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Linux Software

LinuxWorld Show Favorites 130

Well, they've given out the award for show favorites here at LWCE. Click below to check out who won. One hint-some yahoos with a web site picked up an award.
Annnnddd the winners are....

Software: Red Hat 5.2

System: S.u.S.E (pronouce like the composer) Linux 6.0

Utilites: BRU/Enhanced Software Technologies

Office Automation/Personal Productivity: Applix/Applix Office

Web: geez...ok. Slashdotorg Now if only they'd given us money *grin*

MultiMedia: Loki Multimedia / Civilization

Science/Engineering: VA Research

Computers: VA Research

Peripherals: Adaptec

Projects and Organizations: O'Reilly & Associates

Killer App Award: Corel Software

Significant Achievement Award: LinuxCare

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LinuxWorld Show Favorites

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  • Keep up the good work, the vast majority of the linux community appreciates what you do!

  • Congrats guys! If it weren't for you, I might get some work done.:)

    Your Favorite OS Sucks.

  • Well, I only know an extremely small amount of German, but AFAIK "suse" would be pronounced "soo-zah" in German (trailing e's have an "ah" or "uh" sort of sound, not "ee").
  • Posted by JoshFDee:

    Konkratulations frrom a rregoular rreader in Germany. Jawohl, you have earned it; stay nerdish and stay independent, and I'd be happy to recommend your site to all my friends ...
    Besides, did you TOO receive high money offers for your domain/site? If not, what about a nice patent on the "slashdot effect"? ....
  • ...then finally my thought processes finished loading. One question...

    Why didn't Beowulf win anything?


    Congrats to Yahoo!^H^H^H^H^H^Hyouse guys.


  • Actually "yahoos" was a term coined by Jonathan Swift in "Gulliver's Travels" - they were a primitive, savage, and wholly stupid race (in other words, humans), driven by their lusts and base needs and desires.

    Funny how that's spilled into a popular Web service, isn't it?

    Kyt - congrats, boys, I'm proud of you. Cookies all 'round.
  • the yahoos w/ a website. Kudos to the /. team. You guys do give back to the community.
  • That'd be Sousa.

    --Phil (It wasn't for nothing that I played in marching bands for severl years.)
  • All awards (except Slashdot's) went to corporations. Why don't the free software hackers get recognized? They did all the work after all.

    The most offensive is the "killerapp award" going to Corel's vaporware. What about Gimp, Samba, KDE, Gnome, Apache, Lyx, Wine? Every single one is more important than Corel's contribution. But I guess free software hackers didn't pay for expensive floor space.


  • Too bad /. can't enforce a 10 minute delay between the time an individual first reads an article and the time they can post a response to it. Maybe that'd get rid of some of the knee-jerk AC postings. :-)
    -Rich (OS/2, Linux, Mac, NT, Solaris, FreeBSD, BeOS, and OS2200 user in Bloomington MN)
  • ...Rob is justified in being a little smug. IMSNShO.
    -Rich (OS/2, Linux, Mac, NT, Solaris, FreeBSD, BeOS, and OS2200 user in Bloomington MN)
  • Since the s's are not double-s's, they are pronounced kind of harsh, like a z, but not quite that harsh.
    I like to say SuSe, it's fun.

  • Obviously, Ippolitov-Ivanov.

  • > BTW - which composer does SuSE rhyme with?

    Brahms. :P
  • Sousa. Known for lotsa marches. Of course, I can't remember any in particular at the moment... :)

    - Virgil
  • Cool! /. kicks major tail, and this goes to show, some people notice! Keep it up, Rob & Crew!
  • This deserves a triple-attaboy and a pat on the back.

    Next time you are in DFW, I'll buy you a beer to celebrate.
  • Therefore he should have used Puerto Rico or Guam.

    Aaron Gaudio
    "The fool finds ignorance all around him.

  • In my book, offering 24/7 Linux support is
    an achievement.

    Consider, for instance: we have a client with
    ten thousand systems in the field who asked us
    to recommend their next operating system. One
    big issue in recommending Linux is whether they
    can find (hopefully platinum level) 24/7 support from any
    source whatsoever.

