Try to Name the SuSE Mascot 247
The competition will begin in New York at the Linux World, which was staged Feb. 1, 2000 through Feb. 4; the final decision will be revealed at the CeBIT 2000, at the end of of February 2000 in Hanover. From all suggestions which we receive SuSE will select the most funny or best fitting ones, which will be presented to the public on our Web site. From these suggestions the public will then be able to choose the winning name. One of the suppliers of the name which gets the most votes will be invited by SuSE to the largest European Linux event, the "LinuxTag in Stuttgart". SuSE will also draw further winners from the hat, who'll receive a current version of SuSE Linux as well as the newly-named cuddly green chameleon. " Ya know, 'Rob' has a nice ring to it...
susy (Score:2)
The obvious answer... (Score:4)
Skanky the Iguana! (Score:1)
Skanky the Iguana!
Skanky the Iguana!
Link To.... (Score:3)
I'm gonna have to think this one over, but mind you, I intend to give that lizard a hell of a name.
-- Give him Head? Be a Beacon?
ummm... (Score:1)
umm... (Score:1)
Re:The obvious answer... (Score:2)
Actually, (Score:2)
How about? (Score:1)
Well (Score:1)
or... (Score:1)
How about... (Score:2)
here we go (Score:1)
Bad Names (Score:2)
Whats the point? (Score:1)
Re:Whats the point? (Score:2)
-- Give him Head? Be a Beacon?
or... (Score:2)
How about... (Score:1)
It has that ring of evil genius to it. It's the name of a utility too, so the name is vaguely apropos.
Easy choice (Score:2)
How about naming it after Jack Valenti, spokesman for the MPAA.
XUT (Score:1)
my suggestions (Score:2)
SuSEanne Somers
Oh SuSEanna
SuSEan Sarandon (Ok, so the joke is wearing thin)
Linus the Lizard
Karma Chameleon
Bill Gates
Natalie Portman (j/k on the last two)
oh and by the way info on the contest is here [www.suse.de]
What about Arnold? (Score:1)
Re:Bad Names (Score:1)
Re:Well (Score:2)
Liz (Score:1)
Name for a Linux Lizard? (Score:1)
Geeble. Ask not why. It just sounds neat! (Score:1)
About the prize... (Score:1)
An english page seems to be available (link is in the upper right corner).
I've got one! (Score:2)
Re:RobLimo ATE MY BALLS!! RobLimo ATE MY BALLS!! R (Score:1)
Hmm.... (Score:2)
Oh yeah, this is about name for the lizard...um...Lennard. Yeah.
Name that damn lizard (Score:1)
John Philip? (Score:1)
Hmm (Score:1)
MPAA Baiting. (Score:2)
Name it YAM! (Yet Another Mascot) (Score:3)
Grok! (Score:1)
Instead of Sousa, how about Zuse? (Score:1)
Obvious II (Score:1)
Re:I've got one! (Score:1)
Brad Johnson
--We are the Music Makers, and we
are the Dreamers of Dreams
Reynold (Score:1)
And where DO you go to find an intelligent chicken, anyways?
and. (Score:2)
Best Name...Ever (Score:1)
Re:The obvious answer... (Score:1)
too bad "Tux" is taken; it'd be perfect. </sarcasm>
Re:How about? (Score:1)
seg faulten.
Re:Well (Score:2)
A couple suggestions (Score:2)
And if you go with the ever popular "Iggy", you can save money by using a beanie baby [3sis.com] instead of manufacturing a proprietary lizard, which is exactly the kind of let's-not-reinvent-the-wheel mentality that makes the open-source movement go 'round.
My submission (Score:4)
that one best.
Re:Chameleons (Score:1)
lefty. (Score:1)
actually the name should work in german and english? Or does he get different names in each language?
I will call him MiniMe. (Score:1)
Suzilla, you morons :-) (Score:2)
Chameleon naming is good for you! (Score:2)
Sure, their mascot is a reptile, but how well does it scale?
Anyhow, I think if you're gonna name it Sue-something, Sue-sasaurous would be more appropriate. Why? 'cause that's a *big* chameleon!
I'd probably call it either Leon or Cammie, but maybe that's just me.
Yeah, I like "Cammie the SuSE Chameleon", that's cute.
But hey, at least I didn't say charazard...
pb Reply or e-mail; don't vaguely moderate [].
Frank! (Score:1)
Re:susy (Score:1)
Such a name would be much less confusing for the neophyte than less obvious names like "Kevin", "Engelbert" or "J. Rothwort Fontwoodleton III, Esq."
The perfect mascot for an IPO... (Score:1)
"marty" (as in Feldman) (Score:1)
I think MF would dig it. (unfortunately he is no longer around to ask)
Or else... (Score:1)
Re:susy (Score:1)
Larry the Lizzard. (Score:2)
Hey Rob, Thanks for that tarball!
