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Linus Drops BitKeeper 548

ravenII wrote in to mention a story running on CNet, which discusses Linus Torvald's decision to no longer use BitKeeper. From the article: "Linus Torvalds is looking for a new SCM for his project's source code after a conflict involving the current management system, BitKeeper. 'I've decided to not use BK (BitKeeper) mainly because I need to figure out the alternatives,' Torvalds said in a posting. 'Rather than continuing things as normal, I decided to bite the bullet and just see what life without BK looks like.' Coverage on the BitKeeper announcement from earlier this week is also available. Update: 04/10 16:36 GMT by Z : Updated to reflect the story's origin.
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Linus Drops BitKeeper

Comments Filter:
  • by Anonymous Coward on Saturday April 09, 2005 @07:27PM (#12189640)
    It's what the professionals use.

    I believe even Microsoft don't always 'eat their own dogfood' on this one.

    • by DrXym ( 126579 ) on Sunday April 10, 2005 @05:03AM (#12192112)
      Heh I know :) Sadly Clearcase is an attractive nuisance, a moneypit and a piece of shit all rolled into one. It's appallingly expensive, needs high end servers to support even a modest number of developers and is very admin intensive.

      Unless you are on the same LAN as a Clearcase server, the thing is treacle slow because it sends dozens of packets flying back and forth just to figure out what items to put on a context menu. If you're using a VPN then creating a snapshot view can take many, many hours and even simple things like checkouts / checkins / diffs take minutes.

      And because it works so badly over the WAN, if you have multiple sites you must replicate - more expensive servers, more admins and more licences.

      It's not even a good source control system. It doesn't do anything aside from a dynamic view that can't be done by most other systems. Dynamic views are more trouble than they're worth anyway.

      I truly pity companies who "bet the farm" on this junk. I pity IBM who had a perfectly usable source control system in CMVC who had to switch to this Rational junk.

      For all its faults even CVS would be better. And with Subversion being available and UI frontends like TortoiseSVN, Subclipse etc. there really is no reason to be stuck with Clearcase.

  • Hmm. (Score:5, Funny)

    by millennial ( 830897 ) on Saturday April 09, 2005 @07:27PM (#12189644) Journal
    Well, there's always CVS... *sigh*...
    Or you could teach your code to two hundred trained squirrels, a la Tim Burton. Then every time you changed some code, you could train another squirrel. Not only would you have an army of Code Squirrels at your command, but... eh, you'd probably be locked up...
    • Re:Hmm. (Score:5, Funny)

      by lewp ( 95638 ) on Saturday April 09, 2005 @08:00PM (#12189825) Journal
      Ah. Concurrent Version Squirrels.
    • Re:Hmm. (Score:5, Funny)

      by node 3 ( 115640 ) on Saturday April 09, 2005 @11:15PM (#12190778)
      a la Tim Burton

      I'm confused...

      Linus is Willy Wonka, and the rest of the kernel developers are Oompa Loompas?

      What has me confused isn't so much that I think that that's true, but that it just seems so right somehow.
      Oompa Loompa doompadee doo
      I've got another puzzle for you.
      Oompa Loompa doompadah dee
      If you are wise you will listen to me.

      Who do you blame when your software goes closed,
      The source is kept secret, so nobody knows?
      Blaming the user is such a shame
      You know exactly who's to blame:
      The closed software proprietor!

      Oompa Loompa doompadee dah
      If you're use GNU then you will go far.
      You will live in freedom too
      Like the Oompa Loompa doompadee do.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Saturday April 09, 2005 @07:31PM (#12189666)
    Bitkeeper loses only customer
    • by Cramer ( 69040 ) on Sunday April 10, 2005 @12:16AM (#12191072) Homepage
      More accurately: BitMover loses all of it's advertising.

      Seriously, have you ever head of BitKeeper outside of Linux discussions? Have you ever seen an ad for BitKeeper anywhere? Even if the quoted figures are right ($500,000/year), that's pretty cheap advertising for the amount of coverage.

