SIP vs. Skype, Making the "Open" Choice 215
techie34290 writes "If you were to make the choice between SIP and Skype for Linux, which one would you go for? Matt Hartley from says to opt for SIP. Why? "One tidbit of information that most people are not likely aware of is that when you install the Skype client, it will drain system resources by running as a supernode from time to time. Granted, this is not always the case; however, the very idea of my PC having its resources tied up for someone else's phone call is frankly maddening to me."
Isn't that the point? (Score:5, Insightful)
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Re:Isn't that the point? (Score:5, Interesting)
Actually, this is a rather timely article, as I am working on setting up a video conferencing room and need to find good free/cheap options.
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if it's burning THAT much bandwidth, they have few choices. They can Ban it, limit it, or charge all students more for their net connection to accomodate a few. I'd say they're being quite reasonable by choosing the middle option.
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Where do you get that? Bandwidth costs money. Students usually aren't swimming in money. So, it's better to limit bandwidth on a single app than to raise prices.
There's lots of bogus anti-Skype FUD (Score:2)
Skype doesn't use a lot of bandwidth, so even if you're running in supernode mode it's not going to make a big difference, except maybe if you're on a home DSL with 128kbps upstream bottleneck, and the FUD's targeted at busines
Re:There's lots of bogus anti-Skype FUD (Score:4, Informative)
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Of course these days it's pretty rare that the person you're calling does not also have a computer, so you could make a free point to point call with sip just as easily. You just need to know the IP address of the person you're calling, or they can get a free number for internet calls from Free World Dialup. []
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My asterisk setup first checks to see if it's a free local call (800, 303 or 911) and routes over the landline if it is.
Then it checks my local set of DUNDI peers to see if any of THEM know where
Re:Isn't that the point? (Score:5, Insightful)
No, it isn't. No wonder there is no "SIP" server, managed by a "SIP" company.
SIP is a technology while Skype is a service, provided by a single company with a proprietary technology.
The difference is absolute.
You could provide the same exact service Skype is providing with SIP. Did you ask to yourself why there is no such service? Because it would be much harder to lock your customers in with SIP. SIP is already peer-to-peer for what concerns audio streams.
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Thanks for the differences; there are even more (Score:5, Informative)
1) Skype is closed and a single metamodel that's been implemented nicely and virally (not that it matters)
2) SIP (and ENUM) are perilously prone, not because they're protocols, but how the protocols are implemented, to shenanigans. SIP is natively text, and ENUM is a DNS method that's prone to spoofing and other problems. For now, Skype wins only because few people know how it works at its deepest levels.
3) Skype isn't as extensible as the SIP/ENUM combination, and it makes one dependent on a single (if diverse and highly peered) network.
4) SIP and ENUM don't care about the service and are largely service neutral (some coming problems, here, though, as it doesn't do nice things like embue codec choices, encryption/authentication means, and other security niceties).
5) Skype is one closed vendor, very few business partners, while SIP is a technological infrastructure that invites whomever to do whatever.
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Wengos application is GPL and it uses SIP as its protocol. Behind it, there's a french phone company I believe which seems to think that this may somehow pay off for them (I don't know much more about their business model though).
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Re:Isn't that the point? (Score:4, Interesting)
It would be very nice to find a way to make a TCP/IP connection without having a listening port. I believe it could be done, still using the third party for setting up the connection, but using a spoof of some nature.
A possible way is: Caller (C) requests a connection via the Skype Network (SN) to Reciever (R). R is connected to SN, but has no incoming connection capabilities, so SN requests a transitional connection from a third party (T). C and R both call T. R tells T which local port its connection is on. T spoofs C, telling C that its IP address and port are those of T. T also spoofs R, telling it that its IP address is that of C, connecting on R's port(R effectively becomes the server, the router's outgoing port becoming the incoming port). R and C, knowing this will happen, do all the syn/ack stuff manually.
I'm not well enough versed in TCP/IP to do this (or even say whether it can be done), but perhaps someone is.
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Meanwhile, a program can't expect the router to follow port-binding rules, necessarily - though, it can always check.
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And if you want to make sure you'll never be a supernode, just make sure you're behind a firewall/NAT. The criteria for being a supernode are fast processor, available memory, and fast UNFIREWALLED connection. It's very easy to make sure you're not a supernode by using a firewall. It's really not that big a deal, and certainly not wo
Success of Skype (Score:4, Insightful)
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Typical. (Score:2)
So yes, people sell "Skype headsets" or "gTalk headsets", and we don't notice when there start being "Xbox Live headsets" which actually use a different plug. "PowerPoint" remotes. "iPod" cables. MySpace as a noun -- not "My MySpace page", but "MySpace: <url>".