Re:susy (Score:1)
A Simpsons Flavour (Score:1)
Re:susy (Score:1)
Re:How about? (Score:1)
Karma Chameleon (Score:1)
Of course, 'karma' is more a slashdot thang, than a SuSE thang, but I had to play with my scrabble tiles again.
Karma ChameleonWhy not use the common name for the species? (Score:1)
mark (Score:1)
Observe, reason, and experiment.
Name it? Hell, Get Rid Of It! (Score:1)
Yeah, just switch your filter to level 1 (Score:1)
Rob should patent it! One-Two-click moderation and sensibility filtering!
I like "ferny" (Score:2)
How about... (Score:1)
John Philip. And pronounce SuSE as Soo-za.
Bob. Come on, everybody loves Bob...
Grep. Sounds like a good name for a reptile...
Sux. Combine SuSE with Tux... (Kidding - I love SuSE).
I Like it! (Score:1)
I'm not all that creative... (Score:1)
I don't know who gave that chamelion a smile, but "SuSE's Smiley" just has a nice ring to it... or maybe "Smiley SuSE!"
...Well, anyway, how bout Smiley?
It's too late, but considering Slashdot... (Score:1)
How about Shawalla? (Score:1)
Re:susy (Score:1)
Re:How about... (Score:1)
(*Notice: No offense intended to any karma-whores, -pimps, -gigolos (or Karma Man-Whores) or any other types of karma-escorts or karma-adult-entertainment-professionals who may be out there. Admittedly I'd be squite a hypocrite if I did intend such offense >:)
-Hypr Geeque
P.S.: Bless all those wonderful moderators out there... (wink, wink; nudge, nudge ;-)
The ultimate name for a little green something. (Score:1)
Re:Well [Just like chicken?] (Score:1)
"Chicken, again? But, Mom, it tastes just like iguana meat!"
-Hypr "Gonna-Get-My-Karma-Into-The-Double-Digits-Even-If It-Means-I-Have-To-Start-Counting-In-Binary" Geeque
Quality of Comments on /. (Score:1)
Drazil! (Score:1)
What it lacks in creativity it more than makes up for in dragon-sounding coolness, IMO.
-Hypr Geeque
Quincy (Score:2)
(Bill Amend might take exception, but then again,
maybe he'd be honored...)
Re:Well (Score:1)
why does it need a name? (Score:2)
Why must we stick a cutesy brand name on everything? Why can't we just have some things be purely visual symbols for once? I personally think that Tux didn't need a name.. that you shouldn't have to stick a monosyllabic verbal handle on everything in order for it to be powerful.. that in some sense you dilute the symbol and limit it by giving it a name. All of a sudden it isn't this ethereal, otherworldly, metaphorical iguana, standing for something or other; suddenly it's an iguana, one specific iguana, with a name and everything. The abstract purity the symbol once had is gone..
a haiku:
now i drop my post
into this sea of troll posts
where no one will read
Re:susy uhh.... (Score:1)
heh........ heh............ heh............
female mascot names (Score:1)
a gender neutral name may work better for whatever reason.. i dunno.. but i doubt they'll give it a specifically male name.
anyway, the name gecko is already taken. It happens to be the name of a certain web browser's [mozilla.org] HTML rendering engine. I'm sure the mozilla people wouldn't mind you using the name, but i seriously doubt you could get away with trademarking it if it had already been used as a major component of a different major opensource project.
Re:Louie (Score:1)
Re:female mascot names (Score:2)
"'Is not a quine' is not a quine" is a quine [nmsu.edu].
Re:TFJ (Score:1)
Re:Chameleons (Score:3)
//rdj, used to keep a few green anolises (sp?)
anolis (Score:2)
Chameleon (Score:2)
I have a greeb "Beanie Babies" Chameleon at home which looks just like the SUSE chameleon, at I called it Munchie for some strange and twisted reason...
So I think that Munchie would be a great name for the SUSE chameleon.
Otherwise, call it "Bud"...
Re:Chameleons (Score:2)
They are also not stylized two dimenional images designed to sell cool operating systems.
Besides, art gecko sounds much better then Blendo, the chameleon in a blender.
Re:The obvious answer... (Score:2)
SuSiE (Score:2)
(You know...after you spell and say the name "suzy" a couple of times it loses all meaning)
Jazilla.org - the Java Mozilla [sourceforge.net]
More names (Score:2)
Or how about "Camile" the Chameleon?
Jazilla.org - the Java Mozilla [sourceforge.net]
Re:Chameleons (Score:2)
Plus I've found chameleons, especially the Jackson's, to have a more pleasant disposition.
Re:female mascot names (Score:2)
Re:Karma Chameleon? (Score:2)
Re:But they don't want an inventive answer! (Score:2)
It would be great for Tux to finally have a girlfriend