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Red Hat Software Businesses

RedHat 6.0 is Out 237

Jan Kautz wrote in to tell us that Red Hat 6.0 has begun appearing on the mirrors, so all you mad hatters can cruise on it, avoid the traffic, and download the latest.
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RedHat 6.0 is Out

Comments Filter:
  • by Anonymous Coward
    Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't Red Hat 6.0 supposed to be out on May the 10th? Is this the result of pressure from Caldera?
  • by Anonymous Coward
    dselect is not the only tool which has evolved. rpmfind is really pretty cool and seems to work well for me. It probably should be incorporated into glint or gnoRPM.
  • by Anonymous Coward
    rpmfind --latest `rpm -qa`
    rpm --freshen *.rpm

    will basically do the same thing on a Redhat box, look for the latest upgrades and upgrade them on-the-fly with dependancy checking.

    There are of course other methods but I digress...
  • by Anonymous Coward
  • by hadron ( 139 )
    At least some significant *BSD stuff does get reported. Do you have anything particular in mind that wasn't mentioned here?
  • I haven't even gotten around to building up an OpenLinux 2.2 box yet, and now this. Maybe I'll just wait two or three weeks for venders to make CDs before getting i. Or if I'm bored at work, I could download...
  • Yikes! 'tis barely creeping along now.. Oh well, I can leave it run overnight ;-)

    BTW, anyone know if you can you mount an iso image as a loopback device (just for peeking around?)

    mount -t iso9660 image.iso /mnt/isoimage -o loop

  • jabbo wrote:
    Looks like you haven't switched to 2.2 yet

    Does it matter whether to run 2.0.36 or 2.2.x? Don't think so, as long as 2.2 kernels keep getting released about every other day I'd stick with 2.0.. but hey, some may argue different ;)

  • .....the day RedHat Linux 6.0 comes out is the same day I, a longtime RedHat user, switches to Debian 2.1.
  • Yes it will be in the Oct/Nov timeframe based on their release dates for the last 4-5 versions!
  • Ok, i'm game. Starting it right now. I'll troll the slashdot page for any mirrors there, verify them, and post a link shortly

    probably []
  • [] or A HREF="
  • You *could* post the URL to your reply.

  • Why update if your system is running good? Let us other guinea pigs try it out first and if it fills the bill and will give you significantly more than you have now then yeah... you might *consider* breaking your uptime consistancy.

    i.e.: Don't upgrade yet! :))
  • Did RPM 3.0 make it into this new release of Red Hat? I could look for myself if some of the mirrors actually worked...
  • Currently updating my mirror at: Give it a bit to complete. 60 user limit.
  • Posted by Akira410:

    Rofl, that was slightly harsh :o)

    Quote from the guy that tries to administrate the NT box here:

    "Wow, it had 200 file request this weekend... man! Its been up for a week and a half.. better reboot"

    heh.. as you can see we havent put the NT box into play... I doubt we will... Linux is doing just great. That box is a toy :o)
  • Posted by pierre kwyjibo: 0.html shows a brief overview of whats new.
  • Posted by MazMart:

    It's nice to see that they finally included KDE. It's way better than Gnome, so thanx Red Hat!
  • Posted by gbritton:

    iso image and i386 subtree are here: 6.0/ [] []
  • Posted by cicijay:

    I have found a site that lists mirrors for red hat. I don't know about you but the list of sites at redhat's mirrors seem very busy. This list has many different mirror sites listed and I found one that flew through the download ( The site listing those mirrors is Hope that helps for those of us that don't want to wait until the volume of downloads decreases
  • Posted by Birdie37:

    I wrote a perl script to do this for me the last time I downloaded RedHat: s/ []
  • Posted by Lord Kano-The Gangster Of Love:

    Has all the mirrors that are officially known to redhat.

  • Mirror anyone?
  • Upgrade of course. Looks like you haven't switched to 2.2 yet... besides, who cares how long a box can stay up with a load average of 0.00?

    Hell, NT could do that.