      (I've known about BK/BitMover for a long time simply because I know of Larry McVoy. But aside from that association, I've never heard of either.)
  • Three Words (Score:5, Funny)

    by MyLongNickName ( 822545 ) on Saturday April 09, 2005 @07:35PM (#12189680) Journal
    Visual Source Safe!
  • by Anonymous Coward on Saturday April 09, 2005 @07:35PM (#12189683)
    People who observe that stories concerning bitkeeper and linux have existed before should be moderated "redundant" so that the rest of us don't have to look at them. This is a new story on a new development, and it is difficult to intelligently discuss it in an article crapflooded by people complaining that this is a dupe when it is not.
    • by A beautiful mind ( 821714 ) on Saturday April 09, 2005 @09:53PM (#12190401)
      Thing is, this "new story" brought nothing new. We knew that he DID drop bitkeeper, from the three 5,informative moderated posts which linked to LKML in the previous story. Now we can read that very LKML announcement in this slashdot story aswell. We knew that he won't pick subversion from the previous story and from the subversion developers aswell.

      What is new, that Linus wrote his own SCM [] (README here [])

      Maybe it will appear in 1-2 days as another slashdot story?
  • Q & A SCM? (Score:5, Insightful)

    by Anonymous Coward on Saturday April 09, 2005 @07:37PM (#12189692)
    Lets start with an easy question.

    What qualities does a replacement have to have, and what are the present alternatives missing?
    • Re:Q & A SCM? (Score:5, Interesting)

      by erikharrison ( 633719 ) on Saturday April 09, 2005 @07:44PM (#12189733)
      The replacement has to be roughly as performant as BK, if possible (so far, not so much), offer the distributed SCM model (several available tools) and hopefully have a stable release (less so).

    • Re:Q & A SCM? (Score:5, Insightful)

      by arose ( 644256 ) on Saturday April 09, 2005 @08:41PM (#12190023)
      Linus has to like it.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Saturday April 09, 2005 @07:37PM (#12189699)
    SVK [] is a very sweet extension to SVN [] and actually rocks my world! :)
  • by iabervon ( 1971 ) on Saturday April 09, 2005 @07:47PM (#12189750) Homepage Journal
    Primarily due to frustration with the speed of existing solutions, and the fact that they do badly with huge numbers of tiny changes to large projects (which is what he deals with), he's started writing something that he claims isn't an SCM. What it does is store versions of trees of files and allow them to be annotated. This is different from an SCM in that it lacks support for merging changes to get a version that nobody created before out of multiple versions that people created independantly. This makes it a history archival program rather than useful for collaboration directly.

    On the other hand, it's self-hosting and sparse (the previous thing he wrote when confronted by the inavailability of something he wanted) is also available stored in it. Probably, be the middle of next week (if not the end of the weekend), he'll have if set up as sufficient for his purposes, and other people will be filling in support for the way they work.
  • GNU Arch? (Score:4, Interesting)

    by jameson ( 54982 ) on Saturday April 09, 2005 @07:47PM (#12189751) Homepage
    Does anyone happen to know whether GNU Arch has been considered? I've been using it for a while and find it quite good (it's not perfect, but it's the best versionning system I've used so far).
    • by nathanh ( 1214 ) on Sunday April 10, 2005 @01:41AM (#12191423) Homepage
      Does anyone happen to know whether GNU Arch has been considered?



    • Re:GNU Arch? (Score:3, Insightful)

      Yes, he considered GNU Arch. Linus knows as much about OSS version control as anyone on the planet.

      I believe the main problem with GNU Arch is that certain operations are way too slow, especially for a project the size of the kernel. Linus said in one of his emails that Monotone looked like the best contender, and the Monotone website says that they use an essentially different paradigm from Arch. Iduno what they might mean by that, but it might be another thing that won't fit for the Kernel with gnu arch.
  • BitKeeper Website (Score:5, Interesting)

    by dduardo ( 592868 ) on Saturday April 09, 2005 @07:50PM (#12189771)
    So when are they going to remove the quote by Linus?

