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Operating Systems Linux

Tizen Source Code Released 71

sfcrazy writes with news that developers for the Tizen project, an open source mobile OS based on MeeGo (itself a child of Moblin and Maemo), have posted a preview of their source code and SDK. They warn, "Please keep in mind that this is a very early preview and is not yet designed for use to create production applications. Further enhancements and improvements to Tizen and its development environment will continue as we work towards a formal release over the coming months." The source code is available here.
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Tizen Source Code Released

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  • by Rik Sweeney ( 471717 ) on Tuesday January 10, 2012 @04:30PM (#38656228) Homepage

    and is not yet designed for use to create production applications.

    Too late, it's already been added to the next Ubuntu release :P

    • It wont break ubuntu anymore than it already is don't worry.
      • by syousef ( 465911 )

        It wont break ubuntu anymore than it already is don't worry.

        Ubuntu is an African word for "You'll take what I give you and you'll like it!!!"

    • Another web based mobile OS? Why bother? I'll stick with native-ish code, thanks.

      Btw, I'm still running Maemo on my N900, but I'll upgrade to Android soonish. Android is good enough, open enough, and satisfies the moral imperative of offering good open source encryption tools [], i.e. not worthless CALEA garbage like facetime or skype.

      Yes, encrypting your traffic is now a moral imperative, look around, maybe you don't have anything worth hiding, but some guy on your ISP probably organizes occupy stuff or wh

      • I'll stick with native-ish code, thanks.

        EFL is there. There's no restriction against native applications.

        Android is good enough, open enough

        Maybe for you. Apparently Samsung and Intel disagree.

  • none of them (Score:2, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward

    ever seem finished, do they?

  • Samsung seems to be backing Tizen now: [] This is interesting, taking Samsung's position in Android: [] Maybe I actually will find a good replacement for my Maemo-based N900... :)
    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward

      Samsung isn't just backing Tizen.. Samsung WROTE Tizen in it's entirety (well except the Open Source bit). They've had Rasterman (the author of the EFL library they're using) on their payroll for quite a few years now.

      That said, don't see a great strategy here from Samsung, they're the no1 maker of Android and WP7 phones too. Their strategy seems to do all platforms.

      • Brought to you from the same ppl who lock smartphone boot loaders and specialize in TVs.

        • I thought it was Motorola that specialized in locking smartphone bootloaders and refused to provide a means to unlock.

        • What?

          Samsung are one of the few OEMs to not lock their bootloaders. If you go low enough (read: ODIN or heimdall) you can do whatever you want with it.

      • by MrHanky ( 141717 )

        If it's using the EFL library, then perhaps it's based on Bada rather than Meego, which revolved around Qt?

        • It's not based on Bada. It's based on SLP, which is a rather standard Linux platform that uses dpkg-deb. Other bits and pieces, minus Qt, will be brought to Tizen by Intel.

      • by Nursie ( 632944 )

        Whilst I'm sure he's awesome, let's never forget that Rasterman was heavily involved in OpenMoko, and look how well that went....

        • by dbIII ( 701233 )
          It looked good and functioned (Rasterman's area) but didn't follow through with hardware (somebody else's area).
          • by Nursie ( 632944 )

            TBH I have no idea what Rasterman's contribution was, but the software on the Freerunner was pretty horrific. That said the main problem was management IMHO - allowing multiple, continuous redesigning of the base platform instead of making a plan and sticking to it.

  • NOT based on MeeGo (Score:3, Informative)

    by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday January 10, 2012 @04:48PM (#38656472)

    The current Tizen is not based on MeeGo in any way at all. It was written entirely inside Samsung, Intel only joined the project at a very late stage when all the code was written.

    • Most of the code itself is currently from SLP, which itself is pulled from many existing open source projects. Intel will be bringing plenty along with it. There's also a lot of stuff not settled on yet.

  • ...install it on my netbook? Like many Slashdotters, I bought a fist generation EeePC way back when the whole netbook idea was new. I got a "surf" model that only came with 4 gigs of flash storage and nothing more, so finding an adequately small operating system to put on it was rather difficult without doing some tedious custom configurations, when all I wanted was to just surf the web. Moblin/Meego was the perfect thing because I could just download the image from their site, load it up, and boot up wi

    • by Tenebrousedge ( 1226584 ) <> on Tuesday January 10, 2012 @05:26PM (#38656936)

      The best thing about Moblin/Meego was that it booted in five seconds. The technology was originally demo'd in 2007 by an Intel engineer, and has been part of the project since then. Other distros have picked up on some of the technology (sreadahead, parallel boot) but no one else has come close to the actual boot times. The EeePC's bios also had a 'readahead' feature that basically saved the bios state to disk (SSD) and read that into memory the next boot, practically eliminating the BIOS segment of the boot time. Other mobos presumably have similar features, but seven seconds from power button to desktop on a netbook was mind-blowing at the time, and is still impressive.

