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Linux Journal Is Back (linuxjournal.com) 52

On August 7, 2019, Linux Journal laid off all staff members and was left with no operating funds to continue in any capacity. Today, the technology magazine announced that they've secured a deal to keep the site alive indefinitely under the ownership of Slashdot Media. Linux Journal writes: We will begin publishing digital content again as soon as we can. If you're a former Linux Journal contributor or a Linux enthusiast that would like to get involved, please contact us and let us know the capacity in which you'd like to contribute. We're looking for people to cover Linux news, create Linux guides, and moderate the community and comments. We'd also appreciate any other ideas or feedback you might have. Right now, we don't have any immediate plans to resurrect the subscription/issue model, and will be publishing exclusively on LinuxJournal.com free of charge. Our immediate goal is to familiarize ourself with the Linux Journal website and ensure it doesn't ever get shut down again.

We're ecstatic to be able to take the helm at Linux Journal, and ensure that this legendary Linux resource and community not only stays alive forever, but continues to grow and improve. Reach out if you'd like to get involved!

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Linux Journal Is Back

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  • by williamyf ( 227051 ) on Tuesday September 22, 2020 @06:53PM (#60533420)

    We all shall jump and say BRAVO SLASHDOT!

    I was a reader of Linux Journal in the early 00's to the begining of the 10's, in particular of the paper edition. Subscribing from Venezuela was a pain in the neck, but I was able to buy numbers that interested me, be in speciaty shops, or in other countries during my travels.


    what comes next? Byte? Sysadmin Magazine?

    In these times of Openstack, Yarn, Spark and Cubernettes, resurecting sysadmin magazine for the "CloudCrowd" would be an interesting play.

    • Ditto to your comment. Bravo Slashdot. 'Deep tech' mags used to be so much more fun when there were more of them around. DDJ, MSJ, IBM systems journal, game development mags. It's like the industry has lost its chroniclers.

      I hope they consider a print model. Even tie up print-on-demand arrangements with fulfilment houses in different countries. I hope they don't stay online only - online is where print goes to die.

    • So I'll try to respond constructively by modifying the economic model I recommend to slashdot to fit the case of a Linux magazine. Each story should be followed by three to five links for software development projects. Readers of the magazine would be free to pick one or more projects and buy charity shares to support the development of that piece of software. The magazine would get a percentage of the funded projects, essentially for the publicity is giving to them. Details available on polite request, as

    • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

      Hear hear. These guys have managed to not only revive sites like Sourceforge, they have done a lot to fix Slashdot too. Things were getting pretty bad before Bizx took over, so many bots and sock puppet accounts.

  • So ... (Score:5, Funny)

    by fahrbot-bot ( 874524 ) on Tuesday September 22, 2020 @07:15PM (#60533466)

    Today, the technology magazine announced that they've secured a deal to keep the site alive indefinitely under the ownership of Slashdot Media.

    Will each edition have new articles, or just dupes from previous issues?

    Don't get me wrong, it would be nice to just have to read it once rather than every month (or so).

  • by Seven Spirals ( 4924941 ) on Tuesday September 22, 2020 @07:21PM (#60533480)
    Since /. has gone full social justice booster in the last few years, it makes me wonder if half the articles will be things like: "Understanding Your CLI Privilege", "Avoiding Misogyny in LVM operations", "How to increase QoS Latencies for Black People", or maybe "Climate Change and Server Uptimes." Pardon me if I'm a bit suspicious as they re-start under "new management". Don't be surprised if they create a 30 page Code of Conduct before they create a single article.
    • You sound interesting. Why don't you volunteer as a contributor? Share your miserable wisdom with us all.
      • I'd be interested in hearing about how his family don't ask him to any of their gatherings anymore, despite how he drops such great truth bombs about Antifa and BLM.
    • Don't be surprised if they create a 30 page Code of Conduct before they create a single article.

      Probably makes more sense to set the rules up front than to have to apologize later, especially if they are going to let Linus contribute ;)

      Because it's Slashdot Media, I'm actually looking forward to the inevitable Dupe articles.

    • by doom ( 14564 )
      I, for one, look forward to someone finally challenging the Computer Science hegemony and the false consensus that have forced upon us about the fundamentals of computing.
      • and repeal the law of gravity while you're at it. Careful not to fall off the edge of your flat earth.

    • Don't be surprised if they create a 30 page Code of Conduct before they create a single article.

