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Linux Software goes Linux

David McNett, the man with the .plan over at Distributed has brought great news unto the Linux world. Having become convinced some time ago that the NT box that handled stats wasn't making the grade, they will be moving to Linux based solution. That's great-and for all of those you haven't signed up for the Slashdot team for, consider this a written invitation. Click below for instructions on how to join, and read our stats for today.
For those that want to get on board the Slashdot DES-II team but can't seem to figure out how (it was a bit strange) do the following:

  • Go to: and download the client for your OS (Even Win95ers are allowed :)
  • Uncompress and setup the client (under Linux just run it and the setup menus will appear)
  • Execute the client (use nohup to make it continue to run after you logout under Unix)
  • Wait until the next evening for the statistics to be re-calculated
  • Go to and anter the email address you configured into the input box that says "Search for Email"
  • Then, if your statistics appear, you can request that your password be sent to your email address
  • Once you get your password in the mail, re-enter it in the password box on that same web page (refresh, if necessary)
  • After entering your password, you can choose your team number. Slashdot is #1365
  • The next day, check in with the list of team members to be sure you are listed!
This discussion has been archived. No new comments can be posted. goes Linux

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Crazee Edeee, his prices are INSANE!!!
