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Linus Torvalds Speaks Out on Future of Linux 520

SlinkySausage writes "Linus Torvalds has laid out his plans for the future of Linux, including the 3.0 kernel [there probably won't be one], problems with the Linux release cycles and which distro he personally runs on his home PC. '"Compile everything by hand" ones simply weren't interesting to me,' Torvalds says."
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Linus Torvalds Speaks Out on Future of Linux

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  • by jshriverWVU ( 810740 ) on Wednesday August 22, 2007 @11:54AM (#20319117)
    "Compile everything by hand" ones simply weren't interesting to me,'

    guessing he's not a gentoo user :)

    • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

      by dr_strang ( 32799 )
      Gentoo is like going to a restaurant, ordering your dinner, and having the chef take you back into the kitchen and put you to work making your own meal. I like an OS with a little LESS configurability than Gentoo. Some like it though.
      • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

        it's more like going out to dinner at a sit-down restraunt, rather than a fast food restraunt.

        All it is is one command per app install (or less, if one app requires other apps)

        ex, if you want to play boson:
        Gentoo$ emerge boson (compiles and installs boson, with any cooking instructions you have in your make.conf)
        Debian$ apt-get boson (installs precompiled boson, straight from the wrapper under the heat light)

        Same amount of work really... You just have more options available in Gentoo
        • by dr_strang ( 32799 ) on Wednesday August 22, 2007 @12:08PM (#20319281)
          Not to be too pedantic (yeah right), but you end up with the same product, so that analogy is kind of flawed. More like the waiter asking you 40-50 questions about how you want each part of your meal prepared, to the point where you get really exasperated and say "Just give me the damn surf and turf and don't burn it please."
          • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

            Run a compiled KDE/OpenOffice system from gentoo with the appropriate flags for your CPU in make.conf

            Compare the performance to the pre-compiled Gentoo, Fedora, or Ubuntu performance

            The taste (err, performance) is a lot better with the compiled yourself. And you don't get asked 40-50 questions, or if you do, you forgot to set batch mode.

            I use FreeBSD, with a build system similar to Gentoo, and I have two steps more than what I would get with an apt-get situation.

            (1) add "CPUTYPE=[whatever-my-cpu-is-here]" t
            • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

              by dvice_null ( 981029 )
              > (1) add "CPUTYPE=[whatever-my-cpu-is-here]" to my make.conf file

              The problem is that most of the people don't know what their CPUTYPE is. I don't know it either and I have actually build the pc from parts on my own. Is it really impossible to autodetect the CPUTYPE?
              • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

                by cciechad ( 602504 )
                With the new gcc I think 4.2 -march=native does what you want.
              • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

                by jshriverWVU ( 810740 )
                Not since the mid 90's most x86 CPU's have a string built into the CPU

                mov eax, 0

              • by Just Some Guy ( 3352 ) <> on Wednesday August 22, 2007 @01:23PM (#20320217) Homepage Journal

                Is it really impossible to autodetect the CPUTYPE?

                Yes, because the machine doesn't know that it isn't a build server that should be pushing generic x86 packages to every server on your network and therefore shouldn't optimze for quad-core Opterons.

              • by einhverfr ( 238914 ) <chris,travers&gmail,com> on Wednesday August 22, 2007 @06:43PM (#20323565) Homepage Journal

                > (1) add "CPUTYPE=[whatever-my-cpu-is-here]" to my make.conf file

                The problem is that most of the people don't know what their CPUTYPE is. I don't know it either and I have actually build the pc from parts on my own. Is it really impossible to autodetect the CPUTYPE?
                CPUTYPE="Compaq Presario"

                Why doesnt this work? What do you mean look at /proc/cpuinfo?

            • Re:Not a Gentoo user (Score:4, Informative)

              by C0vardeAn0nim0 ( 232451 ) on Wednesday August 22, 2007 @12:44PM (#20319679) Journal
              "Run a compiled KDE/OpenOffice system from gentoo with the appropriate flags for your CPU in make.conf

              Compare the performance to the pre-compiled Gentoo, Fedora, or Ubuntu performance

              The taste (err, performance) is a lot better with the compiled yourself. And you don't get asked 40-50 questions, or if you do, you forgot to set batch mode."