  • Upgrade to 6.0, or keep the uptime?:

    12:31pm up 319 days, 0:40, 1 user, load average: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
  • It turns out that the RPM in the RH5.2 does not evaluate whether it has enough scratch disk-space to complete an upgrade before it blindly goes ahead. If it does not have enough scratch space in that partition, it can corrupt it badly. I reported this, and they designated the bug as #236 in their database. With their new bug-tracking software, I don't have a password to check the current status of this bug. Is it fixed in RPM3.0 yet ?? (There's no way I'm going to upgrade RH until it is fixed. I don't want to go through that again!

  • If the 6.0 release follows the rawhide beta stuff then the following applies

    kernel-2.2.5 or if we are lucky 2.2.6
    GNOME libs 1.0.8
    GNOME core 1.0.5

    it'll probably have RPM 3.0 as well, even though it was only released today...

    Don't quote me but that's a pretty good guess

  • In experiementing with problems
    with the Appletalk module in kernel 2.0.x,
    I tried to use RawHide 5.9 to get up to kernel
    2.2 with the appropriate package modifications;
    however, the kerner RPM as shipped was larger
    than 640k, and nearly blew my 486 to chunks.
    Does anyone know if 6.0 kernel RPM is made
    safe for 486 or lower users?
  • Um, for some strange reason Red Hat blocks ICMP traffic at their firewall. Go to, then ping If I remember correctly, they got tired of people contantly pinging their servers.
  • I hope this is a 64 bit machine because the 32bit ULONG max only represents 497 days... I should know I have a linux box here that's got 835 days but it only says 338 because it wraped back to 0 days!
  • by axolotl ( 1659 )
    No. I f you can't be bothered to re-write it (or even copy & paste it), then I can't be bothered to go look for it.

  • by axolotl ( 1659 )
    No. If you can't be bothered to re-write it (or even copy & paste it), then I can't be bothered to go look for it.

  • by axolotl ( 1659 )
    It's not all GPLed. Qt, for a start. Even if they use the new license. And Netscape for another. And anything using a BSD license. Free Software is not equivalent to the (L)GPL. I'm not saying that's good or bad, just pointing it out.

  • Not to repeat myself, see my comments on the RedHat/ZDNet artical about Red Hat 6.0 prices? :-/
  • Size I am not sure of. But if Starbuck is any indication:

    kernel-2.2.3-5.i386.rpm 3266 Kb Mon Mar 15 20:14:00 1999 kernel-2.2.5-4.i386.rpm 4439 Kb Tue Apr 6 18:50:00 1999 kernel-2.2.5-4.i586.rpm 4356 Kb Tue Apr 6 19:27:00 1999 kernel-2.2.5-4.i686.rpm 4355 Kb Tue Apr 6 20:04:00 1999 kernel-BOOT-2.2.3-5.i386.rpm 2546 Kb Mon Mar 15 20:14:00 1999 kernel-BOOT-2.2.5-4.i386.rpm 2757 Kb Tue Apr 6 18:51:00 1999 kernel-doc-2.2.3-5.i386.rpm 762 Kb Mon Mar 15 20:14:00 1999 kernel-doc-2.2.5-4.i386.rpm 766 Kb Tue Apr 6 18:50:00 1999 kernel-headers-2.2.3-5.i386.rpm 811 Kb Mon Mar 15 20:14:00 1999 kernel-headers-2.2.5-4.i386.rpm 829 Kb Tue Apr 6 18:50:00 1999 kernel-ibcs-2.2.3-5.i386.rpm 27 Kb Mon Mar 15 20:14:00 1999 kernel-pcmcia-cs-2.2.3-5.i386.rpm 184 Kb Mon Mar 15 20:14:00 1999 kernel-pcmcia-cs-2.2.5-4.i386.rpm 185 Kb Tue Apr 6 18:51:00 1999 kernel-smp-2.2.3-5.i386.rpm 3070 Kb Mon Mar 15 20:14:00 1999 kernel-smp-2.2.5-4.i386.rpm 4229 Kb Tue Apr 6 18:51:00 1999 kernel-smp-2.2.5-4.i586.rpm 4212 Kb Tue Apr 6 19:27:00 1999 kernel-smp-2.2.5-4.i686.rpm 4212 Kb Tue Apr 6 20:04:00 1999 kernel-source-2.2.3-5.i386.rpm 11065 Kb Mon Mar 15 20:14:00 1999 kernel-source-2.2.5-4.i386.rpm 11608 Kb Tue Apr 6 18:50:00 1999 kernelcfg-0.5-4.i386.rpm 17 Kb Thu Feb 25 16:47:00 1999 kernelcfg-0.5-5.i386.rpm 16 Kb Sun Mar 21 20:20:00 1999

