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Skype For Linux Adds 'Experimental' Video Calls, Disables Some Alpha Versions ( 42

An anonymous Slashdot reader writes: This morning Skype released version 1.10 of Skype for Linux which includes an "experimental version" of video calls. "We are not quite there. The 1-on-1 video calls work only between Skype for Linux Alpha clients for now," warns an announcement on the Skype forum. "Despite the early phase, we'd like to ask you, the Linux community, to help us with testing. Please let us know how the video works for you."

They're also disabling some older versions of the Skype for Linux Alpha (versions 1.1 through 1.6), saying "Those users will be asked to update to [the] latest version." But after a 20-month lull between releases for the old app, it's refreshing to see a much faster pace for development for this new WebRTC version. It's been less than a month since the release of version 1.8, and two weeks since version 1.9 came out, offering support for system HTTPS proxy.

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Skype For Linux Adds 'Experimental' Video Calls, Disables Some Alpha Versions

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  • by Anonymous Coward

    Its a bit late seeing as Skype is falling out of use due to being total crap in everything it does.

  • I tried to install and run Skype on my Debian 8 install last week. Major fail.

    I had a couple of video calls to do, so I just punted Skype and used google+ hangouts instead. It just worked.

    I don't have the time to waste in my business while Microsoft tries to figure out how to release working software.

  • by unixisc ( 2429386 ) on Monday October 10, 2016 @03:23PM (#53049833)
    It's okay to drop Alpha versions altogether - that CPU - great as it was - has been dead for I think a decade now.
  • so we don't have to put up with this crap anymore
  • Every time I need Skype for Linux, I attempt to install, reinstall, crowbar and there's always an issue with some file that's not the right version that's linked to other major files and won't update without breaking. NEVER have I gotten it on my system. I've always had to install it in Virtualized Windoze
  • by Anonymous Coward

    I've used Skype on linux the past.. like.. 6 years?

    It's had video support all along, and worked perfectly all along. Even before MS got it, there was video support.. What'd I miss?

  • Newsflash! Skype for Linux is up to version 4.3 and has had video calls for years now.
  • "The NSA plug-ins are still acting up."
  • Time to bring my GCC to work :D

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