              I call that BS.

              binary packages perform as well as any self compiled code out there. i had the same discussion a couple of years ago, when gentoo was all the rage. i went home, dowloaded the source code of both Glibc and GCC and ran a series of kernel compilations first with Debian's i686 optimized packages of both Glibc and GCC, then ran the same tests this time with athlon optimized packages (my CPU at the time was an athlon Tbird running at 1.4 GHZ). The result was a statiscaly negligible 1% (yes, ONE percent) in favor of the athlon optimized code.

              You know why such small diference ? it's because modern CPUs are capable of optimizing the code internally themselves. Anandtech and tom's hardware have lots of articles about how this kind of stuff happens. the point being that you can run pentium-optimized code in an athlon or AMD64 optimized code in an intel 64bit Core 2 without loss of performance.

              in other words: compiling the code yourself to get better performance is (in the best penn jillette style) BULLSHIT!!!

              Oh, and there's another thing. as a professional syadmin, I always favor vendor compiled packages for stability and support. try convincing a middle manager of a fortune 100 company about the advantages of self compiled code, and he'll be glad to staple a copy of their site-support contract with Sun/IBM/HP/Red Hat/whatever to your pink slip.

              big companies loathe this kind of adventure with the code that runs their business. whith their asses on the line, they want someone to fix any mistake quickly and efficiently (and binary packages are waaaay quicker than compiling), and if it doesn't work, they want some external party to blame and pay contractual fees.

              welcome to the real word, kid.
              • Re:Not a Gentoo user (Score:5, Interesting)

                by jimstapleton ( 999106 ) on Wednesday August 22, 2007 @12:52PM (#20319773) Journal
                Yeah, a coworker once said the same thing.

                I convinced him to try it with just OpenOffice

                He sang a different tune. Call bullshit all you want, but I've tried both, and I know which I prefer.

                And I never once said that this was a good idea for big companies. Please don't make assumptions that make you look idiotic, as a professional sysadmin whos avoided that mistake but seen others make it, it'll get you a pink slip just as easily.

                It's the difference between 1/2 second to open OpenOffice 2.1 vs. 2+ seconds on one of my systems.
                • Re:Not a Gentoo user (Score:5, Interesting)

                  by gbjbaanb ( 229885 ) on Wednesday August 22, 2007 @01:25PM (#20320247)
                  are you *sure* it was the compile flags that did that, and not some disk fragmenting or cache issues, or whatever else might have screwed your 'test'. Loading openoffice isn't exactly CPU intensive is it, and the compiled versions only have the CPU-specific extras enabled, so I can't see that having SSE3 etc enabled in your OO build v the pre-built one will cause that much of a slowdown.
                • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

                  by Malc ( 1751 )
                  "It's the difference between 1/2 second to open OpenOffice 2.1 vs. 2+ seconds on one of my systems."

                  And that's really worth it? This sounds more like a pissing competition. I'll stick with my pre-compiled binaries thanks.
              • Re:Not a Gentoo user (Score:5, Interesting)

                by dfn_deux ( 535506 ) <> on Wednesday August 22, 2007 @02:02PM (#20320733) Homepage
                I agree with the meat of your comment, but I don't entirely agree with the premise. The "smoothness" and relative performance increase I see on gentoo is primarily about CPU optimizations, which as you discovered are pretty negligible. I do however not have X support and Pango and OpenType and a million other unneeded libs linked to my applications as happens with the default packages on SUSE and Redhat. The result is applications which have a smaller memory footprint and don't require a shit ton of ancillary packages to be installed. This yields a real measurable benefit both in terms of performance and overall complexity of a given install. Just adding "USE= -ipv6 -X11 -multi-lib -doc" to a vanilla gentoo minimal build destined to be a server can shave a considerable amount of overhead from the finished product.
              • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

                Make and gcc have both improved alot since 2003 when gentoo came out. Today alot of improvements are automatically included and linked during runtime where before you had to hand config files or use flags to have the compiler do it manually. Portage really is not needed anymore.
              • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

                by ookabooka ( 731013 )

                ...the point being that you can run pentium-optimized code in an athlon or AMD64 optimized code in an intel 64bit Core 2 without loss of performance.

