Usability Testing Hardy Heron With a Girlfriend 846
toomin writes "Reviews of the latest Ubuntu version, 8.04 Hardy Heron, are everywhere, but most of them are undertaken by geeks familiar with Linux. This guy sits his girlfriend down at a brand-new Ubuntu installation and asks her to perform some basic tasks. Some of them are surprisingly easy, others frustrate and annoy. There are lots of little usability tweaks he stumbles upon just by seeing the desktop experience from the point of view of the mainstream user."
I call Shenanigans!! (Score:5, Funny)
I can't be the only one... (Score:3, Funny)
I mean, I'm sure it will work, but that is likely to soon require a replacement girlfriend...
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Re:I call Shenanigans!! (Score:5, Funny)
Re:I call Shenanigans!! (Score:5, Funny)
This is one of the problems with GIMP.. Who wants to show someone a picture that they edited and say "I GIMPed her in this picture"?
Re:I call Shenanigans!! (Score:5, Funny)
Re:I call Shenanigans!! (Score:4, Funny)
This article is pure fiction. After all, usability testing is one of those things that evil proprietary software companies like Microsoft do!
Re:I call Shenanigans!! (Score:5, Funny)
Re:I call Shenanigans!! (Score:4, Funny)
He does what with his girlfriend ? (Score:5, Funny)
Re:He does what with his girlfriend ? (Score:5, Funny)
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Re:He does what with his girlfriend ? (Score:4, Funny)
Guy uses remote to start the Barry White
GF: What's it called again?
BF: Hardy Heron...
GF: What er distro is this?
BF: Ubuntu, baby, which is African for Jungle Love...
(cue fireplace shot)
Re:He does what with his girlfriend ? (Score:5, Funny)
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Yes, a guy is going to be interested in treating a girl as a sex
object. More likely than not, the girl will get upset if you don't.
They will complain that you don't appreciate them or some such.
Girls aren't just chaste nuns. Guys aren't just rampaging huns.
Re:"She Should Open up a Terminal..." (Score:4, Insightful)
Ubuntu certainly has come a long way in terms of usability for the average person. But it's still not nice enough for the average person.
I built a computer for my fiancee and put Ubuntu 7.04 (and later 7.10) on it. She thinks it's just OK. She recently quit her job to go back to school. She wants a laptop, and she insisted that it have Windows XP. I didn't even suggest that she let me put Linux on it. Her current Ubuntu workstation is used for casual tasks that aren't that important: MySpace, YouTube, email, listening to music, etc. Since these tasks aren't of great importance, she's willing to wait for me to fix things that break (and they do break). But I can't expect that of her when she's got a paper to turn in or an online assignment to complete.
I know there's a huge debate (maybe even a holy war) about whether open source desktops should innovate or just copy Windows. Fortunately there's enough choice that different projects more or less have both avenues covered. But---and it pains me to say this---emulating Windows (pre-Vista Windows anyway) is probably the way to go if converts are really wanted. Even though doing things in Windows isn't always consistent or elegant or even easy, it's familiar. Computer geeks like myself like differences: they are fun to explore and play with and foster ideas. But the rest of the world just wants to get their work done. They don't care what's going on behind the scenes, and they don't have the patience to mess with "restricted drivers", the command line, "Synaptic", or different document formats just to get something done.
Right now sound isn't working on her Ubuntu machine. All I did was run the update. Looks like a buggy ALSA driver got installed (do a search for "ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:864:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave"). But for the life of me, I can't find a fix, other than to upgrade to 8.04.
When I initially set up her computer, there was some version mis-match or something like that with the packaged flash player. The solution was to download a specific version of the .deb file and do a manual dpkg (or apt-get) install. Relatively easy for me, but my why should I expect my fiancee to have to go through all that? Even in the article, the author said it was YouTube's fault for redirecting a browser that doesn't have Flash installed. It doesn't matter---in Windows, when you go to a Flash site without having Flash installed, you get the same behavior: "Click here to install flash", and you're done.