    "BitKeeper has made me more than twice as productive, and its fundamentally distributed nature allows me to work the way I prefer to work - with many different groups working independently, yet allowing for easy merging between them." -- Linus Torvalds
    • by ( 653730 ) on Saturday April 09, 2005 @07:59PM (#12189818)

      The quote continues being true. IMO the reason why Linus is dropping BK is the license and flamewars - BK is great, but maybe the free alternatives have got better in those 3 years and now they're "good enought" to use with the kernel. It'd be certainly better if bitmover would make BK free, but that's not going to happen.
    • by tftp ( 111690 ) on Saturday April 09, 2005 @08:02PM (#12189841) Homepage
      There is no need to remove the quote, it is correct. The BK software works fine. The problem is that Linus is not happy about BK licensing any more.
      • Actually... (Score:5, Interesting)

        by Senjutsu ( 614542 ) on Saturday April 09, 2005 @08:06PM (#12189857)
        The problem is that Linus is not elligible for bitkeeper licensing anymore.

        In addition to dropping the free version, Bitmover is refusing to sell even commercial licenses to the OSDL or it's employees, which includes Linus Torvalds and Andrew Morton.
        • Re:Actually... (Score:5, Insightful)

          by eraserewind ( 446891 ) on Saturday April 09, 2005 @08:51PM (#12190109)
          So why doesn't our Open Source hero just fork the codebase, oh wait...
        • Re:Actually... (Score:5, Insightful)

          by killjoe ( 766577 ) on Saturday April 09, 2005 @08:55PM (#12190132)
          If this whole absurd scenario is not an object lesson on why not to choose proprietary software nothing is.

          Imagine that. A company pulling their license and then refusing to even sell licenses to you or your employees.

          • Re:Actually... (Score:4, Informative)

            by Tim C ( 15259 ) on Sunday April 10, 2005 @04:49AM (#12192072)
            If a company does that often enough, it will lose all its customers as they migrate away to a less risky company.

            I have no idea why the BK people have done this, but it strikes me as being an incredibly foolish thing to do.

            This whole absurb scenario is an object lesson to not choose proprietary software produced by idiots.
      • by streak ( 23336 )
        Its not that Linus wasn't happy with the BK licensing, its that there were issues involved with developers (specificially a contractor under OSDL) trying to to reverse-engineer some of the features in BK.
        Even though an agreement was reached that this developer would stop doing this, apparently he continued.
        Larry McVoy (and BitKeeper) responded by saying that they were removing the Free BK license, and employees of OSDL (which Linus is) were not eligible for a free license under any conditions.

        At this point
  • by bADlOGIN ( 133391 ) on Saturday April 09, 2005 @08:00PM (#12189823) Homepage
    Until Linus started using it for Linux, I'll bet most developers had never heard of BitKeeper. CVS, Perforce, VSS, and ClearCase for the past 4 years mostly seems to be what people would be using. Now all anybody knows is that these idiots dropped Linux support and burned a a great source of publicity (e.g. "our product is so good, one of the biggest OpenSource poster-child projects uses it despite it being closed and commercial!").
    Now they'll be known for screwing over Linus Torvalds. I wonder how well they'll fare in future technology evaluations? I can hear the discussions now: "Gee boss, BitKeeper is nice and all but if they screwed over the guy who writes Linux , how do you think they'll treat us after they have our money?"
  • by Anonymous Coward on Saturday April 09, 2005 @08:10PM (#12189868)
    How about Bazaar-NG []? It looks like it's a design based on GNU Arch that can do either centralized, or decentralized stuff.
  • by SDrag0n ( 532175 ) on Saturday April 09, 2005 @08:10PM (#12189869)
    He talks about some other products he's tried, why he wrote his own, and a little about how it works. []

    Check the "made the first version available" link towards the top

  • by Anonymous Coward on Saturday April 09, 2005 @08:53PM (#12190118)
    How much has Linus use of Bitkeeper hampered the development of a free software alternative? I mean, if Linus had used a free SCM since the beginning, chances are that much more effort would have invested in that very same system to make it better. Unfortunately all the past publicity has helped only Bitkeeper instead of the free software movement.

