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Journal SexyKellyOsbourne's Journal: Heh, I trolled Alan "ANAL COCKS" Cox 3

All I did was, forsaking a possible first post, take the story from the pre-slashdotted site and change a few things around -- generally making things wrong, changing words like "open" to "proprietary," adding in support for Palladium, and making WebTV and Apple part of the group, resulting in this post.

I woke up hungover the next morning with a needle hanging out of a bruised arm, coughed up a cigarette I swallowed, and went to see how my trolling did. Lo and behold, Anal Cocks had replied on how he wants to change the GPL because the consortium is including Palladium! HAHAHA!

Some Swedish speakers figured out my other post was changed, considering that I changed the speaker's name to Flansost, the Swedish equivalent of the word "dick cheese" -- but that still didn't stop me from getting modded up, either.

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Heh, I trolled Alan "ANAL COCKS" Cox

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  • Are you available saturday night.
    My wife is late in her pregnancy and I need a fat chick to take her place for about 15 minutes.
    Please reply by registered mail.
    Thank you.
    • I'll be busy Saturday night with my dad's credit card, but Oderus Urungus of Gwar said he would be happy to help you with anything you need -- he even wanted me to give you this telegram.

      "B.D.F." by Gwar

      The delivery room is as still as a tomb
      I fuck the child while its still in your womb
      The child is now dead and you start to blubber
      Fuck your warm corpse with your child as a rubber
      Take your fat tongue, ram it up her bung
      Her face is packed with cum We've only just begun
      From your head, your eyes I pluck
      Give you savage socket fuck
      Work my wand of black obsidian
      End up like a Branch Davidian
      Baby Dick Fuck
      Baby Dick Fuck
      Baby Dick Fuck [x a lot]
  • Why don't you code an automatic system that ranks the articles based on their content, if it is featuring a person - use generators like this [] with appropiate parameters and by saying, I found this interesting discussion about this guy X from here. If you are really clever, you could even combine content from multiple generator. You know, the world is full of stuff designed to make your life easier. I think I will have to call the Trollers Association to let them know about your poor situation. Such deprication of your resources is against the first amendment. You have made trolling an art, so why not take it a step further.

All your files have been destroyed (sorry). Paul.