I installed Skype on her computer; it mostly works, except that the emoticons aren't animated like they are on the Windows client. Not a big deal, but it's just one more thing that makes Linux feel like a downgrade to her. This is one example where the Linux world lacks the polish of the Windows world. Polish may not mean anything to the geekier among us, but it does make the typical person feel like they've take a step backwards.
She recently got an iPod Shuffle... this sort of works. I forget the name of the application that auto-loads when the iPod is plugged in, but about half the time it crashes. No error message or anything, the whole Window just disappears. Sometimes we'll start sync'ing songs to the iPod, minimize that application, go do something else for a while, and... where did that program go? Looks like we have to start the process all over again.
There's been a number of other issues, off and on, that require my intervention (i.e. track down the bug or quirk on the web, then install/uninstall/upgrade/downgrade a package, and possibly hack some things on the commandline). But the biggest killer for her is still OpenOffice.org. That program also crashes randomly. (Ironically, one of the crashes was when I was having her make a list of things she liked/didn't like about Ubuntu, and what she needed for a laptop. I can't think of a more simple/straightforward task: start OOWriter, create a bulleted list and save.)
But the MS Office to Ope
Usability Testing Hardon With a Girlfriend ? (Score:4, Funny)
We don't have girlfriends to test the usability of our hardon's with.
Oh... Hardy Herron, who's that ?
Smart move (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Smart move (Score:5, Interesting)
The new user was given a bunch of common tasks (play some music, draw a picture, play a video on youtube, use an instant messenger on MSN network, install a commonly used application (skype), edit a photo) and asked to perform them on a default installation of Ubuntu.
Well done. The Ubuntu team (and other linux distributions) can learn a lot from this article alone. Hopefully it will give a target for other usability testing in the future.
(And, no, I have nothing to do with the article author or website.)
Re:Smart move (Score:5, Insightful)
It is a good article. But we might be seeing early stages of a conflict between friendliness and elegance. For example, I was annoyed when I upgraded to Hairy Hardon that it had decided I needed folders called Documents, Music, Pictures etc. in my home directory. A couple of the things suggested had less to do with usability than they did to do with familiarity to someone brought up on Windows. I don't think Linux environments should be so keen to emulate the Windows environment. It's a short term benefit with long term consequences. And even the short term benefit is a small one - look at the later iterations of Office: built around the concept that you don't need to read instructions, that everything should immediately be self-explanatory. A noble goal, but not one possible to reconcile with utility. I think I would rather a short, well written Introduction to Ubuntu than try to make everything look like Windows.
Re:Smart move (Score:4, Insightful)
Looking like Windows / intuitive operation and user friendliness are distinct concepts but they all meet at a nexus.
If a metaphor works, is understood, and is in common use, why change it?
Re:Smart move (Score:4, Insightful)
When they sit down at (first 7.10) Ubuntu 8.04 there are a couple of things I've noticed like the GP. If there is already a folder called photos and the camera automatically downloads pictures to that folder... well, they understand that. If they have to create a folder and tell the software to put the photos... well, it's a pain and they'll just pass. seriously!
My dad explained it to me like this: If a computer was a hammer it would not be a good one. FerChrisAkes, I want to hit nails, NOT learn how to make hammers. While that analogy only goes so far, it's true. Some just want the 'tool' to work (that's what she said!) and other's want to fiddle with it a lot (no comment).
IMHO, Ubuntu is giving us a hammer that doesn't need instructions or assembly. It's not perfect, but it IS damned good.
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A general purpose computer is not a hammer. It was never meant to be a hammer.
It's a lego mindstorms kit.
Ignorance of that magnitude keeps the end user from doing simple
things to protect their data like just making a copy of it. This
is also what causes PC's to end up on bot nets.
At that point, systems need to be engineered first with the goal
of keeping them off of bot nets or otherwise getting infested
with malware.