Language these days is really getting abused. I don't know how recent it is, but it certainly feels Orwellian. Keep oldspea
the very idea (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:the very idea (Score:5, Interesting)
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As an aside, I believe Nikotel uses SIP. The software I have from them as settings for SIP server
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Supernodes "maddening?" (Score:4, Insightful)
Well, boo hoo. It's the way the system works. I seriously doubt any significant system resources would be used up for other people's calls. When you make your calls, it happens to other people. It's a give-pull situation where everyone has to share resources in order for the system to scale with the number of subscribers. Would you rather have nothing?
Doesn't play well with others (Score:4, Insightful)
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IM-programs have for years _NOT_ been decentralized P2P-based, and Skype is largely competing with other IM-solutions; so it's not like people expect it to be P2P in the sense that their computers are used for other peoples filetransfers etc.
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But, hey, that just proves that average people don't get a chance to actually learn how e-stuff's working, as people like me write confusing stuff in forums like
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But seriously, as much as I appreciate the fact that Average Joe Sixpack can't really be bothered learning anything about what the magic bleeps, sweeps, and creeps inside his computer box are really doing, I can't have much sympathy for him when he starts complaining about stuff he chose to use working as designed. Computers are nearly as ubiquitous as cars nowadays, and people who
What a bunch of crap... (Score:5, Informative)
Sure, I prefer open solutions, but to say that Skype will drain your system's resources is just crap. A simple consumer firewall between your skype-running PC and the internet will prevent Skype from using your PC as a 'supernode'.
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I wish Skype was open source too but I use it because it runs on my PocketPC easily whereas not many other VoIP clients do.
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So, now the shoe is on the other foot? (Score:4, Insightful)
Somehow I don't see how that works.
Sure, Skype is proprietary - but I've never paid anything for it (except bandwith), and it works just fine for me, so - to me at least - it's free (monetary, not libre). SIP - well, never tried anything that worked just as well as Skype, so it's libre, but it's not free to me (costs me and others resources like their and my time to get it working).
I don't really see the difference (but I'm not a fanatic proponent of Libre software).
Re:So, now the shoe is on the other foot? (Score:4, Interesting)
I'm also sick and tired of installing all these proprietary apps, each with it's own protocol and from the looks of it every couple of years there is the next big thing you need to install. Not because it's actully better but because someone you need to write/talk to has it. No thanks, we need something open and documented. Then every company could make their own client, brand it, sell it and popup commercials all day long as they wish. And I could use something smaller OSS that suits my needs.
And I would gladly contribute both bandwidth and cpu usage. But never for skype as it stands now.
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Well, when everyone magically switches over to free and open, you can join in. Until then, I guess we'll have to do without ya.
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IAX? (Score:2)
IAX I guess...
if all of that stuff was legal down here. That is not so clear.
all the best,
drew []
Re:IAX? (Score:4, Interesting)
Sip plays merry hell with firewalls. Don't even think about it unless you've got a VPN back to your sip server! If you have then it works great. The new Nokia E70 phone connects to our office Asterisk server via SIP and works very well ( [] ).
IAX2 goes through NATed firewalled links just fine. It is much easier to configure if you are on the move (or your users are).
I wouldn't touch Skype with the proverbial barge pole given its closed nature.
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I have even had trouble with SIP over some VPNs.
However, there are not as many IAX2 softphones available, as there are for SIP.
Suppressed Information + Fear (Score:2, Insightful)
SKYPE: OMG! A supernode! you gotta be kidding me! You mean if I turn it on, it might use more bandwidth than I imagined? And if you use it to make phone calls, and lose your password, you probably won't get your money back.
Gizmo: Well, at least it uses SIP.
Full Open Source SIP stuff: Now this is the way to go. Too bad there's not much out there anybody else uses.
Okay, it's Mad Penguin, but who exactly are we preaching to?
Supernodes. Yeah, skype does that, and it can be a pita. If skyp
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And what they tell you is true. No one has access to the keys except you and the party you're Skyping. Oh, and Skype.
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gtalk (Score:3, Insightful)
It uses XMPP (Jabber) then kicks up to Jingle for voice.
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Are there any linux implementation of XMPP + Jingle? Google [] seem to say otherwise...
