The GPL Impedes Linux More Than It Helps? 386
Anonymous Coward writes "Linux ought to be even more successful than it is. On ZDNet, Paul Murphy ponders the reasons why. For one thing: The GPL impedes Linux more than it helps. Licensing issues, coupled with patent and copyright FUD, have caused developers and VCs to think twice before committing to Linux. Murphy also suspects that desktop Linux is stuck on stupid." From the post: "Basically, legal issues, or the threat of legal issues, caused some key applications developers to back off Linux while the general negativism of Linux marketing caused many of the individuals whose innovations should have been driving Linux adoption to hang fire until MacOS X and Solaris for x86 under the CDDL came along."
Actually (Score:4, Informative)
Re:Actually (Score:4, Funny)
Tomorrow's headline will be under GPLv3. Today's headline is still under GPLv2. It's OK to dupe today's headline tomorrow in order to get pageviews today, as GPLv2 headlines can be grandfathered in, and the revenues derived from the pageviews would be legit. But if he posted it tomorrow, he'd owe royalties to RMS - no, wait, nobody's supposed to owe royalties to anyone - but if he posted it tomorrow, I'm sure RMS would do something nasty to him! Maybe even start singing some of his poetry or something!
For cripe's sake!! (Score:5, Insightful)
Now back to your scheduled flamewar.
Linux and GPL (Score:5, Insightful)
It does help (Score:5, Insightful)
Right now, MS could support BSD and kill the market from under Apple. That is what happened in Unix, after it was closed. The big players slowly killed off the little guys by adding closed source that was unavailable to them.
Besides, keep in mind that only Windows is a moneymaker (and that is due to the monopoly in Office). No other OS makes a direct profit. Not even Apple, or any of the linux distros.
Re:It does help (Score:3, Insightful)
Huh? I must REALLY be missing something. (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Linux and GPL (Score:2)
Their market proliferation was not from people buying their OS directly. You purchased an x86 machine, you got a bundled OS at a markup by default.
Re:Linux and GPL (Score:2, Insightful)
I would really like to know more about those legal searches you did for your company's sources. What did you have to check? How did you make sure you were allowed to use the tools the way you used them? How did you interpret the licences? etc.
My company thinks about porting its
Re:Linux and GPL (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Linux and GPL (Score:5, Insightful)
To what end? To allow businesses to re-licence their modifications under proprietary terms? The BSDs already exist to that end. To be sure, they've had some prominent business adoptions. The only problem is that afterwards they're not really BSD anymore, and it's hard to see how OSX for example actually brings any benefit BDS.
What else could appeal to business? Dropping the source code requirement for modifications? That more or less morphs back into the same case as a BSD licence. In addition, it's hard to see how this ameliorates any suspicion over a gift culture.
I really can't see what changes you'd make.
It should also be pointed out that for many of those who write GPL software, corporate adoption is not a high priority.
Obvious MSFT troll at work (Score:3, Interesting)
One large (unnamed) software company has even resorted to paying other companies to attack both GNU/linux and the GPL. That
Re:Linux and GPL (Score:3, Insightful)
Care to explain? How is it a hindrance to India in particular?
Re:Linux and GPL (Score:3, Insightful)
Well... you suggested different licences for different countries, rather than a per-nation modification of the GPL. However I will confess that I see little functional distinction. Whether we change the GPL to operate like the BSD licence in, say, India, or whether we Licence it under the BSD licence in India, the results are the same so far as I can see.
Also I don't see why the BSD license cannot be use
Forgetting development. (Score:5, Insightful)
You're right, and it's a good licence (Score:5, Interesting)
So, Linux has an excellent license when it comes to being able to use the great code and complete operating system components without paying a dime. If these people are really dying to write closed source applications using open source code, well, I don't know what to say. I think they could *pay* to do that, don't you?
So why didn't BSD get as popular as it is today without the GPL? Probably because corporations have been sucking out the peices they want to use and giving nothing back because they don't have to. The BSD community was never a sharing community. I don't think it is today either, although because of Linux it's become more so. Do you really think the *BSDs would be as popular now if Linux never came along?