      IMO they should have kept the focus on it as a netbook platform, and not gotten bogged down trying to package it for car stereos and cell phones and netbooks all at once. It would have made the transition to tablets with little UI modification.

    • by Hatta ( 162192 )

      Just install a minimal distro like Debian (via netinst) or Arch, and then install only what's needed to surf.

  • Seriously - better summary needed.

    Is it to replace the original OS on jailbroken phones?
    Is it intended to be something that cell phone providers will someday ship on their phones?
    Will it run as a mobile app on existing platforms?

    • Is it to replace the original OS on jailbroken phones?

      No. It is an open source, Linux based OS that leverages existing technologies found in the Linux world, such as glibc, Xorg, Enlightenment, Webkit, etc. with a focus on being a vendor-independent mobile OS platform. It is, in many ways, a push back against Google, whose platform is almost entirely insular from the rest of the open source world.

      • by Anonymous Coward

        "It is an open source, Linux based OS that leverages existing technologies found in the Linux world, such as glibc, Xorg, Enlightenment, Webkit, etc. with a focus on being a vendor-independent mobile OS platform."

        So not really focused at all then. It's maemo and meego all over again so far. Fuck that. Samsung, your SII is great, but you really need to build a FULL, ready, RELEASE platform with an SDK that has an IDE, emulators built into the IDE, RAD GUI development, GPS etc. included in the emulator, an

      • by Fri13 ( 963421 )

        Android itself use Linux operating system, as does Maemo aka Harmattan, as did MeeGo, as does Tizen and as does all other Desktop and Server distributions and not just those mobile phone Linux distributions.

    • It's to provide a new OS for OEM's. Samsung is pushing it, and the screenshots refer to a Samsung device (I9500).
      • by Fri13 ( 963421 )

        Tizen use same Linux operating system as does Android and as did MeeGo and as does Debian, Ubuntu and all other Linux distributions.

        Not a new OS, just a new distribution.

        • Same kernel but different, well, everything else. Tizen has more in common with MeeGo, Debian, Ubuntu, and what not than Android does with anything else.

    • by UpnAtom ( 551727 )

      Intel decided Meego wasn't going anywhere without Nokia. Therefore they jumped in with Samsung. Whether Tizen will run Meego apps is anyone's guess.

      • Toss in Qt and it should work.

        • by UpnAtom ( 551727 )

          If I were Intel, I'd pay the Maemo/Meego community to do it. Shouldn't cost more than $25k which, for the goodwill alone, is peanuts. They also get one of the best communities in FOSS (these guys will appreciate ANY attention), hundreds of decent apps and a highly attractive platform for developers.

          • $25K? Why? These aren't bizzare, incompatible platforms, it's a rather standard Linux platform that makes porting trivial.

            Mer [] will probably shift to a Tizen-compatible base, plus Qt, before long.

  • I see no SDK sources being posted except for some valgrind bit, and the SDK page talks about accepting an EULA. Are they really so stupid and try to ram down a proprietary SDK for what is supposed to be an open source operating system? And this within a Linux Foundation project?

    • by hweimer ( 709734 )

      From the copyright information accompanying the SDK:

      Except for the Open Source Software contained in Tizen SDK, all other software portions contained in Tizen SDK are governed by the terms and conditions of the Tizen Software Development Kit License Agreement, available at: []

      Open source, my ass.

  • by Anonymous Coward

    Time to abandon it for another new platform!

  • Hasn't WebOS pretty much proven that using HTML+CSS+Javascript+web tech du jour) is a brain dead idea?
    It's a horrible development paradigm that sort of works for the web because there is no other viable option given the constraints of the web. It's idiotic to force a hideous development model born of (web) constraints that do not apply in the target application (an embedded device).

    C/C++ is where it's at. Palm, Google and Apple have proven that the so called benefits of using HTML+friends, or Java for that

    • None of those are C/C++. Apple is Obj-C, Google is Java, and Palm is... well, pretty much too dead for anyone to care.

      • True, Apple does use a mix of C and Obj-C.
        The 3 companies were brought up as a rainbow of outcomes. Palm the failure with a brain dead design (web in a box), Google with a successful-because-it's-free platform that is nonetheless a chronic under performer because of the chosen design (Java with pseudo web concepts mixed in) and Apple which is executing better than anyone with a solid design (C/C++/Obj-C with what is essentially a PC development platform).

Never buy from a rich salesman. -- Goldenstern