Re:Smart move (Score:4, Insightful)
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Re:Smart move (Score:4, Insightful)
Probably the best usability test would be to take 2 groups of people, none of which have any computer experience, and give one group computers with (bare bones) Windows installed and the other with a Linux. Let them experiment for a week or so and then give them all the same test tasks and see which group manages the tasks more successfully.
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I can understand the need for Ubuntu to be simple, I just can't see the need for Ubuntu to somehow be Windows. They're two different systems, and a user who doesn't get that needs to learn that first, then move on to the details of Ubuntu in particular, and GNU/Linux in general
Re:Smart move (Score:5, Insightful)
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No, it doesn't. I fact, it is a already a huge advantage that she did not have to install Ubuntu (Note: It's not that installing Windows is easier, but people do not install Windows, they buy computers with Windows on them. This is a real problem that no amount of whining about the unfairness of it all will make go away.) Now, imagine if she had the wrong wireless chipset; 0/12 points right there, instantly.
Except getting a pre installed Linux box is getting easier these days. So the statement that people don't usually install an OS is much more accurate. Installing and setting everything up is not as difficult as it used to be. Especially on Ubuntu, so while your point is still valid, it isn't as much of a deal breaker as it used to be for an unsupported beginner.
Re:Smart move (Score:5, Insightful)
Doing things the "Windows way" is frequently easier because people are familiar with it, in which case it makes sense. But there are plenty of things Windows gets way wrong that Linux can get right.
Re:Smart move (Score:4, Insightful)
The typical user should not have to open up a term window to install a program. It should be click and guide you through the rest. That was always my biggest complaint. Sure I could fire up some synaptic or whatever it was but that's not exactly intuitive - I had to have a nix friend of mine tell me it even existed.
Linux, nor Ubuntu, will thrive as a dominant OS as long as users like "Erin" still have trouble figuring things out.
Ok, so don't take things from Windows - but figure it out from the Apple OS. Even granny can use those.
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you don't have to open up a term window.
try telling a true new user (not someone who has used windows for a while) to install a new program on windows. where do they begin? hint: probably not with 'internet explorer'. deb packages and rpm files are easily as 'intuitive' as window's 'download from a site, click setup.exe, put in license details etc etc. sure, they aren't yet as common, but neither are osx packages, so does that make osx pac
Re:Smart move (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Smart move (Score:5, Insightful)
The only thing that is "intuitive" is a nipple.
Could we retire this tired old phrase, please? Not clever.
The notion of installing new Windows apps through the
control panel would make perfect sense if the relevant
control panel app did what it's name implies.
Yes, well, that was part of the point wasn't it? You can improve on the things Windows gets wrong (which is frankly a lot of things), you don't have to be a perfect clone of Windows. The point is that you should be *at least* as good as Windows, and right now software installation on Linux isn't.
This is one of those areas where Linux really excels
but not insisting on being some sort of Windows clone.
A distinct product is going to have some meaningful
differences, imagine that.
Yes. OS X and Windows have differences because they came from different multi-tasking philosophies... Macintosh apps were designed (back in the 80s) to take over the screen so that you were using one application at a time. Thus, current Mac applications share the same menu bar at the top of the screen, and its content changes as you change the current app. Windows was designed differently, so it works differently.
It's a meaningful difference. And yet both Windows and OS X are more usable than Linux.
What the Linux community needs to do is to take the best from Windows, the best from OS X, and then improve on that. It especially needs to stop constantly comparing itself to Windows, and judging itself on its own merits. As a Mac-user, it bugs me that both major Linux window environments are complete rips of Windows.
Re:Smart move (Score:4, Insightful)
> Could we retire this tired old phrase, please? Not clever.
It's not only not clever, it's not even correct. Babies need to learn to nurse, and it's the first sign of developmental problems when they don't learn it quickly.
Re:Smart move (Score:5, Insightful)
The same KDE that uses single-click everywhere by default, that has an optional Mac-style menu bar... The same that, on Ubuntu, has a clearly OS X inspired control panel... That KDE?