Not to mention, most BSD systems use a heavy amount of GPL code these days, and the Linux kernel on GNU toolsets really took the GPL to the public. What would your favorite BSD look like without any of it?
Many programmers, and companies, are willing to contribute to GPL codebases because they're not willing to let the competition or some company to take their work, close source it, and sell it as something new and better to make bundles of cash. If they're going to give to the community, they want others to do the same. The GPL promotes that type of system.
People will complain about it because they want to use the code like it was public domain but it's not. Maybe this is considered "holding it back" but in my opinion we don't want that kind of thing anyways.
Re:You're right, and it's a good licence (Score:4, Informative)
Not to mention, most BSD systems use a heavy amount of GPL code these days
Really? Care to show me where this "heavy amount" is at?
What would your favorite BSD look like without any of it?
Well, this for one: http://www.openbsd.com/ [openbsd.com]
What would Linux look like without non-GPL code? You'd have no OpenSSH, no Apache, no PostgreSQL, and no X.
I can't tell you how many times I've heard that argument before from the anti-BSD folks. Again, care to show me an example of where this actually happened?
Curious.. (Score:4, Informative)
Re:Forgetting development. (Score:2)
Thing is, it's not difficult to make commercial software for Linux. For example, Trolltech offers Qt with a commercial license. If purchased a developer can create a commercial app that they can sell for Linux (or OSX or Windows - if they purchase the appropriate licenses).
Your 'Make free stuff' step isn't a requirement for an app the runs on Linux.
Re:Forgetting development. (Score:4, Insightful)
You have a good point, but in most respects developing for Linux isn't any worse than developing for Windows. I work for a software development company, and we have had fits over the years with the multiple versions of Windows, service packs, IE updates, Outlook versions, etc.. that our customers want to use with our software. Compatibility is not a problem exclusive to Linux.
It's not like the Open Source community of developers have never "depreciated" anything before, or broke it, or made something that used to work *not* work because they felt it was better to do it a different way. Of course if you question that wisdom you're essentially told to fuck off.
Again, not much different than developing with a Microsoft product. MFC has plenty of problems and the bug you worked around in this version will probably be completely different (not fixed) in the new version requiring a complete work around, and if you think Microsoft cares about your problems you are sadly deluded.
There is no perfect environment, and there are challenges regardless of where you are developing. If you can find a Linux product that there is enough market share for to generate revenue you should take advantage of the opportunity. Problem is finding people that will pay for Linux apps.
Re:Forgetting development. (Score:3, Insightful)
OTOH, you are completely correct that open source newsgroup posters can be hostile and arrogant. Personally I rarely post, and If I do I have thoroughly searched previous postings, other newsgroups an
Re:Forgetting development. (Score:4, Insightful)
Most software developers simply don't beleive in the businessmodel: (1: Make free stuff., 2: ?, 3: Profit! ) And rightfully so. Therefore, lots of developers use linux but dont make software for it.
Any developer who thinks that is the proper business model or any business model at all is too stupid for me to want to use their software anyway. The GPL is a great license for software and brings many advantages to the user of the software, not the developer. Your post implies the GPL is about getting more for doing less; this is not true at all. The GPL is a feature of software. By your argument no product should have any features beyond what is needed for it to function. Why would a car maker include air conditioning? It costs more money to include. The answer: because customers want it. If I build my own car from scratch, I'll include air conditioning, just as Linux users who created their own OS included the GPL.
The GPL is a license that is designed to benefit the end user of software. It was written by end users who also happen to be developers. As an end user of software the GPL means I can use a product and modify a product and redistribute it however I like. I can hire anyone to work on it I like. No one else can take all the effort I have put into it, add something, and make a profit off of it without giving me back something in exchange for all my work. It enforces fair collaboration on projects. All this is great for me, as a user.