                Uh, if you compile something using -march=athlon-xp and then try to run it an intel procesor, it will likely segfault (intel doesn't have 3dnow for example). There is a big difference in terms of performance between using -march and -mtune. -mtune optimizes it for a certain processor while still making it possible to run on others, by using -march you make it

        • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

          by deftcoder ( 1090261 )
          Debian has apt-build if you really want to waste your time manually compiling stuff...

          apt-get install apt-build; man apt-build
      • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

        by flydpnkrtn ( 114575 )
        Please stop perpetuating the myth that Gentoo == Linux From Scratch

        With Gentoo you can start from a stage 3 install, and you can also install binary packages if you so choose

        Why doesn't FreeBSD have the stigma Gentoo does? /usr/ports insipred Portage...
        • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

          by nuzak ( 959558 )
          > Why doesn't FreeBSD have the stigma Gentoo does? /usr/ports insipred Portage...

          For starters, FreeBSD did not go around making fantastic claims about the efficiency of ports-compiled code, nor was recompiling the base system some sort of rite of passage into enlightenment about "how the system works". But mostly it was the fact that it was BSD, which just doesn't have as big of an advocacy culture.

        • by RLiegh ( 247921 ) on Wednesday August 22, 2007 @01:04PM (#20319951) Homepage Journal
          Because the FreeBSD community did not propel itself to fame on the back of a bunch of "CFLAGS just kick in, yo" kids, maybe?

          Because the FreeBSD community as well as the FreeBSD developers [i]generally[/i] tend to have outgrown the fanboyism displayed by most Gentoo followers? (I'm not knocking the gentoo devs here, btw -far from it- I'm going out of my way to exclude them from the 'fanboy' label.)

          Oh, and also because FreeBSD doesn't base it's core OS on a fluxating set of packages that can -and do- hose your system on a regular basis if you try to keep it up to date (meaning FreeBSD has a binary patch mechanism instead of "make 'fuck up my system with the latest packages from sourceforge -k?' ".

          Mind you, I don't run FreeBSD (haven't since 4.6), but there's a reason why people who have used Unix for a while look down on Linux in general ("it's friday -time to gratuitously change the scheduler again!") and Gentoo in particular ("more CFLAGS means more vroom!").
          • Re:Not a Gentoo user (Score:4, Informative)

            by UberLord ( 631313 ) on Wednesday August 22, 2007 @08:17PM (#20324371) Homepage
            So you're the kind of person that would hate []Gentoo/FreeBSD then?

            Suck it down my friend - Gentoo is the meta distro.
            Don't like the Linux? Swap it with FreeBSD + libc + userland.

            Only x86 atm.
            Sparc64 is almost there - FreeBSD 7 should solve the last issues with with Gentoo Toolchain - namely loading kernel modules.
            Actually FreeBSD-7 should also enable Gentoo/FreeBSD on all our arches to be viable as FreeBSD-7 is moving to gcc-4.2 as its base compiler.
            We also have a few people working on integrating DragonFly, NetBSD and OpenBSD into the Gentoo fold as well.

            Gentoo is NOT about CFLAGS
            Gentoo is NOT about speed.
            Gentoo is just a platform for developers by developers.
            At least, that's my take as a Gentoo dev.

            If Joe User wants to use Gentoo then more power to him! He may end up a developer :)
            • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

              by RLiegh ( 247921 )
              >So you're the kind of person that would hate Gentoo/FreeBSD [] then?

              Actually I was reading a little (nothing in great detail) about the alternate platforms for gentoo the other day, so you're not presenting something new to me.