And you're confusing "usability" with "discoverability". Discoverability is important for the first hour or two of using an OS, maybe the first few days. Usability is important for the rest of your life. I'm glad Ubuntu focuses on the latter.
Re:Smart move (Score:5, Informative)
If it's not done correctly, you end up with hungry babies and sore moms.
Re:Smart move (Score:5, Insightful)
At this point, you need to win those people over by offering an easy experience. At first, people will treat it like Windows. After a while, people will eventually treat it like Ubuntu. Linux still has a hold over userbase from the DOS world where men were men and functionality was won through hard labor.
This probably occurs when people switch to mac as well.
But you are right- if Ubuntu ever matches Windows' functionality or market share, they will probably slow down in usability development. Like most open source (and closed source to a lesser extent) it grows through mimickery.
re: ease of use doesn't equate to familiarity (Score:3, Insightful)
Doing that amounts to a short-cut, where you're settling for pleasing people who "already struggled to learn a previously designed interface" - at the expense of winning over a crowd that never mastered that one in the first place.
I'd say usability testing like what was done in this article is the ONLY way to s
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I would like to see them do the same thing with a non pre-configurated windows (no flash, no video or sound driver etc.) without any software that's not "out of the box". Oh - and it must read files from a Ubuntu partition to be able to burn music (let her figure out how to do this)... That would make the comparison a bit more fair don't you think?
I agree with the other posters in this thread, the standard shouldn't be whether it is as good as Windows. Linux is already at a competitive disadvantage with Windows - AND THATS A GOOD THING. It is an uphill battle and that means Linux doesn't just have to be 1% better than Windows - the goal has to be much higher.
I'm just a little dismayed that a guy sitting his girlfriend down to test Ubuntu is even newsworthy. Instead, its some kind of revelation. This simple article was able to point out some pretty
Re:Smart move (Score:5, Insightful)
The aim is to make the Linux desktop experience better, not to justify it's failings as somehow being ok because it's just as difficult to use as windows.
"Easier than a Mac!" That should be the mantra, not:
"Windows is just as crusty!"...
Re:Smart move (Score:4, Informative)
http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash [adobe.com]
Re:Smart move (Score:5, Insightful)
How hard is it to sit down and run a simple test like the (excellent) one this guy did with his girlfriend for every release?
To Ubtunu's credit, most of the fault lies with the applications and not with the OS itself. Well-designed apps like Skype make things simple and intuitive for new users. But Ubuntu itself could develop specs for developers that required basic intros, wizards, etc for introducing and explaining the simple but non-obvious stuff to new users. Conversion rates would then skyrocket.
Again, there is no logical reason why this hasn't been implemented before. The only explanation is therefore stupidity on the part of the developers - both on the OS and the app side. Cue the irony tag, given how clever most of these folks like to think they are. I guess what it shows is that being a math jock or code monkey with a stratospheric IQ doesn't make you a good UI designer any more than it makes you a suave and charming socialite.
Re:Smart move (Score:5, Funny)
The word "girlfriend" should be a clue...
Re:Smart move (Score:4, Informative)
I told my GF that I couldn't locate an XP Home OEM CD to use with the sticker on the side of her beige box.
She had used my openSUSE 10.3 laptop and seen that OpenOffice.org was very similar to MS Office.
She said that it was OK to put Linux on her computer that she uses for work as long as other people in her large government organisation would be able to read the documents she produced.
The upshot was, after a week someone couldn't read the OOo format and I showed her how to save as
One major convenience for my GF is that it took less than 10 minutes to set NX up on her machine, and now she can sit in the comfy chair downstairs with my laptop and do her work from there instead of spending untold hours in her study in front of a big ol' CRT that does nothing for her eyes over long periods.
The transition to Linux for her has been very easy. She doesn't have to use a command line, all her apps are in plain view (if you haven't used gOS v1, it is Gutsy with E17) and everything Just Works. She hasn't mentioned going back to Windows since that first document that someone couldn't read.
