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Lots of Linux World Pics 28

An an anonymous reader linked us to Quinn and Mark's LinuxWorld Page which among other things, features several pictures from the Cafe Babylon Slashdot party on monday, tons of pictures from the floor, and more. Definitely worth a read. I'm still hoping to have a chance to write a real report, but our booth seems to be a circus. I haven't even had enough time to wander around and collect my share of the free booty.
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Lots of Linux World Pics

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  • I found out that the GIMP now supports standard Photoshop plugins and filters. Just take the CD that they come on and copy the files to the correct place. I talked with a guy that told me his company's entire design team switch to the GIMP after trying the Photoshop plugins in it. They can edit large images faster and without crashing. It's something to play with. I'll get Samir to help me with that one.

    Is this true!? .. If so, is it with 1.0, and/or 1.1? ... I find this hard to believe.
    ----------------- ------------ ---- --- - - - -
  • I don't mean to keep plugging this, but the humans at SlashDot haven't, and there seem to be tons of people wanting more pictures. Check out Abi's photo page [] for lots of pictures from the entire event, including first day exhibits, the SlashDot party, the post-keynote party, and more.
  • If PPC Linux can run Mac binaries or something...

    This caught my eye too - but no mention on the GIMP features page. Weird.

  • you know, if Linux World were just 2 months from now, I could have gone.. dammit. :)

    anyhow, I spoke with one of my friends at the company I work for in San Jose who was at the expo... here's his take:

    - Lots & lots & lots of geeks. some really could have used a shower too :0
    - Rob was one of the cooler looking people there
    - Why the hell was compaq & CA there? that's pure lip-service if you ask me..
    - He bought > $100 of slashdot stuff.. some for me.. whee.. I have 3 shirts and a hat waiting for me now..
    - did I mention, lots of geeks? it's cool for us, but I think the vendors were hoping for more biz-types. ah well
    - IBM rules
    - etc

    Sounds like fun. 8-)
  • hey how about some pics of the VA booth? every conference the booth keeps on getting bigger, better, and meaner(in the good sense), or at least thats what it appears to be doing. :)
    scott miga
    Chicks dig us geeks. (And dudes dig you geek-etts too!)
  • I'll be flying in from Portland early Thursday. I hope there is still a /. tshirt I can get -- it's my #1 objective for this show!

    Watch for me with my nifty Canon ZR digital video camera that looks just like a snapshot camera.


  • I only see two realistic possibilities here:
    • This is referring to the Win32 version of the GIMP.
    • There is some filter format (Filter Factory, maybe?) that can be converted both to Photoshop and GIMP filters. Seems like I read something to this effect a while back.
    As a Windows/Paint Shop Pro user (Linux user as well, so don't start), I'd say that most of the filters I've used (BladePro, Kai, Alien Skin, etc.) have looked extremely Win32 intensive.
    Still, this post got me to take another look at the GIMP web page [], and I was overjoyed to see that someone has apparently written a PSP import/export filter. Time for me to take a closer look at the GIMP!
  • Linuxcare was giving them out
  • All that free crap? It's not booty, it's schwag.
  • Now I dont have to take the first post and get reamed...
    Man.. I wish I was there...
    Just to experience the slashdot effent at cafe babylon would be enough..
    But some of the other stuff was pretty nice too...

  • I don't think anybody has pointed this out yet, but you can apparently read the jokes Linus put up on the screen during his keynote if you look at
    the file de1.jpg

    What I can read of these is:

    What Then?
    (What our grandchildren will say)

    World Domination. It's just the first step.

    "My dog rejected her chip implant. What should I do?"

    "My pacemaker is sending out spurious ARP packets. Should I be nervous? I upgraded to a development kernel because it has the new anti-fibrillation code, and I *feel* a lot better, but it still worries me."

    "My 12-year old son hacked the toaster, and changed the root password. Now it only does peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Do I need to buy a new toaster, or can I use remote aministration for Linux v7.1 to reset it?"

    "What do you mean 'there are no penguins left'? What's a nativity scene without any penguins? What do you think they herded, *sheep*? Really, sometimes I despair about young people of today."

    "MicroSoft? They used to do computers, right?"

    There's also a "slide2", but I'm a lazy bastard.

    King Babar

    ps--my attempts to post this as html were repeatedly eaten by space aliens. Grrr...
  • Well, they are having a whole 'nuther show
    in August, so you can plan ahead for that.
    And Linux Expo is in May, for all you
    east coasters.

It is now pitch dark. If you proceed, you will likely fall into a pit.