What Skype provides very nicely is something that a) I can use in Linux b) My friends can easily install and use in Windows. The a) part is true of various SIP implementations, but I have never seen one that was one-click-and-run in Windows, while the b) part seems untrue regarding all the other IM-with-voice applications (including gtalk).
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I also heared that kopete has experimental jingle support, but that not very usable yet..
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You can use Tapioca [] on Linux. Get your Windows friends to use Google Talk instead of Skype, and you are good to go with VoIP.
Control freak... (Score:4, Interesting)
the very idea of my PC having its resources tied up for someone else's phone call is frankly maddening to me
This strikes me as an attitude of someone who can't stand the idea that he's not in control of everything (which you never are). The real question is, does it use any significant resources that effect what you're trying to do at the time? Frankly I don't really care about 20-50 megabytes of memory, or 5% of my processor usage, or even 100% of my idle processor usage. Those numbers are all low enough that you'd more than likely never notice or miss those resources. I would be concerned if the app started taking up hundreds of megabytes of memory, or 30-40% of my processor time, or locked up system resources that interfere with other apps I'm running. So which is it? The author didn't provide us with any of that information, only the extremist position that ANY useage of his computers resources that wasn't for him was unacceptable. What a useless article.
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jabbin (Score:3, Interesting) [] it's free as in speech, and has voip support.
perhaps he should give it a try. there are windows, linux and mac releases.
What about the advantages of being a supernode? (Score:3, Insightful)
Cringely on Skype (Score:3)
I'm surprised to hear people still talk... (Score:3, Funny)
Why I initially chose Skype... (Score:3, Interesting)
Longer reason:
I really didn't want to have to learn the intricacies of a protocol in order to get everything up and running. I'd been seeing various things that at least *implied* that I'd have to start mucking about with firewall rules in order to get SIP running. This was something I had zero interest in doing at the time. I also wanted something that would be cross-platform in an easy manner (I was looking at this so my manager & I could keep in touch while we both worked from home, without using cell minutes or LD charges....him Windows, me Linux).
Then I needed to be able to call out to POTS lines. Enter SkypeOut. No monthly charges, just a relatively low per-minute charge (which was OK, I still, after 16 months, haven't used the initial 10 Euros I put in). Then I needed people from work to be able to contact me, and I didn't want to give them my cell or house lines. Enter SkypeIn. $38 for a full year, with voicemail. Usable anywhere. That was a big draw. So long as I had a network connection, I could head off to a family member's place for a long weekend out-of-state, and still be reachable. No problemo spending 8 hours with sun and surf in the background and me being several hundred miles away...
And then things soured... I tried to renew my SkypeIn number. Failed. Again and again and again. Skype's purchase process is rather....opaque. They use a variety of 3rd party payment processors, and all Skype can tell you is "success" or "failure" until you start bitching about being unable to pay. Though don't expect an immediate response, as it will take up to 4 days. And then, if you're like me, you'll be told that your NATed laptop running Linux on a static IP with no proxies is "an anonymous proxy", and be told to check you IE settings to ensure you're not using a proxy (yes, IE settings in Linux...). You'll be told to, get this, try a different ISP. And even though you'll have already tried multiple credit cards, and multiple browsers with them, you'll be told to try another credit card, or another browser. Or worse (IMNSHO), another payment method that until just recently announced, had practically NO consumer protections (way to pay, pal!).
Ultimately, I ended up with access to work's terminal server, and after one too many complaints from the muckety-mucks who'd already been given my cell number (remember I didn't want to do that?) because I couldn't renew my SkypeIn, I decided that I could make a business case for using company resources for attempting to renew. worked. NFC why, but it did.
So, now I have about another year to come up with another solution that'll work for me on random networks, doesn't require special hardware (other than a headset or speakers+microphone), and doesn't have recurring monthly fees, as I don't actually make calls every day, or even once a week. SIP still gives me a headache just trying to wrap my head around. Trying to figure out WHICH providers offer WHAT parts of what Skype offers as an all-in-one package is something I tend to just grow bored trying to research. Some of the more promising-looking clients seem to be geared towards specific providers, while others leave you trying to guess who to go with. Ick. I really don't want to stick with Skype having experienced the bad side of things, but I'm afraid momentum an just how unfocused SIP solutions are for what I want will force me to stay.