      Eh, the mods take care of that.

      + Trump is a Fucking Fuck as is Everyone That Voted for Him (Score: 5,000,000, Insightful) by Brookelynnn
      That motherfucker!

      - Re: Trump is a Fucking Fuck as is Everyone That Voted for Him (Score: 5, Awesome) by Kayetelynnne
      I agree!

    • Since /. has gone full social justice booster in the last few years, it makes me wonder if half the articles will be things like: "Understanding Your CLI Privilege", "Avoiding Misogyny in LVM operations", "How to increase QoS Latencies for Black People", or maybe "Climate Change and Server Uptimes." Pardon me if I'm a bit suspicious as they re-start under "new management". Don't be surprised if they create a 30 page Code of Conduct before they create a single article.

      The burning articles will be Mostly Peaceful, though.

    • by AmiMoJo ( 196126 )

      How quickly people forget. Remember when it was Dice and we were in the middle of GamerGate? I guess not.

      The current owners have done a lot to fix the moderation system so the anti-SJW trolls can't abuse it, and the comments have improved dramatically. Starting to feel like the old Slashdot again.

      If you don't believe me go back and check the archives. There is a slashbox you can add with "on this day" articles from years past and it's fascinating to see how things changed over the years.

    • To be fair, climate change could affect server uptimes insofar as it affects cooling capacity (and thus energy usage) at datacenters. Of course any good datacenter would compensate for this well in advance, but some crap-grade datacenters might see some downtime when an unprecedented heat wave hits.

  • Wonderful !! (Score:4, Insightful)

    by Spinlock_1977 ( 777598 ) <Spinlock_1977@ya ... com minus distro> on Tuesday September 22, 2020 @07:53PM (#60533556) Journal

    I was a faithful reader in the 00's. Awesome to see it return, and courtesy of Slashdot no less.

    Well done.

  • Maximum Linux was, IMHO, the best Linux magazine ever produced, but it sadly met an early demise.
  • and how all science is settled based on the goals of the agencies funding research instead of legitimate observation by those without a dog in the fight.

  • I remember the "good old days" when you had to type code into your computer transcribing from the paper article.

  • by williamyf ( 227051 ) on Tuesday September 22, 2020 @09:12PM (#60533782)

    After the DISASTER that was Dice's management of SourceForge, BIZX (now Slashdot Media, or /.M for short) went in and corrected many of the Evils. It will take time to restore its former glory, but at least SourceForge was more or less saved.

    Slashdot is kinda sorta SJW, and dupes have existed since CmdrTaco. At least, when BIZX took over, the new editors engaged with the comunity, in a sort of AMA, unlike the DICE people.

    At the very least, this gives Linux Journal a new lease on life. Only time will tell if this "revival" will be as good as what BIZX did with SourceForge, so-so as they did with Slashdot, or completely unoticed like some of their other publications.

    I cross my fingers for a good revival.

    PS: Slashdot media, if you are reading, a piece of free advice: Is time to consolidate some of your lesser known properties. Put your existing wood (i.e. content, people, and excecutive focus) behind the best arrowheads (i.e. publications).

    • --
      SourceForge, BIZX (now Slashdot Media, or /.M for short) went in and corrected many of the Evils. ...
      Slashdot is kinda sorta SJW, and dupes have existed since CmdrTaco. At least, when BIZX took over, the new editors engaged with the comunity, in a sort of AMA, unlike the DICE people.

      Remember the "audience" post? They probably lost 30% of the value of what they bought with that one post. I think I'll remember that post as long as I live.

      Then beta, which stemmed from the same thing -
      If they had presented

      • For those who weren't around or don't know what I mean by the "audience" post, Dice responded with a post entitled:

        "Slashdot Tries Something New; Audience Responds!"

        It got over 2,200 responses, including quite a few taking issue with "audience", especially since Dice called *themselves* "Slashdot" and *us* "audience".

        This headline would have shown a different attitude:

        Dice tries to change Slashdot, Slashdot responds :)

  • by CoolDiscoRex ( 5227177 ) on Wednesday September 23, 2020 @01:13AM (#60534352) Homepage

    Very nice! Good job, Slashdot!

  • This is great news. It's a missed resource. Today's Linux news is basically linked to and distrowars and flamewars about systemd. */LurkModeDisable* (Carrier Lost...)
  • I wonder if APK Hosts will be permitted to advertise there.

We can defeat gravity. The problem is the paperwork involved.
