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Preparation for LinuxWorld Heats Up 131

BoomZilla writes "Numerous stories abound regarding next week's LinuxWorld in San Francisco. Reuters has published a report about Sun's upcoming announcement at the show. Apparently Sun will be revealing its first general-purpose, low-end Linux machine, and its own version of Linux. In another article CBS MarketWatch reports that IBM and RedHat/Dell will also be making major announcements." It'll at least be interesting this year with Microsoft having a booth. I'll be there as usual, but without a booth, so maybe we can russle up a party somewhere for Wed night? Anyone know a good place? Perhaps that serves Guinness & Bodingtons? Also, go see the Golden Penguin Bowl since I'm a contestant this year and will undoubtedly embarass myself terribly.
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Preparation for LinuxWorld Heats Up

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  • by Anonymous Coward
    Sit and have things thrown at them?

    Or are they going to release their own Linux distribution? That could make things interesting.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Sunday August 11, 2002 @10:43AM (#4050386)
    Sun announcement: We now own Linux and Sun is now the standard.

    IBM announcement: We recognize Linux rules.

    Red Hat announcement: We suck.

    Dell announcement: Microsoft won't let us use Linux.
  • I wonder... (Score:5, Funny)

    by mellonhead ( 137423 ) <slashdot@swbe[ ]net ['ll.' in gap]> on Sunday August 11, 2002 @10:43AM (#4050388) Homepage Journal
    "I'll be there as usual, but without a booth, so maybe we can russle up a party somewhere for Wed night? Anyone know a good place? Perhaps that serves Guinness & Bodingtons?"

    I wonder if this will be the first bar that gets slashdotted...
    • Certainly not. Don't you remember the slashdot meetups?
      • Yeah but this time a lot of /.er's are coming from out of town. All they need to do is post the bar location and invitation on /. in seconds geeks will be coming from all directions doing 100 metres in 10 seconds easily. Within 5 minutes there will be 10000 people in that bar.

  • by 3seas ( 184403 ) on Sunday August 11, 2002 @10:48AM (#4050399) Homepage Journal
    The Boston Tea Party and what you will do with all MS software you have.

    Let's see if we can fill up the MS booth.

    You know they are gonna be promoting .net, CLI, VisualStudio...
    • by Anonymous Coward
      get all those crap m$ licences i have kicking around, and hand them out to people going to the m$ booth...

      They say not for resale, so giving them away must be ok.

      or even better setup a microsoft licence pire just outside.

    • I put together some bumper stickers for a friend who will be there. He printed a bunch and will be giving them away (perhaps accepting donations to defray printing costs).

      The stickers he's offering are the top two from this site: []

      I wonder how the "convicts" sticker will go over with the Microsoft crowd. ;)

      • Here's Ed's Screenshots [] . Looks like he's a terminal guy :)

        (or he surfs a lot sites he'd rather keep secret)


      • The Hitler comparison is pretty nauseating. Did anyone else not find that funny? I don't like MS or use their products either, but Christ. . .
        • unfortunatly or not so as the case may be, you were on the 'winning' side.

          This will probably get slamed by all and sundry but hell someones got to put the very minority point accross.

          Hitler or at least fachisim was embraced by a huge populas, he had his own views and methods be then right or wrong but people stood by him.

          Today large corperations opperate in a very simila manner, governments think there great, look at all the jobs etc... but it's the things they take away from you, you freedomes and rights that are getting undermined.

          How many people die of anarexia and suffer in pain because of an image portraied in the media.

          How many people suffer in the greed that up until a few hundred years ago they never knew.

          hitler all but wiped out the gypsies, today 'democracy' and 'WIPO' etc.. are in the process of wiping out all kinds of freedomes and cultures.

          The winning side always writes the histroy books, just think about what they might say about Microsoft and the RIAA in a hundred years time?

    • Just stand there and listen to people's questions, then add/say what the M$ guy avoided mentioning(bad points)! My dad does this in Staples! The salesmen face reads, "My comission!"
  • I know the LWE 'party' is gonna be at Jillians. Is there a Dave and Busters in San Fran? Great food, drinks, and video games all together :-) Love the one in Austin.
    • by Anonymous Coward
      San Francisco has some of the best nightlife anywhere, and you want to go to a chain restaurant? You can go to fucking Chuck-E-Cheese's anytime, get out and live a little while you have the chance!
      • by Anonymous Coward
        Mod parent up!

        On the other hand, Mod parent down! Let's try to keep the slashdot crowd away from said world-class nightlife, mmmm-kay?