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But Ubuntu itself could develop specs for developers that required basic intros, wizards, etc for introducing and explaining the simple but non-obvious stuff to new users.
Require? Ubuntu got very little power to require upstream to do anything at all. It all depends on how end-user focused they are, some projects are almost "Well, WE know what the application does and how it works, if you want changes to suit new users go ahead but we don't care and won't help." That's why this all keeps coming back, applications change and the developers/power users know the changes so they don't maintain up-to-date intros/wizards. You must realize that to some people what you're talking a
Re:Smart move (Score:5, Informative)
GNOME is the way it is today largely because of usability testing, I believe - while many power users and developers whinge about this, it is becoming much closer to Macs in overall usability.
So the issue is not "stupid developers", it's a matter of taking the time to do the testing - and it helps if you have some expertise at running the tests. Then it's the time to actually make the changes. Many developers aren't that interested in doing the testing, which is why there have been separate usability initiatives that can feed changes into projects.
Some of the issues logged here are not that easy to solve - e.g. making Firefox pop up an Ubuntu-specific Flash installation prompt, rather than executing the YouTube JavaScript logic that pushes people towards an Adobe plugin site that actually does have a Linux plugin for Flash, but one that's much harder to install than an Ubuntu-packaged Flash plugin.
Also, the one about finding MP3s on the Windows partition is not that easy - you could simply copy the files across with the Ubuntu migration assistant, but what if they're in a non-standard place? Indexing the Windows filesystem to quickly find these might help, but building the index could take some time. However, it would probably be enough if there was some feature in Ubuntu that scanned for existing partitions and said (based on partition type and a few key directories/files) that 'this looks like a Windows partition, it's available on the desktop through this icon', and ideally did a special symbolic link for the My Documents or similar (though that's tough as it's per-user under Windows - which user should this use).
Simple logic (Score:3, Interesting)
This is why the problem is so persistent, it is inherent to the open source way of devoloping software. It won't go away any time soon.
What could
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The price of ignorance is subject to inflation.
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You can do anything in Linux, but it's never accepted that the WAY you do a particular thing is too hard to do or remember. A user will go into a Linux forum and ask something like "Um, how do I change the hostname of my computer to something different?" The response will be something like:
chhost_name -Vxo -d
(For the record, I do know how to change the h
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1. FOSS fundamentalism - "MP3 codecs and DeCSS are unclean, so let's make it harder to use them". I think Medibuntu should be optionally enabled, and the important components (DeCSS, restricted codecs etc.) automatically pulled in, at installation. There could also be a checklist of what the user wants to install (MP3, DVD, encrypted DVD...) with explanation of the legal implications.
2. Windows users which think Add/Remove programs means Remove programs
Yeah, right. (Score:5, Funny)
Exceptionally good. (Score:5, Informative)
2) Watch youtube. Unsuccessful. No Flash.
3) Use torrent. Successful (but this is not a novice user task)
4) Draw pic. 1/2 Successful. Chose wrong tool.
5) Burn music. Unsuccessful
6) Mouse speed change. Successful.
7) Theme change. Successful.
8) Desktop background change. Successful.
9) Scree resolution change. Unsuccessful.
10) Advanced image manipulation. Successful
11) MSN. Unsuccessful
12) Install & Use skype. Successful.
Note, the problem with 5) burning music was not the actual burning, but finding the mp3s on a windows partition.
So, 8/12. (maybe 9.5/12)
To be honest, I've seen experience computer users have more trouble doing the above tasks when switching from windows to OS X.
Kudos to Ubuntu.
Re:Exceptionally good. (Score:5, Insightful)
2) Watch youtube. Unsuccessful. No Flash.
11) MSN. Unsuccessful
Yeah well, I have a girlfriend too, and all she ever does on a computer is watch music videos on YouTube, write e-mails and chat on MSN. Maybe you'd like to weight your rating based on how important something is to the person tested (by asking them). Downloading a torrent and changing your mouse speed will probably rate to 0 while MSN will probably rate to "Why the hell would I need a computer if not for MSN?".