              BSD -Unix- is a system, developed and planned as a whole unit. Linux -and 'meta' operating systems such as Debian and Gentoo all suffer from a lack of co-ordination. Microsoft gets many things wrong, but their ad in '99 with the illu
      • Gentoo is like going to a restaurant, ordering your dinner, and having the chef take you back into the kitchen and put you to work making your own meal.

        Hmm... I'm not a gentoo user, but I think I'd like that kind of restaurant! Not every day, of course, but I'd go there from time to time.

      • by Tweekster ( 949766 ) on Wednesday August 22, 2007 @12:17PM (#20319381)
        There are no gentoo USERS. they never get to actually use the system
    • by dpilot ( 134227 ) on Wednesday August 22, 2007 @12:42PM (#20319651) Homepage Journal
      As a Gentoo user since 1.4, I have to say that the common image is incorrect, though I know it's the common Gentoo joke.

      I generally don't "compile by hand," I generally "emerge -atv (packageName)" to install or "emerge -atuvDN world" to update. Nor am I a ricer with my CFLAGS settings. It just plain works smoother than the other distributions I've used. Harp all you want to about "waiting for compiles," but I'm out doing other things while that happens. It's not as if you have to sit and watch the compiler activity scroll past. It's the computer's time being used, not mine.

      Back when I was on RedHat, I'd see "package X" that wasn't part of the official distribution. So I'd find an rpm and try to install it. Then I'd find that I needed another library, and go searching for that rpm. Sometimes then things would work. But sometimes I'd find that some package was looking for things in SuSE layout instead of RedHat, or I was grabbing an rpm from somewhere that didn't play well with RedHat for some other reason. There was a non-trivial set of packages that I never could get installed and running.

      On Gentoo I've had far fewer problems getting things to run. In fact, I've only had 1 intractable problem compiling from source, and that's been Doomsday, which isn't released for amd64. I've had a few transient problems with source-based packages that have soon gotten fixed. But by and large, my biggest problems have been related to binary-only packages.

      Oh, and there's nothing about the usually-disruptive "upgrade to the next release." My system is just up-to-date. A few times a year they issue a new profile, but that's generally about as disruptive as upgrading any other package. The only really disruptive upgrades have been things like udev, gcc and xorg, but even with those it's better to take them one-at-a-time and cope, instead of the usual "practically everything has undergone significant changes" of a distribution upgrade.
    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by Fred_A ( 10934 )

      "Compile everything by hand" ones simply weren't interesting to me,'

      guessing he's not a gentoo user :)

      People who compile stuff by hand when using Gentoo are using it wrong. The package manager handles all that crud transparently.
  • by cb_is_cool ( 1084665 ) on Wednesday August 22, 2007 @11:58AM (#20319159)
    But really at this point, even if he stops developing the kernel, someone else will just pick up where he left off. I don't think we can ever really expect to keep one final generation of the kernel. It'll always be changing and morphing to new cpu's, hardware, etc...
  • No 3.0 ? (Score:5, Funny)

    by Colin Smith ( 2679 ) on Wednesday August 22, 2007 @12:02PM (#20319195)
    Oh come on!

    3.0 is a perfect excuse to break everything and allow your imagination to run riot. That's the fun bit!

    • by Pxtl ( 151020 )
      In the cases of megalithic, powerhouse products like the Linux kernel, that kind of thing is better handled by a fork, just to make it crystal clear that "yes, we're breaking all backwards-compatibility".
    • Re:No 3.0 ? (Score:4, Funny)

      by gbjbaanb ( 229885 ) on Wednesday August 22, 2007 @01:15PM (#20320099)
      Everyone knows that its not real, mature, stable software until its been named version 3.0. It worked for Windows didn't it?
      • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

        by cp.tar ( 871488 )

        I'll wait for Linux 3.11 for Workgroups in that case, thank you oh so very much.

        Though I guess this gives us the approximate timeline for the 3.0 version - because we know that Linux 95 must soon follow.
        89 more years to go, 89 years...