        Eminem is a sucka!
    • no dave & busters in SF... but Jillians is a fun place, no video games - but there is several pool tables. you can play video games in the sony store with all the playstation 2's..

      And if you want to see a bunch of beautiful women - go on salsa night... uh, dont all you /.-ers go at the same time tho... you run the risk of scaring ema ll off.

      but since jillians is in the metreon (less than a block from mosconi) there is the "air tight garage" inside which is an "arcade" but doesnt have too many great games at all.... they also have the manga store where you can buy all the mech models you want.

      for those from way out of town dont forget to check out the sky bar in the top of the marriot at the corner of 4th and mission - great view - but the drinks are a little pricey....
    • There's one in Milpitas, not too far from where LWE *USED* to be.. in the Silicon Valley.

      Why it's moved to SF, I have no idea. It looks lame when it fills up the small part of the Moscone Center while a psychology conference fills up the other half..
    • Heck yeah! Where else can you play Dance Dance Revolution, and get a Paulaner Hefe-Weizen.

      It's good fun, and easy to spend more than $70 on food, drink, and games.
  • Sun's Linux? (Score:4, Interesting)

    by IamTheRealMike ( 537420 ) on Sunday August 11, 2002 @10:49AM (#4050404)
    Apparently Sun will be revealing its first general-purpose, low-end Linux machine, and its own version of Linux

    Huh? Another distro? What could Sun's edge over the others be is what I'm wondering. Companies like SuSE/Mandrake already have the low end, RedHat does the middle and Solaris has the high end. So is there going to be a high end Linux?

    Oh! Here's an idea. Perhaps McNealy sees this as a chance to return to the Network Computer idea (not a bad one in itself) by having thin client machines running XFree. Suns Linux could be like the LTSP distro.

    • Sun's thin clients don't run X (or an OS for that matter, thus no need for Linux on the client side) According to newsforge [] it's more along the lines of a grid/clustering offering (on Sun brand hardware).
    • Re:Sun's Linux? (Score:3, Interesting)

      by RupW ( 515653 )
      Huh? Another distro? What could Sun's edge over the others be is what I'm wondering.

      I'd imagine they'd tweak available apps and APIs to be as compatible with Solaris as possible.
    • I would not be so quick to just write off another Linux distro.

      It may be very important that it comes from SUN.

      And, it is not because Linux needs another distro either.

      Rather it is because SUN will package hardware and software and sell the package to corporate accounts. HPaq, IBM and others do not do that. DELL is beat up by the criminals running Microsoft everytime they try.

      But, SUN has not deal with Microsoft. They do not have to squeeze terms out of the illegal operation. They can just put together the hardware/software that works and works well and begin their marketing. And, Linux on the desktop needs that very much.

      When corporations start buying 1,000 orders of SUN Linux and boxen, the other OEMs in the business will be forced to tell Microsoft to stuff their obusive terms. And, that will make all the difference in the world.

      Do you really think Hpaq and IBM is going to just let SUN have all the corporate business for Linux on the desktop? Hpaq does offer a few Linux desktop solutions but they are limited. And, they are not across the board.

      That dynamic can all change when SUN enters that marketplace. And, selling linux desktops does not erode their service business either. That would be the entry into a market which they presently do not participate in. And, that could be more significant than SUN adding itself to the list of Linux Server suppliers.

      What will they do? Ignore the corporate desktop market? Or, package a fine white box, Linux and StarOffice? And, sell, promote and support them by the thousands? That is something that HPaq and IBM do not do.

      • I don't think MicroSoft is directly preventing the sales of Linux-only boxes by any of the companies. I'm sure a lot of other people here will point that out.

        But what they are doing is preventing anybody from selling dual boot machines. In the current environement and with enough FUD from MicroSoft this is pretty effectively the same as preventing them from selling Linux, since nobody is willing to try it without the ability to retreat back to MicroSoft.

        • Microsoft documents apparently have something to reveal.

          It does not sound like lack of demand had anything to do with it.

          Sounds more and more like additional illegal activity.

          The following is taken from the opening statement by the States.

