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Linux Software

Oracle 8 for Alphalinux 11

xose writes "A source inside Compaq has revealed to that Oracle is porting its Oracle 8 database to AlphaLinux., with an expected release data in Q1,1999. So we now have the commitment or a major database vendor to AlphaLinux. This source has also told us that several other 1st tier ISV now consider AlphaLinux to be a strategic platform."
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Oracle 8 for Alphalinux

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  • I just installed Oracle 8 on my Red Hat 5.2 box. Compiling PHP3 support into Apache only took moments and I've very happy with it. Speed is excellent, about 2 to 4 times faster than a similar setup on NT 4.0 I think Oracle knows a good thing when they see it ;)
  • which is the point of this article.

    Try reading a bit more carefully, or else posting an URL that offers some information if they've changed their minds about distributing Intel-only.

    The requirements section clearly states that the release is for ix86 and I have seen no evidence of Sybase making ASE available for Linux/AXP.

  • When people suggest altering Linux to be able to handle more than 2GB RAM or files larger than 4Gb, the standard response from the developers is, if you want 64 bit get a 64 processor. Nice to see Oracle have got the message.
  • by aqua ( 3874 )
    With a big addressing space, that could have some nifty potential, RDBMS-wise. Big table join. :)
  • If you want something more than a personal database on Linux, you need a 64 bit architecture.

    If they are serious about Linux, the other RDBMs will follow suit.

    Ben Tilly
  • Sybase has had their version 11.5 ASE (Adaptive Server Enterprise) for Linux (easiest on Redhat flavors) available for awhile.

    Its free.

  • Just because an unamed source inside Compaq says Oracle is porting, doesnt mean you automatically have "the committment of a major database database vendor to AlphaLinux." IMO, it should be considered to be a rumor until Oracle themself announces it.

    But if the rumor is true...this will be great!

"Most of us, when all is said and done, like what we like and make up reasons for it afterwards." -- Soren F. Petersen