    So, it looks like there is now at least a smp kernel that will ship and be an option. But, Red Hat enables a heck-of-a-lot in thier default kernels. The best bet is to get the kernel__src.rpm and compile it yourself, because only inabling what _you_ need will always increase your system preformance a bit. (sometimes only a little, but it's a lot on older systems, so, it's a catch 22... if you have a slow system, you need to compile it, and it will compile slow, if you have a fast system, you could compile it more quickly, but don't need to as much).

  • RH 6.0 has Linux 2.2.x kernel, the released KDE, and a newer Gnome, better install/setup/config (they say), among the usual updates.

    BTW, ping/ICMP is blocked to RedHat because of possible Denial of Service (DoS) problems in the past.
  • GRIN

    A month and a half, eh?

    You mean something like 47.5 days???

    That's the Standard "NT Resource Flush Feature" at play.


    Michael J. Ball
    Open Source Who's Who
  • the ones that i can remember off the top of my head:

    better SMP
    better scsi
    better sound support
    frame buffer console
    more filesystems drivers
    more drivers in general

    a few other things too. the first two likely on't affect you much. the third might, but only if you previously had a marginally dupported or unsupported souncard. the fourth i have so far only seen useful for laptops and other odd video chipsets. the fifth includes true fat32 support, useful if you dual boot to '98 or a more recent win95. the sixth is the big difference, it covers not only the already mentioned sound, but also video capture cards and other not quite mainstream stuff.

    plus if you have decent (and relatively sane) hardware, you will probably notice a performance increase as well
  • Redhat 6.0 contains the new 2.2.x kernel and also glibc2.1 both of these additions over the 5.x are extremely valuable to the desktop user.

    On another note 6.0 comes with GNOME and kde, and also x11amp. :)

  • If you want to get 5.9, you can get it from Cheapbytes for $1.99 (or wait a few weeks for the final release of 6.0)
  • For 5.2, there was the standard edition for $39.99, and the secure edition for $79.99.

    The Secure edition included Apache SSL 128 bit encrypted version, and most likely Netscape 128bit encrypted.
  • this is exactly why you should install beta software on machines you can safely reboot.
  • ViaVoice isn't on the distribution CD. The press release says its going to be on the separate Applications CD. This is usually included in the boxed sets you see.
  • by planet_hoth ( 3049 ) on Monday April 26, 1999 @10:30AM (#1916204)
    Bob Young will be attending an online chat on
    Abc News's website ( today at 2:00PM
    The URL they give is: =abc_bobyoung
    Just thought you might be interested, you can go ask
    him a bunch of questions about 6.0.
  • frame buffer console is also nice for having better console options than boring 80x25.

  • by yoz ( 3735 ) on Monday April 26, 1999 @02:26PM (#1916207) Homepage News/Item/0,4,0-35646,00.html? []

    Main new features:

    • 2.2 Kernel (obviously)
    • RPM 3.0: Better macros, better compatibility checks
    • IBM ViaVoice bundled
    • Choice of $40 2xCD for experts or $80 3xCD for new users
    • "Kickstart" installation scripts
    • Comes with a set of precompiled kernels, installer chooses the best one for your processor (perhaps it'll detect if you're installing off a SCSI CDROM this time?)
  • When are they going to be available.

  • Can someone post a list of working mirrors?