    Thank you
    • Use of BK probably stimulated the development of a free software alternative. Back then SVN was in early betas, arch was convoluted (some say it still is) monotone did not exist, and there was nothing else. But today, after BK has proven what feature set is necessary, some alternatives do exist.
      • by SA Stevens ( 862201 ) on Saturday April 09, 2005 @09:53PM (#12190402)
        One of the prominent facts of Open Source programming history, going waaaay back, is that something that works good and commercial has to exist first to copy and replace. This can be said about large parts of the GNU toolchain. It's part of the 'culture' for the name of the GNU replacement to be a pun or joke on the name of the original tool.

        Big conglomerate groups of random people on the Internet aren't that good at developing something totally original. It's much more common to let some commercial entity 'develop the product spec' first.
  • by dwheeler ( 321049 ) on Saturday April 09, 2005 @09:41PM (#12190352) Homepage Journal
    See Comments on Open Source Software / Free Software (OSS/FS) Software Configuration Management (SCM) systems [] for more information on OSS/FS SCMs. There are several relatively mature centralized SCMs, but the distributed ones are less mature. See paper for details.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Saturday April 09, 2005 @10:49PM (#12190625)
    In all these discussions the question seems to be:
    What tool can we find to fit Linus' methodology.

    The question that nobody ever asks is:
    Do Linus' methodologies actually benefit the project?

    I'm going to say something that will make people angry, but I don't mean it as flame bait:
    The Linux kernel is in absolute disarray, has been since 2.2.x, and is only getting worse as the project grows.

    The kernel development process is a highly distributed one, with individuals all over the world implementing their own corner of the universe and sending it in diff form to the Great Linux Mutex in the Sky: Linus.

    All these people, all over the world, doing things their own way. Limited cohesion, inability to pick a good design and stick with it for more than 5 minutes. Here are two examples from the stable kernels ...

    2.0.x: ipfwadm
    2.2.x: ipchains
    2.4.x: iptables

    Event Handling:
    2.0.x: None
    2.2.x: None
    2.4.x: dnotify
    2.6.x: inotify

    The VM system has been swapped out - several times! - in "stable" kernel branches. Nowdays Slashdotters are saying that it is the distribution's responsibility to maintain a stable kernel tree.

    So, here's my point. Maybe the BSDs really have something going for them by maintaining a centralized development model where major changes are planned, documented, and subjected to stringent review across the board before being included in the kernel.

    Here are the above examples for FreeBSD:
    2.x: ipfw & ipf
    3.x: ipfw & ipf
    4.x: ipfw & ipf
    5.x: ipfw2 & pf

    Event Handling:
    2.x: none
    3.x: none
    4.x: kqueue
    5.x: kqueue

    FreeBSD consistently implements well thought out systems and incrementally improves them over the years. Time and time again FreeBSD issues solid stable releases. Even the releases that are publicly declared not ready for production are more stable and have fewer dark hairy corners than Linux.

    Maybe it's time for Linus to re-evaluate his model and bring some true software __engineering__ to the Linux development process. Instead of being the Great Mutex in the Sky, he can be the great organizer and enabler of an organization of people working together to implement well thought out, well designed systems.

    Just a thought from an anonymous coward.
    • by DarkMan ( 32280 ) on Saturday April 09, 2005 @11:57PM (#12190984) Journal
      I'm not convinced by your arguments, although I do note that most of the sub-points are valid. Specifically, I reject your conclusion.

      If Linus did Linux the *BSD way, a few things would have to change.

      Firstly, and foremostly, he would have to develop, and guide, the userland as well. That is part of the reason for the apparent stability of BSD interfaces - for some kernel->userland interfaces the implemetnation is hidden (for example, things that are used only by libc). Whether this is a good or bad thing on the partof the BSD's is irrelevent, it is a fundementaly different approach.

      Currently, Linux provides a set of kernel level interfaces, and the GNU libc utiliese some of these to provide the standard C library. Some of the kernel interfaces are standard, (POSIX file stuff, sockets etc), some are not (Firewall, some threading interfaces etc).