That said can people make money by creating GPL software? Hell yes. Can construction workers and engineers make money constructing a bridge that is not a toll bridge? Yes. Can artists make money creating a commissioned mural in a building? Yes. Bridge builders, however, don't use the business model of, I think I'll build a bridge here and then try to get the county to pay me for having built it. Artists don't go into buildings, paint murals, and then try to negotiate a payment for it with the building owner. Software creation using the GPL can be plenty profitable if you find someone or some group that wants to hire a work to be done. The problem is that shortsighted and slow people cannot understand using any business model except the one used by current commercial software developers, even if it is one that is much more beneficial to them, personally.
As an addendum, you can make money for additional commission work adding features and customizing software, and in some cases with advertising revenue and by supplying expert support and/or consultation. Any businessman who cannot grasp the advantages of using GPL software tools to solve their businesses needs should be fired immediately. It is not always the right or best solution, but it certainly has some compelling advantages in terms of immediate cost, competitive supply, sharing expenses, industry interoperability, shared research costs, free advertising, and in-house talent development. Any developer who does not want to create GPL software, that is fine, create licenses that favor you as much as possible, just don't expect your customers to be willing to put up with it in the long run when they have better alternatives.
Re:Forgetting development. (Score:3, Interesting)
The thing about the GPL and its viralness is not you building your car from scratch and including your air conditioning, it's about the car company letting you build an air conditioner only if you give it for free, which hardly makes any sesnse for a business since you spent money to build the air conditioner in the first place.
Re:Forgetting development. (Score:3, Interesting)
Please tell me how many succeful business you have started? How many of said business were started by YOU beggining an open source project?
By myself, none. I have, however, worked at and own shares in several successful start up companies that create and contribute to open source software. You're missing the point of the business model I described. The GPL is a good business model if a user needs software, not if a developer wants to make arbitrary software. If Comcast and AT&T want particular soft
"Ought to be"? (Score:5, Interesting)
This is typical ZDNet FUD. Is there any evidence that intelligent, well-informed businesspeople (i.e. those who have clueful lawyers) have a remote concern about licensing when choosing Linux?
Re:"Ought to be"? (Score:2, Insightful)
That's a pretty circular argument, almost like saying "everything that's sucessful can't be improved".
It's entirely possible that licensing isn't one area of Linux that is in dire need of improvement, but don't use the argument "this is what got us here" to back it up.
Re:"Ought to be"? (Score:3, Insightful)
I think that they discovered that this kind of article provoke outrage in Linux community and they publish them for the money from the ads they serve to the outraged (and curious) public.
Impedance... (Score:5, Insightful)
Note that we could also say the same thing about proprietary, commercial software too: that licensing restrictions and costs impede its adoption. But they also create the circumstances in which that software is created.
The goal of the GPL has never been rapid adoption of software, but rather adoption under particular circumstances.
Anyway, has there ever been a time between 1991 and now when Linux and free software in general have not grown in user base?
Re:Impedance... (Score:5, Insightful)
Exactly. Very, very well put. (Bonus: air is also needed by the engines.) It's like he's saying "Ferraris are great, but they won't be popular until they're less than $10,000." You can't have it both ways. What makes a Ferrari great can't be done for less than $10,000. Yes, there are places where Linux being non-GPL would help, but Linux would not be where it is today if it weren't GPL in the first place. Everything has its pluses and minuses.
And desktop Linux is not stuck on stupid, the author is stuck on stupid:
"...Linux growth didn't slow because of competition - something else must have caused it and we need to understand what that was before we can work up a plan to do something about it."
Um, maybe Linux just got to the point where everyone who wants it, has it? There are such things as saturation and natural limits. Just because Linus jokes about world domination does not mean that Linux is a failure if it isn't the only system in use on every computer everywhere. Would he consider it a success if humans killed off every other species on the planet?
linus on GPL (Score:2)
i dont know if he regrets using it for the kernel, but he is smart and rational and will never speak out against it.
even at the top of linux kernel LICENSE, he added some extra notes of his own.
Re:linus on GPL (Score:5, Informative)
Yes, saying things like "Making Linux GPL'd was definitely the best thing I ever did." [sw.com.sg] is almost hostile.
Re:linus on GPL (Score:2)
But have you seen him push anything? He does not push Linux or GPL. He has a libertarian type attitude about all this.