Re:Exceptionally good. (Score:4, Insightful)
If she had of gone to, say, ANYWHERE else first it would have been fine and just popped up with a bar saying "i can haz plugin?", say yes and bam, its all good.
Long and short, it should have flash already on it.
Oh and she was lucky it was the 32bit version, installing and using skype is pretty hard when there ain't a 64bit binary available for the platform (last time I looked anyway).
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Geekthink strikes again! You can consider yourself lucky that people by now know Linux at all, and a decent slice even know Ubuntu, but dan they will not care at all what the window manager is called. If it sucks, it's not GNome's fault, it's Ubuntu's fault (or, more likely, Linux's fault).
In before "Linux is a kernel, the OS is called GNU/Linux, Ubuntu is a distro". As if normal people would actually CARE about that. Or to t
Re:Exceptionally good. (Score:5, Interesting)
And how well do you think your girlfriend would go on a vanilla windows install with no flash installed, MSN account not setup, etc?
If the article's author had setup flash / pidgin / explained the difference between GIMP & Open Office draw, his girlfriend would have had few problems.
I'd suggest to you (honestly) - that if all your gf really does is youtube, mail & chat, then she'd be much better off on Ubuntu than windows.
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Quite fine, there is the Windows Messenger that comes by default in Windows Xp.
And about Flash? the first time you go to a flash-based site, it tells you you must install Flash and asks you if you want to install it, after there, just clicking YES YES NEXT NEXT ACCEPT YES will take you to a fully working Flash IE.
If the article's author had setup flash / pidgin / explained the
Re:Exceptionally good. (Score:5, Insightful)
If you're talking to a novice you're not going to go into tons of detail about acronyms and such, you're going to say "GIMP does stuff that photoshop does"
I think your argument is silly.
Re:Exceptionally good. (Score:5, Informative)
Maybe. Those who use a computer for those tasks often also use it to play music (MP3 Support) and play movies (DVD support) where Microsoft has paid for the privilage to supply the codecs and the Ubuntu distro is lacking.
MP3 support isn't bad, but DVD support comes with dire warnings of DMCA violations and it may be illegal where you live.
Once installed, I like the Ubuntu machine over anything else for playing movies. You put in the DVD and the movie starts.. No previews, no unskippable FBI warning etc. Nice. If I want to watch all the extras, I can watch them later. It's the way a DVD player should work.
If I travel without a laptop, I carry a copy of Geex box. It's a bootable Linux Media player. Nice.
Re:Exceptionally good. (Score:4, Funny)
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Re:Exceptionally good. (Score:5, Insightful)
Ahaha, good one. I thought the very point of this exercise was that users do not behave like developers expect or would like them to. Reading release notes is certainly among the things they rarely ever do, and so this hints at Ubuntu doing something wrong more than anything else.
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I'd love to see the same test done a default current (let alone 5 or 6 years old!) windows install.
Advanced image manipulation? Torrents? Finding stuff on a non-windows-format partition? I doubt it.
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Because Apple feels (usually for pretty good reasons) that a user has no reason to go there.
Applications are installed in the Application folder, documents and files go into the Documents folder in the user's home folder and that's about the only access that most users need.
Messing with the lower-level file structure
Girlfriend? (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Girlfriend? (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Girlfriend? (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Girlfriend? (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Girlfriend? (Score:5, Funny)
Arr matey. (Score:5, Funny)
Re:Arr matey. (Score:5, Funny)
ports... (Score:5, Funny)
Window Size complaint. (Score:4, Informative)
She would have failed that test under windows.
Re:Window Size complaint. (Score:4, Informative)
Re:Window Size complaint. (Score:4, Informative)
The problem here has a lot to do with new users being inundated with confusing dialog boxes, and just clicking "OK" at the first opportunity. This problem occurs both on Windows and Ubuntu. Not that this excuses Ubuntu: a usability problem should be fixed, even if it occurs on other platforms as well.
