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Open Source Operating Systems Red Hat Software Linux

Fedora 23 Released ( 57

An anonymous reader writes: Today marks the release of Fedora 23 for all three main editions: Workstation, Cloud, and Server. This release brings GNOME 3.18, Libre Office 5.0, and Fedora Spins — alternate desktops that provide a different experience. Fedora 23 also includes a version optimized for running on ARM-based systems. You can read the full release notes on their website. "Fedora 23 also has important under-the-hood security improvements, with increased hardening for all compiled software and with insecure SSL3 and RC4 protocols disabled. We've also updated all of the software installed by default in Fedora Cloud Base Image and Fedora Workstation to use Python version 3, and the Mono .NET compatible framework is now at version 4. Perhaps most importantly, Unicode 8.0 support now enables the crucial U1F32D character."
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Fedora 23 Released

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  • This release brings GNOME 3.18, Libre Office 5.0, and Fedora Spins — alternate desktops that provide a different experience.

    Does it also bring Nouveau drivers that don't crash every 48 hours? Because if it doesn't I recommend AMD or Intel display card.... I'm not on their advertising payroll or anything, just a friendly warning form a long time Fedora user.

  • by Guy Harris ( 3803 ) <> on Tuesday November 03, 2015 @05:36PM (#50859459)

    Perhaps most importantly, Unicode 8.0 support now enables the crucial U1F32D character.

    Hot dog!

    • by KGIII ( 973947 )

      I searched for it and, I have no idea if this link will work, but it's in my address bar! []

      I have no idea if that will work so the link from this Google search [] should help - it's the fourth one down on my screen. The one that is, obviously, graphemica.

      • Thanks for the link. I see that the other critical characters are Taco [] and Burrito []. Slice of Pizza [] was lonely, maybe? That can't be it, because Hamburger [] also exists. There are even glyphs for chicken (a drumstick), ribs, and Ramen noodles - glyph says 'steaming bowl', but it's pretty obvious what that is hanging off of those chopsticks. Perhaps Mug of Beer [] was seeking variety? FYI, this site can give the glyph info and which fonts contain it, but it cannot actually render them yet.

        And one wanted to
        • I thought there was a Unicode code point shortage?

          Nope. Originally, Unicode only had room for 65536 code points, but it was extended with Unicode 2.0 to 1,112,064 code points. At least if the Wikipedia page on it [] is to be believed, only 120,737 characters have been defined as of Unicode 8.0.

          Maybe that's just because UTF-8 because has to maintain backward compatibility with ASCII.

          Nope, UTF-8 can actually represent even more code points than that, but any encoding that results in a code point value past 0x10FFFF is invalid in UTF-8.

          From what I understand, in doing so, it wastes a few hundred other code pages.

          Nope. All that "maintaining backward compatibility with ASCII" involves is "encoding code points 0x000000 through

        • by KGIII ( 973947 )

          I know... This is a tech site... I also hate emoji... But, damn it, a hotdog in the URL is just awesome.

  • Hopefully this isn't the end of his career.

  • by Anonymous Coward

    Multi monitor support is hosed, shutdown sometimes hangs, per-application audio controls are now hard to find, network manager doesn't resize and gets hidden under notifications, dnf is quite like but not quite the same as yum (changelog support obscure, fastest mirrors disabled by default).

    All things that used to work fine in fedora 18.

    Oh, but the graphics are not flatter and more spaced out.

    Open source hates users.

  • We heard you liked
    More and more stuff
    So we had to add
    More and more cruft

    Bloat is the name
    Lines of code is the game
    Bumping version numbers
    Gets us attention again

    Sure you don't need
    These improvements but we
    Need them for vendor
    Lock-in you see.

    You want something simple
    Like green eggs and ham
    Don't be a fool
    Just eat our spam.

    Burma Shave

    This post was NOT brought to you by "the crucial U1F32D character," which many of us have survived without until now. What a bunch of hype!

    • by cfalcon ( 779563 )

      Fedora is free software, and Red Hat uses it to see what will get pulled into their Red Hat / Cent OS distros. Vendor lock in? What on earth vendor lock in is implied here?

      Also, how dare you say a hot dog is a non essential character? []

      • Redhat is the one pushing systemd. Since they employ the main developers of systemd, if you're a company that wants to run the latest and greatest, you'd better stick with Redhat as they are the ones who are really in charge, or switch to one of the *BSDs. 'Nuff said?
  • by Anonymous Coward

    Fedora 22 user rant here

    Is it (audit spamming syslog) fixed ? I have no use for the audit daemon on a home machine.

    And no I don't need someone to tell me to filter them out with some convoluted command line to read the fucking system log.

    'less /var/log/messages' should be usable, as should the output of dmesg (how the hell they fucked that up I'll never know).

    I just checked and wtf is dnf spamming the system log now too? Is this a new fuck-up ? (yum never did this). Oh I see the problem "systemd: Starting d

  • by SurfMan ( 969573 ) on Tuesday November 03, 2015 @06:51PM (#50859907)

    But the real question is: can we finally, after all these years, run a Gnome 3 session over a VNC connection without getting the "Oh no! Something has gone wrong" error and the ridiculous workarounds for that?

    • Here here! Gnome over VNC is so clumsy and fragile. You'd think they hadn't bothered to try it out after writhing that POS called Vino. To get into some of my newer Linux boxen from windoze, I have to VNC to an older Linux and VNC on again due to Vino not supporting the encryption available in windoze VNC clients. And the work-arounds simply don't work for me. Would consider an alternate client if it weren't $$.
      • by tomxor ( 2379126 )
        VNC encryption... i hope for your sake that's in addition to tunneling over SSH. Otherwise - welcome to my botnet.
    • That sounds ugly. Same result with different flavors of VNC?

      Makes me wonder how some other virtual display technology would fare with it.

      • by tomxor ( 2379126 )

        I was wondering the same thing... VNC is only supposed to be a remote frame buffer protocol, which only needs to be compatible with the frame buffer (e.g. xorg, or an xvfb) and doesn't need to care about anything that runs on top of it. I think vino has some extra semantic compression so it can send fonts, gnome desktop specific primitives etc faster and render them client side instead - that's probably where all the bugs are.

        I just stick with basic x11vnc and be done with it, if it's too slow then don't do

    • by heson ( 915298 )
      Try x2go instead of vnc. Cant remeber is I tried gnome, I run LXDE daily.

There are running jobs. Why don't you go chase them?
