everything comes up, nice, lean, and mean. You know exactly what's going on. Everything is highly modular, well organized, and in its place.

  • Oh great, did they cover how to use external drives?

    Step 1: Mount your removable media.

    Step 2: Perform Input/Output... higher speeds are preferred.

    Step 3: Unmount when I/O is finished and buffers have been flushed.

    Let's not get into issues about how Linux can have many drives mounted at once... especially those "scuzzy" ones. Bleh.

    Oh yeah... hopefully they didn't find those kinky man pages included with emacs...

  • I believe you are correct. It seems to be a common oversimplification.
  • Now if we can just get her to pose in a Slashdot, Beware of Nerd [] T shirt ...
  • "Compile my kernel, baby!" - Woman
    "I'm gunna segfault!" - Man

    This post is really tasteless. Please don't moderate me down. I really tried hard to get to my 21 karma.

  • Can they adjust or just abuse the hell out of it?

    How exactly would one abuse unrestricted access to the web?
  • And I have, of course, no comment on what the sheer number of submissions must mean about our readers. *grin*

    I do. It mean that if they got Natalie Portman to do a nude spread, we might have a few less trolls on Slashdot due to the difficulty of typing with one hand.

    Hopefully this would be followed by a hardcore porno with Natalie and Jar-Jar involing the use of spoons. The title? "First Post." end troll.

  • I wonder how many ./ers have offered to be her server administrator or to check her "hardware" for Y2K problems.

  • That is the beauty of Linux - efficiency and scalability. 35 million lines of code in W2K? Yeesh!!

    What I liked most was Bob Young saying, "Would you buy a car with the hood welded shut?" Great stuff.

  • It's all a mistake. The article read "Open Source", but it was meant to be about "Open intercourse"!
  • I did the same... but I didn't get blocked!
    Surprise! I know I've tried once or twice with some of the more dubious links from Wired News [] and got blocked.
    Maybe the filters really only block when they see naughty words...
  • So I set it up on an older but clean 200mhz Pentium, with a 1GB hard drive and 32MB of RAM. Seamless install, and boatloads of fun to muck around in.

    200MHz? 32MB RAM? Shit, even Windows 3.1 will run on that . If you're gonna test it, TEST IT. Load linux onto your power drill or something. :)

    I only read the article, honest (although that cleavage on the left was a little distracting).

    Once in a while you get shown the light,
  • by Oestergaard ( 3005 ) on Tuesday January 04, 2000 @07:42PM (#1403703) Homepage
    I keep hearing that from everyone who doesn't actually use (GNU/)Linux... blablabla but it lacks software blablabla

    If I type in my shell, I get this question: "There are 1852 possibilities. Do you really wish to see them all? (y or n)" That's the number of single _programs_, or ``pieces of software'' that I have installed on a fairly standard desk-top developer machine.

    I recently started porting some software to NT, it's been four years since I used that OS last... After installing IE4 (required for VC), Visual C++ 6.0, MS Win32 SDK, (and in order not to lose my mind completely: Cygwin too), I fired up this huge IDE GUI development environment. Especially VC++ is something that Win developers claim Linux lacks. I simply cannot imagine why. Hang on:

    In order to do development on NT I depend on the IDE. If the IDE does not offer the combination of commands I wish to apply to my work, I'm shit out of luck. There's just no way to get boring repetitive work done easily, if it happens to not fit exactly into the provided dialog box. The IDE may be very nice, but it is _inherently_ limited because it has no way of executing scripts. It lacks a shell.

    On GNU/Linux, I run Emacs. For editing. Then I run bash for CLI. Then I run make to build. I use X with KDE to *integrate* these xterms and editors into one large IDE. In short: NT *has* an IDE, GNU/Linux with the standard tools *IS* an IDE.

    X+Emacs+GCC+Make+xterm+bash+... is quite a large program, if you look at all the parts as one. Anyone claiming that GNU/Linux is lacking software is someone who can't see the forest for trees.

    Granted, there may be a lack of integrated office suites. They should be just around the corner though. A lot of people won't need them though. Again, they limit you somehow. As an example: Work four people on a report using either Word or LaTeX+CVS. Assuming you actually _know_ a little word or a little LaTeX. LaTeX has no support for workgroups, CVS has no support for typesetting, but they both keep things simple and work on files, there you have your workgroup-aware typesetting tool.

    If you have to complain, say something clever. Like lack of huge but clumsy, limited, and hard-to-make-do-repetitive-work-for-you GUI applications.
  • click to enlarge...
    Are these the words of the future of Linux?