          1. Microsoft held a series of meetings with Dell in regard to linux
          2. Meetings involved both Gates and Ballmer
          3. Microsoft does not sell a linux distro
          4. Microsoft needs to remind Dell why it is smart to partner with Microsoft
          5. Dell feels a need to discuss linux with Microsoft? (does he need permission from the godfather?)
          6. Ballmer is urged to make certain that Dell understands it is untenable for Dell to be marketing linux
          7. Ballmer suggests that Gates give Dell somewhat of a hard time (Ballmer suggests that Gates brown nose Dell)
          8. Dell in June of 2001 informs Microsoft (the crime family) that Dell has canceled their linux business unit
          9. Does not smell like lack of market demand at all

          Is this testimony? No, just statements from the States based upon Microsoft documents.

          But, does this sound like a lack of marketing demand nixed Redhat on Dell desktops? Not to me it does not.

          It sounds like Dell thinks that Microsoft Corporation has to approve any contracts that Dell might want to sign with others. (Or, they have to cancel if Microsoft does not approve.)

          Lewis A. Mettler, Esq. (
        • without the ability to retreat back to MicroSoft.

          While this might worry some customers, it should worry M$ as well.
    • Sun sells hardware. They don't make money of software. They don't care what runs on their hardwares, as long as they can sell the hardwre. They also have a name. Large corporations such as banks would only do business with large corporations such as Sun. They want the support that Sun can provide with their own distro.

  • Personally I fear (Score:3, Interesting)

    by Krapangor ( 533950 ) on Sunday August 11, 2002 @10:50AM (#4050409) Homepage
    that this Microsoft booth will put the whole OSS community into serious trouble.
    We all know these ultra zealots like RMS et al. These people have only a little self-control if they are writing about closed source systems.
    What will such people do if they see a MS booth at the Linux world ?
    If they get mad and storm it and chase the poor MS employees around, it will be very easy for the MS PR department to portrait all OSS supporters as raving half-terrorists. This might result in Bush creating laws for prohibiting OSS at the US (at least at universities and colleges).
    So they MS booth might provide much harm for OS systems. There is even the possibility that MS especially planned such events.
    • by Anonymous Coward
      "Zealots" (I prefer "advocates") such as RMS are not particularly likely to serve as an embarassment on such a scale.

      Frankly, it is far more likely from some of Slashdotter-style crowd of pseudo-script-kiddies without the capacity for maturity, responsibility, world awareness or attention spans.

      lNx r0xrz j00. mS iz teh suk


    • by Anonymous Coward
      I'm sure microsoft body guards can handle a pack of disgruntled 13 year olds who just deleted "w1nd0z3" and are a proud leenucks h4x0r.
    • by Anonymous Coward
      I plan to heckle the slashdot booth while wearing a shirt with a big "-1" printed on the front. Anyone else care to make some iron on prints?

      • I recommend that you:
        1. Register the trademark for that t-shirt (the back can say "Karma: Terrible")
        2. Sell a license to VA (Research|Linux Systems|Software)
        3. ???
        4. Profit!
        You might single-handedly be responsible for returning VA to solvency.
    • ...if you think RMS is going to storm the M$ booth. Or any of the other self-proclaimed leaders. You might want to do a check on that binary attitude of yours, it seems to be all black or white.
    • by Lethyos ( 408045 ) on Sunday August 11, 2002 @11:17AM (#4050497) Journal
      They cannot be so naive as to think they are going to go to such a convention, hoping to win followers. What they are doing is tantamount to inciting a riot for exactly the reasons you stated: many open source zealots have no self control. (Come on, we've all gotten fired up from a conversation with a half-witten MS drone.) This is no different from going up to PennState's main campus, standing in the college town, shouting "PennState Football SUCKS!" then throwing a garbage can. It will cause a riot. Microsoft standing in at a Linux convention, shouting "Open Source SUCKS!" then throwing thriw software around. It's no different. Hopefully, no violence or misbehavior will come of this. (MS, afterall, are certainly paying their dues to have a booth.) However, if it does, the picture will be painted and open source gets its credibility knocked down a thousand points.

      What needs to happen is exactly the opposite, and it needs to be documented. There needs to be a few groups of well-educated indivudals who know software and the market well. They need to go to that booth, followed by a few idiots with cameras, and demonstrate a clean, friendly, intelligent conversation with the MS people. Nobody needs to trip anyone else up. Either party needs to show respect, and if MS can't do that all the better. It will make open source supporters appear mature, level-headed, and above all else, credible in a corporate sense, especially since both sides will ask the tough questions.

      • Actually MS will be promoting and supporting the CLI (Common Language Infrastructure) Technology within .net along with probably having available anti-gpl license development tools information and of course Palladium and DRM information They will be very open and supportive about CLI and the ECMA-335 document.