    • We can't have a 2.7, as that's subject to litigation from SCO, and we can't just stick with 2.6 forever, or we might as well drop the 2.6 the way the Great Emacs Renumbering did with unused digits in its version.

      Seriously, 1.0 was considered "feature complete" at the time of release, and there are some major architectural changes which will be required in order to improve scalability across multi-core as well as SMP systems, not to mention some fairly major pieces of work that are still under development

  • The one thing I really like about Linux is that it adheres more to a Unix tradition of doing things continually and incrementally. Like, it drives me nuts that on Windows, to talk to SQL Server in C++, one has had to go from db-library to odbc to either OLE-DB or ADO... whereas, in a Unixy type mindset, one might ask, what really needed to change about db-library that required a whole new way of talking to databases? And, the answer is, not a lot. It is absolutely wonderful that in Linux there is a core set of APIs that always work, aren't suddenly abandoned to make a new feature that frankly, most people don't need.

    So, in my mind, to say that there won't be a Linux Kernel 3.0 or a Linux 4.0 or something like that, is actually a GOOD THING. If you want dramatic, shocking, breaking releases that require you to rewrite 95% of your code to do the same thing, if you want to find that what you used suddenly can't work largely because it isn't supported any more, then Microsoft has plenty of that.

    So three cheers for point releases, and here's to the death of "major" releases.
    • The way people and organizations select version numbers has always annoyed me and Linus is spot on on this topic. To me, version numbers are stupid. The only number that really matters is the revision number, all other numbers either encapsulate too much non-sense or require too much "thinking" and "creativity" based on the developer's part. At the end of the day it's just a label to say that this version was created after all of those other versions, nothing more nothing less.

      In these days, versions and

  • by tgatliff ( 311583 ) on Wednesday August 22, 2007 @12:10PM (#20319297)
    Sounds like he is sticking with the programming model of doing a large number of releases with small changes type model. Glad to see it actually, as this is the approach that I have been using on all of the software I build for work. What this does bring up, though, is the unfilled need currently of having an auto-upgrader software package where new kernel packages can be auto-upgraded and then migrated too on the fly without requiring a reboot. This would be quite complex I would admit, and maybe not possible in all kernel releases, but this is definitely something that needs to be looked at... Just my 2 cents worth.. :-)
  • Makes sense... (Score:3, Interesting)

    by ricky-road-flats ( 770129 ) on Wednesday August 22, 2007 @12:11PM (#20319309) Homepage
    ... from the very early days where there was a new version sometimes more than once a day, it's dropped off as the major things that needed to be done get done.

    There is a lot of new stuff happening, but it's in the main not specific to the kernel. New things the kernels needs to do are thin on the ground now. Not to say it'll ever be finished as such, just that there aren't any needed big new features. It'll take a major new shift in computing to do that, I suspect. Something way bigger than extensions or tweaks to x86/SPARC/PPC/ARM etc. I'm not holding my breath.

    I may be stating the obvious, but the site is slashdotted, so I can't see what Linus has apparently said.

    • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

      by ameline ( 771895 )
      If Intel adds more or wider SSE registers or otherwise adds to or changes the thread specific state, the context switcher in the kernel will have to be updated to support that.

      Hetrogenous cores could also cause changes to the scheduler -- ie having a small number of OOO cores, and a larger number of in order cores -- some threads will run better on one type of core than another.

      But for the most part, he's probably right -- the days of rapid large scale architectural changes to the kernel are over.
    • One of the most interesting things (to me, anyway) that Linus talked about in the interview as how proud he was of the technical merits of the kernel and of Linux as an OS in general. I thought that was fairly interesting.

      I really don't want to try and turn this into a Linux vs BSD vs [something else] flamewar here, but since I'm not really qualified to comment on things like memory-management algorithms, I wondered if anyone wanted to weigh in on exactly what areas they think Linux really excels at -- from
      • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

        by Error27 ( 100234 )
        Linux has tons drivers but windows has better hardware support for the types of hard you can buy at retail.

