
Problems when Closing XFree86 Using a S3Virge/Gx 9

Yet Another Anonymous Coward asks: "I am using a S3Virge/GX video card to run XWindows. I am running Red Hat 6.0. I was able to get Xwindows running but when I close the Xsession, my display is shifted. I have tried using F86_SVGA and XF86_S3V servers but I continue to have the same problem. Any suggestions???"

How can you use X on a Notebook and its Docking Station? 6

Jim sends in this intriguing question: "I have a Dell notebook with a docking station. Does Linux need to know that I use a docking station? If not, do I configure Xwindows for my LCD screen or for the monitor on the docking station? Or does Xwindows support multiple hardware configurations?"

The Road to Linux: The Descent (Part One) 205

Having survived mysterious apostrophes and commas in my columns, weeks of flame wars and assaults from hostile geek warriors, large and expensive Linux handbooks, and useful, enlightening and conflicting suggestions from friendly Slashdotters, a Linux Box was delivered this week to my house this week. Technology being what it is, that's only the beginning of the story, which quickly came to involve CompUSA (the literal incarnation of computer Hell) my yellow lab, a geek hero and a computer savagely assaulted by an overnight delivery service. And I haven't even gotten to Linux yet. Johnny Depp, are you reading this?


fractality writes "With the recent chatter about standardization, it is apparent that some are simply not looking in the right places. A group of people from Verio South Florida have begun one of the most unified and viable XStandard projects. While it is still under development, expect to see this effort start to make headlines. Besides the obvious standardization project, xwindows.org is also an excellent X distribution site."

Feature:Remembering the Star

Joshy has written an excellent piece after going to visit the Xerox PARC. Joshy also talks about what we could learn from the Star, and gives some ideas on how Linux could benefit as well.

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