  • I don't think I've ever had much luck with NT. My web servers crap out after three days. IIS dies after a single day. (I've got my boxes rebooting themselves once a morning.) But the suits wanted NT... They get a web site run with NT and I get to clean up the mess.
  • I think this is what you're looking for my friend:

    Burning a RedHat CD mini-HOWTO: /mini/RedHat-CD.html []

    Fredrik Borg -
  • There will probably be one att in a while, they have 5.2 ISO images.

    Also mirrored at iso/ for us Swedes.
    /El Niño
  • AFAIK RPMFind _is_ incorporated into GnoRPM. I haven't fiddled with it much but it looks very slick. The only problem is that it often takes packages a few days to appear on the RPMFind website. I tend to find RPMs a lot faster searching for them on Lycos (FTP search).

    As far as Glint goes...when you install GnoRPM it automatically removes Glint. Wave bye-bye to Glint...say hello to GnoRPM.

  • What's the actual procedure? I'm assuming you simply download the new distribution and then install it over your old?

    Or is there an actual upgrade method?

    Lucky me, I just purchased 5.2 about 2 weeks ago. Haven't even installed it yet, but just in time to get out-dated.


  • RPM 3.0 *does* do disk space checking now.

  • Come grab it. []

    I'll have several more machines at UNC Chapel Hill mirroring the i386 structure by tomorrow afternoon.
  • Yeah, I just noticed that my "mirror" isn't 100% complete. I'm counting on MetaLab to get their act together and retrieve the entire Red Hat 6.0 distribution, tho', and then I'll be able to use my PC again. Thanks, Slashdotters, everyone! ;-)
  • I bought 5.1 from RedHat because I think they do great things for the community, and because 39.95 really isn't a huge hit in the wallet for what is essentially a contribution to GNOME, Enlightenment, and some of the other cool stuff that comes out of RHAD Labs. I was planning on making a similar "contribution" for 6.0 and the assembled documentation.

    Going to RedHat's pages, though, shows that the only packages currently available are $299 or more. No way can I afford that. So: (since I know some of you Redhat folks must be reading this): are there any plans for a cheaper copy of 6.0? Or are we all going to migrate to Cheapbytes, Debian, or FTP? I'd love to keep helping out, but this is ridiculous.
    (P.S. Since metalab actually gives me a faster data transfer rate than my CD-ROM, this is not just an idle threat...)
  • I've tried nearly all the .com, .edu, .net, and .ca servers listed on redhat's mirror page, and all I see is redhat-5.2.
  • Download new redhat, make boot disks. Boot with disks, and it'll ask if you want to install new or upgrade an existing. (At least, that was the procedure for RH5.x and RH4.x.)
  • If it's like RH5.2, there won't be any commercial software on it. A bunch of non-GPLed software, but all under various free licenses.
  • i scrubbed Win98 the day it was officially released, i'd been using the final for a month too.
  • I got as far as 57 days before I wanted to upgrade kernels. I hated rebooting, it made me feel sick ... I really have sympathy for you. Now I try to reboot my machine every 10-15 days so I don't get addicted to uptimes. I can bear rebooting a machine with 10 days, but 317?

    On a lighter note, it really is time to upgrade if this is he machine you work on ... I mean, a lot has happened in the last 317 days, kernel-wise.

  • I haven't tried but about five or six of them, though.

    Is there a place where I can get an ISO image of the CD, like for Debian?
  • I don't know if it's in RH6.0, and I don't know what the diff is. I saw it posted on Linux Today [] and it seemed relevant, so I made the cross-post.
    Christopher A. Bohn
  • RPM has been updated [] to verion 3.0, available here [].
    Christopher A. Bohn
  • OK, I admit Slashdot is full of people who base
    their decisions on nothing. But I _still_ think
    RH is crappy. One: I've tried it, on numerous
    users' machines. It took a year and a half to
    reboot (since about everything was loaded, for
    some reason). Second: Users don't learn to do it
    right. Enter a Linux channel, and count how many
    of the clueless users are running RH. OK, that is because there are more Red Hat users, but that is only part of the figure. To me, it looks like it _is_ configurable, but users don't even know that they can do it (most don't even recompile their kernel).