(Let's not even get into the whole Skype's Linux client lagging way behind their Windows client, with the Mac client having leapfrogged Linux at some point. There HAVE been a few betas that have finally brought support for ALSA, and some UI improvements. Still miles behind Windows & Mac, which is frustrating, but there's been at least some progress now almost a year after their last major Linux release)
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* random networks
* no special hardware
* no monthly fees
I could add to that the implied points of:
* Not having control of the network or hardware
* Not having control of the firewalls
though those could reasonably be assumed to be part of the "random networks" requirement.
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Given my laziness, can you give us an intermediate-sized reason?
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which was OK, I still, after 16 months, haven't used the initial 10 Euros I put in
Did you know that your 10 euros will expire (probably fairly soon). I put 20 euros in, only have used 2 euros so far (some life changes that didn't require me to make that many international calls anymore plus Skype quality for intercontinental calls is so abysmal I ended up using a more "traditional" voice over IP phone service [cheaper than Skype too!!] instead).
My left-over 18 euros is about to expire in 4 months. Be
Comment removed (Score:4, Insightful)
Audience (Score:2)
I would desperately love to use an OSS version, but I can't do so without severely limiting my contact with my friends/relatives.
One Important thing.... (Score:2)
This isn't covered in any SIP clients that I'm aware of, thus making this debate irrelevant for me at least. My only gripe with Skype for Linux is that they haven't ported over the SMS functionality yet - it, for me is a reason on it's own to use Skype.
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This isn't covered in any SIP clients that I'm aware of
It's certainly not convered in the client, but there are lots and lots of providers, and they'll work with any client. With Skype you're stuck with one provider. Can you even bring your old phone number to Skype?
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I'm open-minded; if there's a package/client which allows me to call & text international numbers at local rates, and that just-so-happens to be running on SIP, then fine - I may switch over if it's any good. Otherwise Skype works
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What is so hard about typing in a server name, a user name, and a password?
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Actually Ekiga with the service is cheaper -- 1.7 cents a minute to the States vs. 2.3 cents with Skype. So you certainly have a choice.
Having said that, I still usually use Skype. I've had some sporadic trouble with Ekiga, and my GF uses Skype, and isn't really computer literate so I don't want to talk her through setting up a SIP client
Ekiga port for Windows? (Score:2)
The key to Skype and SightSpeed ( is that they are cross-platform and have solution to the NAT problem. But they are both non-standard. And they both work really well
Ekiga has a solution to the NAT problem using STUN servers, but until someone writes a Windows port for it, there will not be massive usage of Ekiga.
You guys are kidding, right? (Score:2, Informative)
All of these are street-legal SIP, and you can use any SIP-capable device you like, or use your computer if you want to.
And of
This same guy probably runs BitTorrent and the Blizzard Downloader for WOW with no complaints.
What it comes down to is that Skype plain has better sound quality. It sounds better and with less latency than all the competitors I've tried. Period.
Whatever you select (Score:2)
A few downsides with Skype are that it may act as an intermediate for other callers and it is relatively CPU-hungry.
A better protocol than SIP is actually the IAX2 protocol (Inter-Aste
Better reasons (Score:2)
You can choose you favouite service provider (even more than one) and your favourite software (even more than one).
Yet, if you dare enough, you can run your own service or write your own SIP client.
Nothing of this can be done with Skype (and similar initiatives).
Some more interesting considerations about Skype can be found at here [], written some time ago by Bob Cringely [].
And if you find these latter things interesting, you'd give a
Skype doesn't use resources if it's not running (Score:2)
SIP providers and Skype (Score:4, Insightful)
NAT routers temporarily accept inbound UDP packets on a port when there has been an outbound UDP packet on that port (aka UDP pinholes). So you get a working UDP "connection" (well, stateless
Skype gets around this by using computers that aren't behind NAT to route traffic between two phones that are behind NAT. So if everyone was to block this behaviour, Skype just wouldn't work for NAT users. It requires some community spirit (even if this is unintentional on the part of the user).
SIP systems often employ STUN servers that allow a phone/computer to query the server to find out what its WAN IP and NAT type are (and use the query itself to open up temporary UDP inbound ports on the router - something that works with all NAT types except symmetric).
There's a description and some pretty pictures of how STUN works here:
In addition, SIP is also an open protocol, so there is nice free open-source software available (Asterix) to allow you to set up your own home switchboard (calls from different outside lines can be routed to different phones - IE, whenever your daughter's boyfriend calls, it can be routed to ring her VoIP phone). Skype is proprietry so you won't get any customisable features like this.
So really, SIP is the way to go if you're a supporter of open standards, and Skype if you want to follow the headless masses.