Desktop stuck on Stupid? (Score:4, Interesting)
True to an extent... (Score:2, Informative)
Re:True to an extent... (Score:5, Insightful)
I don't think takeup would neccesarily be better with a BSD license, either - as evidenced by the fact that BSD takeup lags far behind Linux.
Re:True to an extent... (Score:3, Interesting)
I disagree that BSD takeup lags behind Linux. BSD licensed code ends up everywhere. Places you wouldn't even think to look. It just isn't called BSD anymore when it gets there. Again, up for debate/personal opinion whether this is good or not.
Re:True to an extent... (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:True to an extent... (Score:5, Interesting)
I know I personally do not develop for anything that isn't GPL (or, occasionally, LGPLed). GPL is a way of using copyright law as a weapon. Company X wants to take the card I wrote, stick it in their proprietary code, then sue me when I make a copy of their program? I don't think so, I'm not playing that game. The GPL levels the playing field- if they want my code, they can have it, they just have to give theirs to me as well. If tyhey don't want to do that, they can rewrite it on their money. Sounds good to me.
Re:True to an extent... (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:True to an extent... (Score:5, Informative)
That's absolutely wrong. The GPL allows you to modify and to use GPLed code in any way you please. What the GPL does not give you is the right to give the GPLed code to someone else without giving that person the same rights you got.
Re:True to an extent... (Score:4, Funny)
Re:True to an extent... (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:True to an extent... (Score:2)
Kinda like music?
Re:True to an extent... (Score:2)
It only seems unreasonable if you think of derivitive works as containing another application completely, or being based on an existing application. What if you just wanted to use a single function in your program that does something completely different? Is that still a derivative work? I'm sure that legally the answer would be yes, but it's an interesting mental exercise.
So in effect your argument is saying that the only safe softwa
Re:True to an extent... (Score:2)
Re:True to an extent... (Score:2)
Ok, I would like to modify the code, then release it as a closed source, proprietary product.
"What the GPL does not give you is the right to give the GPLed code to someone else without giving that person the same rights you got."
So, not in ANY WAY I PLEASE then?
Then why did you...wait...but you said...
Re:True to an extent... (Score:5, Interesting)
It seems to me that we don't have to just speculate here -- we more or less have an example of what Linux would look like under a BSD license; just look at the FreeBSD/NetBSD/etc. Those OS's are fairly similar to Linux, and are BSD'd, not GPL'd. And it seems to me (feel free to tell me if I'm wrong) that Linux has rather more momentum/popularity/support than they do. Why is that? My feeling is that it is largely due to the GPL. Because Linux is under the GPL, people (and companies) feel more willing to contribute their time towards improving Linux, because they feel that their work is going to "the commons" and is more likely to benefit everyone and less likely to benefit only certain parties.
For example: Do you think IBM would be so willing to throw developers at Linux if they thought Microsoft could just come in and scoop up all of that nice code into the next version of Windows?
Re:True to an extent... (Score:2)
It's impossible to tell what Linux would look like under a different license... So it's impossible to tell if it would be better or not.
Re:True to an extent... (Score:2)
You must be unclear on the meaning of the word "incorrect." Otherwise, you could never follow that sentence with this sequence of words:
You may use GPL code in whatever way you please, except
use != distribution (Score:2)
"Use" and "distribution" are two ENTIRELY separate things. Your complete inability to grasp that concept smacks of FUD.
Re:use != distribution (Score:2)
They are seperate, but not entirely. They are not mutually exclusive. Use isn't distribution, but distribution is a form of use. From a developers perspective, copying a small segment of code from somewhere completely unrelated into his/her own software may be the only way they intend to use a particular program.
They are only entirely seperate if you use a very limited definition of "use" (which the GPL does).
Please don't think that I'm saying this i
Re:True to an extent... (Score:2)
I'm not sure you can say that is why. It might be why, but it might also be that the mere newness of Linux, and it's lack of features, attracted developers in the way open BSD code couldn't. That's why I started coding for Linux; not because of the GPL.