        But they are not going to tell you Cornering the autocoding market [] is what they are planning to do.

        And they do realise the GNU Freesoftware and Open Source Software communities don't have their (MS) resources to do it faster or better than MS.

      • Imagine this.

        MS shows up at major Linux event with booth.

        MS hires a bunch of rowdies to come cause trouble at MS booth, badmouthing MS, etc.

        A bunch of reporters with cameras show up to document, because they received anonymous coward tip to "expect something interesting at the MS booth".
    • Re:Personally I fear (Score:1, Interesting)

      by Anonymous Coward
      How about this:

      First we fight them
      Then we ridicule them
      Then we ignore them
      and then we win

      I suppose we're in the ridiculing phase right now. I like the "Boston tea party"-style idea.
  • Just maybe M$ decided to release Windows XP as open source, and bill is waiting for our "HURRAAAYYYYYY"
  • Hard to beat(sic) the Power Exchange [] @Otis St. Plan to go with a date, stag males pay $75 entry on weekends for the mixed space.
  • by joestar ( 225875 ) on Sunday August 11, 2002 @11:04AM (#4050456) Homepage
    Published last friday on their website: nd rakesoftnews/news?n=/mandrakesoft/events/2369


    AMD's booth

    This year AMD will be welcoming the Mandrakesoft team as partner on their booth. Hammer, AMD's new generation of 64-bits processor, and Mandrake Clustering (Clic project) will be in the spotlight.

    Hammer demos

    * Demo of the Beta version of the upcoming Mandrake Linux 9.0 on Hammer.
    * Use of X 32 bits server running KDE 3.02 64 bits and a Konqueror 64 bits navigator. This server will be linked to a Gigabit Ethernet network. There should also be a charge simulation of 5000 connexions.

    Mandrake Clustering (Clic project) demos:

    * Use of a cluster of 4 Bi-Athlon XP/MP nodes with GeForce 4.
    * Presentation of operations of nodes fast deployment from a server.
    * Presentation of the Quake demo on multi screens.
    * Presentation of Povray calculations using MPI or PVM technics which show that every node calculates and transmits the information.

    HP's booth

    On HP's booth, there will be demonstrations of the Bundle Premium, an OEM special offering built by HP and Mandrakesoft under a partnership agreement. This offering is based on HP's Evo desktops associated with Mandrake Linux Standard OEM Edition.

    The Bundle Premium consists of 2 CDs and a 100-day per mail support. The first CD offers Mandrake Linux Standard OEM Edition, the second one is loaded with StarOffice 6.0, the reference office suite for Linux. This product is distributed via HP's worldwide network of resellers.

    HP will also demonstrate 441 Project Community Computer concept, using the Mandrake Linux distribution. This concept is geared towards educational markets. It could potentially reduce the cost per seat dramatically by sharing the resources of one Evo desktop among 4 users.

    IBM's booth

    MandrakeSoft recently announced that it will distribute DB2, IBM's famous database software, with its server product. The combination IBM DB2 version 8/Mandrake Linux 8.2 will be exhibited on IBM's booth. This ideal low-cost e-Business solution is likely to open a new era of migration from other platforms.

    Great to see that IBM shows interest in Mandrake!
    • The combination IBM DB2 version 8/Mandrake Linux 8.2 will be exhibited on IBM's booth. This ideal low-cost e-Business solution is likely to open a new era of migration from other platforms.

      cheap? doesn't DB2 cost enormous sums of money?

  • if you're willing to go to lower haight, i'd suggest toronado. beer lover's paradise...
  • I know a pub or two. (Score:3, Interesting)

    by neurojab ( 15737 ) on Sunday August 11, 2002 @11:40AM (#4050553)
    There's a little pub right across from the Metreon on Mission st. that serves guiness (and I think boddingtons), that's the closest one I know close to Moscone. Alternatively, there's a pub with pool tables on Columbus about half way between North Beach and the wharf that serves $2 guiness draws on weekdays! FYI.
  • Best place to party (Score:1, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward
    It's gotta be Kate OBrians in San Francisco - the perfect place for geeks to meet up! Its located a mear 2 short blocks from the convention center, they let in all those underage geeks, its has great prices on food (and great food too - a steak sandwich to die for)and most importantly, guiness on tap! And if you're nice to the beautiful bartenders, you can get them to play whatever music you want over the sound system. There's also wireless access for all right next door~ See ya there!
  • the goatsex guy as their booth babe.

