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Debian Elects new Leader 11

Nils Lohner submitted to debian-announce that Debian has elected a new leader. Wichert Akkerman won the election and will replace Ian Jackson as the Debian Project Leader. He will serve starting today and running until Feb 4 1900. (sorry, had to do it)
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Debian Elects new Leader

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  • Heh no, the founder was Ian Murdock and his wife's name was Debbie. Close though.

  • I don't know if you have heard but Windows 2000 is delayed and they will have to rename it to Windows 1901.

  • by Puff ( 3954 )
    I thought he serves a term of 2 years? E.g. 1901.
  • Hopefully his first priority will be making the web page a little more exciting!
  • I see that some things in Slashdot are organized in date directories, something like: .../yy/mm/dd/...article_file. (For example, the URL on my screen now reads, " /04/1050210&pid=62". Will slashdot will have some Y2K issues come the new year, related to sorting articles, or something like that?
  • That's funny. I thought Linux and other *xes had a 2038 problem. Well, the 32 bit ones do. Any guesses what architecture we'll be using by then? Maybe we won't even bother to measure in bits any more.


The use of anthropomorphic terminology when dealing with computing systems is a symptom of professional immaturity. -- Edsger Dijkstra