Re:Window Size complaint. (Score:5, Interesting)
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Yes. You can boot up into safe mode and get a fully functional GUI at VGA resolution so that you can launch whatever gui / wizard non-command line xorg.conf editing program you need to get your desktop back.
Granted, only tech-savvy people would know how to boot up into safe mode. But I still give this one to Window
Interesting (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Interesting (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Interesting (Score:5, Funny)
Test using Kubuntu? (Score:5, Interesting)
New user mode (Score:4, Interesting)
I think many of these observations were valid and maybe points up the need for a "New To Ubuntu" mode that provides extra assistance for common transitional tasks. But, please, in consideration for those of us a little more technically inclined, provide a way to turn the new user mode off. Or offer it as a separate distro.
I'd be willing to bet the larger fraction of Ubuntu users are fairly tech savvy. If the developers try to foist Ubuntu Bob on users that don't want or need it, they'll lose their most loyal users. Bad for all of us. But if there isn't some kind of transitional assistance for new users, that will inhibit getting users from other operating systems into the ark.
The great thing about Linux is that it doesn't have to be all things to all people. You can shape a distro to the specific needs of particular users.
It's a fine line... (Score:5, Insightful)
The problem is that this approach often doesn't work. For one thing, it annoys the piss out of experience users. For another thing, new users tend to ignore most of that information... mainly because they are being overwhelmed by new information and can't possibly assimilate it all.
Take, for instance, the problem that was encountered when changing screen resolution. The tester changed the resolution easily, but then she clicked the "Keep settings" immediately, which locked her into graphic settings that were hard to change back. Part of the problem, I suppose is that the system allowed the user to make a ridiculous change. But part of the problem is also, perhaps, that the user is very used to clicking "OK" on any dialog that gets in the way: there are too many new things to read and learn, and the easiest way to get things done (in the mind of a new user) is to dismiss those annoying boxes as quickly as possible. Would a second popup, that described in detail why this low resolution was a bad idea (and how to undo it when desired), have changed anything? Doubtful. Most users would just click "OK" without reading it.
All this to say that I'm by no means convinced that adding more balloons, wizards, and dialog boxes will magically make it easier for users to figure out what's going on. I don't know what the solution is: usability is a tough problem. There is a place for helpful information (balloons, tool-tips, etc.), reminders, and wizards. But too much of this becomes decidedly counter-productive.
Re:It's a fine line... (Score:4, Interesting)
If software adhered to a universal "undo" command, people who follow the first instinct to click whatever button isn't "Cancel" would at least have some way to back out of their mistakes and get it right on a subsequent try. It would also give us some protection against developers who create crap software and crap documentation.
Even sales guys can install Ubuntu (Score:4, Informative)
Use cases (Score:3, Insightful)
Using a list of common tasks to test a piece of software is simple, brilliant, and done all too infrequently. I can't count the number of times I've been using an application and can't work out how to do something that hundreds of other people must also want to do, and yet the developer has not made this task obvious.
Open source tools often suffer from this because they are so proud of their features. I remember trying to burn a data CD under Linux 3 or 4 years ago and the tool I was using did not make it at all obvious how I drag files into the workspace and then burn them. It did, however, make the SCSI options for me CD drive immediately available.
Web pages often suffer because they are style over substance. Yes, it looks very pretty, but how do I buy stuff? Well done for having text on the front page that tells me how "obsessed by quality" you are, but where is the contact address so I can ask you questions about your product?
Software libraries suffer when they are more interested in recruiting developers than serving users. I remember trying to use a Perl tool that required a specific module. The web page for the module had a great deal of links about writing applications using that module but nowhere on the whole page did it tell me how to download and install the module so it could be used with an existing application.
When designing any piece of software think: what will this be mostly used for? Does it make it easy to do that?