  • Environmentalist picket the convention, calling for Linux users to lower the production of heat to stave off global warming. One of the picketers was reported as saying he was offended that such an environmentally unfriendly convention had a penguin as it's mascot-- the anti-thesis of the environmenally harmful rally.
  • It almost doesn't matter what happens at the MS booth, the result will be good for those guys.

    As has been pointed out in earlier posts: open source zealots attacking the booth will help MS to discredit the whole community and Linux as an operating system.

    Maybe MS will even announce some .NET-based interoperability features and the goodness of XML. That will certainly reduce MS' tainted image of being a monopolist, they might even be starting a new niceguy campaign!

    Perhaps the most stupid thing they could do is trying to sabotage the Expo with deconstructive criticism and blatant WindowsXP demos. The resulting uproar would bring them in on the frontpage of most internet news pages and make for some great indirect advertizing.

    So there is not much that could turn out negative for MS at this. Maybe the best from a Linux point of view would be some sort of support by MS (e.g. Office suite), even though it is unlikely to happen. Anyway let's just hope the community won't embarass itself out there!
  • by Anonymous Coward
    I plan to heckle the slashdot booth while wearing a shirt with a big "-1" printed on the front. Anyone else care to make some iron on prints?
  • This time LinuxWorld starts before my school does. That means I cannot excuse myself from my work saying I have some "school issues" to deal with!
  • Public surfing from a VM with undoable disks, with /tmp pointing to a big honking RAM disk. Of course, all this is moot for libraries like our local one, which log who and what machine was in use at a given time.
  • by EvilStein ( 414640 ) <spam&pbp,net> on Sunday August 11, 2002 @12:32PM (#4050738)
    Interesting to see that the Slashdot booth went from the huge right-next-to-the-front-door booth with piles of beanbag chairs and the PT Cruiser to.. well, as Taco said, no booth at all.

    I wonder if SGI will be there at all. They used to have cool booths.
    The free t-shirt count has dwindled too. Kind of sad to see Linux World Expo shrinking year after year.
  • by ndogg ( 158021 ) <> on Sunday August 11, 2002 @12:45PM (#4050784) Homepage Journal
    Microsoft has no good intentions for the LWCE. I have come to learn that they intend to only do two things: promote their Services For Unix software and promote Windows XP Embedded.

    I have been trying to find the original Newsforge article with that information, but I've only been able to find the article at [].

    They try to make it out as though it's really about talking to customers that need to work in a mixed environment, but I have my doubts. They also try to make it out as being a dialog between them and the rest of the OSS and Free Software communities.
  • There's the Chieftain at 5th and Howard (the Moscone is between 3rd and 4th at Howard). It's not too big, but is comfy. There's also Kate O'Brians between 2nd and 3rd on Howard. It's also small, but a nice place. Both serve Guinness. I'm not too sure about Boddingtons.

    Also, of note, is Central Computer [] between 4th and Howard. It's a good place for parts. There's cheaper online, but when you need that last minute firewire cable or replacement mobo, it can't be beat.

    Other good neighborhood bars include Arrow Bar (6th and Market), Pow (an Anime themed bar) at 6th and Mission, Julie's supper Club (retro-styled bar and restaurant) at 7th and Folsom, and for late night revelry the strip at 11th and Folsom (including JWZ's DNA Lounge []).

  • What the hell is Micro$oft doing at linuxworld?! Anybody got a clue?
  • Dell announces becoming a divison of Sun?

  • Embrace, Extend, Extinguish.

    For those of you who are still new to the politics of the industry, here's whats going on: Microsoft's future as a company is being threatened by Uncle Sam. As a result, they're going to do everything within their power to seem as friendly and non-hostile as possible. Even if it means setting up a booth in the enemy's backyard--LinuxWorld. They're going to do everything they can to persuade you, and the media, that they are not a threat to anyone.

    As has been the case for the past 10 years, Microsoft will wait until your guard is down. When Microsoft needs to eliminate someone, a certain ritual occurs. Its a symbolic fight. Internally, they will do anything they can to undermine and destroy you. Externally, they want big you a big hug, bake you cookies and compliment you on your good looks. They'll concede a few minor trinkets to you, and make you feel like you've taught them a lesson, waiting for the right moment. They'll let you think you've won the fight, you'll let your guard down, and then they'll gut from asshole to adam's apple.


    Yes, Virginia, they're actively engadged in trying to invalidate and destroy your work. REVOLT. If anything, go there, and sit down on the floor of their booth. Let them know they're not welcome in YOUR house. Doing anything less is an admission on your part that you believe all the horseshit they dish out to the media. They plan on pumping the same brand of horseshit down your throat at LinuxWorld to convince you to give up the fight. The fight is over when they're dead--Not when they tap out.