Dec, SGI, IBM, HP, even Sun were willing to support Linux because it could not be taken away
They were willing to support BSD based operating systems too. What do you think Tru64, Irix, AIX, and Sol
This is not hard (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:This is not hard (Score:4, Interesting)
I think this answers what I've been wondering for a while. That is: If I write my own program nearly all from scratch, but use a single call to some Linux API (let's say a simple network call) do I then fall under the GPL and have to give up all my code? Or do I only have to release the part where I make the network call? Or is it only if I statically link the network call in as opposed to a dynamic call?
from a user's perspective (Score:3, Insightful)
As for Microsoft FUD - that's simply directed against any competitor. GPL is rallying banner for most of the opensource community, so naturally they're targetting it with their immense advertising budgets.
Not surprising (Score:5, Insightful)
You'd maybe see software technologies developed for linux integrated into proprietary commercial closed-source applications, just as they did with the BSD implementation of TCP/IP in MS Windows, or BSD/Darwin into Mac OS X.
It wouldn't bring about the desired effect of keeping software Free, though. What do we want Linux to be?
Very poorly written and reasoned (Score:2)
Yawn, same old FUD, rehashed (Score:2)
Don't underestimate the power of the free side (Score:5, Insightful)
Even if the GPL is slowing corporate adoption, an assertion proved by nothing more than the statement "I think" and a fun little example of the post hoc fallacy, that's no reason to ditch the concept. Sure, more corporations might adopt Linux if it were a closed-source program, but why they'd want a relatively unsophisticated OS by some Scandinavian kid instead of the more robust UNIX is beyond me.
Do you see what I mean? You can't separate the success of Linux from its community and core ideal. They rise and fall together. One of the things I respect about ESR is his realization that good code alone won't win adoption for a GPL'd program. This is about ideas as much as code--and philosophers and salesmen are as much combatants against Microsoft and chattel software* as any F/OSS programmer.
*I asked RMS about that phrase. He didn't think it was all that good, but I still kind of like it. What do you think?
Linux-GPL = BSD (Score:5, Insightful)
Yes, Linus is a talented manager. But he also started without the tremendous codebase that BSD has always had.
Personally, I'm getting a little fed up with the anti-GPL griping. I suspect the gripers of wanting to abuse code they didn't write. People married to the commercial commodity model of software so successfully exploited by Bill Gates. I have yet to hear an objection I find balanced. Most are just "I want more".
Re:Linux-GPL = BSD (Score:3, Insightful)
I don't know about that. BSD and Linux have two different philosophies as far as design goes. BSD is a system, Linux is a kernel. You need a separate userland (not provided by Linus himself) in order to do anything with the Linux kernel.
I agree. He didn't have the
they don't care and no one enforces it anyway. (Score:2)
Is this in an alternate reality? (Score:2, Insightful)
I believe that Linux has been significantly helped because of the GPL. Anybody that is worried about licensing issues with the GPL can just use a BSD derivative and call it a day.
As for the CDDL I have a feeling it will get little attention since it is not compatible with the GPL.
For me, it was the documentation. (Score:4, Interesting)
The other thing was stability between versions. Linux is notorious for changing kernel APIs between minor versions. This is fine if all of your hardware has maintained open source drivers, but if not then upgrading becomes a game of Russian Roulette - seeing which devices will stop working (it was USB mass storage devices in our department's Linux lab last year, for about a month, with SuSE Linux). Any unmaintained drivers eventually find themselves using a no-longer-supported API and stop working, while closed drivers are often not updated often enough to notice the kernel change until users have started complaining.
Hidden assumption (Score:3, Insightful)
IBM's endorsement of Linux, the SCO law suit in response, and Red Hat's negative market stance as the Sun killing would be Microsoft of the Linux era combined to destroy the automatic assumption among key innovators in the United States that Linux was "the place to be" -eventually moving many of them to the BSD and Solaris camps where they're now driving the fastest installed base expansions in the history of computing
Murphy talks about an automatic assumption but he's hidden one of his own in this para: that the only key innovators in the US are vendors and venture capitalists. GPLed software lets just about anyone with half a brain and an itch to scratch be an innovator.