      Most fundementally, the reason I reject your conclusion can be best expressed as a question: "If the linux process is so poor, why is it more popular than *BSD?"

      One can discuss that question ad nauseum, but I suspect that part of the reason is that it is _not_ tightly controlled. If you have a method for making some part better, the Linux apprach says: show me the code, convince us it's better. The *BSD approach says: Show me the code, convince us it's better, get somone on the core team to sponser it, shedule it for the next (or prehaps one after next) release, and wait.

      Thus, Linux has a lot more mobility, and can utilise new approaches sooner than *BSD - for good or ill [0].

      My personal thoughts is: Linux is not broken. The development model works as well now as it used to, thus there is no need to change. Let the two approaches co-exists, let people use whichever they feel like. If that means that Linux becomes a testbed for ideas, and *BSD cherry pick, then so be it, that's fine. If that means that Linux evolves and *BSD stagnates, so be it, that's fine. If that means that Linux is unstable and *BSD is stable, so be it, that's fine. In practice, the last two will be indistinguishable for a long time after one of them occurs.

      Let them be different - choose your favourite model, and be happy with it. But if the other one results in something you prefer, consider that both are trade-offs, and neither is perfect.

      [0] This can bring problems. The various VM saga's are prehaps a canonnical example here.
      • Most fundementally, the reason I reject your conclusion can be best expressed as a question: "If the linux process is so poor, why is it more popular than *BSD?"

        No offence, but logically-speaking an argument by appeal to popularity is pretty weak. There are a great many reasons why a thing may become popular, of which superior quality is only one.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Saturday April 09, 2005 @11:12PM (#12190766)
    I think we can learn from the fiasco of relational database products on this one (i.e., the standard, SQL, is not relational at all, and the true power of relational databases has still not been implemented in an actual product).

    FIRST come up with a rational, rigorous theory of version control. What is a "change"? What does it mean to apply changes and their inverses? What is a conflict? Etc, etc. Come up with theorems and rules based on that foundation.

    THEN implement it all in a product. Or better yet, many products, but base them all on the same theory. I.e., let them compete on ease of use, security, speed, etc., rather than just who has the best ad-hoc collection of features.

    The author of Darcs does have a "theory of patches" but it's not rigorous (by his own admission). However it's a start.

    I think having a solid theory, divorced from any particular implementation, would be a great idea, would yield a consistent set of terminology, and would allow those tough corner cases to be solved with more understanding.

    Does anyone else agree?

    PS: McVoy himself has talked about the mix of theoretical and practical that BitMover employed to create BitKeeper. It's not just an academic argument. You'll get a better product if you THINK then ACT rather than leaving out the first step. And yes, besides the fact that it's not open source, BitKeeper *is* the best SCM system out there.
  • by tres3 ( 594716 ) on Saturday April 09, 2005 @11:16PM (#12190788) Homepage
    For those of you that don't remember the lost patches and snails pace of Linux development from 2000-2002 I invite you to browse through the LKML history. We had a real problem with the fact that Linus was unable to keep up with the vast number of patches that were coming in through email and when he went on vacation there was no reason for anyone else to even try to submit patches. We all said that Linus doesn't scale! There is no way that 2.6.x would be anywhere near what it is today without some form of Source Control Management (SCM). Developers had been trying to get Linus to use some form of SCM for years but none would do what Linus wanted them to (most were not distributed enough). Larry offered Linus, and other developers, Bitkeeper for free but insisted that they not use it for non Open Source projects and that developers of competing SCM not use it at all (without paying for it). It was nice of him to give us that chance but everyone knew that the strings would, sooner or later, tie us in knots. Bitkeeper served its purpose well (relieving the Linus load) for years; all developers had to do was to send an email to Linus saying "pull the patch from my tree". This solution was a vast improvement on the previous way of doing things and the pace of kernel development increased significantly. It also enabled Linus to hand off large chunks of the kernel to other maintainers so he could focus on the parts he is good at.