Gripe With Skype (Score:2)
I refuse to use secret protocols or file formats wherever feasible, and it's definitely feasible in this case.
Overlay Network (Score:2)
I've been thinking in the direction of a TUN device connected to a proxy node with a globall
Use Asterisk plus SIP endpoint of your choice! (Score:3, Informative)
Now, a common argument you might get against this approach is that it's unneccesarily complicated and requires a dedicated machine. Well, it may be partially true, in that it's more complicated than installing a single SIP or Skype phone or softphone, and the best (IMHO) approach for an install takes a surplus box; however, the TrixBox [] distribution gets you up and running awfully fast, and can be installed onto a crap machine (I'm using a celeron 500). Follow the How-To here []. The flexibility is worth it. And, if you have a decent net connection and VoIP provider, the call quality even for VoIP is outstanding.
Other advantages are flexibility in call routing. I currently have a digium TDM400P card hooked up in my install, with one module hooked up to the phone line, and the other module hooked up to all my analog phones in the house. (I'll eventually replace some of the analog phones with some nice IP phones when I have the cash.) I could just as easily add SIP softphones connected to Asterisk, if I wanted, but normal phones seem more natural to me, and it's cheap to do with the TDM400P card. I have three inbound and outbound trunks set up, one using the land line, one using VoipJet [] for long distance over VoIP, and one for calls in from and out to the Free World Dialup [] SIP network. I have my dial plan set up as follows:
Any calls coming in from either my old PSTN landline or my Free World Dialup account are routed to my dialplan, which during the day (6AM to 11PM) rings the analog phones. If the caller is blocking caller id, it forces them to enter their phone number first before ringing the phones. At night, (currently defined as 11PM to 6AM) callers are sent to a VRU, which asks them to hang up if they're a phone solicitation, press 1 to actually call us, or 2 to send the call straight to voicemail without waking us up. In either case when it rings the phones, it will go to voicemail if we don't answer. That voicemail can be retrieved either by the phone, by secure web interface, or currently I also have it email me the wav file of the message.
For outgoing calls, I have it set like this: If you dial a seven digit number, a toll free number, 911, or use a 9 prefix before a long distance call (in case my network connection is down), it dials out through the land line. If you dial a long distance number normally (using just 1 + area code + number, or 011 + country code + international number), it routes it through the IAX2 trunk to VoipJet and saves us tons of money. If you dial a 8 or 393 prefix before the number, it assumes you want to call a FWD number, and routes it out the IAX2 trunk to FWD, which would be a direct SIP to SIP call for free.
In summary, it works awesome, and I had the whole thing working in a basic way (PSTN + analog phone + VoipJet trunk) in one Saturday morning. I had rerouted the whole house's phone system and revam
Considerations (Score:2)
You can choose you favouite service provider (even more than one) and your favourite software (even more than one).
Yet, if you dare enough, you can run your own service or write your own SIP client.
Nothing of this can be done with Skype (and similar initiatives).
Some more interesting considerations about Skype can be found at here [], written some time ago by Bob Cringely [].
And if you find these latter things interesting, you'd give a
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Skype works well, SIP works badly. End of story. (Score:2)
Sip? No. Skype? No. Jingle? OK. (Score:2)
There are reasons to use closed SKype (Score:2, Interesting)
Have your cake and eat it too (Score:2)
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I just switched my home line to Vonage. I can now call the UK from Canada for no additional cost. Skype doesn't let me do that. Not everybody I know that I need to call has a computer, or wants to be tied to it for calls. I could probably make Skype work out cheaper, but it doesn't have all of the features of Vonage, so right it can't be my primary method of telephony.
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I've also seen some 802.11 Skype handsets, which is cool. Although I don't want anymore phone systems (work line in home office, home phone system and mobile phone are already too much).
I will consider what you suggest when Skype is as reliable, feature complete (including 911 service) and easy to use (plug in and go with existing phones, no hassles with credits like they have, and not require
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I take it you've never actually used SIP then?
Skype is *far* more expensive than 99% of SIP providers (and due to the nature of SIP you can have more than one configured at a time - I have about 5 at the moment). I can call nearly anywhere in the US and europe for just the connection charge.
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Oh, and it's, is the private site of some dude.
Comment removed (Score:5, Funny)
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Infinitely more.
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I've had problems with credit cards too. I run two Skype accounts (personal & work) because they won't support anything in the client that will allow me to operate that way. Buying SkypeOut credits fo
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Nice troll (Score:2)
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