Pointing out the Obvious (Score:2)
And the Microsofts of this world don't like GPL or anything like it.
This is not a problem for Linux. It is a problem for companies like Microsoft. End of non-story.
Linux and the GPL (Score:2)
Muddled and Meaningless (Score:5, Insightful)
I was reading opinions like Linux is failing because of the GPL and kept thinking "in what particular way? Give me an example where the GPL is failing Linux - a hard real example such as 'technology professional X reviewed Linux and found this failing in the GPL so decided to go with another choice'". Or the opinion that Linux should try to be something other than a WinDOAs look alike - such as what precisely? I mean it's really easy to point out flaws, but just a tad more of an undertaking to provide real answers and solutions.
Reading all this felt a bit like someone saying they think my shoes are ugly without any real information on how they could be better or why particularly they're ugly. I mean he has a right to his opinion of things but ultimately, if he was hoping to actually keep my attention, I would think he would try to at least give me something concise, with real value and of some interest to me. Ultimately I was left with the impression that he can insult Linux, and the point in that exercise is what? Was it just me who was left feeling that way?
Open Source Licensing is COMPLICATED and obscure (Score:2)
http://www.opensource.org/licenses/index.php [opensource.org]
It's a long, tedious list of legalspeak. You may end up depending on "Akbar and Jeff's Semi-artistic Hut License" for a critical piece of SW. Kind of gives a VC the willies, especially if he can get a new Hummer by forcing your company to buy his buddy's crapware instead and pocket the kickback. (Not that that h
Desktop Linux is Definitely "Stuck on Stupid" (Score:3, Interesting)
From a real "user's" perspective, however, source code is useless. Unless they have the technical knowledge to change something, or the resources to hire someone to change/configure something for them, it's a total non-starter. From that perspective, Windows, while bad in many respects, actually offers more "freedom" to an end user in terms of what it allows them to do by themselves without having to go through a steep learning curve and specialize in something that should be a tool.
I have been using Linux for well over thirteen years, and I absolutely *loathe* how hard it is to do simple things. I want a fully integrated GUI. Sure, I can do it the hard way, and I like that the power of the CLI is there when I *choose* to go into it, but for the most part, it completely sucks. Apt-get my !@#$.
If source code is the way, then make a completely GUI-oriented, extremely simple, build tool that will take the source as a package and install it without having to type a single command. I would say that perhaps Gentoo was on to something, but from what I understand the community is even more elitist than most.
MOD PARENT UP! (Score:2)
What he really means is . . . (Score:2)
I agree with the above poster's comment that GPL gives Linux life as well as drag--but more lift.
How about a stable ABI? (Score:2, Insightful)
Notice how on most OS's you can own a CD of an application and just install it? Because there are STANDARDS! That's what hurts third-party support.
Flexibility is good, but if they would make a usable standard and stick with it, we might not have to worry about recompiling so often.
But that doesn't explain... (Score:2)
tech bubble bursting maybe? (Score:5, Interesting)
I don't think it's been a problem with Linux as much as a more realistic take on the tech industry. Plowing ahead at the blistering pace of the late 90's was fun, but it resulted in a whole lot of wasted money, and it's recent enough that people are still remembering that. It's just a little bit harder to sell that kind of hype right now, so we don't hear as much of it. Meanwhile, Linux is continuing to do what it's always done, there's plenty of development going on for it, and new people continue to adopt it. It might be a little slower right now, it's definitely quieter at the moment, but progress hasn't hit a brick wall.
I think this guy is looking for a solution to a problem that doesn't really exist.
We're further ahead. (Score:2)
Hardware support (Totally Rad Laptop Support!) is also greatly improved.
For someone who actually works with Desktop Linux every day in a reasonably large (~300 computer) installation, it has improved hands down. Applications are getting better and third parties
GPL Protects Linux More (Score:3, Interesting)
The fact that Linux is free and open means, almost by definition, that it cannot have "success" in the usual sense. It cannot be easily sold shrinkwrapped for profit. And it cannot be closed up to thwart competitors either. By the same measure, it also means that it cannot fail either, for there will always be someone for whom it is the right tool at the right time even if MegaCorp Inc. can't make a dime off of it. The GPL makes this possible. Linux isn't going to die anytime soon, but it probably isn't going to be the OS of your grandma either, that is until it's widely used in cell phones, but that's another story!