  • "If I type in my shell"

    That should - of course - have read:

    "If I type TAB TAB in my shell"

    But Slashdot ate my < and >s because they weren't - eh.
  • Oh pipe down and set your threshold at +5 if you can't take a little humor!
  • A - "Yes, but just for the articles."
  • Not necessarily... I have a web-server running off a pile of french-toast in my kitchen.


    "You can't shake the Devil's hand and say you're only kidding."

  • I had a bet with a former coworker that Linux would be on the cover of Time magazine in 1999. Yeah, OK, it was premature. Definitely this year.

    Anyway, I would have NEVER in a million years guessed that his picture would be in Playboy... ever!

    I just think that's funny.

    I couldn't quite figure out if this article on "online only" or his picture will actually be in the print version. That would be WAY cool :)


  • Thousands of cries for help, trying to get Netscape Messenger to automatically download all the jpegs out of :)


    "You can't shake the Devil's hand and say you're only kidding."

  • by RuntimeError ( 132945 ) on Tuesday January 04, 2000 @08:05PM (#1403712)
    Try []

    It is a free anonymous encrypted proxy with the option of URL encryption.

    I had to use it to read the playboy article because JANET ( the sort of academic internet backbone of UK ) even soft porn is illegal.

    Anyway, considering that Linux was around for some 9 years, I think the author is a tad over excited about this "new" OS.

  • that geeks don't think about sex, and hence won't reproduce at sufficient numbers to sustain the geek population?

    I say slashdot needs to add porn, to remind geeks that they are, in fact men, encouraging them to do something besides waste their time on slashdot! heh

    I'm only kidding...sorta. =)
  • What the hell does 'asquerous' mean?

    read: select "select individual packages" and specify services to start on boot.

    How is BSD "trimmer?"

  • by lars ( 72 ) on Tuesday January 04, 2000 @08:14PM (#1403717)

    HOLLAND, MI - Slashdot (, a popular web site focusing on IT-related news, has announced it was awarded a patent on "One-click porn" by the United States Patent Office. The technology, which allows world wide web surfers to access porn with a single mouse click was invented by Slashdot founder Rob Malda. Malda said the innovation was inspired by Amazon's one-click shopping technology. "When I saw how easy it was to patent an obvious technique that everyone uses, and then start suing everyone left and right, I couldn't resist," said Malda. "I am going to start by suing every site that links to porn. Soon I will be the king of the porn industry," he said, "I already rule the nerds, the intellect of the world, so this was the next logical step in my quest for World Domination(tm)."

    He continued, "And besides, what better way could there be to make SHITLOADS of money than having banner ads for porn sites on a site that millions of horny, teenaged, sex-starved nerds visit EVERY DAY!" Asked if the pro-open-source Slashdot community would accept the idea of Slashdot owning patents, Malda responded "You don't think I've thought of that already? What people really don't know is that RMS is a recovering porn addict. I will soon own him and then I can tell him to tell everyone patents are good. Everyone will listen to RMS. I also plan to form a porn division within Slashdot called 'GNU/pr0n' which RMS will head. That should keep him happy and ensure I have control over him. I'm no fool."

    Officials from (Nasdaq: ANDN), which recently acquired Slashdot were mum about the technology. When asked how one-click porn fit into their future plans, the company released a statement only saying "our patented one-click porn technology is Linux-based, and as you can tell from the success Linux has had in the past year, it is clearly the Next Big Thing(tm). Therefore, you should all invest in lots and lots of Andover stock."

    Slashdot also has patents pending on the technology in 18 other countries.
  • Comment removed based on user account deletion
  • Ah, he probably just wrote a good review of Linux because somebody gave him a free copy.

    Hey, if /. writes a good review of Playboy, maybe they'll give you a free....

    Oh, never mind.
  • Oh, man... does that ever take me back! I remember accessing the site (it must've been just about the only porn site on the net then -- how things have changed!) with the w3c's browser... I seem to recall it (the browser) simply being called "www."

    But it was text-only, so to get to the good stuff, I had to instruct it to download the actual images to the AIX (college) shell account I was doing all this through.

    Then, after I was finished browsing, I could zmodem all the images back to my home computer (which took for ever and ever and ever and ever...) and finally view them through a third-party image viewer (Paintbrush didn't do JPegs). I can't for the life of me remember what it was called, although I still remember zooming in and in and in, and the nipple just getting grainier and grainier and blockier and blockier...

    Hmm, my first brush with Unix, I believe.

    Ahh... nostalgia. Thanks for the memories!
    - Sean
  • Who's going to be the first to admit they actually read the article.... -Q
  • Linux appearing in Playboy may give new meaning to the term "Open Source"....
  • This is a great article, I mean, is getting mentioned in Playboy our generation's version of getting mentioned in time? Will this bring about a new crop of playboy models that are right at home with an xterm, vi, and routing tables? (well, I can hope, (that my gf doesn't read this :).