      I don't quite agree with your suggestions for responding to MS, but that is a very accurate description of how Microsoft treats its competitors AND its customers. It goes from "well, you need a license, but who's checking, wink wink," to "you have one month to show proof of compliance." From "Here, have a free media player with your OS" to "Oh, by the way we have permission to disable competing products on your computer."

      MS makes some very useable software, but their business philosophy of "shortest possible path to having you by the balls" is more and more unappealing every day.
  • Rumor has it that the Gentoo folks are going to be releasing 1.4 during the Expo. They say it's going to be entirely built with GCC 3.2. Can anybody describe the benefits of a GCC3x release over the GCC 2.9.5(?) Gentoo I'm currently using?
    • We will release 1.4_beta as, unfortunately, gcc 3.2 was not ready in time.

      the beta is binary incompatible with the final due to changes in gcc's c++ ABI since the snapshot was made.

      There is to be expected a higher performance (some 5-20 % on the final binary, dependning on the code and platform) with up to 50% on the PPC side (loads of changes)

      Generally, it means "rebuilding a lot of packages" or a reinstall, and a far increased performance.

  • Dell? (Score:2, Interesting)

    by thasmudyan ( 460603 )
    How come Dell is still in the mix if they are not allowed to sell machines without an MS operating system inside anymore? How does that fit?
    • Well MS is there themselves, figure that one out. Maybe MS wants them there because there's something in their contract with Dell about Dell having to help them unload the truck?
  • by Anonymous Coward
    The article was rather horrific in it's content.. it was rather straightforward Linux-bashing by for example some nameless 'analysts', and it was generally filled with misinformation. And the article came from Reuters.. I would have expected something better from them.

    Please read the article (link to Sun's announcement), and if you agree with me, send your warm feedback to Reuters.


    PS. Can I be labelled as 'Anonymous loginchallenged person?'. Slashdot refuses to let me sign in on my account :(
  • Anyone whose conditions for a place to meet includes the availability of Guinness, is a genius and must be modded-up considerably.
  • Boddingtons is (unless you're very lucky and live near Manchester) fizzy nitrokeg shite. Americans should look at and see what you're missing ;-)
  • Beside the anouncement of Sun Linux, Solaris x86 [] is back at Sun [], with Solaris 9 and 10 apparently in the Pipe. After struggling [] with the Solaris x86 community [] since the beginning of january, when Sun looked like they were killing the x86 version, Sun's Graham Lovell revealed [] the hopefully bright future of Solaris on x86 hardware.

    The Solaris x86 community is cheering over in alt.solaris.x86 [] and on the Solaris x86 mailing list [].

    Solaris x86, now offered side by side with Sun Linux on the new BigBear [] line of Intel based servers at Sun is quite useful, even on generic x86 hardware.

    Companies can add cheap edge servers based on commodity x86 hardware to complement their Solaris/SPARC installations which integrate well with each other and offer essentially the same administration tools. If the need for power grows, existing software is easily transferred to bigger, expensive SPARCs. This makes Solaris x86 unique, since this way a commercial grade Unix is available across the whole scale from small cheap x86 boxes up to 106 processor SPARC SMP machines.

    For students and developers Solaris x86 is great, since they can use existing x86 hardware to dip their toes in the waters of Solaris without having to shell out for SPARC hardware.

    Having to develop and support Solaris on more than one architecture forces Sun to keep Solaris portable, and that may be very useful if the SPARC architecture might prove to be a dead end, with only a small niche market left that actually needs and affords it.

    It's also quite nice to have the usual Solaris envionment available on normal x86 based laptops [].

    While I personally use mostly Linux and Mac OS X it's nevertheless great to see other Unices alive and kicking. Competition in the x86 Unix market is good, and having the commercial versions competing with the free versions keeps everyone on their toes.
  • The reason why anyone whould go to LinuxWorld would be to see the alternatives to that M$ crap. We're all fed up with having XP shoved down our throats at ludicrous prices. Allowing them to stick their fingers in this particular pie is not going to do anyone any good. I mean FFS, would RedHat be allowed to exhibit in a Microsoft-run show?

UNIX was half a billion (500000000) seconds old on Tue Nov 5 00:53:20 1985 GMT (measuring since the time(2) epoch). -- Andy Tannenbaum