GPL vs non (Score:2)
ATI & Nvidia don't want to because they say that the competition will learn all the cool tricks.
I know nothing about programming. Can't the competition just download a driver, decompile it and see all the tricks inside? It's not like they can hide the 1's and 0's.
How would releaseing the drivers as GPL make the drivers better?
The FUD from ZDNet is thick. Could this video card issue "prove" that the first comp
The desktop (Score:4, Interesting)
Two potential reasons for the stall:
1. Lack of self-explaining software.
Software should not require the user to read the manual for the most basic tasks, the user should be able to find them out easily. KDE apps usually are self-explaining, GNOME apps too, however most other opensource projects aren't.
2. Application installation. This is a nasty one. The immediate answer is usually that the distros all have such a nice package system. Yeah, but what if software XY isn't in the package database? Tough luck, have fun compiling (if its not a binary-only version). This is where Windows is lightyears ahead: setup screens all look the same, behave the same way, and are easy to install. Linux? ahem... The only ones who got it right were Loki, who created their Loki installer. It is dead easy to install UT2004 in Linux. ALL apps should have self-extracting graphical installers, and the installation system should be *DE*centralized.
3. Hardware support. Despite the advances in the last years, hardware support still sucks sometimes. Try to get a TwinkeCam to work with Ubuntu 5.04. Its impossible unless you want to downgrade the KERNEL to a 2.4 one. Compiling the driver is not possible because of broken code that is incompatible with the 2.6 kernel (even with the 2.6 patches to the Makefile).
4. The community. Look, if you want people to choose Linux instead of Windows, you have to change something. "RTFM" is intolerable. Questions like how to mount a network share should not end in some obscure
To sum it up: People like stuff that "Just Works". Linux desktops rarely just work. The moments when they don't are far more frequent than with Windows and OSX desktops.
Re:The desktop (Score:2)
FWIW (Score:2)
Make of that what you will.
April 1st 2006 (Score:2)
Like riding a bike (Score:3, Interesting)
She was peddling along and I was running along by the side holding the back of the seat to keep it steady.
She said "I'm doing it, dad, I'm doing it - dad, get off, I'm doing it."
It was only my holding on that stopped her falling down, but she couldn't see that.
So, the GPL might stop a few VC's from investing in something Linux-y, so what!
If it wasn't for the GPL, then GNU/Linux wouldn't have become what is now starting to tempt VC's.
What do I care for VC's, GNU/Linux suits ME and a lot of people find it that way. I've debugged, contributed source and a few bug fixes, and it's been an absolute bargain for me.
So to summarize it... (Score:2)
The GPL has pros and cons. Advantages and disadvantages. To argue what Linux would be without the GPL, is to argue what Porsche's marketshare would be if the cars were free. It doesn't make sense because Porsche wouldn't exist. The BSDs are maybe as close as you come to "Linux without GPL". Why aren't they taking over the world then? Perhaps because the GPL also provides a lot of source that the BSDs never get. Now you can get into a flamewar over which is better, but
If by progress you mean... (Score:3, Interesting)
For me the GPL is the only license I see that succeeds in that, at least in the ways that are meaningful to me. Now, I suppose those freedoms may not be meaningful to you. I can't judge it, only be sure of my personal convictions in the matter. Time will tell who is right, I think.
Yeah, GPL hurts Linux (Score:5, Insightful)
Translation: We can't take the code developed by thousands of programmers over 15 years, make it proprietary, and contribute nothing back.
Response: Yep. that's the whole fucking point!
What's his point? (Score:2)
The author claims that the growth of Linux has slowed but offers no stats to support his argument.
Then he tries to explain what he hasn't proven with two points which are are basically the same.
GPL and related licensing issues, combined with considerable FUD over patents and copyrights.