    Originally the answer was "er...not exactly,
    although there are some ways to get
    Linux support in some form." (This client
    builds their own rack-mount PC's, so it wouldn't
    help to point to PC vendors that offer support;
    that helps only if you buy that particular PC.)

    (It helps to show that Microsoft doesn't offer
    platinum-quality support, but it doesn't help
    much; we want positives.)

    Now, however, we can point to
    LinuxCare as an example of big time support,
    and have one less roadblock to recommending
    Linux to clients like that.

    The net effect will be to vastly increase
    the opportunity for corporations to use
    Linux. That's an achievement for the Linux
    community, and it's quite
    okay that LinuxCare will be making money in
    the process. That's what business is about.

  • True, it's debatable. On the other hand, merely starting out spreads the word that Linux is in fact an OS with support, which helps kill some of the FUD almost no matter what LinuxCare does over the next year.

    It's also the case that a good fraction of awards presented to anyone for anything in any field are debatable. :-) One example was the Nobel Prize for Medicine last year, for the discovery of prions, which was controversial because the existence of prions is still under debate in some quarters.

    But I figure it's in good grace to cheer anyway; no harm has been done even given your point.

    I do hope that they do a good job, giving Linux support a good name rather than a bad name. We shall see about that. If they screw up, presumably they'll face quick competition.

  • I had wondered about the pronunciation of S.u.S.E., too, so I was pleased to hear Linus pronounce it during his keynote... he said "sooze" (rhymes with "snooze") -- which was my previous first guess. (yay! :-)

    The previous comments about Sousa seem to have confused folks, since there are continuing questions, so I thought it was worth answering again.

  • While waiting in the line for Linus' keynote speach, Rob Malda came up to me and started schmoozing. It turns out that not only was Rob of sexual interest to both RMS and ESR, but he was also wearing a little schoolgirl outfit and sporting breasts. I think we know the real reason /. won, don't you.

    Of course, it's possible that I was talking to Mae Ling Mak wearing Rob's badge instead.
    Ben D Canning
  • A plethora of kudos and congratulatory well-wishes to Rob, Jeff, Nate & the rest of BSI/the Slashdot-posting crew. You guys are awesome... good job!!

    "Real Women Use Linux"
  • S.u.S.E. ryhmes with who? Maybe my mind is just blank at the moment.
  • Now that you guys are getting semi-famous and could maybe even get some of that Wall Street Internet frenzy money, is still available?

  • Pronounced "Suzy" as in:
    Siouxsie and the Banshees
    Much cooler than John Phillip...
  • Funny, whenever I looked at the name I always thought "Seuss" like Dr. Seuss. Of course I know who Sousa is but I didn't put together "Seuss" and "composer"....... hmm. :)
  • Man, happy as I was to see /. get it's rightfull recognition, in the software department, I would've loved to see VmWare (at the LinuxCare booth) get recognized. That was one of the coolest things I'd ever seen.
  • by GypC ( 7592 )
    And you get the award for the stupidest post in this thread!
    Congratulations, thanks for playing!
  • Say the Slashdot URL out loud... aytch tee tee pee colon slash slash slash dot dot org... get it?
  • You guys rock nads. Really, I mean that. Without slashdot, I'd go out of my head on slow days at work...
  • Took me a second...
  • (not really spelled like that :-) )

    yep... that was him. he hated french horns too, I can tell you... gave all the cool parts to the saxes and tried to kill us with offbeats!

    ok. slight tangent.
  • ... which some of us poor horn players remember as "the march that wouldn't die," (pronounced "ow my lips hurt!") placing only slightly ahead of "pomp and circumstance" (pronounced "pomp and barf")
  • maybe we should work on the general tenor of conversation. the direct attack is not appreciated... well, unless you are trolling, in which case... :-)

    impress those spying MS employees too :-)

  • Some yahoos know where its at... Congrats to them!
  • No wonder Wired News calls you "Smug" in their headline story, Rob.
  • That same piece was also played at one of Bill Clinton's inaugurations -- I don't remember offhand if it was the first or the second one, but it's true. I remember almost choking, I laughed so hard. BTW, I've got it on tape if nobody believes me.