    Did anyone actually read the article though? There is nothing new here, and it has some FUD. Not enough software? Are you kidding me? There's so much software for linux that I've actually been out of the warez scene so long I don't have any contacts anymore! :) Staroffice, Abi, not to mention the tomes at Freshmeat and Maybe they meant lack of commmercial software.

    I don't know what to critque, mainly because I don't know how technical playboy is supposed to be.. The models aren't really photographed in detail enough to be an anatomy lesson, either :).

    Excellent publicity. Too bad about that last paragraph though. No mention of the gaming support for linux coming about, and there was no mention of the current achilles heel of linux - getting cutting edge hardware suppored. (USB devices, sound cards, 3D cards, etc.)

    All in time though. How about some models in copyleft shirts? :)


  • Well, at least with Playboy on the Linux side there won't be any bloatware on display :)
  • I think ascii porn will need to be included for the lynx audience. =P
  • You know you've made it when you're in the 'sticky pages.'

    Why do I get the feeling its sandwiched between an ad for penis enlargement and '101 ways to pick up chicks fast!'
  • Whats the big deal, this isn't the first time something with Linux on it is soon gonna have some jizz all over it.

    OT: I love this new brand of moderation. Its like Billy Graham at the controls - anything dirty, explicit, or god forgive us: a dissenting opinion, or a criticism about geek culture automaticaly gets knocked down at least one.

    Slashdot: where no-thought fundies rule.

  • saying in a meeting "I read that article about Linux in Playboy" ...
  • Perhaps we could add a kernel level JPEG decompression system to go with our kernel http. So now we can serve and view porn faster than everyone else.
  • Sigh. I wish people would let me know why they reject things.

    To put it bluntly: Get over it.

    You submitted a suggestion for a story. The idea is to send ideas to the Slashdot crew, not to boost your ego by putting your email address in a mailto: link on Slashdot's homepage. It isn't like you didn't get your pay check or someone stole your hard drive.

    As for why: Maybe Rob saw it and didn't like it, but Jeff did. Maybe there were too many stories that week. Maybe the reviewer was just tired. Of all the things in the world to get worked up over, this has got to be one of the silliest.

    As an aside: This gets "+1 Insightful"?

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    Dear DIA Technology Person:

    I am currently researching the Linux operating system and other open source software. I'm sure it will play an important role in the future of your company as well as our other clients. Please unblock so I may continue to provide my best efforts in supporting your company.

    Thanks in advance,


    ...if that doesn't work, well, there's always the shiva client :P
  • Yes, Playboy has articles. I have read it, and at one time subscribed to it, since the Marilyn Monroe center picture in issue number one. The articles tend to be well written, thoughtful, and on a wide variety of subjects. Playboy does not fear controversial issues. Professional writers have grown to admire Playboy, because if the staff sees a good, but unsolicited, article, they will work with the writer to get it properly polished for publication. I found only one statement in the article that upset me. Gillian did not want to try a dual boot, dual disk configuration because of rumored problems. I have booted M$ and Linux from separate disks for years, using LILO.
  • Literally, when I use Win 98 or NT, I can really sense the inefficient, bloated, puddles of fat rippling behind the monitor screen. And I'm not running on ancient hardware - I've got a dual PII with 256 MB RAM and UW SCSI. Still, that's not enough to cover up all that bloated waste of code.

    A specific example of this: When I try to make a directory (create a folder) from the "choose file" box in Windows the hard drive usually thrashes around for several seconds as if it's loading an application or swapping or whatever. I mean, wtf is that about? Does a simple system call to the kernel require all that? It's like that in 95, 98, and NT no matter how powerful the machine is. Sorry, that's just a pet peeve that I had to get off my chest...

  • (posting this about 5 hours to late to be seen but anyway) I'd recently downloaded an MP3 file (a 1944 new years "swing around the clock" - perfectly legal) and thought that it would be cool to put onto an audio CD for my dad - so how to convert MP3 to the proper wav format for the cd burner? Researching 'doze solutions turns up a $30 module for a popular 'doze program that requires the 'pro' version, which is $400. Yikes!!! So did a little google research on Linux solutions and found a neat simple script to pipe the output of mpg123 to sox and accomplish the job perfectly. Of course it doesn't proactively jump in your face with "What format would you like to convert to?" help wiz's, but the software was all there, mission accomplished. There's a LOT of hidden talent in most Linux distro's, more than most newbies & reviewers realize.

  • I only read Playboy for the source code listings.

Take an astronaut to launch.