IBM's endorsement of Linux, the SCO law suit in response,
I've been developing Linux business systems for nearly 10 years and I've never heard of a company not adopting Linux for legal reaso
Who cares? (Score:3, Insightful)
What's so great about "quick"?
All of these businessfolk, always wanting things to grow quickly. I'm much more concerned with Linux adoption growing the right way, than as quickly as possible.
I know what some of you are saying, "With that attitude the Linux world will lose a lot of business." Yep. Get over it. ANd don't be so greedy, kiddo.
adoption vs freedom (Score:3)
The GPL is designed to protect software freedom. Business and adoption concerns were secondary, if they were considered at all.
I used to be concerned about how popular GNU/Linux was. I thought it followed that development momentum followed popularity, and GNU/Linux had to be the standard. Now I realize that I just love the amount of freedom and development momentum the platform has already, *right now*, and I care less about world domination.
I'm sure there's quite a bit more "market share" to be had by GNU/Linux, but there's already plenty for me to and the community to thrive on. Apparently, it's also enough for a fairly robust business segment, as well. That's enough.
Business and user adoption is not the most important consideration to how "successful" an OS platform is. Try measuring it using the stick it was intended to be measured with.
like us smart folks have been sayign .. (Score:3, Interesting)
So, since linux desktop will never be a lot better then office windows, linux will never win by copying
If you look at the history of software, big changes occur when you get a new app that does something cool.
linux will be on every desktop when it has a new app like visicalc
Who is this guy and why should you even care?!? (Score:3, Insightful)
But seriously, there's nothing here. He's jumped on the same old anti-GPL train that has been going around for a while. Let's not give this guy anymore airtime...there's no value in his suppositions.
Desktop Linux stuck on misunderstood? (Score:3, Interesting)
If only more people discovered the alternatives, it would both out-class the current desktop market, and put to death that Linux can do nothing on the desktop but follow Windows around. There is literally something out there for every single taste and kink. Of course, we're *all* stuck supporting Windows-clones just for the people who insist that every computer in the world must look, smell, feel, taste, and sound exactly like Windows or they won't use it...but I digress.
Re:Who needs Linux when you have OSX? (Score:5, Insightful)
The low profile of FreeBSD when it is used in the enterprise (I'm talking servers, not OSX) is evidence that the GPL does nothing to hinder Linux. With a BSD-style license Linux would have no advantage to developers over BSD and wouldn't be in the position it is now.
Re:Who needs Linux when you have OSX? (Score:2, Interesting)
OSX looks pretty and does work well (especially expose), but I have my desktop at home set up exactly how I want it, where as with OSX I'm always conforming to their way of doing things.
Re:Who needs Linux when you have OSX? (Score:3, Informative)
I understand this. I got a powerbook last January or February. At first I was amazed at the eye-candy .... but then I started turning things off, like the icons that enlarge when you mouse over (cool at first, then annoying). I found myself missing things that I discovered I had really come to depend on (like multiple desktops -- in OSX you can get 3d party apps which work OK but
KDE vs Gnome (Score:3, Funny)
Most likely quicker than the time it takes pizza to go from roof-of-mouth scalding hot to zero-Kelvin cold...
I see no reason to squabble about it. Everyone knows that Gnome is better. Of course, I am typing this from KDE on Knoppix...
Perhaps you're right... (Score:2)
I forget
Seriously though, I have both SuSE and Ubuntu at home. I use the SuSE install for entertainment and for the family to use and Ubuntu for my work at home setup. I like both KDE and Gnome but I find I prefer KDE for the "entertainment" system and Gnome for the "work" system.
I hope they both stick around. I also hope both sides agree on a login manager that works equally well wit
Re:Subject (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Ratios (Score:2)
You're kidding, right? I'll introduce you to Eric Raymond sometime.
Re:look alikes don't really work? (Score:3, Interesting)
There's 2 camps of software that will run on X86 systems. Those being MS Windows (VMS derived) and Unix derived systems. The three divisions of Unix on X86 are traditional unixes (BSD and like, SunOS, and others), Linux and GPL'ed bretheren, and BeOS. Considering BeOS is dead, and propeirty unixes are not desktop suitable, that leaves you with Lin