    The most important thing that Bitkeeper did was to show the developers what was possible with the right tools. Anyone that reads the LKML knew that this day would come sooner or later and many of the SCM developers have used the time to improve their tools. What we really need to do is thank Larry for the use of his program (it was a great help) and move on. I don't think that Linus and the other kernel developers will ever go back to the days before fine grained changelogs, distributed source trees, and the ease with which patches from any one tree can be applied to any other tree. I think, if anything, that the biggest thing that dropping Bitkeeper will do at this point is to accelerate the development of better (and more distributed) SCM's.

    Thanks Larry! And more importantly: Thanks Linus, Alan, Andrew, Marcello, Rik, et al. Your work and dedication is much appreciated! ;-)

    P.S. has a new SCM written by Linus (in his directory) that is available for your perusal.

  • Sarcastic post... (Score:4, Insightful)

    by rice_burners_suck ( 243660 ) on Saturday April 09, 2005 @11:34PM (#12190886)
    You know, I wasn't going to say this, but I can't help it...

    As we all know, Linus has more resources at his disposal than Bill Gates. [] Why can't he just have some of his minions design, from scratch, a distributed source configuration management package that can do everything he needs, and have it ready within six months? Then, he and his crew could suffer along with Subversion [] and the distribution problems it will pose for them, for six months, before Linux can be hosted on Linus' own DSCM software.

    It shouldn't be quite that hard to do, with all the resources he has... When Theo had a problem with (I believe it was) the license for the SSH program included prior to OpenBSD 2.6, he thought about it for a while and then busted out his own implementation. If he could do that, then Linus with all his resources can bust out a DSCM.

    Yes, this post is totally sarcastic. But seriously, who said you can't take Subversion, rip out its guts, and make it distribution-aware.

  • by Anonymous Coward on Sunday April 10, 2005 @12:13AM (#12191063)
    "The spirit of the Bitkeeper license is the spirit of the whip hand.
    It is the spirit that says, "You have no right to use Bitkeeper, only
    temporary privileges that we can revoke. Be grateful that we allow
    you to use Bitkeeper. Be grateful, and don't do anything we dislike,
    or we may revoke those privileges." It is the spirit of proprietary
    software. Every non-free license is designed to control the users
    more or less. Outrage at this spirit is the reason for the free
    software movement. (By contrast, the open source movement prefers to
    play down this same outrage.) "

    - Richard Stallman Oct 13 2002, 3:50 pm

    Maybe he is not a mad man, but actually a very wise man.

    Here is the discussion link: rowse_thread/thread/a98de7edab73f365/7d68ee9f364e9 3f6

    • by Some Bitch ( 645438 ) on Sunday April 10, 2005 @04:02AM (#12191919)
      Maybe he is not a mad man, but actually a very wise man.

      He's both, he's an insane genius. In 20 years time we'll all be saying "We should have listened to RMS". At times he can appear petulant but if I'd been spent a couple of decades warning people about non-free software and been derided while been proved right time and again I'd probably not be a happy bunny either.

      One day we'll listen to him BEFORE things start to go all runny but that will probably cause the universe to end.

  • p2p? (Score:3, Insightful)

    by robbo ( 4388 ) <`ten.armis' `ta' `todhsals'> on Sunday April 10, 2005 @12:37AM (#12191181)
    With all the hand-wringing about coming up with non-infringing uses for p2p software for the Grokster case, I'm surprised no one has suggested that we take an open source p2p client and give it some version smarts...

    my 2 cents...
  • Yes, Linus had a perfectly good reason for selecting BitKeeper. And, one could reasonably anticipate that Bitmover [] would do what it did. Hell, if you read what Larry McVoy had to say back when Linus jumped onboard back in '02, he made it quite clear that he was going to get pissed if someone tried to reverse engineer the code. Richard Stallman doesn't have to say "I told you so", 'cause he already did [], three years ago.

    So, in conclusion, big frickin' deal. BK got a few years of valuable, free beta testing, Linus got some work done, and the Open source folks got a reminder as to why the Free source folks got religon.

The moon is a planet just like the Earth, only it is even deader.
