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Florida Man Arrested For Hacking Linux Kernel Organization In 2011 ( 37

An anonymous reader writes: The FBI seems to have solved the mysterious case of the 2011 hack, when an unknown attacker breached servers and attempted to install a rootkit in the kernel code. As years went by, the Linux Kernel Organization kept avoiding releasing an incident response surrounding the event, irking their community accustomed to more open communications from their leaders. The mystery seems to have been solved when yesterday a Florida man was arrested and charged with "hacking the Linux Kernel Organization" and installing a "rootkit and trojan software," just like in the 2011 server breach. Donald Ryan Austin is his name. He was arrested during a routine traffic stop last Sunday, on August 28, 2016, and faces a maximum sentence of ten years in prison, a fine of $250,000, and any other restitution.
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Florida Man Arrested For Hacking Linux Kernel Organization In 2011

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