    (somewhere in tenn.)

  • Well- actually we have been around for about 8 months (customers include the Government of the Netherlands and Gap Inc.) and I have been involved with Linux for about 4.5 years when I founded the Bay Area Linux Users Group. (LUG PLUG) We meet in San Francisco Chinatown on the 3rd Tuesday of each month (7:00 PM) at the Four Seas banquet room (731 Grant St.) for dinner and meeting. So far- over 7200 Linux Uberpersons served which works out to about 24000 eagerly! (now THAT deserves an award) But I digress...

    The Linuxcare founders and I folded our consulting businesses into Linuxcare... Essentially, we got sick and tired of trying to deploy Linux solutions in corporations only to get hit with the inevitable "well, who's going to support it?" questions from the NT/Solaris/Netware camps. So- now we're back with a vengeance with 24x7 SLA (service level agreement) based call center support, a boatload of additional offerings (training, lab, cert, etc.), a kick ass website and (currently) about 30 employees, all engineers- even our office manager is a Linux user/tech. Linuxcare has three primary goals. Provide better service then ANY other service organization regardless of platform or distribution, make money doing it (support our staff/reward investors) and (last but NOT least) support the Open Source community (sponsor development, provide resources, buy the beer, show up with bail) because (like any organic system) we are all responsible for it's health.

    The whole idea was to lay low- work the bugs out of our systems (phone, incident tracking systems, office apps - most of which are Open Source all are Linux based) and launch the company at LinuxWorld. For what it's worth- we think the opportunity to do what we dig for a living is a tremendous responsibility. If you think we are screwing up I encourage you to email me at I also encourage anyone who thinks linux is lacking in something to DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.

    I think we got the award because we spent our retirement accounts on the party... :)
  • Congrats, /.!
  • Anyone wanna fill me in on what this is?
  • My German's not that great either, but I think "suse" is more properly "zoozah", since both s's should be pronouced sort of like z's. Think of words like sieben and sammeln. Truth is though, I can't think of a German word (non English derived) that starts with "su"... hrm... But even the English derived ones like "super" are pronounced with a z sound. But the, there's words like spass. Anyways... just to through some more confusion into the circle...
  • You guys make us proud! :P

    Keep it up!
  • Actualy, in this instance, Linus was wrong. (GASP!)

    It is pronounced Soo-sa.

    If you are in the US or Canada, you can call 1-888-875-4689 and here it yourself. (This is Suse's support line in Oakland CA.)
  • Uh, exactly. I get sick of tappity-tapping in code, I browse Slashdot. Makes all of my woes go away!

    BTW, it's 'Minds are like Parachutes, they work poorly with lots of holes in them'
  • He was a marching band director. The pronounciation, I think, is almost exactly the same, not a rhyme.
  • Looks like all those long-haired linux bozos know a good thing when they see it. Congrats /. !!

    And the crowd roars ;)

  • Sousa. John Philip Sousa. Wrote marching-band music, such as the "Liberty Bell March", which you might know better as the theme music for "Monty Python's Flying Circus".
  • Hey now. Coal from West Virginia gives electricity to the whole United States, and we have some of the most beautiful and accessible landscapes in the world. There are rednecks everywhere, and I don't know anyone that says 'yaehoo' here. Please know what you're talking about before you blatantly bash Appalachia.
  • So he shouldn't have picked a state at all, knowing any one would have offended someone.
  • Well, if you wanna be really exact it's
    emphasis on the first syllable, the 'e' like in 'let'. At least that's how it's pronounced in German...
  • ...only slightly ahead of "pomp and circumstance" (pronounced "pomp and barf")

    Some less polite (read "wimpy excuses for band nerds") people know it as "pompous circumcision". But not I, because I have lips of steel.

  • (stands up in a small room of scraggly hackers) Hi. My name's Jason. I'm a /. junkie.

    I'm glad, at least, that I'm a junkie of a LinuxWorld award-winning site.