Sure linux geeks have girlfriends... (Score:4, Interesting)
Usability test (Score:4, Informative)
My wife switched to Ubuntu after her XP-installation trashed the hard drive. When she first tried to recover the OS with the supplied restore-cd from LG neither the WiFi card or sound worked. Then she tried Ubuntu which worked without turning a dial.
Now she's been running Ubuntu for over six months and she's hooked. She even managed to install Hardy Heron while breastfeeding our 7 week old daughter. - If that isn't usability for the masses then what is?
People Pay Cash for Usability (Score:4, Insightful)
Usability is more than checking to see if a user evenrtually figured out how to get something deon. E.g., it's disastrous if they can't figure out how to open a file. But, the fact that they managed to open the file is not necessarily an indicator of a good design.
Usability is something people pay cash for. Just ask Apple and the Photoshop folks.
That this story even exists is part of the problem (Score:5, Insightful)
Testing for useability needs to come in much, much earlier in development, and it needs to involve a much wider cross-section of human beings. And as it's being done, development of adequate documentation and help needs to go hand and hand with it.
It's so easy to disparage girlfriends, the middle-aged, and the elderly--in short, anyone whose job or study is not technical--that I think it's becoming ingrained in the cultures responsible for developing the various operating-system distributions and open-source software packages. This is going to cause them to suffer over the long haul. It's what makes them such a tough sell to people in business.
There's an immense population of middle-aged people, for example, still in the work force. And interestingly enough, they've actually now all got 20 or 25 years' experience as end-users of computer systems. They're not stupid. They all have jobs that they need to get done. They're not interested in being part of user communities and forums. They're not interested in the ideals of free and open-source software. They're not interested in sticking it to Microsoft. They're not interested in that warm feeling of accomplishment that until recently accompanied getting your printers hooked up to OpenOffice--after wasting hours of productive time doing it. They're interested in using their computers as tools to accomplish their current day's work.
Issues of usability and documentation aren't much fun. They're probably the least glamorous and most boring functions of developing the software. That's why they get such short shrift in open-source development. Nobody really wants to take them on, so we're treated to excrescenses like having people guess how to get out to a command line to install their audio player or their scanner or their printer.
Large-scale developers of proprietary software know precisely where their bread is buttered, and they attend to all this as a matter of course.
"Girlfriend" articles seem to appear quite regularly every few months, so at least somebody is thinking about this even at a ridiculous level. A lot more people need to be thinking about it at a much more serious level.
Wonderful emphasis (Score:5, Insightful)
Isn't it enough to say that the installation was tested with a novice user instead of putting stupid assumptions and implications right in the freaking headline?
And of course, what kind of replies do I expect to my post around here? People marveling that a woman is posting on slashdot that will be modded up as funny. Given the nature of my post, I also expect some responses telling me to calm down or calling me a feminazi. There, I've taken care of those responses, you can stick to ones that actually address what I've said.
Re:Wonderful emphasis (Score:4, Informative)
However, from TFA - "Erin's intelligent, quick to learn and is reasonably well-acquainted with modern technology." The author makes it clear that his girlfriend is somewhat skilled with computers, can perform a range of normal computer tasks and was methodical and persistent in solving the problems she encountered. Aside from the somewhat unfortunate title, TFA makes it clear that she is a "noob" only in so far as she has never used Ubuntu"
Re:Wonderful emphasis (Score:4, Funny)
Your husband is a female computer programmer? And he has a girlfriend? I admire your honesty, ma'am. -golf clap-
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Rampant Rabbit (Score:3, Funny)
Re: (Score:3, Insightful)
IF Ubuntu (or release of your choice), WAS more like Windows, just think how much higher the adoption rate would be for it. Imagine how EASY it would be if you could show people with only a Windows background, "look, you do the same things and get the same result - only this one is free, doesn't come cluttered with DRM, isn't susceptible to malware etc etc".
It could be the BIG selling point, if only you'd give in to the pressure.
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well they have to when transitioning from XP to Vista...
Re:No Windows Clone (Score:5, Insightful)
Have her install Wubi (Score:3, Informative)