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Knoppix 3.8.1 is Released 37

Bob the Anonymous Builder writes "The Knoppix LiveCD hit version 3.8.1, an update to the CeBIT Knoppix 3.8. The release features KDE 3.3.2, Gimp 2.2.4, OpenOffice 1.1.4, UnionFS, and the 2.6.11 kernel as default. The BitTorrent tracker is here."
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Knoppix 3.8.1 is Released

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  • by wakejagr ( 781977 ) on Saturday April 09, 2005 @05:41PM (#12189142) Journal
    A good way to use the power of /.
  • KDE (Score:2, Interesting)

    by Nasarius ( 593729 )
    It's got the latest versions of everything else, so why no KDE 3.4?
    • Re:KDE (Score:1, Informative)

      by Anonymous Coward
      Because KDE 3.4 is not yet in sid?
    • Re:KDE (Score:2, Informative)

      by ravee ( 201020 )
      Ubuntu or more specifically kubuntu is bringing out kde 3.4 in its latest version of distro.

      I sort of like ubuntu and they also ship the cds free which contains a live CD too.

      see slashdot news at : 08/ 1213250&tid=162&tid=121&tid=106

  • Seeding (Score:5, Interesting)

    by BandwidthHog ( 257320 ) <inactive.slashdo ...> on Saturday April 09, 2005 @05:50PM (#12189196) Homepage Journal
    Knoppix has helped me a few times to rescue systems for my friends foolish enough to keep using Windows. Since I've received great benefit at no cost, I keep a torrent of it perpetually running (almost 98GB to date). Even if you can't contribute code directly, you can use the bandwidth that you already pay for to benefit others and, indirectly, the Knoppix developers.

    Karma... it's not just for slashdot any more.
    • Re:Seeding (Score:3, Funny)

      by croddy ( 659025 )
      Seeding (Score:1)
      by BandwidthHog (257320)


      • I usually take every opportunity I can to get a +1, Funny based on my (poorly chosen) username if the story warrants it, but in this case I didn't even think about it till after I made that comment.
    • If you want your friends to give Linux a try, why not show them the benefits of Linux instead of calling them "foolish" and other names? No wonder non-technical people think Linux sealots are jerks.
      • I hate to reply to my own post, but I misspelled zealots. :-)
      • Fear not, I'm no Linux zealot, I'm an elitist asshole []. The best way to tell us apart is that we have funny looking computers and a sex life.

        I think maybe you read too much into my post, though. I was talking about rescuing people's stuff after Windows has screwed them. When that happens and you keep on using Windows, yes, that's foolish. There is, however, a difference between taking note of foolish behavior and calling someone a fool.
        • I won't argue with that. If someone has his/her Windows installation hosed on a monthly basis, an OS change may be in order. Or at least a good "how to keep your computer secure" lesson.
    • Actually, I can't use my bandwidth to help them out. I'm behind a firewall, sadly, and I'm unable to get any bittorrent access. I would if I could, though!
      • Silly question, but are you allowed to open port 6881, TCP?
        That would be enough for one torrent at a time.
  • grammar nit... (Score:1, Offtopic)

    by tomstdenis ( 446163 )
    "$NOUN is released" is poor English because the tense and verb do not agree.

    "$NOUN has been released."

    Is proper.


    "$NOUN is available for release."



    "$NOUN has been made available for release."

    (past tense) ....

    Anyways, it's a bad habit since I tend to write that as well...

    • I suck at grammer, but doesn't "$NOUN is released" just mean "$NOUN is [in a state of having been] released"?

      I'm not sure, but is it not valid to force the tense that way?
      • is == present
        released == past

        Really that simple.

        Put this another way, with that grammar you could write

        "The post is wrote" ... "I am worked" ... etc...

        You could alternatively say "$NOUN was released" but normally you qualify that with a time, e.g. "was released today."

        "has been released." indicates a sense of time... e.g. "very recent past".

        • Although I agree that "x is released" is stretching it and "x has been released" should be preferred, I think the grandparent was correct. "x is released" could be construed as "x is [in the state called] released". I think the analog would not be "the post is wrote" as you said, but "the post is written".
  • by Toby_Tyke ( 797359 ) on Saturday April 09, 2005 @09:13PM (#12190227) Journal
    I was just given an old dell Latitude laptop a few days ago, and I tried a few distros on it. Fedora and Slackware both refused to play nice with the graphics card, so I tried booting from an old Knoppix 3.3 CD I had knocking around.

    Needless to say, Knoppix not only booted but managed to configure everything automatically. So I just did a "$ knx-hdinstall".

    Funny thing is, the install process was actually a damn sight easier than a lot of non-live distros.
  • Did they bring Falcon's Eye back?

    I remember using Knoppix for a while, then I downloaded a new version of it (after somehow losing the older one) and saw it had no nethack-type game...I was using Windows a lot more after that.
  • by rduke15 ( 721841 ) < minus city> on Sunday April 10, 2005 @04:04PM (#12195347)
    Has that stupid/annoying/embarrassing woman, talking during boot and shutdown been killed at last, or at least silenced?

    OK, I'm too hard. And maybe in real life, she's a really nice person. Let's just remove the audio file of her voice and hang the idiot who recorded it and put it on the CD.

    Or is the above mentioned idiot Mr Knopper himself? Well, we don't want to hang _him_.

    There must be a solution...

  • I would really like to see this working reliably, I'll have to download, burn, and test. Oh boy.

    All in all though, it is the live CD that works the most solidly across multiple hardware configs so if the *nix community can keep this up, they might eventually really have something to challenge Windows on desktops for clueless newbies.

A freelance is one who gets paid by the word -- per piece or perhaps. -- Robert Benchley