    What does S.u.S.E. stand for anyway? I always pronounced it soose

    Rob, et. al. - how did you decide on Slashdot as a name? (as opposed to, say, slashtilde or slashdotdot or root)

    Jason Dufair
    "Those who know don't have the words to tell

  • and the non-linux community toooo...
    (werking on that non-linux bit though =-)> )
  • The legal department at wishes to notify you that your use of the exlamation "yahoo!" when you are joyous or excited appears to be a dilution of our trademark, and we hereby demand that you cease and desist...

    Oh, forget it. Thought it was funny. :-)

  • I wouldn't say you exactly full of it, but a bit off...The German word for 'sweet' is suess...which would be pronounced different than 'SuSE' would be in German or even 'suesse'(I'll spare the German lesson here on why that is) ..Hmm a good American equivalent...hmm, try 'zoo-zuh' ..very light on the z, less fricative than usual and the second syllable is short and unstressed..(isn't the phoenetic alphabet supposed to resolve these questions..*snicker*) However, I like your version better than 'suzy'..that drives me up a wall for some reason...
  • S.u.S.E = Systems und Software Entwicklung, If I remember it correctly. Translated from German to English - System and Software Development.

  • And web site awards
  • Congratulations, guys. You deserve it! Keep it up.
  • Congratulations to O'Reilly & Associates on their award. I am a huge fan of their books and use them regularly as references. Congrats to you, too, Slashdot!
  • Buslogic has supported linux since the beginning. I remember when I downloaded the first linux buslogic driver Leonard Zubkoff wrote for my BT747 EISA SCSI-2 card in a (fast at the time) 486-66. Since then mylex/buslogic have been great at support for all their cards, VA research sells mylex RAID controlers with their servers. They will answer linux tech support questions and list linux on the box for their cards.

    Adaptec on the other hand gave linux developers the cold shoulder for years! Now that they've finally seen that there is lots of money in the linux serer market, they release specs. They should get an award for "Most linux hostile hardware company", along with ATI.

    Their cards sucks and are overpriced, too!
  • Well, being that it's a German company, that's where the sooseh (rhymes with Sousa) comes from, since that's how you would pronounce "Suse" in German.
  • Too bad there isn't a punctuation mark for "congradulations", i want a subject with no actual letters in it.
  • John Phillip Sousa. Guess which word of his name they mean.... ;)

    American composer, wrote lots of marches. Oddly enough, the Monty Python Theme is a slightly speeded up version of his "Liberty Bell March." Or is it "Liberty March?" I forget.

  • They sort of deflate the "We can't use Linux at our MetaInterConglomerate, LTD because someone like us needs 24/7 tech support."

  • Weren't you the guys who'd rather B.S. than take my money and give me my t-shirt so I could get out of there?

    Congratulations! It's time the real guys win!
  • by bkw ( 19412 )
    Congratulations, you guys deserve it.
  • Congratulations! :) Maybe next year they'll give you the big cash award...
  • Shouldn't that be YAHOO?
  • Enjoy your 15 minutes of fame guys!
    BTW - which composer does SuSE rhyme with?
    DUH! I dunno where everyone gets the effeminate "Susie" from, or Sousa? Where the hell did you come up with THAT ...
  • BRU is a backup utility built upon the issues of reliability, performance, and functionality. It works with ALL forms of backup media (tape, Jaz, SyQuest, Zip, LS-120, etc.), as well as disk files and (in the full version) remote tape drives. BRU uses CRC's to provide a more reliable verification of the data in your backups and file-based data compression (instead of stream-based) to ensure that a bit flip in one file doesn't ruin an entire backup.

    Our personal version (PE) wes bundled with the Red Hat 5.0/5.1 distributions as well as the Caldera 1.2+ distributions. Since Red Hat's move to Open Source only, BRU is available on the applications CD in a 30 day demo form.

    Of course, I could go on, but you can find out more from our website -

    And a big THANKS to all of the LinuxWorld visitors that voted and selected BRU as their favorite utility.

  • Way to go...

    Well, now that Iv'e stolen another few hours worth of my employers time reading (the award-winning) slashdot, mabye I should actually get some work done.



"I say we take off; nuke the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure." - Corporal Hicks, in "Aliens"