    /* Steinar */
  • There were concerns about that there may be code in the kernel or in device drivers that wouldn't survive the jiffy counter wrapping. My understanding is that several machines have survived the wrap with the only side effect being that uptime starts back at zero.

    Of course, there may be subtle timing bugs, but I haven't heard of any...


  • not sure if thats the correct syntax, but mounting an iso is completely possible
  • looking for the cd image of the i386 arch. found it on mit, but its so slow as to be worthless
  • Sounds like the netware 3.0 server here. 366 days uptime. It's been up longer than I've worked here. And in a sickly ironic turn of events, it's being taken down and replaced with nt in about a week.
  • Ugh. "Upgrade path" sounds so suitey and phbey, it makes me wince.

    Sorry, bit it is an upgrade path... If you want, we could all call it "update way" or "The Road to Further Enlightenment" (which is oddly fitting, considering enlightenment is a package...)

    Not to be taken seriously, BTW :)
  • 10:22am up 325 days, 22:31, 6 users, load average: 0.99, 0.99, 0.99

    That is a server that, currently, is just running rc5des. But it has been running a variety of databases, from Sybase to DB2 to Oracle to MySQL to PostgreSQL...

    It is just a poor Pentium 90 with 64 megs of RAM. It swaps pretty hard some times but keeps going. I've even had to move /usr and /home around a few times because of disk space problems. No rebooting, though...

    I have to use NT on my computer at work, and I think it is pretty stable, but the last straw for MS was when I installed IE5.0 beta and it rebooted my machine without asking. Not even a 'rebooting now... ok' dialog. How can they expect people to do serious server tasks with so much rebooting?

  • this is exactly why you should install beta software on machines you can safely reboot.

    The final release of IE5 did the same thing, it just provided a 'reboot? ok' dialog first. It still "makes" you reboot, it still sucks...

  • There was a press release yesterday that stated that ViaVoice from IBM had a beta on the 6.0 app CD
  • The best I've seen for an NT box is approx 11 weeks (78 days or so). This is a machine that gets almost no significant use by its owner. We finally were forced to down it because of some memory leaks (imagine that in a M$ product!).

    Of course, without the recent patch Win95 could not stay up longer than ~42 days due to a rollover in the counter, but I never managed better than about two weeks with it (and boy, that machine was dragging by then...).

    In contrast, I've managed 7-week uptimes with Linux on a box with a screwy IDE controller -- while NT could barely last a day on it. Linux works better even on broken hardware!

  • here's a link to the whole thing... t-6.0/

  • doh!
    thats a werking mirror

  • Hi there, I have a few questions for those of you who have already installed RH 6.0:

    I'm running the following:

    Linux Mandrake 5.3 (RH 5.2)
    - KDE 1.1 (1.1.1 realeased today, so I'll upgrade)
    - GNOME 1.0.x (newest RPM's)
    - Kernel 2.2.5
    - Samba 2.0.3 (so smbmount works again...)
    - LinuxConf 15r1
    - Netscape 4.5
    - Wine 990426

    What components of RH 6.0 are newer than the above? And have all of the problems with glibc 2.1 been worked out?

    Basically, would it be worth my time to upgrade, or should I wait for 6.1?


  • Using precompiled kernels from RPMs is usually risky at best. You end up with a kernel that has alot of stuff you don't need and lacks a few things that may be useful to you. I'd recommend downloading the kernel source and reading the documentation to find out what dependicies are needed if you don't already know. Those can be installed as RPMs just fine, and I'm pretty sure 5.9 has them all. Once you do that, compile the kernel yourself. It isn't difficult at all, just do the following from the directory you untarred it to:
    make menuconfig
    make dep ; make clean ; make bzImage
    You will then have a nice new kernel that you can move to your /boot directory and add into /etc/lilo.conf. As long as you only select what you need in menuconfig it should be just fine on your 486.
  • by Xar ( 11113 ) on Monday April 26, 1999 @10:30AM (#1916244) Homepage
    This is NOT meant as a troll.