        Solaris has ZFS that they like to brag about. On Linux, Ext3 is a very reliable FS and something to be proud of but it's showing its age. fsck times are unbearably long for example. It tends to get fragmented. XFS is a good FS too.

        Linux is pretty weak at power management which is crucial in embeded products. The embeded guys used to complain about real time support, but I guess that's OK now.

  • by CodeShark ( 17400 ) <[moc.oohay] [ta] [cphtrowslle]> on Wednesday August 22, 2007 @12:15PM (#20319361) Homepage
    Personally, my favorite aspect of this interview is that Linus himself basically considers the core OS now stable enough that anything new is likely to be incremental instead of ground-shakingly different, at least on the x86 platforms.

    Which would imply a stability that leads to dependability which leads to usability which leads to widespread use. At least that is my hope in the enterprise, that the combination of commodity hardware with a commodity, high powered and stable OS can be coupled with increasingly powerful database engines such as mySQL, Veritas, etc. Oracle on Linux is now considered stable as well.

    At home? stability leading to dependability leading to integration leading to crossover applications that will no longer depend on a proprietary OS stack to function. The only thing missing from my desired tool set on Linux right now is basically an easy to use, high powered MIDI to music recording and notation system -- and the pieces for all of that is already there -- it's my time to research and integrate the pieces that is in short supply.

    I guess my point is that stability and upgradeability cause me to buy (several Linuxes and Win2K). Give me yet a large bulkier OS that doesn't really do much but add coolness (Vista or even XP) and I yawn.
    • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

      by jimicus ( 737525 )
      Which would imply a stability that leads to dependability which leads to usability which leads to widespread use. At least that is my hope in the enterprise, that the combination of commodity hardware with a commodity, high powered and stable OS can be coupled with increasingly powerful database engines such as mySQL, Veritas, etc. Oracle on Linux is now considered stable as well.

      Depending on what kind of infrastructure you needed, six or seven years ago, you were fairly likely to get funny looks if you ann
  • Drop Bears? (Score:3, Informative)

    by russ1337 ( 938915 ) on Wednesday August 22, 2007 @01:11PM (#20320047)
    >>> LT: I've been to Australia several times, ..... But my first trip ..... was in 93 or so, talking about Linux for the Australian Unix Users Group. And I'd never go bush walking. Not that I mind the idea of poisonous animals (or the drop-bears), but simply because I'm just not into that whole outdoor thing.

    I hope he was told the truth about Drop Bears [] and that he was kidding...

    A drop bear (or dropbear) is a fictional Australian marsupial said to be related to the koala. Drop bears are commonly said to be unusually large, vicious, carnivorous koalas that inhabit treetops and attack their prey by dropping onto their heads from above. They are an example of local lore intended to frighten and confuse outsiders (usually American tourists), and amuse locals, similar to the jackalope, hoop snake, haggis or snipe hunting. Stories of drop bears are often told to unsuspecting foreign visitors to illustrate Australian morbid humour. It is often suggested that doing ridiculous things like having forks in the hair or Vegemite or toothpaste spread behind the ears will deter the creatures.
  • PffT (Score:4, Funny)

    by drix ( 4602 ) on Wednesday August 22, 2007 @03:00PM (#20321423) Homepage
    Linux is soooo Y2K. I run RedHat now.
  • by Crayon Kid ( 700279 ) on Wednesday August 22, 2007 @04:03PM (#20322095)
    I mean, real collapsable threads. Because one asshole says "gentoo" in a FP and 99% of what was supposed to be about a Linus interview goes to Hell in a handbasket. So I wish it was possible to click on a "[-]" button the second I saw "gentoo" and be spared of all this.

    Nothing against Gentoo, but this was a horrible example when this would've been a really useful Slashdot feature.

"The Mets were great in 'sixty eight, The Cards were fine in 'sixty nine, But the Cubs will be heavenly in nineteen and seventy." -- Ernie Banks