    I am a long-time RedHat user who, while waiting for 6.0, ended up trying out Debian. Though it required a _tad_ more work to get up and running properly, I must say that I now have an incredible system. dselect and apt are wonderful, and allow me to add and remove software extremely easily. The days of searching the net for lone RPMs are gone; now, I simply add one line to /etc/apt/sources.list, fire up dselect or apt, and then use my new software (which, btw, has just been installed into my menu for KDE in X, automatically.)

    If the mirrors are too busy, you might want to give Debian a try. I didn't think I'd be that impressed, but I was wrong; I dig it.

    RedHat is still good. I am not saying it sucks; all flames to /dev/null. I just dig Debian, and felt the Debian team deserved a pat on the back. :) Good job, guys (and gals!)
  • I've always installed Linux(Slack, RH and Debian) over FTP, but now I have others that want to try linux. What exactly is on a Red Hat 6.0 CD?

    What directories from the FTP do I need to copy to a CD to have a fully working CD?
  • Exactly the same thing happened to me. At first Debian seemed a handful, but once it's up and running, you've learned a bunch of new stuff and the administration is a whole lot easier. And, encouraged by my good experiences, I even let apt to upgrade my system to potato. All in all, Debian is much more elegant and clear in thing like naming conventions and file locations than RedHat. Debian packages are thoroughly tested (the downside is that they are not the most recent) before they make it to the distribution and it's well known for its security vs. RH's default open-doors-policies. And, of course, I can spare the money and download OFFICIAL CD images to burn them...

    So Nice job, Debian!

    PS. I do think the RH guys deserve some applause too.
  • Now it's been announced on /. - should add a few days extra onto the mirroring.

    It only started syncing two hours ago on the local mirror. :-(
  • Well said. Life on the bleeding edge is fun for some, but I've pretty recently discovered the beauty of slightly older but stabler software.
  • The press release [] says it'll cost between $40 and $80. (What's the difference? The included telephone support perhaps?)

    The $299 was the support program as I recall.

    - |Daryll

  • You are AWESOME! Thanks.
  • Actually I've seen NT crash while sitting there, running nothing (many times). And the longest I've had my NT box was 20 days, and my Linux box has now been up well over 70 with no trouble.
  • Slackware v4.0 which is in Beta 2 stage right
    now already has 2.2.6 built in. As well as
    a few more packages, a hella loada new stuff
    and many fixes. It will ship when it is ready.
    They are currently working on a GLIBC 2.1
    release but who knows when that will happen.
  • Your mirror is missing some directories. They're in the ls-lR file, though. That's reliable
  • Try the local Danish mirror [] - I'm downloading as we speak (write?)

    My girlfriend told me I had a body like a God. Unfortunately I found out she's a buddhist.
  • Since 5.9.7 won't even install or upgrade on an Alpha I guess 6.1 will be on its way soon.
  • If you want RedHat 6.0, I put it on my website, I have plenty of bandwith, (campuus network.) There is an iso image on there as well, so feel free to download.

    P.S. I'm located in Boston, for anyone in the northeast
  • I copied the iso image, and put it on my ftp server,

    Check it out
  • Here's another mirror here:

    Its a pretty fast conection, (campus network) :)
    It has an ISO, and I386
  • I am currently downloading Redhat 6.0 from I am starting with the rpms. Everyone can get it my copy
  • damnit.. what about freebsd reporting. people actually do use it.

    just curious...
  • The following is an email reply from someone at RedHat concerning the new release:

    Chris Esler wrote:
    > I have redhat 5.2 already. But, I have seen on several ftp
    > sites of a new version called starbuck (5.9 I believe). I was wondering
    > if you are offering it on cd, as my 56k modem will not do justice for
    > the ftp install.
    > Thanks

    We expect to release our new version of Red Hat Linux sometime within
    the next 2 to 3 weeks. I suggest that you check our website every
    Monday morning for an official release announcement.

    Best Regards

God made the integers; all else is the work of Man. -- Kronecker
